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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1972, p. 5

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'Sturly 'Littie FelIow The husky litIle boy shown in the above photo ie Gregory John Goode, son of John and Brenda Goode, Bowmanville, who celebnated hie firet birbhday on January 151h., Gregory John's grandparents are Mn, aïnd Mns. Harny Farrow and Mn. and Mns. Walter Goode, al[ of Bowmanvilie, and his gneat-grandparents ar e Mn. and Mrs, Robent Rogers of, Bowmanvilie. _____McRobbie Photo HobbsS tu dents Earn 12 1M5ealés i1hOntarlo L.egion SDports Meef The omnub Branch cmîvmd a gold for: his 6.9 sec, 0f bmRoalCan-adien Legion finish in bbcý 50 metre, also pnsnd19 braï,ck and field e gold for hie 17' bong jump. contstats romM. J. Bobbs Bon was a slnong part of Ihm Sn ulcSchooi School. The rlay team long wîlb Neil mman Onti-iioBentam and Kilens, Paul Sobil and Kirk MIidgmt I nduoonChempionsbip, Kemp. we held e t1ibm Canadien Na- Young Mn. Kemp lunned in tinal Ex T:.hibition Coiseum an excellent perfonmance Fmrer 9th. coupbedwitb desire 1 carn aa The Bentam boys wmrm tbm bronze in tbm 400 metre witb tonetcontingent rmcîv- a lime of 64 seconds. Ten in -bm old, one iliver and minutes haler be took part thnmm cbronze medals plus a in tbm reley. gol meal f'or the B11antam Paul Sobil, wîtb a high oy8fmtr ce wt j ump of 4' 10", and a long lime0f 204 inuts. ump of 14' 9"l, acquirmd two BonJuk f Hemplon ne- bronze medals. Gary Nemiez supphîed the muscle in thm Banlam Shot- put to ena a sîbven (29' 6") wbile Kirk Kemp picked up anoîhen bronze in Ibm came H E I G laDawsoni opee ciig a bronze la Ibm Ban- A D tamgirls 5shot-put. Othý-en comipeLitors f r om Hobbs were Eric Van De Berg, Bon Wenstna, Bey Ruddy, lichr sevicefoi Kris Mornîson, Julie Thorn- yourheaingaid merans ton, Benne Bennes, Jana Bray, beten hii,,eilng for youý Scott Muinison, Gary Smith, Shirley Petenson, Dlanc Trea- lev ,en and Dmb Topfen. Harvey Webster, Hobbc A I ack coach, wouid like 10 ex- press sincere thanks tb Ibm Bowmanville Branch of Ibm il e -Legion for meking Ibis trip possible. Thanks also to Mn. and Mrs. Jukic, Mn, Tannabili for supplying transportation end 10 Mn, Kemp wbo also S supplimd transportation along Vyith beiping 10 organize Ibm group'c trip. Be sure tb visit Our next Beltone Service Centre HJOOPERS JEWELLERS LTD. 9RigSt. E.,, Bowmanviill THR - ARCH 9th 25hone 5 4 SOLINA Somte fieads gethermd on Tuesday venigag e bmhome of Mn, and Mrs. Clarence Bray1 for a surprise party honoring Ibem on tbm occasion of thein Silven Wdding annivcrasny. Congratulations foks.j The uchre panty et Ibml Soina Bail on Frîday nightî was real successful. There werm 12 tables, nsultlng in bigh lady beîng Mrs. R. Vice and high man, Mn. Don Tay- ion, Low pnizes went, b Mns. Doug Fîmît and Bruce Saow- den. The carnyîag pnize wasi won hy Mrs. Clârence Br-ay.( Save * Save *Saive 4 SUPERIOR STAMPS Thur Fn.Scat. oind Sun. STOA MASTEL YR Save 33e WhiteBread 4 for 99C h TOASMASTERSeve 47c uCnnamion Buns 3 pkgs, 1.00 SLUCAS AU THUR Super Value Sv P SideBacon69c lb. WWi I rd995g J&O While You're In, Browse Aroundl Sýec Our Wide Variety of C'ANýADIfAN and IMPORTED CHEESES IM1PORTED JAMS and CANDIES FANCYï PASTRIES and CAKES PTSUPPLIES, HARDWARE, TOYS andGAES FISHING TACKLE, ETC. FULL LINE 0F GROCE(11,RIES, PACKAGE MEATS, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 10%,/ Off on Photo Finishing FAST SERVICE ,North-Enî'd Market The Moderm General Store 101 LIBERTY ST., NORTH BiOWM4ANVILLE The girl and boy wlth bintb - days nearest Feb. 26th were Jane Bis and Neil Taylor. The lucky chairs wvene Walter Vice and Collette Taylor. Re- mnember the next party on March 101h. Mr. 'and Mrs. Geo. Knoxý visitmd on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. E. Marschand, Osh- awa and Mrs. Wmo. Knox at Fairview Lodge, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Down and family, Sunderland, were Sunday suipper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. On Frîday Mr. and Mrs, John Knox visitmd with Mn. and Mrs. Robert K{err, Acton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang- maid visited with Mr. and Mns. iRoy McGill, Enniskiilen. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Broome and Dale were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broome, Bowmanville, and attmnded the house-warming party for Ron and Phyllis in their new homne. Mn. and Mns. Barry Cowling and boys wenm Saturdey sup- per guesîs with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Elliott, Peterboro ' gh, and Mns. Helen Browes, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday. Mr. and Mns. Wes. Ymliow- lees wmnm Satunday evening visitons. wîth Mn. and Mns. Clanence Bray. Mns. Tom Westlake and family, Petmrborough, spent tbm weekend' with Mn. and Mrs. Wes Bis andi family. They werm belping Jane Bills to celebrate ber binthday. Happy Birthday, Jane. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Met- caif and family, Bowmanville, and Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Har- riso'n and family, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and family., Mn. and Mrs. Glen Larmer and family, Bleckstock, were Sunday dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Dýon Taylor and family. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce, Tink wenm Sunday dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston, Raglan. SMn. and Ms, Haold Yel- lowlees, Orono, visited. on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Wms. Ymllowlees.' Mn. and Mrs. Roger Roberts and Jeffney, l\ISapie Grove, wmre visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Alex Pýotter on Sundey. Mn. and Mrs. Joe Snowden and family visited with Mr. 1. Hardy, Lindsay, who accom- panied them 10 theWinter Cennival at i3obcaygeon. 1M. and Ms. Geo. Smith, Bowmenviiie, wmnm Wednms- day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Yrank Wmstlakm. Mr. and Mns, Frank Wmst- lake, Shirley, Gordon and Kevin and Mn. and Mrs. Bob Blackburn ettendmd the party on Saturday evening at Mn. and Mns, Ron Broýome's, Bow- manville., Mrs. Ethel Sutton, Oshawe,, Mn, Ted Irvingý, Scarborough, wene Thursdlay vi-sitons witb Mn. and Mns. E. Spire. SMiss Kethy Suwela, Ottawa, spent the wekend with Mn. and Mrs. R. Frasen, Mn. and Mrs. Randy Fraser visitmd on Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs, Leo, Burke- ton. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Slutel and family, Raglan, were Sat- urday nigbt visitons wjth Mn. and Mrs. R. Vice. OBITUARY MR.ELIZABETH MILLER 1A resident of Oshawa for 57 years, Mrs, Elizabeth Miller died at Hilisdale Manor Sat- urday, Feb. 26, 1972. She for- merly lived at 335 Oshawa Blvd. North. iThe former Elizabeth Gray ,was the daughter of the bale 7Mn. and Mrs. John Gray. She cWestport, Ont. Pnior to com- Îng 10 Osbawa ebe had lived in the Brockvilie ane. H er husband, James Millen, tdied Sept. 26, 1968. The deceased is sunvived by one daughten, Mrs. Joseph Cunningham' (Audrey) of Ton- onto; four 'sons, C (hanles of Orono; Kmnneth and Anthur of guesîs %witb Mn. and M.Ui Hespen Dean, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jin- Stark wene in Tononto, Tuesday, Mn. Stark atlending thm Good Roeds Convention and receiv- ing an awand for 40 years service with our counties. Mrs. Jimo Stark and Mnc. John Stark attended tbm 251h Annivensery Spring Flower Show of the Garden Club at O'Keefe Centre, Toronto, on Saturday. Sunday mvening dinnen guesîs with Mn. and Mrs. Lbew BIIallowelb wmne Miss Norma Ballowell, Mn. and Mrs. Bian Casweil, Leslie, Bey- erley and Jeffrey and also Michele Halloweii, Morrish. Mn. Bill Robinson, Colling- wood, was a necent visitor with hie parents, Mn, and lMrs. Ewert Robinson. Brother and Sister Melissa Jean Harness, who celebnated her birth- day on Tuesday, Februany 22nd, ie shown in the above photo with her big brother, Troy Lovinn Harness, who will celebrate his second birthday on Wedr1esday, Mareh 22nd. They are daughten and.son of I.and Mrs. Douglas Hannees of Bowmanville and tkheir proud grandpanents are Mn. and Mrs. Tom Harniese and clMnr and Mns. John Living, al of Bowmanville. McRobbie Photc Sweet- Little Girl The lovely'young lady in the above photo is Diana Leigh Stephenson, daughter of Joyce and Jim Stephen- son, Mill Street, Newcastle. Diania Leigh, who wili celebrate her first bîrthday today, Manch lst., is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Campbeli,R. R. 2, Newcastle, and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd- Stephenson, Newcastle. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs. Julia Cornwall, Kingston, Ont. ELIZABETH VILLE Lest wmekmnd evenyonewe weli saowed in. Because 0fý tbm weathen no cbuncb ser- vices or Sunday sebool were held. On Monday wm had to post- pone oun fimet meeting of tbe short course on "Smwing witb Knits". Mns. G. Morris and Mrs. J, Ingram took Ibm Iwo- day leadership course et Bow- manvîlle a short time ago. Our first meeting Will be Fmb. 28th ttthIb bsement et 1:30, In Ibm past week wm quilt- md a quilt et nie basement and one et Mrs. Clarence Beetty's, One wes for Ibm Ia- stitute and Ibm other for tbm Suaday echooL, Misses Doris Beatty, Freida SALEM About 40 members of Ibm Sunday Sc1hool enjoymd a skat- ing party on tbm pond- et Ibm home nf Mr. and Mns. W. Craig on Saturday aflernoon. Misses Heathen. Robyn and Judy Devis and Mrs. C. Davies are spnding this wemk with Mn. and Mns. Wilberî Craig wbilm Mn. and Mrs. Bob Davies are ýenjoying a week's holiday in tbm Bahamas. Mr. and Mns. A. Stephen, Mn. and Mrs. Farewell Black- bunn and Mrs. Les Wmish ettmnded e panty tb celebrate the 251h Wedding Annîvmrsary of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pîngle et Ibm Centenniai Hall,, Bowmanvillm. Mn, and Mnc. Douglas Reyn- olde andfamily and Mn. end Mrs. W. Craig ettmnded Ibm neception la honour of the Golden Wedding Annivene- any of Mn. anci Mrs. Clîff Reynolds, Claremont, on Fmb, 19. Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig werm -also supper guests of Mn. andi Mnc. Bruce Lehmaa, Claremont. Mn. and Mns. E. Twist were Sunday suppen guets of Mrs. Millie Foimy, Bowmanvilie. Mn. and Mrs. Les Welsb, Mr. and Mrs. Don Welsb and Tracmy and Miss Patsy Mar- chetto wene Friday supper guests of Mn. and Mns. John Kingbonn. .Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gedde werm recenl, Satunday suppen guesîs of Mr. and Mrs. Gmnaid Shackleton. Mn. end, Mns, John King- bornaiand f amiiy, Zion; Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Blackburn, Scanborougb; Mn. and. Mrs. Bob Blackburn, Solina, wme Sunday supper gueste of Mn, and Mrs. F. Blackburn. Szwekob and Helen Trew bave rcturned bo university af 1er their winter break, Doris to Hamilton, and Ibm other two to London. Mr. aad Mns. Ken Tncw and Helen ettendcd Ibm Durbam tCoilege Open Bouse at Osb- 1awa rcccatiy. Sevenai of Ibm ladies attend- cd Ibm United Cburch Bally et Brighton on Ibm 181h, wbicb bad been postpoamd from Ibm 111h, The Zeelen d girls behd a party on, Saturday nigbî for Ibm local youag folk. Mn. Gerry Fowlmn took -Miss B.' Trew to London on Sun- day. Mrs. O. Mencen, Mn, and Mrs. Ron Provost, Lind- say, flmw tb Calîfonnie on Fni- day la attend Ibm wedding of Mn. and Mrs. Mercm's son Allen to Miss Darlene Hesse on Saturday, Feb. 26th. Mrs. Harvey Muldnmw et- teadmd Ibm cbisîening of ber granddaughtmr, Andrea ,\V- enys, in, Oshawa rmcently. She was the oniy grandparnn prescal as Mr, and Mns. Av- ensy (Sr.) wmre iii and Mn. Muldrew was unable 10o at- tend. Mn. Russell White flew home 'from Flonida recentiy to attend Ibem fuacrel of Ibm late Mr. Benediet, Cobourg. Mn, and Mnc. White are in Flonide for the winîer. Wbile here, Mn. White had tee wllh Mn. aad Mrs. C. Beatty. Durng tbm stormy wmekmad Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Cawker aI- tmaded Ibm dance la Pont Hope and had to, day over. Othens In tbm arma also had troubles tb gt home from Ibm vanbous events thet wenceîteaded. Mrs. Bolton bad guests over Ibm wmkend and enjoyed a barbecue et Ibm Dcll in the Ganareika Forest lest weemJ:end ' Mn. Howard Quantnill aI- Imaded the Good Roads Asso- ciation held la Toronto 'tbm past week. The Garden Bill chunch stewards beld a succmssful oyster supper ncntly et the c-bunch. Mn. Eari Lee, Onillie,' vieil- cd ia tbe viegie reccatly. The Sunday Sebool wmre in- vited to the Garden Hill snowmobiling party held et Ibm Garden Bill cburch 1on Sunday. Lucb was smnved if-1 ber tbe ride.1 Mn. and Mrs. John Quani-l 1 ti nu and famlY, St. Therese,. The Canadian Statesman, flowi v e., spent the stormy week- end wîth Qfntil'Lan Scott's, and Quantril's anDîvide d5 112% Pe at , 5 /0o Sunday. I was sick with the flu and misse'd getting the news writ- t n for thie past week. F Churchi services were, held. MVr, Carmon Bell took the se - vice .d he . B.,Wheele Inc eas MXr. and Mrs. W. Terbenche and, famnily, Port Hope, were The Oronio Distict Credit interest will amount to a sum withi Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer. Union held their l8th annua1ýof $352,25. Mr. and Mrs. Ron MYercer, meeting recently in the Odd Shares in the Credit Union Port Hope, were out wAith the, Fellows Hall, Orono. The have risen from $53,125.27 in Drifter club and also were membership received an mn-190tovr$,00i172 with Mercer's. couraging report from the o'ffi-1700ovr$, i192 Mr. Bob Mercer wýas home cers as well as being addressed Mrs. Leila Werry, treasurer- from Ryenson for the veek- by 11ev. G. Brown, chaplain at manager, reported that the end. the Pine Ridge Sehoolin Union had welcomed a group Mvr. and Mrs., L. Mldrew Bowmanville. of employees of the J. Ander- ý9oto 0Oshawatda and to- Angus Loucxs, prescirent of son Smith Company thnough morrow% for- more chýeck-ups the Credit Union, neported a payroll deductions in 1971, for Mr. Muldrew.,- very1 successful year for the Membership has grown to a Mr, and Mrs. J. IjeKoker, Union, stating that assets had total of 236 of which 99 had Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Robert incroased to $85»00 during the loans during the year. Westheuser and Alysoni of year which was almost a 25 The Credit Committee of Mr. Starkville were wiLth Mýr. and per cent increase over tbe R. Hancock, W. Kean and C. Mrs. H. Thickson, previous year. He also noted Kimmett reponted 31 meetings Congratulations arec- extend- an amendment to the by-laws during the year at whicb 112 ed to Murray Cawker on his which now permitted member- applications.were approved for good playîng with the Panth- ship from the ýVillage of credit, The applications con- ens hockey team în Port Hope. Newcastle. sisted of $4,728.00 for renew- Congratulations to the Shep- - A recommendation of the ais and $80,049.00, for new pard boys who won the birth- Board of Directors to pay a loans., îday cake over C.H.U.C. last dividend of 5M2 % on the shar- Elected to the Directorate F r iday. Hope tbey enjoyed it. es of all members as well as a were Angus Loucks, Robent MI'. and Mrs. H. Quantrill 5% rebate of loan interest Aluîn, Russell Osborne, Charles ehad Mrs. C. Quantrîli and during 1971 was approved by Gilkes, Harvey Robinson, Mrs. Rey Quantrill, Oshawa, and the meeting. The meeting also L. Wenry, Eric Fernlund, Mr. 'Edwin Birch, Sask., who approved on honorenium of Clarence Martin and Joseph is attending Queen'F, on Suri-1 $7013 for the treasurer-menag- Welken, while Robert Han- da Y. Mr. and Mrs. Johnj Cur- mn. The dividend of 51z%, pen cock, Carl Kimmrett and W.e 1 ier and family, Port Hope, share will amoun+te 0$3,054.76j Keani were re-elected to the "spent the weekend with th]!m. while the 5% rebate onu a Ceit Cmmtee lfe KIBjY Mns. Don Cochrane spent Tuesday, Fmb, 15tb witb ber daughter. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Cbap- man, Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Taylor and Mn. and Mns. Eugene Toucbburn wmne Sel- unday evening dinnen guesîs of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns- ton, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Beau- cage and daughlmn wmre sup- per guets of Mr. and Mns. Don- Cochrane and Cnaig, Set- unday vening. î Mn. and Mrs. Jlack Williams visited with Mrs. Lawrence Hennis Sunday af- ternnoonon ibein cki-doo. The Sventb Line from Kinhy to Gnabam's was clos- md from Saturday nigbt untîl nîne a.m. on Monday due 10 the storm and to Ibm feet Ibat Ibm plow bad broken down et Gneham's. Thene was no chuncb serv- ice aI Kinby on Suaday and comm didn't make il b sehool on Monday. Il migbt pey tb stent a snowmobilm service back bere. Mies Manian MeKelvey and Mn. and Mnc. Hanlweil Low- eny visited Miss Katy Stew-' art in Oshawa Generai Hos- pital last Wednesday. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Mencer and Kmnny moved to Ibeir home in Hampton on Setun- day. Tommy Scbmal entenîained somm of bis ýclýassmates on Set. urday veinig. The oniy transportaion home wvas by snowmobiie or Iractor. John Berny and Carl Lowery had 10 stay for the nigbt.-Ornoo Times. vmanville, Ma. 1, 1971 Perrn, Grece Recid S Mte were elected é eveoh Supervîsony Comittee, Three doon pnizes wr donatmd by C.I.AG., Curvplj[y' Wood Products and J, -Ander- son Smith Company., These--i- prizes wene dnewn and awand-, ed to Mns, Russell Osborneic (Curvply, a mobile bar); Hr- well Lowery and Msý. C.~ Swallow (C.I.A.G., first id. kits) and to Leo de -Moo.y (-J. Anderson Smith, a lJewmb case). Bey. G. Brown spokc to Ihe- gathering on"ouhin Re volt". He said we musiýt not con- dema youth blut ra-,ther t understand thmm-. He fclta long heir and use of d7rug&, wenm a sign of revoit. Bie said" this was no worse thn th use of alcohol, by adl ts. Theý speaker said that young peo- pie pleced greaten emphas.ý on people and thm envîronment rather than the accumulation of personal property. He feit thene was a need fr understandîng. THE MANAG-EMý,ENT .AND STAFF WISH TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR SUPPORT DURING OUR OPENING. WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE. IN THE NEW BOWMANVILLE PLAZA 333 KING STREET EAST PHONE 623-2931 We arýe pleased aýmnounce that RUDI l WYBEN-'GA (fornierly of 1reg'1Hirstyling) has joined our Bat Salon Staff, Rudi invites her many fo «rme-r friends and patrons to visit her ai, Artistic. SPECTALS EFFECTIVE HAIR CUT . $2.00 CHILDREN -- - ----------$1,50 SHAG HAIR CUT ------ $2.25 TOUPEES direct from the manufacturers. 1100% human hair. Regular$20. ONLY $99.00 Hours: - Closed Monday Tues. - Frî. 8 lu 6 Sat. - 8 bu 6 UNTIL MARCH 15th Shampoo & Set Reg. 2.75 $25 (long heir extra) Shag Cul $2,75--------- ----- PE1ÙMA NEINTS Regular $8.50 - %NLY$6,5 Regular $15.50- ONLY $10,509 Regular $20.00 - ONLY $55 HAIR COLORING, - ONLy$60 with Free Conditioner Hours: Mon. - Tues. - Wed, l Thurs. - Fr1. - 9 b 9 - Sel. - 8 b 3 RETURý PIN *TO DECREASE COSeI IN ORDER TO DECREASE THE COST 0F POSTAGE OUR '1972 EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN MATERIAL WILL BE ADDRESSED TO THE HOUSEHOLDER., NOT PERSONALLY TO EACH INDIVIDUAL. *FOR FURT'HER SAVINGS.. YOUR PINK ENVELOPE MAY BE LEFIT AT THE BANK 0F MONTREAL TO ELIMINATE THE-EXPENSE 0F RETURN POSTAGE. THIS SHOULD ONLY BE DONE IF IT IS CONVENIENT TO YOU. *INC'"REASED FIN-ANCES.. THESE SAVINGS WILL GIVE OUIR CAMPAIGN A GREATER AMOUJNT 0F MONEY TO BE USED DIRECTLY IN HELPING OUR CRIPPLED CHILDJREN. Sbupport Your Local Rot ary Easter Seul Camïpai"gn MARCH 2nd, b APRIL 2nd, 1972 5Oth Year of Service 1972 MARKS THE 50TH- ANNIVERSARY 0F Ontarîo Society for Crippled Children M M. -I --mmw .jý 1 au

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