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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1972, p. 9

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The Canadlian Statesmian, BOWManvllle, Feb. 23, 1072 e4 R ea I~ Eat Ld. Osaa-Lindsay Bowmanville - Belleville Port Perry - Port H-ope Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board JOE BAE S)AYS - Beaver Lumber GOOD F00D PLUS FINE ENTERTAINMENT Hîghwiýýa y 401 at Liberty St. BOWMAN VILLE I 4ilrT ir ,iî 'I, BOWMANVILLE'S FRIENDLY STORE Doos -Maazne Toys confectionery Supplies XîNG STREET WEST Ltd. PHONE 623-2542 % e KINGr ST. W. jO W mAN VI1LE Lst ED DO~~ WMN IdL FoU ýNDRYu I Promise ta do my best ?t'o doý my duty ta God, the Queen and'my countýry. To help other peo ple every_ day, Especially those a.ýt home. G UIDwE PRMS I promise on my honour To do my best, To do my duty to God, the Queen and my country, To help othier people at ail tîmes To obey the Guide îaw. ÎWe want boys and girls to become members ofou organizations. We want the suipport of institutions. We want mien and women to give of themselves in volunteer servlce. We need financial support for our programs.. If these things are tà happen, boys and girls must want to join; institutions must support us; men and women must want to serve and eommunities must be willing to coptribute to our organilzations. We must, then, have the understanding and goodwil,],l of Ail concerned. Business leaders place a monetary value ongodilAi is an important item hn the, exehange of businesses and industries. It is important to us, too. Goodwill starts Py earning the support of those who are,împortant to us we must do a good job. We must also let people know that we are doing a good job. This means telling this fact to every segment of the public that is important to us. ScoutGuide Week is an opportunity for us successful,'the resuit will be an increase in to tell people'what we are doing. If we are our membership and support. SCOUTS YENTURERS CUB PROMISE I promise to do my best, To do my duty to God, and the Queen To keep the law of the Wolf Cub Pack, And to do a good turn to somebody every day. SCOUT PROMISE 1 promise to do'rmy best, To love and serve God,' My Queen, my country and My fellow. men, Andta live iby theSceut law. GUIDE RANGER GUIDER Canada to Hast' WAorld Guide The following is something aimed at the Leaders themselves but Guides also should think about the following and see if they live up to the 10 Guide Laws. Sorne can't bIe trusted to get reports and their censusý in on time but "A Guide's honour is tIo be trusted". Sonie talk unkindly abo ut other people behind thjeir backs.,, but "A Guide is Loyal". Some neyer sty o elp dlean up a room, but "A Gide is uýseful and helps others" Some just can't1 stand other Guid- ers, but "A Guide is. a friend to ail and a sister to every Guide". Some think. nothing, of talkng- when other people are speaking, but "A Guide is courteous", Chevrolet Chevy Il Camaro Vega Chevelle'- Oldsmobile Chevrolet Trucks BOWMANVILL E 623-2256 COURTICE 7281-6206 Confere'nce Sonie litter the highways, parks, streets and rooms with their cast off' wrappers and such, but,"A Guide is a f riend to animais and enjoys the beau- ties in Nature". Some refuse to ýco-operate with their Commissioners and other Guiders even to meet deadlînes, but, "A Guide is obedient". Some grumble, con-plain and gripe ail the time, but "A Guide smiles even under difficulty". Somne waste their own and other peopies' time by always being late, but "A Guide is thrîfty", .Some just can't wait to pass on good lokes and stories and even use profan- ity, but "A Guide is; p _ure in thought, word and deed. "Your Rexali Store" Phone 623-3361 Kirg S, , Bownmanville Corporntic>n ofCaniada L Bowmanvill, O ntario CAR CAREPRDCTS SN,,OWMOBILE PRODUCTS Twenty Scouting- 1. Those who, neyer make mistakes, never miake Patrol Leaders, 2. It i",n't the problem boy that pro- duces the problem Troop; it's the probiem ,Scouter. 1. Stern words are like coins, the more >there are the lower their value. 4. Empty Scouters make the most noise - especially at comimittee meetings. 5. It's a poor Scout who does nothing but Scouting. 6. A boy joins the Scouts because he likes it, and leaves the Scouts because he no longer likes it. It's as simple as that. 1. A friendly frown is better thau a foolish smile. 8. The program should be devised to, fit the boy, not the boy forcedi to fit the program. 9. Beware of uniformity. 10. Most bigheads have sniall minds, Il. Onc pat on the back is wvorth six kicks in the pants. Complimcntd of Proverbs 12. A good teacher strikes oil without 1boring. 13. If at fîrst, you don't succeed - you're normal, 14. You can't plough a field by turning it over in your mind. 15. It's only by doing things that you find out what you can do.,> 16. The art of Living is the art of using experience your own and other people's. 17. Neyer take disciplinary action until you have realized where you are, going to be after you have taken it. 18. When the Devil whispers "wvhat a Good Scouter y-ou are 1" - Pray quickly! 19. It's no use knowing somet hing backwards if you dJon't go forward. 20. A boy i a boy onceý and a summer's opportuinities missed is a su mmer gone forever. With acknowledigenients ta 'The Diamond Jubilec Book of Scoutingp FRED ERIC K'SI Toronto-Dominioni Pharmacy Ltd. JOHN rOG)(ýUE, Manager TenipranceSt. ilowmanville 623-2546 FRIENDLY PERSONAL and iNLEW LOW PRICES! DOMINION DEEP' DISCOUNT PRICES We're enlarging again, to serve you better Canadian Tire Bowmanville PECK'S GROCERY NWTON VILLE Open 8-9,excepit Sîmnday PUÙONE 786-2961, Gerry Prins painting -Decorating,, PIRON E 623-5658 Congratulations 1to WEST DURHAM cScouîs& uIe Association PJILK STORES * Bowmanvïlle * Courice * Newcastle Dy Ikstra's Food Market IMPORTED FOODS FRESH MEATS and DELICATESSEN 77 Kiug St,.IW. Slaght &Cook service Stations Ltd. "Specializing in Volkswagen & European Cars" Manager R. M. COOK Phone 623-3136 KÇing & Waverley Rd., BOWMANVILLE, ONT. i _________________________________ _______________________________ Our Thanks b thie above Soni s o Terentribuions WYEST DURHAMV DISTRICT GIDES aud SCOUTS llcrest - Hfampton - Mlaple Grove - Bowmrla.vîille Newaste -Newtonvi.ll - Kendal - Maivens CURS *4 *44 *4 *4 *4 444 *4, *4 *4 *4 ~fl m Fil IF IT'S Elien iRue IT'S GOOD!1 For Home Delivery Phone 623-5444 BOWMANVILLE Berti>Snowden ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specialists In, Electrie Home Heating anvd Foie Line Worlk Cal PERT SNOWDEN ELECTRIC 623-2359 R. R. 6, Bowmianvilie kly l FFI NI 1 cré les 0 ici m nl

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