Canadian Club -Speaker Says FLQ CriS C.ould Hiappeni In Oth-n-er P-arts 0f Canada The 1970 FLQ crabie Pl Que- won The iitary ý,Cross ,,dur- trzdtheir actons pMeeni bec rould hpe gî,adighi emo evc hphasimd e -11 ',ry as on"' CandaJoh Clrlçonna-ronto il, SiclY andi taly, 14.iebr"-involved, in brîng- tîenl dieetr 0the 4soj- lahondscibed how theigthe riosto order tin of CndinClubs tl re ocspriiae n 'y1 ht eO fred aBowmanville audliece o h rss esidta h uigtose weeks,"hl-ie flt- Feruryi7tlhiitr was 4,alle[d in only ed. ý4I-eAýrmed Forcesdd Jsm andanClbmetigben tained tot he rtcltod .an hyddit iii- rir¶t1y L)Ui tedChuCi[.rch pointl. CULl" heA eda p Hlall Mr Caksn eie "WVhen the crisis cameteflr lrso ruhtget che evefits wihle ptobges rblmfcigte inge from th e Tnorable he csisis Fnd saio. thatt Arei oce -sracinMaâame Vnepresiden't of kidnapping and mrwder ~o sonsetim,"M.-Clar- teAsoiton r C so-01roe bis isteners thaýt Iv1~ Laprteweretheculmn- on si.he qicke th there are 55 Canadian Clubs' Iol ,f yMrof Unrmm& ecio helsw]klyteacrosz the countryPnd ec-l qe attuteud the unreat t ituation wuld become more prese, piisbu h the vast social, coinic and rserous." future of thergajýn- boitithe 'oitachage whc wp TeMltrybgnb dding tat he fIet therewasi through Canaâdaand Ihe wrld 1,guardýI111ing a bout 200 rsons growing intes in thlng during the 1990'0. and strategc points; by th"Canain Yetdsit rthî g r. tme thecilss nded t1 hiýs îFarle M.Carsn a Cl1arb son mra intaiýncd t h a t ncumber had been Sncsed to gueat tat ptuk sppreldi Canada wa's a "peaeful nra- 300.- at thle homeip ofM. and Ms bion where there iis no thouigbiýt Mepraised theAreGanticrdoRF., et ronspiracy and no thought Forpes for their discp1 neand BowmianvilleW, Mrs. oRicad ec ombatîng it." rfeso anism ami"a u- spresîdent of the local gru A.lome xilitary man wi)(1ruffird Caoi" MhAh cara- u ~yar. Recr eation Reviews iair HC'ey RsIl, 1'Tyke Leegue lne ie ialTyke gaeo Ho"s elts e eddoSomecs2-. Ruisecl Hogg aec John nDyhaS- Ura scorelfr tie Rayaiswislle Normnan Riter repflielfan- Ilisc Stelers,. ]n tise second matých iil was znothercse game witistise Indians squcczing by tise 'Bambers 4-a. Mark McLeeýn fitrc4 wofo tsewinners witb B Osiso n cd John xaS hile Bran. Sari.nn nlLeonnard Dycks pichel up zn asisi a pic.Kevin Dii- ionn oîPhal two For tieBaimi- errs ; sDon Ejilaît piuhipg up tis otiser gol Mark AUTO COVERAGES; D4MACE T SClliion and Usnrel>iv Uin o! $peci.d Prus aend Breakage oy lass- SpeiflelMoParur in Tst andMA!celaîseousCoveragea ingObjecta. MEDICAL FYET cal, dental, ablacbal- pîtal anî uca epne of ijured pasengars. ïFor Furtiser IfrainCcI James Insurance 2M Ring St.E, MBog0 Reidence 6?3-50,23 RHchards bal anc alsit Onc'Thursay, Fe,ýirary 717 bise Hornets 'berely gat by tise Amrenicens intise first gemeii hy e narrow vscore o!f21 For tie Honnmets, Banny Culln andl Roacney Plein lidonc goal escis with CarlMealpik ieg uip one essiat. El Lott set Up .Ricky Erw-in for tise lone A'eeican taly. Tise Camdpnes disheltise BMades 7-2in tie scodgame.ý Brentron Thomrpson wýas tie big m-ac in ti-ss-,ane, pickîng up fonr gaas. Also for ise wbcnr, dMasoc ised anc and two, 1ily Saicsbury b-ý al anc ecd twoj, BraI Clemecns lwvo as"'sisaied JfnyCee- fîcîl nw anesilt.Hugo Kappea pîched up bots goals for tise Sauriday, Feuslwtisntis IonSI gat by ftise Rama 3-2. For ts Bisons it, wes Chiaisip nc goal nd canc assîi, Dug Brooks one gaeL, Ivan Cun- nlinghiam anegoal d PDoug ard Honie set upigoals b Steise Meui aned 1Roc ing to acco untfrtise Rama' goalperormace iseTigers droppel tise Clîppera,, 6-3 in tise second g amvre, Otser Tiger goals were scorel by PRnald Bn'own two, Keenctis Roy unc and Fëcymond Sem- pionlius. Tlise Clippers' sc-or- ing wes hiinlcd by Artisur Boýcns, jmy Hogelt-1il cnd RoIdcweî Bans alsa r anc assiast. In tise iird Atom gemei tise Rayais defeeýte tIise Fargas 7,-'2, crigfor tisýe PRyals were Do(Ug Goîld anc a nd anc. RRcBerncet nanc cýd ac Pocug Alanon galpe Bn-îian aeyac iast. o tise Fa rgo s i t ,wmaiia nnW 1ise1 anc endon:, KlyGnu anc AndînandelRucsselCar- noliera twn aHsist. Je ise1c'lasI tam gme 0 Ise dFinehVncy rcasat- cd tna anther vicry ov=n Ise Sels by a ; soene-o! 51. FIa bent Delirpce bal wo, "Poul Casagnt an ad oeKev- in Wnoiliy aerand taand Pst Re,,yclls oneccl ad nc. 'Tisoamas Hongrr am ficiRich- wýla Isle onfly scnic1g peyfor ý>pc eeLgu Lmes3-P len tie Pme Wee Lîvîngatoce be two nl onie, Jamles rPocock oer an. ace, and Raob.îeBorna e Grdn Wallace ckeup -one assist eci. (Chucis abeSnotiel tise laj( cLa! aly In iifi7se'econd eciutr tbe Ragr wamnped tise Wiegs 9-4A Tony ]Krwood bal tisnec andanaRicky Bain Isoiand aise, Rlely rn anc r iseac, avlGatcheil two assista, , VDerryl W sile qorce goal, Jaey Nowlan anc-ý TRENT UNIVERS ITY 0 a *48 courssi 18 dsiples eleof Peterisoaugis, Trent Affr sunsuner sessin studesîs astrikuîg crnisîatia 13o! s iai-ruv teecis- irg with a vctonclsets Ttnal n smnn comlessntlcres end proIvide f'or, inlîvîial "ýjpar'- Ilipatyon Suinmer conuss for-1972 armofrll: nirplg <6), Bogy ý(5), Chcisry (2), lsia Suis() Ecanornica <2),Ensh (4MFreph (A , Çjre Mhy( Geýrmais <). Ilapansie Stlles(1), fistoey (3), ïMatlle- Mmis (M). Nateiveudie"s (2), Piffosophy (2),Pysc (1) Falles 2) Pscofoy 3)uSciloy 5 283 <fl picî n aQueec), aa liAnumnber o ienar, ujb(l bfacus periJcuflaniy pon aade tuisin tise arees o! poliie, lleatureaselgeagapby A! tie Su-niier sssonbeicaJuy 3'à cncwiduga 12, Applicati, ns mit a rceivel_ by May 1 92 plqussies AUlbe welcamed by: Dirctur of Part-Niue Studics, *Trert Uiversity, p~trbrouhOntarbo ____________ M goal cnd Mark Rogers, goal, Jîmmry Magoine haý two for tise Wing, Rci Burigess one, Peler Know onec selsidn-ey -Van AI me anc asist. In the final Pee Wee test a! Fnîay, Fes.180t, ries dowpel tise Canai 41-2. Toîl Coagnove hbel e3nd aise, Danny Brock Treet Masters bel anc epiece whiie PRymnond D, PiCLEeilpptwo asitaS Greengrasa firel two foi Canadiens. Allen BirIled tJicsePB tan vicy in tipS econd p iring twa ,ogaalsagnt lfewha i-Paul 1Duehem anc nd anc for tise win wAiLlTh Frd Win, JohnI Ion cclr)dTim Byem pichiný 1a astapiece Steven stup Bralley Jamies Three ucnswereî - peia oals by tise F gave tisem e 5-3 Wine Frenk's li Stude'sopc Sconîng for ise Kng Breet semis acm,- an , orwneancoal, Tomyir.FýP eu anc oal Jamnes W ncr assiat and jameis Mur anc, assiat. Lconeard W beld two and anc for Fra witb Richard Knakepl getting anc anl one.: Elliott asistedl'nal W ranh'S fteliesa. Banitam League *Tise Panthers cppel Indies 3-2 in Saturd Bantam openien. Forisne1 iseil vas DnCuri ard one:, Allen Spencer aista, Glen Jaisesonen MatI Dillanencoal ccd1 Passant onceessiat. Maet ooales chI Rick McKs for tise Indiens itsJim hoaski cnd Bob SiAcAi1 drawig asaits in tie secod Beeam gz tis Cý uba omlteydci tcîIeltise Bra;ves hy a ;acor AC 1.ihael Hobisa got 5at Cc< , Rchard Swee tivanse aneDeilBc ancf an is, Gary Per'fect and! ahniJn Stahauk goal, Rand aLch en Tam Woce Pisrc a Kenis MeýAcGnecgar twc Èssand Peter Willau one casa. Jocy Burnsa ai fropm Geonvre awerl PinIlise final TBantans j o! tise day, tie usýkies ,Mt tie ycra S50. '\, Chîsoîrnnatcltwa g Steven Jcffreys anc and Jon Cesie ncgol, Down ancogoalSteven- gats twa assista, Stev seclensot, ne anc ssia,JFB Glaspdil ane aaSIat andF Severn anc essist. idget Lea.gup Tise Canucha were gî two points wbn tise P teens flailel tashowfor firsI Milhp4gegAre an Sa day, Feb, . ltis Cn tiesuand c amp, isý Jaey Hilîscd Gary MI wvitisDougegg, abrt sey and Kcrry Nable Lpic. u pn gie ras s is t -. R oryv p<l Andnew eeKenie upo Paod Forsey forIsle cornet gaa. Larry BrUSntfrel tis ticis Foutse Gencalsir lest game a!ostise day ta' bse-n In ta e7-1 victory tise Bae.Pearce \W bel waanil two, Cli!! ilson-ancin wa, RoI crs anc goal, Roald St anc asil. Dencîs Bsa and Tom Coahan set up Smrnon fortie lasers tally. Trent - RideaL Becomes Pari National Pai way System .baýs been oFfic transfenreol la'ise JÉ,De: mnt o! Indien Affaýira NotecDeveiopmecnt tisec Fednal Departmeni TrnprRusseliC. H bas sîvisel. Tise Noritibsumrrberanl- Wtwyswould ncow bi iilterýed bytiseNet Parka Bre'ncis of !-tIsel Affaira Dpetmecnt, aïd ignetecl as Na.tional Par "TIise empisasisý on tise erwa7y wïli now sihifÈ tranlsport ation fta necre And conservation," Mn. IF said. majoracieemntfor. banogi anilMn.Money hvelbrliada thfvo i 111d-2 ri anc ovatil con- diens and goal stevc rtise laIes Il Pe, isne' RecevesPainting fronr Deputy Speaker: of tiseHause of Cammons Russe acceptingý a piniting presented ta hlm b-v Mr. T. S. i bly of South Korea. Tfise Northumherliend-Durhem IM Korean visiter ta Canade's paliament ancd tise accesic tao Mr, eý 1>1fois y rm ise Korean Nationail Assemnbly. Korea's naýtioniilly knawvn artisîs. Planning a Weeke To Ara(Gallries, Lux-Tise people f uîba)ni are tfIse o n p ila is iaI gL uip fotunete t'o be wilii rv tclrnoos.Tisis con- Col g distance pfar number o! ept adils a decîdedI ar-néis for tise maijor visuel arts treesur ta isec,,physical appearance Cal bouses of North Amice. tisebuilding. thirld Here ac ixewhci Ois-The Artllertif Orias1jo fingsi.wa' dirctior of lise Rohert is lqcated in Gç'anne ParkI ave MLaghin GeleyParl ,which is on lisptscuih ie of! ene. enet, fvos.Dlta streét tw orkcsý wer Fns, her i tseNaioenal wevst o! Univensity Aveil-uc, Gailry ! Cnad. I 1lala-TCoroîsIlo. ow-cabed in downtown OttUawalTise Royal ntarbo M lsu 'e vi wthin waJlin-g dsaceo acertailsly wortis malre tisais tise Perliame-nt Buildlings. ione weekend visit. l is ope Duing tie mnts of Fs-PoptisewlS greatest muse-i anh'slerulary il hbas harl ils rjuai oms ad oamieldon tie! burg quoýta o!fxciîng exibitions cornrer flniversity Avepue Sam as weli as galîcriesfillulwtisand Bloor Street MmreeCils permanent collecon - ieder tise dami e lede- wisch ln bath Canadien and isip 'f Mn. Peter Swann tisa European artis of toie bighis-Musepm b las been revitaized texet quality Il aiso bas tml e is let ve years witisa lsporarýy ehiiton. eFebrî.-!aw cncptu ofiplay, a ]WUe Pan- ary lise wc "ags ii ypnogrearn abeautiful nIew on nevain -a xiiiioeaetraand a general feer L ýv louîetngscfe etoa ing wîhreflects tise iport- gl ion tchiuesance of our and tise mwri goal, - On1FeIbnuery 241h a 'aul cuitral sere Pul Keise 1810-1871 Exhibition Tisýe Mý1useum alwai bas a' tisewopened cpentaiin mre tisan pecial dîsplay on - for ex - tiiet5 prnîning sud sketches mple, ilwilifeatue an art- ,ndien, bis homeland end lectin of woril-wide impart- weeknd tp t tis Naance from possîbly Japan r minn ' cal1 Gla-eanyrBurope-an r nty fe chf ta bnaflsel Oesdongtetmp- É t torsfr i Uiren aSundeyayehbton oee r iman ,roncnet rSea is anfcn ipaafo S ons of exciingworks Of Mt Of tise lepantMents Uwîll nc art show bboal i7,ise ýcon-ý geaiTonont a l ose. Canse cpt 0fotise useum. Unet adetl, e lmesun we ten acseArt snl Archaealogy uns- ghb lbcansse. Frexemplej1, tsCain , Conservation, Egyp- cared AtGll f na mn u ien' Eisolgy Enoea, e tise ipg ts mno borFbuayEe'sirnl, Greek amiRoan tcherewas an exhibition en "PPiay, Textiles andl Wesi, tiî cd "Artmin Reolution, -Ain.e ieerotis cine Thi s s exùhibitoogaus"b, eprmntubrlais cru- l Art Cunl o!eGreltany Entamcology and Invente MRG Phin , wefnttisewvrkis of braie Zoology, Goiag, Iks RussInnaanchi- tbyologyaland leretl tyi- one, tctateatre designers,fievteaePa]eeantogy )avd rtisagrasphie slfritueMaand a ,MLagsî Hoe-' deigners o! tise 19201 ararmPanetaium, Mineraogy, On- -werd 1930'". itblogy ;nd VertebratePa- Bano iTiseArt Gallcy elwas bas laentalog. Daug 5pview a numisertif noama om faPhnusIy 15 int rievotel 10 ils praen a' acs141h tiseR .la pe moved aey rom iseoIceertngE yCarr's10h coarathen bleaýk ibrley. e s xiitio au-art gelle]ry. Nowv thereý arne elag, sketches, 'vatcr pieces 0ff rnitureig, wl oo nails anipatbenyby Mti panen, etc. In ais0f is this celebiratel Canadien wn- !!goss~nes caetempnany W1 ith man anis. Tise Mureum bý- goals ~ Divvinv "r p nm10 00pm. Mes- -_______ess___r______11__e_ or ise o-ire detnu Nias- ---w----o n go A Ile frîher mkîng AC CO0u n Ia n C y la!ied nlvîi is ni set ta_ _ _--- tea,. FoT eemlea rdrive: Jlipe Wvi. J. H.W COGGINS ta B uff ac lttuke very Cisartee Accuntent lnig am iscre l is e Abiit iclenlynoe for ils peint- lead C W IILPIAM C. 1HALL inga cdo! tise1tbau m l 0 oven i B.Camrm. centu11,1ry. ,Tislenyscol- Cbarered Accoutant ljection as coiains a group Sel] 3 6î/ King St. ,7, Oshawa o! outstandn Engisis palet- tke Telephione 72-6539 clegs 0ÉI tiseluth century - Juaje la ro r a -cnsbyRyod, oats o -.îy EIJWI-N MANN, D.C. utris ceýd Flcnisnintinga, Ciiropractor à3as-wlu. Frncisaint-ing 0f OfWCe:t eathcntr t eM x Phoene 623-5U0 t s ore, eaReniaîr J~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~oo" Onieius yapanmn dGuon Tie aler l nipasl a! Ine n I adintor-buildng ml by an DR R . INIEL ise al01ler hbilding, dedîicate ie 1905, bas been consîderel fleil Srgeon anc of tisecfinest exemiples ar atn tr0 Siven rîýevivl archiit'cture lun 1ily 0 ffc Husnewer buildng, wns openeln part exept2 em. 1-6 pqmi le1962 and ils simle lasi -art _Seurey __uea cCls omplemeel tise aller from DpR. . M UDL D.D.S. st rujcturiie. heAlbight- it o! 75 King StL . Eiowevll seo aopen, on Sulnlsy froi-r [oney Office Ilurs: 1,cooniun il pm 9 ai..Lan pm. siy notergalcy-miuseum af Dur- Closed Sebuîrday nl dSunlay inteniolinal neputlation and! tise OfficePtione 63570 wiiI iving distance a! )e ad- DR.O'aaisteDeot t- lonel WILIAM KNT, .D. bile o!Ats.Il la open ian en BwmniiePrfssoel Sunîay fn[om-il9:30 ans. lta5:130 l es- 222 King E. -Suite 106 pm A famnily cn leeve ks. Office Holuns:Bomanville on Saeturdey et Wat- Weekdays- 9 - 6 noon and rive la WNindsor, frmexceptWdesa flron tyovennigist and cross tise ~aie Teleie 623-349 riverta rdelroan Sunday qoney Tm inl limre for s plees- ansur t, e -antl(â,ailiemruseumwiývtl ~s e a drive baci ta Osiaswetle s MgsDONALD A. MSCGEGQR ev\eo(ring. A fine rsarn er- LIfeAuto-. Homie ùi loca ie le ibuilding. !cltoffer aartce- Oboiur ý,M ay Protes! lncudIg anri works hby that falmus lcay Inspi WVeekendisîtirng ho(,ursare,C n e ie y on saIturday 0 m Io pm and ciSunday 5 2 lnon on 5 lp.m.Peiton htChur uhrtya 9 'n pefet tht soud gveTown Councîl ill11protest the A net dei Cfor 1971 arf youLI i-X gleisand imuise- lev-y itothe Ganaraska Co- $19604 bitngs ithe figui ru Ilmns to include in.yuritin- servation Authlority, \whî1icJh has 't o ,524lei te asiated err.tripled1 in onîe year, were madie revenue 0f $60I0 and a banlk by Deputy Roeve M-S, Len- hl ban for B ;Il s iý ii wbchw Fisheur in]Port iHopecen efre o 1973 of $9,000, Co nAlrthe levies were an -leavetýila ntI moujnt!to rea 15 once tth-nua et -tased rmhe municipalities igof the Ganaraisha Con Ft 4 S724 ted i o Takethe town halý3jl, he Cobouir> De-putyýRceeve sai swwa Part n Meeing ~T1~4ea n dn sernez)doînis -f e'l in ccrdnc itharquest epolinio'g ot ht bt Toronînbas Crd ri an)i- frmUnited Counties Council vear'ls len\ of $S3,60 blas ii-qut btedatofn Darlingbon towýn SbI p Co U n ci 1 creaScd Ital]1.,730, Oah1w11omaeKathlee bas învited mniuembs nof 1the MuIs. Barbara Siitbi, secre- sl-a]C', wh fdied jailiualry 2nd Nevwcistle-, Clrke and Bou- tary-treaSIurof [the authogr- I useOnaaGnrlo- vi couniric ilS 1to mlecs ity saP.ijd the c rease flvY piai ifCIlowing i sur ig Pri petr- îtb tem iet thle tw sbipý r-îas -"no sipprise"frmdDcebr31h iin Ith couiIlncil chamb-nter's I i aimp- tIo oourg coinil sinuce ils enrilHsptl amn- ton ron Merclis 1t51at :30(jepprov7al ilbeepn sought forvile p.m. Ithe landl purchaes h i Chi Tile nqu 'A Illbeh id iii Tepuirpose (of th -is meing as- ieinrae oor's T11n0all o wj 11 b(' Ioappoiint two epe- Tis n d pur-chases, for Mer Il s i 1 iit ï tîn t10 arn,_ settvsfom ise re tvwi h tise 11munici pa1liies in Ituxvli be co)nduIrrtdb, W. C,_ iton a speciela 1comm-.niitt1,e f tise Lautisoity area hae toPa, lckelof [Lidsey. Coties Council formed tao thei r sisare, are Bis Milliii i revewandexmie ePro- Baltimore and tsel'se O ATTEND CONVEN, TION po-sed Ma\jýster lan ýifor tetw rpel n Rice laile. co)un ti ES. Cbur' evy1tat[ aui-1 Daling o Revcac dDepr-. Oni 'PFei isrury7th Bl'îowmv ianri- tority based on thse equaliz- LItyReebvbenatsr vil onî ndIiceted l ted sesmntfatoraIlîî- izt onhpcuel ta wanted o partof itise Mstr7,,0)is tiseieo fIsle nine ten ie nuaioveto Plan111hi(chIwas t1abiCfled in 'muip ipltiesle1 the Atho- ietsoiton0 uii Co isCoun ;Iil tiseeil ofity'S ein eiisp nai ~ ta port IHope is pe4 withi aJne1-2.192 ievy f $10600, hen Hmil- O JIA Y $8,48, Cla1rkIýe wI t11is $,33, sU~~B C.HueMPA RY Hppe Touwlnbp S5,700. New- caLsi le S$2,330, M a1id i mand Lee or the National Assemn- l48 ERER E T Twnsbip $827, CaanTowni- L J.P. officîally welcomed theof ,i Folwn1nilna bjp$7 n-_ves$3.~ IFA// EO~ an was rn arked by the gif t mnis iedai f r h uhrt a 0 e 7ET /' !~C The painting is by one o eogeR-eeisagil6fcet coverge Coour,[ TkAT ,1A FebruLary 17 1972 at OshawaHmitn onsP. bu GIeeai H1ositaýl. 97 per cenit of Hlope(, 96S per, It aughiter of the late Mr.ientof the lamdeea0Cake end rs.Wm. erril, he ndil 4per cent 0f adial ~nd is' orme Milred ertrd a-crei e ise Autisorityý. 10-nd v @s* reli wes Iborn IinBowvnîail- Manvers Townshsip bas olY ville anld treciiýd l(e euc-tw prcent Lof ts land i-areai bion In town sc 'ls.OnJulie le tise Aut _jority andlCavanpi i 126, 1926, she pnmarried TMr- baýs two per cent. us u 5~Gog .Hcath wbo, 1 suIr' Tietotal imicipal Ilevy ta) MvuSIves. Linise Autlisrity i S $ a72 nd tu ~ ~ ~~~~~T- aihc r etencvl iedeceaseýni resid;d at ' 57total etmtdexpendiaturIe 0f!H ~VE of wn,ýjDuke Streti,and as ahouse-se Atisority IbrisHyRar E îzto. la ,besaaa îl- wî -, cbe r ierest c enri edCI$l 1 (11,arl0._»FII rable ýin rcis room. ,For.ex-Faoundber famrilyand homep,'A total of $6918ý0 twrsF op A RT7 14ED fample, ise rooml-s devoted t SICI a a ember FStiseepnîuewîli conetin Ppth at avepamhlts api Uite Chrc, adfise jormn of grents from tlise! ,."0111F11-5206 ,ývwib es Iin a few %paYa- wa soa msiir -of M-poica oenetail grhsie dvlpnetofmiai Park Asocitio. iia dfrelliblt fESS0O MEHATSVC Dptcb 'Ilart andI puI t i in b-is- SrviIngbsides [bervus$ 1c00laves ,tise cost aftise______________ taie~sgnfiane - banld, are i aldagiser, M lS. wil e photos of t1wise impoirt-Qo e uh-inla T l's W E A O Sa Il I,1aintingS. For exýampIle, George e atýis jr.(Ma y) enddOME by acob van RicleTer- a, nie,(BaraeAlso sr boris 'Fac MlsPebradtvsing ,aretobrtsestbree adJan Steecn. EacbIl photo sîstersa orgedchld -bas bes:ai ,Iasignfiat e-rn.Ss e eee .d'o E U E P Y E T *eipvepara grapis 10 asSist 1duis,Eeyn the vieweývr in appi eciaîîng TIste funeral SerIce wes tsIparticulrorof at. li n StraFbur 'iYou cin wancr ibrougis 1tI-ise19from tiseMMorrisAFunerl A sconion Flcmiish ,art, on ýChapeloweiltndasM C AS H L 2GreekI a;rt, on Colon-ial Amer- ondct-,-,Rev H.Tunr,- Vua oeIWlr 1 ,lwrr; o _icani Architectucr, ise Oni- Itretwsi ona- Yi sbreenraewweiii o entiGall.risgal ler id-vleCmtry vot F)taConlepor ary Ai-Amrnonrg tise CI ny îeIvI veiy votecrdrthd tgebafrm$2 t enanPinig silSultre loa tkns.vidnof tise $'5,000 at reduCed othypymns stherel ei1[atts -etem liuisichtie deceasedý[ or-ative arts, tise isI goc., 'es bel,vwr ioefos 1'n u o o sa oeenrbncs FlnneNigitingalege pa-y ail your bills, give you adit-i'iol cash -,1 if Fie r grere\eim-no. 66,S OF, and lifi ) ro equired and ai the sairie lime reduce vrour sirumil . Enougis for aei l memrs of ni'lise Deer Hut- ïivolitlily Pa y lts hy as n-uch a hlL ineetlInI ourw bistoric ed ngCamp.yas4 * cutur lheiageý ta se1up11 Palisai"swre Mssn proigram 0 f n-,küw cied isitSa Leverp ne Souis, Fre nniColç, ind mil1t he w ay it is tI get y;our bna»» i ich wouidecte and tedp- Gardon Wîlcx '.Evu, Brok, Ilwthnc'Ioli Vu a cal o1 ,.tra cate tish ne irr-eber o!DonlPtIer and Ris Van for h1flcouifoui sr Ie PrmptIvsm erailions end1F i ve(fan-I]si11l may hen a man' oldbt 36-i6,eeus21=1 ioutin1gsraf importance 1 1 . acrigt ttsislsl at Iow Supermarket Pr ices AeMPLE FREE PARKING FOR OUR IGA CUSTOMERS ,RS. J. SINNER Mr. IGA',s guarantee of quality P.E.I. CAMPAU PeEu 1 Fthc-pNADA sw«- & ,Jt JAFFA ORANGES CIMP CALDORUffl i ~iOuci or U.S. NdlihlOSI gy l i FCMM MgL,;IVR(APPUï,2, -, q49t WA~ON FRPZEU T.V. Dinners kOE VIXFMn MlOL PS. UREUED WHnai 15 oz. ?PM S SRDIS18-N~. 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