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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1972, p. 5

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the Sweef]ieart Dance in ice RylCaniadien Legion on Saturdayve-ning. Wihe 01d Man Winter"ý liuffed and putffed ecound our cars cupid worked just aisliard siooting many litie arrows f0 makýe and break a ew hearf s. Tic romance was high-,Itcaed b l earts, cîipids.-ahmark Mood Posters and appropriaf c music by Ray Wahkcr and tie Royal Ambassadors. During fie evening a nium- ber of birthdays and(- anni- versaries wve re celebrafed along wifi a reluctant fere- wcll to tic "Joncs femily" in Bowmanvillc wio are return- ing f0 EnigLA nt set up resi- dence. 'Ray Abernethy and Maurice Aînnaect presented Mr-. and Mrs. Joncs witi two bermugi. Meurice on 1e- haîf of tic Branci, Ray pers- onalhy. in spite of tic adverse -weafhcr conditions gu e st s wccee present from Toronto, AjaxK, Peterboroughlinad sur- rounding areas. Eveaing prizes went to John Martin, Mci. F. Lambert, Mns. L. Eldridge (door prize), and Mcl. and Mciz. P. Perrin, Mc. Rodger Wii and Mci. Olive LanIIgleis. G'ift cetificate wes donafed by Jaci Chihd's Ladies' Wcar. UJBITU.AH Y NELSON L. G. COUVIER Following an illacîs of tire years, thc deati of Nelson Laverne Gibson Couvier oc- curred on Sunday, February 13, 1972 at Memnorial Hiopital, Bowmanvilhe. He was in hii 58ti year. Son ofthti late Mr. and Mr,, George Couvier, he was bocn in Orono and attended Orono Public Sehool and Syd- enham Higi Schooh. On Ang- uit 15, 1945 lie marriled tic former -Thelma- Little ,wio survives. Thc dcceesed iad resiiied in Bowmanvilhe at 78 Duke Street, foc 27 yearî, coming ici-e from Orono. He was an employce of Gencral Motoci and lied over 27 years service wîth tic company. Surviving, besides ils wîfe Tielma, are a daugifer, Mn,. Gladys Euhi of Oshawa, and two sons, Ronald and Everef t, boti cf Newcastle. Ahso sur- viving arc two sistens, Mrs. A. Jakemnan (Velma) cf Ocono and Mrs. Madeline MeFarlane of Sydenham, and two bro- tiers, Everft of Orono and George of Cobourg. The funeral service wasý lOoOff ïPic"Zkuup Orders (over $3.001) 'FREE HOMPAE DECLIVER Y Phonè 623-3703 50 KING MST. E - BOWMANVILLE BUISINESS HOURS: 10 A.M to 10 P.M. DAILY FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 AM. tb 1 A.M., Dist.,ScoutRep ort For WestýDuha Tusis ie casn fr wn-action. To a Land Scouter, tcrý campiing and day iiking. Ithey operate in a strange, bu lts lot of, fun for troops precise manner. woplan it well, and prepare We hone f0 see fie Saca for it. Scouts along witi most of ist Newcastle juit got back tic otier Troops af our Dist-1 fr«"om suci a camp in fle ic it B. P. Churcli Service fhils Bellevilledistrict, xviere many Sunday afternoon.1 xent- ice fishiag and saowmo- .A District Scout Campore biliag, tien iad f0 follow a 's in planning stages for fie plow hiomc, on one of our first part of .unc. If will 1e wiater weekcnds. tic ficst large activity camp Ist Bown'sVentucer Co. since lst Manvers group join- lsdtheBcowas i Dce-ed us. Tiey have about '24 bead tiraweekAnd inheScemt Scouts and by tfelhooks of br.o a Rein PAn fic cothflicCub Pack (42) wilsoon 'OrTroop s arcike plan- have a vccy large Troop.' Otie Tropsareals pln- sf Bowmanvilhe Troop h ning to ta ke part in winter gting rcady for a trek to aRtivities. tic Maritimes tuis Summer, We have a Sea Scout crew and fite boys arc workîng iný our district and ifs a red ard tf0 raise money for a pleasure to watci tiem n, "Fre.Ride".t 1st Bcown's Troop are going3 Cupidec.Stops at dispsav . ftAduits are iavited to takzet tegin UaeuL part, even part fime. It's a L On VIIgreat experience. "Lttie arrows' mniglit well0 Tic Kiwanis Club of Oh- 1 awa and fie Westmount (Osi-1 awa) Kiwanis Club arc spcn- soring Osliawa's firît annual Kiwais Music Festival. Tic Festival is te 19e ield on Wed- ncsday, Tiursday and Fniday, May 3, 4 and 15.-, F Entries arc being rccclvcd until February 28 and thc syllabus haý available from tic festival secretary, Mis. Mar-1 niet Holtont, Box 921, Oshawa. It is also available from tic members of tic Oshawa Brandli of tic Ontario Regis- tered Mvusie Teaciers' Asso- ciation, flic MeLaughin Pub- lic Library, Oshiawa Music suppiers and memibers of tic two Kiwanis Clubs. Tic Oshawa Kîwaais Music Festival Association is a non- profit organization. Anyoneý wihing *to become a patron may do so by contributing five dollars .-to tic festival fund. ýNames of patrons will lic publisicd ia tic official program, AIl monetary con- tributions qualify as income deductions for incomne fax purposes. T ropiies, medahs and ciol aî'ships wîl19e awarded Lo fie winaers of fie vaincus classes. Tic Oshawa Festival Asso- ciation, is affiliated wifh fie Federafion cf Canadian Music Festivals, Competitions wîlI lic hehd hanfthc MeLaughlin Public Library and tie cvon- town ehurcies, Tic fh-ree-çîay event ih counc:lude with-r a Festcival cfl Stars - a ctrccrt fceaturiag, outstanding competitors. You shlould haveý recently receivýed an envelope containing the general information you need to under- stand hiow taix reformn affects you. If you require addi- tional information because of personal circumstances, the following bookiets are available. *m "Chîld Care Expenses" *"Moving Expense" *t "Capital Gains" e* "Partnershîps" * Rentai Income and Unideveloped Land", e* -Goodwill and Simfilar Assets" * 'rofÏessiona1,ls: Inc ac1to' * Bsc rds" * Corporafe Tax Q,,uide" To determîne v\hether you ncec any of these bookiets, riese ead the material you ha-ve alidy receîvezd. The bookIet "i l'iht or Inidividuals" ildsant ordeýr forni. This form sýhoul0 be com- pleted and mailed to: Ottawa, Kci3L5 Remember, read the general-bookiets firsf, then order any addifional b--ookiets7 required. The better informed youare now, t.he easier if will be for you fo file your return in the spriing of '73. r I~ Naional Revenu Revenue, naflonal Taxation impôt, heldon ednsda, rbrury j ~ JPaîsley proviied the cçrtif i- 71the Canadian Statesman, flowmalnville, Feb. 23, 1972 16th, from the Morris Funeral Ivark 6oLtn vveddlngA rnversarv cate is, approved, The Board__________ _________ Chapel, Bowmianville, and was - auto sCthghte that somne parents are flot tak- car will hyçiroplane, on slush conducted by Rev. G. K. Ward1 denst sth oeeoi alatv nees nteace,-cuig fcn Interment was in Bowman- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v mics and shop facilities in the îga cieitrs nte acecuigls fcn illermetery i Bwan ew Bowmanville igh School satfety and well being of their trol. vile ejntec.hildre. Ite 1970-71 snow- Palîbearers were Me\Tsîrs " during 1972/73. Adfnlymbe sao,13cildren Leroy Myles, Lloyd Myles, '.. andeiiofrmtsePliunder the age of 16 years Richard Lund, Don McGrcgor, smtt1erfredirto were killed ini traffic on snow- UL Ross Merceri and Jack Nid- ~, the Board.Cad. ieo dery' Cartwright High Schoolithese children were drivi a l Flower: bea-rers werc a l ves! At least for another'snowmobiies on public road N NSELLING grandsoni, Donald Ellis; cou?- full year. Maybe more! ."Do you know where your sinsBlai an Doulas of-child operates your snow- sinqBlaii an Doul's Dr 1e1ý ERVI9CE fat; repliews Bill Jarvis mobile?" Perhaps you had Richaýýrd Littlee nnd Dona-ld '\D ~ ~ bte aentc.The la w Jarvis. P. ixepor Iiprovides that a person must IfYOU want to do bce in possession of a drivers smtigaotyu The Ontario Provincial Pol-,licence to operate a snowmo- education. . . you .. e, Newcastle Detachment, în-lbile on any public roadý Per- Vrobably can. Eng'ineers Plan , ciet nldn n nw hre. Ths awivhc e vestigated 15 moio vehîcle1sons violating ti a ilb Vartes o Sau iobile accident between Feb- states also that the owner of Sce ouer ruary 6thý and February- l2thý, a sniowmobile is subj ect to any AutCuslo 1972. Eight persons suiffered ofence committed by the driv-EVR Golden Aligieiv« :per-sonal injury and ine per- er therpof. V R Tý,,o ad che(se ýý,sons were charged withi driv- DRIVING TIP - "Slush road WEDNESDAY Two îneandchese ar ng offences. There were thiree conditions" ties as a salute to thie SOthîmpired driving charges. After a heavy snowfall, theEVNN anniversary this year 0 h h ecsl officers angpsing lane on most four lane 3200-ebe ssionos f wîth other important police hgwy r fe ls 7 to 9 p.m. at the Pntrofsioa e eng ners of duties, investigated 47 general laden, even though the driving taîO are abeîng thrid iM occurrences of whîch-there was lane, is clear through the heavy BOWMANVILLE the APEO's Lake Ontarîo ~~~one, report of Break, Enter an( oeeto rw. eae IHSHO Chapter - one for members1 veeto rw.Bwa, HI S OL land guests in the Port Hope Theft, one report of thef t one when passing, other vehicles GUIDANCE OFFICE larea on February 25 and the wilful damage complaint,' two during these conditions as your Sother in thec Oshawa area on..... domestie complaints, three dis- The service is free - Mad0 turbance reports, and two re- GT SD OAXcndeta -ad The Pýort Hope area partyi ports' of erratie or dangerous THROUGH cno appntm- nd will take place at the Port 1diig Hope Golf Club (Feb. 25) The following is a resumne of STATESMAN is necessary. commencing at 8:30 p.m. Tick- h oeipratocre-CASFES_____________ esmy1eobtained from i ces investigated in 'the paýsi B. Corden, P.ý Eng., of27. . . .. ek Freeman Drive, Port Hope. wO e bray8t,172 lar i The Ohawapart wil 19e'~'~~- o ski poles valued at$5.0 held at the Credit Union Hall, Need a 1 e 'M'Mac ) omncn were stolen fromn a skier at the~ 322 King Street West, Oshia ~ ehn k lub. The vatûn (of 3:30e p.m R.Ticketma 19 bP as the problem that exists each Corne in and have a style taned fro73 wR. J. Dieas,' r.Aba isyear, that of leaving skiequin- f .-.created just for you. Eshag.f17 Size Drv! ment unattended at a skclb -.________ Oshwa Nr ad Iir. Aba Siso, brig aou 40 icluedfa- grated to Manvers with ber Because of, large crowds, it i Chairman of the Lake On- pictured above, 'wedded, in ily and frîends. Inotndfiutt ac h tario Chapter is S. D. ShafferMnes6ier g nFb h ope etdo egi family from Scotland whenotndfiutt ac h Manvers 6 ye(aIlao on FU7 P. n. of Oshawa, Ontario.Thruaruplest were feted at a she was an infant. The Sisson thief who frequents ski aes Teepon (16) 233-5811 or lunchenparty given in their bours beoete arefrlctdo h t ieand who steals and re-selîs for personal gain. A simple siug- i 7252016.honor Sunday at tie home Of stîil ive on thefamily home- of Manvers near Bethany, lsfgstion to ail ski nhsat.' -~' or stop by aM tir -in-law and daugi-lstead where Mr. Sisson was still in operation, witli a son, Keep a dloser watcli on youri DAVIS REPLIES TO COJPB ter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hammlbora more than 80 years ago. Robert, carrying on tihefam- equipment and safeguard 71 KING ST. EAST William Davis lias i'eplied Agaistolhecf romeOshawa o .R 1Orno Gets nm-Mr, iso, ecKerimi-iy raiton __Aaist fecft. Oha BOWMANVILLE to thc Central Ontario Joint iti, Mr. Thomson said talwas recovered abandoned on Planning Board's request for "monthly statistical reports n 1C 1 sI a eTrulsRaDrigo iAS a 50 per cent subsidy Of its bear out the fact that' this m uo~n February 1t,17.&a u annual budget. long-range counselling lias J .OAbea n nerocre "I can assure y ou that pi fsiace there hav'e been ye o LU uUI L ~ tA bresid ener Baock 0F C EA AL givea most careful considera- sg fi flyear of heSecon huý8 teor to theeroardvisten Shol cisyar." nay The report of thc last meet- Cartwright. But only on t>ne February 12, 1972. Cupoa 1sC a leter o th Boad wrttening of the Board of Education point were the Board and ad- and drawers inside the house, January 26th, "and you will Aw well, maybe that oie in Cobourg February lti was ministration crosscd. T h at were ransacked, but no theff i O ,E% IImRY W IGS0* 19e informed as soon as a de- flshing holle is polluted any- marked by the absence of any was tic date whea the schooî could lie detected. IN STOCK csion is reached. way. information on the Board's should close. W. Frarnk Ticm, 1 KNOW THE LAW Tic Board tabled the lette,, meeting witi Cartwright re- director of the Board had re- Complaints are being, receîv-1 1a1, untî thir extmeeingilasidents on thc matter -of clos- commeaded June, 1973. How- edb hRoie bu lic-l'î &EGULARLY Mardi_______ D r am r S ingo the CartwigetHigh eer, he tuste o aî o e o rtigsnwmbls ion VALUED No w 25 _OfU t D u ha_________nitm______pt_ inh dt otonte aispul ods spcalyAT $29.95 on tie agenda for discussion they needed more information urban areas. These -children S bt ws wthdawnat he ast. .. bt o wht teyLdid't ot being familiar wîth the ru nc D wn Gel the Jobs îomntan hand e i hai-stay. u nwa te intdrivhlg rules of the road, ofter, Dr.Wîhey hed 0 Dria vae eetng f he ommt- The other four recommen- fail to stop at f0 i teprvne,1be t ie According fo the ,informa-Ito. The Board would apphy of themselves and createa Bad habits sTaet Says Iie, y bproinethbu ion we receîved con the pi-for n letter-of-permission, for hazard fo the motorÎît travel-BEAU Y9 S O secreteisstohcatch earlyinTic hopeingt become tieibest, 01icprincipal Gordon Paisley. Jing on snow covcred roads. sce st ac tthenm intime. H fes.h cleginis vate Take absenteeismr fromnfou yeag o f growti and dations were týblecilaboutl The Board would retaini Mr. Statistics wouldidct' _________________________ ec lsfr in1stan1ce. R. C. deëvelopment lias made good . ýThomsoný, attenidance couinsel- progresi, and hias acquircd a !or ýwith thei Nor-tiumberland1 reputafion of being a good andLc Duirhamj Counlty Board of place to select job candidates, 'Educatioii regardls fiat as a "I was t alking to a represen- decidedlly bad haDbit from tative from a large company which youth shio-uld eschew, înterviewiag at Durliam re- And lie lias ýgone a long way cently," Dr. Willey said hast to bring the message home to week. "Thc man told me hie errant youth. hiad talkcd fo more impressive Whe li fist tared itbca ndidates licre than in visits henar hee lrs aed wietheigît cother community col- theBoad tire yers golieleges combined." noticed fiat absenteeismn cen- The college supplies space tre arundf h Grde lg. and facilîties'f0 various uni- group. However hie was wise versities, such as fie Univers- ster in Grade Eight i no mere Wilhey, is getting a name for ciild any longer and, as often liaving one of fie best organi- as not, lias dlevelopedi bebav- ized seminar cent ers la fie ior pafteirns which, lie says, province. "miay lie difficult fo change". He praised Duriam's teaci- ma- o ia bnis ncxt year on fie job îng staff. "Wc only employ he began f0 concentrate his people wio have a lot of ex- efforts on flic Grade Six and perience," Dr. Willcy remark- Seven students, wio were a cd. "Students exposed fo bit mrore flexible end pliable. people with suci experience RT-is focus lias proved dcad can't help but benefit." rigifi. Rcporting te flic Board President Wilcy nof cd fiat of duatonlasf Fbruary a different type of student i attending tic communify col- lege. "*Wc are gctting more Grade 1t3 students," he said, "1some üf fhem wîth Ontario ~~ Scholarsiips". Tic current graduate cm- poymenf rate ha carcer relaf- cd jobs is about 84 pcr cent accordiag fo a college spokes- ......... man. "Tushis îngi," flic spokesman said. "We have - had a prediction fiat if we placcd 50 per cent of our - - - -- -- - - -- ýgradi in carecr-relafed jobs wc wouild 19e doing well for

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