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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1972, p. 11

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MmL Bruce Tilison, Editor 'Counkc citnds -act Midnightý Some Business Held Over Nèwcestle- The cegu-IlarIbocough - Vctoria - North-b council meeting was held oau umhelaud - Durhamn County MVouday evening lu Council Roman Catholic Sopacate Chanhiers. Ail me m bercs, School Board, wasana enclos- t . eeve Alfred Gcay and odct esolutien ce thse pro- Councliors Frank Heur, Bren- vision te the Board of a copý-y to ickard, Keitis Baccraud of the Assesament Ral ef the Fredc Coucis attending. verlous municipalities, thé Obý(er-vers wec(,e tiscée gicla coat te ho shaced by then. 0 of the lat Né(wcastle Girl Mr. E. Jenkins, manager et. Guide Cmatise Newcastle P.U.C, wasE Thé minuvtes af the iast ceg- present et Counicil ta presenta nier meetingl. held an Janu- ta them thé Capital BudgetV acy ltis, with special mret- Of $31,30(; as îeppcoved by thes ing iel Jacîuacy 1l3th and P.U.C. Commnittée foc Couucil's 2th e nd Fehruary lotis were approval bel are going intoe reed by tise Cleck, Mca-. Jean the Ontario Hydre fer appcev- MeCullougis. el. Part of thia amount will Under Ptitions and Depu- he spent ou buildings, over-c te.tieuis, Stan Guide was pres- heed lhues, underground hunes,, ont te speak-ý with counicil lu meteca. transformera and af- I rgrste waý,ter service- foc lice ecqupment te naine semne.U OcadHighits Sub-divisýion This was accepted ou motien0 and teiduo planrs for, a frein Councillacaq Rickacd andf vropased sbdiviýs in(n NoctisHet Strret', the sçite 0f tise new At the Fobruacy 7tis meet-e well. ing, on e motion made by Irvt The, coreceapandence wes McCulleugb ,,and Al1 Grayt dealt with thé irai btter ho- and suhmnitted bhy M.Jenk-v iug tram Mc. 1. Stoneheuse Îss t this meeting was thet oa lns foc, a Trailer fehiewing, thet on ail futurea Part; ieud lSleD have been cesîdential subdivision agree-e geverument appreved under monta on hehaif of the munici-C thé Onaie Toiasn, pouding pality, the doveloper wîlbl ho thé final appvai l frein New- cequîred te pay te thé P.U.C.n castie Council. 'Witis betis a Cpitel Contribution toc/the Mc. sudn M c,. StonQhôusc coat of thé électrical distribu-r présnttogo vec tise pro- tien systen withiu the .suh-t pIOSal a ul iay questions division area. A rèsoluthonl aris, theli motion wvas made wa made by Cbuncîbora by Ceuncillora rickajcd aud Coucis and Hear te accept thia C Àh a icîd ta suh- and te dcaw up e hy-law anda ject te tthe Noýwc-etle By-,-Law. enfôrco it rîtht away. Mcl. ',toneheuh o gc can11ted A letter waa aise recèivedý nermîissien, te go ahépad wth frein Bell Canada as e réqueat lus plans. te receive the Real Estato, De-c A ce-subissîeon f c enîpertinent apprevel of estim- Hambîy Beverageý a wasre- Pee ethe Newcastle Pire fHall. aeute te cect si~ et te lua letter frein the Hall TewýVer Fisýh and ChîpSte.Bad they asked te rOeceive PeirmisinwagrantýedTfoi- the rental trorin thé Divisionc lowng he otion miade by Courti. This waa explaincd byt Couneiloca licke d dCuhthé Clerk that tisey wîhl net te, h-avéý thein go ahieed. (thé Division Court) make eut A leItter weaceeveIre)in echoquje te thé Hall Board Robert Sh-eaýrer who bas ib(eeýn sud willcdeai nly witi thé acting onn thé NéI'wcastle Ré- Clerk and Reeve. Papoca creatiOn omtte.Being ce- must héigned hy thon and appoiuteld te thia poý,sition, and theceloce thé paymont us made findînrg little or rne tirne o teton but tisat cen ;ho giv t this, Mc.Siéae ot changed if thé Hall Board f ltt it necessàcy t èiu This it should ho impby byý having Was ac-cpted, with lettor of thé L)ivîiin Court pày thé th.anikafr bis assistance te Clérk and sisé lu turu write bé scnt eout bý' the Cleck. Sev- eut a cheeiué for tirse sème éýreaineswéce thon sub- ameunt te thé- Hall Board. eiitt ed by, Couincillor Bacc and A iettéc mnackéd te th e t- thèse praoua wiIi hé aporojacis- teution et Counillor Couich éd nti th poitin bs benwaa frein thé Pine Ridge Tcee fiibed.Service. Now under a new Futhc noraton vas compe1ny it was information reived u rgard tthé 11pF ire te islam Mc. Couch thiat the5 Ral tunder i-thé Local Initia- saine service cen hé obtained tîvos Pregran Applicatien. by thia new naine.E Two_- more roquesta for don- At tions; were received, eue frein A equest was ceceived frein thé, 'Redè Cross tise other the thé Northumberland and Dur- SvaonArmy, Wiile Coun- han Assessment Office foc cil bilt thet1 moat and pceb- thé coninuation et pcoviding, ahi nl ise services pcoed copes et building perinîts,c of somne goddoations were: whicisc Newcastle have been, beig adei n di v idu aîîy deiug. Lltcough d coor te door canvasa, A létter frin thé Unite>d agaîn et Concl and egainiCountici ré Adviaîory ,,Coin- et Cut Coincil. As somO usritteré planning and ask-1 ,-cganîizatîr)oa wp-eebeiug doni- Ijrng r o prihéca. This1 eted te, with eue suin or an -we fibéd pisil fuctisér noticé. ther wsieothera wece filed, It was tthat apeniding It waa deIcide-d that a resolu- $131,39 te Jein the Lake On- tien shouid o- nade that 1ne tarie Régiconal Devel,,oprnént dona;tions would bho made te 'Ceunicil wai of ne advantageý auy lucfutier organi-zatiens otli- te Newcastle wheu ne membor or than those rcquested fer et Ceuncil attends and only ~té ilag.Thé resolutionIthcouýgh tactivé participationi weanade hyCouncibleca ic- <ould it bhé worth while. Ou -ard and Bacc sud carried,- e motion made by Councilt-is1 On a motion mede hby Bacc sud IHoar who are oni Counciliors Hear and Coucis, the Fïinciab ai-d Industrieli Necwcastle would again join Comnittée and wise havé said thýe Great Pine Ridge Touciat they wouid make théi tino. Couincil at a fe et $20. This Newcastle renewed ita tnom- amrrount gave favoced cover- cge cte Newcastle a"d"our ista rceivîug thesebeoýkieta; h1ave advaànce information as te -whece Newcastle la situat- f e éd] and what is evalable te l w thorn hereý as a neaus et récréationi for camping. Ç ~ Eu e ltter freintise Peter- ,. HELP WANTED CRETAKER INEWCASTLE COMMBUNITY HALL (Equipment Supplied) Apply hn writing -Stating age, experience (il any), and salary expeeted, te:' MRS& S. J. BRERETON, Seretary-Treasurer 1 Ne-wcastle Community Hall1 Box 147, Newcastle, Ont. 1 Applications mnst be re-9 uîeivedI on or before Feb. 180h, 1972. Newcaste--Mc. anîd -Mc. George Stevens, Horerîéayue, have been vîatîng wvith Mn' sud.Mca. Archie Brnard and famîly. Misa Caudace Stocks eoft Toronto vîted wth ber fa-m- ily,. Mc. and ,Mca. Williamii Stocka and Kîm' on Suuda.y. ý Miss L. Wight, daugiter rai Mca. Isabel Wright, la no teucing India. Havî'ng visit- ed Eugband and Africa aise isîý well sud enoinîg hec visita abcead.1 We are sorcy te report tisat1 Mca. Viola Cowan', Mca. Pet Bernard, Mca. Lois Hïuber asud Mc, Sinon Bierteker are1 patients lu Menorial Hos-I pital, Bowmauvilhe. Mci. Bruceî Tilîson lsaewaitung transI er te, Oshawa Genecal foc noce1 sucgery. Visita are limited te1 menheca et thé famiby onhy.t NE"WCASTLE LIONS CLUBl Vlentines Dunce at NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY, FEB. 26,1972 Music by ROYAL AMBASSADORS Danicingi from 9:00 p.m.,to 1:00 a.m. $4.00 per couple Biar privileges and spot prazes -Door Rights Reserved bership for the first time since. 19639, An agreement re roads with the United' Counties was te be signed) subi ect te, a two year termn. The accounits were accepted on a motion made by Coun- cillers Coucli and Hloar. Pire Chief Fred Glaniville, Deputy Chief Samn Brereton and Captain Dick Bierasteker were present at Counicil te show, themrt the plaque their. departmnent had received that evening fromn Mr. D. Taylor of the Muiscular Dystrophy As- sociation. It reads: "The Mus- cular Dystrophy Associatin of Canada presents to, the Newcastle Pire Dept. this trib.. Ute commemnorating .10 years onf steadfast service. The de- feat of Muscular Dystrophy through the advance nf Sci- ence uliaeydependa upon the diligence and devotion of the veluintary woA7rkers". Left with Council, they wiil place the plaque in a place of honor as>suggested by-,,the m en, elith- er in the Cent'enniial Room or Council Room ise that others, whether residéntsý or vîsitôrs, May see- thiés. Thére were no bujiling per.. miîta iýsoued lasit mronth and thérefore ne report. Thé, Fîre Dept. Report was ýivé-n by Coucilô Har, éhbowing ne fireý eith(, rn ome Or utual aid. Twei practices wre held vind a rnutual aid meeting attetidèed. No appflications werébf re- céi-ved for Wred Ispectr or ceîvedc( for Building Inspector. Tis, was frYom aloalInan, Merv Allisôni and wa, ac- cepted. Tlbree readigaéý were given the by-law to'LIauthô1rize ber- row'inguil jtaxeS wre col- lpetd, and threraig eiven tCh('y-awte provîde for the pré-levy (if taxés hée- fore the, adoption of thé, estimh- ates fer the year. The proposed operatin--l budget (..~C)rýe-exiÊtisig Water Projects 6-OO38-51 and 6-0120-63 waa approvédý. The c-pôiteilofMr. Wiliamr Stôrks te the Me- friorial Ho0,P'tal Ôard wa aise, dcait witlh; thi'1 ré-aP- p oints hlmi frotrn Marc~h 1972 to March 1973. A letter was read fromr the Customn Glass Company vh(, are irritatecl with tee lack 0f iiiterest shown by the local coffee truck lctdhere In the village. Pleased with their service and food when they couid get it, they expressed the feeling that they were ýwell satisfied when they did caîl around, but weren't tee, cehable. With the feeling thât this truck and others wece beh-ind in purchaaing a liýen.e, a reaueÉt weuld be made f'oc pefll bftehé enewed :and thia, e e lparticular qujestion- éd as tô théiîr intention. Thé ageýnda nejw finiished and close te mîdnght te wece still items te beintre-ý duced by mnembers of Councîl, ameong themn Planining and Garboage collection, foIlow,-u1p of thie liquor store which N catea-ppliéel fer aonc tirnec ago, and bc- in tee- late te begizn any more new. business, Counicil ad- joucned with a special meet- ing calle-d foc 7-30 Mon- day, February 21st. ca61Sti e I ePerSonaol We rÊ sorry to ripùrt tisai Mc. uth Bernard passed away in omhszwa Generai HMm- ptaleon Sunday ee~n.Thé Symslathy oet tie ,village la extende4 te ber fIo.î, Hockey Motheca sare again asked fe check for trcée rmîiss- ipg sweaters, wcni by thorn dujring thé i4ockey Mthérs - j yke paine. Nuns-becs 7, 9 sud ,1l are, till nîsiaig. Thèe nay well haive beeftý handédd in,, but te date net leeated. Please contact Chaché Aqui- lina if yeu kuow whéré thèe are. Tise Hockey Mothers Tup- perwîare Party is open for' anyone te attend. This la he- in g held Tueaday ee\-nig, Febcuacy 22nd et 8:00 et t1he hom-e et Mca. Ted -Menïtis. Ail precooda raiaed are being uised te fuc-tier tise neda af oiMineir tie c-r a oe, you'l hé wé- Cýorne. Wa-tch Ïfoc aigus as te, Thé-ewca l ie Den-t. wverc ;rmsçntedï- wîtb a loeéy p6laqlue Ou Menday éenîug hy .Mr, D. Tayhor et, the Muscu- lac Dystrophy Association, Thîsn was lu receLiion et 10 yeF,3ers co id service et good will lu their belp lu thé fight egainat thlis- dreaded disease. Thé planque wvill now bé placed inehee utise Cemmruuityr Hall lu) ordier that cesidentsansd visiterf a will h ablé te See it. Bowling NEWVCASTLE COMMý1UNITY BOWLING Ladies - 175 and Over L. Farrow 340, H. Coucoux 259, T. Laugtalf 2,56, G. Hal- lowelh 247, D. Neal 242, J. Hutn2-2, D. Langstatf 227, B. Majior 214, D. Meccer 206, M. Poster 205, . Goode 203, M. Powell 200, S. Ro,(binsoni 198, F. Lunu 194, K. Martin 189. B. Prthrick 189, D. Tur- anaky 189, D. Forth 187. I Brown 181, G. Dwyer 181, E. P-erri1M X. meedGws 1791 Plhone 987-4213 V. Waitson 202, M. Wade 194.L iMten - 200 and Over J. Kuelauigen 331, M. Henry 331, Gi. Cowlîung 253, G. Kmr- bail 253, E. Cowlng 2,49, J. Robinson 248, F. Stapietoni 245, T. Embley 236, J. For- rester 231, G. Watson 218, L. Taylor 218, J. Bruten 212, C. Rivera 212, B. Farrow 206l, B. Lewis 200. Thursday Mlxýed 17,5 and Over J. Mitchell 238, M. L ewis 221, MK MacGcegar 2,21, J'.Wc 217, T. Geehel 200, K. Zlu 198. C. MacGrego(-r 192, 1. Zu- lauf 1 87,.D. Scott 1F,4, F. Lewis 176. 175 and Over Hî. M. Meuore 302, E.Jek ina 242, 8B. Heegkamnp 242, Ti, Good 231 , M?,nr 28, D. Halsey 22, 1B J. SanderccockJ 223, S. Gl.anville 21L7, P. Kicdd 21 6, S. Powell 2171. A. Hoac1h 214, J. McCracken 212, Aý. Kuper'y 209, . Peacc 208, B. Cail 2b6, R. Burley 204, G. Hughes 200,l E. -Dacling 199, J. Sikinaq 197, H. Caîl 194ý, T,. Emibley 194, M. Rtopch 89, A Vogels 186, Jean Haitnrs 85, E. Nesbitt 184, B.Stpeo 182, P. Sikm-ra 182, B. Madili 179. N EST LE T0N and Mc. and,FGorge Proissèr whio are patientsin Port ?ecry fHaspital, Mc. r- teur Hyland ilu Mt. 5i îh'os; SitalI, Toronto, a1nd iVir. Jea, céy wlho unidecwent s ýuccess- fu i heact surgecy in Teronitc Genecal au nnWednesd'(ay. NMc Hyland, Mc. Wmr. MeCeban,ýc r Mc. and Mca;. Olîvêr kRobrer visted Mca. Hylând on Friday evenîug. The-y report that a la muic-h hmpceved and i it ache- duled .te be cnfecdte an- other hospital foc addithorita thérApy. Mr. and McaRi.rwicr avh son vatdsaturdayaflter nDoon and wcevening (d-innec guest whthMc. ad Mc, 'q Douglas 'Devison, Scott auc Néil, Peterborough,. Mr. and Mcs. Don F'rew loti lest week foc a couiplec wenks' vacatin h Hwi Mc. anid Mra. Aylwin Hlain sud Mc. and Mrs. Wayne Mel clin are heIda1yîn1g in, Flerid, for twe wéeks. Auriette ant Anteôijy Hie are vitîsin wîth their grandIparenta, Mr sud Mca. Victor Malcolm. Mi aud Mca. Stewart Endict o Lindsay are staying with, the! graudchildren. Shelley ani Kevin Malcolmn, et their hemi lu Nestieton, Mr. and -Mca. George Bew ors returned fcomn five wfeekE Floride vacation on Tueada: evenhng, They, visited ýwitI Mca. Bowecs' brother and ai:ý tec-ln-law, Mc. and Mca. Mal colmn Elford, and called ao many of the Cartwvright frM They aIse spent seine ae Diney Wecld. Con8table Jérrcy _BOwers> Dryden ,arrîved 1home ,Thunrs day rnîghfft. OriSatucdeyPmorc 1iu'g accompanied by bis par enta. Mc. and Mca. G. Bewer andl brother Mc. Eerl Bowecs they tcevelled to MltaisAAr lport> Prom there Jerry l c)n two wÈeeks' vacation 1i Frhdey aupper gujesta wlte :Mc. sud Mca. G. Bwr e Mc, and Mca. Bect Bewer and boys, Oshawa, aud Mi and lMc, Raipli Bowver3 ani boya,, Tyrone, wvere Sunda dinner guesta. Foc Sathurda 4evéuiug inuler the Geoci Bi oweca ,vi-ited wîth MvI. ani Mc.Rebert Rhedes, Lindsa Mc.Arnold Wilemi, Mc, W.îlîred Vine Mca. Neta Hoi laud, Mca. Maurice Edgectei and Mca. Lawrence Malcebi atteuided thé Preshytecial ii imce Street United Chucci Oshawa. ou Wednesday. Thé: ,rport a;.;noart intecesthng daý tea-id ian lspcingrmessage fret t.he Moderator, Dr. A.' I M1toùce., A special birteda 1cake,mckn the tenth ani versacy Wethr-e U.C.W., wa secved tn the gcoup. Tw c andélabre, each with, Iiv .candief.s, repcreseuted the te: 1years. Tl'îse wece lighted b, ithe presidenrts who wece i office duciug this torm. Mc iRobert Sheffield, who wa pré,sident Iu 1971, aise centîr ues lu office foc 1972. Thé meeting was hosted b: Cubinaster Walter Welts. A the conclusion of the sesshoi cefreshments wece secved h, tihe Cartwright leaders and social time was oui oyed., GET CASR TODAY THROUGH ST AT ESMA N HAYDON Club 2?i FebruaIry waas held et the Ccntre day evening, Feb. 9th. POtts; chaiced tele mee the group: Gladys Pot Tcewvin, Me/fta Read, JE mn The meeting open the singinIg of '-O Secýretary's repIort , and adopted. Tr-easurer reot nthe renovati)- Cnr.Evecyo-ne ag looked vecy inice. A W Lcead frein the Cancer Junie Tewn as a look ilu te some way w ep.The Febcuiary deccided t'LnhQldi a EUch tis< month. Watch Ic particuars, Thank yo wern esa. u!Caol ýsweed wthyoluc month and why. It was cdecidedC! ta Tuesday aftecnoan ite Centre. The prograîri siaed ofreading by .Jones,"My Wocld" by ly Nichols.ý The ladyx te play muiic wasl] .attend. iJune ,Trewin c( yamc cofata neighbO lIage, The rest of the , Wa s spent i n a social ti lunch and caffee Group Two af Clul Vi No)rcish, ElenBL JenGac.rard,Jean The 'Metch rmeetiý;ng wn MjissAceJna s ent her home on tk rend.ý Mr. Delbert lPotts, spent the wceekend home. M.and Ms.Iva. iLsindeand Janet, Mi. n guesta of Mi,. end lm -Ashton and family, t1ý -ion, ittije Grant AÀ,,hI( Mc, Michael Stcrenge onb Universty, spr .oweekend MI the Row Mr'n-ul. nd Mrsý VBlaeckburn, Salemn, and Shirley WVhitby, last Tuesday. The Canadiait Statesman, Bownr Tallb wece Satucday supper Mr, Ray AahtQn attended the metig uu of Zr. and Mca. W. Blackstock Graduation clasa rn nte hrha ,e Thujra- r n ml înra ida.Fciday evenfing, February 4th 1GlAd-y5s ybil Grahain ,was a Satur- Mc. and Mca. D. Camneron by th Rev, B. Long. Aceund ,thnlg fe sa upper gueat of Mc. and were Sunday visitQra of Mc.30getatnddhew - tts, Jun M Tom Potta. and Mca. Archie 'Whitmnee, o 0geaIatnedtewd ýttsJurieding. Mfter the receptien at eau Sie-, Mcl. and Mca. E. R,_ Themp- ned with son, Bowmanville, wece Tuems- Sympathy la extended te Mcth Dutch Oven Restaurant the Caniada". day nîlght visitera of Mca. jA. and Mca. Roy Paterson in the gue8s were iuvited te the 1 -1.1death of Mca. Paterson's father home of the bcide's parents, 'ascea Thmpsn.of N. B. Mc, and Mca. Jin Rutherford. ,r gave ai Mc. and Ma Grant T7homip- Mc, C. Trent retucued te The happy couple will ceaide ng I thE >soiin ad Jfifery, Bow,,mauvville, Memocial Hospital, Bewman- iu P oct Hope. Ptcee d it welce Monday call'ers et Mcs, ville, on Thucsday.M.adMc.GntMit ste a Thenipson's. Mc, and Mcs. Lloyd Slenou, and sons of Oakville, visîted Set.Mca. Arthur Trewin cralled Susan and Fred, attendied a Mc. Wnr. S. Mef et on SundayV isked te on Mca s.Jin Littieford, Osh- bicthday party fei r Mc. Earl Sinice the e Card ef; we m-ighitiawa on Monday. ;Tcewin Feb. l4th at tlhe homie lhanks Miss Cathecine W.1 ý Grup!ýMca. A. Thomipaon vîsited of Mc, and Mca. E. R. Taylor, Stewart had lu lest week's ', prt hec ister, Mca. Slieghthiolm,!Ennak-,ilen, ou Sundlay. Statesman, I have receivedl ou rd or. sevecal phone calîs aaking, ce' cu cardahec present addcesa. Misa wvaa n Stewart is stili, a patient lu the favoriteOshawa General Hospital, but HE OR NO NEj1.ýhas heen meved te another rnep W S room. Hec correct mailing ad- 'Mr. and Mca, Brooks5 Cowan Mc, and Mca. Ivion Tamy- Jress la "3F" nly but if visit- Blach reuredhome on Satu;rday blyn have retuc.ned homoe frin ying she la ou the third floor, ýy Ber-ver- pighýt after beiug a bouse gueat ia wintec vacation in aaauWacd F, Roin 3011. Miss who waa a,ýince Wedniesday(d laat week Mr. and Mca, Cecil Jouoies Stewart bas a birthdiay on -iable te eof Mc. and Mca. Harold B3ree- ee os guesta of their Merch lat, Congratulations. ndutid don aPt Mount -HOPE, 0south 1f fermerinei ghbocs, M. and Mc. Nelson Ci ;;Pr ae 7 fring vil- Hatn'd aldo c.Ma lxWaaue u li ucband of Thelma Littie of evei nd ca Aex aton t onfren Wednesday te Se,,_t- owmanville, and fermerly of me~~ ~~~ cluiigon ray night of lest eek Ororne, ps away suddenly Mr- -c. and McaWayne L. Mc. and Mca Heaper Denon Sunday, !February 13th. The t 1 r(-:.Hooey, J1î]] and Paul, Mr, RO'on o Sunday paid their final cea- funeral service waa, on Wed- dfckori est and MrLeorceau elo pecta te the late Mca. MaýryV ns a aternoon frein the lackur',Meris F uneral Chapel. Inter- Aabtqu. Tornto wý-eereý Suniday dinner Peacce Dienethufrber, zage 1,9,ý vill be on guLeSt1 ef Mr Pand Mr3. Hortace daughter of Mi. 11n, Mca,, Jackment, Bewc nmanville Cemetery. B estL Peerce 0f Oshawajý, teformria usnBail of Oahawa KnaeMc. and Ma BobSupkRt Robbins ý1of he, gad h pn a long weekend hoi weerk- and daughter Karen ef Wes-,tn, daughter of mi-, andMca. Ru- with hec parents, ceturued wece weekend house get tseli Robbîns afBowmv iler2om n Tuesday., Renre, c.and Mca. Bob Rtefr the former Maudie Alfin 0nf The funecal of Mca, M. Reb- et bis ýand son Douglas. R. R. Ocono - and Mc. ýRosa erta, the former Slil Heakîn, Mca. P. O. Cooper, Mc. B3M Pearce, R., ..BomEvle ofstr IRena (Mca. Ivison in Sharp, Wercy have both been) suifer-,Funecal a ,,,fcam ithe MorrisTamrblyn.)) teok plaýce ou Mon- RuseiL îng frein recent f ails on the uerlChpl Bwanil, a, ecary 7th, 1972 frein Mcan iy tcet. n0 ou1 y Internent, Ebeýn- the 'Rosa Funecal Home, Port Ronaldl Mc. Dou1glas 1Miffat etofu- ezerCemtroe y dliruer laton apenit a féiw days wjîthil Mc', endMc Bob, Lwî.xtu Ma FredLycett, MaC. L. Pls osa bis parents Mr. and Mrs.- Jack ef Belton were recent lvisitera Guniter, Mca. C, S. MOcLacen, be cca- oift nd bis twQ b)rothera wivth hec paýrents, Chas. -Taylor, Mca. Wm.L on's ffth anjid attêndéd the funeceal ef the Sterling Matlher anid Mc. John Icîwin, Mca. Haccy Mercer, lete Nelson Côuvièc on Wed-IMther; aise otheni relatives. Mrs, Carl Billinga, Mca. Fred e, Wete.r- nesday.ogrtl tio teM.R m ag Mca. SeligMather, eut théIle Mc. adMcro, Howard Stapért Lloyd Pattersoni, Prt Hope Mca Percy Weccy, Mca. Jack ca Ashton ýton et Oa;hpaa1)weeStre n the ferm-er Joan) Berniice Reid, Mca. Everctt Convier, dînner- guesta ef Mc. and Mca. (Rutherferd) Miles,, Reg. Nurse Ma1jr. Chas. B. T'yrrei,, Mca, Facewell Ken Balle)f Kîcby. whô Mwere uuiîted ini macriage Ervan Rainey andMca. H.Ed 1hat this countr So w'rehaving the best one ever! SUPER RIGHT QUALITY, SKINtlEýSSILCE, NO END SLIrCES W B eBANV. STOPe PACKED, BEEF K, PORK Canarda No. 1 Grade, Florida, Firm, Ripe- BEEF LIVER iL,68e SAUSAGES "53 SUPERIGHT QUALITY, POUK SIDI BURNS BRAND, sLICED SPARE RIBS 'b78c COOKED HAM 6-zpg6:TO m A Tlý.ý'lll UPRROTQUALITY, MEAT SUPER-RIGI4T BRAND, SLICED -s11 PORK HOCKS n'28c SIDE BACON ,llvapac69c 14B _ Swift Peim Crycvî c vBamn, Rêdy T* lot SX BRAN, BuiJLKTR9 SUGAR PLUM H-AMc«*ed P99c POLISH SAUSAGE n,69c______ BOLOGNA tb39c PIZZA PIES B4apg9 BANANAS DL RN bO ranville, Feb. *16, 1972 i. Milîsnn, Ail of Orono UW Mrs, Eiri Duvali, Ms nt Lnucks and Mrs. Wm,. Branq, of Leska,-rd UCW, wereamn the UCW m iembers who a,~ tended th-e lOth Anniversar-cy of the United Church Womexr-.,t of the Oshawa Presbyterial,! United Church Women Annui4l Meeting in the Simcoe Strect, United Church, Oshawa, ett. Wednesday, Fébruary, 9t h, 1972. Mrs, Robert Sheffield ol Oshawa, the former Alice Mai- tin was the 1971 presidentii. Mrs. Alec Mairtin( of R.R. Ne,,w-. castie and Mrs. Everton Wb, te, of Bethesda gave the FinanceçIý and Supply rýeport;s. Congratulations to Min ro of the Golden PlougliLdh Cobourg, on her I IOth hrh day. Mrs. Crow walbrn At Warkworth and ha7i alwayse- t ôyed god hathaxcp broken rn Music ResuIts The following isa bat o ucesrafcadiatsY nex tee ~ ~ T Royl Cnseva er Gui fr te hIBwmi vleOt, The- na Tines ae Grade IXPiano il'Honours -FenwickE. Lal Grade VI Piano Hnouf,.rs -Daie T.andoe Grade, V î aPiano 11lonours VaeiJay 1r. harSo . ura Il

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