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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1972, p. 8

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FLASHBACK - 25 lears ago - On Monday, Feb. '24, 1947-, in a battlîng finale ai Port Hope, Bowman- ville Juvenfles, sponsored by Breslin's Ready-to- Wear, took the group championship frora the Ontar- ios 22-8 on the round. Thisis the second year they have won the titie. Team members are Bill Dadson, ýJim Levitt,- Buck Cowle, Sonny Hooper, Tom DeGeer, Gord Sturrock, Tiggy Tighe, Walt Woodward, Bill Duutan, Slip Rowe, Lloyd Hamilton and, Chuick Catiran; M, Breslin, manager, and Bob Bate, trainer, it t t t t FlýASIIBACK,- 10 Vears ago - After leading t hree out of five in playoff s with -Trenton, Bowmnanville's Intermediates, Firth-Shanirocks lost the key game on Thursday, Feb. 29, and the one oni Friday. Team members were Mort Rich- airds, Dean West, Alex Wiseman, Vince Vanstone, Ted Fairey, Doug Powell, Raye, West, Jtunior West, Don Masters, Bob Marjerrison, Keith Wýest, Bob Abbott, Terry Masters,, AI Glaspeil, Ray Preston, Jack Mantie, John Fowler, Jim Oinski, Chuck Armstrong, Bob Fairey, Brian Hughes, Bob Sheridan, Ron Burgess, Chuck Kilpatrick, Bill Morrison, Jim Crombie, coaches; Bill Orme, publicity, YOUNG ADULT TOURNAMENT - This Sunday, February 27th the, Young Adult League will be hold- ig their Ann"ual Ontario Singles Tournament. The bowling starts ai 10:00 a.m.,and will continue ail- day. Bowlers will be here from Ottawa,, London, Toronto, Kitchener and other points. The general public is invîted. t t t t t 131G DAY- At the Woodville Novice Tourna- ment on Feb. l2the Stan Greenham of Jeffrey's Superettes had quite a day. He chalked up a total of nine goals and two assis- to help his teaml win theé Consolation Trophy, t t t SPRING ON THE MWAY - it must be cominàg close to warmer weatlher wvhen ail golf bugs viill be' retrieving thieir clubs fromthe celar and possibly trylinig themn out on the snow -in the backyard, or perhaps putting a Etile on, the livingroom broad- loom. Manager 'Les Smnale of Erinli Country Club *brought in a printing job iflis week that will tell al you sweet swingers that. Erinli will be comîing uip with a special deal for weekday memberships, Sounds inighty interesiing. We'll tell you more later. i t t t t. CARNIVAL GUESTS - Mvembers of the Royal Canadian Legion's Pipe Band wvere up m--ighty early on Saturday when they headed out bhy bus -for Barry's Bay, north of Kinigston, to provide -iusic for a winter carnival in the area. The boys 1 tell us it was a groon show too and not so Cold that- the pipes wouldni't work. tï t tt BASKETBALL, SEMI-FINALS -- TheMen's Town Basketball League has cornpleted -is schedule and the seri-finals started lasi night.. Hooper's Jewellery were.iin firýt place with il wins, two losses and two ties, They will me-net thefourih place Ken's Men's Wear who closed the season with only three wins and 12 lasses, whihe Coronation Cafe with an 11$ 3 and 1 tally for second will play third place Stephen . Fuels, 5, 9 and 1. First gamne starts ai 6:45 -in tUhe BHS gymn. Second gamne ai 8:00, Series wivnns will be based on total score for two games. Marcel Boivin of Hooper'-s was the top scorer during the season. Spec- tators are welcorne. t t t t KEEPING IN SHAPE - Any of you chaps who kotlld like te keep in shape during the winter mnonths might do weIl, if you can spare the time, to joîn the MUens Fitness Class that is already ini action at the Fine Ridge Schooî gym every Mion- dlay and Friday from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. WV. W. "Bihl" Bagnel is in charge. Eachî session begins with a warmk-up period followed by volleyball, jogging, a-, shower and a swim. Just a ni ce, relaxed, enjoyable ouiting that will do wonders to shake down that winter flabbiness. I. t t t . t EASERNONTARIO - McGregor Unugs Midgets stant iheir Eastern Ontario phaydowns against 1Napanee on Wed., Feb. 23rd ai 8:00 p.m. (tonight) ;at the Memnorial Arena. The second game isback in Napanee on Saturday ai 7:00 p.m,. If Bowmanville win- the flip of the coin, the third gamie will be here er. Sunday evening ai 8:30. t t t tt SWEST HITS FOR THREE -'On Thursday, Oshawa Generals handed the Peterborough Petes their first loss in eight games andi orono's Steve WýNest played a big- part in it. Me scored tbree goals and an assist to( help his teamn rack up the 8-4 upset. Tomimy Simpson also bent the twine for aee The Generals are holding down second place i the leagu e. t t 1~ t t NO WINNERS HIERE -- There were no local winners in the 121h draw of the Weekly Early Bird Sports Lottery draw, but Mrs. Alice L. Brahn, Toronto and Mr. B, VW. Blanchard of Maciier, Ont., won $1,000 each, i.t t t OUSTED - On Thursday night in Port Hope, Vowles Red Eagle Junior "C's" concluded their league playoffs wiîth the Kinsm-ien Panthers ini what bas beeni described b)y those wbo aftended as 1a hard-fought, exciting gamne. While the Engles losc 4-2 to give the Panthers thireev- tories in a row, the localmage nti pleased with their performance throughout the season. This was a rebuilding season, but next year, should be a different story if alI goes well. The rivalry between the Bowmanviîlle and Port Hope clubs bas been quite keen throughout thîs and previous seasons. No doubt it will1 continue next year. Congratulations on a good year Eagles and the best for next season. st. Joseph$s Mixed Bowlilng Team Ps. Pins Slaowvoff s - 41--2841 Arciic Cats 4 2785 Shamrocks 32 17 1 Thse Ra 'dens 32 214416 Dandelion's ------ 21 218021 SuLidownyer5 - 18 217i20 HustlerS .-. 4 20123 men - Iigis triple, Phillllp T'o-nipldnis 667; hnhîgh single,I Gob Campibell, . LadiS-High triple, Btty Charland 629; Over 200 Bob Campbell 2715, J 1ack -Brown 263, Betty Charland 258, Phillip Tompkins 249- 234, Jini Fair 246-205, Ttose Marie Conway 241, George Gibbs 237, Gary Conway 237, George Charland 236, Sandra Anderson 233, Les Hunt 222, 1Lionlel Hickey 219-210, Jeani Holroyd 2218, Garry Lane 210, Bihi Hlolrnyd 209-205, Marg 1Pernis 2( ,I\ ,ir)bnc 202, Doria ry420, Mite1 Tournament Grand Champions Èges Bow! Ouf Earlyý by Ken Cryderman The Bowmanville Re d En gles gavýe ht everything they had, but hA wasn't enough as theyý were elimiaated fromn play-off action by the Port H-ope Pantlaensý last Thunsday night,. The Bagles playing ihein sirongesi game in some time worked hard and could have won the game but due tojb- expenience wene unable to finish off many sconing *plays8. The, victonlous Panthers will now move on te the semi- finals and will quite probably play Lindsay. Port Hope were definitely a stronger teamn but won the gamnes miainly because of their expenience and ability to fin- ish off sconing chances. In the gamne iseif Bill Mc- Cullough was the top man as he fired two goals in a win- ninig cause. His, linemate, Murray Cawken, picked Up a single as did Doug Rickard. Heplying for the Red Eagles were Don Smith and Rick Shackelton.' Smith's go al came on a beautiful and te end rush and he finished il off by beating Randy Allun w a quick shot. Bruce Simpson was pnob- ably the best Bagle on the ice as he played a ,ývery strong game. Other strong perform- ances came from Smilth, Shackelton, Johnson and goal- tender Robý Willoughby. Wil- loughby's counterpari in the Port Hope net, Don Allen, also playec lais usual strong game. Thus, ii',s an early seasonf ending for, the Eagles, a drast-v le change from mlai year. This year was billed as a building 'year and 1 thinik î has been successful as only four play- ens will be lost from ilais year's ieam and there are strong replacements waiting in the ranks of the Midgets and Juveniles. The Eagles ihank. youi, the fans, very much -for your, strong support ihrough-out the year and hope you will now support the I.D.A. Mc- Gregor Midgets and thse Minor teaffis still mn, playoff action. MIXED LEA GUE BOWLING Ladies% Hîgis single, H. Brock 309; hîgi triple, 1.Bnock 846 laîgh average, H. Brock 235, Afen Hiïgla, single, D. Recynolds 327; highi triple, D. Reynolds1 769; laîgh average, R. Sellecis 244, Teams Pins Ps O.ý Eicher .--------21097 '36 H, Brock -.----- 21552 30 B, Orme - .21161 30 V. Prout ------- 2 1188 28 R. Selleck ~ 21628 126 b. Smale .~ 20134 2 4 D. Reynolds ..21198 23 M. Richards . 20754 211 b. Welsh ------20 55 1 21 E. Brock--_ 20406 20 G. Wilcox -------- 20744 19 H. Palmner - ---- 2037U' 16 Averages Name ames Ave. iR. Selleck .~ 21 244 E., Brock 21 243 H. Brock 21 235 B. Orme l18 228F u dv n ln D, Bradley 21 222 G. Piper 21 217 A, M.Vartin 21 217 P~s P~ O, Eicher 21 216 Ailey Cts --- --21529 LU4 L. Welsh 2 215 Aces ----- --- 22031 il L. Richards -----21 '214 Screw Balîs ----- 21354 il V, Prout ,--- 18 214 Head Pins 21385 10 M. Bicher . 21 213 Gutter Balls 21126 9 'T. Milîsori 21 2-12 Sr ed 13 M. Richards 21 211Sr ed __----243 8 H. Reynolds 21 211, High Single - Hon Go G. Wi1coxc . 21 209 418, 1B. Pantner 283. H. Selleck ..... 21 209 Highi Triple - Ron Good H. Palmer - 21 208 866, B, Partner 695. D, Orme 18 208 Hidden Score Winners - B. Luxton 21 207 Game 1, O. Knapp; Game 2, H. Bennett 21 207 A. Sweetman, came 3, Ron W.,Kona.packi ~ 21 206- Good. L. Smale 18 205- Over 200 R. Konapacki 21 204 Bruce Smith 200-224, G. Mary Kinký,in 18 204 Simpson 203, Braci Adams 225, B. Collins ------- - 21 204 Ken Whitney 205, B. Partner G. Dickens - 21 203 283-218, D. Snowdeni 202-211, G, Milison ----- _ 21 202 0. Knapp 222-223, J. Siernhuis 300 and Over Gaines 293, J. Bridger 205-2481-201, D. Reynolds 327, H. Brock 309 RonGood 418,221-227, Ada 250 and Over Gaines Adamis 214, A. Cole 221-21, 'c, Mutton 291-270, H. Brock H. Ballantine 226-220-315, C.ý 285-9-52, L. Smale 269, B. Col- Snowden 207-229-256, G. Wil- lins 263, D. Bagneil 262, H. o 5-6,M dm*24 Selleck 259, D. Koniapanki 258, o2150-260, M.20,A.msw234- E. Brock 256, G. Dickens 255, 1,C.Kman0,A.S~t H. Palmer 252, B. Luxton 250. mo 03, H. Aiken 256, D. i 650 and Over Triples Bridger 205-21,3. H,.-LBrock 846, D. Reynolds Games Avg. 769, C, Mutton 712, E. Brock] Ron Goed ---- 18 237 699, L. Smnale 689, L. Welsh1 G. Wilson ----»--- 18 224 661, H. Selleck 659, B. Collins H. Ballantine__.-----2 1 223 657, A. Martin 650.1 Bruce Silla.----- 21 221 ENTERTAINMENT, a & a .in the Capitnsinq oCo'ounge SING-ALONG WITH KAY COOK Thurs.-Fri*.-Sat. PORT-HOLE TAVERN ""Dis'cotheque" - Friday and Saturday LIBERTY ST. 5, t401 623-3373 Campbell5-- - Th-ieSssen O Mu-rphy - ------ - ï1 Thiesseni- ---- ------- ------ 12 !piper _ ------ ----- --------- i Campbell - Edmon-dson . -1 High Singlýeq -Bonniie Lanei 198, 161. High Douibles- Bonie bn 359, A. Luxton 278. Baniam Girls LLu xton 3--- - Lane Hol1royd 5 -- -Fanrand Oj Br-uce 3---Ovenepn 91 Team StandingIs Ovtendn ---1------ 8 B ruce ----- - .- .----1- 5 Holryd - 15 Farrand ry 13 B. Wo'od 165. 'Higla Doubles - T. Hialliman 319, B. Wood 307, K. Heniry 302. Brooks ---Come 7 Gray 7 - -- WYte 0 Mosher 4 - anc 3 Gray -__28 Coombes 25 Mosher - --. - 22 Whyte ~.2 Brooks 1i ban ...................14 Higla Singles -G, C-oombies 360, K. Joli 236, 28S5, K. Far- rell, 218, 271, H. Staicey 210, 237, 266, j. Broo0ks 248, R. Terry 26.5. Hie aTriples > K. Joîil'732, H.stacey 7'1:3, G Coombes 703, K. F arreli 663. junior Girls Mitcell - -- -Aide O Gray 4 ------TaylIor 3 ËI h Singles - J., - o nd o2 ! D. Fredricks 244, B.- TIay3lor' , 241, Jane Edmiondson 223, 215,ý K. Luxton 221, 208.1 Higla Triples - J. Hone 642,! Jane Edmondson 576, K. Lux- ion 570. Team Standings Luxton ---- ---2 Mitchell . , 3 Taylor ~20 n y--- 1--- jLadi'es' Majoar BowlingI Higl i sngle, Onie Etcher and 'Onie Etcher 825, llelen Rogers 306, high triple, Onie Etcher 237, Jackie Pat- field 224,' Donna Bradley 222, Ollie Patfield 220, Helen Rog- 1Consuers ie r217,,Barb Osborne,25 DownAjax3-il214, Shirley Bickeil 211, Eileert 00%un A.a X 3w1ýMoore 211, JyeMjr23 Shirley Davis 207. On Thursday evening, Feb. Team Pins ')Ptc. l7th, the Bowmarville Con- Onie Etcher----- 20915 16 sumners' Gas Mites'travelled t0 Helen Rogers 20628 il Ajax for an- OMHA Mite Dot Brooks 20342 13 Lakeshore League contest, and Shirley Davis, '9634 13 skated to a 3-1 vJ.tory. Ollie Patfield - 20662 12 ln the first period, Ellis flred Dayle Wolnîk 19837 12 a hard drive into the Ajax Jackie Patfield 20631 10 net after being set up perfectly Judy Bragg 20568 101 hb«y Tim Almond and Jon Audrey Osmond 19673 10 Janack.1 Eileen Moore-- 1962?4 i Bowmanville was granted a Cecile Bowers - 19 955 penalty shot when an Ajax Heleni Depew- 19004 5 defender put his haod o h puck in the goal creu~se. Grant' Brock was unsuccessfui ia the T T W R scoring attempt. I râ'W R The, second period wasTE S I scoreleswith both teams B TIJEANDBE TE having good scoring oppor- BAKAN HT tunities, especially the Bow- Color and UHF manville squad who carried a RECEPTION gond percentage of the play. Ail Towers In the third period, Ellis are 111"1 scored agaîn when Vaughni, Heavy Duty Wells set him up ail alone in Workmansip' front of the Aj ax goaltender. Guaranteed Ajax scored on Bowmanville a uu on a defensive error in front1 D. WflIUTE of the net. Mark Ellis, scored' & hstîdtally late in the garneTVAeno iwe ewas sent i ln y Billy Hogarth and Grant' MAPLE GROVE Brock. This was Mark's second 2 *1or6337 three-goal performance of the 50e ADMISSIONý TO THE KlINSMEN SUPER CAR, IN THE PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE INCLUDING HI-LO GAME FOR,$1,000.<0 Jackpot I SPECIAL I nê'îa Game $ 1,500.00 Ifwo in 59 No's. BIG "SHARE Games Leach ;.00 EACH' z <12 z ANY ONE 0F OUR QUALITY USED :T IN OUR HEATED GARAGE. A * £* The Bowmanville Consurners' Gas Mites are shown Kenny Woodard, Billy Hogarth, Tim Almond; ï)ack. ýabove with the Kinsmen Trophy they won at the Port row, left to ighi: Coach BrianiPurdy, Vaughn Wells,ail Hope.Mite Tournamnent on February iI2th. They are: Paul Dadson, Mark Ellis,, Brenion Thompson, Kent front row, lef i to rîgiht:Alan Potier, Jeff Logan (who Wilcox, Brenit Crossey, Jon Janack, Kevin Tink, wý ýwas suffering from f1lu), Grant Brock, Kevïin Wesh, Mgr,, Jim Schultz, Photo Courtesy Port Hope Guide Penris each produced three 8-3 MugculNum ersjflgoals, whlle L:ny Burns ard Warner 'Wallroff picked ipý sîngles, along with three as- Play,; ifs corelessa had a big bandfin; Firs~ Gume of own luyofis Nultys' surprisingly eas iri st Fam es, otvîctory, colleciing four assis. County's leading scorer by Jini Clarke when Luke Prout 'pounded iar season meetings, Kirmps over the season, "Bucky"Î, one home ai 10:56 and added held a 3-2-1 edge oven oce Hughes, scored twlce, while,-, Harry Lock-e TV and Mc- another, lais second, ai 14:58. outscorng them by a closýe Bnian Bradley- picked up the Nulty 'Sports crushed their Marjenrison got bis second at 25-24 mangin. Lockes dnew i hird manker. Chrysier drew,-; opposition 5y identical 8-3 16:17 and Thompson his ihird six of the game's eiglat pen- five of the eiglat penaltiesWý, scores in astTlaursclay niglat's ai 17:04. alties. handed out by officiaisPa opeliing round of the beat of "Côdrky' Burgess was a McNulty's Sports, 1founth Connieli and Vince Vanstone. fiv smifial. tandout In the winnens cage, place finishers (six, points be-1 The semi-finals resumne to-1 In h fisi ame th TVparticularly during the firsi lind County Claryslen) , lead- 1morrow night with McNutys tnoop buried Krâmp* Furini- two periods.ý, when Kramps cd loto the second period and Couiy tackling at 7p.m. lune beneaih a six goal land- failed to casla in on some leading 5-2 and neyer looked1 and Lockeq and ai slde in tlae' final 20 minutes spectaculaýr scorin chances. back. Broblla ad Lanry3. ____________ to post an easy victony. Locke's power, became more _______________________________ McNultys did Most of their evident as the game prognesa- scoring in the firsi pcnîod, ed, as they, turned in a lust-, nclngfive goals, as ihey lin'g, muscular performance subdued the league's first that lad Kramps lurryinge place finishens, County Chrys- passes and shots. -Tlaompson, 1er. M/ajennison, Luke Pr out, For 40 minutes of the open- Steve Burns, Randy iJono- 1 ing game, County Chrysien ghue, Gary Wilson, Tim Prout stayed close, as they tnailed and Honnie Simpson tunn>d 2-1. Locke's Bob "Fuzzy"Mvarý- in an efficient front line ai- jernison and Gary Wilson con- tack, Tne winners got a top nected for the TV club in the job fromn defencemyeni Wray firsi pernod, with Hae CrOm- Hendeli (thnee assisis), Scottiî bie sc 'oring for E-ramps an1 a Esseny and Dave Rafuse. power play counter ai 11:18 For Kramps, Dave Green Y Hut Ïiu Y of the second period. Grant wlth lis iwo goal effort was- LL JI. flI "Tully" Thompson built the their top hand. Dung regu- winners' margin In 4-1. by 7:41 of *the lasi period, scor- Ing twice. Dave Green, with Y. hi' two goalsq just 67 secon)ds Kramps m Ioving, as tley mil Februar¶y 19, 19-41 ed by only a goal. B3autam 'Boys FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE WILL BRING A~ Locke> regainýed cnntrolWood 5 - -___-Piper IM fl - FOR YOU TO INSPECI

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