Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turn. er of Oshawa were Sunday: ,gues,.ts of her sîster, Miss Elsie Oke-, Temperance Street. -Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Chtaspent thie weekend with Mr. Hall's mot)iher, Mrs., James Hall, Liberty St. North, Mr. and Mrs. AI. Eliott and býoys, Whitby, were Sunday supper guests withb -er par- ents, Mr. and Ms .S. Clarke, Lambs Lane. Messrs. Don on of Arn- prioir and Erinie Brown of Orillia visited their father. Mr, E. H. Brown, and sister, Mjrs. J. W. Braden. We were most happy to see Ur. Gordon Moorcraft stroîl- ing along Kinig Street after his recent soi ouru, in Oshawa General Hospital, Congratulations to B. Diii- ing Who, according to the JanUanry 3Jst got Clan of the Goodyear Tire & Éiubber bopny as ,cretdafter 37 years service with the com- pany. rKeith Ferguson and David. Eniskillen,' were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Abernethy. Mr. and Mrs. Aberneth y were Tuesday dinnier guests of Mr, and Mrs. BewnAdams, Oshawa. Our feathered friends are realiy having a tough time, lately, finding the odd berry or seed on the sn)ow laden bushes. They,'d appreciate a littie hand-out. such as bread crumbs, suet, sunflower seeds, and corn etc. W,\e tundcerst.and long-time xesidenits of Bowmanville, Messrs. Milton Eiliott, Arley Norýthcutt, Rcihard Clark and E. H-. Browni, are patients in Memnorial Hospital. We wîsh thiem good health and a rEt eturn to thecir homes very soon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Balmner of Toronto were Sunlday gu1ests Of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.: Harry Hughles, Liberty St. St. Paul s United Church M1inister: Rev. H. A. Turner, &.A., B.D. ARCTA.C.C.M. 9:45 Sunday Sch(,oo for those 9 years aud over, il a.mi. 'Sun3day School for those 4-8 years old. Il ani. Public Worship Infant care during service REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church seugog Street Rev. A. VandenBerc, B.A, .D., M.Th. Phone 623-7407 VORSIIIP SERVICES Ba-ck to God Hlour Dial 1310 Radio Every Suniday 10:30 a. _____________________* ler Oh bitliday (onlsaturday,' Fcebrutary 5h rDeece was the hnorefgufsoratr ersonat bîrtbday dinner, liosfed bybr Fo m e 9 ) r on l Sonni dueri-a w, M 1r 'P lan s i and Mrs Dudley DT.eeley, ati 23-3303 the Gcorgîan, Motor Hotel, in lparty tliey retuirned f0 MJ'r.,i Norb. r, nd rsw.and Mrs, Dudley Deeley's! home for a social -,ee-nn.oBi Woolley and lVT. and Mvrs. whicb concluded wt the Arnold Lobb, Town, werc also srîgof n lovýebýly t- Sunday guests at flic Hughes caevnd birtlida homne,.cae'and cnofe. nii 1Go-Wit funds availa Witli not as niany people y~ sntdi lcGn-a namount of one.n traveling ot of own, r ack Wîngfoot Clanl" tbaf lars, a new organizi guaets (rou tanceitîngrJakTaylor, manager of Bow- he formed on Febri inst towwr o ldisapeiafei manville Plant, lias issued a at a meeting in Or( if on reatyi o would Peit challenge f0) any Goodyear couîd result in the us gracaly if you wdo giye plant in Canadla in sports comr-,tion and operation us acallif yu doentertaîn petitionsi. Tt is suspected ]lie is citizens' apartments guests, or have been away organizing ant "old time1rs" locations in Durbar visiting or enjoying a wint er hockey, teamn, acordng tflcThe new organizatio holiday. Just dial 623-3303. ",Clan", wbich states his dlefin-iknown as Durbar Many local skaters wiil be ýiüjtîor ofian "old timerl" iSnorCties'L participating n the Figure soonle wlio cdoes not play! Action for tlie for Skating Tests being held licre hockey in a leaigue - !in effect, flic new organizatio next Wednesday, February someonie whl-(fias retircd from funding resuits frein 16f b., at Memorial Arena. No the gamie. lie also tinkg fliýte ing of operation of doubt a large attendance of local planjt lias filic best old bamn Counity Cooperi interested relatives and friends timners- tennlis team-. ical Services whici. wiil lie on hand f0 watcb flic- ont of business wh( compuisory figures, dances, etc.Mr. Ifarry Hughes and! lis came into cxistenci We avelicrd f a les~grandsonl, Master Paul Cornish, tario. one hvefla wfat euptc o, M r. Dennis Huglies and, On Fcbruary 22nd byn l reent pw nerrfiurte. son Scott, Oshawa, Mr. and bamn County CooperE by te rcentpowr falur. Mrs, Doug Huighecs and f beir ical Services will li There was a bingo evening *1n fiv-e chiîdren, Toronto, attend- meeting in flic baý progress at St. Josep's Cliurch e h .. ae'ewe h rnnUie butl flicth gascont i . the Toront o Maple Leafs and whcn if is expccte bthe f gow o candîcigîthe liPhiladeiphia Flyers ini the sof glow o canfllie tToronto last Saturday ce-ening a succcssful conclusion of t f0t sec their son, brother and event. uncle, Brent Hughes, performH o0%r tiC Mrs. Hartlcy 'Lewis, Wel- at thee hue line for flic Flycrs. lington St., returned last week Brent, wlio is a defenseman from a six-weeks' winter vaca- for flic Flycrs, played a steady tien. During lier holiday, Mrs. game and,- no doulit, aided bisE I c s Lewis visited Mexico, and aiso teami greatiy in their wîn, over E l spent several weeks wîth lier Toronto. Mr. W. Kellytborn- of son, daugliter-in law and lier Toronto also attendcd flic On Wednesday ev( granddauglifer, Mr. and Mrs. gamne. l9th, flic Bowman Hartiey Lewis and Jennifer, of ____________ trict Horticultural Vancouver, B.. * . held its annual r A memo f0 ahl boy friends Memoriai iHospital Trihity Sunday Se and liusbands - dont forgef Af 6:30 about 60 mn tremcrber your "best girls" Week Iy Report ' rclinteapt u onSt. VlniesDay, Mon- Pdowmn.af0 pot lu day, February l4tb. We have For flic wcck of Jan. 31- flic supper had lic noficed fliat mercliants are Feli, 6 inclusive: out by Mrs. C. De displayipg vcry attractive Admissions..............----- _90 Mrs. M. Slute. articles for gifts, and you can Births, 4 maie ------- -----4 Tlie business port choose from a widc varîety of Discliarges 1 ..........---.... 100 evening was conduc cards, ciflier comice or senti- Major operations --------- 18 president, Clarence mental ones. Minor operations --------- 2 himnofth a If was a f airly briglit day Emcrgency freafmcnts --- 234 mittees reported on iast Wednesday, Feb. 2nd., and Vstn ius38pm alic ben aceompiislied from flic weather we have hadVitnglor3-pm.aiy past ycar, Mrs. G. since flien, flic groundbog must porting for Prograr have seen lis shadow. Wc arcemTTnýT'Dilllng for Mcmli now, supposcdly, going f0 bave iIlUJil0NE anothpr six weeks of winfcr. Mines and h We probably will, because 1 C.W. Felruary meeting ______ thaf will only bring us f0eflic will lic leld at flic home of is usually with us mucli long- 8 p.m.. Ail ladies welcomc. er than fliat. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bicwetf., ot r Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Bell en- Toronto, werc guesfs of lier u tertained with a dinner party sîster and liusband, Mr. and one Satura evening in honor Mrs. Ear Prescott. wi, 1 ~ ' of Mrs. Bell's sister and bro- Miss Maxine Alldrcad, Tor- Geary of Bobcaygeon, who bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. wcre wcekend guests . The Lloyd Alldread. 1Ioa is dinner party was in celebra- Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Woifc l A tion of Mr. Geary's birfhday. Windsor are spending a few ~ U U Mrs. Geary remained affer flic days with lier sist,,r VMr. andi weêkcnd f0, spend a f cw more Mrs. S. Goble and. children. days wi h lber sister ,pnd bro- Mr. and Mrs. W. Park were It is good ncws fher-in-law. Suniday supper guesfs of Mr. wmor iest. i The annual Membcrship Tea and Mrs. Doug Park, Oshawa' akf of Memorial Hospital Ladies Glad to learn Mrs. Luelha The Toronto Stock Auxiliary. was lield last Frn- Joncs lias relurned home froim reports an increase day affernoon, Fcbmuary 4fli., Port Perry Hlospital. cent in flic last fw( at flic home of Mrs, E. V. H-oair, Mrs. Leverne Taylor, Mrs.1 To Todd Wright, King St. East. Althougli fli Lloyd Skinner and Mrs. 0f fic O hawa officu c-ather was miost inclo-eent, Garry Corn.iii sh att endcd fi Gnythatieas thlere was a gon atcndarwce. funeral (if' Mrs. Enil Stephensz The social affernoon was con-i of Suffon, Tuiesday-, Fel.i. sfvs cludcd by a brief b)usjiness sister-îin-law 'ý of _Mrs. Taylor.! meetinig with President M1rs. Congratuflations to Mrs. E. u S. Rq. James in flic chair. A A,. Dcclcy-, Bowmnanville, oni delicious lunch was scrvcd by celcbraiting' lier 8Ofb birfhday. bIgLLUic 10 flic Auxiliary social commit- Mr. andl Mrs. Don Davcy tee with Mrs. Sam Brooks flic wcrc Sunday supper guests of Whiat does a penr convener. Mr.1 and Mrs. John Webb, Nof mucli flese .Symipatliy is> extcnded to Bowmanviile. rbbysy Mrs. Bernicce VandcnBcrg and Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Hancock, prbaly sayfndng Mr. Jack Todd in flic loss of Orono, werc Sunday gucsts of Wclficfnng their uncle, Mr, Gordon (Swif- lier grandmotlier, Mrs. Edifh l i of Bowmanvill ty) Todd, 46, who passcd awayMupy nings and Gary Di af lis work in Agincourt on Club 49 members met at the surprise you. Tliey Tuesday, Jan. 25th. He was lhlome of Mrs. W. Rahm last flic other day f0 ri wcll ~ ~ ~ ~ ýp knw nfiWxrd e dnesday affernoon Affer area whcrc lie had been an the business pcriod, a socialcmuli cecfowr oufsfanding liockey and soft- mewt ad an luc cent. The' results oi bail player and aiso an excel- Was nF .Oyed. vestigation wcre poE lent coacli in bofli sports. Heic Mr. and Mrs Hank Van flic recent Bowmaîl also leld an Ontario Soutli Dor7P adcud werc Sun- Open House. Soffblal umnpire card, officiat- day dinnier gct of Mr. and Fr11cns ing mosfly in flic Claremont- Mrs. Bert Denouden, Ux- buyo11ntskioa Broughiam arca. bridge. u n klwt SCongratulations and bcsf Mr. and Mýrs. S. Parker, power. Transiaf cd: * ishcs f0 Mrs. N. Dceley, Newicasflc, vîsitcd Mr. and everyonc can und SothayD.,wh clbrteýM/rs. E. A. Virtue. penny's worfh of po Soutbway r., who clebratcd M v -i l e 1Hil andie1quivalent of: TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev,. George K. Ward, B.A,, B.D. Organiist -- Miss Gail Thompson SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1972 iam, MORNING WORSHIP, "WHAT'S IN A NAME?9 Rev. George K. Ward Sunday Sehool Hours Juior, Intermedfiate and Senior Depts. at 9:45 a.m. Begininers, Kindergarten and Prirnary Depts. at Il 2:100 p.m. Membership Clagssfor Young People Ewnjoy a Refreshing Swim for that change of poce MON. - TUES. -THURS,' - FR. - 7 to 9 p.m. 1OOper person at the Mn, Harry Hill ovcd hack f0IIU flicir aparfmenfinii Tyrone. Gla.d to report Mn. Sid' Connisli refurncd hame fromc B3owmranvillc Memorial Hospi- tal on Sunday. Ahl wisl i hm mucli impnovcd liaîlih SOLINA Mrs. Geo. Knox affcnded flic Environam-enfial Studies Course licld at Presqu'île oven flic wcckend. Mn. and Mrs. Larry Broome, Pcfterborough, were Sunday supper guests wifli Mn. andE Mns. Lloyýd Broome and fam- ily. Thie annîîal meeting oif fhe Soinia ilirary was hcld hast Wednesday niglit. The an- nal bus trip willice on Mardi 29tb f0 Shcrway Gardens. ,Anyonc interestcd please con- -acf Jean Keleft. If w-,as de- cidcd f0 have a bazaar in flic faili t c-cmemrafeteicSo- linýa Lbays6Ofli Annîvens- ajýry an fo Il(icp rise funids for flic pno.iecf of ublishîng a bonok on flic bistory of So- Mnr. ;and Mrs, Jackson Wray, Ob wawre Sunday guests ofMn and Mrs. Rocs Cryder- manr and famîly. 1Mn. Bruce Taylor, a delegaf e from flic Province of Ontario, atfcnded tfliiinual meeting of flic Federafion 0of Agricul- ture lield af Edmronfion. Mn. and Mrs. Doug Ficîf and Miss Linda Fief f wcrc Sudyniglifsupp V guests of Mn-. and Mrs. Don Kllhctf, Bowmlanville.- Mn. and Mrs. Ken Knox, Pninceton,.spent flic weckend with Mn. and-Mns. Johin Knox .Miss Christine Hartley, 0f t- f awa, spent a fcw days witli Mn., and Mrs. Frank Wesflake, and family. Michlle Downi, underDinid, speaf last wckwith lien gnândpaWrents, Mnf, andiMcs JohnKo. Mn. aind Mr. Or)tvdie Jack- sýon and Paul, 0Oshawa Mrs. IW. A. Ormîiston, -Brooklin: Mr. ind Mrs. Lonne Tînli wcrc clda inner Fgucisfs witl Mr. and Mrs, Brutceý Tink, Durham Medical CoW-Op o Form New Organizatieon Id Senilor Citiezen Housing, [ble up fo render ifs Chariter and fto ds cbrhpof flic Durhiam illion dol'- tribute ifs assets ioiflic Dur- County Cooperafive Medical zation is f0 ham County Senior Citizens'ý Services. ruary 22nd Lodge.- Robert Moffat, sccrc- Mr. Moffat points ouf thaf rÔno which tary-treasurer of flic Cooper- wifh flic $100,000 from flic Pconstruc- afive, sfated that funds avail- Cooperafive and wifh an cx- i0f senior alile from flic cooperafive wiil isting federal boan grant of in varions lic in flic area of $100,000. 90% of construction cosfs an!-d n Counfy. At 8:30 on flic samieevna provincial oufniglif grant of in i5 f0 b li gte otn .ýi! fîve per cent flic new group n Countyîn lc eting wiort ie fcxm- could consfrucf Senior Cifiz- Ddge. pefc ospotfi om ens' Lodïges lanflic county at fion of tflic Durham County' )rmafion of Senior Citizenis' Lodge whicli' a cost of Up Io onie million in and t ifs dollars. No action bas licen i flic cea s- is ormed f0construct and 1faken as t( size or location fiDu-operate senior citizens lodge- faysd ldc ttî atve MD- in one or more centres la t ,e f me.dgs i t h was put conya a ercurd The Coopenafive Medccical ,n OMSIp The groui will recei -'aServices founld wlicn if, was ce in' On- report from flic company's put ouf of business thiat if president, elect abar fwould lie most difficulf f0 ne- I flic Dur- directors, appo'l int auitors dis'tribuf e fliir surplus of rative Mcd- approve il! acf s and liy-laws $100,000 amongst flic mcm- ild a bnief and f0 Lonifirm flic. annutal licrship due f0, varions lengfhs asement of membersbip fe(,. of Lime of flic members' par- Id Churchi Mcreslip in flchew org- f ,icipat ion and variefy of ed f0, sur- anizafinini-- s pccfy fi o ce il.OooTim-es. ?uIrrturaI Society- 0f fÊI licers îfoQr 19%7 ,2 coing, Ja Whitmce for- Showýýs, C. Dow- Two Ycars, W. Muaindonaldj, iie Dis ny orCivc mpovmet, Mrs. H. Lake, Mrs. C. Dowýncy, al SocictylMrs. C. Dwc for Social,ý E. Snowden and A. Brown; meting in!AMrs. A. Sul for Planit Sales, Auditors, L. Mason anid A. bhool Hall. Mrs. M. Sîte fofr Juiniorýs, and Hooey. ,embers sat M. Slnte for Secretary-Treas- Flo'n lcspeMs uck supper. urcr's report. Floýn h upr js xafions forý Mrs. L. Mason condcted M. Allun led in a sing-song een carnic fli election of officers for flic wifh Mns. A. Cole af flice piano. )wney andcloniing ycar. The officers and Dunîng flic evcniing the mcem- directors of 1972 stand as fol- bers were also entertained fion of flic lows: Past President, Mrs. JG ifiber aytnend ning num- istrs eted by flic Meelis; President, Clarence ' b ersb fi enitmullrrasistcrs. Tink. The Tinli; Vice Presidlent, Arcbic e ecigspormcn arions com- Whitmee; Secretary-Trcasur- cludcd wifliflcthown of a nwhaf liad ens, Mn. and Mns. M. Shuf e; film on Flower Arranging. during flic Directors for One Ycar, Mns. 'The nexf meeting will be Mceks ne- L. C. Maison, Mrs. A. Sul, Mrs. hcld on Wcdnesday,'Februany un, Mrs. B. B. Dilling, E. Bradley and C. l6tli. New memnbers are ah- bership, A. Downcy; New Dinectors for ways wclcome. ýAetals Good Buys rMembers Ad'vised Stock un1aket Active Dr ihtndB for people flic stock rk Exchange Sof 22 per o monflis. tmanager :c of Wood ;re sîgn of- wrà my buy? days, you ýof a cou- le .Ont ario Keif h Jen- ionnc, may y saf dnwn 'cckon liow er a person )r jusf one of flicir in- )stcd duning tville PUC person cao ft/hour of into tcrms lcnrsfand a ower i lei - operatiiig a color'TV for 11/ hours; - supplying hot water for doing the dinner dishes; - making one dress on a1 sewing machin e; - havi ng five hours of1 warmth under an electric blanket; - providing 50 cups of coffce; - boiling 30 eggs; - ironing 20 shirts; - keeping a 100 watt bulb burning for ciglit hours; - running an air condition- er for one hour; -having 70 shaves witb an electric razor; -drying a haif load of clothes. Indeed, it is nice to know there are stili some things lef t that a person can buy for a penny. ADULT SERVICE If you wantto do something about your *education probably can. Sec You r Aduit Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 b 9 p.m. at the BOWMANVILLE, HIGU SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE 1 The ervce s free conýjfidential -and ne oappointn'ent is necessary. the first stage of, a bull mark- et. Speaking to the Bowmran)- ville Rotarians at thec Flyilngt 7Dutchman Motor' Inni on Jan- uary 27th, Mr. Wight saidi that the economyý today wasl ientering into an expanisionary- phase.1 SThe reasons for tLjhis hpy forecast are many but havej binged primarily on the imn- portance of the removal uof the U.S. 10 percent surcharge on imports, Mr. Wright said. The currency realignmentsý have, heiped, too, lie added, especiaiiy Canada being ai-! lowed to retain its floatîng dollar. -"Benson deserves a big hand in getting the U.S. to aliow us to retain our floating dol- lar,"' he said . 'It bas been, a reai boon to the Canadian economy." Hie felt that Canada will ahave to make some conýcs- sions to the'U.S. for this and binted it nîny pull bach the stock market a bit." But we stili have our big trump card," lie said, " . . . our natural re- Ssources." Economists are predictîng a six per cent increase in the Gross National Product in 1972. This, coupled with an expected 31/2 per cent increase from inflation, will produce a GNP 91/2 per cent biglier than last year. Mr. Wright said that indus- tries could expect a definite improvement 'in their earn- ings this year. He descrîbed tbree trendsý which are currently workîng to strengtheni the economy. The first is the increased gov- ernment spendîng. "We are, just beginning to feel the ef- fect of the programns started in 1971," lie noted. The second trend is fthc boom in sales of durable con- sumer goods. "The people seem f0o be buying new goods rather than repairing old ones as was s0 evident dnring 1970 and 1971," lie said. The third is the trend among industries to build, up inventories. "In slack times, inventories are kept down.. but now the industrial powers are starting to buiid their in- ventories up . . itP indicates confidence in the growth in the economy," bhe said. Mr. Wright c:onsidered the mines and mectals area as lie- ing partictilarly attractive to the investor at present. "The market bas heen very- de- pressd the past five years, maînly dueý to oversupply and low prices,." He pointed ouf INCO as a, stock to watcli. INCO is cur-' rently trading on the 'TSE af $33 a share. In 1971.,it fluc- tuated from n hiigli of $47i to a low of $25 in Novemiber'. Hoxvever, Mr. Wright said, the stock is expectcd to appreci- ate over the next two years. It pays $1 a share dividenrd now, is aniticipated fo pay $1.35 a share dividend later this year and by next year in- crease that to about $2.60, double flie earmigs cnjoyed today, The reason Ifoi' this, lie -x- plain cd, was bn;sically a mov by fthc company tocut cosl and reducc linge stouk piles which were built pfollowwîig tlic last INCO sti , As the company p)rodýuces about 60, per cent of flic world's needs for nickel, it bolds a tre- mendous iLnfluýence over the ,ifIIci iin !NCOe~s mIning operat ions until the oversupplies have been rcduced to a more -,atis- factory level, Mr., Wright nlofed. That could mean a strike this spring, and if so, the INCO officials wîll not boe too severly aggrieved. Pain Move to New School During April principal Douglas -Moffatt, of Orono Public School cx- pcsto be in their new quarters sometîme in April. During a recent tour of the construction with Mr, Moffaft, be stafedJ that be was pleas-1 cd witb the work and was anxious to take occupancy of1 the new scbool. The steel joists have been erected and work can now progress with the roof of the building. The Board of Education ap- provcd a change order sD that an additional floor space of 48 square feet could be added to'the staff room. This is ex- pected to 'cost an additional $1,000.-Orono Times. OBITUARV, WALTER G. WOOLNER The death of Walter G. Woolner, aged 62 yecars, occur- red at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvîlle, on Saturday, January 29, 1972. Hie had beeýn in poor li'ealth for the past tliree years. Son of the late M.and Mrs. Charles Woolner, lie wasý born in Bowmanville and re- ceived bis education in f'own schools. On October- 9, 1933 be marricd Ite former Edna A. Francis who survives. A lifelong resident of Bow- manille, lie was an employee of Bowmanvilie Foun dry for many years, having 47 years service with the company wben lie retired one year and four monilis ago. Hie was al member of St. Paul's Uniitedý Churcli. urving Cbsides bis wife Enýa, are Iwo d.augliters and two sons, Mrs. R. H1-ughfes (Georgiina), Mrs. M. Goulet (Mary), Richard and Roniald. 12 g,,randdaughters and two grandsons. Also survivîng are four brothers, Franki, Peter, Gor- don and Coulson. lie was pre- deceased by twoý sisters and al brother, Mary, Barbara and William, IUII~IIThe funcral s;ervice was lield on Tuesday, Fcbruary 1sf, from bfl ,'i onfb-cuft Eliott supply an)d pice of flic, mefal. Funcri Home, and was con- Af presenit, tf li supply is ductfed liy Rev. 1H. Turner. f00 higl andfici heprice foo'low. Tcm-porary,ý enfombmnent was If wanf s f0 balanice flic scaleslin fh l Lng Vanît, Onono, andî more evenlyý. Thus during intermentý willibe in HS.-amptonj 1972, we caii cxpect cufbacks ICcmiet-ry,. The Canadiar Statensman, fomnilFb ,17 Oficers of' O(rono U.C.W. The following le fii chsat e of officens for flic Orono U.C.W. for 1972: Immediate Pasf President, Mrs. J. Cook; President, Mrs. F. Lycef t; 1sf Vice-President, Mns. H.* E. Milîson; Recordîng Secretary, Mrs. R. Canleton; Cornesponding Secretary, Mrs. G. Carson; Treasurer, Mns. C. Gunfer., iChairmen of Committees Christ ian Cifizenship and Social Action--Ms,l,s.Vaggý and Mrs. A. Loucks. Community Fniendship and Visifing-Mns. Inwin, Mns. Long, Mrs, O. Chatterton, Cooperaf ion in Christian Educafion and Missioniany Educafion--Mrs. C. Klmmctf, ,Mrs. C. Hamm. -Finance-Mrs. C. McLaren. Floucrs.-Mrs,..C, TPyrrjel. Membrshi-Mrs OChat- terto'n, Mrs. Irwin. Ngominations-.Mrs. R. Ron- seau. Prcss and ubîit-Ms F. Vagg. ProgrmMrs. J. CoMs Carson. social Fnton-r.Mer-' cer, Mlrs. Rosseau, Mrs, P. Cowan, MUrs. L. Bowins, Mfr.c, S. Barrabaîl, Mrs. J. 'Reid. Sf ewardsbip and Rccrulit- ing-Mrs. C. Taylor. Sui-.ppiy anmd Social Assisf- ac Ms.G. Duvaîl. Unit Leadlers-i Mrs. R. Bcrry, 2 Mrs;. E. Raincy, 3 Mrs. Basil Long, 4 MVrs. Donald Scott, 5 'Mrs. C. Billinigs, 6 Mrs. Wm. Brandit, '7 Mru. W. Irwin. Postcards wcrc first infro- duced li171 ALEX, McGREGOR KING ST. W. D R UGS 62 3-5 79 2 F R E E 30 DAY îHOMAE DEMONSTRATION if you're n1ýot!o Cable, here's your chance to get a FREE month's viewing with no strings attfached. *SPE & COMPARE 12 Channel Cable TV, in yu own homieasoueyFE *A samrple mionth is FREE on ail TV's and FM Rieceivers * A saving ol $4.95 or more is Cable TV's" gift t(o youi th o u cnpare Cablý)e 'TV on your own sets. * If after your, free( month you do not fih o continue, Ewe il isonetYour!serjvice .a t no cost to you. If you wish to conitinuýe, thn ad only thien you pay cnnctonchre 0of $9.95 anýd start youir low monthlypamns FREE, SAMPLELITE TO NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY BONUS OFFER .t FREE - Four Kinsmen Cable TV Bingo Cards with eacliisalain 26 KING ST, We