Cartwri h~t tdet I Presenrt 3 Cor-nedies In PIay Co Mp etin £arwrihtH',iiShost- tend the presentations. dents turned thecir eerie t Judged the top play was the production of thj1ree OneI "Along the Bridai Path", dir- Act plays In the annual Initer- ected by Leslie Wright and House competitions helld at Richard Gunter, and produc-ý the RPecreation Centr 3n ed by Tiger House. Susani Blackstock February 17 anjd Thompson,, who played tne 1I& part Sarah, and Lloyd Jamie-1 1The plays, ailcme i n l- son, piaying the role of Lu- cluded "Happy Ending" 10.,rther, earned third place Joe Bates Smith,' "Ahi, S,,eet awards la the competition for Mytery" and "Along the best actor and actress. B3ridi Path" both by John Voted tops In that category Kiirkpa-trick. were Heather Dorreli and, Produced etrl by th1c Doug Tangney for their lead itudents, the plays rvie a roies in "Happy Ending". fun-filied eenn f etr Second place for best actor tainment to adene of and ýactress went to Janis about 150 (on Thursýday) and Dorreli and Stephen Tomchi- 300 (on Friday) wb!o braved shin iu "Ah, Sweet Mystery". the inciement weaýtb(r to at- Katy Sloane, Debbie Swain, Shirley Smith and Bob Swain ieceived .'honorable mentions' A DULTfor their parts. CONELIGJean Coiby ofOsaan U, !'P1 Gi Beth Ashton, a grade 12 stu- dent at Courtice Seconidary S E V ï C.;"EScbooi. In deliverlng their ad judi- If you W ant to do cation, Mrs. Lackie bad worcis ýomething about your of praise for ahl the perform- education . . . you ances sud' said that s«iecting the winners was 'not an easy probably can. decision to make". Soe Your Aduit Counsellor TOWN ACCOUNTS Bowmanville acounts for EVE RY the firat two weeks of Febru- WED ES AY ary amounted to $38,99589 E VENI1NG proved for payment during the rglrcouncil session on 7 o9pm at the February 21st. to 9p.m.The five major items includ- BO M NVLE ed: $14,409.79 for payroii; Pè()W ANV11T,7ý; $7,275 .86 for town remittances HIGH SCHOOL-Te on Income Tav, C.P.P. and GUIDANCE OFFICE 1U.I.C.; $5359.81 for Arena ex- penses; $2,509.60, for R.M E The service is free - R. S. Pension Plan, and confidential - and $168960 for sait for the Works no apoinment Dcpartmnent. no apoinment The Arena expenses inciud- is necessary. ed_$2.749.84 to Haydon Mac- !]Donald. for food supplies,1 Competiag in a race, the littie boy kept getting furthet And further behind, and bIs chances cf winning seemed sllm indeed; thben suddcnly bis lips began to move with great regu- larity, lis legs picked up speed, and lhe won the race. A1-sKed 1later whlie was saing to himacif, hie said hie had becen talking to the Lord, sayiag over aud over again, "Lord, youe pick 'em upi and l'Il put 'cm dows. You pick lem up and 11i1 put lem down." CLOTHES CARE HI1NT: Hfome cleaning is dlan gerous. Cleaning flid should, be handled only by experts to avoid explosions and fire. CHEQUE OUT A CRIPPLED CHILD Siupport your local Rotary Easter Seal Canipaign Return Your Pink Envvelope - Be Generouls Y CLENERS LTD.' KINGESM ý' ST. W. 623-5520 CLU FR"We Spe-,cialze In Shirt Laundering" I1 eeuhbot water , euough hot water for ailth aîasowers, dish washiugs, floor Ua, h Pngs sud(iaundnies that it takes te keep yer amîl 'sud your home sparkling clean. Cascde iIlgive you family-size hot water, becaiuse ifs designed for the job. Th lcîia industry put years of research lro the C ain family's hot water nceds. Cascade was'theresult-built by qualified ma ýnufa;-ctur ra ,te rigid specifications te assure youof epedabliy and complete satisfaction, Get the Cascade wth the capacity thaî's oigfe-yn njy hot, Ê Cascad, hedan f, efficient, electric water heater. e - yo-u r lydro The Canadian Statesman, flovmanville, Mar -;, 1,C72 A H--appy Ending for Bs AcI'or, -Act'ress Judged best actor and actress at the Cartwright High School's presentation of an evening of One Act pinys were Heather Dorreil and Doug Tanguey in the piciture above. Both Grade 13 students at the school, they received plauditsfo their leadi parts in "Happy Ending", Heather as a meddling novelist lookingfo an ent-ding b t a book, and Doug as a harassed and soinetimes confused husbanid accusýed of seeing another womran. A happy ending, indeed! NEWV1LL 1,o cr.Byl Harris j-, a pa-'dread; high muan.,.Toe Jilbsen; and financialrprtier tientlaMmra Hospital, low man, T. Hloornweg; door from Treasurer Ma1jry Vinie Bowmauiiville, where she un- prize, Meda Haliowell; 50-50 and that of the Sp-cii ac- derwent surgery eariy iast! draw, Joyce Stacey. - count from Violet GTlimr, week. A successful dance was beld Th e nbosodr Mr, and Mrs. T. Henderson in~ the bail on Saturday eveu- ed wiil net be availabie unt lil iwere recent visitors here with ing, sponsored by the Hall ister la the sumr üw 1Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer. Committee. Mr. aud Mrs. F. Henderson Mr. and MYrs. Denton Mas- gifts receutiy purchascd, are and Carol were visitors with sey, Andrea and Raymond, ci al accont, Sixtmembr Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster and Toronto, visîted her parents, alattended teSireceut Presby Penny last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens, terial in Osbawa, where the Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mer-' Sunday. United Church Modîeratr rili of Castieton were visitors Mr. aud Mrs. Bill Heuder- IRev. A. B. Moore was thie e ýwlth bis siste'r, Mrs. Bea son and Mr. and Mrs. Gren. ciai speaker. A note of ithank1z Jonecs, Saturdayý. McQuat' were among tbe was rend from Pcv. R. C. Local ladies amroug the bus gucats at the Gordon-Parey White for: the card and doua- load whio attended thie Flower wedding la Newcastle United tion recetved. The speaker Show la the O'Keefe Centre, Cburch on Saturday after- for our Auuiversary la nlot Saturday, included Mrs. Ivýa noon, wlth reception foiiowiug availabie and another bas; Farrow,, Mrs. Don Vinkie, ia the Odd Feliows' Hall, been suggested. D)onationsq Mrs. K. Fletcher, Mrs. Ed. Ono. were voted the Greater Eu'r- Tiowe, M\rs. Bert Trim, Mrs. Rev. T. Snelgrove's Sunday ope Mission :ud the Canrt,1 Roy Hall, Mrs. Winnifred El- morning tepic was "The Cen- Society. "Thankyu"note1-s liott sud Mrs D. Witney. fident Christ". He stressed were read. Mlr. Stan Boenvas ablele he fact that it is important Time of)l hebbcDy cf Prayer'j te leave tbe bespital iast week te remember each person is service was et for 2 A' and la spending a few days an indivîdual la bis own uetwsmd-o with bis daughter, Mrs, C. rigbt, possessing bis owa par- rqetwsmd o w Farrow. ticular talents whicb may en- voluntary assistanst for the r There were fifteen tables lu able bîm te play an important Sna coLArpeeL- play Friday uight at tbe Card role Iu everyday ilfe. The. tive was named te wor wt chiLagte l aoie the ccmmittee on the pro '1ect Party lu Cemmuuity Hall, cfhformsaggatpark oufaborite, sponsered by the Rangers aud "When 'the Pollislacaiied up ofearmithea schoontse wich Guides., wîth this iist cf win- Yonder". bas been offered by the cu ners: fHîgh lady, Mrs. O. Gar- Mr. ard Mrsý. Fanl McEwen eC .Jns sitr i dîe;low lady, Mrs, B. Al cf Peterborouh were vîsitors wttecri ________ -on Saturday witb Mrs, Agues aIse required wt teCming Burley. Easter Parade, April lat, sudir Mr. Grant Wade atteuded A me hia Lancaster, Eprmav au OA. metig etHesWood sud Mary Wade are peler, Sunday, -t ep h w aistk Mr. sud Mrs. Wilfred Wood igteseilswu ore cf Nwrasle wre appersponseored by the Dept. ofAg guesta on Sun day witb Mr. nciue r ihu ebl aud Mci. Reid Wood and boys. avn ihn emk costume for herseif.Cotc Supper guesta, Suuday, withethrMsOlv ndso Mes, Mary Wade were Mr.orM and Mrs, Bey, Henderson cf s:u1neFethre Bowmanilleonce. The gft cf an alarm Witb Mr. sud Mrs. Hugh dlock (a surprise) te our min- Stapete andCarl Sudayister was made by Violet Gîl- super ueta ucude ~ mer,"T Get Hlm te, the Kuprget n StapeonMrndCburcb on Timne", evokinga sud Mrs. Khumereonan family, Toronto, Mr. sud Mrs. euiepne Bob Stapieton, sud Mc. sud Unit Leader Olive>Heer- Mrs, Don Mes dows and farn- son presented thewoshp ily of Newcastle, period, assisted by Cacoflyn Mr. Bud Joues arcivcd bere Gilmer, Mary inkl i ud Ed- Suuday night froce Edmonton ua Eiiott. "HappyBitdy to visit bis ,-tber, Mes. Bea was ungnhi rnrcof the Utj Joues, for a few days. ter. Roil rail, "Did yec 1ev- 'i As part of Boy Scout Win- ed one remembeýr .eon Val- ter Festivitîi, Firat Brown 's cntine's Day?" nwas need Group beid their Father sud more or less, by the 30 pr- Son banquet Saturday even- sent. A bag cf pieces for qifllt, îug in Newtonville Sunday1 patches'bas heen donated ïyv School hall1. Tep 'table guests egbro u ftemm included Mr. Alex Carruthers, bers,wo is te receive a ntiie M.P.P, Pcv. Ted Sueigrove, cf7 than1ka Lunch wa2;sserve sud Group Committee exc- by the rop as thespae ive, Mn. Carcuthers address- who bad agreed te corne ful- cd the assecnbly, 'his txtcdtepu î-a apernce beiu1g 'The Role of today'sW bo)y lu tlc worid cf tomer- r0w." Çhpirman Kirk En- ENFJELD twistle iuitroduced the top table guests, sud tbauked the (ueddfrls ek leaders for their work with Mrs. Terny SrnithsdSa, the beys during the past Year. Oshawa, visîted Mýr. u Ms An excellent turkey spe Fred Sarnîs. was served by the aie'M M.c Ms, A eswîck1i,llis1t catlered te rýsomn,, netgeqts , s.A.Catton, The enc- g fiuisbed c ff i cd at Mr, John atous saim hwgaIlt] he ectîvi Mr. sud Mrs HareM Bearn, tics lu whîch the boys bave îsb, Oshawa, visited Mr. sudl partîcîpalýted in recent years, . ife Bomn On Suudlnray the group Matte nd Mr dMc Henry Adarna, edthe annual District Cbhil Bowrnanvilc, visited Mr n, ] sud Parade held at St. o c. TTipasiîc Ccciisuc, Anglican Chuirch, Bwa-Mr. sud Mrs. Denis Moone ville ~~accompaaied fiuat h ~~ ~.'. Pernecber the Wold', Day hockey game -tMailLa cf Prayer Service lunewto- Gardens, SPIcdy ight. ville Sundaýy Scheel hall, Fni- Mr. sud Mr. alpb Cer- daMacch 3rd, at, 2 p.m. rane aud Paul, Oshawa, jMc. Guest speak1er, Mr:, Hanry sud Mîs. Keni Cochrane, p Worrall.Dawn sud Gra-nt, surprised "'~ ""Worncn's îi1uýte wvil meet Mlc.Leslie (Cochrane witb on We Marb 8tb at ilttie party) on bis bicthday borne cf Mcaý. S. J. antcaster,reuty et 2:30 pc.Gus sekeMr. aild Mesl, Leslie Wottc, District Pres. Mc.BdlycGen suGrtLteB- Maple Grove. tain, had spprwîth M. A di4ntnlo ,f"tre Norman Sinison,Saray Wýe;ic" will be bec1ý lda i,, sud aise visted Mr. sud Ma home cf Mrs lys Fac G. Borwmau. Moudlay nighti, Macci ttvithemi fcsxdy orin' rils-o b ' vreewas happy Pte sec- ),ý-,I aricls fr t eun t final bard drift bon1-C Sale. thcougb. h coud bav e ee Newtonvilc U& W worse but we jropc w-.edo' Newtouvilie UC.W, met 10 secp it happen agaîn, this wvin- the Sunday Schooi hall, il( er 9th, sud Presideut Bea Jor7slThe snowmobilcrs are sk opencd in the usuel way, wltb ing the iost cf bhie situation j1 a hyrnu, followed byte but wc wonder wAhy some find *1972 DATSUN 1600 c.c. engine, 4 cylînder, almost new P.L 510 DE LUXE car conditionr. flic. 55474K tDELUXE S.S.T. SEDAb AMBASSAD( * 1970 2000 c.c. encrine, 4 cylinder, automatie trans- mission, radio,. complete rustproofîng Dura- coat, 9000 miles. Lic. 40840A 2 door,,nice' condition, 4 cylînder, radio, Lic. 814549 By f',ambler, V-S, autom atic, power DR steering, radio. Lic. 208319 MAVERICK 2 door, 6 cylinder engine, deluxe- interlor. DELUXE Lic. 575508 PONTIAC 4 door, V-8, automatic, power steering, PARISIENNE radio. Lic. K72731 CHEV Stepside pickup, balance cf 5 year, 50,000 mile warranty, 6 cylinder, 4, speed transmission, radio, heavy, duty suspension. Lic. 48140B FORD 2 door hardtop, V-8, automnatic, power steer- CUISTOM S00 ing, pow,ýer brakes, radio. Lic. 807573 MUSTANG * 1 69 S4E f-1OOR *19 î69 ,EVOO 9PONTIAC * 196 -9SEDAN ýP769CUSTOM *1969 *1968 V-S engine, radio, buekets, 4-speed floor shift. Lic. 42374A Bel Air, V-S engine, automatic transmi ýsion, radio, Lic. 260560 Strato series, V-S engine, ýautomatie t[ransmis- sion, radio. Lic. 9498'51 4ï door, V-8 engine, power steening, automatîc transmission, radio, Lic. 308630 PLYMIOUTH Fury,risV-8 engine, atomatic trans- 4 DOOR mission, excellent condition. Lic, 39462A GAL- 500 V-8, automatic, power steering, -power CONVERTIBLE brakes, radio, "Nîcey". Lic.,8617K PONTIAC 4 doorV, automatic, power steeringr, LAU RENTIAN power brakes, radio. Lic. 8758A 1968 IRLANE 968 WAGON *, 9 19 8 ALDTOP 7CHEV W6- 7BEL AIR *19APRICE OLDS 67SUPREME 7FORD *196 CUSTOM * 1967 V-8 engine, automatie transmission, brand new tirtes, "Goodie". Lie, X38386 Vînyl roof, V-8, autemnatie, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lie. 11407A 4 door, 6 cylînder engîne, automatie trans- mission, radio. Lic. 36164A- V-S, automatie, power steering, power brait- es, radio, mechanîcally perfect, "be quick". Lic. X40984 Hardtop, V-S', automatie, power steering, power brakes, radlio, vinyl roof. Lic. 34034A 4 door, standard transmission, 6 cylinder engine, radio. Lic. 66590K. C USTOM 500 4 door, V-8, autonatic, power steering, power FORD brakes, radio. Lic. 50961A RIDEAU * 195 4 door, 6 cylinder engine, automatc trans- mission, radie, "geod runner". Lic. 36617A FORD 2, door, autoniat(ic traniýsmissiown, 6 cylinder, CUSTOM 500 radio, power bralkes, Lic. 24457A' DODGE POLARA 4 door, standard.,ý transmission, raisant 6 cylinder engîne. Lic. 134732 STUDEBAKER 4-o, "one wnr" 6 cylînder eng,'ýine, autmai ctrn slslei, almstbrand LARK rnew ï-jde jLc 47289B 1 n ý, "ýG.M-C. *1 STEP VAN 23,000 miles, 5000 G VW,, slïding front doors, rear cargo doo7s, "City of Oshawa truck". "No lîcense". PARISIENNEýGood 6 cylînder engi-ne, automnatic, power 4 DOOR steering, power brakes. Lic. 18920A MaeDONALD GIVES YOU A HIEAD START - ANDSEVC THAT KEEPS YOU THELE COM PLETE MECHANICAL WQR ýK OrD'ERS MAY BE SEEN TJPON REQUEj-rSI (YO-U MUTST BRING THIS AÎD TO) TAKE \LlADVANTAGE 0F THESE F1CS 815 KI NG ST WEST (at Thoýrnt-on Road OSHA WA $1 $19o $10 $30 77 tir_