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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1972, p. 8

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T t t t t 10 HUR.lýS ,ADAY -Compleing 3,900, miles in P4ine days from HrialifaK to Vancouver, in weather ranging fromi 25 deg-rees below to a mild 42 abýove,, seven memb)ers of the Fireuza durability teaum drove across Canada in an endurance test in four oýf GneAlMtors sub-cornpact cars. One ýf fthe drivers was Gary McCullough, son of Mr. anid 1M1s, Irv M-,cÇuillouigh, Newcastle and son-in- law ofd Dr. and Chas. Austin, Bowmanville. The seve finishied the drive in good condition anid appeared tco be well rested. Ail but two are GM. eniesor service men. They averaged 10 t t t t t SILL HOà )PE -' Torontiýo Mapie Leafs should send aý vote of thaniks to the Pifladeiphia Fiyers who dcfeat11ed Detroit PRed Wings 3-1 on Sunday in the gieof th wekonteevsin If the Leaf s can cotneplay 1ing 1ike they\ did on Saturday when theicy defeated Vaýncouver- Canucks 7-1, and Detroit drops a few m iore games, Toronto may yet make forhplace. Inicidentally, in that Pil gaine, Brent Hugii-hes of F5owTminvj]ile looked mighty good. t t t t t TIEID UP- Port Hope Panthers played their f irst game gis Linidsay Cleaners 'on Thurs- dýay an i Johuston, Sports Editor of The Guiîde, credits Don Allen for enabling the Panthers te cr4ne out of that game with a 5-2 wini.Apanty lie stopped everything but the îkitcheî sik, anthers were outshot and out- playýed biut stili wonnï, thanks to Allen. On Friday, th-ey playedi their second gamie of the series and Por't Hope lost 2-1. The third game will be t t t t T SLI-UP- Iii l<ast w7eek's Flashback of 25 years ago, the namejiç- of Bud P 'erfect was omitted. Bud played le twigforBrsn' Red Raiders and in the offici-a ting .lim e up Aý,b Sturrock was a goal judge and t t tt t CASALT -The niany friends of R.oy Young- mani, ofBwavie Country Club staff will be plPeasýed tei learn hle has returned home follow- ing surgery in Mýlernorial Hospital for acute apenicitis, and is progressing favorably. t t t t t TOUNAMNTA SUCCESS -- Orchids must go to thoise in charge ofth Mite Tou,,rnament held on Sa,_-turd1ay a Bwmnvll Arena. Eight teams coin- pedai-d ail report an excellent day. The most exctîn ganeof the day w-ýas the semi-final gaine be,,ctenAjax and Eowmanville. At the -end of ~ regulaiime the score was 0-0. The teains then. plydfive inuvites of overtimne with stili ne goals beiig scored. Each coach then had to select five paesfroin hi eain to line up on, the blue-linie and ii tr ~hotat th--e em-pty net. Bomanville out- s'1ce Ajax 4-3 to win the gaine Credfit for the ' uC- ccss of thie tournamnent shouild go to B.Mv.H.A, pýresi.. dent Farrow, Bowmýranville Mites ]Ia-nager Jini1 SchJ'Ulz and members o)f theB.HA xeui. t t t t t COGRTUATON -to McrgrsMid- get4s whowo the Eastern Ontario Midget Championshihree games straiglit against Naqpane, d o advance intfo the semri-finals agans Ca~pBorenfor the Ontarie Champion- slip, Fi 'rst g-amxe gees here Sunday ut 8:30. Corne and s 1up;port this fine team. t t t t t A '11P 0F T-E HAT - to Bill Leanian who had not one,dut wo hat tricks and Ted Puk also with a hat trofthMnoBnai teain, in their Ail Ontario quarter final series against Kingston. Bowmanviile niow, meetL Colling-iwood in the semi-final series, first gamie to o in Bowanv\ille, Sat., March 4th. * nrocl(Y 15Mis Judy Froatis Judy has started her part-ime business career at Canadian Tire. We welcome .Ier bt Our staff from Grade Xi at B.Hî.S. YTW-e, VS CARZOLE GOUL» Store 'Manager Take Gananoque In First Game Bowmanville Pee Wee M2,- ors s5cored a convincing 7-2 win over Gananoque on1 sat- urday to take a ï-U leadi in the Otarjo quarter finals. Johnt Davis, Bon Jubie andl John Conboyv scored twvo goals each while Robert Or-i iston added a single for Bow- mnanville. John Conboy scor- ed both bis goals while kili- ing a penalty. Jerry Johnston's continuai good play in the corners and ail-rounid hustie allowed hlm to set up three goals. B on Jubic and Mar ty Pr es- ton each had, twýo assists along, with John Da.vis and Terry Sarginson. Ten penal- ties were handed out, seven uo Bowmanville and three to Gananoque. Second game goes Saturday, March 4th at 4:15 p.m. in Gari- anoque. il Win Canadian Tire Mite Trophy Bowmanville's Consuimers' Gas mîtes gave it a good try, but couldn't get ;ha4t puck past the Bay Ridges goalie as theyý lost the final gaine of the day 30 Bay Ridges Capt. D-7onald Perkins is shown ,.here, at left, receiving the Cnda [ire trophy froin Donnie Smith, a mme of the -Red Eagles' Junior "C" teaini here and an employee of Canadiasi Tire-'s Sports Departinent. A dejecteýd o nanville Captain Kent Wilcox, is at right. row,ýn League HoCke Lockee's Ti Locke'a Vnei itm is5 Thursday tu dis-pose of hein semi-final oppon,,ita. Iu est week's opening gaine, the Sportsmen hendeti County Chrysler e 4-2 defeet, to eati hein beat-of-five effair, 2-0., Thé other contcst saavr Locke's subdun Kramp's Funu- iume 4-1, after their opening game 8-3 romp. MeNuty's tunned lu their second straîght Thursay of nspired, dctenminnd, playoff hockey. County fell behinti after 20 minutes, 2-0,, withi rom Wilson andi "Woody" Lee bnating -goaltender Ken Veitch. The ne] hessa skat- ing and hustle of the winnns continund to knep Chrysler off balance, while thny lu- creaseti theiîr lcad to 3-0 on Bob Hellam'a finst of two goals. -The Chryshnr club manageti to outscore the winnera, 2-1 during the final 20 minutes. but a batch of penalties hurt their hopes of e succestul third perioti rally, Rick Woolnn, o n n o f County's few bright spots lu this serins, counteti bis firat goalet 6:52 from Bian Bradi- ley, ick's second tally, mov- Dy Playoffs sBeat hrsfrL ISubdue Kramp' s cýd County l thii al oe noa 3-1 ti.Dave when he conuected et 17:28 ReL-fuse compenij teir iscor- foin Gene Belsoný. Hnllam,ýing et U1:8. with aid fnomr Lanry Permis, Locke's drcw ove f Il put the gene out of imach for pen-alties andi as weA'i the case Couuty et 18:13. Thebannsur1i their opening senica v ictory, pîcked rip 13 of the 2-0 penîa[-,8-3, phayeti a bnuisig, ag- tins called by oifficiais Pet ýgressive 60 minutes of hockýey. Cornucl and Kin,, Rogers. T'Jeni Despite thé- doser score, ,f County's sentenýces came1Locke's were in commrfanti lunh third pemioti, moat -f the gaie ati hen For McNulty's, Larr Nemn- ever they segged theiinaie lasz, Hellam, Lee anti compauyn "Conky" Burai eSSUp! eil tumuct inl a fine two-waTpyi-with anottedgsop displey. For Couuty, witl'h- Kremp's bad thiein momrtents out the services of their meat- but they wnre usually buýsy îng scorer '"Bucky" Hughes, keepiug a wary eye open for they tidn't have the neces- the ampeging Luke Pnout or sary drive to control the another of the Locke bashiers. spiniteti MeNulty bunch. Wooi- Atbough he dito 't pick up e uer gave it a stroug effort as point iu IbIs game, Prýout usuel. playnd a big part lu the TV Locke's TV broke up a 1-1 lubs victony. He bashet duel after 40 minutes, as they auytbing thet movet anti hati finet three unanswered third the Kramp's bunch disorgan- peiot goals for their 4-1 izeti most of the night. Along second game wiu. Aftem a witli Luke, Burgess, Brnma, scorelesa opnning frame thniy Wilson, Douogbue anti Refuse went lu front 1-0, after 50 turnet iu excellent work. seconda of the middle perîot, For Kremp'a thein top banda Wben Steve Burns ciket for wene Pickeleut Hamilton. bis finat of the playoffs. Tt This T hunrsa ey ight came wlth Kramp's short- Kamp's will be trying to pro- baudet. The Fumniture crowtd long their serins with LockýIe's tint At rp after 17:U9, ou a wbenu they tussîn lu the, 71p m. power play singe, with Bey encounter. Couuty Chry-s1er- Pickell scorng. Locke's re- will be battliug for their puyli- ceivet goals fnom Hentiy off lives ageinat McNuty's Donoghue et 2:33 anti 9:27 to lu the_8:30 clash. ýMIXED MAJOR BOWLING February 2lst In ~ e spt ftreacherous weahe cndiiosthe Orono Crew were a;ýt it once again on Monday evening, taking top honou"rs with Jim Bruton takinghg triple of 820 along wiýth hgh single 299 (266-255). Thsputs Jim one point up on Maurice for Men's High!_- Average of 234.ý Our first Vice, Denise An-1 naert, roiled a beautiful 765L.. (276-253) now bi-ringing ber into the over 200 aver:age club. Nice bowl,,ing,Dnse Joan Sutcliffe, league treasuir- er, not to be outdone, bowlIed - 737 (284). One of our niew bowlers, fresh fromi the Ment',s Major League, Don Bagneil, 735 (296). ý 50, ail in ail, it was a vr good night. Team standings3 are as fol- lows: Haynes 16 25355L Crossey . ... 16 24989 Patfield -. 15 24853 Wright . 14 2 4,563 Joli 13 25453 S Suteliffe - -Il 2787C Buday - Il___ I 7524756 Fairey 11 il 24567' Annaýert, D. Il 24121 Vandeniberg-, Il 24102 Butoshw 8 233369 'Annaert, P.- 7 23746 Over 800-Jim Bruton 820. s Over 700-Deise Annaert i 765, Joan Sutciffe 737, Donh Bagneli 735.a Over 250-Jim Bruton 299-T 266-255, Don Bagneli 296, PatL Bagneli 293, Peggy H-aynes 284, Joan Sutcliffe 284, Denise Annaert 276-253, Ron Sut- liffe 268, Lola Wright 2590,0 Helen 'Vandenberg 255, Lîindac Crossey 252,- John Luffmnli 251.9 Aýveragesýt Doris Joli 2412, Jini Brjtn 234, 1auricep Annaprt 233,b Larry Piper 231, Peggy Ha'ynes t 230, 0111e Patfield 229, Russt Hatly 226 (21), Albert Sa- m1ian 225, Don Bagneli 224C (2,John Luffman 221, Nyhl t Sheehan 219, Bernice Budayg 216, Gord Simpson 216, Boss l ýWright 216, Petec Dobbins/215, 'Ron Burgess 213. Vince Van- stone 212 (21), Gord Cowling ~210, Bill Joili209, Joan Sut- cliffe 208, Johnll Fowler 07 Jim Muph L07, BarbBu tonshaw )r206, Norm McKeeni 206 (211, 1Leýon Connors 205, Javk McNutlty 205, Lola IWrighl,205, Virginia Fairey 204, Lînda Crossey 202, Ron Hans202, Decnise Annaert 201 Mrray, Cain 200, Pat Bagneli 20a (9), LDIES" MAJOR1 February 2ist 1 High single, Donna Brad- 1 ley 296; high triple, Mabel l Lewis 766. Top 12 Averages E Onie Etcher 236, Donna Bradley 225, Jackie Patfield 224, 0111e Patfield 218, Helen Rogers 214, Cecile Bowers 2,13, Barb Osborne 212, Mabel Lewis 211, Elleen Moore 211, Dayle Wolnik 211, Nancy Cox 21,Joyce Major 209. Teani Standings Teani pins Jits.1 'Onie Etcher 23952 19( Dot Brook,-. 2ê155 151 Dayle Wolnik - 22959 15 0111e Patfieldk ..23à5158 1.4 Helen Bogers 23366 14il Shirley Davisý 22204 13 Judy Bragg- 23721 Il Jackie Patfield- 23428 Il Audrey Osmond- 22516 il Cecile Bowers 22840 8 Eileen Moore ~ 22606 8 Hielen Depewv 21593 5 229 Games and Over Eîleen Moore c,4-22 5. Don- nu Bradley 296-230, J oanne Suds3bu-ry 266, Mary Cowan 242, Judy 'Biagg 266, Joyce Major 237, Meg Gibbs 295, B1etrice Morgan 22,Dayle Woln.-ik 261-252-220, MJinnie Taylor 283-229-230, M abel Lewis 265-238-263, 1Jackie Pat- field 220-260, Fae Lewis 246, 0111e Patfield 242, Thelma Forrester 232-290, Marion Wisemran 2448, Dot Brooks 223,' Toots Wiseman 252, Kar- en Burna 244, Audrey Os- mfond 232, Billi Ballanitine 231, Pat Thiele 238, Joyce Lyle 240-278, Debi Greeni 288- 246, Mary Harrison 231, Herlen Bogers_247,_Shirley__Bickell Merry Makiers February Z8th High Single, Gloria Smith 313; High Double, Gloria Smith 499; Higli Average, Mary Lou Townsley 209. Games over 200 - Gloria SPORTALK CLEAN SWEEP - Litie.N.H.L. ZonePa-of on Sunday ini Peter Campbell Memorial ninik, Port Hope, saw Bowmanville emerge with a clean sweep of the tournament. In Junior 'A"t (Novice) Bowmanville defeated (Zobourg -1 The Pee Wee Division saw Cobourg defeat Bowv- manville 2-1 but because Cobourg wihl host, the provincial L.N.H.L. tournament, they automatir- ally get a bye into the tourney, but Bowmanvile will represent Zone Eight in the finals, The Bantanis defeated Cobourg 2-1, thus al threeý Bowmanville teams will represent the town in Cobourg in the Provincial Little N.H.L -toutrn a- ment held over Easter. Mi'nuor BantaS Win TaKe, on Colingwo Smith 313, Cathy Sims 205, Bowmanville 'Minor Ban-i victory to win the quarter Dori Milson202,Dorthy amsjourneyed to Kingstoný finals. Kelly 2L01, M\ary Huisman 201. Sun., Feb. 27th, for the secondi Blîl Ieaman led the attack Team Standings - Smith game of best 2 out of 3 Sprn with three goals and one as- 11671, Toewnsley 11628', Huis- les against Centre '70.. Bow- sist. Ralph Cryderman and man 114411, Sarginison 11300, manville picked up 'wherel ý Pauil Sobil each scored two, Mo)ore 11264. they left off and scored a 10)-3 ,hile Gary Nen-isz, Kirk Kemp and Danny Cox scored h lAIone each. For Centre '70 it Wood ee ,eAvne was Kimble Murray scuring all three goals. Bow-manille Minor Pee-ý Centre 70 with Gary Dusse1lI final series, the first game t- wees a4dvanced to the semni- dorp coniing right back for bceplayed at Bowmanville nur finial in O.M.1.A. Provincial Bowmanville, a s si s ted by Stra, , March 4th. Corne Playdowns, chalking up two Brian Dennis, to round outloult and support this teani wins over Centre "70 (King- the scoring. that hs displaying fine hnockey ston) in a best-of-three serins Next series will be gettino jtalent. las wek.undnrway Saturday, Mar. 41 Bowmanville, the locals blast- ed the visitors by a score of 9-2. Tlie Tran sporters were ied by Scott Stevens and Brad Godfrey each, scoring "bat tricks". Don Farrow added a pair of, goals and e single tally, going to Gerard Morri- son, tlan Strike earned a pair of assists along witb Morri- son, singles going to Ed and Roný Visser, Tim Buttonshaw and Wayne Whiteman. Britt Murphy andA Brian Fraser sharnd goal-tnnding duties for the bas The ~un game of the series'was played in Kingston ut Cenitre 70 arena, with B4owmanv\ilYe being' the vie- tors wt a 6-3 win. PFlaying on. a buge ice sur- face, t'he Bowmanville squad 1toolk a bit of time adjusting to the elemnents and dîd not find the target until the 17 min, mark of the first period, Tim Buttonsbaw being the marksman, set up by Ba Godf'rey and Wayne White- man. Way7ine Whiteman put the, locals abiead 2-0 early in the secnd, assisted by Tim Buttonshaw. The locsis ap- peared to let up at this point failing to cover their cbecks and head mian the puck and wern caught napping as Cen- tre 7 0 tied up the score 2-2 oni goals by Cable and Law. iTaking the situation a littie m1ore serlous, BoE'wma'nville exploded ,wj[I three quick goals b Tom Eyman,> Tim Buttonshýaw, and Brad God- frey. Bob--Locke tallied for St. Joseph's Mixed Bowling League February 27. 1972 Teani Points Fins Artie Cats _ --- 46 2'564'8 Showoffs,----- 46 25621 Dougbeads 37 2418C Shamrocks ------- 34 24332 The Raiders 34 23892 Sundowners .. 23 2456S Dandelions ----- 23 245 Hustlers -,------- 9 2264E Men H. Single - George Gibbs 26K H. Triple - Gary Conway 66E Ladies High. Single - Joan Gibbs 251 H. Triple - Eileen Hîckey 629 200 George Gibbs 265, 210, Joar Gibbs 251, Mike Kennedy 247 209, 204, Jack Brýown 246, 202 Ewald Wihlidal 242, 211, Viv. tan Hunt 234, Gary Conwa3 233; 230, 205, Jean Holroyé 230. Jim Fair 229, 218, 215 Havy Williams 226, Leý On Wcdinesday Bowma,,niýr- the gaeeorp wbieh meant a assists to Doug Tamblyn and Hunt '221, Pbtllip Tompkins ville took on Napanice for the j(0 minute overtime penod IPearce Wilcox. At the 15:30) 221, George Charland 220, ist game of the quarter final Th upnewstli-tepimark Bory Gibbs tok the pass John Ford 219, Eileen Hickey startng out on a happy note Tesses a erfea from Joe Humnnick and made 218, 214, Betty Charland 215, whc Bo Cate, fr te enverybody was going airouind it three. Not to be outdlone, Bull Holroyd 209, 204, Fath-r and bis bride-to-be, the team'sloi o edah m-at 18:30 minutes in thep first Frank 208, Arnold Brinklow,ý No.i an Pa Adeson wredies. The pressure was taken period Doug Tamblyn inotcb- 208, Doris Holroyd 208, 206, presented et centre ice. Mr. ioff alitte :47minues into ed the 4tb wltb "Serge," as- Garry Lane 205, Lillian Smitbý B. Holmes, President of OH ti eidwh Frn o sisting. Shots on goal 12-2 in 204, PattyWilliams 200. A., gve thm aninscriiiec a break and was tripped from aoro h oetai A.,gae temanbebind thereby gvng hlm aa vr mifthes hom e ec silver trey and Paul Fosey Twevc inuesin he ec Brunt. Ken Cowle notched on behaîf of the team. wisb- penalty shot. He ae a slap on perlod Handy Thinle came the third goal, assisted by nd them beappiness and pre- shot, pulling the goalie out out to the blueline to stop a Mra ud.KvnWr sentcd tbnm wlth a 1i-piece of position. and backbanded it breakaway and made it couiit. firaythe fnalasisted b set of steinless steel cutlery. in the corner of the net. The Grant Luxton made it 5-0 a et h ia, sitdb :insurance goal came before 71 ihTmlrqssi,& aeky Pinch and Dennis Sobil. The team continund their the cnd of the gamne. Start- This cwî embynasising aa t The Moyens had Seturday giving ways end, rnally,"sock- ing out at the opposite nnd!gThîscae thhngs dforaw sit afternoou 'and up to 3 p.m. on cd it to 'cm" the remainder of the rink witb Spicher pass- goith eprnterthfoar a hilc Sunday enjoyingtbie carnival of the eveniug, taking the ing ont to centre wbere Gibbs with emers flar4 in utesNap-1ectivities and snowmobiling game 4-A wbich gave Randy took it ln over the bluteline an rwn 4mntsi witb their Penetang and Mid- Thiel bis tbird shutout in the and passed it over to K noxpnalties and 12 for Bowman- land femily bosts. In their hast four gamnes in net. If one wbo was in the deJ(an nd villetidpro crn second and final geme of tbe player can be the star in a made no misteke on that oIne, satde ormntswt rArn they bast to1 team, game he wes it, 'though makîng it 4-2. Donrtedpichr nmtinuts it andurora 3-1. of course as any goalie will DnSihrntigi n tell you it mekes all the dif- Sunday night the third Gibbs and Nick Wind setting Movers got off to a gond fernc wbn ou av a old gmecam bck o owmn-it up. The marker for Nap- start. Ken Cowle fiuding thei defence lu froýnt of you, wbicb v_1ille with excitement at fever ance was notchcd ati 5ý50 by mrk. en Gib asn in galt lie. had, pîtch right from the start. in Bob Murphy, unassistnd TheforM esbaasakstt thniefirst two minutes Bory second goal a minute let-r : with thrne shots getting by. The soigwaýs led off hy ibb jMovers put together an ah- Grant Luxýtoni in the first wt o h puigga ooegen louasse ut attack but were kept off pcniod with Paul Sergînson Kno assists going to Boyd It wes a greet finish with lots ,'he scoreboard. Kevin Gib- getting essiat, Rory Gi.bbsKtox and Don Spicher. lu of support from the bech 1 - ingabytld oni made t tw, asssta 1oingt next minute and a half "Lcfty" Wright, Bon CarterIsonlugasttddoni mad Atvroasiss gin tGrant Luxton made' t 2-0, and Keth Smith.- the second and third, coming Boyd Knox and Don Spiceri îh î iet ukso Then followed goal No. 3'A - ping of the pest two weeks. with Bory Gibbs and BoydM_ A Preston the Mover stamtnd Knox setting up Sargînson PJVé:)wers ,,1 I.,cIive their O.M.H.A. Novice Zone' who put it iu the net. Just Play7offs on Wednesday against to make sure, Knox and Gibbs 1 5 . 9Aj ax and earned a 3 to i wiu eollabomated on another, mak- ' %Ai &IIID 'D*I'P 5ig on a good team effort. Bow- ing it 4-0. jh owVVIin WVVIIEIIinI'Fo~.iI manv ille got a goal from each The second gerne was in line which is a must in close-: Napanne on Seturday, start- Pmston the Mover Maj or Movers wes a standout. He chccking playoff action. îng at 7:.00 p.m. WIheme with Novice Ail1-Stars have had a made three excellent saes Dennîis Sobil fired the fimstI ail the excitement you'd busy schedule. in the first minute of play! goal, a well- placnd quick' have tbought it was an N.H.L. Tbey played a home exhi- The Movers trevelnd 10 wrist shot. Jacky Pinch got playoff game. Paul Forsey bition game Wednesday, Fnb. PeynetanÉ Seturday, Fnb. 19 the second goal, also a quick opened t he scoring wlth assists 16, endîng lu a 1-1 tie with taiing part in the in-meae wnist shot oni a pas- ging to- Temblyn in second Bey Ridgcs after suffnring ait Camival Novice Touzrnaý- ont from Murray Buddy. priod 1 K i socd1 ouirvin bsstote. menIt - e threc-dey effaîr. l ayePreston fiuished the minutes later with assists go- The gene featured severailthei first game oniy 12 -plear- acoing for Moyens essistnd ing to Forsey and Simpson. good stiff checks. Bey Bidges crsi made it througb thnlsnow 'byý Ken 'Cowln aand Scott Snll- Then Nepanen spoiied Thinl's escaped numerous highstîck- couintny to the aena lu týimeres, Greg B1runt also lu on shut outinl the third peniod ing penalties. The Ue goal Moyiýens chalkedupa - sut heply imaking it 2-1. scomer for Moyens was Ken ont over Oshawa for egularl The s-conrd game of Uthe 1Bowmanville Fans th,ýought ,Cowle with assista to he oleKevin Gibson. serins waa iu Ajaxý Tuesday,. they had the game ail1 sewnImate Grng Brunt aud Wayde ciKenCoe got the MyesFnb, '29 and a third i;f cs rip when 20 second,- beforelPeston. Eddy Sellows ly-o heaochad assists to sar-y lu Bowmauvî,ýille, Wed., the finalbuzr. r epuetied ing bis Lrat gante iu goal fo1 WydiPritu nd i mng Mauch 1 et 7 p,rn. y o u th e re ! ! .-' ' B F Bowmanville PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVI7CE ail, Gas & Electrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tions - Central & Window Untits- Clare Heccla & Findley Equipmnent Free Estimatesý Budget TernisAvial Ail Twr are 11'," Hleavy Disuv Workmýan,.shi ýp s UMAPLE GFROVE 623-5251 or 623-3070 BOWLERS DROP IN AFTER BOLINGý ENJOY DELICTOUS WIENERS & BEANS ..... .....25 SPAGHETTI & MEAT SAUCE ...... 1.45 Famotis Shopýsy*v's CORN BEEF ON RYE .................. .95 Top Sirloin BEEF ON A BUN -.... .......... .. 95 FIHand CHIPS ......... -.-.......... 99 sevd in oulicesdlug PIVING HOT PIZZA '10 T TAKE OUT! Liberty St. S. ut IHwy. 401 Phone 623-3373 Bowmla(-Ville, T-37 Tempest 2-Door Hardtop V-8, automatie, poer teîgwhtwllir, wheel covers, remnote contr'o irrretc. Lic. 82816P V-8, automi, rdi, etc. Lic. 88182P po0-nfia c Cat'allna 2-D . ad V-,-, autoýmatie, powerAteeîngpownr dîsJc bae bodiy side molding, icur ,,defogger, wh-utc w ie 1end whecl covers, - Rubbc1.',r orm a tsAuugce with white vinyl roof, Lic. 52122A Easy Convenient GMOAC Fnncn President: TomCoa Sales Manager Stew restoxi Salesmen: Wveldon Brown, Ray Lathangue, Eerl cui le- McGrgorsMighty Mid gels Wipe O, ut Napane es Hopes ti B T h

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