ktux ptouIn xuc - a - sp~~~ad ee awsouduit Act in Sales RealEstate for Sale Real Estate for Saleacl Estate for Sal2 P r v ni l Cu tgver eisooy Auctin sal of frnitue BOMAN VLLE -Parkwy1 fl. oinage, crimns of HeId in Bowmanvdtle ne vT eladDn andiC tinigs at P1ethick's Auic- Cres, dluxe 3 idombik______________ 1 erlne-h~~ ecnîee Gerry reeed eto-hit thie left side Of a south-!Queen's IHotel,NwctendreetdbR.Lvkhd ti o ban adnone ilebungalow , freadom, h -ot srî firs d civil rU e esttte iionsc-ed in lastweek's Provincial bouind vehicle resulting in'took himn to the detachmnent trechre ra o h eat f nnsilen o Str-waerhaigoiestoefr- IKF hAAha rmnMwas rElvolutionary. Thie: Court residles at R.R 6. Bow- $700 damage. ofc hr ewscag March 281hws~tfrtil day,- nig eb 2 Sale at pae pcosrecreation Amanvîlleois is o'lok.Clf Pthckkur romC2le:pode oo, ngo-aoncuedtia0b JhnErlRizel ae aedwthîmaie divng Rcar SotR , Bw tioner. -2 pved riveay, ompltelyordleaL Tiie Normlans institut- Monday, Eebruiary 7th, 1972GealaZascnice fOn returnîng ta the Iock- 5lanýdcape any ote xUa,623--6941e h radJrand from Jdge R. B. Batten pre-sidedcari: riigJnur Ohed car two baurs later mnVle cage aua2l 1Fii,.dsciý,dw Manvcuttingxta orner 1 ru Sel1ing Thursda-), "(,b 1 Write dvertiser 7, coTeti ledteiqet" wthAssatConAto-adlnd$00 and colsts, or check the truný,k, the ofjficer swihr hnmkn ai~~~ Drm Cony aeS CtelnSaesaPO o 623- 76(61 Af-er the signiiing of lth er ey K. idtubinton, D .r10ds.TeeprofCn on teacudaumdtrn paed guty T Arena, Orno, approximatel3.1_King_ 3 East, 17King st. F.,0w 1215 two other important Keneth StephensonRR ,a eil rve yMFt- 1car locked. Mr. Nichollîsgaeefuttredy.Hw 50 Carolais Hereford crossedl__e62-90 r63-11in ï'1 VoOronootntiRR .1avhcedrvnb r Fdfll stckr alves wighing ap- qSOUTUWAY DRIVEF - 3 changes wremade. First fit ~ ie 3 n eletrdHgwy401 from evidence whic was supporte PeymlI 5ý50Is n 8lerC K Jr.costs, Or sevein days, fo)r fol-IHighiway 35 interchange ramp.n by evidence from MrT o1n îe ee ast a bodylookng fr god caves SHAW: 3 edrom, 2bedoom rickbunglowgar-was ecred tht nopersn îwingaKoter vh cS tooAppaent], th2drier fu ad antherdrining al tat Fur Prt[Iroy rea ,ey tob feed be su fr too atteIntis RALOstorey brick lhome.Elctieage, close tb parks,' schools shoufld ble deprived of bis life,cleyDcmbr2dEv-aepan doeitoheeNcoswswingfrecvdtoyer upde heated. Twvo bth About and shopping. 1Hurry. libjerty ori-property except b ec entbleYady jedp ianwhrthh ehce, isriend to return, r sîcen-snce wlc reas hs sale. - ___ 5-2.nd GLEA I U iCEto yasoldi. Asking S2,500.5; READ THIS - 3 bedroom ctdu oes f the law. Sec- OPP, was that Mr, Stephrenson truk asno'lw sth ign anding, reb ohond ad jmust keqptepae n;én 52Kig t.W.- owanile ers.brick bunigalow ocri 5 years odsef overrnment should be was'l b AoiweCo,ýgnnfnt Etae asnorthbound on Hijghway ýco)ninued wswith te left tentiOn of driving, the car.goo beavlui-.A scoù AniqeCosiumnt Fstte623-2453 SEVIE SATON Wih ld î te nrl ad 0 Bw-redrndloitetudcpaepes.35beindanibe vhile.sia n depsnw wic flp- harchrgews dsmsse. O th pobtio od. Farmi - Furne'iture 7 roomrred mnodemr home. About mnil on Fourth Street. 'With these sleps, ibe framle-1 l(n1i o l 1work of law wasesalsd"Wn it siowed down r fo'r a! pad the vebicie over on, itsi A charge laid December 3l1st iSfrth i1 ixmr~i ReasonabeRates i mmediate Possession!! ;2 acre lot. Pri(cad to saili. ww-HR TI!A ha inyrmrari ghtilturo ha was so cloergi'îe ousfr h c ianiiisacsd fhe-the3t will osrea7pncr We alsapase u stsCariFbero )Ic XEUIE HOE 0oder- i bedrolom brick bornel About 70 year's latarthe ta he ahpie i s cused explained that bscietîgwas dfism issed wheýn the ,anaybrchf $, TOM14LiOWERY - GLhcENN FrY ,12ý i o Wstintr rete outlbboutncllana and bis car, return-lngIh orm e ,veekn Driving -with J.niproper head-thsoutadenncd n Oslaý%a B)%r - o--f wit cozyfiraplace. Nicetstof sbLovely 3ubejrooicentral location. au 72-73962-587ý îchn it peny f1up)bicýk home. Al moemcon- SmAns623-7664 iapot1o all1an usiewbere ha oparaced a generalllights braughit a fine of $351teoiia hreCr L) o,- wanilas.aic. inA0i f thie peaca. 1oula th H,- ,Sale Manlage- Acinesbacis. Largebîighi *vntiencas. "h bailli was seîaîFa cent of the force- a drop store. H.'is wife baing ili, Mr, and cosis, or seven days vi- g a rj.ý. 1-Ifromo!Exrlaglt Mary Smith- 786-22839 eaeofar-a:a a-fromi 8.7 par cent in the previ-ý FizeIl had workad longer! dencewa that Mr, NicolseJmsCa.otad iLt numerous treaýs aný id BOWMANVILLE: Sîtel, 2Up eolI_ýr-alv-e pfe vp v ebdgce forabsolule storay home. 4 bdom, vli Secr - 2-29foi camantoffiýcar whose chiaf ous yaa. orCaad teraiohorsibn usualid nithtre wa; d rivngwet vn igwa JffeyB.irerh, cae WEEKLY privacy! Has a carpori andibaihs, Garage. Comlplaiely Jimý Robinson - 623-3795 qulalification wars a g-Ood m- f police to *population is 2.3 and staye3 rSna igt41a ..On îow b. aamon raetraditn v\'(jd driva Askîng $27,fl00. renovaied. Priced to salli.Banner Passant,- 623-3258 ory. Evary 15 day'-,s liehad f artouad;frOnaioi 1 ntead 0f rSeturning in the ot h gbeamiîghts were out aand eoutohewovn LIVESTOCK SALES, Pasonaïibedown payment and , NEWCASTILE: 4 badroom, Rolhy Spencer -623-7691 go around tilton ud tchIeck Mun.icipal Police Forces afiernoon. So liee aarenlonrigh beaninly the rigtdme ude 50li ai oovercamee hlmtgon forel none. wasngworkAtng,-cinSm ctagshi it Durham County Sales Arena n rvl oiaetm2 storeyore.Nîcely decor- 16&1 Lail tecmrs yfr thstr'gas. t cufaw MunThomias Gordon RBuimar.,e rkninoi at Orono. Evry Turs. 7:30p.m.balace. ted. ec. oom. Pati, hahad 10orderithaecloiro opis yfa he ags Barry Twonay, Scarborougli,R Sclin HrbsaCalanwce'. m ! arn Akig$290.Tems hetongaas Get rocm.gru Pahtatonioif asfna $5anocss r .2,Orn, iede îo wihtTonhi a17rsr~ ya o fte tlhengtion h i peain atrn Daemr 4hHaws oby tsa plit B a nS c ru$2 , 0 . e li o n z i g t hs a t c a pm t r v b c e i h u rn r h o n d a i h s e e a e t h o t g Reid, Auctioneer sud Pre- BowmanvilIl Has a real most complaiPd, 3 bedroom Reid, Atieloneer and Po- BowmaP&RleReaisoui themostrangersedwa3 aermonu- (Comparadoutithbs23.6gparwacentmcanseCoforathe icurr3n6 yeearntandnmaforngha lerenttura Into-tawners, andn Counsel35or Mur- prietor. 23 tf good straeam and several brick bungalow, Trade coni- mental task. To hhim h RCMP; 9.'3 par cent OPPý 8.3Cosal ertPim nd rkngaI- urItlf springs. Real good 9-room sidarad. Baili!perrdceent onstble3JrraperP' nes-1th opRadweantrPysa' rMR f2if i-dsargeants (rprcntQP . prcn igatîng a two-car accident oCtrio, p oa wenanteP' stteiso len sdmd pcilComunity Auciion bouse. 2 barns. 5 acres bush NO:-i 12 ar "".CNC-Ntinl arofr) northbounrd car, driven by r esuonawelCn.sl to bne leld ai Sirtavani's Auc- and a beaubiful viaw! ! Now ORONO /ýare loi with great scrutinizarsEai-1. CN-CP-National Harboursi.fo tio Hll 2 HllStret Oh-whrecanyo by ilths or large 3 badroom, nicaly dec- "The justice of the peace did Bowinanvilie ranks with the Highway 35 acembaer 24th!cerriWodoke 1m edto the Crwn ommnt swStrdy erur 256,900.00 ? ? Terms available! orated bungalow with 1300 OPEN 9:00 Io 9:00 DAILY iînuch bbcliesamnt>work s emaal.Ls iaehopra- and was given a 120da ass. Tiinhis charge was did n blof$10,58 A- l 1soibre f isto ucofii avp Avocdado shif s. I lvig paa.Crpri Io2 ldy. Ha had one etacFna ugtot16,8.Asruction permit issudeb ssd ai~ef tot.aokl e '-~~~ ,. of 453calîs frassîsi iThie sanie disposition was ii rs aaerahn h Colnia rondtaba wth-14AinostNe!! Asking $2,700îo. ±erms. tbIZ ask. Healuto locale anu total 495312 for wben an example, v'rst matLching woodecn hairs Pion- Oaa of the nicest, splib-BWANIL: a-arresi tha persons chargad v ane \waere receivad during the rar 2-as ,aWRR.,aea hag aais tm carchin aw Boto leelborason bcmaretroom nspli-lavel. Vcry mod- We Seli Tbrough Service indictiment and Ihen amya r upfrm110 be bef rion McRieve,$3Rma5Jwoaknodfilng sonbemaeths or a rocker 1- Orô, ýlrc, ist[oko bsjo no, asiiadt3oan p at a stop aigu onriConces nwi o . o1ae~ ches 0 raes.bda! Colour - cordinatad Ecmii A-i1oato.Low down Yu itn rgnî eddtham 10 cash bil orfod"K-eyfr 1o-onbsjo ncosts, wîhan alternative of so nte nal u Judge Baxe ged ii r maîtressesi iut al-YorLitn'UgntyNedd One of thealabues ofil1.1 on4c the 1958). Du deýsk, nigit table, occsion7iîevndy, o ln ovll brodlom lîougou! Wlk char,îan owrs eacri ot asmet! Vraadah1 payrnnt. lu Bowmanville, Hampton, pariod, the Chief said, was-J Haexpatcýsis igh st andr sadaays, fïh- igtof ailing to y iaban County lune Decambar Suigo n ad" ht jail sentenc ih hv r Failaa rualn cndtio),on cu-deaa brd~in aanal toa unalo. ,\a-Iewcastle, Orono sud. sur- sibubed in the courts o h îofflcr, atldiaRoa-bb hCnt 0 ay eret Decamber îîhon sbova, aevîin 92Fr îhio ahig!Lctd OOO a mom ares oe lu-king, the Star Chamibar. fHema ians.l7hCnsaeJretPP Conviction for illagal pos-afeto tee on pai w-ashiag machine, dishes, blraielot! You MUý1ST Sea trir hLaed. To baihs. Car'rudigoniy . dafendants wrcfiogged ila "Wc bira is nof iniegrily invastigated an a c c id e nt session of liquor cosi Elmer wb-o jkeepcmnlfo List not comIpala-ai lime 0fThîs ýone, Owner Tirns -pomi. Lvl oain ahv meib u-oa or nilta ofs-whosa characier will stand a shomtly aftar 3 p.m. Is wbîch Mdi 5 a oss r1 retaO nths ! publishing.Terrns cashMvles ferc-r d. 100)ACRE ,FAR ih2chaisers for your home or farm cd 10 their allagcd crimes. Ïhoouh nvslgaio. e a oudofMas. McKerve aid th.cnsarge Heler, a res.Te a esn Kin, ucioee,725-.575l.1. WorkJ1inMan's special!! storcv .brick hme.Oi!hst- ail canarange cash. Valua- was called the "ihird dagrea" .want a man who ibas;a sincare pulîedroulito priat drfva- liechre o afiia he jiln4raonpopeca 61 Rèl oo odr 12sbmaed. 4-ce at.Lag bm.lion 0 f your properbî; with- Ioial fo bscame dasire t10 hclp othiers. lHamust a1ieby notepi o eii o iha4ileave ctaeswilu le homeIin Norllh Wadpilcel1 Asking $,44,000. Terms. ouitbigbo and ai yur wo of our greatesb frccdoms, neyer losa sigbt th;at the a ail eioudo on oebr, 2otb.benetra" AuclinsaleSaturday, Pcb. 1 al iS8,0 odm WST BWANIL cneiac.Caiaylimle. Chief Kitnay said. One via- prasumes persons(cbamgad arcity Road 9 TeraswreggR..'wnavle er 12a 23 pmSoi' sdbatinig. aîelot. Tcrmns 5ar- oomad en,12stryExciting country homes on guarantea againsi slf-inrrminncn cnipovnguiy1c fad ltthee aaesvy ude Ra, FBruaxe ry 8t d192 ee W B ml, rp Furnitura, 73 King East, rmned. Caýlitoday! ! omne on-,largle trceclo.01ManSrt0rnoad aiain Taohrws Il-,,Ha must slways appear to ha saofiniielm, angsJdeR . a rpaie eie yE .Lvku Bowrnanville, next to .G.A.: heatad. 4-pre. bath. Askýin JbasublifL[ new spli lavel lat freedom of speech., faim, and knownc1, ha faim." were estimàted ai $1600 wiith wiibt Assistant Crown Atior- chargel ihcrlesdi,~ Antique sidabordr(, organ, Afier Hours: 51,0 g h ilgeo in Bten100ad10 taaH xplained the mniriniumpersonail injuries. ney K. Stubingion snd duiy oin CountyRa3,padi brass bed, anliqua woý"oden J A.Barton -623-3098 8 ,teVlýg fZo.Bter150ýwl10 leeqaIfcto,.Gae1.A AgsCreir .,6'ol.ýID abr bad. pina cuphoards, salique I Evýeaings or Weckanids ware great social upheavaâls l qalfiaton. rae 0.A AgsCpntil afr, R.R. 6, cua.s i . Barbr noagily' ontaieBuk lucmbintion chia cabie n odBah ' 2-2 After HOUrs Please Cali:Biai.Cie-nraad o-knowladge of stabubory auih- Bwavle a ie 3 ase ie omnilivsigateda cidnc 1 k'ndas hiacbiesI. oa r., -623-5868 Harry Vocrmian -623-à5971,Cai: mrcial 1people started Ibheiiroiy n ulsof i ansd rosis, or saven days, foicsr1dJanar13d, h oer I2-3rd9:0pm T. Cýanainschia amtei,6 P. VrteK -62-269 te MacEachemu - 987-4279 Owin police for-ces. Ta 1665 An abilily I10 collecrtand pre- operating an (unsafe vahirla being the driver of a. school N vehîl av esigl tees gse-etFi cabl, oag2rmphoneDic Pco-1- 23746 Cmmwil mdued69mii-serve evidanca, 10 lay, charges Oclober 9th. Constable Pore-:buis did fail ta activai. theý ditch wii m ru D eordstabliqugbabyoneHsrry Coutts 75 -2 6 49 -16-1 tamy policeforce çonsistiing of and 10 take the acsdbefore Man, OPP, laid the charge af-i signal ligbts whilîedispatchl- lrapped a h cr.Te a swig cadi, ursng ockrGar ritcoc; -983-5155 _______________6,000 "peace-ki(eepers". In,1747 the proper tribufnal, e.ida tetrscmpea9n shoiul pedd'o ad str-uck im addiý airsBowStreatdunnar ware,"Part o! out joýb is 'file- ybaid.The driver assunred git' ac îtwsstaet ecraiuidt rckînig chi, woe hm, i a 05-78-15ognzdb aitsb-o-vanlion of cie"Chtief IKit- ba couitieha bd bougbt new ,ýfor date of trial.$20.MmBrnmaligv~ galas aiswaeads.aumerous aotb-Ross Davidson 1 0,5 -277 ,-232 ls er ilig ligney said. "This consisis of til'wsalaisrouand. A charge of Orlo Valtudis, Tomotig vdnesadb a elsrl dîis alnie idoos. ot'MITED WesIey Anderson - 349-269feu that axsîing polic wema many hinigs I10 many pe-ople. caâreess drîviag was dismif- as- ss ined $100, costs $10, or prob,,abiydon oe Ieap rasarv. Aucionea, Dou REALOR 64- inefacliv bacase ib mca Surbas wuqoiing p1 le1 ota10 days ia jail, for trespasn ii m Bika a t Mitchell. 6-1 .- -- - - wem not poarlysecbdor-av harcr no-al hnWilliam McCaskill, Raxdaie,,Auguisi, 1971, on pry famillar wl bssrtho paî. H pu fot plic laIbeunlatteladaj. more thian haif the s transport driver, on Janui- iae y Jc iial oa.JdeBxe ad Clearng etatesaleb ha Bowmuvile 62-440 nicpaliies ud munte car ara stolen wilb the kpýay amy 7tb w,,as fiaed $156 and! Clarke Townsip Tema eraasiagera, a sa hced t Sirtevýaat's Auictioni pol[ice on the hiighwýýIvaylad in tbem. Paitrollingis tha visi- costs, or 30 days, for impalred iIl people pickiug wormrsldrive withcmhaol Hiall, 27 Hall Street, Oshawa, Nealriug Cmlto A623-2503 thea lestsbliihd dsil.y courts bi sgn o! the law n _adiig ibsuoai ies bnte p'wm ald aeknonla a ha Thumsdàay, Pabmuary 101h ai Cmaand havea sIook ai Ffi!flaIbtis period thea Habeas dterrent." suspension. Evidenra was ttiat VaItudis was fned oLh n rvnmr lwy"l ri.n..Bedmooninsuite, ward- tisibi w .3-badroom Split ~ A SAEune OMNILE-Cen ie psAt wspasd u Te eacether d uties ha- o pembernl8thwaa sme1ffar duiagtsu-wsfongulyadh.ie roba, chesi o! dmawer-s, tala- antanra bungalow, buili-in 1îely decorstad3 bedmoom nthare surcud o e ides- w r ale pnsopdo Hgwy41na er ompcigi econi0 100,cois$3 l dfal visin, pin-dry wapsh-er, end garage, walk-out basement, h ome wibh boadloom lainmand terknow why haiewas ha- 1 oaemsigpolt arsl yCatbeMd n rbe ati rso-1 es tabescltha sk îrr ialc aafnsedmre-A elvnro.Cmi friag hald. Theaobimthe iaBiÏh ideutify vctims of acidenS, dgn oor eabetsre 'on flor am, arba asia- io romonlageraine s$i111,00 P.L.T. A s k in glof iighl-sstipuilatad thai c- b roolcrowýds ai parades, Gp. The officer retumIned, Steven Adcok,90 R S LTC N I ton chair, hutteiaut suaelob. No prica.s in Bwna-24ig t .,Bwaulîe $590.cssiv-e bail oufghl noi 10 ha 10 satî'le disputsasnsd an1swem Ib is wkta gîve evideuce On S. Bwaaiie as char table, record player, hrayila34 mtcKinag nw.BWMNVLL -uw rqurd ovexesie0ins !uStion ouàavariety ,of sub- a futrihlerchjarge a of ealcdJsniuary 29th did un-lsw- table, crcaamncari-, 6Il3tapposesoncfsddarl t1,d fflydrv creesly _ pol iap, ighcharoug, iTri-plex, 0Oshlawa I63-33bedrooni home ui rom- posad, fnot m ruelicsud nus- jeris," pseso !iqo.H odfiydiacrlsipedd, srmail old sova ogan stool, I We jusl listad Ibis lvey rono Dirict ,piabad on lot 50 x 165. urilpunlJiseui inficied, IbaeT gearail ofaChia!fàcil,'theacoute ofound rmth drivers ual gui.Cnsle D. u- rai ping ponig tal, leaning apartrnent building, Iwo spartl-I Thmae choicp building lots, Asking $24800. 11Chiai noted. Iha s Btndadvo iria il onaithe o! impte baimmant sudcdrson tasiite ha ond a*VU I ~qimat bccl,1962 Cor-Iments wîth two badroo s )j ,150'. Ideal for a rom- BOWMANVILLE - Executive <"Ia my opiniionj," haie wenî ou1, h ig Bthadiseicma-o te'oo !i a _Jcr a i b s lc on Wa- o _______ Pieetoaluiauisi- Akin the00.oriand o r sver. am oer which hecmuuicipsiitn firerhws ibfullwerto!ail, aion, ud Awithdmt vair, 19" iporba;bla color TV and one apartrnenb wibh ohome, ng on pavad rond. typa home in aorth end, bbuplie o thedsy rama ma dirainiug es i nards. onwiatbqusix fule.quAmsarly Road. Athedockradithe rý dgL furilrewelom. yls cos 1 Ohsw Cnte.AilPondrorn i hf evouton" The cost o! paolicing is in- sud a femaia bitchbikar had Judge Baxter commeleed ';' ta 6-i Kapi ia-fi m Mle cos t spohasaCodit il on.Kudalrooom wt h freplaeb t ws limewa rm cesn sa rasuit o! bbc de- beau pickad up ai igiataa wr b a a lhOh'qa&Dsrc inAurtinioee, 72?-5751, fridgas and stoves iaciudad. Itws flouhncrm 6-1Ke t n s otes c ndiio . Pn al nd a r co ditbiotnig. fl urised. Penalies baame m a s ma a u on irbo n M, M Caskill advised the [o!-'You soud 'ave taken o Must ha scin.ieau, sali. 3 baedroom wauminum seEstat0 Boa$r,00. n Beal Estate for Sale Oidaer Duplex, Oslawa ing bunigallow, aibached gari- wame 160 crimes callingý for bas no coabro," ha sid."N ee. The fine was $50ou oidioi take more cama,-Il age cos 10scoo. $7,00NEWCASTLE - Executive caia pasmet hi!Kt ail muiiipalitias cru afford ta: cost., or 10 dayS. Make an offer in the areas $300 dw.c alli Tr tp hm wi ar cay ssid. The public grew opt îbîdslyfrbc Mka a naalincs TWO edroniboue, oo $17,000.00 la $18,000.00 and ' , Cl Bl u ditiouiag, fiaisbed ec, s-k1 db h bnig n type o! man ueesssry to ban-Jme rCron . .2 loc-t;on. il baated, redaror- you may own ibis aider brick asy room, also wslkout basa- a ltratv sncue ýdia today's police problei." Newcastie $35 sud cosis, or JJ atd,59Bow S.Asia om. lil bring anough Oronio Ares meat.. Many extras. Caliransportation la panai setîe- 1 What slsted 1400 yaars ago 1 seven days. Evîdance o! Cou- $i6,50f0. Cali Orono 983-5519 . iWff.1oef-y.itel pus3 >Laorr a_5 inanel aryusI lu bdom nastone brýick for information. ments in Ausiralia sud Am- bas turna-d labo -aco)mplex stable McLeod, GPl', was ihatý ____________________ fit. Centmally loraicd and bungalow, close a ighwsýy. ECSli .2yamld. rc a uc nta organizabion. But the root nead Mm. McCarron wss eastbound: FIEQULTY i good conditioni. Lookiag Asking only $-22,900- $3.000 splil-leval home, closa to Pinally ln 1829 Sir Rober is the samie a iw .il iS on Caunty Road 9, Cak FlEQYLT or, su invesimeut? Take a down. Ternis. Cal Bill Tom- school andi shopping. Elec-1peal organized tha first "mod- the people, the powar (o! the Townsbip., H. atlemrpted sa .MONUMENTS AND» 10ook. aasky-. tri-, basting, finishad rer.cru" lIce force. On Sapeem- people, 10, support their police ie.ft turu jusi as a vehficia MA2RKERS 4BdomHm ssaNwateroi wth fieplace. Ask- em29b 400 ohis "Bobbics" forces.dieab Toms cwn PRM RI 1 lef.ths e,* Two-stomey brick home, Two naaw I3 bedroom brick ig$29.900. it bbc sîreais o! London. Chtie Kîtay was tske oono ws tepoces ROAST' or STE AKJ . b o f p.rn.f ,,'c fireplara la thaeiigr0,bnaowli6 4' nl RN la yahome 'Pael's principlas silapply îtb o tainSuMcaibwofo!passing. The acrused ad[- 1; ~separata diniang roorn, garage. $24,500i. Termis. Cal Jani near Orono Pr on loi day lu saiarling rerruilisasud lauded the Chie! for bis dadi- miited bie Iiooked la bis rea r-' STAFFORD lTry $2,500.00 down. Home in Gegama. 148 x 140. Asking $16,500. conducting the business 0fleated cancers sud effoits to view miirror 200 feet bark, SWTS RMUSWT'PR IM BROS. LT».er good condition. Must ha keepinig the peare býelp the youngam peopie lu than gîaced off toward some or Lazy Maple soid. Caîl.BowmanvihleAlan RouI -- 25-0353 Omganizad îaw enforcamaul t w.raad marbinery sud did nai Â',tICO T G velynniggway lcalion, idea, or Wilfred Hawkc -983-5274 cama la 'Canada in 1835 l Chic! r bfoemaig R L ~4.A id Pann omy u fruit stand, 7 room borna onfocof ic n sIir.Dagetthpek DCI Newcastle Arcs? Core ne ualmost oacarmalot at adge o! Edwiu Jeans - 623-7152 Kitnay said, wheu frca! bs7u9.Daag a1hapik sud sec us.Weavnc on$20.Trs Mary Heath -- 2-e 0 five constables and s chia! was iaIllp truck was $400 sud tb the Siafod rohe oeain one ais ju n w oe Bwavle-$oeHu Ken Nieka - 623-3872 esbaiishd in omoao.TB GarnetBrl" cetanRicardut ha y -e 1623-7397-Stnenois vears wara ta pass bafore lbheANot Guilty plea was a- SO HT ag m Monum es NieRlot 7610 2soefieaapeo ifrd McDard -623-7391 ormead weIlh a copa ao!i eestered for Camole Ainne Mr- A LFOEi7 eaiyCaadan wbhfie-HeenMcold-123391 2Ara ea nahaneesdnahadibrasne LIMTEDDavd Alisn - 987486 pacre ofwa bmns ar - oy__csn- 8-299- îhr ars !-haclunmydsoiteein o al care1! a --n A leave ANC No.11:1MARGAUET Lt-E ATTRACTVE, SEMI-DETCHED Terma.FRONT or HTND a 2650,sdAdtfa ers bad gone taL hospiial with79 UN,~~~AflWf' ~(payable to Thorna, Guinu) busst i .Ltr TEA BAGS Pk;. of 20 4 Ae Yu Cnsicrig s. QARTRSai. $2,500. Constabla Laton loratad ihaý ,ý . 0 :_ , D " " KI 7061 u acouas o :car, bearing, Ibis license nuni- MAXWELL flOUSE -0ot, Jar Sv 0 YORGAATE F W r ippcd leta handiy-we bo971wirs amd fanb , R.R. 1, Orono. There was q' INSTANT COFFEE 18 WVI ETE 'Quali ty and Craf tsma nship in t'aniçaasud U.S.A. .. , WolwonHlli971 wremideort otaldent'ipatke la arivwat a TlOr QUALITY 235.62. dn abclf rn adr ftJ £ $2180 ~ _____________ a crPape along the sid and' SUMIT-2 Gai. .sotdFaor wPrced .rom $21t toC0a' STER;BEF DP.NMINAION biay in -a rustad hale ilub C RA 9 erms Guarantaed ~~~~~~~~~~~~MAY BE ON FEB.2TH tpothfedrTalay ____________________ Excellent TAY1ENIReal Estate evieThere zare umors the North- admltted she had beenbb 01o;isoneyRefunicýdd ubmsdsdDra iigdriver but said the wagon tUL 10%P rgtablle01 YHESE HOMES ARE ALL4 ELECTICALLY HEATE»,ailDu-a -iig -n e ie -fte o01ý qAEEONM CLAN LENAfter 9»0 p.m. cal!: C.rul !bc e aombrPat a nbrsivo b od MARGARINE willha hldig usnomninConviction brought afn SALESMEN ON SITEFPROM jan oegcma --6321 akdt orSeiiain tng lier ibis moicntb, pos- da $100sd s$1850 e obt 5________________________ i .. :30.M asOdshooru 2-94 Lca Rna uc rein ii cray27bh.da, dbcwilhpobb-PhB or Cail623-333 Bernrd MacLan - 73-0842A party ofca al b dfrom obtaJning a licenseý DI E T O Sih is M R b i 2 - 1 Ci lto m C uttlin g S m 1o kL'i n1g C u ring ogan z sio h w as 1tying la fa for six tontbs,. 6 3 3 4 ilANKnomination metingwïth David Leorard NroisIl to,, ETT DaeFnu 2336 nc plannred for Oshaws--Wbit- Mary %7Streci, Ajaxý, waýs cr-Lce waery Rce oi bow Y SmRýy at wbich David Lewis-,nast-1cd with having raresd .co-,S-vc jol NDP laewill 3spaak. irai o! a mnolor vOirla ie 620557 ~ awene recet ihTrask, roo 83540 FR GID LOCKER SYSTEM Safat-ae renoindic-ipie. vdnea ou-(OEfFQAI 'WMANVILLE Aîrel 2336 S.W Phonme 623ý-5578 -623-541 ineain ii, at fealcfiilo, lbh sori ala migi F0MW IMAV v-1 beau muni about iettis on5 rm kcar parkad n.a... b