. 1 j Frpaley and ipened Mwith The Cariadian 9atelmn,I:clowmriville, Fb .17 1 ýhymin 21, The theme wa , - - - --_------------_--_- e -1'A Lot of Heart in Cargiwr-ight Týowvnship _ M ei n, a - ea eraDM .- l Hobjhowo a on nte-o rtrj' Ae n1i. ap are i pMý-XPLE 1- 7B ( i k , )ýt 1 for 0 s'lcat rinotole See7aladOs rom -er 9t , ,ý ---ý"ý in Ai-!Ir. Hls-l1:1, witer torns sruck overthe oys ' * ± L ". -"-", - - rIprt f Aric woked cusrg A r, oi- M Ale Jecok spn ens un-LLuLe -- --nroucd urStdYveiiece th PrtPeîy.eera d' n ornt.l,' :,;Ncw Gon:ration 10IKblsmr7 held thei La -'l'lwe1k with her daug,,te__ M __ 15-) IlIton7 *ath ho no. money [Af Win Hrown in nie Roc Contre with' ,Lucil:.:...:e BeacoIlk. on lth th C . Hal narl ai nî lif cratîg II ad inormtiv acount«~ anqet.Unfrtuntel th t dedthe om~'s hsttut 45 . "Mrto.in.hare..,ndrds f thusads o wid f Vaetn ucïw sr.cules had f0i romain in Thursclayi.t The event was ii-1 M The;li cali ," poduf RmCaadaGeee nd uck'P__ Backtok utilSunay venIconetîb wih fic 5fhaj usd oaue f~~erifn~jViYyeran nalyas*TT n wenficrod-a fnll.jnvesayofth orin f h _.rw'. that.some produrîs many humans. The Jack Min- fl.A1J. opencd to Port Perry. Irony Ontarlo Wl ,1e< worthy of advance ad or Wild <Fo':wl Sanctuary atff _ _ere about 20 miles slipcdî toto ths, iua, jCt in c! onraulaio ar ' oz .vertisinl alnd-some no.1, - inis" " e, soubestofWidso, ats IGln Ahto odMihal Te elgaestofli Godfo sveal.:ug.eol.wh A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý Foo Foum ntile, "1 Iwit-Nagaa Filsasfli f S.ing Wafeloiveîsfy ond CovnioninTmotohvednewelInthirc h:eld f..lia> (if for- ýI i ,,ýý Il-l- - IF Iýý ' iý,:' l Mrs..S.Mortonand Mr. J.'d.ion _c.Mrs. es..Mc.day. hurches"Grade VIII -Honors Bla k Hure ged:0hoteno-Meo.onldd-ir l M.D.adThmsnBw-TeSeir iien'Crdsoc sined otnaef inafbng.commi.t.e. with a soing nI movies of manvill,Jclfdonls o h P;f ash l on Tiusda hae sch flened irl Tic:Gon.:eigliours r- flic anctuay fakenon a r-.cm,.M;: A. hompson on oveing wi h flic followng Mm. nd-M's JohnHstiili ortwasgivn b Wcen viif.Tuwîners Laie'Hili -Isbe to. Seii sveml dys a ~row. Ms. rs 'ddion cot chime iVî. ad Ms. . MDoned, rigt; ecod - ilm Va- wek itli f hir-aug.f. M, C Greenham reported tli. u.ioesc-pat of flic meet- ,- ý::, BowmaMnv ie -I,islIfed Mms. Camp. Men'!1l igli -C arýlI Shjirley m n M s er on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~: fli 7tliAn-.:say o ig Ms.Vinen Jaksn.rnd.... hmpsn n1,dnsda. -igit Seon - ic- RidWamp nd eiiyofKînef of fliW . hdatf-L ýý_ ýQ" ic R,,, ol flic' minutes Iii Iand gave . flic Glen Ashtoni, Weterloo Uni- Cook, and Vernon ...Assoîstine 1.Mrfs. McQu'orde-andl M1e_ ..orkHote- in Toronfo.,Mrs. freesurer's report. vers.iy, 1 ll ed on h -',i rand - \ex f . m . ,Cif iiz erfyi f RuliWilon ccmpaied OlxcFaqlasoPeidn h ml i aîlwas nsw - ..areof s,. Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd lie Tuesdey, Pcb. 29th. and Mme. Norman Wilson ofý il i- 1 , of~~~~~~~~~~~- A.'sW a fi uctcd, naege idntiv :A.ifo.onfli wcken. Mny oca reidets ho elvmfn o Wenesay ven 11p1i, \4er. Mms. - H . imadley,.If0 Canada. Virs.c Thomes . . Haydon ladies::are invited_ f0. wilf remember Mrs. Hill -xx ho ing f0 visitUr Mm.1a-d rMrs. bloyd Ditrct Prsde t, lal eîîd flic. "W orld Day", o<movcd from home " (sho. - . ,î,., , ,d W ilscon, 1 and fVia>emile- et tS,1a1" .1fended tus>anniver..my..nd Jenninge explained flic mot .. plained a few cliapges . t "A bird1in flic:liand:is ý ; cr" serice af Tyrone'in fli iîouse now owned by bomougi fli n,,,OjW 1 a d-liooksc wh Ch womfh ,l]fw in f lc bush by .! TJnifed Churdli on_ -, . 1.Fmiday.,iMm.:. -nd-Mme. Austin Beacock) Tici One-Acf- pinî ['r ys ,prc seetedý ,',ft Richmond.l::1]:ep..ro 1- ..fliciRoc Centre ,,y.flic Cart- _1r gveIflccimebemos0fan muin oigna A. istrig no-storm didn..'t prventCarwrig:,Grde 2 stden, cun, h poces:f apagnMrd , ,It as nnonce fia - ime ou of 0 Hgh ehol efdene fomncondcfîg teiranîxal eaduarers th hoe o pricipl Gî dn Pasle Bule .f.tfi w.ghtHig. Scoolstuen. s i flc.usl areos spc-e-ce.ma.l fie.ea1 a-, xii h ' i s c i 1 l1ý 1 ý o - a l ,it ý :: 'p:ýý Ji. . ý :: - ;_, :. .11he bir d:, ý: . . ,:. ý.,: ý ý ý .ý,- Alex. Carruthers, M f.emutn n hn oh o-cmag o ud o h er Fud atna, - while-fello ..s.udent s lo n.Sifdins cmli ndwti ilimnn eosrr 0 nw, it-psedntmccdnecowso i'Sprîncý,.I- ,., r ý1 ... Perr ,:.. - , ... . , TluMdn a d mîay ev nî ga xx ul o um s ea er fr.oo: ti lc ne i y ur..mar 3.... sud n s, di i ed in o1 3 g oup , m n',of.ureBexem.e.Îf..rt ..d rc iitýý1iIi. awIa: lue lsf, wcek aý t.ii WOS hum ,- t i -irc ay e ffe CaadenInutreCae nadvemese aed ,et Mmsý....thei:treabve eaf uen unia mo, -on b.z-,rffd.Mciwokig O oidy t om hî weke ,O.OnFmda.li ?_.e 7M e rio n B a ille -I.. . . 11. 1lv w.., .e,. iîîd. k ,.,s, ...1:s. L a c k ic o P o rt.1 -j- . c Iar, o lic foIl ow',p!ing pro- T1om..o's, Bownieiiile.en...s-iaw M "Lnearvie uc lneo nd fo rl district ..begioning.. flief , i henth rodwc4sfie ld ourv ,i:Pemry, for ail District l 11 Meetingf ailmembei-s'iltli flicZ e - E ,.ý cd.ronds. Also flic pupilei: lad crs hel...t .licirannuelM.curling chose. .flicfo.ll.wingr wînnr. Sh sid "ndsty or ail C hur nsT heurs a k Myt b or mech fioul :iclet unayowngto lok_ nolir.ccsio'i .petes11.akin fr.sc .nm Te now plwsar of 0 ene -to'eficho e f m. onios Sirey Smfh ma)es us1eppy. Theer meilFole Smifh mepotd nearîy.aevcnfy eama wo1hevc rond aî.d higli wiods.f,îîded end onoyd refresl- Suehe Tiompson. Honorabl to lie held1 . ..flic ocam future . . . f flc lmsy clo, bfdycero lcrns -l-eny il ,liard m,,ile o ttoin ie751Anier-benorenzd.Me.Rod Fam oln, oe ioe wil>e bttrIl' n le sedngnyoý. at inn n Dlbi wa longsv.,DevineoBtl20Jnyce, William Beet Actom: ->.- Doug Talgo scholig bfoe w ce be.ayiLnchon ..licFedr- ThoUppr Hllwf-bonfi-we e lsi orlet W dne.a, ,atir b fiatfine. heala redteoetere:Iti gin ur lfe' wom. I mayet c Woen'sInsitut ofîuîî decrefd wili alon Pcb l6h, wth me. . C Mie Jance rook,-Tm- fr aricls fo a ar.c fo j o.o , s p e 1 f i c ...n . t.Ag o -. ± E, L L:F e l c a m , Wl y J or.n n d l o y J a i e s n ; o n o a b l liard'11k(a,î long ue o- oylYok.Tmotome :.cdsur isoy uu nd M . adMe P w.iw li:n :ifi:ie prela M .,Wcagcct efe fr lii PLE--JCOS.-oi ref. ef o Itoii M eto obSn -eh ,fllnb-% 'l cl,(g i i giligt1of flic dc. tuoýs M . nn1Mis MeronV, slic-hrisian ducaiena Royssoicti euodticy woul et uuem î sevice in if(lnnciy;p'leiol( mr flic guî-cet->>' speaker,.. :.ýi Mm.. R l acin Mil mol Municipal Hall, Cpi ý, . ,- ý , Wive f Wiye'5Upolter dscusig îe eaibiit an ws bouf.f, .th nve nu -n..evneroSaurdyVt.8p.. lîusd',-elmury ee Sude, Jne2 ,h 0iC en Bwnenvhl on n LlydWotze o Waerow jet a Ilocl boy ho las mdc cl Cntiaric wamtt en. T1 Enef ocady.neof-u::îmme.. . Dogla LerdPcf dnt.l or"on..e Cydrma aîd lmph Gmve peielUCX1MltnoDitrit Hspial 0 Hwksbun. h e clseWkR PPUDi0F 1 godi i lne roes1.Btin rad.r pno i -brwi eefniidebmul.MstrSotVaeoec te meig yoSîîe evc.Ja usel c.5 floin eglyfinsGro ge f F 11DCNfUHUL g,, n,,l 'f ýil ic 170. Me.Adie-,Sot.isatend-w.e raed witi elow.icman_.one-o M, W TeiinuesnI li Juuay uie fon li ,sson I lic OP.. e Kngeonfmni o insto ed Kmo Psarnw HETIG YSTM li -vote nI lion. .- e, .... ,,ý.ý : ýli;1fý-_ caie o r n aîy palîbo-mors. oftins o m WiyeSdiolinBwmovle il anie ndsevete. lcsd o emuholasbo ne. Mebes adma Ic lyninb4o. , . 6, le ows mmfd h ilsrie a ede and bl, , is-uligwiific eeî foublrust proe Tcackonin .. mitn. oovd o owiavi.eRo- .gitnusighoe elendLerdgae rpot roi liandSc an n Crpre ed progrni. efrchmeof wcr sered Ms..Vile A::to, ou.pres- pial ed .e.oing me.wlz.a,22,.spitl crs. A lette wesPreeytemai m .e:îin1, fli tmeaised f fie ilfoi 'tciMoris FneVeIClaetPi ý' ' ,,'li'nil i-)u1i-uo ba s. ine, M gratry ird Foun , 1 ý ..: 1 ,. '.. . 1 ., I, .; Ai ý esle G aham '\Bowus-n Tic metig iocd.îi.y me..ssNe.sen.br en, nd Mie.eam Ladice b epete. en fon fic Bomaviletini bin ,"M BoterO..P Dfainen. e mc ei ieinerfif.ay Lunch of ,i cibeibrghuýnem- oi cn Wom er si ttein on.cci e :r, t glu Sowdcnattendd fie et- cil mnprt eining a.alanceT.isonialdte lOfl AnnivrBobonml hiIdeetSenpl.racobeSurvivng arebisswecSus wilivaios ooige ten wns lehie ofli ear. n Pilpowsl, deuliterPaul 'qonoimed p-astntr ian t (. ; c i pc Pmplyet 12:30.. over. 1 20 e' ntft. wih wecneo, read a1letter fmoun fien ccremnnyhavf11 memersendther bshade ..ic1.re scned tfic bsevedrccntl i.To.nt; îl Covenr n-ti God fou ud iau , onuc- ill beote noiingfli O..P.R.CM.P) ii Rgin an BETANYW * lnchonIn he al onfabesandMm. Alionle ii edig ele rcrigigLuI în, .by faîig îngîtesi nfre.ig.ex. . .Pote 0 Gac dulierDonaMaiee Je k ineo'nWaldowl a a.la brogif Aglica Ciorli b iltonhome alsoe broher, ussei ... (.,-)(-,,l ci, c-jthý,Sii(itiar-ý Îken , , ,- . ý . ... ,.,:ý-.,, -1 Mr. A. Thom son on venngORONOhe 983-5208r. tP ou«ir - cl _i st attractions 1 9 , fim ugi fi efot n C rd n L.sî1Bo ll , nu.er ed on Sd y n1o hie~~~~~~~ dRe Lro194 I tc amesf11actvedn Mirnasors, iccae as ie emv 1i-sý -nlfl'al.. George Koox, presentod..bersfl A,(i d i irend portions ,fmi ..m . new speech woo Marilyn ...d pri o fiefiafBradiwe fiincd oto n aner..Me.Asto ,il IhUnW U s iller vision in 190 wienK1ox, .cousi, wio mme ,îo.."m ii-, Ms, Viiceni ackso read1 ,,flic Soline Bmen.,dli was ononond-eslamonsi.h'n ocondamene foridtheir I'fi 1 ul ',- -fll( 1,d. m. Il.Ile e. Balson, shonwliolcispealioknndgertalent, Ie. rs - _was unebie ]fn toepreceutsand-sgMm.the..in- Taylor.. -nue .n. .. . . w'r- nI f i e W ..I..e t S o lna n d M i Thii\t l.barda te ucelelrolimates asw r-.. ,tieim yemms.l" .n-, ets Mr Ud Vj. lo d e uedj, eb 2t. cdtJi anu a ivematienry in . flic..:feu.: I.Tic.. ,uestetee1werc. , învilcaedesdVot il Yev*r gucet, mad:in-ee..in.rom-men!bre en eojo tito f f Gurneasaig Criiats .nd a.cI a roi .,ywr iiku bo * ,... ... e!uug ... FoCurh iation lion form nom:. .g..onp fo viydntladeppaneiweiailto wun remebtonMreHil atililedt co ntieac urfiacial ad _..i- . 1or write liii at 1 ..e. 1oaMeny thndWoee DMys. Asitonromfhanîedh lflic .t"Abiiith ad ils mauy --enufi-ulc-.vinge. otiers" oerflic executivenlthE hofschooweofrem bnelrou ' iiid a Wecags n' wcciilidighfdth cej cargeoinfichaoivernry / ii1 plei, ahueti f,1e)rbeautiful painting donat\hi(ýh- .cenitdrafionson-FrMies MPandl andAuseinrated. li cýý214 Blnl'ai -',theeTordsnt the i cdre by Mm. olSten Dwel b eai Me.Hle WryM. m c m o r y n I h i w l I e , V o masH e l e n M il.i n , M m c . D o r i be con-C cERD OMANaOm ppnfrecietnws epr es-Hie, Mme. atSudyeilowlees ' ,Ù].Sot rik- oll . .1 s tt cr M'iý( t'Ol-eMBERCia1 ADA Ero i T iNSUmet§NofPureORPORATION cedges fyPonomerpresd ideot.. and nomlst membre.wasjur- . gpci,,-ll_, ,, Lntlowteoein yu ed. Ar h Tic egu stuene divNES iLtoN W13 jgr iioj'h Ij 'iTheAsLo a 111H. JAMg, n ES BEL, 6Concssio St.W., owme viitg wlicrc f thoy 80ad lidiuleNtsthctow n'siandetars j i j' lanii.,'asris fPot .- jj- If fý' L-Jfl.Jhre elphne 23.74Hccotoriy adMortoney repors l btic beuna ec'rer '1r fo ' le 'uetsItte I 6.79 ctnl,ýiIl'e!)liMstr mi-ilt, d n areen ditrct xeu oin ted ticesW. I. eTI moeglif 0f 50ic fPreeb thefý. - .i teianaur, S IjOurIl -local jîUnirit, Cpn;Il-Iýali Tidu L Asiton hadvas tvermeetingcmestingM was ho île clair nnd-- flic- Se-.--, __ -j- ---- 7 cI1-ý o '1p ojiý,j- p-J aro -iins 'f, al e neccuife -Vo o__bout fie efer.iMs. W egnmeMrod Ij N .,1 $4,2 j iiiîî ' [Aj [J t isw .11 fi gesî 1 bre T er wii par ot tci c adi m d ledate ti a os aîh mioî fý il ;' 1- I, '--i;7- -;--, - -, ý', 7,11ËB , najý Ie ndie Jenua y ,I [ *' ,j ; o1gi-aýdiIýle -ýstic bgi. Tic lote cuou 1'ior" decn n- ' 1 .mafîng Dl I: t' C uny tii'o Fr8 ad9 Mte. RifaFmaser, tc iîîoetcourse on Jnnuary 8tli hif e)h ý"' Ema'. This won second prize_«ithe gmoup., it' ,\j",hepuilslI,ý l;- - ' - et flic Provincia îeveî on-,ic.Ifwas decided fo mIe flic j Iî h.A Pounding n nom Worne's -0 Ronr TiompeonMemomial ." 'î j ,"Floor 1T, 0o aei 'vited t e a eetingla ththe reen ioce Uoitmexpectng tllI ' j1 l ' ias buseChsie ofsmar pat :-iýltr,-l ý)i )ý, -s, - . - d gÉat ccom lis men s ma e T ere as siý Il 1 n-ut ieii -LI.tirs b in.ýýi ý-ý1îlýý ' F(,: ýýc,ýýlIllý!uý1 , mý 'Iý-ý terneungaeope aolourel Cross end GeugyChurpe nies ji Whatever Wyou tocho tes ynmPed, go f0 f gtoblcedAnLrocaieo751h Annivemsamyi ' î I ti sd Ll j I11 -1. ,i i.'I ro -conwhteban, ran r liy PyeVieon o or hefeîee er m td- /i/ADoLtYors conead icuswedcontrol with repreeta minc piaite ctmand0o f0 Mepie Grovo on ~ E U Lf! us %wifi n Sentimental Jour- MeÏrci 8f1 af 8 -p.î. Ig f ar t tives of hesecompenies. They will t alk ,about niey in Music over fle pe-f7 Tic displmy f0 be pepeMrcdFNSHD S ycme W uid recognize thoI for Blacîstocl Pair wms dsRFNSHDAHPNE.G I cst î new pro4duects and for-mulations aind elso discuss ema of ecrl'sélection and alil cussed. , uiu 'odgann 'x8' shoot j x7 /I i spciiewed control problerns with btnsall le w crTI eotnIfi p a I 'nom 'day' ho lammony". 'bbem )cmmiftee was îemd EXT;iAF S PErA L c ~ $.9 îI f ' To Ilend same hui,.asivhlbyMm L Mlcohni. Mil Ç% e. 0fi îtmooTlic crpef lunonrcilcCs ar Mme: Bia Jmaser and Mscompetiitionfo lie hld in May c rU ~ i YIL PetriLeaci endcrd fIîce ivs diseusscd and a. comm W. 'oral de!.),colD le"tee f0 clinose a suifabie er-LieIc :Ï St. ere Parish Ht-l -Newcastle S de by Side " and! -Let ~frmotheîo ,,F~ I~L NO$HAWA VWOOD Retn1I oi oB~ Mm. M. A. Beacock gevaT BOWMV LE Tliey wcme appopieeir deI- of."IcKynef N U H N Y ~ U I 1:0 .r. 3:30pn. dbuefunnddi Good Citizen is Service fà0 dance stops to flie OOW f m.Cccii Wilson rend fJ; ~hnw liw youg aod iddy tpir "Wîat Doos Cifbzensiu 41 ES g.icyit. m Bray ecr!opan-Iivîan". An interetiîgng- bodieni nd tied o keP 'apiy contee;t wes cnjnyed y _______ dauift n M. ad regmup semved a plentilul lunch,