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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1972, p. 3

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aiThAu bAw -rlo-d re CanaiStta, Bwnvle,?eb ,12 'T1he Hamrrpton United Church they listened to some record- Eîublesý Club held a skating 0d music, they' enjoyed a de- liejous meal of bot onion anti sýki-djoo party on Saturday brad and chili con carne, tea 'ening at the mill pond. and coffee. President Ballard There wevre 19 members pres- welcomed Mr. and Mrs, Stan e-nt to enjoy the bonfire, the Norish who are new members. skating and the ski-doo rds The minutes 'of theý last meet- The skd-doos wee povicd eereati and approveti and it was decideti to attend MrandMrs ClffTerîli Mr adance for next month's out- -n~d Mrs. I. Pr ingleatiM .g President Ballard thank- 1 Ms. tn rjIsb. Fol- eýd ai1 those -present for, com-1 "~e~Ving ail tht fresh air th n~embes retu net otie CEý. ig.MetngaJourneti. Wing at thecrch and whleTh-i-,gucat sekrfor th f mai ~ tE t~ I ÇL Hamptan Chuncli service ncxt Sunday will ha Hev. Genalti Brown who is Cheplain at the Pina Ridge Boys' School lu Bowmanville. Hev. Brown will ha spcaking ou tha tirug situation anti othen pnohlemns relatedti ta ur youtb. It 15 hopeti thataur you-ng people will make an> effort ta corne out anti hear hlm. This correspondenit is very pleasadti t hear that MnIs. Marlou 'Mecuah is now hm fri nom than tay lunMgior-ielý I aptlaipogaigvcny: UC Sundaýy dinnar guesta' with, f~~Jff~Mr. anti Mrs. L. Anuis ware e1Tuesday aftcruoou visitors with, Mr. andi Mrs. A, W. Pres-, "Tjhere, nmm,- said tha salesmiau as he anld hi,; newýlyý cott wcre Mn. and Mrs. WiI- îrred charmïe came witin sight of Niagara Falls. "Di*dn't bert Smith, Oshawa, Sunday e-1 ouCfatif yu' b ýywfeyooud oo frar:isitors were Mn. and Mrs. dl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~fin yo ht yu e T s ucul ,'ao essier, Amny ai Ai- he biggest cataract you'd ever seen- fred, Bolton. "Cataract?" she screamed, "I thought you said Cadillae.v' A Saturday vito ith I'Mn. and Mrs. Percy Doell and ,OTIES CRE 'INT-family was '1n. Bob Scott, OTHESCARE INT:Grand Prairie, Alberta, re i% nothing eheaper lhan the cost of having your gar- Mr. au-d Mrs. Les Hunt and PU-, eleaned and pressecI - they are reuewed to their Mn. and Mrs. Ban Kîcîený ýg-na1frshnss t , facionof her oigita cot. Niahuis attendeti the Dutch ~ialfrshes a afrctonofthirorgialcot. Danca held onSauty ev- ening at the Jubilea in Osha- BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP wa.1 Mr. anti Mrs. Ron White, presents Mr. anti Mrs., Steve Artym 44aeP tI tePr" -Fe.1-81 anti Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Bal- 'areootIr, ho ark"- Fb. 1-1819 lard speut a most enjoyable afternoon of tobogganing on LLEunday followed by a tic- lcospot luck supper at the BOWM ANVILEplrhoe '-"ne'Mr. anti Mrs. Hon White C LE N ER LTD ware guests on Mouday ev- %ýM %W 06 s, niug with Mr. anti Mrs. Stan Norish ta hclp tham clebrate COHE$ 8M KI NGCST. W. 623-5520 thein wadding auuiversary. IENR"We Spec-ialize In Shirt Laundiering» Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Holroyti anti Lynatte were Friday __________________________ ____aftcrnoon visitons with Mn. OPENING- Thurs., Feb. lOth IN THE NEW BOWMANVILLE PLAZA 333 KING STREET EAST- PHONE 623-2931 av BRBE 1R SHOP COMFOReT avd PRIVACY 0F INýDIVIDUAL BARBER BOOTHS OPENING SPECIALS 1JAIR CUT, WASH > ONLY - $4,00 TOUPEES dirýect from theg." humnan hair. Regular.$200.ONLY $99.00 Alrady wveari ng a toupee? Visit us for a roll of 3Y' tape OPENING SPECIAL - $1.05 Your Bairber Shop Tea ... ANGELO and Two Italian flair Stylists- SHAG HAIER CUT FOR VOUNGEýR-s BEAUTY SALON NEWV PERSONAL LOOIK,.. OUR STYLISTS WILL DESIGN SOMETHING ONLY FOR YOU OPENING S'PECIALS PERMANENTS Regular $8.50 - ONLY $6,50, Regular $15,50 ONY$05 flAIR COLORING ONLY $6.50 with FREE flAIR CONDITIONER Your Beauty Salon Tcam MARY SHIRLEY GAIL' and, MATTEO anshawa. Amovrgh bus Osant n Aas rhoause A C K guest on Suntiay with Miss Lynette Holroyti was Miss LC! T Rebacca Beaudny of .New- icr ypty I x Jh osno otPry castle. Miss Lynette, Holroyti nee ým)iJ,, oh o--l 1 otPiv Mr. Jim Hopson anti bis Sun- ended teAiMrs, Russe]il Mounti'_ Mis. Reg B3ou4cp*ntiay fPart ise Tria frorn this anea wera jay on the very sident pass- Penry anti Mn,, Coun tnay Gý7ra- among the entartaluers who ing of Mn. Mountjoy on Fnl- ham wara Sunday]" supper appeareti on thÏe Bowmanvillc day, Mn. Mountjoy, ona of guests of Mn. andti Mns. Genalti Country anti Western Jam- Blackstock's higbly esteemati ll ndfmiý boree ou Suuday which was "Senior Citizans" passeti away Klyat aîy telavisati on Channel 8 Cahie aftar shovelling soma snow Wiuners at the Senifor Citi- TV. Miss Rahecca Beautinyý following the Storm. Funeral zens'. Card Party on, Tuasday also matielber first appear-1Se-rvices were helti fram Port avcnlng wîth 17 tbe ee ance on the show. , 1 Penny on Manday afternooni. Ladies high, Lamna Richar,-, Mr. anti Mns. J. R. Mcalif Mn anti Mrs. Bert Allen, second Mrs. E. Vanrce; mnen's anti Mr. Ross Mctcalf wvic Willowc7ale, anti Miss ýAnie ýhigh, Emmerson Vaqnce, sac- racenit suippne st îhMn oft of Hol1anti, Manitoba anti Eanl Prcscott. Ncxt Sn. ani Mîýrs. W7illiam Jawll, wre Suuiday gucests of lVrs, CitizanS' Card Pairty will lha Tyrone. Mn. Ross Maelaif at *V Ballay anti memnbars of the Fehruany l5th.' tantietia -muisie consultanits' ýBailay family. Sympathy ,ýis extedti ta confenence hlile st -week in1 Bill Thompson is home fnom Mn. ançi Mns. Wilhaprt Ar-cherý Kingston.I New Brunswick whcne ha js con the passing of MnIs. Are1- Most of aur anea, as wall finisheti with bis schoal-pic- a's hrothen-in-la1w -Mn. F.rark as all of Ontario anti juta the tura assignment for a time. Coak of Beaverton, lu his 9q5th Maritimes, was bit with oua Mrs'. Gladys Suggitt is con- ycan. of the wors4 blizzards, so ne- valescing at the home of bier Mns. McQuade anti Mrs. parts Say, lu tha last five son, Mn. anti Mrs, Merlin Ruth Wilson accampaniati by yaars, I knaw the suaw-shav-, Suggitt, followlng "a hospital Mn. anti Mrs, Allan Wilson Of alless banc inHampton sure stay. Nestieton ta Seanborough ta got tliein shane of exercise in Mn,. anti Mns. Harny Van visit Mn. anti Mns, Lloyd Wil- thea past waek, Camp wcne Suntiay evening sn anti babhy Valanie on Sun- Sa, until next wcek, ne- dne usso n niMsa.Ms isnat aci mamber - If cedit cards war na _____orad __rs dý v ilo adVae callent oy thcm îgut namne, tiehit cantis, how many people do you supposa wauld use them. Bye now, 263-2985. YELVIERTON We coulti caption aur wcek- ly news budget this waek with "Lunatics on the Loose" in Yclventou area anti pnetty wcll bit the nail on the beati. Once more a group of idiots who tiamonstrate thay bavcn't got the brains tbay Nwec hon with, tare off, haut, twisteti an broke on carnieti away mnost of the mailboxas along aur 'roati anti the, Gray Lina on a Sunday cvauing suowmohilc jaunt. It is difficult ta undanstanti the warkings of sueh puerile mintis as ta what kicks tbay get fram destnoying such in- animata abjects. Am -sure that mare kicks are lu ortier if mrate box boîtiers aven get their bantis on tham. Fun is fun but not ta aa Scotsman wheu it involves cash -out of the pocket - aspecially in the range of $25,00 fan aur uew mail box with necessary accassanies toi make it functional, Hope pan- ants will cbeck up on thair chiltinen hafore the police finti it nacessany ta do so fan them! Mn. anti Mrs, Marvin Me- Cullough (Mns. McCullaugh. w-as the farmen Kay Steer) of South Saskatoon, Sask,, wcra Suuiday gucsts of Mn. anti Mns. Hayý 'McCullaugh, Mn. anti Mrs. Geondia Kerr andi Mn, anti Mrs. Floyd Stinson, On Thurstiay afternoon tic- spita veny inclement weatber,' the Velverton T.C.W. mat at the home of the Presitient, Mns. Balfour Moore. Mrs. Floydi Stinson xvas in change of the Devotional. Mrs. Moore cheireti the meeting anti Mrs. Lawrence Staples, reatithe miutes in, ber capacity as Sccreta.ry. Business incluti- eçi among the usual routine, tha planning of a wadding ne- ception dinner in the future. Follawing a piognam couvan- cd by Mis, Hanvey Maleolm a daliciaus lunch was evt hy Mns. Moore anti Mrs. Staples. With the prese-nt confli,t1in Newry, Irelanti, we in Yalvcr- [ton are pleaseti that aur fore- fathers saw fit ta change "the nama of aur hamlet ta Yal- venton tram the raviaus Nawry. A neek is somethîng if yau don't stick it out, you won't get lu trouble up te. Area Secret aries To AMeeti 1The next mointbly mreetingf lf the Oshawa Secratanial ti Association will be helt in pý the Fleetwood Raom of the ai Genosha Hotel on' Tuestiay, E February 15, 1972 at 6 p.m. 1 H The Oshawa Secretarial As- di sociation is dadficatedti t the' growth anti davelopmeut of y secretanial proficieucy in tche' Oshawa area anti has, at, tis p time, some 40 membersý. It isy anticipateti that memn-bership tc will exceei5o by thie time oi of theý Manch meeting. Si Guest speaker for the Feb- ruary meeting will be Miss e Christina Severen,, Branch o1 Manager, Business Girls Place- ment Services of Bay Street, g1 Toronto. o Miss Severen is vary inter- se esteti in womeu's carear op- L potunities anti feels there isý a tistressiug lack, of interest W,, on the part of young people ai ,with respect ta their career l aspirations. 1'w She says that the position Pl of secretary opens the door ta ta many very cxciting carce a positions for girls -if they put their wholc heart juta the job, b, In Toronto ant in lual major st Canadian- cities, the belp wautcd sections of the- press are always filledti wît pan - iuge for gQoot scrtaie. giJrl witb proficietnt, short - hlanti-typewnîtîuig skills anti a welli-roorredt, plcasî;n,cn fident mannan couti pik ant choose from many Jobs al aven Canada. 1Miss Saveren was harn ant iC educa1eti in Swcden. She is hý a high scbool graduata ant iF has taken Universîty Cours- Ti as in languages, anti litera- turc. She workcti for five Ci year js as an Executliv-,e B- H linguapl Secretairy for a ï large Ei industrial firm. She( workat T( SA VINGS I o ATTW F RE DEIR1.C K'S-5 T PHARM ACY V7 KING S.EASýT F SEE PAGE 9 kic Oshawa focour engineering aau titr, idall thein ons outence, techuicalreot and quotations l Scdn h Englisb, Genmeuaii-.ntiFreurch. [an wark alsa incuodatiP a great ceal of tanlaio s as ell. She came ta Caniada iF ,gbt ears aga anti was h, ireti 1as Personel Consultant by Dreake Personnel in Vencoujven. Two cears ago she came ta Toron- ýc ta taka aven management. )f Business Girls Placement Miss Severn will. tiiscuss: "What the Exacutive Damants Df His Secnatany". Alsa on this meeting's pro- gram will ha a tiemonstration )f office cquipmant anti office mnrvces by Gastetuien Canada Limîteti. Ail secrataries lu the Osha- wa arca ara urgadti t attend and shoulti dial 728-0052 soi 1at catarng arrangements with the hotel eau ha nom- letati anti for camplata de- :ais ou the Oshawa Sacra- ,rial Association. Sevýera1 naw members will eprasanteti wîth 1mamben- upii centificates. Guest Spea,é-_keri Canadian Club John M. C. Clanks5ouM.C, vill ha the speaiker àet ha anadian Club of Wasýt Dur- iam meeting on Tbunti,.7ay, aebruary 17 et 8:1.5 p.mir. in niiyUnitatiChueh all. Mn. Clarkson waýs haru 0f en.radian panafý ntsluEnîgýlni1. [a es educaýptetli a Saw, ?uglenti, anti Tniity Clae orontlo. Duriug WnltiW E ha(- sarva i in Sicîly anid aly anti was awrtadte [îilitary Cross. ilu 145hac vas parsonel Laso 0ffîcen, Fielti Manshel Montgfom v.Mn. Clenkson coniaie is mulitany ccanel afterth 'an in a sanies of ,senior s-taff îpoinitmeuts et NATanti rha Canadien Heiquanter's, ýoes anidthacobrCris- ", The finialmetn fo tap ses wil L tka pac rldaî. Aprîl 14,192we hmlC. Pullan (atî C N etinti)will scealn ii tha tapie "Ancti Canada -, ýur Liast Frontier - Orle is t7." lu Sirncoe St. wasdiscusseti ettv odaKt se The orlt Dayof re 1i fo ew o ý:r usetitoys and pus-.- ta beheld ,in Blckstck UI.nit- ziS for thýe nursery at the K ici ChIurcb on11 March 3dat churc-h hati juàt retufnrned h-nie fo mssostdfoi-rmprt of197C. A nuc e thhspita;l on S>watda. sin as îsuse i On1 Sundiay, Colin Asitn ainla.rmriand rs. H-ýi --li U: i Sbtne entertained 13 acho ichums tfiitllheNriu oe to) a snowlmobîle pry Ohrt ii oth, Thakwae- Shik Ple viosat the Asseistîýi11ne ome tedtito Erma who bsbe on Sunday to enjoy a day ofou leader for the past tw suowmobiling as weIllas výj.iit - ear. Audrcy wrig4tI,,s ta c ing were 'Mr. andVti Ms. Mocrt eue ede.Te il hmnhod mirtirdm -e s Lomax, Whit"by, ;anti1 1M-. StuIy1 thI m odce yA renawned reac instt± hm George Pidduck ai nc. Ro;,n Maro asn almA d-frda nqehaIxga tanee of Comurtice. liiusdssr funh was - with theP ability te abnnk hemor- ,Afternoan Unit off the U..W.vedact'ciginig f tiue rhospanle-sely.Ielee thu lOn February lat teif- eLme tn hihwi Atcddm scmfr x iue faon unit io( the UC,,W. mtby1_mmesaeeauphamgoUtei"md at the hiome- of the new mem- CandaeUfnit of U,.. %V ase ber, Dora Martyn. Erma The Candace Unit oq helrcs atrcase, wbile gemi* Strong o-)jened the meeting U1.C.W. met at the homne o( eeigpiacu. enb and welcomed ahl present ired Jon Paisley on Tuiesdaye-(arnag)tokpa0 thanketi Dora for her hospri- ein Februry ýýlst, wth17' Mo!timpoîrtntcf i-rid tality. She gave a reatiing, mebrsone visitor a1r nd four weeohrugtatqamr~ "The Heavens Declare the eldrnpresent. Am DI mnwaminaneoerapr Glory of God" Elizabeth led ufs in worship. tit M-of many monthe., Skelding con ducted the wor- Lauighium was in careof Ithe Tiswasa accm mïhbdwtS- - ship, readîjng from Mark 1 program which cnsîsti of nah-aafaag abtne~i-y anti John 9, on, the story of questions antidiscussion prluhi lritily heIps healirî A l'arable of the Healing of jcd. Cao dace Unit. ýis 1rpo- o ce1 i-ad stimulate- grow,çth Co w teTwo Blint Men, Hymn sible for worshîp anidpro-n "AlPraise to Our Redeeming gram at the Ma r f>h Ganaral NýwBso usyneioerad in cit. Lýord" was sung. Minutes, of- Meeting. Supp)fly and Welfre ent aLci seppoai-tory form calhd finig, roll eaual .ntitwo cards cneo lcnMtagu rprto Aikfaritatalidrar 6f thankç were read. Trin orpre ackag e be eut storea.sfatin r yourSmon"y Confernce onFebrua'ry 20th to Angri,,Arc .er-ofxdc L T D ý. SAL ENDSE SBR !ARDAY9,p STiLL TIME TO ORDER meTO ExtrciP nsFe -ALSO - OUR REGULAR STOCK 0F MEN'S andBOS -1 TOPCOATS - SPORT COATS WINTER JACK ETS, Ail Styles SPORT SIlTS -S 'tEATERS STILI MANY BARGA INS RUADY FOR YOU TO PICK UP 1 'Il King Sf. Easf Bowmanvillê i I MADE 1SUITS 1 Il lýîr)g ýit. Easi c AIR, ix sri" c

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