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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1972, p. 2

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2 lie Ca.nàcdian Statesmnan, 3Bowmanvillet Mar.1, 17 h Coronafin and ï oopers crsek ~sin thsatigt93an -fr1M NF ccept ÀBourd's Pro osai to BOTTLE, PAYER DRIVE - 0O standard na the interchange. lmm7lf Cub Troop will be out in f ull forceaon teCu. CosabeS*,'stc area, picking Up botties and ppr eseot Make aisk(etbal Finalsiih'cusrc rue uuîs y-y _IMe' TwnLage atiniCale a3nd Hooper's Jew- Corn ainCale -Dennis n!,ort idecand own e anlter sarfir cu- k)bi sm-inl nTues- lery, go next .Tues,ýday nighta Fntt 1,,Gu11,Park 6, Ken dine.h aea bt o day ~ r iilStpe Fuels de- 7:15 h HS ynsu.Kly3 o ipo ,BbThe ohrcar - the objectl Salaycomttechairma),n rmaintenai(nce pesonniel aeThe Board is to suipply threel it is taking place. Peated orntinCale býýy a The series will be 2 out of 3Serdn2, 5BillWilliams 1.iof tecae-wihplc er 'ol otdtthegaatedamnmu.o-e sit ah erfrcutdastt t t i scoreo 3-4 for the Fule , am Specttors are wel-/ thYOSE - ssr Beata 10, Leo Bowsin 7,iG.rCampbellford. arearearlierlt aeIB oar elastrreekîthat the Cus- emergencyiework. aredtozbetworn whilel-on'dutheBcristonlareal that no offence was intended on tot-al points 6 (6-62 Vo tý lhegood fast games,,. ';,r--nI vnns ddinto Ietnae tîtnoofe Cae ea. ndviua sors1orthBaudos4, Lloyd Wilson 2 rvoseeigsidd tda ndMitneAs - Bth shah r eceivýe thrle-is. Coveralîs and smiocks are whnterom nty asalea'dros' la t elcon gmeloopý-lsemi-finals wreas îollowsv Bh urgsa2,BuronSi e bn o h nrh ie fcato hd acetd h weshoiay fereanduple a hedsrecamfenIs we'ssoy butte rpse octo er's ~ ~ - JeelrieetdKns Stpe ul ikBln Peter Chrisornhis te îhwy1ndcmetoaBoard'soffer for a new conï--yearusof service, two y ýears thesuervser oftee airport. ,)Ttherd asuehcue Mens War28-4 o wnth ki1,CWvin Forret p8 , D Kn'qMn'iWar-R.>erstecar and ran away, evad- Cless of a wai it ci"' 'dt ta tepein esne sn hi w round52-3. Mconald7, G Steko 3 B. 5 iary Blokosi4,Seve iing police capture. Two teen- Toveringtwo year, it willcontractacarsionauthcrized travel, wil some folks in Cartwright feit ams eti h The finials btwe e roa Sanon2 D alo . yma3 BbWntr 2_age youths, a boy and a girl, increasecsoia aare o -there nt states tvhbe paid s$30 Per' m-onth ouit of Burketon area would be the lociochsnbu pasegers in the car, stayed $7400 in 1973 f rom thie 1971 thlnrml orkload for cus- thie city m-ileage allowanice, in niobody ini officiai circles ever etoe h pevescf$670. odlians la 10 classroomas plus behind a ~~~~~~~~2genleral purpose 1nreom, andacodncwihordplc. osbity eo one was injured in the By 1973, first clas aintn thatasitac be glvien when RmmrneDaày wsad Pe p e P u o d T a ni gprogram miîiiap. Invetigating O.P., ance men' will bc ann a mn b fas more than'- 12 class- ed te the list cf 10 statultory PLA)%N WNE ANV officer Cpl. James cf the New- $7940 and second icîaý,s iimain- r oem. hereoal cf sniow heîioidays, provided it faîls onad castie detachment, phaced tenance mien, $776 1. Authoriz- frein the street iteIthe iholareguliar school day sand isý Cartwri.ghit School lia a hive Dra onyBad damages at 1l,500 te the Bew- ed overtime for custodianrs and the entranlces ar ai' qse the esre as a school holiday. of activity these days as stu- lcto ia adsdth manville car, $500 te the which was $4.25 in 1971, wilMl-responsribilitvy Ccf cstodians. Whien any statuitor oi day d:en)ts prepare for their Win- Town ofBwcvhl hta Î- p Qýv dO.P.P. cruiser, and $600 tolehe se te, $4,95 by the e ndc cf 19713. Remnvalof' snowýÀ from par-k- f alls on aStra or Sunday,lter Cria this Friday. They regu,,Ilation ocrigpo Equ ls I ro ed er or atcethrd hre îg plieOvertime rate fori, nitenance ing and mP.arsialinjg areas are the peeigFriday or fol- Oiginally intended te hold, il; 'vinciai rnsfr dcto etep a t Eryti on ,plcmni ianoe-haî,e reponisîbîhity cfr the Sp o Ig Mnday shaîl be dec- hstweek but because Vth> datee reinepsbiiy G oodyear Bow nianville Plant in Port Hope apprehended wben on reguhar maintenanïce ervisor cof Plant Maintenance lared a holidaya tedice-sholwa doa fr twopepaithei euste A l G o m lm odon Cu r 6 fCob- duties.Btcstda nd or bisgn hnc-teBad. days due hi heavy snowfahls, ifnsb oay ste a eurg, and charged him with i_ _f__und,______ Ge-Ittutg pèople t ktef- Aise, 1 thînk ,a permhk egHteli nwdangereus drîving and carelesa wads putéuntilthis wreekhoprigAhy oed so-driving. EN C ing the cohd will linger lonng- hations aesn eteBad wether e k e Thats ostera e lookua on the ya- rdi aohefr "eera" EUUW Mer ... aeies ph t e st nw sculptes.coin rtoigth Badd- gehe des'twok erowllthî er at e ls I thua n r, ck proton fýete astEf" JLJL»'e ,.atlat lte cr- eusiii oiessoudh why Bowmanvile's i.GodcJyear pogamas A beginning cf sprvsrwho lîkes the r- V a de Us__ cae, rlant has stiii.ied a new tomething that wll be ,oni- ga.Hterysatd9iha supe iintann rgrmtne oderini 1952 and i,(-elAEN ich brînga te 1,gether people Jim Coyle, responasiblefe 1967 has-srvd a asuper-,irel' rl 1< jy APPROASREFVI fro t he production a3ndçJserv- quality control, ld a ss ise. is -dutie hveonrS il elu iaI î acoreoheOtal ouigpop ice dprmns sien on thiat su)biect,wiccudd tripli te Labrador and- B oration hsavsd tw Suprvision prs-onniel gen- he feels, was \wehl rcevBitish Cohumbia te <RMPG N)Arqetfo h ierqetwsavldee Drigo oni OhO ouncîlhahenrcidap hal ustonad-te phcngc see-abeRide Scheeh te lie connecte d We are(-net jcîntheoperia t - ton and Bewmanvîhle have a i erll suc e her e art-"swas whïbich l hw o u q o (ni-yor beting. "hepro- P.m. at the High Scheel. a proving peica at - mients and tek carecof mat- anhswerr aam ys ne." orietîd Mavoi 11obbwiîî re- tieiin tferconrtrprotectoon ers3 at ad.Thie new pro- really learr what te Pwn ram looks goodI. t's sesme- On Saturday morning at te he twn ire har sysem e," ountredMayo Hobs areemnt or fre rotetio grmhpflywhie themteknow. W3 Sdirect and i t'i ith ing we need and it's educa- least five motorists woke dfere yonville -Darlington ieDpt-aliswl bonwsdfre ycuelni'Ji o aldth Bowmlan- . . uhimnatehy both unic a greater awarenj-ess of ahi good cmuiain, tieinal. 'nisreit, will bel p té lied the hft windshleld February 2lst. eddmnt haisaicoe-1eyuresnrilesi tcrpaigispanngwhpoet the operatiens at, Bowman- saîd. Ceyhe, lîke Foster, be- eve>rybody iav\olvedl," ble said. wîpers and sideview mirrors Ceuncil f eit they nee1et.-.thti Micne-eeyuoesnn, e adt eprtrg l lnigwt ret hre heCnta avianaauraesz thaït maýn- lieves the program lwÏll ive arold Cbleikisn't ex- tom off or bent and aeriaîs furher nfomatin bfore'tie. I ha he owmavihlth Mayr.lla e pannhingA metor' oîgg adIouî op for the flantte ope-)ratE at:Iladded avareessc-, f tewognethe he. e'Vee wt Te aheaîrmws tele- the request. Consequenthy a agreement te service the Dar-,er who had originalhy movedirmembers la scheduled fer thecetfthcotasfliay peak eîficîen'cy. plant ,opeiratîon, ,noriyýear '29 years, all cf them phoned at 12:50 ar. , Satur- cmiteo he a om hntnaetaiaal" tetr onterqet u-nar tre ehc netrprvdtebn Conuiaenb ePlw en At lecast sorne cf the supecr- in the conve-Yer belit depart- day and reported a lire at the ed te review the matter and Councillor Bell proposed1 gested instead, the, matter lieltr BOARDACET NDR heserviýe _ald pouto visera agree. menti and hie's been a, super- corner cf Wellington and report back next meeting. that the achool apphy for the turned ever te a cornmittee for Last spring the villagel TheNohulradan is te -objctie d H(udzel, of procea,,s de-sr o n f e i eas hnsres Narned Vo the committee were alarm protection tbreugh thelfurther discussion. ___ceunceil commissioned Triton lDurham ont oad0 c'f theprra"epaie velepment, bas breenrun. "The pjrogramn gives us the The Liquor Store autained couerk lors Bell and Allia and Plnigsoiain__ r-ýdct Dave Kir1g, mlaniagercof indusIl- He started with Godyaa chanice te go d1eeper inte the moat extensive damageclr administrater Joseph . pare a draft Official Plan, ýîiers amunigt$17954 trialegiern and persenj- Toronto ini 196, gaudtig, like costa, wbich we when a I1ront' window was McIhroy. N*an aP 00,mumacon fromtheriUductnn q.,ajU he epa At the sanieftnme Clarke cern-lin al],~hosi h w nl, "bcuewe leel the rm h routinSua chard itlaot eor.IV shattered. Manager Bill Orme TeDprietc ulcv u ~ m ron tua caclr eram andidefinitelm wortthie timne aandndwr vie u.i e-mîssîoned Municipal Planning counties. ob n wthysc b ae 3rved in supervîsory efforIt." n sitno hlswr ter that it would psy for an Consultants te prpare a Plan Of te hcepniste. jaobs erid, wth better wl eP positions a, three Goodyear Jolin _Bîucec f the V-belt On the scene until 6 a.m.. overhead cable between the A stuck tbrottle la bamedand resulted, in anl estimatedi for Clarke'owshp ering bdsthBodacn- theai-run pefomacecfplants. With bhis range cf depaýrtmient, bans been witb heaigu tegas n uchool and fire bail and aIse as the cause cf an eauiy morn- $l,oQ0 total damages. Both At te d 11.Temaersplr exerenebeaVlIbeieesGodyarfo 1dyarobt aranging for a new window te Appareny teDeparîment ihliPoaA srngwt th lat" xeraîrng e grame s usee- ehstvedy ew Vorsuper- e pute.Acopet heka GamewelBox at the achool.,ing accident wbich cempletely drivýers, Elden Louce Barnes cf Municiae Afir ee ei$1,77lf h ttl.Nx the plant."grm s s-r a-el iw ospe-b pti. oplt hekiaMayor ee ol11 4 Tvvnh f irpae c hepo-fuI n'e a t i n let viioster aff.1 I'muld earing cf th necoy eele hHbisntd ht hsbeteydaenwmnl on cs.R.2tOoo n hoa hpy hlth W1mnii a uti iliswîh$1,4 grm asnîe esiosofmeetings o o fdfeetfse hnI ol aeta obn a nsohen. as the fra freq uativoing ed14yCrl nederik Keopaci nc .S out ef 92 einte-oupahtishad opteid te worand oye ilh.l0 wbehicb twe, qujality contilrol and subjecta, but this is the firaI wthout he rai-cgcourse The boss was assessed at moreaar'cvrgfoabulig4CriseAne.iedmernjisinteuthirwnnivdaan Cnual upiecnit wý,aste coatirel lbave been cern- tirne I've betn invohved le an and Tim leauning more. For than $10. located outside the tewn, According te Bowmanvillel misbap. separale Officialý Plans. T1of suchgodascakpne r1-bd'10 S-CY ielimita. Police Mu. Konopacki was Another two car collision M cne hm te o - prdc.eeciebeoks pietd. o cenerseteime ograed suevsaion htranontan, miI, bad ne iesc he Cucho oprcnie-crossing the Champlain Res- 'took place on Satuuday at 10 pouate their-efforts intro ceestencils, eaes e t. std apecaieabete-in reurn"hesid hee toah t. fekri the wbohe ed the requeat a "dangereus tuatpakn ota aep.m. when cars driven, by Plannng ea coatroli, cotcentuol, iercb- bveben imawhn e lat Al kewabu wa in st rand f elt iV wouid Lc n aelya .Mto f2 t wasm, prhduction!in; anrdMmateulal to ihprecedent"y at4:55iGeorge '.Mto f2 l andîs distibutin andcern-wante te dscuasthing or y deprtmen. It elpa e stuin th presnt sytem ad a.. wbe thenachin bit n bertand yal E Sheean c aldc)-gel, information lrom mani- knew the vileoe picture." ipi peudîg ad esie. agement, but had't baDd the And thays King, la what imarahr roetonfuembankmect and the- throttle 28 Lamba Lane collided coi Threae 4 noled in opprtucity. The puogm!am, communiiicaion at Bowmac- s tiresestk the rograi-c, w extuas st- be feels, will afford irni the ville is ai abeut.-The Wicg- toebidng ntw ecm tc.Waverîey Road before bouse ELOI TTEt AKN EL inge in t most sessions, Tof chance, foot Clan. VPROM P-AGE NE system. Mu. Konopacki lell off. The number 40. Damages weî-e luvd etrcniti, the -proposais were met wîth the Ceunciler Bell argued that mýachine rohled over, rgtd lced at $225. Two passen-Catrd ACO ecomii a be pit"!'*f-scuydsapoalc'at-a heaho"wsl'Drig itself and continued on mie oalgers le the Mutton vehicle, cona nf1 l)îýlsesVésfwih,àuetan eiettoanasteFrDpr-fel where it rohled over alBerrîice Pautner cf Oîoco acdý twe~l clseyc 2ad lse-LO l a rS l O uTIOfl rgtsuet eid et adas itel u Dea- fed -Rs fR .OFFICES, IN'MAJOR CANAIA CTE cft on!eu ac u hh Qw wntdth coo eLe mn asajoch raepr-second Vîme and cauglit flue. RoeVenease o ,R 5, Bo- evr ecn ,main, tien cf the Bewmanvihle and The loas waa placed at $1000. manville reported mineri- BELL CANADA BUILDIN r cdv"Mu. Wehhs %a nee full ac- Dauington mniiabities, the Ia other accidents oceurring juries_ SAACNR RuaFetr cif nîee ~ D rI'i~,vecoud wiLthe efrad t he g _ urngthe we two cars, for~~~a cevyrbieudca ~ edte cchided at Churcli and Tem-1, cr uvn yAosAt li ict rIg of T ac10 I1, value ci sucb a achool a uîg ek inahi, 650ltismern-, PRNR:GRO .RFLFCARIA th case, alath ranigBowmanville Lionts ours,-ude sMri.îg temommun perance at 710p.m.aFriday andif R. R. 2, BownanvîIhe GORDON F. SEDGEWICKCA p-grm u- 'o; G-ogesFaulknu cf Osh-BURT R. WATERS, C.A peuîsin ~ cftheir, Mccday evenîng meigLionis Cnrpersonal antpedgbaholwic heC u c l r Ia ii aa clied aI Kring andsh commuai aVion witb the man ~~~~~~~wth Newcastle membera and club donations o Lake Jo, eea rn neuaini 0 UvrSrescuig a - oig heth jbseaIud the chub's Deputy Dsrc CNIBsupport cf the Legion seema te be ooking Vo ow ersirnt20 amaigeanto PHONE 72872 beprvie wthai he.î-Goveuner, Bill Magulue cf Poppy Fund, suppcuting the MAe etth ak îb (F ROM PAGýE ON E) esiptd$20 am1ge.t fbnat e vn 've the- Cobourg. Santa Claus Parade, White Mthe miaeter te "t a i- ietc teYugPoge-hno iie both cars.,________________________ -----iMu. Maguire, a leadîng con- Gîft dnatfions te'( Saivation fyingadecuaig. sive Conservatîves. -~~ ~ ~ . tender for next yea's'Gev- AumyPulgSeaînacn- nWthtencoorain aud Mr. Hooten, a cousin cf eforfrlh isrithsokeesse e eexanintion ndassistance of the County Boardi Cavan Township clerk Lloyd Ho einC a k on cl ïs1r brîefly. dgasessfor the' neetdy, dwe hope, the wiabes cf the Hooton, bas been a member Te nna týýeso h L egioni q clc For Twp* Dogs ear club ce iv ietot5 ? "iiîîbe meer-cDja:e IiaVveBowl*îng yerand app1alauded Alex soring otuident te UN sernar Aise attendîng were Alex the Cavaa achool board feu Medicah Services, w h ic h lat Wter1oUnivrsiaynouont te moue than $101,000, Jaur cocafuDal McGregor, the ccly charter an-tre nvest,5ii Caruthers, M.P.P. for Dur- 12 Years. flLafI 'îgtn ewsbp reaste- emerstliaciv, cdRoa euaga child aIteSObmhoaagd the met Mu. Foster said Mr. Hooton have been turned over te Team Standings DN #If bow: $53539 oralarîes- Stevens who bas a recoud cfChdrnsVlaeYubE- and Fracýk Kinlin, an as- bas farmed AIl his lite In the newly foumed group calle'.1WL~' $58,0 e enrlexpenses' 36 years perlect attendacce. chneprhs fl isstant deputy miister. township and for the past 14 the Durham County Seniorl Bruce --------- 17 pointsw $871688 fr roda; ie uged embes te for local parapiegica, belping The tbree other cemmîlîce years bas been an cmnployee Citizens Lodge.Pane 15pit for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~hr rod s iI, $931 eIî abre uspot membersa were Harold Kyte, at General' Motors in Oshawa. The decision ueceived unan- Sutchiffe 13pit incrirpProgramiï payuol clubs may be esbablîshed and îng the Milton Faum home foruDDe Slecp and Dr. Woods. He la mauried with threel imous consent cf 24 members Campbell --- 12 points aiceativfo$24.0fvigln our a rea:wer 'er-ewbcdeal, CARE puogramas in "Mu. Caruthers spoke veuy childuen, two boys, aged 12 puesent la Orono lasI weekl Slmnick - - pon Poamepne.change cf membeus ameng the Santiage dle Chile, sponsoring favouably on ou behaîf," Mr. and 17 yeaus, and a daugliter, for a special meeting te dis-~ Saman6 pointsý A quarIter mile lcop cf a 21 clubs under bis jurîsdîc- five persns aI the Belleville Amos said. "Now, aIl we need aged 16. cusa what should lie done with High Single ---Gib)son 2 :,5 9 focdrn na part of Ccon- lion, School or th e Deal. lq the full support cf the Mu. Foster said a date for fuinda which were lefI overuHigh Triple - -Guay 684, ceýssion1 10 about cccn mile eat lie beped mnember. would The Linsaise meniey IremjBoard."the nomination~ meeting bas aller the Ontario geveraimeni. High Average-- Parîcier 213 , cf Burbeben bas-i been closcd turc eut te the area Effective- a n1umber cf campaîgna, Mr. --.-net beca sel. "IV wîll bikely gel mbt the hcalth insurance 1 ---1oc~ - Irîs etvte by arlagbn ownbipan Spakig inaa l P r ryMaueaid notably, ancual lie some lime in the Spricg," business la 1967. . Ten Ton IAveragç.s file aacoeydte the abul- on Aprîl 6bb, and the, provin- Carn1ival, turkey reol,, Lien- hie added, A new executive, headedI Parîne r 2 11, 3,Bruce 22 tia .wnr, Teonte huim. cial finals in Peterborough on Rotary Stag and TV, car andn.1-e expecîs Vo see otheus by Rae Stewart, ýwas electedý ý Th cto wstaeiduriag May 6V, hockey draws, seeking the candidacy al- lté cffice. Members incbude Bd Sutchiffe 200, Demneber 196 JOIN KýAY COOK - Thur, pSt Ceaî'ameicf FcbruarY Mu. Maguire stressed the The ncxl; meeting, on Mar-hil thougli ne cee else bas made Bullaus, Lawrence Stapies, Campbell 196, Sheehan 196, the Captain's Louag -81.importance of Lien proguama,1s, District Governor Bob DM25 any cencrele announcements Gerald Shackclte'n, A lic e Wealover 192, AnIneat 1'9 1, i Dalnta enî as pasa- sucb as the weuk the clubs do Rcîd cfr Trenton wilb pay bis' FROM PAGE eNS) up te new. Cliater, Bey Gray, ClIt Mc- Buro18,GaUS ,eda ývlav, -ocsal-ïih n' alvîitto heclb."I know a few wvhc are glv- Eîrcy, Myra Paige, and Don rIn48,Gay18 cal b-liawe estilin im- for th blineelleu-analvstV tecu. went te the geverament. ing bbc malter serious con- Msssey. Robert Meffat was Games aveu 200: Gibson ~a en es aueWV origahos eBl'0l Bsns n bcpbi r sideralion", Mu. Foster sald. ebected secretauy. 259; Gray 252, 244; Bîssonettef,, r hse haifoceineBowman- and Chule), and supporting tcldiametuically oposed, M.Ga-no4e i hegppitnat si24,22 utn23 hea vle Theraes r7, $5 fou Youtb Exchange puograma neeed aad serve eacb usb- the- fîrat dayîaldr$ for eaclîh bAmenleanndaservCanadian -csndidacy aItbe annual meet- the mcney te buihd senior 238, 215; Campbell 227; An-1 Subeundy.students (40 are placned er, MacNeill saîd, and bhave ing cf bbc federal PC's In citizen housing unils fou! neaut 222; Whitney 219; Su-OO N Tonsîpdoglienefees-be.wec - Vhsarea and Con responsibihities te eacb -oth- - - ia tic~al a mes anci generaiy m 'iting The £Police Association, i le,1 NOCTICE 15 HSEREBY GIVEN TAT THE csti-blishedanth mg-te cornmunity a geeti placeIbilaIssonwt the Completely finished Recreation Rooms, mafonof samalljr mLunicipali- in whicb te ive. commitîce, wanbed $11,063 for! 2 and 3 Washrooms per Unit, Ail Light Fîxtures, OW 0F'BOWMANVILLE 15 APPLYINrýG tis.______ steps ar taken aFirat Clasa Constable aýnd1N FOR A CEIRTIFICATE 0F APPROAL "Oce iesestea ac tkea BU KV EFUSE SITE zage parity i l ahieu chasse ýs Spaou Kithes, Separate Dining Room, Cable TV, Installeýd. Crn UNDER THE ENVIRONIMENTAL PROTEC- bepa3regioslveaent whelCT AE with Oshawa. Tbey also re- TION beTessieuTteimplemAaNA he TO GETdGATE quesl sick leave increaýseti Ail Homes are Buit to Gold Medallion Standards WASTE DISPOSAL SITE WIIICH IS TO BE M.C uhr saidti that will be installed ti atIeif an officer dies, retires, quils, AlEtro aneac gas nw t. n ae hre LOAE rlTTEEATHL O O lot cf problema but ex-peerice site just esat cf lie Works days ciediledt o the mac wh"T BRKNFOT OCSIN NTE sows that iV abso creabes a Deparîment Yard, Bcwman- ttra ok Polaroid Carnera (2 year lease) I ttç ieyusg orlaey bol cf problema.s ville Counicil decidcd 'Febru- Other Idemanda include sa 91 T (3 year lease) u otdtdceusfrtedrto fyu ty T'OWN 0F BOWMVIL VLE IN THE COUNTY li eivsilwh vle u 11 iug plan anti make-up, pay la Iis ares graduaîly and aercmeneib for Workmcn's Compensationý' 0FDUHA. elre lb dees Vie governmacnt Town Engineer Chaules Watt,Ti town's proposaIs ,weie. M wil os a etmaed$10.jh ODEL SUIÎTE OPEN DAIL PON 6 3- 65 FURTHER UINFORMATPIN MAY BE will take a gotiloock aI ail wlb ceaI an estimaftr.i $100 purpose isa te stop indis.dausdb onclfraot( AY/K)FO .- 9 P 623 ïactors învolved. ~~~an heur in Comrittee-of-tic-DYSW. FOM4 .. M OBAN1-O TEUDRIND. Iefaoainovd m riminate dumpingý and is ANO ; OT11JEDMC 11E NESGE."I arn oppesedti ebc madtu crigtebic Wble folowing Vie regularTE UAIYPOJC Y mtediate implemnentation o at MngmntBac 1-oni meeting on February NTE ULT RJC Y C. E. Watt, P.Eng. ,eginnal goverament," lie said. regulations. 121s1. Town Engineer, "îsec ne cect for il aI Ibis Mr. Watt auggesîed tbc gale 1 bbcth proposais aIoif c PETCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED IN CO-OPERATION WT 40 Temperance liehe occd.aI al tinies excepb id prove unacceplable antiILEPBICUIITr OMISO Bowinanvlle Ontlo "We eally dc't knxw wen a rucker requcala peu- the differences cannoI e c-BWMNLEPU ICULTESOMSIN egoai ,geernmenft is tic mission f rte umeaI the site sohved,, the negetiatiens W Ilhg ________________________________ ase.atseîîclm s o compulsory arbîtration.; 11:5

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