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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1972, p. 9

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a uUttKUUrEkA~.M , W SU .................. 9 623-3303! FLASBACK-î2 Years Ago - Phiiip Canýtcillai hit the jaclkpot in the Men's MajorBowling league when her roll1ed a -,inice score of 902 made up Wi36, 228 and 30.This makes four members of the league to hit 900 or better in the second schedule. Other high garne-s were Bill Westlake 766, E. Roach 765, Jack Coole 753, G. Elliott 74-3, IlT. Carpenter 740, Russ almn725, Sid Nichols 7123, W. Hearle 7.19, WT. Shoter 77, oug Taylor 712, and Bob GallagLher t 7 t t t FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - George Long wuun the triple cýrown of badminton in thse Central Ontario Championship touruament held at the Buwmanville Badminton Club the weekend, of Mardi lO0th, 1962. Oshawa's Long, a member of thie 1Bwmanville ýcub, defeated team-mate Ken Smiith in thesige final, partnered with Smith te defeud theïrir en's doubles crewu,- andiý won the mixed, play ing with Peterborough's Marg Bakier. Culleen Hutchinson upheld the bomne- brew benor, reacbiug two finals, while Jeanne Slemoin raud Auna Strike won the consolation ladiestte LADIESWN Prizes of $1,000 each in theý Sports Lottery Da went to the ladies in the lt draw this week. 1. Cheryl Cox, Toronto ; 2. Mary Anderson, Newmarket,' t t t t t MIXED SPIEL - Bowmanville Country Club wilhost a mixed Bouspiel at the club on Satur- day', ,March 4th, with 16 teams competing. There w,,i1ll b toraws beginning at nine and il a-,m, 1Each teami will play two 10 end games. ,pcaors arec welcome. i t t t i 6 TURNA ENTS- Ciarence Oke, District Chair- manai he awnBowling Associaion is hard at worký on a vey usy schedule of tournam-ents for thisaea District No. 14. Starting Saturday, May 20,il oninus truSaturday, October 7, with over 60 ~ ~ ~ (! toramns )e ut for those who wish to enter. I t * t t UNDEURIGUJTS- Several from this are r eneign-ihtkin at the'Oshawa Ski Club. The Standard and Bunuy Boulevard îrs are illmintedand ail1 report il is really great. -ulay, for ani ttinlmatch with to of their t eamrs. They returned unbeaten. The MOari- aaiiTigerswo bothlitis games 5-1 and 3-1ite BowauvlleSeals won eueý 3-1 and ied th)e othier 4-4. Hockey sticks were preseuted to Ron Brawn of the Tigers aud Scott Clifton of thie ealsaler being selected as best player on their teamis. AIl players received- souvenir pncks. Franikford is a commi-ýunity of about 2000 located six miles unorth of TUreutoni. corporation o4 Thýe Town-i of BowManvilýTÏ le TRININLt1G (OURSE for Summ)-er EmplorYainen on Playýgrouu-ds To e be eld ilu the BwavieHigh Sehool fMar1jých 1thl, 15h,2h,2th, Api 5th, 101h, 120h, from 6:30 P.ri, te 9:0 p.m., 1. To qualify for a position on the Bowmanviile Play- g-ruundsanaplicaut with less than two years previeus ex ien lu LAYGROUND WORK (two fuli sum- mers) musnt succeTissfully complete the course. 2. An appliat wt twu or more years proven exper- jence m1ust eîe (a> successfully cumpi2eethe course or <b) pass a practical test and a writtent test ona idate te becidd;(eariy ln April). 3. It is aiso essential that those whu are seiectedlb attendé a short- refresher course, of one day duration, prier ta thie aonîng uftIhe Playgrounds. Everyonec MUST aten, hre can be nu exceptions. No remauera1- t!inw be paid for these training periuds, 4. Mnijnimureqieel for ail applicants is 16 year's of age as ef Januuaýry Ist of the current year. 5. Boýwmn1v!lle Pi1aygroundS will operate five days a weMonday te Friday for a period et seven weeks, from Juzly 3rd lu Auigust 1.8th, both dates inclusive. Pisy-grounds iwill beý closed ou Monday-, August 7th, Civie Hlidy, ith staff beîig paid for that day. The abov metiund dtesare teative ýia subject te 0. TheSaay eaeisý as follows: CATEGOR11A Two y 'ears or mure onPlgrnd Salary $40.00 per week CATneGORY "B" Onîýe year on Playgrounds Salary $35.00 per week 4CATEGOjrq;-Y -'C" With nu experience onPayrus Salary $30 ff,00 per week 7, Scceafo cupleienofth cours5e or teîssde 8. ppicaios ud ouseTime ,-,Table are availab;ee at te Bemanvie ighSeol ic orthRecreioni)i Office, Town HallH. by Tjim Clarke BoP ela'sga at12:15 or the tid eio limyaxed the scarinig in last Sunday monngspayoff opener and gave Brooks an imrportant 2-2 draw with Wal1teýr Frank. in thre second cuesBry- sans ICît MtonLeetering ou the 'brink oai elimination, fol- lowing their 6-4 victary. Brooksý' ie in the first gaine leaves themn trailing in their best-of-five semi-finel round, 1-0, with a draw. The Real Est 4a te crowd t.wice led7, onily tu sec the Supertest gangarmble back Doug Crough returned ta Frank's lineup as though he had nyrbeen aayscaring bath go nals and ini orbit throughout-i. lh- first camne et 6:43 ai thie second frame with Larry Simpson sud John Ad- amns assîsting. Brooks' Lloyd H-Iamilton was banisbed for tripping et the tîme. Brian Bradiey took e Randy Donoghue pass'aud slammed iu his own rebound, after 18:25 ai the second perîod, ta 1 ie tbiugs up. Crough made 1V 2-1 for Walter Frank, team- ing up with Jahn Adams et 5,:42 of the third, H4eiiam gave the Brooks' Ibunch a spl1it lu the tx'e1ll laycd rmatch,scr ing at 12:15 from Hamilton sud Hawýie Pollard on e pow- er play, Brooks picked up au interferec,(e sentence by Gary Akey 291- seconds frorn the finish, buit ecscaed any dam- aÊe. For the, second week lu a raw-, Wlter Freuk's Ken Veitch e.nd Brooks' Vince Vaustane were staudouts lu their rival cages. Crough's re- turn bas Ia be a big plus for the Real Estate club. These two evenly mached teains re- new, hlostilitie-s this Suuday: M'Orulng in the 10:15 match. lui the second game. Jae ,iBaison and Tim Prout blazed' 5away with two goal efforts ta 1spur Brysonis ou ta their, 6-4 triumph over Mutton's Sheli. 1The bas7 leaves tbe Sheli bunch wtih e "must wiu" situat-'in wheu they sieet 'li the 9 am farthisa Sunday. Mutt'ons tuirned lu a mucb improved performance than lu their 6-1 openiug bass af the playot fs, but made some cost- rly deteusive blunders. Bry- sons hopped ahead 2-0 aiter 20 minutes ou goals'by Balson 1and Prout. Play apeued up lu the mid- -die period, as each club struck for three goals. Andy Mur- )phy, with a blazer frýom the point, made it 2-1 atter 2.11. "Woodiy" Lee, Muttou's out- standing figure lu the game, tl i V t 4:15 wIth bis first et twa goals. Brysaons recover- c d, as goals by Dave Green 1(8:55) sud Charley Green (15:55), sboved thein once more ino two goal bulge r(4-2). Irv Gll closed the gap again, with Lceehlngot ai 16:35. Bryson's., Prout pull- cd7 lui a perfect Tully ýIThomn-p- son asi betin Grant Wright clanly, ta ake 1V 5-3 et 18:20 tthe seîonid. Thle Mutonrwd ontnu cd Vo pesmwtieesu-ý assisted golet 10:05 ot the final priod akiug et-5-4.' Balson's second goa etthe1 coutest clincbed il for Br-- sons et 19:37, For thc winuers, Kim Rog- ers sud Dave Refuse wvere prominient figures ou Bryson's blueline, bath deteusively and lun the ather end af the rIuk. Up front, Balson, Prout,, Alec Wiseman aud Tbompson led the troops. For Muttou's, despite the sik- goals, Wright was forced ta make saine rcmarkable saves. Both teaurs picked up two penalties lu the cleanly played affair. "Archie" Crossey and A. Junkin bandled the re- fereeiug duties lu bath gamies.~ Men's Major LeaguIzie Maurice Richards returned Murphy- 711 (260), John Vand' home tram a weck's vacationiDyk 706 (28l), Gord Wilcox in Fioride and won the highl706 (266), Jack Lader 704 triple prîze with a big 851 (289), Deug Carter 703 (254), triple., Richards had gaines G reg Couch 702 (245). et 311-280-260. Thc rest ce- Randy Beauprie ted Pa suce taiuly helpcd aid Moe who 291 single gaine, Bill West- bas been having a very dis- lake 289, Bob Willieims ,q! mal season. . George Bebee sujd JinMc Ross Wright did it egeun. Knight 280, Ed Leslie 27i7, Rauo Yes, the Whistler was over Carter 272, Bob Gl]anvîlleI 800 witb gaines of 252-293-267 268, Hep Peiner265,Lesl fer 812. Coombes 262. Tweuty howlers were over Keu's Meu's 'Wear hed hg 700. Les "Bus" Sinale had triple with 3717 wtile IGA 798 (323-274), Rau "Heur" had 1392 for bigh single, Dave Seileck 791 (306-292), Larry Reynolds sud Lerry Piperý are! "Nip" Piper 791 (280), Elton tied et 248 in the averages.1 Brock 771 (270-277), Howard Rau Etcher is Ibird, 246, Bromell 756 (268), Dr. Howard Following is a listI f bb Rundie eujoying the Florida tearns sud tigt 20 averege*s.' sun 741 (268), Bud Henuxng 8th Week - 2nd Schedule 739 (274), Maurice- Anuaert vrgs(4Gie, 734 (250), Dave Reynolds 732~ Aeae 2 ans (261-266), Morley Etcher 72, D. Reynolds 248, L. Piper 248, (320), MVlurray Tighe- 719 RonEtcher 246, Russ Oke 242, (272), Harold Bennett 7 16 Gord Wiicox 242, Ross Wih (264-288), Bob Laird 715 and 240, Rau Seleck 240. Don" the- tigh single gaine of 346 Okeý 237, Maurice Anneeri Ah Saman 710 (261), Mike236, Greg Conch 23,_H!oward MinorBnam , Wion Opener 111 A\f Vr wînng the lige4 cbempsIDousbsp by deatîng1. 1Maýrkham 9-5 and 7-4, ttc 12 Bowv,,-iiiie Miuor Beutams, nrovcd mb t te Ah Ontarioa quarter finals egaiust Centre '70 (Kingston) The first T/ 6IW /O/ / game wes pieyed lu Bowman- Iup.4- 4r # 1/ £',#/4S ,ilie Tues, Feb. 22ud, with t the local, squad deteeting Toi/tf/TDCofl/4W#t4' V Kingston 11-1. e V " Paul Sobil led the atteck with twu goals and tbrcc as- ïï Ii ssts. Ted Puk and Bill Le:. - HE L D1Bt Z scored thrce goals each, E I sumpad Ian Wilcox round- ed ont thc scoring. The Centre1 '0 goal was scored by Mike Sevc Koresky, ruining thc Bow- menvilie goalies, Lenuy Chap- 180 KING EI. peli's su-d Ted Trudeau's bldi BOWMANVILLE,ý for e shutout. POE61356 Bowmi-anvilie wiîî trae PO E625 Kiugstoui Sun., Fet. 2tfor Don McL;clant - Don int the seodgan u this best Darlington Township Public Schýool hockey C-hamps One ai the busiest places in town last Friday trophy after the They are, from lthe lef t, marning, and aiternoon wa,-s Bowmanville Arena where back raw, Brooke Bain, Robert DeBoo, Scott Stevens, teas 1from Darlington public schools campeted in Rick Bain, Brad Godfrey, Chris Chipman, Russell the annual town,,ship hockey tournament. When il was Preece; front rai>w, ChIlris Willoughby, Brian White, over jMaple Grave East emerged the undisputed Doug H-oogehý,oom, Brin Prescott, Bill Anderson, Larry champs. They won all three oi their gamnes by handy Watson and Doug Brooks. The boys were coached by margins, beating Hampton 6-1, South Courtice 11-1 Dick Bain and Raîphl DBoo. and Maple Grave West 9-0. The victors pose with their1,,,I Bromeli 233, Jack Bond (21) 2M2, Eiton Brock 231, Hector B3allantine 231, Ed Leslie 231, JTim Bruton 229, Les Smele 228, Frauk Mohun (21) 228, Dr. H. B. Rundie 226, Bob Smith 226. Standing of Teams Team W L Pts. Beaver Lumber ----19 5 1.9 Nels Osborne Insurance ---6 8 16 Ken's Men's i. G. A. 14 10 14 tLander Hardware 1 10 14 Cawan Poutiac Buick -Il 13 l1 Jury& Loveli --1---1/a 1/i10 t/ Pab's Cab __ 10 l14 10 Mutton Sheli l 10 14 10 Frank's Variety 9 25 9 Pepsi Cola- 8 16 8 Dykstra's Food ----7-17 1 y outh Bowîlng February 26th BANTAM BOYS Campbell 5, Murphy 0; Pip.. er 3, Thiessen 2; Wood 3, Ed- mondson, 2. Teem Standings Wood 31, Murphy 18, Camp- bell 16, Thiessen 14, Piper 14, Edmondson 12. High singles-B.' Cale 173, B. Moore 172, D. Sheehan 160, J. Piper 163. High doubles-B. Moore 327, D. Sheehan 288, J. Edmond- son 287, S. Cale 287. BANTAM GIRLS Ovenden 5, Holrayd 0; Bruce 3, Lene 2; Farrand 3, Luxtan ,2.( Tenus Standings Luxton 24, Ovenden 23; Bruce 18, Lane, 17,Hoay 15, Farrand 8, High singles-'. Hoçb'oyd 179, L. Richards 17 ý4, B. Lane 173. High doubles -B, Lane 319, C, Holroyd 307, E. Gib- son 299, June Luxton, 296, L. Stacey 294. JUNIOR BOYS Brooks 7, Lane 0, Whyte 5, 1Mosher 2; Coombes 5, Gray 2. Teaus Standings Gray 30, Coombes 30, Whyte 26, Mosher 24, Brooks 23, Lane 14. Nigh singles-J.,, Braoks 276-238, J. Jensen 207-273, R. Terry 211-267-225; J. Leddy 258-218, G. Coombës 248-257, M Reynolds 248-218, R. Chow 237-200,, K. Wooiley 237, YD. Kramer 221, R. Stacey ,'20Q, G Lane 208. High triples--R. Teiry73 G. Coombes 685, J. Brooks 664Î,I J. Jensen 659,M. eyod 16,9, R. Chow 622,ý J, Lcdd&y1 JUNIOR GIRLS Bond 5, Gray 2' Lutoiýni Miîtchell 2; Taylor 5, Aide 2. Team Stand,,ings Luixton 37, Mitchll I 32?, Tay- [or 25, Gray 21. Aide 21, Bonid 1L. ldigh singles;--S. Bond 262, K. Luxton 241-229, P. Potter 223, S. Michelson 219, P., Van Mecer 217, A. Chow 213, B. Taylor 212, FI, Gray 210. SENIOR MIXED Davey 5, Terry 2; MacDon- ald 5, Roberts 2; Bouwmees- ter 5, 'Jensen 2; Brock 7 WVhitehead 0. Team Standings Bouwmeester 27, Davey2, Tensen 23, MacDonald ?2. Brack 21, Whitehea-ýd 19, L'erry 18, Roberts 15. High singles--G. Edmond- an 280, M. Wood 2,59. 11igh Triples-R. Bouw,- neeg,ý,ter 669, S, Davey 631. The Onteirica Society for, Crippled Childrcn's five sum-, mer camps provide the lergest éripplcd cbildrcn's campingl pnrogram ln the world ta more 1;[han 1,100 youngstcrseachi To (Ou riedsand Customers:,, W 1,oe o the wonderful world of Clîinese food ýaI the Lotus GarensResaurntwlere you will enjoy the subtiet ies, of Chinese cuiine Ou meu is ex-otic and legendary,; it is filled with every delight, populardisiiesad gourmet delicacies, ir you-apreciaie a change of pace from he ordinary or haeth lghetwhîm for real Ch0s ore foodi, pampr yursef ad your fam-iily, iijoyvthÀ bet from us Your famjily wi arvel at the ec, uisipe anId your dayý will be most rewardýcing, When you ntertain or hae n ocai ta clebrate-, flatter youirguss Serve the a array of these deliejous Chinese specýialiefs. Youir party-w,, be anscces-ad yu Whetheý'jir you iniie at homne or at theLouGads Retaratoulusousgourmet foods assureyoai a plesan, mmorbleexperience. Thanik You, The Ma.inag,,ement FREE HOME DELIVERY OYN S3.50 MINIMU'M ORDER FOR SUJfllPRBSERVICE PLEAS CAL 623-5583fir/623-3473 M-wu 19 a OPEN STACKERS.. STACKING UNIT WITH DO 57.29 57.99 A new and exciting bookshelf orstrg unit from Beaver. Stiack, luix anld match. Each unfînishcd unit i prxmtl 24" x 25"' % 12", Anè idealwa te solve those storag-e pr(oblems. Rearzdy t, paint se,, you cain fiis-h thein ka BOWMANVILLE 623-3388 Store Hours: MON.,OWD. :0'TIL 1'THUIRS,, FR1I8L30 IL19 SAT. 830'TIL :i Commercial HockeyPlayoffs Br oo ks D r aw w it h F-r an k s Brysons Defeat Muton Thei Canadian Statesman, B3owmanville, Mer, 1, J1972 Redmen Hopes J arredi AferLoss to OCH býy David Passant' 12. Ce bulsiti 1,1Dpn n Shine had Z 2 , andI4polnt.i- Bowmanville llîgh School respectively to roud otth _j ,Senior Basketball team's play- Oshawa scoring. off plans received a joli. last Bowrnanville's scores w er5e Thursday whcn Oshawa Cath- produced through the e ffrts olic High beat the local boys of four players: Ai Murdocli -5 7 --;9. with 12, Ralph oumese 7- There was littie doubt as ta 11, Doug Parker 10), and Joe teoutcome of the contest Caruana witl-i6pons Rur l n l, f , ffr Catholic quickly collect- The Redmen have woen R rl B w ng ea 17-point margin by half onésr aaigâl Fehrupry 22 l n five points after the first make the playoFfs. OnTus Rius's Sunoco l 5 24499 quarter, but were out-pointed day, the 2921, they faceýd Tyrone --- 13 .24769 19-7 in the second and that General Vanier iii shwa salemn 13 24606 speiied their doom. and on March 7th they tave Ennisillen ____ 121½ 24283 Oshawa Catholic *piayed a to Clarke ta meet the Raiders- Hli-C's 121/ 24149 tough game, utiiizing a stiff Should the Redmnen ak,* Maple- Grove ---Il 25038 zone defense which forced the playoffs, anid if a;tie Oc- ,'u' na il-24592 Bowmanville to shoot fro'n curs, a Playoff gamle wvIIlbe .Domi.nion Stores 9 22940 outsid h Éý Ofniey edo ac ti IS H-igh singles: D. Taylor 233, ie te ky, afesîviv, thieldo arcwýIheh OS R. VanMleer 282; high triples ** epoc uc hi erwl ehi l). Taylor 773, C. Goodmani break ta their c[dvantage, and Henry Street HïýihSehooli 70.found reb k3s asy o corne Whitby on Marchll th. Averages by unider thie BH back- The Oshawa Catholic Jun!- D. Taylor 241, B. Martyn board, l ors and Bantamrs wcre i f*15) 224, K. McGili 220, R.1 Fitzpatr1iC'kle the .winners v!etorious. The Juniors woi Laird 219, J. Luffman,,I 218, C.w 'h23 poîint, ,whule Me- 58-35 whiie the Bantamu1s bat Milis 213, . L.VanMeer 213. lAvoY had 1 and a, teroklBowavle4-

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