~ttemnBwtawile ~e.23 971 Choose- New Ofier for Bowmanville C hamiber of Co mmec TlsonClrePa ~'Highay 401StudyPut of f to LaterDt Unetcknb CJBClarke Planning Board de- sîble émiraaos oputn U ndertaken by CO JPB ferred alks on the draft the caria bfr h os Çlarke Officiai Plan when it The Offica ln utb TeCentIrai Ontal oitpresently adequate, fails f ar mtls hrdyngt cetdfrtbfr h y Pla--nning Board has d(ecide-d short of meeting anùticipatednew dI ate huasyt enst Aas aw eevîehesi to undertake a tudy of Hîgh- future requirements. nw at hs otbe et as Dus rngthemeigt way 401 ~~"Problems have been ap-T h 0o esn or eeetdls er Th11a-mof the study will proached on a piece-meal bas- prsntrhedcso e dfer eeuiv ebeshaddb bet ppas raffïc flows is with no recent area wideýprsitth esonodfr under ~~~~was a disapponmn 'ter Chairman i acse n alongthe hghwaypassig sysem plnningbeîngail, the Board had advertized handîred 1 icso or thr-ough thec Planning Area taken," said a report prepared i oa aestati ol odne n ieapia --fromi Whtby te) Bowman- by planning dîrector Williaml ,mlclppr ta ol odn vî.-lle-with specific regard te McAdams tabled at the Board dic-yhtngt n sustos thec functîon of the hgwy meeting on February l7th in and questions raised by the - the location and spacrng of Oshawa. "Adjacent land use public on the proposed'Plan, HIeartdsesdetamn interchanges, and the del- in mani cases. is incompatible,~ However an uînexpected aduits agdblw6 aed~ velopment of comrpatible ad- with a major transportation 1 heavy agenda had been placedi lacent land uise, coidradeqiscreu before the Board. It was con- cesdsedl ic h is The COJPB saýys thiat the planning i conjuniction ,with!M ceded that the Board's regular Heart Eudcmagni 98 hîgý_hway, conistrul.tc 20 years'highway improvemienits." duties should take precedence wîth yourHatFn olr agisiaeaetehlaniei The COJPB becamne involv and that there simply wasn't sedn ital vr d ileak trafficý loadis, Tt adds ed following the failure ofI sufficient time to handie the vanice. thatartria a, hikAre Plpublic subinissions on the thtareia cceas, whiethe shawaAeaPlnnn _______________ and Devýelopnicent Study tlo Plan as well. work out a formula for region- , Approxîmately 26 letters aI governmrent in thre arela. h fave been received on the Anouce* The province has encouragediPa odtteBadav3 Illenud wï. i Planis e , to darteed Boaais- should be initiated locally. At its annuail meeing -on WdesaFeb. 9th at the Flying Dr. E. D. -Hubbarýd, -Mattin McLay, 'D. R, "Bud" AlnDnadeit adanterd tetrpo-illT 4,ýViqueries andaalternate prlpos-is fr1mEtheMpuAlie, would b "Witout uch stuy, te Dtch-manl, thlisgroup of officers was elpeted tfo hanie the affairs of McGregor, Dave Kingm, Joh-n Pogue, MlomMaKniRalph aswfrmed puic ul nde inivdal mnicipalities will BOwynallville Chamnber ofr Commrrerce for thýis year, Fr-ont rowj, left te Whyte and Don Gilhiooly;, abse-nt, Fred T'ippiris, Geor-ge Stephen anid ansee anVicsei e 1W10BIAE. , h beforced to deal ,-ith the Vc rsdn odn'T j~(1 f4taîl. *Iproblemr in ai regional vacUur ihi~ange rsdntJc n ir±n"Y Clarke Reeve, an ex-officie andwil rn1te Lskcfde- iSecr,,etaryv-Tr-easüre-r Mrs J. R. FakDirtectors at rear, Cuclo _____ ____ --memrber of the Board, sug~- veoigconflictîng solutions, gested that, further te such satîsfyîngi only theirl- ocalice and Bowv"manviîîeand *Mj *ý** grcltrlOffice, Bowmnan- dýiscussions there should be \ goals," Mi. MAlÀdam-s informn-isuggestion is made tith AD 8EoU . il from 10P:.30 a.m. to 3:001sectional meetings at New- c d thýe Board. relocate the spur line nr the y **' yà -p in. B> a r- r y Kowalchuck, tonville. Kendal and Oreno, NTI -~ i\ In an interview with the'Liberty turn--off, or- gradeU aiySpcilstCordon To-1(et1c. te examine purely local Statesmnan IMonday Mr. Mc- separate it by bridge or tuni- beynf jmîdariAgricu.lturalspntlp ril r. , -. arEngineer problems ,and issues. How- Adamari said that none of thelnel. v n r.Ji disMs ay aesetteadMsCHLn.ad Bob Watt, Associate Agri- ever bis'idea was sharply re- Douig an~d Jo- 'Ile Jam1es fv ebr uiiaiie h td i n1tgalwr inr ussls Sniekn i ootthe gu-est MTýr, and Mrs. C. M.ofscutrlRpseaiv wl bkd yCake eset are leasd teannonce as a tiansportation planneripart of the (COJPIB rgoaa evenîngý with M7.Vr. and cf Mrs. Edith Bres were dinner guests on Sudyhiooking- at the feedîng, John Lyng, wbo felt such' -Are,1?le4tý'd on staff. Thie'COJPB does.1transportation, systein, Mr\ Mrs R. MUcMuTrchy and fainý- Mrs. B. Trim i th Mr, andwilh-Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibbie,husnad overaîl manage- meetings weuld "dangerouslyý R-is job, will be te colate in- cdm sî.i wî oatei, Bramalea. NMrs. Gordenr Trim cfr Stark- Oshawa. meto'ar elaeet.rgoalz"tetws i i. he appoin nent 4)f Timiothy formation r'eceivedt frein the and deterinle the dlesign CfILocal pople ttedio 1te v\ille attendied the Triai-Love Cubs held their \vinter MAonday, March 6 -Regional Kirk Entwisle of Newton- B" Deprtient0f ranporatin iterhanesdetrmie te Pblcpakigfiase tewedding, Satrdray iltprnoD-,Camp-Out at Camp Samac. Swine IHealth Day te be held ville wondered that as thei Douglas Jailles n.,.BY, asiand Communicationswilmamu feasible numnber f itedConiehedinPrt Trinityý Anglican Chuirchi,iOshawa, the past weekend, tLnsy lnwsa"rf"adtu traffic data received locally lantes, r ecemrmend sPecï iîc Hop'sý Dr. Pewers Scheol lait The-lrhul. ýWenty boysand five leaders Ju1nior Executive. and recomrnende-d whatshould teamet f ccssareral Moda eMangriclde M M. ad rs PilGime suatedane.cnsptecfth Wdnhdyngarh,-Eec sbjcttechnge1tenbyIli BNG&UN.TN treatincrt of cues ar-tertric Day te ebe held, in Black: 1the saine teken perhaps the'r be done. and propose change,,s in adja n r.C . oc n r.wer-e Satuir(ay evening visi- i- extreme weather, a grand tick. For or eldetin s andý Board should consider chang- Maste Timy weghedThough týh lecenstructien cent land use. Prebably neioýea Jones. Ti-e lat ter's grandl- t vt'I 1\r. and Ms i tm a adb iwihn eisrto oris contact the ing bylaw 1653. Board SecrnOtai y bdand mraintenance Of thre road ýalI thiese gdas il eaciv-sn on Cornish foronDvs Oshawa. probleins. This coming Satur-iAgr'icult1ural Office, retary Horace Beist advised that HN 6.25 iaprvincial responsibility.re ths ______c__________ri Ii aIlbs, 1/4 o zs. on1 Wed r cdm esnfrotedyear, Mr. Mcidas arjiiiglhesp)eakers, Se!Mr. anrd Mrs. Bilt Waje anild day, First Brown's Cubs,TusaMrh1A t such a move woul%¶ be impos -__________ sany problemriwith itheithat the He expeacshoecrte vntws f pcil des oedonStudy eScus ndVntrrswiî.me'-__ Feb. 6t, 97. rone acpig hfOPhfigte phs ednt-ternew rhomre on Bldwihold thir annual Father anid îg e'iscui erklmen issuesceandcpsuggest- tercst te thee JonesesandStreet, Nwate Son Baniquet in Newtonv]ll"iýnsuane ndCaad Pn reoredtosabout wattin-problem areas -wg r.and Mrs. B iH cder Mrýs Cl.arence Glmrand lUnîited Church 1Sunday Chompliesan, Cýnad Pen T ipreents or changes completed this summe-r. 50,formel(iJ, r Mc ecslMr a fLnsysen al us paesShol~Pan and how they affect 1u"q Ew snuaceýi, h, ld be mae Trog-The tdy ote that point_ý, hae ineved îin wit h bis par- coule f dys ecenl Y Witrt Mr. Alex Carruthers, Hefaarswllbe elin the:3 la e nurneetth td e îlb ill lhave cos't about $50,n1, V ,\'aldMr:.T. He-n- ber other, Mrs. Agnes Bur- and Rev. T. J. Segee m working loslY With Ithe pofricAalsi. htsdron e.nr îlb cved by c- auraMarch 4 Ontarie) vicil epartinenPB t,"hud. teoeuialet rth icf 0 Ms . lgn rsMr ntte recent U.C2.W. melet- bers cf the Woni's Aux-,ili CoAee ria Agency Limite thnd1 early COJPB tud huscf ,rfi xet aeMs .Sms Vring ori nuter waî srrîs- ary and Guides. COn SnaCe Pgoyal at the Univers-O January proposes nm a j er tmhnere.BaJnsad rF imred with the unexpecte i, f hiDsritchrh e vic lycfGelh Oshawva areas. (The DTC WE YR1EPORT 1 inhld at Ilnithe home cf rMn.rd aig "oGt -o fBdn oelwl e edBef PromneAssociation Bowmnvîle - Oniitrlo as announiced thatit wjill EOILHSIAL Ci1nBon Nwate nTeChurch0On Timec" qu-ot-1 inthe Anglican Chrcl e-Ana etn n ulSl wide-,n the whitby erridort eerfFb.1-0inlsv-Tusa atîon, er laning- an,,d- 0 e,(g.It woke maniinvelving C u b S, at ithe Quecn Elizabeth Metor lsix lanes pending the cern- Admissions fori-hecomm, W. 16thAnr- hlm_ early Sunday morninig ai- ýScouits and Venturers.HteanHysSlsrn, pletion cf the local hgwyBrh- male, Ifeml 7nveryi ay. ighit, -butldue to the încîe Pl-ans are underwa for Oakville, Ontario. -tu dyl.Dîschargs - u woIsttt es met eajther, sriewas thiosze ltreegropat ete amMacl1)Dr Itsggss oevrap08-VIMj or oeain h ae~cntking hicneîd . t i h oigEse î'County 4-H Club Lead- ilsuwinghoe\crcourse "KnaL1ks Withan Jle ra floPadin Ap r isi Association Annual Spring I sible graide separatioor i-Miner operations -.11Shvley vanîeuCrMee+ing at the Agricultura Officeterchange in the areai Ernergency treatmn1,ts ý164Kishae yHm Eo rn pn h ekedhr cîiPsaetletknpr fie BomnViIlle, offidece m.ediately west of the Osha- 1 ----- - rnoniit Kar_ Fitzsimmen, ih their gîrandlparents, Mr. in), during that dayý. Tus ay, arch 23Dli a ~ ~ ~ Rlie 5-5162-03wDalntnTown Line, Inr and spenîore)vby te Dcpt.'cf techne imrprovemeniae OBTÀY Foced and A ý-gricultueL r anCut osenCu n nya aise5ec1m nded a ort- axios tUpas Yhe elp nul Bs Tnp te farins in the L>iebentul'e Jnvestment Criiao MIS R LA ILE thybaerecvcte an-yone Hainitonae.You earn highest inrterest on alc h The dati f Mrs R. Jan~interstedje mking heir mak'me FndayMardi10-Ameet Muniipals Deentur Invstinnt Cetifiates PTRBOROUGH -VICTORIA Dvleuaerhaanocrrdoncstm.Pon ihrm Aluai.. alenai Iî'tedsui i ewfdr [nterest payable semi-anoutrally o tt aiR taxc proposaisais and how they,%cuute ZNORTHUMBERLAND & DURHAM sudden1ly at lMemorial îHes- Mr, T. Henderson, 786-2555 pial Bwmnvllon Su-n-or Mns. K ecerX8-21, c.28 and Mri6BefBwavlfrom 10-400 ffet ic ifa r(ineiTri w lll beermys: One. teFive Years COUNTY ROMNAN CATHOLIC dy February , 17. a soCsposbe Cow),,,-Calf Workshop for beef-, p.m ecach- day. hl nteOoeTw al Amounts: $100 te $2G000 Dauite c th laesndr in n c.Ji dis o prtr nDra ensal.2-ar- ih1-ýstartîng at 1:30) pin. Noteý rchangeeof date.nTusrmeetingf EAAT SCOLOADand Isabelle (Geedw,,in)inwihMr. anid'Ms.Mlvj e oni.Worksho)lte be heldleu Oprtns cce,172 Vlbec ntrs'tIi'orfrhenoraic the former Nettie Muir asJoncs, altteddth yte iu-at the Agrcultural Office, te be hcldi at theý LegienHalcunyfres IKindergarten R gborto-nan LoherGel, tlan', per In Gard HIligUtcdOeefen 00in.t 1,1y7ac,8Du-TeMniia aîig n on oprt I~eg1Lra U Wl and rceivd be eductioni~ CurchWednsdaynightflDTT'TT DV 300 pn. Fr morilnfrma-haontount Mil Commt Bo 147 Edîinburgh. On Auguit 23, Amng hstedn h ncntactouroffce. Annl) ýBanquet and Scil Dunilop Stree%.t Ent frnsAre requested te contlaci(t their local 1933, she mrre M. oîet eior Citiz.ens:' icalrd pýrty eIrany23 and 2-naiEing l19te be held lnthe ~Briontarîo. -~SearteSeooasson s osile t dtemie Glanvill, who srie. Nwate hndyeeig MRS. D, M. BERNARD iAssociation c giuluM laktc Community Centire (705) 726-7200O. Spat'Shoa ona osfl iodtrie1The dSocieties AnnuailIMeetingl-andAitantîng at 7:00 pi. datecs folr registering their childrn in Kilider- i oi dece ahned ha! re iddre isB:iliaM.Fellowing an ilinescf four Conivenrtion, King Edwýard U1Tuesdayv, Aprl 4-Meetin g'- Oroo fr ames al cfberA MllianMrs ly Faro, wý,eeks, tic deati of Mis. D. Hot,],Torento, for, il17 afri opr garten inM September, 1972. ifte s hoswif e , vn .Tim r c n .Bernard, aged 64 yeans, Febru'Lary 23U and 4 i t-tos illeheldi at tie Agni-1h 3 EU' EEUE"M 'U M fiterasdcentred arcund i K.Fltner M.Whînyocurdon Sunday, Febru- lzrAvsr or fO-clua fiesatn tlI M faDTGRE IICrP1,'Yrimîly nd om e. ic was a Mn. Ri . PB>Pruceï.'ary 13, -1972 at Oshawa Gen- ita.re Meeing, H1olirdayfnn,-a.m. te 3 p.. f Q Iru- rr'unin',rahIl KINDERARTENELIGIBLIHolimbay fiticUnit;dC.urc Suirviving, besides lierbs Mnr, and M. alac Bti eaHospital. Hespcler. Pepre y Tic Ontari LJIIJ.JL ~LJ 't Chldenof Sepiarate Sehool Supportems who wl ad oeraettdui-geM.ad c.M aiDauliter or lMc. Alberti Pcbi. 2,Mc1, 9ad 7 patan f Agnrilture& ters, Mrs. JohLavey (Jun>n . ý \-and Ms.S. Lancaster, Crnyand ic elate .Mary -Bee f Fee diet 0p c t a te0 l s Fl)oedI234 Kînlg S t. E., BeoW- M1EMBER. CANADA DEPOSIT LNOUAE CRPATO befive yearti Old b(y Deceniber 31, 1972 arpe li- and Mrs. lTerenceSoîtM an n Bs ron 'MadSvaet tefrerWrshpt lehlda_'àmnilc ntne elpee _______________________ gild fo adittncetô shoo onSepenie 1, (oa.Aise su!viving ,are. and Rulti Elizabeth Corney was- ___ ___ _________ asister, Mn .Fiank ThFlom-Mn. AndMsF. ilmner werelfboral'lainCharlottetown, P.E. 1972. son (Alla) and a brother, MnI. amng icestiientrtalinI.,wer icrcevde WilamMir t tih -omcf Mni. andI Mnl". e-ducatien. On June 17, 1935, "." Eixcepton tChis policy will be explelned by the McIr. lanvile rested at ticheo ý,.rge Stiapleton, Bwa-sic manied Mn. .LM Br- "E inîvdul ricial cncrndBail' uea oe rnvilo ndyngt h ard wie predeceased lber in ~,1 ijilviiji prncialsconerndwith- funieral servie on Wed- fjrýinît at f te vcin wJune, 1970. Paens holdbring sonie proof rofthieir child'" esdy,Fbray t, nti eetin lyn ar ieSic had resided la New-ý age ai urne of reýgiîstration. Lng Mh, ervnialcaeOo 'be en nply n f astle and arcs for 37 yearî,.1 , neT srvce ascodut- tr s ic1,lrumpious lunich, alii n tîcre from in Sumer- ~b**. cdi by Riy. Basil Lng nd atFliceIdarond t ý;i piano foc .R. bewa e-EîIY Fthrdetails are available at the schools, ntren wsinOon Cm- :ods-îodsig e t Rosis Me was empgl ~,. -- en, enluding a rls n ,ecsIDnd was a mremrber L. Polito jybeccig _c ecsl United Chutrc-i.1 Chairman of the BoAd PONTYPOOL Scwa Iseagm.L oe-0 r c tc 's1 ' F. H. Hogle Beaueuf icNncDmntA Bwyn ic there was tne.chrci servce cc Co uiln ,f a in Cy 'Lrvii beiesberfai- of Schools on Su.nday morninig. b, EI,vae five seins, Al-111 Anl excellent cr0d w 1M. J. IH. CoGG blent Mstthews, Moncton. N. prcscnt et Thurdyngît, Catne onant B usseli Matthews, Fe-0IMTL tIw S pr aktpie Eige l i i lgninc e-15LbtyS.S.Bwavletown, P.E.I.; Ivan Mattiewsý, Basic Toýmate Saucebaecunehoefon BwavlePfslclBdg -. . andCheese --- M'65 $1.10 Florida vacation.1 222 Ring St. E. Sut 106 EDRE IE S An-y One Inrdet$12 $15 Mn nMc.ohGibt, Office Ho iiiY0FSHOL ToIgredientsl---- S1-40 $1 .5 Pot HoeFwce Saurds Weeday Any viitnswii M, ndMn eep Wdnsdy ften.75icCetr!al Ontario Jeint Any Three Ingredients .$.55 $1-9eptoiVan Wicrînen. _____________The_____ rtf Any ~ou Inredents . - $1~O '$2.0 Mn Frd Nmigo dci a- - Telephene 623-7349 Planning Board bas endorsed i Enoydeîceu pzzrwt abeerge1-1é i is 'n d hi 1th dan I n s ur anc e Select Committce on Educa- Dutchmn Mugs. , -1 Thunsd,éay, Fc.th. iSeveral_____________ tien and Community Use cf cm- specil Flying em-bers of hils fsilY Vw1c DONALD A. MýarGREGOR Edu(.icatial Facilities. TELUKPCK3OORNRîTS LienedLi-ng. 1hoe o- li CC"il-,Life, At, le Tic Comimittce, in OshawAa RAABfFOkMULA UQouirOF1pRM RED SLICER$2%01 OIPC ALS PPIG OTPIZATOTA~~ 1y Mis. John Niiglon of Mi.Insunance calier tis rmentiheard'suli- !7 rNo'J« pJ MEXXICO7 Sbrook is a pýatÎit in Bw 67 Klng E., Suite 2A mision f eintcOctanerio' Zi TR7*VNERPE N,'eAEm.a Delivered to Vnour floor - 5c Extra manvllé Mn'ionel ospta Bowmanv ilie - Phone 623-5962 Counxty Board of Educatien, )AINYY INSTAN (MI, (MÎitintoivlfn liis) -We al wîh you a specdy - iticSepanste SebolBadeFl 1 fZ, ý oovery, MneOntOmefry Durham, College aticCtFIERIE II<NI. Mn. ,and MnIr. Bil unay 'of Oshawa Recceational De- i (ncecElla ngt)0 shw ETH A. BILLETT, OD.patinent. AILL.MOs 2 -9 LB îi1'- eebatd hin 35th wdigOptometrist Tic, Committee henunigTOLT7qU p~6 MOT0,OR irNN ,arncivcrFshry on Pnîdy, cb.143King St. 'E. - Bowmanville inte tic possibiliies cf in- O l8ti. Among t'os, preit- fieHus yapitnn na use of educational fa- COLOAR REG,, OR WéýivTRIR5 12 for tic elbtinwrM. Telephone 623-3252, ciities tirougieut Octaneio. TPSE~~8 F O A G SsIE. o DAd Mci. Earl Wrîit and ] 1)ci . - Tues. -Thurs. -FrI t is cxaminîng widcr con- Stanlev icht 'cf Petntypil, Wed.9 a.o 5p.m. munity use, yean-nound use,. 0T50Fr WE IfRt V HI RION TOMIT QUAMNtIE% -'4' a~d _______________ Mci. Tom VWtseon and 5sf,- 9 12ndd-ï wa ,clvysand meanis suci AhRN OPRWPEIIWD~'.StEB~a2 ~ i~ i~ U __________________________________[Ficýney c trd rc 'usd.rvmg atvte ould liereled