-2 -he ---Cýlaadia Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar, 1, 1972 Bay Riedgeâs Teàam Wins Big Mite Tournament On1 Saturday, February 26th, Bowanvlleheld their Sec- m'id Annual Invitatîonal Mite Tourýii-nment at the Memorial Al>ens, 1Bay vRîdges won the Grvand Championship, afd the ecateMites won the Con- solation Cbamnpionship. 11),theý first game of the da: the Bowmnanville Consumers' Gas Mites squeezed out a close ,-2 victory over Newcastle. Bowmaniville went ahead -0 on goals, by Tim Almond, the assiste on the goals gain, ta Joni Janack and Mark Ellis. Newcastle roared bsck ta tie He score. With less than two mntsrem-aîning in the game Mark Ellis passed the puck fi H-ogarth whvbo wss ail alone in front and he flred the winner. iLlite second game of the tournament Ajax shut out the Wihtby team 4-0. In t1he thir-d game, Brooklin comtpletely, domirsted play -ver thie Port Hope Mites. They won by a lop--sidedscore oDI 11-1. Iii the fourthi game, Bay Ridgles had no trouble with West Rouige defeating them by ascore of 11-C. 1j) the Con)solation semi-final gmNewcastle blasted the Wbiýtby team 6-1. Whitby ws th-us elîminat'ed and Newcastle advanced ta the Consolation lu therext game, Bowmnan- ville and Aj ax squared off in wvhat wvas ta be tLhe longesi game of the dJay, At the endi of regula-tion time there ws mis score. Sudcden-desth over- timre was then played for five minutes ind stili no score. Each coach then had ta select five of lits players ta hune up a1t their owni blue'-liue aud shoot at thie empty net. Bow- mavleoutscored Aj ax 4-3 tadvsnce ta the Champion- hip final. lui the sconmd Consolation seifnlgame, West Rouge dondPort Horpe to the tune (if 5-1 ta) advance ta the final 11n the Champisnsip semi- finial gam-e, B "ay Ridges aud Prok lnpayed a tremendaus ýVtrame. Brooklin jumped intoa - le d d er autplayîng ih PBy idges squad, A rsth- er1a ,,f-goly Bay Ridges s^-tsrted th1 em ralling sud tkiey fcoedtbee unanswered goals j'a earn tihe victory and the herth lu thefirChampîonship final aainst ,Bowmauville. Newcastle, defeated West Roie by the close score of 1-0 ta W-in a very exciting hockey gamer and the Cana- cUEan Statesmian Trophy. The tr"OphY was presentçed by Tiick James ta the Newéastle team S ' T LAS m.D c LATS! S rni NS D Peri APPLIC f4 BALI DL ýe El, te le ;e d ýg ýe e 3. e y h In the Championship game, the strong Bay Ridges club earned a well-deserved, 3-0 victory over the Bowmanvilie Consumers' Gas Mites. The first period wss scoreless withI bath teams baviug thoir chan-ý ces, especially the local squadj who missed several chances luI the first ten minutes. Bay Ridges scored lwlce iu the second sud added a tIbrd goal lu the final period. The Bay Ridges captaîn was awarded the Bowmanvilie Canadian Tire Trophy which was presented by Don Smith, a member of the Bowmauvilloý Red Eagles, and also a mem- ber of the Canadian Tire Sports Department lu Bow- manville. The Bowmauville Minor. Hockey Association executive, would like ta, thank ail those who helped duriug the day ta make the tournament a suc- cees. There were so many assisting, lb would ho impos- sible ta name tbem ail. New'ville- StarkviIlei Corne in suid have a style cýre-ated jiust1 for yau. (ail 623-5019 or stop by at 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE On Monday afternoon, e Bowling League church and school afficials Ts rdyFb at the sod-turning ceremnon3 e Tlursay, eb.24, 197?. darmitory and cafeteria at Doris Tompkins --------- --193 St. East, Oshawa. Seventh-] Gail Milîson ---- 191 Dorothy Stark 190 tMarg MacDonald 188 Ni ght Hawks 1 Elaine Marchant 187 sJoyce Stacey 185Z ~s Wed., Feb. 23, 1972 Marie Trim 183 :High Single Marlene Stacey-___ 181 B. Wilbur ---------- -----296 Jean McQuab 181 Higli Triple Bernice Hlenderson - 178 F. Dykstra---------- - - 718 Pat Milîson ---- 171 TEAM STANDINGS Nadine Trimble __ 169 K. Campbell -- 31 033 21 Shirley Marteli 167 D. Ogdeu -- - __31,697' 18 Dale Foran 166 K. Raîston _- 31,310 17 _Norma Maclnnis 165 C. Bruce - - - ---- 31,759 15 Peggy Milîson 161 B. Wiîbur -- -- 31,174 15 Lynda Willsher ---- 160 B. Piper--------- 31,111 10 ,Cathy Lambert i--- - ----- 158 GAMES OVER 215 Marg Gullard ---------- 156 B. Wilbur 296, F. Dyketra 267; Shirley Lightbourn 142 267; J1. Dixon 255, B. Piper Karen Carter- 141 238, M. Ovonden 230, C. Bruce Bobby Clarke ----- 135 245, 248; D- Vorleyseu 223, L, Carol Topple ------------ 124 pper 241, J. Woudstra 220, J. High Single McLean 218, D. Ogdeu 1237, A. Joyce Stacey ----------- 291 IDykstra 253. Righ Triple AVERAGES Doris Tompkins ------ --6891C. Bruce -------- 208 High Average , K. Baiston .. - - 207 Doris Tompkîus ----------- 193 F. Dykstra . - 198 M. Trimble 195 200 GAMES A Dkta--193 Joyce Sbacey 291, Daie Foran L Piper - - --- 190 283, Patilîson 279, Jean D Ogdeu 189 McQuat 275, 213: Doris Tomp- B' Wiibur 186 kins 262, 241; Nadine Trim- D. Verleysenu- 184 hie 256, 239; Elaine Marchant K' ambel184 228, Karen Carter 224, 210'; A mpurel__18 Marie Trim 222, Cathy Lam-. rgwess.......- 183 hert 213, Dorothy Stark 212, B. Smith- 181 Gail Millson 205, Norma Mac- B' Piper -------- - 180 Innis 203, 200; Shirley Ligbt- N*VnAbm 7 boumn 202, Beruice Henderson G. Dowuey -------- 178 202.1, W î l ------1 8 CAMES WON B. NWrigoV - ----------178 Dariug Denimse----- 41 . Nmîgn ---177 Cockýy Cordurays - 37J,.MCreau-- ----176 Bne eriape M.- --- 33î Ovouden --169 Tubh)y Twveels------28 1. Swcstmau 168 JDixan _.---- -- 16 nd UBaker--- 162 J.Woudstra ___ 159 J.Dykstra 156 SHaisma --152 G. Dyktra 143 P* Aide 143 R. Wybenga -137 J King ----- ------136 L. Johnson 135 JM. Knapp 133 D. Leamnan ___128 ATIONS ýAMONDS at Memorial Park Central School Grounds Lord'Elgin Park Vincent MssySchool Grounds Director eof Reereatien Depairtrne-nt of Recreation Town hall MARCH l17th, 1972 Ied I - ALSO-1 ' LEARANCE 0F ALL COVENTRY WIGS IN STOCK EU LA %LY N fUE AT $29.95 2 V f XUT 'N J(URL BEAUTY SHOP Liberty Belles Fobruary 27th Team Standings Stopheus 14570 19 Horsman .14730 18 Coombes . 1445, 17 McDffonald 14421 17 Bradley .143J13 13 Kirkton ____1418c4-12 Gibson ~1410r,0 i Roberts - 341 9 Luxton 13959 9 Colvlis 146(ý11! 8g IMiRer l'O'3459! 71 Shackleton -1383à High sin gis 287 Fernu B-,radieyr. Hîgl-b double 485 (287-198) Femu B3radCley, Toip C12Averages C. Rorte 21s 0, B. Stephiens I 19, E'. Bradley 196, A. Bans 195, Val Miller 194, Joy Lux- ton 193', 1. Burns 102, R. Shachielon 190, Marion Gib- sou 190, W. Coombes 190, E. Dadeon 189, M. Lane 189. 200 Games 1. Houe 215, M5. Henuîug 205, F. Land 202-213, Di Fox 207, F. Bradley 287, E. Clark 225, P. Falles 248, J. Martin 280, A. Bous 201, B. MVacDon- ald 200, Pansy Johueton 240, Wilma Combes 239, H. Cook 218, M. banc 215, 1. Burns ia large crowd of civic, cials froru a wide area'attended t'he important funçtion. suad students were present Many of lhem are shown here on the platfarm with iy for a million dollar'girls' the architect's sketch of the new structure lu the it Kingsway College, King fareground. )Day Adventist Church off t- PHieRidge Schoo I Enjouys A Two-DyWnfeianvl Last Saturday sud Sundsy, most interestlng ta, those at- te 500o meter distances); February 26 sud 27, staff sud teudiug. skate jumping (distance); bld- students of Piue Ridge Schooi Prior ta the weekend, pro- den lime races for those boys were involved Inu their first liminaries ws 1re held lu broomnota at usaes(is Winter Carnivai featumnîg a bail and le hockey ta declars e sfs n kts(is ýwide varisty of eveuts. With the finaliste. The, wiuuing over the start and finish lins Mother Nature co-operatui;g trophy, Vths Royal Canadisu lu a pro-set lime noV kuowu giving ideal wealber candi- Legion (Brauch 178> Hockey by contestants), sud 400 aud lions, the two-day eveut was Trophy went ta Jury Houe 800 meter relaye. a huge, sucesesuad prýoved wbo d e f e aIte d Coldeprings Camp 7-1. The Broomn Bali A log' cutting event, wilb ArChampiousblîp endsd iu a two holding sud two cuttiug (OF Bowliîng draw between Jury sud Ki- sudi then change about, usiug wauis Býouses. Tbsy went ail crscu aws, was a' bit with Fcbruary 251h out Vo break the lie, but lime thie spectatorý who, bocomlug rau ouI befors eithsr could oulhussd, joiusd lu by calling Ladies' high triple, L, score. Sa bolh names are ta out the rhythm as the boys ýWoodLock 692; -ladies' high bcenegraved au the lrophy pulled ths saws. Aiea on Vhe single, L. Woodcock 310. for 1972. permwr rs onr Meu'i hîgh triple, R. West-p'ga ee rs onr lako 29 iM o Mn's bmgh single,ý The Fluie Ridge Tropby, for skiing (900 meters), suow- J, Luffmaân 277, the top aggregste Housew.ent shoeîug (400 me Vers>, sud Team.«Standings tao Jury House as all-m'cuudchari'ot îobogganiug (300 muet- Smith 42 23351 champions. Ai fivo Houss eor) wiVh three boys pullîug VTan Goor--- 39 23443 'Jury, Kiwsuie, North, Rotary:, sud One rýiding. Prout -- -- '32 23317 South sud Coldeprings Camp A pre-carnivai poster cu Euffman, 30 22755 had studeuls lu at lest one test produced 40 oubries. The Bonsma __ 29 23553 event. The students wore excellence of the students' M., Heath - 27 23162 colorful team sweaters. entries made iV most difficuit Vlurphy___. 25 22860 Included in the eveuts for for the judges ta select the Roberts 24 22863 the festival days wore puck three top winuers. Bond------ 24 22304 schooling (accuracy); tobog- VlcKeeu - 23 23049 ganiug (distance ona down- A featu-re of the caruivai G. Heathi 22 22786 bili run); speed skating (100 was au sce hockey game ho- iTestlake ---- 19 23446 we the staff sud studeuts.1 226, B. Kennedy 255, -Norma foundry Bowlin Ferguson 203, J . Chapple 220, n naMiller 243.' Frday Night Mixed Ladies Hm1gh alugie, H. Brock 26; hihtriple, -H. Brock 665; hîgh average, H. Brock 233. lMen-High single, MV, Rich- arde 344; bigh triple, M. Rich- ards sud L. Smaio 802, bigh average, D. Reynolds 242. 1 Teame Pins Pts. O. Etcher 24067 42 V. Frout --24028 33 B. Orme 24054 32 H. Broek .. 24601 30 L. Smale - 23265 29 L. Welsh -.23801 28 M. Richardsý 23895 26 G. WiIcoxý 23698 26 R. Seileck ___ 24394 261 D. Reynolds 24315 251 E. Brock 23129 20 iH. Falmer 23099 13 ýNaine Ave, Games1 D.'Ji Reynole -..2 42 R. Soilck' 237 E. Bok237 'H. Brock ~ 233 B. Orme 230 L. Welsh 220 M. Richards 218 ID. Bradiey - 218 O. -Etchcr - - 1 A.iVatîn . 1 S. male£1 M. Etcher - 2 '13 24 B. Luxton 212 24 G. Piper . 211 24 V. Frout 211, 2 1 L. Richards 209 24 G., Wilcax 209 24 H. eynolds 208 24 T. Milison 207 24 H. Palmer - 207 24 H. Selleck 206 21 D. Orme - - 206 21 W. Konopseki 206 24 H. Beunett 204 24 G., Milison 204 24 G. Dickens 204 24 B. Colline ---- 204 24 Mary Kirkton - 204 21 R. Konopackt - 203 24 300 sud Over Games-M Richards 344, B. Luxton 342. 250 snd Over Games-D. Reynolds 293-273, Arn SieeD 2-90, C. Multon 287, L. Smale 285-268, B. Orme 280, L. Wctsh 276,' D. Bagueil 275, H. Broek 270, 'J. Thompsou 267, Bill Kouoaski 256, M. Richards 256. 650 and Over Triples L.ý Smale 802, M. Richards 802, L. Welsh 748, D. Reynolds 747, B. Luxton 739, Arn Sieep 676, C. Mutton 668, H. -Brock 665, lM, Etcher 655, G. Mîlleon lue Pine RLidlge lVldget outryl lu the owu beague put up a strong game agaluet s staffl team wbich trailed 3-2 iu the February ?.?, 1972 second periad. Mauy studeuts 1i nî, rps. cbuckled asethey 55W another Ailey Cats ------- 24506 15 aide of the staff members. Ares _....... 25268 1 ?,The frleudly echauge of Screw Balle - 24197 13 body checks brought roars of Head Plus------- 24809 12 iaughter. The staff surgcd Gutter Balte 24116 10 ahead lu the third period sud Sors 1-eads - ----- 24199 9 won Ihe game 6-3, High Single - Brad Adams S"ow sculptures aud suow- 354, C. Knapp 263. men, judged Saturday moru- High Triple - A. Swestmau ing, were crsatsd by sacli 766, B. Partuer 6U4 House. Visitors were pleasaut- Hidden Score Wiuuers - ly surprised hy the studenîs' Game 1, N. Cawie; Game 2, J. sxceptionally fine artisticens- Wooluer; Gsme 3, 'A. Sweet- deavors, Over 200 On Sunday moruiug a cos- o ood 23205 63 J ume parade lu the Rotary Wooner o239, 6.2Co5e23' J.gymuasium was judged by Wooler 39, . Cwle 03,Superintendent George Stew- G. Smmpson 223-306, Brad art sud Assistant Superinten- Adams 216-354, G. Wilson 264- ýdents Walter Hall sud Kar] 264, M. Adams 315, C. Kuapp Jirgens. The costumes were lu 263, A. Sweetmau 315-285, B- keeping with the carnival Partuer 241-246, D. Suowdeu theme. Kiwauîs Houes took [283, L. Adams 210, J. Bridger firat place. 229, H. Balsuntine 221-225, N. Henuiug 204, AI Cale 223-212. Bath days, carnival stylo Averages over 200 meals were provided by the Games A7g. dining bail staff, sud Ibel Rau Good ---------21 236ý days' activities c o n 91 u d e d G. Wilson - ----- -- 2 223 with feature films. H. Ballautine --24 222 Final recuite are: Jury 97, Bruce Smith 21 221 Kiwanis 65, North 40, Cold- G. Simpson -- - 24 211 eprins, 38, Rotary 32, sud B. Partuer,---- 24 209 South 31, Trophies, tabe, sud D, Bridger ý------ 24 205 othor pri.zeesud awards were N. Cowie --1---- l 201 preseunted at hs assembly ou .M. Adams . 24 200 Wednesday mamuing. Tu rn Sod for'$1 Mlliîon Addi'tion at Kingsway College 'Adîudicator ,Says Young .Are Naturaý "Th ciefcocer.o music tion forc fesivas,"stted Ross S. Met- remember caîf, A.R.T.C., adjudicator for late Dr. C vthie 32uýd Northumberlaud Mu- judicator sic F'estival, "will always ha umberlanë for the developmeut of a pub- Wsrkwort' >lic able ta listen ta good successive muisic with interest, discrimi- "The dis- nation sud some standard of zomnetimes Vaste. Other values include: raising the standard of mu-i cal performers, creatiug self - discipfline sud absorbence i a task and spurring indi- >.vdasou ta greater things.Fo Mlr. Metcalf of Hampton fe lt 14 that from bhis persoual ex- perieuces as concert singer, Uuc(le E churcli soloist, orgsnist and over 100 choir master of St. Paul's afteruoon United Church, Bowmanville, Jamboree music teacher, superviser con- Town Hall sultant, active adjudicator Tec sudr_ clinician, sud studying thrilled tc mjusic during the summer at o h r Waterloo Lutheran Univer- out of toe siy is life had been en- reuditions rîched 'tenfold by the studY sud "In t and iuvolvemeut of s music "quiet timi edutcation. It is not ouly bis everyoue profession but bis hobby. It ýis most rewarding ta see He is n( 'pupils becoming aware of aIl ents to aaspects of music sud also geV-, bing themselves iuvolved 1 the most important aspect of living rather than existing. As a student himsecf Mr.* Metcaif participated vocally lu music festivals at Stirling, le Peterborough sud the former > Durham County Music Festi- ý1 val. As a teacher sud high schoal music specialist, he R placed pupils sud choruses in 6 Ajax, Lindsay sud Peterbor- ough. As a consultant witb 0O1 Northumberland and Durhsmi Couuty Board of Education S he encourages teachers with S musical ability to give their ,ý On pupils the rewsrdiug experi- ence 'of expressing themselves before the public aud la pace* / one another ou the road to O11 excellence. Today we hear opinions ey pressed lu favor of one of th1h _ bhree kiuds of music festi O vals - competitive, non-com- petitive sud concert type. Mr. Metesîf leaus towards the competitive type as, be has, fouud over the past 19 yesrsý workiug with pupils that. the-, are natural competîtors aud are much more iuterested lu the fun of competition rather than the actual value of Ex- trinsic awsrd. The growth of the musî c 67 festivals lu Canada bas been most, eucouraging, sud their continued popularity isa answer ta, those occasion'alI critics who fear that competi tion le not a healthy motiva-i lenny turned away people ou Sunday at bis now famous at the Bowmanville Il. apacity audience ýthe counItry music tists, both local and )wn. Uncle Benny's 3 f "Coming H4ome" the Garden" ou his e&' were enjoyed by young aud aid. 0ow turning bis tai-1 preparations for bis biggest jamboree yet, in Ibis ares. This will take i esrly in the spring- so watcb. this paper for announcemenLs. Gel Cash Today For OId Ap pliances througb STATESMAN CL A SS 1F 1E DS Phione 623-3303 w M.", Ross ý,Metcalf Mvusic Pupif Compet ifors children. Mr. Meteaif fauit of bbe festival, but are si qIhe words cf the due Vo the imperfections ai G . Roy Feuwick, ad- human nature." of the firet North- Mr. Metcaîf wili adjudicate id Musie Festival iu Vhe vocal sud piano section cf h lu 1937 sud mauy thec'festival beld lu Cobourg1 ecounty westivals, on May 1, 2, 3> 4, 5, sud the sappoiutmeuts which Orllia Klwanis Music Festi- ýoccur are noV Vhs val, April 24-28Vh. mn Hall old Out Su nday Jamboree, I mi aPîck Me Up ? -~Announcing news? f .cn'a tijii alwa'ys,.4oooe e ur I/amous Bouquet- Wedding Line Invitations LUCIA SCRIPT EMBASSY SCRIPT w Cje» COLONIAL, SCRIPT STUYVESANT SCRIPT NUPTIAL SCRIPT Mr. arnd Affl. cGeorge Alfrsd Renfrew ANTIQUE Ra MAN BEL VEDERE More and more brides are finding they con have the luxury look they love and, stili keep on the sunny,.side of their bridai budget with exquîsite Rainbow stationery. It features Thermo-Engraving - an omozingly rich, raised Iettering with ail the good taste and distinction of the, finest crafis- manship - yet costis s littie. Do seeaur exciting selection of contemporary arnd troditianal type faces ... one, perfect Jar youi O tto two weeLs <hitivery! ail new designe for '72 new AvaîlJble at 1'~ d d h ri Gall