RcentJy Wed in St-. Andre-w's,Mlbr k ENSKLE1 Married in St, Joseph's Churchi" ..........A dinner and program was »,/. held at Solina on Saturday celebrating the 75th Anniver- t sary of the Women's Institute. .~7 ~ Attending from here vere c..... Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill, Mr p~. . . a;nd Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Mr. and IM/rs. Robert Camp- p ~. k be . nd, family, Ham~pton, .g .w.ere.. Sundicay visitera a t WMc. :if i anrd Mrs. R. Howe's. l Mcl. and Mrs. Allan Henry e~V 11nd Tim, Gait, Mr. and Mrs .. Ross Sharp, Kathy and Gor- ~ don, Mr. and Mrs.. A. Sharp were Saturday evening dînner s.> uests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivani Oi7r deepest sympathày s. exeddto Mir, andMr Gerg rwin on the pasnd....... of Jh1isalter atBobcaygo Mrs. H. Stainton spenrt a few ays with Mr. and r s. .lim English, Newtonville. Little Jay S 7eet spent Tuesdayiwitlî Mr, and Mns E Eý ..... Mïc. E. R.Taylýor attendedt the genlemn'sdinner at M - pL o United Church con 1thuLir sday evening, whviere tee th-e ModeIratIor o Unte Churches, was guest speaker; also on the programi was a aong by four of Mr. Taylor's gmin sons. Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werry we,,,re among the guests enter 1tained to a Cousins' dinrer paýrty at the home of Mir.ard r iMrs. Bert Luke, Toronto, on Saturday ev-ering. 2. The Enniakîllen U nited d (ihurch Wnmen met at the hýome of M.\rs. Wilfrcd Bowe- man on Wednesday afternocon, *. Fc, 6th, wvith 12 aduits and C si hlrnpreýsent. E Mrs. M Ailton Stainton pgiveý Mrs. Clarence Staitnwa,5 chreof thie study! pa.m Sh ave us an interestinàg ...... SummryofmL icas msson5 ay Dr. Sydney Gilchrist sý. . .I<.. lif and work in Africa. A ovey solo was reee ............ . .s. by Mrs. Frank Steniger ith vil. Mrs. Milton 'titnacr-Mir. and MWrs, K. C. Tom-îPkinsr panying her on the plio.S Rev. Hopkins was our guiest MisColeMjrauh father, te bie wr speaker for the atter--non. He ter (f Mr. and iVrs.E . omileghgon0 hite speoke on "Life in Prison". Majer New-castle, and Mn velvet accented by a hood Tfr. and Mrs. . D. Van Dam Jr. Rcv. Hopkins has personally Kari 'Chnîstophecr T ompk_ýins, trimmed with white fur' Hec_ Photo by ý Astor .Studïio rese.arched this subject by son of Mr, andMcvIr. Gog bridai bouquet was of pin1k I isiting sýeveral prisons and Tomrpkinis, Weston, ecag and yellow roses with touch-, St.Andews Uite Cu'~b ousn o te goo. Mss onypol; rs Ma Fwlel alingtoinm-ates and offi- ee arig vw in St. es of white ai-d purpie. Mvjibroký, pretily deoraed1Pati Wec, coin of the auntof ithe brde, Ms. Mrk dais. He enlightened us' to Joseph)'s R o m a nl Ca3tic Miss Èdith Schmnid 0f New- wihlvl rrneL 'groomiï, was lowergirl. They Fw,, 1,.l p.,1,, q-r hu.,Bomnvl, i ri ,on orange gladiolas, cream~~~~roan das eeatrdi lo egt olradMPtikRfacets of prison jife. 'Bomnvllon5n-castie was înaîd of nono n ______day, January 2 H)172. Ar- the bridesmaîd ws Ms lesao bone muawa clotedrssa f ragechf-fena, ousiýns of tebrdrangementsohitc and pink Dianne Tompkins ofWetn teeù seingrlfLor teI ariaio withfloralprintin, aut-a h omrshm The er volunteer who roses adorned the alitr, and sister of the groom. Miss ai hre 'coc o Studa, mncolon anýld styled i v', ridgnch;adMcr, ave calis on you ai home will Ithe officîaing clergymuen were Marysia Majer of Newcastle, Noveber6th UJl o Mis epir waat ncicled wviîhMonr nlMs D1ieM eve behind ,va1uable leduca- Father Frank Mihe-ic assisf- sister of the bride, was junior «aeMre ukadiî.gre evt ufe rme nr utn osne h ional information. Study i eC, by Rev. H. R. Hayne 0ýfibidesmaid. AIl were attired GereDniFVnDmJ.te ihnclneadclI rom\iter oei rn-carefully. Thfe heart it saves St. George's, New,ýcastle. in floor-length gowns of dleep ford. __may be yoaur own., Given in marriage by eo upe cim tld wt T1he bride is the (daughter of of Uthe long stheer sleeves. Ruf_ - _______ __________ Mr.Luella Buck of MiIllrook fles dlown t-he bodice front hoods, and they carnied w,%hite and( Mr >Prc iluck )!f Ome- were aderned with green vel- C .' AI f ý-~ m ( ~elvet muffs.1 rice, ,andfliegroom is tiee son vet buttons. They wore match- i e Sflt.v s i auis U .,nirea '] ..( rurîi c oiuphe fWs -'F Mc. and Mrs. Gore an ing green velvet bow-head.l ton was best man, and usher- un ir. f onypo dresses trîmmited vith eal ing were Mr, Gary Majer of and thir bouuets wre orNewcastle, birr fte Re. oh 'lteihigefi bride, and Mr. Mike Cappi- î cie an th CI dinl'Ji oragePose, ceam dais1 cutiti of Toronto. was layd hyMir. Grce nd au seava wih eca-Mothers of the bride and Lodeyck. Ms5 Mriee A- lytusleaesgrom received ait ho erep- ±îew waýs the solois.M.Gr anDm>rte tion in the Royal Canadian Gie i arigeb hrof the groom, was hest mon1 Legion Hall, Bowmanvillýe, brter y[.Edad ukand the ushers were Mc. Edl- 1$i ~Ms.Mjer weaing pale blue te bie or ofoalward Buck, ibrother of the nylon wthcrsgeo pn cfgt. -negon o îite bride, Mc. Hon Sutch, Mc, roses, and Mrs. Tompkins in logda ree wth empreJohn Van Wierengen and Mn. w ai f i nethre liqart-'r iMark Van D1-am:i, ail cousins of ienthbeled lae leeesthe groom. Master Steven ndlace bodice with Logoda Ficui ftegom a ,,' reering collar. Lace trim- ring, bearer. m d the gown tr'ain, and a The recep tion wav bel ta Jýe-dpîcice of, white roses and the Rqoyal Canadian Legion ..... .. .... pearîs held hec pearl-adorned Hall, Milibrooký, wecthe ei.She crrîed a bridsil biesmte eevd warE NTIis noqe f orange roses aind inig a blue poflyesterwol whie crntios.A-unie dress wýýith ring coulrac X , ' , and lon- !lee,,ves. Rer corsage Mcs.Pdu Sadensîî vaswas of yellow roses and white , matrn o hoor fr hr cis-carnationsý. She was assisted ~d~% -in anid the bidesmaîdi ýWere in receiving by, the groom's .. .? u ~VJs. lenRos, sste ofth mother who woùre an autumn g2nroo, Misa Crol Bothwell, green dccss of pole satin highi- Mis ety uc, iserofth by beaded trim on thez. biride and isiýs Dehbie Moinar, ihc 1 IND'0OCR H EA TE POOL Foargef t tr FOR THAT CHANMGE CF PA CE nt the Liberty St. S at 41 Phone 623337 Une, and corsage 0f yellow' roses, bronze 'mums and white carnations. As Ithey ýlefi ntheir wepd- ding tnip to Esenpoints, thec bride was weaning a choc- olate rown ot-paýnts dres complcmenrrted b'y a corsage of yellow an or'( ange roses with Faîl seve.Mr. and Mrs. Van Daar ýe ircsiding at Pon- lypool. The brideatenedMil brook Puiýbl1iî ic nd Higbi Schools, andth groomn, who is ai4 electnical draftsman cm- ployed at Honcywell Controls,- Bow,,manvillc, attcnded Ponty pool Pulilic School, Lindsa Clgitand George BrowIn College, Toronto. Several bridal showecs ho,.- orcd tbc bride, with the fol-, lowing as hostesses: Mns. Paul Sandef-son, Mci. Wayne Gil- mour and Mra. Wayne Dracur gave one ai the home of Mr-i. Stanley Olan, Millbroek, aunt cf the bid;Mrs. Charles Feec andi Mrs. Robert Staples, aunts of tbbc groomn, at the former's homein ýiBlackstock; IMna. Da- vid Sutch, Mci. Andy Sutch Jr., and MIrs. Roger Challice, cousins of the groom, ai the home of Mns. Andy Sutch Jr., Avery atout miai was wwlking on the promenade of a eside twn whlen lie noticed a weighting machine with this notice: -l speak your weight," Rc put a penny lan the lot and atood on the plaform. A Volce spoke upi '"One ai a trne CLOTHES CARE H-'iNT: Permanent Pleats? The wrd"Permanent" in ibhis connection is r-elative. Ranely is there a permanent pleat. D)ance ýto the music ofM. Musiciran himself,. MR.ý LEN STEPTOE Si.Joep'sAuýditoium- Sat,, M arch 4th 8 to 12 p1.1n- Bar Privileges N CLEANERS LTD. c'ou 4KING ST. W. 62-à2 ~ ~A N R WeSpecialize In Shirt Laundering" gai etIzabeth 7 edry, dauh- ter0fheatMcadMs KEnrneth WcVrry,anMcPh- [hpj Lynwoýod Eldcidgce, son 0of >Mc. and Mci. Lynwvood El dridgc, all 0f Bowmianville, was îolemnîzed at 7:30ocok on Saturday cvcning, January 22, 1972, in St. Paul]'s Uiied Church, BowmanviIîe Rev. R. A. Turner officiated and tbc wedding music was played by Mc. Rosi Metcaif. MissSuisan Gli of St. Crth- arînes was the soioist. Candlie- light fromtw cande-ilba,ý each holding seven tape'rs, doit a soft glow over bbch churchfor the srie The bride wore a formol leng-th whitc gown mode f ribed cE nglish c r imp 11enii e, trimmed (Cî with pinik satini lac- cd wbyhite cyclet. Thie gown, whic'-as fîindby1 thec bridle, was ,om-piemenbcdý by an elbow lngtb ei MIr. and Mrs. P. L. Eldrîdge nied dluser buquet of red rose, wht Fji 'mums and pale- pinik carnations, MViss Muiel Lane of Bow- manivilie wasm -aid of bonor and the bnidesmraid was Miss Gilda CrawIey of Downsview. Thley wore fl[Oor-length, wine colored wofol ikiïrfs witb pas- tel pink blouises. The filower girl, Miss ClaIire Gagne of Scarocoghwore a floor- letngth frock of winc colored wýool adorned with pale pînk trim. Pink roscbuds nestled in their coiffures, and their 1cluster bouquets were of pale Pink carnations and white Fuji 'ii.mm. Their gowns were maidebyMrs. L. Eldridge,, mnothier of the( groom, who ailso mnade m-atching tics for the men of tihe wedding party. Mr. Wayne Rannan of Mid- land wos best mon and the ushers werc Mr. Jim Blunt of Pay-tonï, Sask., and Mc. Gerr-, Eldnridge o)f Bowmanville, bro-ý thr lf'the -)IIIm The eetc wa held in. la gold lace dress wîth corsage The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Fcb. 23, 19723 0f yellow roses. 37-À-HWAMPTONrorawh iy were Mc. and Mrs. Quebec. are eiiginTr- Brown, Oshawa. to. The bride, who attended MrMc William Holroyd spent Newcastle' P u b 1i c School,, r. and Mrs, Fred Holroyd the weekcnd with Mc, and Clarke Righ Schooi and the andl Miss Lynette Holroyd M,,. William Miles and fana- Osler School of Nursing, i were. Friday evening visitors iîy, Oshawa. prescntly employed ai th of Mc. Laurence Stouienburg , Lakeshore Psychiatric Hos: and Mrs. Doroihy Sioutenbucg "What dceadful weathcr". pital, Toronto, as a Register- of Barrie. Miss Lynn Hoiroyd Whenever are we going to, sec cd Nurse. Manager of a serv- and Mr. Laurence Stouicnburg the end of it? Such exclama-. ice station, the groom attend- otherwise known as the tions are heard ai every tura cd Weston High School and "Countryaires" are iwo of the and indeed the severity of the Seneca College. ententainers who will beý ap- weather, its raging winds and pearing on a show calledi sub-zero temperatures, were "Osborne's Choice" which was the main topics of conversa- B UR ETON taped on Saturday for Mon- tion laie Saturday and most BURKETON day night's program o Chan- of Sunday as many people nel 8. Cable TV, were lefi stranded on blocked Mrs. F. Holroyd visited wîih Mody veng vsis roadi caused by the d1rifting IMc. and Mrs. E. Barreittof Mc. a nn istosno oi b e depar-- Scarborough during the week. wiibMr adMrs. Fred Roli me n Hmtoeneoplelik royd and f1 amily werc Mc. andmet"apo pole!k Mrs. R. Davey spent Sun- Mr&WlimnlodJan otrral people haven't ha day-,it Mr ad rs.Ho- ndJudy, Bowmanville. many visitors or donc mucir ard Davey and f amily, Bow- . visitin1g." So until nexi week rnanville. Weckend guesis wiih their a cbecry hello to ail you shut- Mrs. E. Fitzgerald visiicd parents, Mc. and Mrs. Lorne mns and to you patientis who, Mc. and Mrs. E. Smith of Annis were Mr. and Mci, D. are sick and in hospital. Rem- Ajax.Eddy, Oshawa. ember, Feb. 29ih hs the dcad. Mr. Ralph Grace, University Viitngwitb Mr. and Mci. unýe for you drivers to get youc of Waterloo, speni tbe week-Le Hunt and f amily ibis new 1972 licence1 plates. Bye end with Mc. and Mn. H. week is Mcs. Hecb Rusau of now! Grace and f amiîy., Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith made. Mrs. A. L. Blanchard recent- B r etlIc a bsinss ri toPicerî lyspent'a few days visiting îangq e'a bnp bo Picking with Miss Ada Pascoe ai Port Rl e9 n Miue ,Several attended the lunch- Credit. eivdI 1Xn c, eon ai the Presbyterian-Church Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly in Port Perry on Fri.day. were luncheon guesis on Mon- xelusiM5VO Healing Subs1tan1cey Those in hospital fromn the day witb Mc. and Mci. L. Relieves Pain As_-1 v'illage are Mn. Stanley Mc- Brandon, at Lindsay and laber Shrinks Hemrrhoids., Cullough, Mc. Iiarry -Grace on during the day atbended thc tndMrs WaneWeson hofuneral services for the laie If you 'want satzsfAct.ory relief froeýu> are in Bowmanville hospibal C. H. Williamson ai Trinity thnPie'brspo iVe wish ibese folk a speedy Churcbh Omemee. ÀArenowaed research laboratory lias recovery. Receni dinner guesis with fo,.nd a unique heallng sub1stance _____A._LBlachar_______a promptly relevas the burning ______________ Mci.BoA.cottBGanh ard rwe,eitch and pain-actually abrinkas RETARDE SCHOOLMr.ES ob St, r and Prai.oy rien, hemorrhoids. This substance lias ~ETAUED CHOO MO EtoAibentadM.RyBon been shown to produce a most effec- Next Septemnber bbc retard- Prize winners at the recent tive rate of healing. Its germ-killinig ed school for the western area cadpatrposce yth ertie5s aso help prevent, ofteNorthumberland and Hampton Women's Instibute at n DuhmCüt or ftheTonhpHl erMs..I case after case "very strikinýg Esda t olina.moedfri Marg Hall, M. Bruce Mont- improvement" was noted, even Solinsa, PubSlic cholwa gomery, M. Hosken Sithj, among'cases of long standing. And loedafPbier aditos weresMrs.- Grace Chant, Mc. Dae ibis improvement was maîntained. closd afer aditins wre 'over apeiod of monthi complctcd ai Hampton Pub- Hall, Mns. Ethel Gobel. The' hswsacmlse yacý ic School. The fate of Betb- 50-50, draw was won by Da - hinsusacn ipDby ane-- esda School is uncectain ai Hall. Next panty, March ls. wîiiclî quickly helps heal injued, the moment. Master Mark Hickey recent- cell and stimulate growth of neýw- The Board bas necommend-l'y spent a few dlays in Mm iseNi i-yei fee i ed that five cbildrcn present- orial Ho)spit-al, Bowmianville, oitm,,t aad suppository forni ly attendîng Trafalgar Sechool but be 'ils homne now and much calle ation" " .. Ask "or i in F etel 13U1ug De ranUC r red to Solina for the start of school this fall. nt aU arug stores--BaUtsfactioDn coý Mr. and gOn"yrefunded. ind fam- Mr --- BARBER SHOP BEAUTY SALON IN THE NEW BOWMANVILLE PLAZA 333 KING STREET EAST - PHONE 623-2931 Speeialiîng in European Styles TUES. - FR1. 8 to 6 SSAT. -8 to 6 OSHAWA'FS FIRST ANNUAL KIWANUS MUSIC FESTIVAL CLOSING DATE F0R ENTRIES 15 FE1RURY28 VOCAL SOLO, VOCAL ENSEMBLE, CHORAL, STRING SOLO, STRING ENSEMBLE, Photo by Astor Studio WIND INST.RUMENT,'PIANO, ORGAN, PIANO ACCORDION, ELECTRONIC ORGAN, the Church Hall whereget were received by thegrm' BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. mother, For the occasion -ihe chose a green cut-velvet dres with corsage of pink rosesj and white carnations. Sýyllabus Available from:- Both thebrbide and grýoom attended Bowmianville High MRS. HARRIET HOLTON, FESTIVAL SECRETARY, BOX 921. OSHAWA; MEMBERS 0F School and tHe groomr is emý1' ployed by Kinnear Pntiacý Richmond H-ill. After MiVII' OSHAWA BRANCH, ONTARIO REGISTEREt) MUSIC TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION; OSHAWA lst Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge w2i be residing at 160 Essex St Apt. 319, >,ichmoýnd Hill MUSIC SUPPLY STORES; McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY AND MEMBERLS 0F OSHAWVA Several partiesi were el in honor of tLhe bie KIWANIS CLUB. shower was given jby MT. Lyn McEwen, Linda Swanso Karen Browett andGia Crowley at Mrs, McEwe'sFIIAI kArmuI home, York UniversitypuMU5M *D * at, her home. Mrs. Arnnabelle 1 For further information, Contact Secretary, Box 921, Oshawa Rickard, opened her homrefo a miscellaneous sowrat- teddby formrnegibr .ni thec bride. 'RIES WANTED FOR mis Ir Ir 0 w