EDITRIALCOMMENT #TheFive -Week Princ During latcêk% s meetingof the r Board of Educaýt'ion wvith Cartwrigbt resiîden'ts it wias itniated ltbat the b igh ~ colin FBlackstock may bc closed iii tbe ne-xt fcw years. One reason gîvénc for tiL.- unpopular stèp (unpopuiýar as fu fa-a most CartwiïgbtLpcople art, con- tcerned) was tbat theý prini-cipal, Gordoni ~ Paisey,-lckt crtificalimi. Nwaitbhough-f Mr. Paisley basý 22 yer-ars cexleriece Pas a teacher --17 of)' them A5 prinicipa-3l of the scbool - be apprenlymuist be certified to remain- ïn inis post. Tbat invoIves biavin-g to take a five wekcourse at a-ny one of tbree Ontarin Suniivers-:,ities thlis summer. Notwitbi- $ tanlding the Ottario Commission on SPost Seconidary Education report wbÂ7ich ýl uggcsts- tbat; "promotion on the bas is ef academnir qualification sbould bc for- Sbiâden", tbe Department of Eduicationi ,, i blitbheiy goinïg about itls business of t enforcing, qualificaýtions on i ts own emp floyees. The value of a five we.k course dlesignied to prepare a persanl for aý prin- Scipalsbîp is speclous at best. How pos- sily coula it e mremeaninful thaD 17 years of practical. expenience on tbe Tbe r real dagrhowever, is -not Sth e course. t is the way the Depart- mient of Eduication is bandling tbe mat- 1en. Havfing maâdecertification manda- tory, the Departiment is now f aced with 'pal - Making Cotirse thleprbe of aragn or ail prInci- pals and wud-eprincîpals tOoïl-nr oli. There are a numbèr of people filling that categoryv and regrettably -,'thre aýre n'ot enougblê scats to sat-isfyv thedeïnd So the Departmnent asaFPn intr-- v7iewing comrmittee wbicbhibs gone around iic province selecting cni dat es for the cus.Unfortunately M'Nr, pais.1l was not amiong tbe chosen fïew. And co nsequtly btv is lob is injeary How tbe interviewers made thieir decisions is a secret k-nown only to them. No reason was given for rfsi No reasniapparenitiy b, ad to b'e given, And thepre is no appeal eitler, W'e \onder wbfat trie'basis for their decision respecting Mr. PiiycouIdï be. Surel.y it ish't bisIteaching aiiy Fis students - a teacber'r, stronges-t critic's -- witl support bim on that, Sur'ely it isn't his ability as principal of Cartwri'gbt. H-is staff will back bim on that, S11rely it isn't because of is ra; 'p- Port with tbe communfity. The entire township appears bo be soIdly I,1bebind. him. Franýk Tborn, as dinector )of1thec counities boaord of educationt, sbould makep it bis business to finid Out, and to exert bhisaubrt in ar ranging for IMr. Paisleyv ta conitinuei at the scbool wi!th- out fear of bÏeing ousted for- failuire toi have a cardboard dipioma; attesting to the completion of a fivre eek princ,ýipil. niaking course., o (lIN Sweethearts Are Precious People Wbîlr, there arýe many special daysý throlighout tbea, set aside to bonor Motbers, Fathers, Armistice, Ciistmas, Easter, New -Yer's and rest, the onec comning up on MAonday, Feb. lAtb is as imrportLant as any anfd -sbould realiy be makdby a holiday.. it's a wonder soebody basn't thougbt of tbat so Febuay ouid have a hioliday in it. We refer, of couýrse, ta Valentine's Day wbien men and women, boys and gýirlscn pay bornage to those tbey love. lt's a great day wben we buy gushyv cards, wrivte musby poemrs and sametmesrltters t1o et others who have mmt sa-) mucb to )us knw ow ,we feel about t, hem. G (ifta of vanlous types reawysin vguetoo ;anrd wil be welcomed as expressions of deep downý, beartfelt feelings I1ta bud' be bide indrrougb xtnorbut expressed often and sincerely,. Tbrere are, certain[ly, somnecrd that poke fun and ridicule and tbey aýIso bave a -place on Valentine's Da., Often teachers corne in for some jokes from studeýnts ,at, this tim-e (of ear, jokes tbat May nlot be complîmentary, -but let the recipien,.t know th(fat someone is tbinik- ing about tbem. So, taRke a littie, timne and try ta, dream u.p a message or gift for that special someone ini your 11f e to let tbeàm know bow muiiLcb theyv are appreciatý1ed by you. Ttwon't burt a bit aMd couLld do botb of' you aigreat deaýi of good It's 'Valentine's Day, make the mrosit of it! Tradition is Slow to Change A ccr gya in tlhe United Staýtes asca)me under cnieal criticism after the publication of a picture wbicb 1bwe-im dancing in the aisie of his chttrch with onep of bis younger parisbi- ioicmr, We are too far fromr the srcene ta vouche for the truth of -the explanation that the -danrce was a part of the service of worship and was not initended 'in any way as a '1acrilegious aCt. Whietbrtbe clergymnan in question wa uta jolly old swinger or a sincere mien of God is beside the point. The tbougbt ,wbich came ta fomind was tile tenacity wit hic ua beings stick ta thbe old Pand iaccepted itraditions. 0f course th[at is the point tbat many of oujr bearýded anid beaded younger set have; beeni trying to make for the past ten yas It is ma aepted custom in ourý Christian chu rcbea ,to sinin rais(o the Creator. We forget that dlancing is; also a form of bu.man expre-ssion. In many parts of the world dancing i-, far more widely accepted tbamýniinýg as a means of wrsbîlIp. Noir bave Our prýesen1t formls of music alwas beenl acceptable witbin tbe walls of our, churches. lIndeed, in some bonuses of wýorsbip, pnoba.bly rî,gbt in tbis commuiniity, there -was a tTrmen- dous sbock wv bnthe firat organs were suggested to replace a ch-oir lead.- er wbose onily instrument was a tuning fork wJ1ibwb-icb to stnike tbe pitch. Pebaain somne far-off day,-main- kind will finally aqdmr.It that ow. ,, were and wbe-n a mani worsbips bis Maker is bis own usiess The Heart Fund: A Unique Health Cause Itisý: importanit for, everyone to rea IiZe tIhat tb1 e Hea itiFund, conducted hecre anjd tbrougbout Canada duing Februiary ,is sornetbing more than '<Just ano)teblealtb drive". Tbe Hecart Fund is uniiquely impor- tant. Ess 1entially, il is a combined appeal1 sutppo(rting t he nrationwide figbt againat a g1reat cmpe of diseases and dis- ordes - earit attack, stroke, bigb laadprssreaPdhardening of the artenies, rbeumarntic fever and -inborn heart dlefecî,, tao mention only a few, Diese f t1ih bear and circulation, wbcbyour IHeart Funiid dollars belp ta figb, are responsible for more than 77,000 dJeatbs in Canada eacb year. Tbat is miore than tbfe combined total, rasuit- in, fromn all othier diseases and causes afr deatb. In fact thesa cardiovascular dîseases; account for over 51.4 percent of aR1e1ha The bieant pnoblem is no distant absraction. Altbouigh national inter- nainlin scope, il exists as a painful and costî.y ireaiity ribt ere in tbis town. if you bve doubts, examnine the obituanies wbich app)ear ijnoun daly niewspapers,. You wihi find that ourw local mortatity axperience closely parallels, natinalfigures: tbat,1onthe average, about baif our deathnoiewilm - tion "heart tac»"trk"or "beart disease". Ail tor)o ofian th1se tenisAre appled a failybreawinersin the prime of life --- men in tbe 30- ta 50 year age bracket. Thone isnniyone practicalway tW figbit beari disease, namely by support- ing your HennI Foundation'a balanced programs, of rasearcb, education and in- formation. You can do Ibis by contri- buting Hieant Fund dollars. Truly, the Heart Fuind dasarves a place at the vary top of your "ging for healtb" LI Our objectLive Ibisyear is $1,150M00.Sand your contributionti o the Caniadian HlennI Fund, 247 Dav\enp)ort Rond, Toronto 180, Ontario, or youir]local Chapter. Durham County's Great Famlly Journal Establishlid 118 years ago in 1854 JOHN M.JAMESl. EDTOR-PURLXsaEl Aiso Incorporatiing The Bowmanvîlle NewsAF The Newcastle Independii.i The Orona News Second cnasz mail rgsialnumber 1561 Produced every Wevdnes,,dny by THE JAMESPUBLESHING COMPANY LITEDTj, 62-66 King St. W., Bowmiaxville-, Oniacric GEO. P. MORRIS PATRICK ýGOULD Busss~ss MGm SAESMANAGER Phone 623-3303 DONADBs HOP0 'Coprrgzht ïnci/ar proporty rîqltts .ulizI tnta i. 'ageappearinq on th is pxoot. Pemiuaian ta repIOduIcerin whale or in Part and in ainy faim atev, particularly by photographia7 or cffset pxaces fa a publication, munt be otairedi from the publisher and the printer. Any uataie rerdcinwitl b. subject ta recours. uin aw." $700a ecr Smonths $4.00 $900,a Year in the United Statesý --u qhevr pecautf!i ijlbe taken ta avoid errai The Cradaa SIrtteman acceitOdvrt mg a iscouiosanti. adîaaain la it fwitt not b. hiable foray erraxin a ay detamn auLblunIi rreeudrule~apcof af such advertisment ir requested ita wrîtraq by tii. adverti,sec i md rred tn Tii. ndin taitesmo!n business oaire c6141tY s gaed by the ad"vrrt'sr n(3 wrI sc errra aretasplil etdi ataqtee nad ia that cae. if miv errai - rot-!leon caremedbyTiihS cnaSets trnrs liabiîltv sh«ah not eirceed suti a portion ai Ii. tIre o aici odvetrsem aas ii, spor e ccupied by tho atd errar bear t, tii. rheL"!p5 eacup >y sa detaget MacDuff Report The Prolitica/ Se>huffle ftu ni of xitemenrýtov'er, the cabinet shuiffle baýs pass- ed, obs'erer lan ttw re looking at PimTe Mna Pif>eaTnudireau lthn rsetfr bis polit icaRI deaul'sf iraýt maRjo r cab inetci moin nen frni o jo tijb lnot on of is son points. PBut ,,i n thi pý r- eeetion shouffJë leh soe h al n make tha e esay shifts when ha is under pressur e. The Prime Minister badô tbreermajor pnoblems w'blcb he had to solve in the shuf- fWa Ha appears to have done so. Finst of ail before entering an lection ha had to &tengtian Vite economic ministnies,, pa)rticulanly fin- anme, manpowerp and energy, mines and naesources. Fin- ance Minister Edgar Ban- son and Manpower Minister Otto Lang could flot con- vince Canadians that thay were eomipetent to handie the Severe unemploymant problemn. And Energy Minis- ter J. J. Greene was In such 111 bealtit that there was no way ha oould continue In bis job, which was growing more important as the wonld's demand for nesoune- cs finreased. Thar second problem was the unhappiness la the busi- ness community over legis- latlon pnoposed bv Consum- er and Corporate Affains Minister Ron Basf ord, and by Labor Miniisten Bryce Mackasey.LMnr. Basford's Comptiionr Act and Mn. Maks7 ' suiggestion that unions ba a11owed ta strike if heycold not acp technobogcal hages mro duiýced by- a fîrrm, 1baýd cauHsad ouitrage la muC ftebulsi- ne ?s commu11nity. Neit hen place of legislation would be effective if buiniess woul1d not accept IL., And the Liberal Party needs the suippoýrt of, and monay from busines ýif il is golng to win the next aelection. Mn. Trudeau's tbird -prob- lem was the 'risîn-g supprott wlthîn the Liberal Party, for Justice Minister Johni Turner, Mn. Turner wa&s more and more coming to be considered the obvious succassor to Mn. Trudeau. As Justice Ministen, Mn. Turner had beenefeciv and had avoidesd senlrous political trouble. Ha hadi bis departmnentL runing smootbly, and lha, had the time to travel acro.sa the country promoting bis caru- eer. By switcbîng Mnr. Tuirne(r bo the finance portfolio, Mn. Trudeau couldn't ](ose. If Mn. Turner doas a gýood1 job and the economy imiproves, the Prime Minister will get the credit for putting Mnr. Turner in the finance job. If Mn, Turner la not suc- cassful as Finance Minîster, ha will be lesa of a tbreat to replace 'Mn. Trudeau- if the party decides It wants a new leader. The move of Donald Mac- Donald to Enengy, Mines and Resouncas, accomPlish-d two thIngs, la addlition to opening up the defencepot folio wbich Mn. Bensn wanted. Mn. MacDonnald la a strong looking ministen wýho aIt, oast will give the appeara.nce 'of protacting Ca nad a's intereats as fan asthe-sale Of en rne- sýouýrces la conceaned. Mn. M,ýacDoniald also is aý pos- sible ival to;Mn. Turner for the Liberal Party lead- eraship la any future, con- test. By gtnengtbening Mn. MacDlonald, the Prime Min- isten bas ansurad that Mn. Turner can not be consid- e-red the onily possible al- ternative tb bimrself. Shift- ing Bryce Mackasey fromn the labon portfolio to the manpower and immigration Job also accomplisbed two things. Like Mn. Turner, Mn. Mackasey ia an effec- tive communicaton. Ha wilh be able to belp Mn. Tuirne-r explain Mwhy unamploym-enît Is bIgh. And thsift got Mn'i. Mackaaey7 ouI of the labor depar'tmain, laving it open to be filled by an tin O'Connall, a ýomnpara- tivenewcomer wbo lbas,;a business background, and wbo might ba able to eome Uip with changes la the labor law acceptable to business. The switching of prxîrfolios between Urban Affaira Ministen Robent An- dras and Mn. Basford sb.ould pacify1 business to a great extent. Mn., Andras bas a business background, and Ia noted for bis concilia tory manner of operatIng as com- pared to Mn. Basf ord's abrasivenesa. Ovarail, It ap- pears that la bis movas, Mn. Trudeau bas puitthé- players on the cabinet teaam mbt position where tbey will have a baller chance of helping il wîn. Appeal to BHS Ex - Students To Send Data for Hist ory Marian A. Jeflery, 110 Wellington Street, Bowmanvllle, Ontario Fabnuery 7, 1972 Dean John (and ter ex-studants of B.H.S.): The committea cbarged witit eompiling a bistony of B.H.S. would lika ta report temr prograsa through your columans. Contrary tb expectations, lte eaalien itistony bas prov- ed easier bo colleet becausa 0f pressa clippinga, willing- nass-,of ex-atudants fnom the 1910's and 20's to coma for- wend witit material and picturasz, and lte bard work 0fMr. . unneyý, Mra, F. Jamiaso, Mrs. . Allia and For fthe 1920'a wa have, loo), lite excellent matenial in lite final Seeac Owls. As a sempla of malanial supplied by mail I quoteaa bit fromn a latter of James Hancock (1925-28) now liv- ing la Elmivale. "There was lte day lte glass ofni taestuffed pea- cock's case was broken, Il was aI noon boun. Thte tee- chers and studenta who livad ia bown itad ail gone home for lunch. Afler lte country studanets hed finish- ed eating lnh a faw boys wera slhooting e hockey puck beck and forth in lte lowen bellI. iia a utIle akir- misb for ita pucik at oria andt, 'Purp' Cowling swung bis, slick aro n and puit il igitt titrouigitlite big glass in front oflta pacoc.. 'Purp.' îImmedlatelyIavIft fan uplown b ordir a newSait e of glas. Eenyne ise ni- pda fealitar ffbep- rokfor asovni. A letletrfrom A. I F. Stzr(1q22-26) isledlte teRciters of lte pnirrod aznd uontinued: "...al wera eicatd ta halpîng te studeit and ail put in, considerable ax Iramural lime, ta instruet in athietica, cadets, etc. Also lbey 'were always avallabla to help a student aflar hours witb any work pnob- lams." He continues witb, an ac- count of bis if e since grad- uation. He and bis wife, the foýrmer Cathterine P i n c b, hanva livad ln Longlac, Ont. for- .141/years wbene hlai now Assistant Woâds Man- ager and due to retire this Juine. Ha was ls first Rieeve of ltto nwblcb iha balpad to organiize la 1952. Ha plana b write a ist.ony of Longla r. Ha, finishes hbiý long lat-, ter by praising lte young ladies of lte 20's, ,;aying "Bowmanville seemad as- pacially blasaed witb ve-ry attractive and, tal1eniite d girls." From aýnother latter, un- fortunately un.Lsignad, came- excellenit raminiscences of lte 1950's. I quota one para- grepb: "Who ecýna ogILte ;day Mn. Slaeecy anrnounced Ibat ha was going 10 leacithlit girls in titird formi how 10 shoot. Paon ma,1Ibat ha took out an In inse a is life inaunance policy! The girls enjoyed il, elthouigh thare werery fw wbu hil lte tngt.moat girls bit lte uwalls. 14i mue ta Ibis day, titat if you goun to lte allie, ,)you wiHill fI find ltae bullat marks,,n ita oiali, Inicidentllv Mn, Slfaýc r. (Who h also a memïlber of theP Committea) bas nol for- gatlen titis apisode - 'but ha says some of ltae girls ware very good sboIs! So titane is a testa of wiUt we are gettinig, oav the ex-students of the 3O's and 40's seam slow tk)com- municata with us, and thare ara no Scraach Owla fÉrm 1934-49. This means Ihere la no easy source from witich to get answers la questions titat keap arising. We alsa bave litIle from the 1960's, Thougit Serech Owls are available for ltese yearsý tbay nun more and rmore la piclures and leas and leas ta taext and so lack baoi matenial. And yet Iba 60 "s waea tima of change more titan any pnacediag dacade-, So I appeal té ail you eax- students télitink vour way back into B.H.S., looking for avents of intereast to you and others, Time la fast running out as the writing must be completad Ibis montb. Your lattera! or ltae forma you reeived (I hope) from youn eilîdrea ia Higit Seitool now may go ta lte Higit Sebool if Ibis is easiest. Or those about lter 1930s and 60's to me, for lite 1940's to Mrs. Jark Welsit, 4 Barbera St..for lita 1950's la Mrs. Bob Mr jernison, 125 Liberty N. Mucit interest bas been shown lantte faclttal we ara atlampting a B.H.S. bis- tory - but I ill1ha eonly as gaaod as you itelp bo maka it. Do't forget tb orden yoîlir eooy and aboyealal, sit niitdown now and write! -inarly, Manîsa Jatfery, Chaîrman, Sc-hool, Yes But Site, No I the Dim'l and Distant Past F'rom the Statesman Files 25 VEAllRS AGO (February 13, 1947) On, Ftbnuany i lth, littie MiAe Lynda Diane Rundle, daughtér of Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Rundlie, entertained a number cif hen friends and relatives at an aftannoon tea on the occasion of ber founth birthiday. With noads blocked with snow, the dlairy farmcns of the district have b ee n thnoôwn for another los in iilk prodcictîin by either bieing uinable to deliver to abs,,ent truckers or hitch up t eams to haul cans for- miles. Mn. Walter DeGeer, Man- ager of Shappard & Gill Lumber Co., la in Ottawa attending the Lumber Deal- ens' Association convention. Miss Jean Pattinson, R.N., -who has resigned fnom the Kîirkland L a ke HospitaI staff, haisben visiting ber p;-arents, Mn. and MN'rs, Frecd Mn. Heertr Cole, Unii- versity 0f Toronto, spenit the weekenid wiais par- ents, Local ki i h usiasts sboIwd rmal spirit on Sun- daýy when they brýaved the winiter elements to pantake of their favorite sport. Many,- made use of the truck goingz to Donlanid's but only reached the hiliside village of Enniskillen and were forced to ski the remaining four miles to the famous bill on Frank Doland's farm. To netura home fnom the banana belt of old Mexico and find snowbanks haîf the height, of telephone poles was the expenience of 49 YEARS AGO (February 15, !1923) Thae,-wisa ar F ttnd ance at S.Johin's Paiis Hall, Wednes;day eenngte welcome Rev' ;an d M Po8tlethwaite to thi par- ish. Mn. C. T. Ross wbo basýi been la change of th(,Rya Theatre here for the paist two years necently tooL- cover the complee man- agement 0f this populair amusement bouse. Wordwa also given out thiJ< wea that he has scueda ileasa on the Wbitby the tre t take effact the laitter, part of this month. An interesting faueof. the annual meeting- of Vic- toria CountyLoa Orange Lodge held iLindaay lasIat week was the presentation of a gold-headed c-ane, suit- ably engraved, ito'W, tno, F. H. Bounsaîl of Bowmian- ville., MnrGen Martyn, who has been ai memben of the staff of the local branch of the Standcard Bank for tha. past if%,e'- montha, returnedc to býis home in Bowmanilleit on Friday iast, having sv ered T hs connection withi that institution. Alliýtboug Mn. Martyn's sojourn b ere bas been bniaf, be Ibas ha- comne quite popular iand h-is depi-artune will be regineitted by biis numerous friandsý and acquaintances. - Coîborne ]Eterprise. Mrs. H. M. Foster sang at both services la the Mathod- ist Church, Port Hope, on Sunday. Mrs. E. S. SenkIer wap guast of. Mn. and Mns. R, S. McLaughlin on Frniday, at- tending the silver wedr'ding celebration. Mrs. (Rev.)_ S,.C.. Moore A popoaito uil asenorMr. and Mrs. Fergus Mor- and daughter Marjorie, were A ;)opoal o bilda s nio rl, who despite the sniow, recent guests of Mrs.J.A nlementary school near the were glad to be back at Bickcll, Oshawa. Golden Plough Lodge in Co- their dairy and fruit farm Miss Isabel Bennett, To- bourg is causing concern. adjacent to Bowmanville. ronto, spent the weekend Counties Council members Hampton: Mrs. F. Adams with hier mother, Mrs. F. feel that the noise level frOom and granddaughter Evelyn Bennett, Duke Street. the school may create a both- Randie spent the weekend Mr. Harold Thurston, o', er to the elderly in the coufl with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Toronto, spent the wePkend ties-run home-for-the - aged, Peters, Toronto. at home. _____ and have suggested the whole matter ',e reviewed. The motion, presented byL U l Ies C u i Bowmanville Reeve Robent o fl e C-%n i Dykstra asked that the Towni e1qr of Cobourg, the Township of è%r Hamilton, the Department ý1" Social Services and the Unit- u n , i n ed Counties planning consult -Y ants prepare a brief on the% matter for presentation next $3O, 5 5 The County Board of Edu- A totalU of $7080.87 was di- $50, Canadian Na i linsti- cation has applied to council bursed by Counties Council tute for the Blind $1ý250, to buy 16 acres of land just to chaities and county com- Northumberland andr Durhaqni north of the Lodge for $50,000. mitments during the Januany Tuberculosis andResîat The Department of Education session of business. They in- DsaeAscain$5 oa hasappove th prposi t clde:To the Cancer Society charitable donationmsý, $,775. buiild the new senior elemnen- 2, St. John Ambulance tary schiool and ha3 said that $100j, MntlHealth $100, 'S'al- Other cmimns n project has to be completed by vation Army $l,200l, Laýke On- tarlo Rural Mutnicipalities $5 Pecember, 1973. tario Regional Deve-Lopment grants to fairs iiiunie A property locateil to the Council $400, Great Fine Ridge $3,000, Association of Mujnici. north of that applied for has Tourist Council $400, East palities of Ontario $50, Con- 'been suggested as an alterna- Northumberland W.' $50, ties and Regions $3.7 tivýe site. West Northu:mberland W.I. Grand total $'.,060.87, Sugar, Spice By Bi11 Smi ley WINTER FINANLLY GETS TO SMILEY AIl winter V've beaen laughing. Not wiidly or out load, so Ibat sonne people could do wbat tbey've wantad to for years - bave me quietly put away. No, it's just been a steady sleanm of assorted chuekies.. sni-ckens and it- tara, wilb an occasional giggle erupting wban il poured ramn around bera in January. 1 was laugbing, for ther first time in about four -winters, at the snow- mobilens and skiera. Winter after winter I bave sat, glowaning inwardly, as the ano wmobil- ers tniad to outshout eacb othaer in thair boisterous, boyish manner, eacb trying to tell a taller tale than the othar about bow ha jumpadf the craek or went up a 90-degree siopa wilh no bîands, or sonne such rot. Winter aflan xinte, I]'ve tried to keep the sour look off my. face as the ski bounda burbie their in" alk about bow many runs thaymae chortie witb glee avary limefthen-e w, afresb f al of anow, and brag about their brand new Scheissmaken eighty dollar ski boots. For about two monîha'I, the winten of 1971-72 was known as "Sniiley's' Rev- enga". There was a little snow in Dec- embar, but il was ammoat a green Christmas. Thene wasn't a snowbank worthy of skidding mbt on New Year' Eve. And the fine waathar continuad for weeks: lots of ramn, bigh tamperalur- as and virtually no snow,. "LaIL thair snowmobilas ait Ibara and ruaI", 1 wbisperad, baraly able to resýtrain a guffaw. "Let Ihein skis warp anjd their fancy boots remain unscuff- ed". I mutlared, scarce able ta bold back a peal of laugbtar,. It's not thal I bave anything par- sonýal againat these mid-winter bores. Sonnaofmybest fnienida ara sn, iowmobil- a-ra, thougb I wouldn't want my daugh- ter ta mnarry oaa, Anid I knowsonne perfectly ensbl people w h tbinkthre la smethin nffbyenjoyabile in ldngdw b-ihl on a couple of Mnflated barre] staves. The genuine skier tbinks notb- ing of spending tan or fifteendolr on a Sunlday's skîing, aveni if he bas taý cut bis; cburcb givinga to the bone, And it's not jeaiousy or spite. Just because I bave a ropy knee that wou-ld,, put me on crutches for two montha -if 1 had a f ail is no reason to envy thosec who swoop down the bill like a bird. Same witb snowmiob-,ilin-g. Ibae. slight handicap thare, too. I can if lya plane and drive a car, JIfthere are gond mecbanics ýanound. But wbe(n ilcoes to smail motors wbicb stop runng il Ican do is stand there and sLaue, sh.-ift- ing fnom one foot to the othan. .It's ambarrassing, but I'm being' frank.,It's ahl very wall to talk about. carburetors and pistons' and fuel lines if you know wbiat they ara, wbere tbay' are, and wbat tb do if they anen't wonk- in g. I figure I'm lucky if I gel the law- mower started once ouI of three timnes witbout summoning belp. Thus, the only pictune I can conjure wiîb me and a snowmobile ini il is, a nihtar: he pair of us ouIbthi le woods, ten mile from nowbere, with tbe crueos seized up or, burnied out or wbiatever il is theydo No, I don't hale the people or t-he sports. I juat bate SNOW with a deep and bitter loathing which must have some psycbological explanatin. Did I wat my pants, as a amnîL cbild, wbile playing in the snow? Did my parents, sick of mny alernal wailing, throw me into a snowbank and hastily retniava me? I don't know tbe answer. But I do know thal Smîlay's Ravenge bas tura- ed int Smilay's Foliy. As I write, I can't sea the bouse acrosa the street. It'a snowing sagis honizontally, witb a forty-mile wind gusting to sixty or sevenly. The skiera are smirking; the snowiu- mobilars are, laugbing out loud. And I'm crying, deep insida. I knew it was a dreani. But dreani we must. or we are nothîng. Some winter . , . Weil, eye Hfand me that shovel, woman, anid stand back, ut of enrsbot.