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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1972, p. 12

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12The Capadian Statesman, Bownmauville, Mac. 8, 1972 Reçîcaàtion Reveiemes hxTYKE LEFAGUE Inl the firat Tyke game cf U]'ues., Feb. 22 the Bombera and the Steelera played te a 12dcaw. For the Bombera lt wsDan Elliott with one goal aýnd Mark Richards with one ,gcal and one assiat. Sceing or the Steelers were Dan 'fcMullen eue and eue, Joseph Nïlhill one and oue, Dana Peebles one assiat. Ia the second encounter the royals edged the Blades 2-1. Greg Langford, had one and "ne for the winneca with Terry ~Vitersoon notching one eoa h and John Biasonette along 'ith Dnew Kearney picking tp eue assist eacb. Mark Abi)ott scoced foc the Blades. The fict match cf Thura., l!eb. 24 saw theIndians shut duit the Americans 2-0. Scor- ifgfor the Indians were Steve CÇaccuthers one goal, Ed Os- borne one goal, Leonard Dyck etie assist, John Kiompmakec one assist, Mark MacLean one assiait and Robert Worden one ý The Hernets and the Card- Înals fought te a 1-1 deadlock iii the second game. Rodney Pla in notched the Hornets' nole tally while Bruce Bickle rýt uTp Bcad Clemens for the Cardiinais' only iioal.' lPEE WEE LEAGUEWe game cf Mon,, Feb. 21st the inagot by the Hawks by thie naccow margin of 6-5. Scoring foc the Kingas were 'fom- Connell two goals, Dale Cary one and one, James Wer- oy ne and one, James Murphy one and one, Chris Marchant olle and one while Brent Sainis, Andrew Jarvis and 1u)orY Erwin picked up one assist apiece. Bradley James ftad the biat trick and one as- sist for the Hawks, Deug Rut- 10n ad two and one with Steven Cole chippiug ln with a goal, and an assiat 'apiece ftwo assista. witb Peter Kuowlton and Sid- The Blades dumped the ney Tomlinson aise picking up Frank's Variety squad 2-0 lu ene assiat eacb. the second game. John Van- In the last Pee Wee game dergaast and John Labatt ta].- cf the day the Rangera defeat- lied foc the Blades with ed the Bruina 5-3. Foc the assista going te Paul Dunbam Rangera lt, was Ricky Bain and Danny Pascoe. three geais, Tony Kecwood one On Fciday, Feb. 251h the geai, Ricky Brown one goal, Leafs downed the Wings 4-2. Dacryl Whillacs two assista, Frank Leach scored twice for Jerry Reid two assista and the Leafs, witb Wayne Dçnnis John MêKenzie eue assiat. getting, ene and one, Cbuck Scoriug fer the Bruina were Babich eue goal and] Dourie Wayne Jobnson. twe aud eue, Cewle oee assiat. Jimmy Trent Masters ccc and one, Maguice aud Lacry, H-earl had Raudy Owens oue assiat. The Ontarie Provincial Police Newcastle Dtacbmect iuvestigated 37 moter vehicle accidents between Februacy 201h and February ý26th, 1972-. Tweuty persoca were iujured, which la a very bigh percent- age foc the week, aise eight' persons wece charged with diving offences. The Newcastle officera, aleng witb other important police duties, investigated 54 general occurrences, cf whîcb thece was i report cf break, enter and theft, 4 reports cf theft, 1 wiful damage cern- plaint, 4 trespassiug cern- plaints mostiy involviug sncw- mobiles, 2 disturbance cern- plaints, 3 reports cf common assauît, 2 domestic or family disturbance complaints, 1 missiug person report__and 1 MAC'S MILK 240 KING STREET EAST Weekend Specials MjNAPLE LEAF P.E.I. 10 lb. OT"')üATO ES. MIAC'S GRADE "A" LARGE EGGS ...* 1VAC'S 24 OZ. LOAF BREAD . MAC'S e. 79C *49C 3c doz, 19C 10 oa, POTATO CHIPS. .49c COME IN AND SEE MAC'SI HOCKEY ACTION CENTRE Pleaseè accept our invitation te visit us for this outstanding series of meetings, 1report cf erratic or daugecous driving. Four1 pen sons are cbarged witb trespassing, 5 persens charged witb impaired driving and 2 pensons cbacg- cd with liquor offences. The follewing is a- sum- mary cf the more serIous oc- currences lnvestigatcd with- lu the past week, Duriug the cvcuing cf Feb. 21 a Bowrnanville ceaident abaudoned bis car in a snow dýrift on the 3rd Concession nocth-east cf Bowmanville. Uipon returning te pi ck up the car the fchlowing miorning, he noticed that person(s) un- kucwn had stolen the Dataun customn radie fcem the vehicle. Thefts cf snowmcbileS and snewmobile parts bacc occur- ced iu sevecal cegiens of the Newcastle- Detachmeut acea duriug the past week. A '71 Ski-dec, Model-TNT, ,vas abandoucd ln heavy auew on the Shirley Road southr cf Blackstock on Feb. 21. The ewuec, fromn Oshawa, returued te tbe ace -on Feb. 22, only b inuid the asnow- mobile misaing. Later that day a ýsneow oýv opecator fouund the stoien sncwmnobile, whicb) was completely strie- lied ef parts. Total value. of itemis -stolen was approxim- aey$7650.M On Fcbcuar.y 19. twc suoxv- lmobiles owccd by a Bowman- iceaident wreabandon- cýd la drliftiug snow vnear Mo- sprt on the 9tb i-iCen. Darling- ton, Twýxp. Whlen the owner cetuvred on Februýaryv 22nd, ccc sinowmobile, a '69 Olyým- pic Ski-dec, 18 h-p., waa stolen, acd varlous parts stoleni frcm the other Ski-dec. 'T'le stolen Ski-dco and parts,; are valued at appcoximately $350.00, A Newcastle ceaiident upon ceturuiug home Feb. 21 dis- covercd parts mnissing frcm biýs '72 Moo-ah si prkinside Ite garage cf is residenice. On Feb. 22 a ceaident frcm ,Enniakillen ares repctorted ex- tensive damage te bis car while it was parkcd ovecnigbt on tbc - 9th Concession near Scugog Rd. Investigation ce- Starts >March i0th, 7:30 p.m. College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church 1164 King Street East, Oshawa 'E~NING TOPIC: CHAOS OR UTOPIA Speaker: A. L. HANDS, M.A., B.D. Special Chiîdrens Progra m and Crafts Nursery for Pre-Schoolers BRING THE ENTIRE FAMILY Phone 723-1345 for Transportationi M vealeci that the windshîeld, passenge's front window, side view miccor and radio aecial wece wilfully and maiiciousiy damaged. A motor vehicle stolen from Toronto was cecovered aband- oned Feb. 24 on Bose Line Road west cf Bowmanviile. KNOW THE LAW Damage to Highway Property Damage te highway pcop- erty la a costly expense to the taxpayers ýeach year. ln many cases, motoriats involved in miner accidents causing damage te highway ýproperty, leave the scene te escape civil or criminal liability. The law requicea that if any person operates a vehicle on a bighway, and tbeceby damages any shrub, tree, pole, light, sign, aod or other pcop- erty on the highway or a fence bordering the hîghway, shall immediatehy report such damage to a police officer. DRIVING TIF "Driver Drowsiness'y It la common in the winter for a motocist to become dcowsy at the wheel, especial- ly with the heater on and the windows closed. To guard againat thia type cf situation, eaýpecially on a long trip, stop for a coffee break and pea- sîbly a few minutes ceat. Another suggestion, la te open youc car window juat enough to ensuce proper ven- tilation. A littie fresh or cold air helps te peck you up. M..Announces $16,146',Grant Millbrook >Lions Northumberland - Ducrha m M.P. Russell C. Honey today announced the approval of a federal grant under the Local Initiatives Prcgram to Mili- brook and District Liens Club to assiat in tbe construction of ' THE SPEECH FROM THE TURONE It was pechapa fitting that the, sec- ond session cf the 29th Legislature should open on the 29th day of, February in this leap year of 1972. The Speech from the ýThrene did net contain. any real surprises, but did outline a program which will attempt te deal with the major issues affecting the ecenomîc and social life cf the province in the months ahead. Ameng the more important feat- ures of the prgocamme include the following: (a) An objective cf full empîcyment with an unempîcyment rate of 3%ý or les. At present it is 4.5%. (b) An expanded economy te exceed 6% compared with 5.7%c in the last fiscal year. (c) An increase in low coat housing. (d) A dloser co-operation with the fed- eral government particularly in fereiga relationahîps. (auto pact). (e) The introduction cf measures to deal with automobile wrecks.' (f) The establishment of a select cern- mittee te study the safety aspects of snowmobiles. (g) The establishment of govecnment cff-tcack betting facilities. (h) The adoption of a new pclicy on educatienal'acholarahipa. The Threne Speech iudicated a year cf menetacy restraint due no doubt to the deficit of some $600 million lu the last fiscal year, andto the increased coats of services, particularly iu the fields of education ($1,554. million) and health ($6.92 million). Indications are Ithat the future of the economy is one, however, of expan- sion and increased revenues. The prov- incial auditors report for 1971 confirma this fact. In a comparison of the last fiscal year revenues with those of pre- vious years the report shows the major sources of revenues as follows: Income Tax Revenue - 1967 - $400 million 1971 - $991 million Corporation Taxes - 1967 - 274 million 1971 - 414 million Gasoline Taxes - 1967 - 266 million Sales Tax - 1967 - 385 million significant 1971 - 375 million 1971 - 674 million 0f particular interest tb the citizens cf Durham County ia, of course, the eff ect the monetary restraints will have on the area, A number of highway pro- jects are designated for the county in- cludîng the new interchange at the west end cf Bowmanvîlle, the widening cf No. 2 Highway and improvement of the suhway east of Newcastle, the Bewdley bypass on No. 28 Highway and improvements on Highway No. 35. My efforts la the coming weeks will be directed toward the development of these projecta as well as those la the field cf planning, pollution and agricul- tural marketing. 'Orono Hydro Mgr. Reti res a mectîcal centre. L The winter wocks grant in the amount of $16,146 is de- . signed to create 33 jobs in . April and MVay. This la the tentb grant ap- proved under the federal pro- grame in Northumberland- Durham. Mr. Honey said the grants now total $242,646 and wil create winter jobs for 192 constituents. NE WTON VILLE Mc. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey -f Port McNicol spent a week here, recently, witb ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wmn. Sta- pleton. Mr. and Mrs Hender- son were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Woodward in Bow- manville, a week ago. Mrs, L. DeSmit has been In Oshawa' the past week with . Mr. Bill Fowler and family, while Mrs. Fowler was in býos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lan- î caster were in Londona couple days last week attend- ing the Implement Dealers'. Convention, Messrs. Frank and Bob, M. W. "Mel", Stapleton are taking a two 0 weeks' course in Auctioneer- A well experien ced muni- Cer ing in Mason City, Iîowa. pal H-ydre officiai bas retired. tai Ronnie Henderson visited M. W. "Mel" Downs, the Man- 193 his friend, Tercy Miles, at ag9er of Orono Hydro System, l Norwood ast Sunday, an nounced bis retirement for PU, Glad to hear Mrs. Boyd reasons of healtb. ticr Harrîs ls progressing favor- He and bis wife are spend- he ably in Memorial Hospital, lng several weekas vacatiening Air and hopes to be able to return in the sunsbine in North frcI home some tîme this week. HolwoClfri, rt An Officiai Board meeting Mel Downs bas been Mana- ed was beld in Shilob church ger of Orono Hydro since I Tuesday evening. 1967. Prior to that bie badac Tbe World Day of Prayer been Manager of Streetaville Het service was held In the Sun- PUC for a year, Before mov-Me day School hall Friday after- ing to Streetsville, be bad mei neon under the auspices cf been witb the Meaford Publie Me. .the 'U.CW. and the leadership Utilities Commîssion for 30 Boe of Mra. Olive Henderson, as- years, the last .19 of them as tbe sisted by Mrs, Shirley Marteil. manager. G Guest speaker was Mrs. Mary McDwn aa aie fo Worraii, and prayers were of- Owen Sound, and be was cdu- tai fered by Mrs. Annie Cathcart cated in that communîty and IV cf Kendal and Rev. Snelgreve, at the Northern Business Col- bav whihe Mrs, Maclene Stacey lee. supplied the appropriate vocal 1 and sol o, "Beautiful Garden cýf After ieaving school bie is Prayer", with Mrs. V. Gilmer worked for the Bank cf Mon- bric at the piano. The usual cup treal and the Bell Telcphone ide of tea was served by the local ladies at the close cf tbe ser-L vice. Sorry that weather and EN 1 IE road conditions prevented a better attendance at ths Mrn and Mra, Fred S1anda The really 'wortbwbiie and inspir. visited Mr, and Mra. Morley cie ing gathering.1 Gilroy, Brooklîn. pest Local people attending the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor now 20tb Annual Parade cf Har- and Susan were vîsîtors witl ,i mony, "Showboat Shenani- Mr. and Mrs. Danny Bridgett,.li gans" in Eastdale Collegiate, Bowmanville, and Mc. and Osbawa, on Friday evenIng, Mrs. Ray Taylor and famnily, încluded Mr. and Mrs. Euls: Oshawa. wortb Casweil, Mc. and Mrs.Mr, and iVrs. Dennis Moore Jim Adams, Mrs. Winnifred attendedQureaa tth Ellot, Ms.S. anastrHorSe Palace, C.N.E., where pý Effiot, Mr. S. ancaterbtey had two entries. Mrs. J. Chard, Mrs. C. Fac- Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin, row, Mrs. F. Henderson. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Smith Mary Wade, Mr. and Mca. F. and Sean, Oshawa, visited Mr. Gilmer. and Mrs. Fred Samis. "The Face cf Jesus" was Mr. Harvey Abraham, Bow- Rev. Snelgrove'a S u n d ay manville; Mca. W. K. Ripiey, morning theme, the second in Harmony, Road, visited Mc. bis series cf pre-Lenten ser- and Mrs. G. Bowman. mens. It bas been said tbat Mc. Norman Stinson la in tbe refiectien cf the soul circulation again after being shines tbrough the face, thus shut-in for six weeks. cur firat Impressions cf peo- The for-mer neighbors hcreý pie we meet, are cften in- of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Presý- fluenced by tbeic facial ex- cott and Mr. and Mrs, Donald' pressions. The choir sang Prescott appreciate hearing "Tears FeU From His Eyes."' from them as they enjoy a few Due to furnace trouble up- weeks in Flocida. stairs, church service was A robin arcîved here the held downstairs in the Sun- ficat day cf Marcb but ne one day Schooi hall, foc approxi- knows why, net even the rob- mately 38 hardy seuls who in. bcaved the elements and the A bike over the bard crust îcy roada, Sunday mornîng' into the bush found a notice- Mc. and Mca. S. J. Lancaster able lack cf tcacks thece tbis -wece accompanied by their wînter. Where the- wolves twe granddaug.bters, Jobnna -roamed ether years we find Lynn and 'Deiann Chard cf one rabbit track, one skunk Newcastle,. track and one squicrel track Mca.' Isabel Waters spe nt with no signa cf mice tunnels the eeknd ere ithhecaltheugh the mice would find father, Mc. Raymond Bruce, br uniig cgtnw Dinner guests with Mc. and Mca. Jim Adams on Sunday informa us that there will be wereMcan Ms.Grd no meetings cf Cubas or Scouts Mr. nd Ms. Graldthis week or next, owing to Adams and famiiy, and Mc. the fact that Mrs. Hayman la and Mrs. George Fulfit cf Toronto. a patient in Scarborough Gen- WithMc. nd Ma. c. ~eral Hospital, wbece she bas Lane Sunay dnner undergone surgery on ber'car. Lane Sunay dnnerguests We ail wish bier a spcedy re- wece Mc. and Mca. Charles oeyi Gray and -daughters of Orono, oey Vîsitors wîtb Mcs. Iva Far- row on Sunday were Mc. and Good heart and heaith bab- Mra. Carl Farrow, Downsview its ingrained ducîng cbiidhood and Mc. and Mca. Jim Farrow may, in later yeara, heip the and fancily. Bowmanvilie. individual te avoid or at least 1Scout Leader Phil Hayman delay heart attack. "Downs .mpacy before jeîicig On- rio Hydre as a linernan iu )30. In 1936, be joiced Meaford JC as n lice foreman, a posi- on lie beld until 1943 wbeu cjoined the Royal Canadiari ir Force. After bis diacharge om, the service lu 1946 be ýurned te Meaford PUC and se uext year be was appoint- 1Manager cf the utility, Mr. Dowcs has always been ,ve la commniiy affaira. laI a past president of the [aford Chamber cf Cein- Lrcc, past presideut cf the [aford Geceral Hospital oaid, former presîdent of ie Blue Mountamn Camp cf ideens, sud a past memberý lice board cf the Pentacos-1 lChurcb. VIel Dowcs and bis wif.e ive four childreu, three sons id a daughter. A sou, Orvilhe,ý secretary-treasucer cf Ux-ý idge PUC. The family ce-, es in Oroco. ie wolves did a gocd job of aaning up tr-ee-deatroying sta. A walk in a bush rîght1 vw la excellent, thecapy. 1 BURKETON The sympathy of the cern- munity is extended te Mc, sud Mca. Vernon Asacîstine and other members of the famiiy in the tcagic death cf thein son Douglas lu a suowmobile accident on the Pucple Hill coad last week. Mc. sud Mca. Dave Speirs have opened for business with co!fee, hot degsansd a amal variety of food in the fermer "Piuky" Hubbard store. Mca. Wayne Westcn bas ce- turned home fcom Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, after spending some lime there. (Inteuded fcr last week) We are pleaaed bo report Mc, Stanley McCullough, sud Mc. Hancy Grace are home fcomn hospital after spendiug some time there. Sevecal roada in this district are stili snow-bound. Mn. and Mca, D. Gatchelh. Oshawa, visited with Mc. sud Mca. A. C. Stephenson ovený the weekend. Mr. Ralph Grace, University cf Waterloo, with bis parents, Mc. and Mca. H. Grace sud family, Mc. sud Mca. C. Cooper, Oceno, spent Satucday with Mca. W. Brysu. Mca. T. Bailey visited with Mca. Wayne Weaton who is a patient in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Our vecy best wishes. Wc" are sorry to report the sudden passin g cf Mr, George îa extended to famîly, friends Adams in Oshawa Hoapîtal on and neighbors. The late Mr, Saturdy morAdams was a ceident cf Ibis Sauray moning. Service district foc many yeacs. was held from Armstrong Mc. Johnny McCuhhough hadl Funecal Home on Monday1 at the miafortune te break bis 1:30. Interment in Park Lawn ankie. We wish hlm a speedy Cemetecy, Oshawa. SympathY cecovery. Home buyers'! CIinicm MONDAY, MRHIt 8:00 p.m. Q7yting ùutcAman MOTOR INN The secrets of down payments, mortgages, building . .. Discover the facts' behind intelligent home buying and building. If you're looking for or planning to buy or build a home, plan to attend. Beaver's Home buyers' clinic will help you save and make the right choice and decisions. Plans, costs, mortgages, financing, building, land availabilities and howto proceed wiil ail be dis- cussed. So to learn about home buying. Enrol today by filling ini and mailing the coupon below. Please enrol me in your Home Clinie on Monday, March l3th 1BEAVERHome 1 Clii I will be attending with my wife - fiance - NAME -_-__--_ 1 ADDRESS CITY .____PHONE--- 1 understand that there will be no charge or obligation of any kind on my part. MAIL COUPON TO: BEAVER HOME CLINIC 246 King St. East - Bowmanville Blu if cinyoudon'thavea crippled chidd PLEASE HELP ONE 0F OURS! Support Your Local Rotary Eas fer Seal Campaign 1972 MARKS THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY 0F Ontario Society for Crippled Children G LIBERTY 100 Liberty St, North Bowmanville, Ontario THE ULTIMATE IN TOWNHOUSE LIVING 3 and 4 Bedroom units now availableh Ail units equipped as follows: Color Refrigerator, Stove, Washer and Dryer, Completely finished Recreation Rooms,'fI: 2 and 3 Washrooms per Unit, Ail Light Fixtures,LIEETR Spacious Kitchens, Separate Dining Room, Cable TV Installed. ri Ail Homes are Buîit to Gold Medallion Standards Ail Exterior Maintenance (grass, snow, etc.) and Water Charges included in the Rent, RE 1 Transistor Radio l"mR EE 1Polaroid Camera 11" TV year lease) year lease), us post-dated cheques for the duration of your stay. MODEL SUITE OPEN 9AL RPoN 2 v7 5 (7 DAYS/WK.) FROM 4 P.M. - DALYORPHNE62 -7 5 ANOTHER QUALITY PROJECT BY: PETCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED IN CO..OPERATION WITH BOWMAN VILLE PUBL IC UTILITIES COMMISSION Report from Qu'een's Park by Atex Carrulliers M.P.P. REACH OUT FOR LIFE Spoa-sored by youir Seveath- day Advetist nîeighbîors. Co-sponsored by 'Me Voice of Prophecy,"' "Faith for Today," lit ýis Written.", -1

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