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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1972, p. 5

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frake Your Boy to the Arena Then for H2i's Sake Go Home by 'Eric Emerson in "He wes down four, which The Belleville Intelligeneer is four iess than that brat of "Joe Puckplesler is a good guy. He's bard working, hon- ,est, a iamily man. Joe puIs in eigbl. full hours five deys a wek, waiks the dog, maws the, lawn and carnies a 190t average in the church bowl- ing league.. He's aiso a Whal could possibiy changeE good old Mv, Puckplaster ia Dr, Jekyli, the al-Canadien erud? 'Mnor hockey, thal' S what. Ther's an anicient minor hockey saing which ras 4'Take youv boy ta the avenia. Don't send him." A iew yecars ago ini a moment ai misdii5ect- ,d genrius someone added thef phrase," . . . and slay ta walch him play." Each year during minor hockey week the CAHA drags ouI ils answer la the piedget of allegiance. "Take your boy ta the avens. Don'l scnd hlm," scream Ithe press re-t leases," . ,..and then stay ta, wvatch him play," blurb the media members, wbo go on ta assuire you thet miner h-ockey,, is keeping aur youtb off d!rugs3, minor -hockey ai- ficiels are 100 pcv cent dedi- caledi, selfless individuels wbo would join the Pearce Corps cept for-the need ta sup- Port 'theiir aging mothers, and "IL mnailers not whether you win or losç, etc." The only thing really wrvong wvîlb al Ibisý- rampant Pollyen- na-îsm is-,hat Joýe Puckpiaýster, reivbelieves , .excepl mia- be for, the . , . but how you play thle gam-e" bit. Joe hauls Hîmself ouI ai bcd iet 6)s.ila take son Stan- Iev Q. Puckpieslev ta preclice, r shIovels out the drivewey T:huïrsdsy nîgbt ta make sure that Stanley cen make it ta the big game with Ed1's Pizza- burgers. Hc buys Stan size 6 Tecks and cul downý Kobost and maybe even finances e ýucek et Bobby Gore's Happyt hockey Haven each summer. in velumn for these sacri- fices Joes does expert e few things ivom Stanley - uîtIle things lIike scaring five goals a game, trading punches wtb the biggest member ai the opljposition and- heiping his1 leam win the league cham- pîonship eîght limes in seven1 sessons. Litle things., 1 The trouble begins wbeni .Toe "stays ta welch him1 play," which he - nvariablyi youvs.1" 'Wanna step oulside?" 'l Icar oui your tonsils." Anoîher of Joe's prize comn- plaints is Harvey Stichum,1 the coach of Stan 's novice! team. Harvey played juniori hockey 20 yepvs ega and was cven rumored 10 have had a lryout for Junior A. He piays1 evcvybody about the samne1 amount af lime, daesn't ashow slapshols and hasn'l won ai championship in six years ai coaching.1 "He hasn't even gai a pow-i er play," wails Joe. "How cen you wîn gaines wilhoul a crummy power play!" Nov does Scoop Smith, his iriendly neigbborhood sports- writer gel off scot-frce. At least lwice a season Joe spots1 a case of flagrant misrepresen- talion in the mînar hockeyj raundups.1 "Il was threc goals and two assisîs, not two goals and lhvec assisîs, you balf wit," hie screms, "and how cen youi say we pot pasted. It was " only 23-9 and wc were gain-, ing onthcm et the end." 1 What Joe reaily needs isi something ta restore his sense af thietie velues. Something1 like Stan, Harvey and Scoop stting in the first row of the 'Monday' night bowling gai- ery shouling quaint phrases ike "Pay attention peca brainl". every lime hie picks a heeci pin. Naw Joe may not be your average minor hockey parent, but he isn't one in a million cther. And il doesn't lake too many Joes ta make a minor hockey game sound somewhat like the Friars Club roasting Don Riçkles. Or, for Ihat malter, ta make a mînor hockey player turn ta art ap- preciation, rock' music or pocket billiards. Sa toalsl you Joe Puck- plasters: do your part ta sup- port minor hockey. Scnd yauv boy la the arena. . and thén slay ai home." Edilor's NZote: Any coin- ments ? Reports fromlD_ Women's Institutes BLACKSTOCK WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, The Febvuavy meeting of the WlI. wes hcld in the Cam- munity Hall1 on Febvuevy 2nd bcginning et 12:30 with e dcii- ciaus dessert of ceke and ice cream. Afler ib' is the meeting wes opcned by the Ode fol- lowcd by the CoilecI in uni- son. Presîdent, Mrs. P. VanCamp wclcomed everyone. Following the minutes end correspon- dence, the President rcported that prizes ai $5.00 cacb would be given ta Grades 11, 12 and 13 for tbe hîghcsl standing in Malbematics et the High Schooi Commencement, theve being no Home Economics or Industriel Arts Courses as previously. In conneclion with some recognition ai the 751h anni- vcrsery which was Feb. l9th il was deccdcd the celebration be lefI over until May wben wc shahl have e special prog- îlocs. Wtîcn Stanley coesnt ramme. gel his five goals pcv, Joc gels Foliowing furîher business, anïrgry. When bie gels angvy, an excellent rail cal, "Rem- he yells lhings like "gel in edy for Tension" wes well the game, Stan, you stupid answered. Twenty-flve mcm.- jerk"I or "ýuse, your stick on bers and four visilors werc thlb" tIle crecp, Stan!" peet PveItyv soan Stanley is keep- peet iling one cye on the puck and The programme on the one an Joc, and sometimes theme HcalIb was in charge hcs keping botb cyes on of Mrs, Muriel Hoskin. Motta, .10e.0Or meybe on the dlock "whcn in bot water, tbink of n scec ow soon bie cao gel the kettie and sing" was re- o-uI a.i the rink. piied ta by the convenor. Aboui t1--c only time thet Reading by Elva VanCamp dlad isnÏfciring adJvicc is ivam the book cntitled "Ser- when smoeciscr deides ta cnity ai the Saul". From the aprise ,- Stens hoýjckey tel- came book lwa excellent skits ents.were presented. Firsi, "Self- "Tht'stIenlh lime ibis Pli?' was povlraycd by Erma gnmcibi at Puckpiesîcr f cil Strung, Helen Dorveil and dan, augbs a man. threceAima Taylor and secondly rows,- down. "Take Tîme"' by Lotie Smith ' Whadd'ya mean," voars Joe. endL. MeArîbur. A contest on 11t'o the lousy ice. Nobody "Parts ai, the Human Body" cen play an ice like that. Be- and the sînging of O Canada Bides lie was only down four concluded a Most intereslîng lime.was ,;down 1 tlat meeting. BOWMANVILLE W.I. The Fcbruary meeting ai J 11WTs Bowmanviile Women's. Insti- tute, aiter hbeing poslponed for anc week on accaunit ai ,bad ýweethev, was greetcd on Y1our IFebruary 101h with an ideel sunny wînter day and a gond q attendance. The meeting op- Il earin g: sînging "O Canada", -l i " the Ode and rcpcating in uni- snteMary Stewart Colleet. Chicago, 11.-A fret aller ii[ Foriroll eal, as eacb name geilI l reta thase wbo w's calied we went iorward special aneresld sometbing the new laer 1butt do not understand generalian bas taugbt us, told -w-,rd1rs has been announced by the iength of lime she had Beltone A nan-aperating model been an Insitute member and ef the simalest Beltane aid e~ver, was given e new handboocu by mad wîl b gvenabsiutiythe Sccretary. Mrs. G. Joncs raae wll c gvenabslutlyreported'she bad been a mem- fre toansone answering ibis ber for 60 yeers and was a advcrtisement. charter member of Newton- Tryil a ec ow l s wvnville Brancb. Minutes ofthe b Ibe ivacy ee ow t i ouv n lest meeting were vead 'and ihe pwihulcol or oliaIapprovecl, treesurer's repart ai any kî t'cstyorsobition ce and corresp ondence vead of nykid. t' yurstokep, and discussed; a Ibank you ire. Il w ,eiglis less iban e third note read and a repart an ai anuaunce, and it's ail aI car several sick members in bas- level i nc unit. No wires ieed il. Mrs. Downey, aur dele- fvom body ta bced. gale attended tbe 75tb An- These models arce, ft s we nivcrsary dinner et the Rayai suggcsl youi write for yaurs York an Feb. 121h, aiso Mrs. noûw. Agein, , wc epeet, there MVunday, Mrs. Flintofi and isz no cost, end cetiniy no Mrs. Wiseman« On the 151hi olgto.Write ta DepI. 5218, and 161h Mrs. Mundey and Beitone Electronics, 3637 Met- Mrs. Finlof f eltended the vopolilen Bivd., E., Monîrcal Senior Training Schaol o 88, .Q."Knack ai Sewing with Knits".ý Mrs. Munday gave. the Mot- CHINESE and CANADIANý FOOD 100/'o Off Pick-up Orders (over $3.00) FREE HOME DELUVERY (mîinimum $300) Phone 623-3703 È OWMANVILLE BUSINESS HOURS. 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. DAILY FRIDAY and STUDAY 0AeMto 1 A.M. ta, Pevietion je not expeci- cd but improvement îs. She spake of the lufe of a chiid, sterling as a liny infant, so helpless and dependent on mother and ded for evevy- tbîng., Gradually they icarn la use ibeir bands and iind thcy cen use their and .oon ean -nuli ±hemsexîes un in a play pen. Step by step they grow, always aiming higher and imitalîng mather and dad. JusI as a child aims et highev goals so we should wilh aur Institule. Mrs. Wiseman lalked oný Instilule work and read ,a pocm "To our W.I. Pionces s and seid, Ibis vear we celc- braIe the 751h Anniversaryý ai the faunding of Women's Institutes. Pioncer men and women faced great bavdshîps and things we take for-grant- cd now, such as cars, tele- phones, TV's and radios were unknown. With tbe yers came changes and pvogress and anc ai the changes was the birlh ai Women's Insti- tutes 75 years ega. This mavement bvought wamen af ail races, creed or religion ta- gether and il is rigbtly called Onlario's gift ta the wovid. More than 75 yeers ago the death of a smehl boy in Hem- ilIon was caused by impure milk. The boy's mother was Adelaide Hfoodless, and be- cause she realized ibis was thIroughliher ignorance and fecl Ibeve must be others lîke herseli who nceded ta knaw more about homcmakin, su cie felt what was needed wa a arganization dedicsted ta higbev standards oai.home- making. It was on Febvuary 191b, 1897 thet the firsl forni- ai organization ai a Wl, 100 lu place in Sallileet Township thvough the combîned efforts of Mv. Evland Lee ai the Far m- crs' Institute and Mvs. Hood- less. This hranch is stli act- ive and is known as the Stoney Crcek W.I. The second W.I. was orgenized et Whitby by Miss Leurs Rose n 1899 and ours in Bowmanviile and West DJurham was third in 1900. 1The Institute colourýs are blue and goid. Guelph was named for Qucen Victoria, the reigning, monarcb ettIhet l ime, bier family name being Guelph, and et one ai the carly conventions heid in that city the Royal Colours, blue, and goid, were chosen as the Wl,. colours. Institutes in the 1province are uniled under the Fcderated Women's Insti- tutes af Ontario and in 1903 an emblemetie pin was de- signed iromn a sî'gnet ring be- longing ta Laura Rose and so wc have our Ontaria W.I. pin. With the passing af years intevest was shown in other parts af Canada and the W.I. became a Dominion-wide org-, anization and, became uniîedi ta anc Federated argeniza- lion, the Federeted Women's Institutes ai Canada. Froin Canada the bnstitule mave- ment'spread ta the United States, Engiend and Wales .end on tbraughaut tbe world nnd the Associaled Countrywomen ai the wovld was iormed, wilh 1heedquarlcrs in London, Eng- land. Mrs. Alfred Watt was the first President.' So we find we bave the Brancb, District Area, Provincial F.W. 1.0., National F.W.I.C. and In- ternationel A.CW.W. The F. W.I.C. have a plot in the In- ternational Peece Gardens be- twcen Canada and United States in Manitoba. There is a picnîc nook on Lake Star- mont i n memory of Mrs. Watt, There ave 275 societies in 66 caunttries across the world. Gehinid cvery organîz- atian are the members. l is tbvough them Ibhe pastba been s0 weli prepared, th-e, present cantinuing on as aat cd, and thei future waîiîng ta Theve are elso Junior Insti- lutes eompriscd af yaung wamen unider 30. In Durham Ihere ave eight branches. In Ontario there are 14 Conven- lion Areas. This year, 1972, new or chsnged convener- sbiips 3camne imb existence so for the future there ave new fields ai endeavor. Whcn the Institutes were, formed Mr. Lee asked the Gavernmnent for cooperatian and support and these vequesîs were grant- cd and wbilc small aI first Ibis governiment assistance bas been a valuable help ta the organizelian, Miss Helen MeKercher is Director froni the Home Economics 'Service, Extension Brancb, Ontario Deparîment of Agriculture and Food. Home ecanomisîs direct the wovk of Home Eco- nomics extension work. Also the 4-H I4omemiaking Clubs are under the Home Econom- ists and local leaders, Mary Stewart Collect, oometîmeâ - 'An GREAT DAY AT T H U R S Y9.00 Personal Shoppinçi Onlxr! IKI NG ST- EAST 1 'v BUY AND SAVE!É NO DOW1N PAYMENT WITH YOUR HANDY WALKERS OPTION CHARGE ACCOUNT A.M TO6.00, BOWMANVILIE USHOPPING SPREE * Everything we sel[ in the store,--with n0e e-ceptions-can be purchasedat1%of THURSDAY, FEBRUARYI7th ONLYI * This is an absolutely genuine store-vwide sale inctulding ail our regular rnerchan- dise, famous brand lines, any reduced sýtQck. * At the time of, purchase, the sales cllerk will deduot 10% off your sales, check, (except alterations, inst,,allations and labour making charges)-and PLEASE NO LAYAWAYS. * Be sure to bring along your WALKERS Option Charge and have elverythîng con- veniently charged to your account-at 10% off!1 CASH 15 ALSO ACCEPTABLE! 50 KING ST. E. calleci the !nstitute Creed, in and Stephen are in Brampton not a creed but a prayer. It with Julie McShane, is reported "The Ode" was7 0 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van used by the Sons of Temper- For the third cansecutive snowmobile buffs enjoyed a Camp attended church at ance Lodge in Stroud in the week of news, we must ex- safari at Janetville on Sun- Scugog Island United Church late 1870's. The W.I Grace tend sympathy' of the comn- day. on Sunday morning when was composed by Mrs. Deak- miunity la relatives on the Surnday evenîing din n er their granddaughter Jayne in of City View, Merrivaie pasing of a ioved one. Mrs. guests af Mr. and Mrs. Harold VanCamp \ves baptizcd. Af- Institute. The W.I. is often Rupert Werry passed away in McLaughlin and famiiy were terward lhey attended a fam- referred to as the Rural WO- Port Perry on Friday, withM. and Mrs. Wiibur Tomns ily dinner party at -the home men's University. the funeral on Monday aftper-land Mr. and Mrs. Keith Van of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Van Mrs. Wiseman said she had noon. Sympathy is extended Camp and famiiy. Camp on Scugog Island. gone over the past, present to Roy Werry in the loss af Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Miss Elizabeth Thompsani and a challenge for the future his mother, as wcil as ta tle Camp and femiiy spent Sun- of Toronto spent the wcpk- to look for new fields of ac- aythrrltvs a ihlepaesM.ndndthrho . complishment, to kecp alive Hday withfhernparentsisMr..andyend at her home.n the friendsbip and social con- Hrmn frnd intsMr.oy orw f iln, Saturday guests of Mr. and( tact within aur Branches, to ares as well as in meny others celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wiibert Archer wèvcl keep high the spiritual educa- were shocked end saddened Morrow's 55th wedding anni- VnetAceBwavle tion and moral ideas af our to learn -af the very sudden versary with dinner oui. Vnettrhr;owavle homes, and ta keep the peace passing of Mrs. Ailan Martyn Conratulations to Cindy and Mr. and Mrs. boan Flem- and the torch glowing for the (Cathevine) of Prince Albert VanCýamp who ýplaced second ing and daugtiter, Oshawa. W.I. and for Home and Coun- on Saturday evening. Cath-adreevd ive ea Mrs. McQuade and Mrs.ý try. erine was very active In in the Pine Ridge Figure Ruth Wilson were recent dîrn- Mrs. Twist led in singing many, many organîzations and Skating Competition at Co- ner guests of Mv. and Mrs. several songs and ciosed withsa had endeared, herself to bourg on Sunday afternoon. Harry 4dgerton of Port Perry. God Save the Queen. many, many friends over a Las,iàMnday evening the Quite a number of U.C.W. Sandwiches, relishes and wide area. two s pe ak e rs representing ladies attended the Oshawa tea were served by the comn- Mrs. Percy VanCamýp, Mrs. Cartwright Centrai Public Presbyterial held in Oshawa mittee in charge then Mrs. L. McArthur and Mvs. V. School at the West Dlurham on Wednesday in celebratin Munday passedl around a love- Baiiey were among the over Public Speaking contest in of the tenth anniversary af ly decorated 75th Anniversary 1600 guests at the Canadian theM. J. Hobbs Senior School the fovming af the U.C.W. Birthdsy cake, siter which it Room of the Royal York were Cheryl Graham and Guest, speaker was the United was cut and enjoyed by, ail. Holel on Saturday for the Cindy McColi. Cindy who Churcb Modevator, Rt. Rev. noon dinner ceiebrating the spoke on "Bogel. Snakes" Arthur B, B. Moore. HAMPTON W. 1. 75th annivevsary 0f the found- piaced fouvth and advances to Mv. and Mrs. Kenneth Sam- ing of the Federated Women's the Durbam County Contest elîs have returned home foi. The February meeting ni Institute ai Ontario.' this week wilb our good lowing a holiday in Florida. our, Women's Institute was Msny from Blacksiock at- wishes. Cheryl-made a good On Wednesday evening the> heid in the Christian Educa- tended the snowmobîle races showing witb ber speech on Divectors of the. Blackstock tion Centre and took the forma held in Port Perry on Sun- "Flip Wilson" but did not Agricultural Socitty' met in of a Valentine Social. This day afternoon at the Fair place among the top four of the new committee room af began with bountiful lunch- Grounds. Among the racers the thirteen contestants. Weil the Recreation Centre with eon provided by the North were at least two local lads- done, girls. President Mervill VanCamp iri Group. Graham Duff and Doug As.sel- Winners et the Women's In- the chair, Afler somte discus- Foilowing _this Mrs. Chant stine. Bath placed well. Other stitute card party on Wed- sion the Fair date for 1972l and Mrs. Burrows conducted nesday evening werc: Ladies' was set for Saturday, Augusi the ,business. The Institute have alI reports, in for next high, Dorothy McDievmid, 26. Rothman's Speciai Eventh Ode and our Lord's Prayer meeting, second Vivian Carl; mcn's Caravani s booked for thel were repeated. An announce- The roll caîl vi's snswercd high, Lionel Byam, second datà te, provide the P.A. Sys- ment was made regarding a by a Valentine verse, A motto Earl Prescoti; low, Everett 1cm. forutn on meat to be held et was read by Mrs. Bryant, Wetson. NexI W.I. party will It was decided b bhold a Mapie Grove on Msrch 8th. "The Old Violîn". Several be later this montb, township-wide c a n v a s s of The members voted not to en- contests that were arvanged Mv, and Mrs. Bruce Mount- Cartwright to, seek suppor- ter the Luncheon Cloth con- by Mrs. Chant we re enjoyed loy sp)ent Thursday in Bramp- and Interest for aur fair. A test. Mrs. Verne Bryant was whlch ended a very enjoyabie ton. They visited'Elaine, Mrs. free pass ta the fair wili hc appointed as delegete ta the time, Wayne McShae and hier dau- given for any donation of Officers' C o n f er e n ceat Ail members please remem- ghter theve. Allan Hudson is $5.00 or mare. Guelph. The heads of Stand- ber that our future meetings staying with them while bis There will be only one field ig ~ ~ ~ f -oiuesaeasei l] îî ug -a :- pm.- orp munrias, -vu nu --iro4cmp.1on ,i-y- -.- iThe Canadien Statesman, Bowmanville, Feb. 16, 1972 5 Grain Corn, as il wes pointed Master of Ceremon ies îor a ut that most farmers gvow tiî year's fair wiil be Glenn the same variety of corn for Larmer. bath grain and ensilage cvops Delegates were saught for and s0 two competilions sim- the Convention ta be heldjii ply mean a duplication of Toronta on Weýdnesday, Feh, judgng. ny frmerwho23rd and Thursday, Feb. 241h, wishes to enter tbis competi- tion this ycýar please contact Committees were set up Wr either Harýoid Swein or the make necessary changes ta secretary. aur prize list for next year. a a Ti if 7. n )f h n 3t s A ýe )f d ing Committees are asked to will begin at 1:30 p.m. sharp, 1 motber, Mrs, Davïd Hudson crop competition this year--l

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