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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1972, p. 17

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'I /~c~c~FIF~ ~les Rehab F11ilm Premierel The Caiiadian Stateiiman, Bwa Fil,~eb. 23, 1M7 MortgagesWctntediBecd Estate for Sale!Recd iEstate for Sa1e',ReaI Esttefor S atlea y M ei g ai or ____ omnvleRotaians wiere :enbr Hof the r i~îIgofIed in Bowma)nville NEWCASTLE teteaerur Ht oe lhad teo Large five beclroom home FOR SALE w peiees or fnew ifim. irtroduicingrher to the nmeetingr îsaFbur 2 92aantMs uyBag~stos al oh Ign a dd FP AEbv the Canladian d lntipiied touithit i* eret R. ~ HB.Baxte rpiesided dd yLj.selhavorkepteeare on Sunset Bolevard, t1hree [ Pru- hti c Y pqhi ou ad I en to'iii.lle r P ismîsse.3ii( complete four piece bat1hs, '0 fo e1",rmnhnutotcngbi rag olw o icem 5'xR diTT IMTD f ornt ilgop ndde;ssed teclb-TruIe nei, w\ith sitntConhi-,trial. dr.suls agt osn ji1R n M RGA L and oversize living om2'i Ile lll 25'AthwIk',topaio9wsspenisoîed by a granlt from Davýidson anid June Mrk. Attorn-ey K tbntnadfo rbte fie.l e Many, many extras,inld * th Ford Motor Company.> It Miss Lander, a gradulate of duty censýel K. VanLarWisnOhaahdtesoctewhaykow #r'glarge dining rom, twe 623-7661 'describes a summer me il(-eting l MatrUirsy(16)s Tlhiee youIthis rcr ma brak and en rterical re aecrmnlHisoVole fireplaces. Wall to wall cr facipe yuh aitedirector of 0noraio fo lstwekwh adCon pet, edouble carport, a7 lso d- 13,7 Ring 9St. E., Bowmanville234 inlg St.E., îBownaiïlle and yeung wmn ae iiaSriesfrteCnala e ladd'uly V nafly a indhmsl noWit fYr uls cnn liïchIed brick gage pvd 10 ace li.fine ýlýdjjL b", -Psycbliatric Hopta or nied b i aet. ~FCND ORTAGLïdive age 75' x 250'1ecdHlITNAE -3hd 2-3 park in Trot,mad tIallbebiliainConi bcbsehvnýn ois, eacjerHcspi-at 1c'ostprpary ad oe r h-ilsloom home ýÀL,,on l t 758,9 0 Kendal His, View, S frea (1tons. larly as Ithe National EaIster ai n dI default 30dasljalKnehDW.Wso,2epiynt ý,-Allan Ray u in lm(ýýngOr s Aheret4 9 Oswa careD. Witb unlaý Abahwratfrîi flei adIakig oly 1890. 40 Acres with 1Ho mediatei arrest of David Rob LnIýJ_ M ýric oframa cab.Asking $300 ni h ulpiafrbue ag aa ioTi a prtan boy qiShesaedl h pou- tGegr ox 4ul br'L;i jea and enter at'a , a0trts ~ i..2 -3 eartaai or Vems can be Arranged.this bichorne; needs 'some is one of the bighest points in'grl.If rie alsho1tb cnp-ScugogtcO )-arIc, urF0 (LUrinspection - Phone uwI k.lthe County, with one o h idpesnsorfgel r-tino en a hpst 5 iteAe. n atr esrcin ie laed'uîy o p on utfrfdn aboi aIpid.til i blecemne iavolved lan another Mille, 19, 2217 Liherty- St, N Constable Rittaniavestigatedcaîderncottdawbn LLOYD IMETCALF WOW! HERE IT IS! 3 bd best views. A beautiful prop- ing to aciev ndersitain ilmte onclînedst Conistahie J. R eks .. a break-la, Novemnber 8th last al /*City o4sbuba room bhirk bungalow on a erty at only $45,000. and dialogue witb ea rdc nth erftr.MP, eebrub aeei- from wb;-licb had been takan aGrl isiT~Va RE.!L ESTATE LTD. aiealt secoaioiety1.,rl ce iouei ter uýie ViP eeroog, aec lotb gond location0winghS10 S.eniOsAcres1soimly odwt fww r 'ehabilitating disabled pco-dence of tbe packages found13,0030 watt generator, a pro- wasfne$20oan1pir * io4t 0yatl4 in t E sa a garage, close te sebools, Sml od ihfwwrsDa Z-68prý,ai hpigadak High la the Kendai Hils. and semae spectacular shotsof ple is ralatively new in Can- ia their possession. Thiese brd pane tank, a'nd toni box own- ad dcigcageli coe good atesand trms ial 78-46 8 pan rsyad shppin andask-Build your dream bouse witb ýscenery adeprsintaada," she told the Hotarians been tUnned over Vo hlmJanu-led by Kin- Construction to 8thlstHilceewa u. 8- ngolf$390.aview unequalled anywbere. flm is a 1lyical prtest against s"But iIthe lphysically dis-ablaed ay lst b- Constable D. Smitb, the Nvalueietif$800. Ailbavepende o i oV',Afn 48-tf ~~~~INCOM,,E PRýO1PERTIES - %112,500 - $3,00() down. anyeaie wbio stresses disa-bility ia epeiusdu eod tn.Cuslfo isnak-wsgvnfr asgn-x Callîty tehhaeknown for simself 24 HOUR SEVICE LOXV aîl, we hae sevaral. 14 Acres - Bowmanville iovariiityor wbo confuses ad i bilities rathler than K.Van Naît,nepresete G-e)frioaa last break. H a nuacH a îa f 579-1321 DO / AMENT LOSadLOT n LOTS Corne proparty on No. 2, a Ihandicapwih a cap-ia-band! ' 0f LOTSEast (if town lrl Idlfor set of nersea bs iabîlie"counlsel D. Brbr rpnesnteîi,'Iowas ramaaded Vo March CosablycedlnÉtg T OM 3BDO MH M .i.Rbno 62-375$15.000 -Termns. [siîiirpraise. ,It is tee that nmessage acr'OIs Vo the A_.Ahrlii iePort is pnepared. ConyRd8l Cak Ned ewhmebu hotMar, Smith- 786-22837i . ad that films,ý of this kind didIpubllic -- aadc thu's Itha impetuc M O R T G A G E et a h IlT h n in ve st g e nwla n asa nt - 62 135 A r es - B ow m anv ille n t -gin la ger p rom in en c a on t e m a ke fil ms'r s l t i o n t a p a o ls i gW . S a u s a d R n l o n h p Be pr oes ell hh lieSecer 623-3259 mile towa limïts. 7'onitelavo," a ebnsidlob ht a ra h ow- moem anJc d od tyme tunes. J. Slack, Newcastle, Pautl Ban- SalySky HPr erat haatraciv Bavr Sam Ahfou--62s66 et bara. Terrifie invest- "tipemesgbauiuaeRans ar le ca B ugorce,,\t, h - ntRRu1 rnweaac oprcveafieo$2 SERVICES WTiiowdale modl,6a 3ment-at only $42,500, Ternis,'. told," said aOnothen. cemed, the Council basacbe- handed tiddlen, also did a finie fined $50, costs $3, in defauit~o iady i alfrfbv 342 06 Acre HorselotarmdWba gavetha presentation ivdthat end la Being. job. five days,' after pleadigIing lqu aohrta i 32Ring -St. tW.,Osb iawýa rfoi e ; daty on y ur oati 106iAcSreneorse62376Clarence Daveaux plalyed guilty' te having a iaddresidec.Cntal 'o IlfrOshawa, Simcoe St. N. front- ade mann was its intro-1 Dr. Keitb Siamon thanked îead guitan, sang a fewnum firearm in a normalIvly gamawastelvsiaîgofcr Over 80 Vears Comrbined may be ahie te owna l PorKwtJ, eibra. erfentaduhtro og ieCu.- ifew instrumentais.JLaei gÏbiKayWent te Conc. b; TOIan-,epteme ihwt en stat EATOR4-le -Bowmavilaaccmpnyagsbip ofClarke, flau lngjg li Expariance vas rnan.%2A0 on drumaln was very good. complainit. te prdeaveneo su. anVVEA NCANýý 0flL W. Dnlevy and Diana Val tv Dmcu, eta acrcevdafieo 5 Bceal Estaitelfor Scile'doWI1.'il el wih ort ad EAfLTOSRAN< -lentalloaton $ W00 . F ank Real Est mdetai irtaperac vle, baeDewochargs e dIv- rtndy. osal M _ __gage ýarranrgemient!sand land 5z Ring st. %V. - Bowmanvlhle yeariy inconep.SOIlid hick aj(11- nithe Jamboree a succýlassfuling wbile cargd ea fdrinvetîgtda cieto _________________avaPLailities toc! Fori-rh 63250iLo16 10Ashe1la ci jb a id the asbýca fbt tte.Cntbe e-Dnigo keir Idetails Pholna - ng oril \7000 ernr1ne. AI Cooper aise did a fine te hlm and pleaded 'guilty' fojDeogrLy 16 - e RA NRTEYat 723-35581Atatve3hdom u-LsardMapie Grove, Willy Wib-lidal.itanHuanoerdhl Nwovieadate1 or ropla e urnearest galwonexralagelo. as.. . ia.IJoeaBothwell and Chuck on two different occasqions.On300MoraeA,,At12 - - Bea icr Lumrill Store ai ap n av rv ontylvn ît w(oatV iîpatrick addad bisplayer thýe first cha,ýrgehefnwaOsaarpaetebD pik p >ewBEVR paiusliig oo nil-yer0p0tlea, ed~Bill Murray for their portion sscsa$3, l eal 5Barbehdtea hre in__________________________dtien. lanp eLtras. Ask lg(Walter(î,ank, Piesident, is business when assistîng teo f the show and aieng with day, and on theseco d plans for ini tht40 111 boor 'Pnce brckan almiumcestrueý Do n abStr i ncareh 1 enelc .41 'guilyt' henalTh i 6232503 Farn~eiu aniin i ews.750.Tarmrs.CalPat plealsed teo aninounce the ap- people in these crcumnstaaces.on sandnBajb.Son ida1carehawhaaraca Estate vILLîrnited as represeta-Coast te Coast Heal Esat iMaster et Ceremonies J. C.,JohnrihlrnNewtonvillebraanetrwlb te 1,aÏ1 if -!20 Ac-res -Newtonvilit tiEst adterEpee ol at hsCuty&ncîe iee $2 , issNwevle eoladdr Bom95la-2yarotwîtb sltrearn and a escfoast te Coast BR-al Ser vices andtI commit ane ladîctable of ounty rclieea Ne 3 bedro'~~'m home mi ~~ ~~ couple et Spnlings!S' Oea bush Scenie propenty with B p ond3_z s iate Sricsand Emiploy(ea Traasf anPlaa, apoescnWsenJmoe a h 9 adfuttnedy sudc.Eetieha.Ak)ouse w1Igit 1garag. Twvo from 401. Goed building st.Bomnille, Port Heop e, volvement la the residenitial ,produced la Bowmanville. i TowvnshlIp etClarke. Davidn go haaslea ale t$5,00tskng$9,0. al ude-LnsaPor t Perry, jareal estate market cand the ýThe next Jamboree will bePadickstatad ha was bit at cieknwg fVhaotn .ig 2,50 ib ens L~IIA. ens.Plain. TrentenandPîcton aea. problems relating te1tha v alut- beid on Suaday eveninlg, Itle crest et the bill goine ya nitbl fe .T Orenearea hero0mOver 100) ef the most irepu-)Lt- atien oet tebernoes et n- Manch Sth, lat 8 p.m. la the',at. onistabla Mankia,OPcawainovdlancc home with full basernent, ILMTS4Bdoon hsi owavleAe ble Ra Estate firms have ý,ployees heing transtenred. Bawmanvilla Town Hall. ddsem eauig th dent adwsawieofH bult-a tee ndevn.75 > RALORiral aice fiqmili' home la a 11gb nlliag 10-acre brdnenereuleeetd eEnlye andvt hi - -ra it nd -it was gf edhd we arasdtln 200, lot. Carnles for $106 1very LIuice ,aea. baomn erGoile Courte the rnernhersbýIip et full attention te theiïrr iiw Mn llem ad nef ale 'ed charge a u s al P.I.T Askig $24000. hreugewa ltikot aamnt earGl ore sigti ratie$11.90Thesefirnslassigaimeats, secure in the15pJ1 f*stble Ju oad i Almost aew. Electnie heat- $ll,990.Cal Jan Oudshoorni. are LIcat nlaal etfthel-knowladge that tbey will h wuu rah Jh .DnrcNwata nî ac 4t eapa i Oree -Le e y hreBorders ravineý Owner u bedh'oreem home witl b bulit- ritter'd. Geed ent. Oshawa Ipiciplal cîties and 1te-wns 1assured a tain market value charged on Decembar l7th Oshaw orintehs w in) ovea and grill, Hollywovod Eowmnan îeNea Shppig!!Immcu-Homnes like this sali atars aaalaeula-frterhsadtat, .ts, eIl UI"ed guint onsctblead-ît Catheral cilin Ask B u 6440 ate 3badrom bugalowRanchbunglow, rof entjort is thenafore asurd t iwhen thay need them, thay -t1-s Jin careSw ' L 14 Acre Bu-iilding Site1( edro bn alyaascpe. oo J a erelocation et fai)ilics- wllhave t1hefunds neqiradI(I ýdCosibe ci in, $25500. Vendjon ,anxîeuoLS. 1"very l.,e stones and . . - wba lala Cad.God n ad daise a epunchasa properties ila their 1Despite a hnîgbt and auInny founrdMn. Darirach la anive iee 10o a Onon - Tis ome Boniaa piai, los Vo os-t*in near ah conveices. t Uîtd aes. aew location. oatnac, uaa wa Prtentba3liway vethdasl a.Apr-ntic rniies northLiet ThisIborne is juist Tim-ai.g kitchea wîtb hlots Fmle'aCndamv nTacnentionlal real estate haraidl% a dyfor- a ride IGA. tore. awslociked repni st h iea v-lleperectsite for yun"S i and pai n" d rinust h n betIioLý wort a fw inute etSuîexecuiva hrome. sean er ha pprciae a- e cuiphoard space. Co7zy ,fine aL aergeeon lce P eivn orboeaefuaction lwill lcon- tbnougb ,ilthýý cOuntnyýý ,IMostla tIf'ciîste o-l off. Coun- tine l ookatIt.) roo sp lace in living rocmi Sep-1 lii ( Largekitchen-I, SaPanatedia- i Acre Lot t-t fer rtndcouiple w-aaedan or a. ye ans cordîng -te Famlily tinua ten ha important. Hw ie-od nd sema aj-or sel TIiomas repn'eseated Mn-, FN U ln rom aril no ad niles inorth et 401 at Alewnc safstis.Saanavn, haaadsetîndstnodstee wa- hlockd by craChiJudge axrord ae- MOUETAN tac rcnlwtkstnetiile. Nwtnile.Prced te sl, I ounyLot!IC1al n(kathis homne. Make the îtanired a' n tiflit bosaof mmeliiiri lrce eret aad niftingsewwipe u eat Mnn.tarracb ht Calfon more ifratciCainw.Oi 7,0.0. Twsbp ovl ra. 100, lstep te hettar living. Cal famills- o-qarter e e t thio Ia -,(I(stîutn wilqirete h fazig btngwad. Vamnfoatc.annsiuo1MAER rnoem sida splît hbernLe wIlb have sevcral Bidinz HNIN FSELN Real Estata Limîted, Reatniyuisi aaa-agdel ott imwt ohsi en iba ewe ereA anor an i 623-33NG U'93.their plal(ce etlresidance lan cat'd pians and tacilities. Newtonville aad P ontHpie!gchra no bu bnoadloom noubu. i in- Lots in NecasLe. neacre CALL (US FOR EULSZ17,acconding teO tlleest-1 W. Frîank Real Estata r- asclse, dHgha A IJune lthdid break and an- BOLr ~.-4be nc.nom ih irplca prcl othcfNo 2HihwyAre 'ou Cosidriaratsie.ia, basaffe vr7 ewe otPnyanid H th er Pacottage at Caesareaanad Askng$2,90 it Nwasl.Attr Heulrs: IlîOVE or TRANSPERC MostIbsines-ýs ogizaispeople aairauýpard te oek way < 35 eua eabaeyatnhrcharge etfailoi Bowmaxile Do't ait . T. A. Barton k 63308raîmiburse the nmajor expenses uattanthe tiranster bulsinless in paIssabl)e sal lnappear August 24th at feloi ~vntil Spring ;te s(eathis 2GoliHoe aBomavik û eeeah i -62 62e3-5e2651 t1h1 forcure iaslia buss.thsara.Cas ee et aaaondcortfe apeil]-ay i acepra1ihcee n pi nmnc.Nrhel ij.Ilur ome sîeedsa hrawe!rasenagemlyavrwbare anid towiag cern-quypeddgîlCn bus Toa ate aaîlbl. 41 i aea ne onrainelotP.Kow 63-568 in Canada and CU.S.A. Relocation axpene anaaSe panies had a tiel a rmv 8-1 ~~~~~~~accapted as a stancd a i I'ÂIigta n rasfo plcotblfcut astelvs Ssin 35,000, Se fnow. He0llwood kifch- . I paît ut nu1i/ c od ro d eng cnewsoliglatiag officer, On Ag en 3 bednooms, big living C att o s the nagotiations lai attractiag iriniyi -ý) Iaj-_ lw, 1AIIýf Kandl Ara]10acreLwi'Y..o bult-ingarae, Cok-set key personnel.inathe past, "' Wirsfurysmshandily 24t1h a beach warrant was Nonume1 lane naaiad lots etouhe)LIsemntmn"moeteal WEstate SlNiCC many companI-ies b1av-e beenspealt. Accending [t) the lissued for Barrie and oiniy iS manag$40y0domoerres J IIE iU fenced i hL eaî Iestate Trinity U.C.W. met Tuas1ý_îwaaetbarman we aire laifor- ll ewek caught uip with bhlmn.LMT F.1 m -day, Fab. l5tb, with a Fsma-ll more et f the samnaii la das Tle a thar twn la August voere Natovileaia 0 cias eineetNew Listings e'iofi lii ler 9.00 p.m. caîî: attendance duie Vo much sck(c,Opuospndd ence.X 3 dewe Coatacg harasdaad Audrey Plain -623-3563logi 11iý don.a(uet, sric, atpoli - 623-3077 deu'b11 ,nt, opeaad th eetngand 1bava b"a appriailing, there sspnddsentence for Oea hn hty6S3~ Fa yo62-07ýthen calied on Unit 8 wi àalte ccdents of a, yean wthstnriageaf ragla Cane Rcad - 23737 i. Siik --623-2401;anoegema-- 623-2318 S~Lm Mrs. D, Colea and Mrs. M\. An- snesntr netgtdh MacMconld 63ï9h1FîrideJost -23-203233 Ring St FastBwa ïî jnOudshoorn 623-2984 i are l cageette en N cati .PP.dnîg9h II'ln Maonali -623-911 avitAihson 9874867Phoe 62.395 or623-3111 Bernard MacLean 723-0842[ÂIhp.aswek i97486 Phne 23-950orMrs. Cola raad the icnîptura lod tcisn 76-95 Mlvhl Dla -623-5638 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7 159 ""' and the comminents on A. Mrs i Ai Ruf -- - 25-053 ika Belmonta - 576-1908 BOWMANVILLE: V e r y 'Dana Found- 623-3965 Wnese h o avha Anderson tld la prayer, aiici ki 1If Àeýoý61*,îi. dil 1eelescean 3 hedrouom bungalow. W EEIiEteLovJaIilfiý i.-1CR B MeFeters 725-1726 011 beated. 4-pce. bath. Ask- Kay Brown- 623-3150 Legion Public SpeakingCn MsoulsHteyintl-\,~JL 8- ing $20,500. Easy tanms. Bill Turansky, Orono 983-5420tethdlaewFhuayteVolviysosRU Real Estatefor Sale l ~. 011 v-y wl o oter- onofl9S3-5801 lgth are:, rds16 M~ .Jtte ardcdE eutv Re-dfo cre SAW: tan vi8-1 _ \11 Lloyd ï)S10lvIioEx cte _____________- keptbna- _____ s-cro ataM o gv an naetîgfl owmanville Mayor Ia OEESTNE heated. 4-pe bath - __________- outicie South Pulic cof e hwdpcue nUa-Hbsbsbe lce ie Wonkshop la basameatetc sLIEs ST AK 77e Phn sig 2,0.Trm 4ciet a hw cLay, Rusty - -da, pertaiaing te wýhen sh aira ofii elt Ot CH K TA Newcas4,00 eris.tPulic Sehool; Srd and lhan huiLsband cind cbildrea himne heCntlOt SCENIC: Pli, ACRES with -Ci'ndyBail, Camp Clanl- 1ivad thera. She sblowvedipi,-'Wcre it Plat Nin Beard.V S'rTin , more - ci;ë4 edoonLord El gin Pblcturcs et differant but vîae~ atrBabe atWib OEESTNE tsaSia Sckofi~Id9Ake ~ 623-4403 hormeattraci epa4 Dbleo dup Shool. Teni Hooper, Snew -eacb trihe bias ifs ewa sbcped hais e nmad lte thexcive Bso ta O N hoe LviyfrelcaD be Raunbpalsobean e-alacthed .caima. APR EA REATIR ~~ AN ~~ Eg arageP. vaddrive. Ccli Ontario Street School; Tom roof on the b ut. We aise -saw cemitta wee OSawaMay office, hMrA wae twe1r1ortabEaGustar, Canadian 'Goose - c picture et c sausage. treacorEMcNaaly, WhtwyMyo 10" Thee wre wo epotabOreooSusan Vaadenp, My with pods 2-3 ftillong resemb- Dord Nelwan yayoan 350 ACR FARM wtb ex ccidents la Bowmanville dur-lHersa and Dog - EnniskiIlaa; îling sausages. Coffea is the ige av alDw.5l,3Y b calleat buiildings. Twe hars, lathe past weak Catlîy Harris, Pollution - as copet gada Te OJB 1$aljon ln.UKS AE E 1-1 ei S 8roome ric ,ik home, Alcon-1 n cug ' atr anpo;Ters a on. ah Siofzada h CJBi oit163-SNKS AV11 "OPEN HOUSE"veniencas. Asking $165000. ~ atudyHmtn TeaaPt ~There, 15 only ene paved igbadtkigl hfv RAGS2dz 9 Tennis, atabout 2:05 ar..Water Pollution g ape rod la Ugarida, ih ngburtan ntef," whn ar divn yStephea GroeaWasf; Nan cy __and__________________East_________Darling_ 3 BEDROOM well kept Sumanstord et 89 Liberty an, Superstition - Ro a at-an lephf a' ts aigta ctWiby ig brick home. Living ,tnadBwavle and dia- Streetad Raymond Sinipsea e liel Chery,,l Coss, Drug Abu se ngt twa-rahr than ord TOASTMASTER n ~~ îng îrn.01 uaaa-e 2 ue ten ett t 11,;- Shaw's; Roharti Lackgy, Idiotbssec bygahrwtr Nameet as non-vtig pe-l Radishes Orui. pce. bath. Garage, A sking intersection etLbrf la ox-, Cenrl street. twiee a day from a pumrp. etatives te tthe Board are: oee eîgi Anw eplit 1levai THREE Barry IHOM, lcserd, uram. was aise present hrïeasxjdawo.',/ YI JI decoriratt a nd compite ý-with brQýýoa inlaliving -reom anea Harry Voerman -623-7597 cnt hintat soe m eeymywere: iVrs, Susan MAlorrisen, MeARGARINEs cn fmiy om.Lagecunrystle ithe, akot atoBud Virtue --623-2969 be available from provincial Mr. CCBacy Mis rgaSy-PAAARNE' Iers.U Gary HancLrgoekrystle kich 983-5155lt at lsources as the lnaw cemplex clirMn.F.Swc. M. . 1 Galo trm diig room.Gaag, avt riean lrg o Gayt00' ckwill aise be used saas - rcy a ?M...Me ay5'rom-tlylndcpeBenîflviw Cm ar ria RanDvdsn - 7-22Mmnt.cnte TFt.aeee wsMn lS n da ig tBo lngSy.~, - ith this hiomecf $9,00Oo Low cown pcyment. Meet me Weslay Anderson - 39-2669 Kite n h hara n aptatesom!vnîgFbur2d ICEREA thare! - John F. DWt 8-04RSLSH rxnasse yMnr. et Recreation Jam)bor'ee we Hgh Snl, ayHima 8-1 MfC Gui o s planned Sunday vn 3;Hg DulMr e Davi Aliso 987486 - ,, ~ Tha ropiesweia prsen- yr, he geatast ah round Towasley 428,; 111gbAverage, hn- dbyPsdntStan Duan-,. Tewms-y 13.p22.v4 F 1,O H O 'APLIANCES he(id aït the Por't Hope Lagien is i h&we Muiy Mary 'HOFICLD AXrER LIM1A T ED 0 nMcc th startin-g et 1:301 fera field, ithnilled t01uie29 Mr LuToýw ey1- Srvc THOIGBMLTPL LSIN SRVC ïwiti'sagsof MreHg 1,Pet Lonig 202, MarjPiper 'M (ok O0F QIJALITy> 2 REALTOR Cfe n ognt eegrJba ah eb29 rýpSr a District ,1ontetý,I bhr 1Ladies' ux- ie eadHakSe. emS aîg_,Twse F O A K ET 7K CL A S I Hi LiS O11wa, 623403 îiay ce sevedhv rs p I erad Eliof plyada god 1095mit 99,2, argnso '~ OWMN("', Pitun 6 3 303 eal Etate oard1~aînata, irs.j-i. newa nci uic o faile tnas i i . r, ivooe 814 Hisa

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