I Mrs. Bruce Tilisoni, Editor Poe9741 Ho cke y Moeth ers Pluni To lui s ehMo retMlona-e y "Iewcastlï F,11e - q cThe rgular týject. A latter of tan is to INwcývCa stle ýHoc'key Mothers bc set. -meetingwas held ni /ondcay, A !ltteýr vwas rcivdfroni Pvening at t11 oe of Ms tamaaerad coa"ch o'f the LynRaid, with 14 mambers Newcaýstla Novýice team w ýhô attndig.thanked tbbc org,,anization for Wecmdby -Mrs. Baaia bi'arheii l(-Iin sening thé 01Ptcanri Miio, thaP meeFti ng ýgot to their tournamnts. Thia undcuarwaýi y with the aain of was also signed( by each mcm- temntsfthîatme-brof the team and grate- înig by Mnsr eHws. fully received. Thaseben approved lshae A dollar donation for a card urv han report on theswat party held inJnuywa ens for eth Noiý-ce teai. The received by the organizatioii, amount 0i4 f tha weaer and with other memberac paying sUck's %was cn oerd ut bbe dues. The traasuran's report time laIt fon theinuise, seern- was givan by Mirs. Btty cd handy wrthbil now. Gray. With ahl billisito date it was suggste .th Hokey paid in full, thene is a balance Mohes old ii maitte over of $142.,18. until h 927 aitain Anothecr new ldaa as a fund Oni the abte oi t speak- iaising suggestion was intro- araÎ at thei( aren, lbwas learnn ducad by lVrs. Florance Till- ed hatvolpter wrk ad onwho suggestad a mamr- bee don o tis hby mcm,,- motb Tuppen-wane party whene brof the ewaste 1w a percentage of aach purchase, Leaue bt anme frctoh- plus cash for each part book- twei pn emand the Neýw-!-d, would ha gîven f0 the cata Arenia MaaentHcy Mothiers. The date of Boarýid has, for th3e ltuei, haltted Tuasday, - February, 22nd was thlis projecut. HckyMtheris sg td to be hald at thé decided ntot fintreniîh oeof Ms.Ted Martin. anothan r' ,ioup alredy wrk- Plan.s are o underiway to ing on iblis. Sýet tibis uip. MrTS. Hawes asirprtd The da on thahe clt thlat she reresciad haNew-and plwc saslato hé he-ldý casblE Ho -1ckeyMoteraini a on ibis sniameevening. Anynnaýr Yrcentrsi made b J. E. abllîl having tickets is askaed Car~cddanwbo ws akn osend thiem in. for, a licence f0 omake 'lon g ThaeihIein-g no funthen bus- ditnetnip-s, ich -would imess, ihe meeting adjournadle( v1nclude bot o nd uits, and ighit efresbmentssevd aboard bis bu s. Hac waa Therch meeting, Mnda ,prantýed t-urocibi Pnatad oni te6tý, will ha held a h ated fite dolars t t o 1ýfck'ey home of Mrs. Malené Rgn Motherstoward theirpro- son _________ NewcasteLions Welcome Goerno Bob Raid, A3 itict Go enor yof the ic onsvistedand wans guest speaker at the New- cateLions Club euardin- ner rmeetiing held racently at the CmuiyHaýll.Presi- ent Pat Blaker was in the chair, ?Me topic ofMr. Rids talé as "Wht i Lois? hn is sperch Ihe Dsrc Gover1nor tated thilat it was Newc& aOur NewnCl pla-of seleswhen they ls two traghtto ickering, b'- ing onStrdy Jan. 29t'h in Pceig6-1 and on homne iceFriayFebn. 4th, 5-2, E 0tWr luck ineoxttlii me fello0wà. The iewTcste Poee Wee Ail- Stars ae holdng up xel in che startof thurplay-ofs, 'They beati Picker jIng two eames straigt wih anidenti- ca'l cr each1 tirne, 5-0. Ini the first gamne on homne ice Friday night, goals were scor- rd b,) Brian Alun with two, anyQuinney, Ron Potter a-nd Tim Peebles each with on.Saturday night,' travell- ing tio Pickering, goals, were tallied by Tîm Peeblasj and Brian Allîn, each wit1i two Fand one scored by Danny Aln. bwas mot nfortun- pf- bth for Kevîn Hiawes and te teaam. who will miSs i, as thy climb on in their1 -a-,ffil, but Kavîn suffered anr ac-cdent du1rîng the gamne iStuday igcht and bas a crCkd ollrbone w hich wVill pui him OuoW f actiion for a 10 ak.The ,Pee Wees il loufaceFynebon Falks tlm Wenedariglht in Fen(con Falî, ad on home, ice Fri- day night. God luck, Pne Int Payofsplay7 a best of1 five 41ut of séven sre.Inj the opener here Thursdayi 5-2,Npwcstleare pullîng îor yueow, good luick, The Newcastle Temn League reinto playvoffs. In order toi et everinînear the arenla you hava to miake it ly They cer1tain1ly hanve a gond follow- ni- and are icked in each and every Sunday night. The action ist5ae.If you baven't been ,out lately, ce ont Sunday night and cheer your teama SA VINKGS FREDERUCKS 67 KI1NG '-'T. EAýST ',E E P AG-E 9 j HELP JWANTED for NEWCASTLE CO1mMUNITY HALL (Equliipment Supplied) Apfly ini writing - Stating' mgü, e-xperience (if any), MRSIý, s' .BE TN Newcstl ConmuityHall Box 147. ewatlOnt, ApplcatonsmusthIlle- îeivd onor before feb, expapcted that eacb Clubwul stive to increase its memnber- sh-ip ranka. "Wbat is Lionîsmi?" queriedý thap speaker. "la it a bus- iness, ai religion, a social or a kotie aýnd fork club? Ib is al oýf 'thesa biut mocre, forLi4ons IneratOnlis the largeast service organýization in, the world and thef greatea-t dors". According te, District Gov- ernor Reid. Lions around the wold lasi year accompliihed 400,00n pioj-ct Ivoi-tIlai a 1 1ver inmm200 ilin to t'ri dnae oft hein com- "Sr ice iur motto, Our cnricd and ounr goal for service il.(he way we pay rani for oun space on ibis earth. The, speaker was introduc- ed hy Ivor Brawley and ihank- ad by Fra3nk Hoan. MemYberýs also hieard anoth- an in-ten.esting speaker, Ernie Witing of Oshawa wbo is iveing witb a transplanrted kdy.Mn. Whitiing in a, tnruly bumorous and t iiiesi a truly seious ialk spoke of bis transplant and kidney dialysis. Mn. Witing in hbýis mro- ducbory remanka leading Upi to bis transplant, spoke 0f hîis days as a Councillon on the Oshawa City Council and b0w afber hae wasAlecfed, the City Fathrawvion wcre on an ,economy k 1ick aplpointed hlm int ih City Economy Commit- tee._ "We ,wene apponjid tai ,look into ways fo save bbhé ciiy mtoney. 'We were able to Sdelay the building (if the City Hall.! towcn for thrae morrntha - just long enouigh br) osot bcl ta!xpa1,yers $210,1)(0 fôr flhe de- la-y, as biling corts wéfli Snea"kiigng f fînnd5hî Mn. Whlifing said hularteir bis hoaitliatonwas ovor he badbog oo n the ,kidnéry ma- chine oeright ie ho- Dltal saveirél fîmes a ;ýweek in the Tor-onto Gênierai. "MY Genaraýl Mtsf1-rnds (Mr. Whiting orswith Mui-rray Walitn n 10 thParts Office ai G.10.) anothr ren wée wonderifuil. On hoapifiel day, my d1oor ta dîrive mne to Toron- :ito ft6 p.m. and ;at:6 ai there was another car at the, doon of the hospital to drive me.home to Oshawa. Speaking of mabeniahism "'Af tan heing close to death for quite a long finie, the new car or a coour talevision set no longer matens. The fact of secing the sun . . . every day is a good day. I wouid have heen dcad 10 yaars ago wibb my total kidney fàilure sa now eveny day is a gifb'". Mn. Whiiing made a stnong appeal, for everyone to maike fflans to -donate thein organs for use by othens in trans- lants whern they die. 'lbt is a sad thirig to ha ljying ini a hôsnital romand see the ther -natieîIt, a i 6-year-ôld boy dia cue no kidney was available for transplant- According to Mn. Whitiinge "Ib is sad thai samàny goodi kidneys and ees a, ýre 'buried". SThe speakerf- waa int-roduc-ý ed by Murray Walion a ndr thanked by Murray Patter-1 son, In the business portion of the meeting Paul McMackin outlined the coming- public speaking conteat ai Clarke igli School wbich las. ponso-r- ed hy the Lions. The winner wviib nepresent the local club ai the Lions District A3Ef- fective Speaking C o) n i e s t. Plans were also spon 0 f concerning the fnihcomning 25tbi annivensary of th(, clubii adof the 7wimmring pool nojecb.-Reporter. GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANUES Plione Gza33303 INewcastle Hockey News NEWCA'STLE TOWN LEAGUE FINAL STANDING-S (12 by 1 Team RECid u --t------. - Reid's -------- - - D, Shearer WV L 5 4 3 7 i 10 top 2"SCORERS Teamû Player Goals, R. - Mikê Wite-------------. 10 C. - Pete MNcCýullough 14 E. - on Slack ---------- ---- 17 R. - ieMacGregor . --- --.---10 E. -Gary Van Dam ---- -~ 13 C. -Chaie Green -. ___. 13 R.- Gary McCuliough 9 C. - Gerny Gannett ------7 C, -Fred Aded --- - --------- - 15 J, - Pets Hande(ýro---- 10 J. Gary Cooper 10 E. -Tony Mara- --- --- - 8 P. -Bibi McCullougb 10 J. -TeryFik. 6 P. -Bill McBridc - --------.-10 P. Rick Stepheýnson ------------6 Q. BnIan RPcwe --------- ------- - 7 Q.-Bian ca . P.-Normr Tilison --------- -- ----- - 1 GOALTENDING 18 16 18 I'ts. 18 17 13 13 8()it 3 32 2 29 28 28 26 22 22 18 17 15 15 14 13 12 12 Team Goall GA Average Partner"f-; - Kim Ro---er--35 2 92 E1mhu~t -e-rgeV-n-Dm --.j6 3.00 COwa--nvilie -Dnn T--------d- 41 3.42 JontnsJohn Tra-,vis 66 5.50l ~uen's- Ovilé Wod70 5 .63 GoaPl tend et 1s [I la)ed the getetpercentage of gae 1frthi respèective clubs. flest of thre emi-fia In.inthe e odgamé lCow- First Ganme In the opening amenIthe anile continued in théir night and of théPIPPay, -offi w innîng w-ays as they haven't Patnr' tôka 1-P I ead in 'been beaten. since they rop- thle second perioo1nly t, 1o !haive- ped the f irst three ga o f Elmhur"st strm ack wth3 theseso.They got a 8goali quick goals, in their id perio-d ineah f the firsitutwo to win bya scc- or f 13 to1. prosand t ihen exloedIo They inow hold a one am mfve i thefinal friame ton Leadl in this best of three downraid s 7-0, with Dn serie's. Todd pîicking up the shut-ou Scoin: Emhrst.-Tony ?as he a arelativêly easy' Merawq MI goal, 2 asst;night in g oal for Cowanvilleý. Wayne Percé1 gaBucCcr n owanvile --Petié Aldred t gaGr a culuh3 egai~,Cari ]Dam ', aissl~. Green 2 '?goals, 1 aSsiFt; GeCrr Partneil -ill rdeiGrnt gaRon G;ood "2 goal, Bill ] Clouhi ýisasîtsPal McCu00gllogh d Don Arscott Iassist. iKnGre ass ach. For Oshkawa Fe Yictims Hall, on February th a bn~TopoMr oad fit C. anmd W.Jabrend A arit, ay0ftm Country Dance(-, spon)isored bý ussonteBwmnil Ron Cochrane andi his coml- qam ire i d he M.C. d0tn- mîteewas fheIld to raîse fu-nd5 te thirservices free for for Mrs. Wj. Dawýýson and famr- suchI a woc-rthty cause. ily wvho lost her home in A er speciîal thank you to Osaaby a disastirous fire,. all the a ýrtfss ndmC. for MNi.C S enaito-r Jimn C. Coyle doing a ri a job and als- ail brought on the stage sucthe peplThO helPIed iby artirsts ai: AI Cooper Pand t he atte.nding na, very incde- Country 'W'ild Caitsý, PRnny ý7ment winter night, making Storm,, anridim D-,Ponalîd, the wýhi1e thing possiblr, Wayvne Mahaffy,ý and Bil! showîniig once again that C. & Cochrane. Oft h er ïartists: W\. Artists can be counted Onm Terry Arsenault, Fance v Show b help those in need.Rn --Ldy, -nieSorsad iCocýht:anewas verv happy that wieBarb, Cinday vLnie and Ithe night was a great success, fl)"ewcast/e cS'ocial anc1 £er.çIona/ NewasicThse wîshing intera neînreaséd as,3bbceday for- inow c 4ail ad thein gotunrwyadacag w7ish a iwre lasi week. of idées ws swappcd by oth- Theré,'s planby ibère for all an leaders New g ýamas and bbce snow mcins now forts hobbies waeÀ:( ntrioduced fo and snrow hall fîgzhts ibat keep thé l eaýder aient and winter spoIrt enthusiasis have ahead. Those 'who were dis- been lookîng for. For many, appoînted were the many who béepocaad hydro were wéne snow-bound, and unable ouf, for short and long periods bo make ibeir way bhrough to 0 f thimé. Man-y still don'i attend. lb was a good day, have_ their roada ploughad oui hîgbîy enjoyed and Newcastle and cars wene tnaded for sbouid ha proud to have lead- snow machines. ans whosa intereSis centre MIS. pat Bernlar, wbom weanound the youth of our vil- reporbed havîing been on hh-lage. day las[ week, was on holi-' Hockey Mothens, wbosil day, but not in Novýa Scotia have sweateans from t ihe as neportedi, but in Prince hockey game, ara askad t Edward 1Isliand. bn he i otenfesb- Mns. Mable obleik ndmntbot e tearena a Reeve and Mns lndGa cl s possible. Thecse havc e rîbu inned fnqm iharsetesaeto ha used by holidlay in California.Sm- nte ta nSaudy gicd to b ak nOtara$344ri owred bo thir M7ven w 1h1ifîao hepadqjuarint Toonto). AI We are soCry to repot hg 'TankYou' fo the fol- t-hat rnany Newý1'Casb,ýý1 l fiands boîng' ' l P who gave of t he 1r tiinte And neighboýurs are ptients nd teffort fo canvýasa ,the vil- lui Memyoial Hospital. Among 1age îMrsi, D.Adama, àýGladys theni are Mns. Dcl Moore, Alln, mrs, Wrn. Ca11, Mrs. S. M4ra.ý Viola Çawnani, 7Mapsars. DeJongip Mrs. E. Foter, Mn. jack ChIard, Bruce, TilJison, G. Garrod, Mrs D. Halsey, ýSinion Biensfeken, IMaIicoîiMs T. Hclldawayý, Ma R. Kidd and Glernn h psnYopMs.R ;okn , Mrs also lit îl Kelly Ch-almers. V. 'Kent1, Mr-S.G.Kupy Some may well y have heeCr1 In n Laco-"-mbe, Mns. Z. Ls dischangéd] by thýe finie thlie nîck, Mns3. R. Munno, Mr, S. paper la delivered1. To ihern Powell, MIS, B. Rickard, Ms andl thiose still in hospibal, we D. Rudman, Mns. N. Rudmnan, hope you i i soon h(>.well, Mrs. C. Schmid, Mns, J. Scottl, and able to héIi,11 agaîni. Mrs. J. Sikma, Mns. T. ,rmu1.h, A SouersTninn Corse Mns. L. Swingbammer, Mns.i and Worksbop for the Port G. Verhurgb, Mns. G. Swier., Hope Distiib Leaders was Tbanks also bo the newsv- held lu Pont Hope on Satur- papers, Reporter and States- day. Severcai Cuh, Scout and man for thain free space anid Venturer Leaders froni the puhiiciby. West Durhami District also -_ _ book part. Newcastle was well represented with District About 75 percent -of bbc, Commissionar Bob Nichols, wolds populatfionisaiîl who is alJso Newcasblie's As- actively engaged 'in servîc' sistant Scout Master, Cub mnankînd wiih food frm; the1 Master George Chariand aild sou,. According fio NpwHoln Dontald Tilîson, Junior Lcad- farmn equipmeni eninLr e>r, and assistants Mrs. George motoa of thé world's larmers - iCharland, M. Anthony Ton espacialY an the Asianni. aril Mn Eld, irs.hfeld ai- Afrîcan continents - are still tending. A Wlfuh prgnaniwasusîog primitive, if not ancieni, linesd Up fo hie la rwhoaje fild iin5tunents. V AL FN TIN E Valeninle's day ýis thepar fact daýy if0 show that ,, oun hrtsin thea right pae Vour 1,Vaientlinea ýDay gift f 0 'lhe He'Iant Fund wVM blp up- port thePfight ,againat heant disease. The fate of millinsý 'nf Canadia-ns dependa1. upo)n the sedvihwhicb miedical scientiats find the cause of hadrdnng of the aniads and higb l Oood pressure wbich are responible for90%of Al lhantand blond vassal disasel in Canada. So giveP frni your ,hparti- ct he Cpda Heant Fund ,ï47 avePootý ïo, Tnoto ortoyu Remembr, yor Hpea r1 Fun isyou fiaid efensa r Mdris nog T'OTAL REICEIP'i ONTARlI Or Radio Hall BRntaIs Stamps -------- Telephone- - Transportation Miscellan u'. Donatins: R o b in ' , R u s s ei l - Durham out Mîscelianleous GROUND TOORR A&P TOMA TOES 3 2 2, lis 1 0 BEAS AN PGE3 24Uo±lis$1 -(0 A&P TA BAS poy pkgof IC)O7 Flàky, Juiky. Udbg APPLE PiE FULL 8", 24-0Z SIZE -il 1 A^nnounceljý 'Bowlinig League c , ' 19q0, MaI'lrg MaDonld'89 Elaine archant 117, JoyceOT, Staay 84,Maie rim8 T T El Mc là 7, Be"noca Hender- L5 xessa dinoe TnimbleM167 hily îertn Ma'Jril 166. ora acnnsjupl.ies- and Ofï( 165, DaIsForan 13,PeggySg aeil IMILson 1%9, MgGuadTepon 1,56, Catohy Lýamberb 155, Shi-Committee Room ley Lgtor 143, KrnOraîeepen carter 137, Bobbs, Clarke 15 iclaeu Hfigh Sing'l,Elaina Mar,3- chant 252; High Triple, Na-, dine Trimble6W3;Hîlgh Avri- age, Do)rohy Sbarký1,93. 200 Gamrs .Elsine Mar- chant25-24,NainPTimle-FI! 238205 BrniceHedesoo.rRE 2s33 Jo0y ceSt a cey2?129 alr Millsn 21, Dae Foan 24,]71 Mlacbnns 205, Dorothy Stark NwpprAv 203. Telephne GmsWon r ainia- tanld Serviýce lims 34, Qocky Cioduoys 32,Advertisng Mate Boobi e BrlapS29. Tuby upplies and Offi Tweds 6. iteratur-e -- dates .ENT 0F ELi dH Diaýbursemeï ~A~I'~ AI The Caniadian Statc-sman, BomnvlePb. 9, 192 f L The amount la euivalent M. B. Kll, ff1iiai Agen o 18 or every dollar sav- [IAL AGENT'S STATEMENT stock, govenment bonds nd ~EETS AND EXPENDITURES cash vued at $4,730,000WCl Ilex Carruthèrs PC. anididaLte aditiutdimeitey 4,078 ammplsoes andconsimt 2 69.113 Cmon stck viI h ,armanet (acY -- . 2892100 valueOf $2,451000 whîch is nijai - 1211.94ibaadrinthe closing manket ice Expenises -10n5.62 price on Deemen31 171 o- ...- _____~.~ 11.50wh a cunnot value of $, penss .____ . 203=.4 600 EITURES -. 95 0 A diinl$000o f -------- govrnment bonda is hlod jn BERAL PARTY - DURHAM trust for o4 f thesecmci- 0 -PROVINCIAL ELECTIOýN 1'4-1 ployees> under ihc e5eistered MMFICIAAGENT'S REPORT Retiremnit Savinga Plan op- UENT 0F ELECTION EXPENSES tioin[o h porm S- - - -$37581 This dsriuion epsits 27 9.00 fonmlye aig f 2--- - 410.0$21612,01t6 and Company cn-I ------- -- ------ ------.. 416.70 tnibutions ofci* M ,306,008 - n 46J34 $1 fnm General Motors for - - . -- 187467 every ,-$2.1of Cempioye saîng 169.80 --plus dividends and intenest j1,1(9arned betweenci Januanyv 1, 1966 and December 31G 1971. -$1500 on0l"Currenutly, 78% of moun Lîbraa 50.0 slaie employees - saving -- -- __ 13581eghI per cent of thein aare $3735,81- e parnticipýating iii this l.tR. Lovekin, OfficiaI gnl xcletoppor'tunity to sv for Robin Russeliegularly and thereby fsuIp- penited ipto 10 per cent ©PHONE 1263-26M "rPeconnuI4T UALIY, Sum DMARY MIES PORK LIVfERck331 WIENERIS IUn une C!Làk - -ès DuyWit Cnfienc, f ASeilsIt -A&PGurnes! LIBY' BAN 3îI? Mns$100FRUIT CCKRTAI 9 zu3 9g SAUERKRAUT 3 2-io is$1 .00q ORANGE. JWCE 4-le i 3 9c In ow, Jjuice, Sliced, Cn*hed, Chunke eel(h.ddWea So ks8e DOLE PINEAPPèLE 19-fl loztlin 3?jSRDIS AIC ' o ks89 WONDERFUL TOASTEDI TRY THIRIINFILD O ODYVUMRACLE WHIP32f-zar69 P1ANCAKE MIXfES A-bpk47 EMI. G f du' 9-T ,LE 5m q,1A -i1-r) i JANE PtRKER. ENGý-LSn <lAVF M0) a m- . - -h FRUIT CAKE 1.bgoz cake39< JANE PARKER-, PIN FAPPL F ToppED<Sl 1e SW~eET OLLS pkgf89 From Sunny rai Extra LrgeSe DOZ)Ez I C-ýAAN - OnIy Tnop Qulify Frit Soýld at A&P TOMTES lfy59 q - .0 Expenses [AL ELE[,CTION Mi7 ECTION EXPE I $6589,14 port the gove noent 3%andt GM E ployees er m bi:al-t C rdted W it l hofnogam th hae avd about $49.5lm!-. $ 4.8 illion lion.Thia sur, tghný the GenerlMotons conitnibu, Seuiisand Ich valued tionshas been used to pur- at 34.8 milltion haiva been Chasa $27,4mliningvr- credited to 4,0f)78 General men bods nd 74,50 aane JMors of Canada saled o eea ooscmo emnioyes prtiipaingin the sok 1966 Clasa fc,[th c companys Gnra votoi,,) ai Savins-Stck Prchaýse Pro-'i-,e avn voeyacrox gi,-JonD, Bakr, r-mr e of cnnuosemploy- dent announctoay. lbt wasIîmen-t ar e eligibie to PUÉSl~ the, luth such distibution. pate i,'-thle Progam on 1 1 -- -