Ir The 0Or ono News Mrs. Wm. E. A1ýrmstroflg re- sociation dance and card paity Mr. and Mrs. Grant Maffati turned ta Pcterborough after on Saturday cvcning. land sons of Oakvillc visted 'pending the weekend at lier Mr. Douglas Moffat of Ful- bis, father Mr. Wm, S. Moffat home., larton spent the weekcnd with on Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Harold Bar- bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack The Canadian Cancer So- rowclough of Wcsleyvlle Moffat and sons. cety are sponsoring a tour of spent Tucsday afternoon of Mr. Bob Hancock and Mr. the Research and Treatment last week wth her sister Mrs. Ab. Mitchell are patients in Centre, Princess Margaret Hos- George Morton, the Memorial Hospital, Bow- pifai, on Sunday, Mardi l2th, Mr. and Mrs. Ml Downs manville. 12:30 ta 4:30 p.m. Buses will have refurned home froin Mrs. Wm. H-. Robinson with leave King Street Bus Stop at visiting relatives and friends Mrs. Cecii Robinson over the 1 p.m. Students 75c, Aduits in California since mid-Janu- weekend, whlle Mrs. G. $1.50. Picase cal!: Mrs. Gea. ary.-- Whtchouse visited relatives Ward 623-5721, Mr. C. Bell Mr. and Mis. J. O. M. Fagan and friends in Toronto and 623-5939, Mr. R. Coombes of Markham; Mr. and Mrs. enjoyed a trip ta Niagara Falls 263-2934. Bob Cooper of Agincourt wcre and district on Sunday. Cogaulations ta Mr. and recent visitors of their par- Congratulations fa Mr. and Cnrs atd dadIlf h ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mrs. Wellington Adams, the former Miss Mary Susan Anne Cooper. former Olive Souch, of the Duffy of Whitby and grand- Congratulations ta Sandra, Lakeshore Road, Newcastle, daughtcr of Mrs. Wilford wifc of Bob Lewis, who won who will be celebrating their Duffy, the former Miss Olive the $100 elimination draw at Golden Weddingg Anniversary Richards of Orano, on theiri the Booster Banquet of the on Saturday, March 11, 1972 marriage on Saturday, Febru- Orono Amateur Athictie As- at the Newtonville Hall._ ary l9th, 1972 at St. Mark's ______________________________________United Church, Whitby. Rev. Harry A. Mellow and Rev. John Smith officated. The reception was beld at the Shrine Club, Simcoe Street North,' Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Iliffeare residing on Craydon Road, Wbîtby. Mrs. Burns Kittmer of Lakeside, near St. Marys, has ~eA Ia utaId refurncd home aftervisiting lier mother Mrs. Oscar Adams, Mr. Adams and other rela.- CHINESE and CANADIAN FOOD tives. It was witb regret f0 learne, of the sudden passing on Mon- j day of Mr, Clare E. Allia, j E 1husband of Vera Power li 1 0ý'oOff Pick-up Ûrers ths eiec, oe l Bowmanville, formerly oft (over $3.00) was held today. FREE H0%M E D E LIV ERY YELVERTON (minium $.00)Sympatby frorn this coin- (minium $,00)munity is, cxtendcd f0 Cart- Ph n 6 3 37 3wrigh's Deputy Reeve ai-d Y family in the sad. tragie acci- f dent that laimed the life of V 50 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE their ioving son and brother. Douglas. Also fo the wife and s BUSINESS HIOURS: family of the late Ken Walk- t A.M to10P.M DALYer of Reaboro area wbo pass-9 10A o10 c..DAL d away suddenly this week 3 FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. of a beart attack at 36 yearsv of age. It is particularly sad t to - sec young folk in their 1/ w O ne'of the Land's Longesi 'Running Shows Special guest of last Sunday Looking on are Jamboree es (drums). evening's Country and Western regulars, from the left, Clar- This was the 72nd cansecu- Jamboree at the town hall was ence DeBeau (lead guitar), tîve bimonthly Jamboree heldi Norm Bahenenu of Oshawa, Gerald Elliot (fiddle), biîs son in towa. Mr. Coyle who bas left, in the picture above, who Bruce Elliot (bass guitar), been a western buif and pro- talks ta M.C. Jim Coyle about Mrs. Evelyn Stinsan (piano) moter for 40 years says if is bis new album, (Paragon and partially obscured in the anc of the longest runniag, Label). ______ background, Lee Summerscal-1 shows (five years steady)_put T YR E. World Day of Prayer! WVhcn anid Scott, Bowmanvillc, werej Cornish and baby, you sing "Joy ta the World" Sunday evening visitors of Speedy recovery tea ah w: in March, if seems te take on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown. have bad the flu bug. frcesh meaning. The 1972 Mr. and Mrs. George Avery Friday evenrng Eunch World Day of Prayer service and Tim, Rexdale, were Sun- prîzes ýent ta the followir proved to be truly an expres- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne ýClemeas, Mv sion of joy and fbanks, for Mrs. David ýCraig and famiîly. John B roome, Mr. Laveri the Enaiskillcn -Tyrone con- A family gathcring was heid Cees r înlBa gregation assemhlcd Mai-ch at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. lmns. rhr, Mr. in l Ba 3rd. One disappointment - a A. J. Hoar on Sunday in bonoM r tec Egihr50ead, Mi-. Cli very marked absence of gen- af their son John and wifc ne o rifE c ng i50 5 , MrsiF tlemen. Mrs. Aldin Hoar and Vancouver. Susie Harris, Mrs. Edna Vi, Mrs. Walter Park led the Sunday evcning, Mr. and medîtation, assisfed by Mrs. Mrs. A. J. Hoar visited Miss ian. Lyon of Enniskillen and Mrs. E. Miller, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Co Paul Vaneyk. Mrs. George Mrs. Don Davey and Mrs* Stauffville, visifed bier ini Alldread and Mrs. Aif Knowi- Leverne Taylor wcrc recen thler, Mrs. Eva McCoy. ton presented the offering. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Mi A bosf of buman needs and Les Brooks and their daugh- John Vaneyk attended' a hi fulfilîment found utterancc fer Mrs. Myrfle Burrows, dal showcr la honor of Mi as the groups answered eacb Bownville. 'Carol -Beilman, Bowmanvill o t h e r responsivcly. l'How A number of friends of Mrs. at the home of Mrs. C. amazingly beautiful is life at Brian Williams (nec Miss Smith, Hampton, times, Thank God for ail His Linda Davpy),' Oshawa, at -________ wonderful favors. Remember tended a miscel,2laneous show- those who are destitute he- er at the home of Mrs. Ron Now in ifs Sth yeai-,tQ cause they bave no heauty, King, Osbawa, rccently. Ontario Society for CripplE espccially those who jusf Mrs. George Armour, Miss Childi-en bas dcvelaped a pi don't sec the heauty of life." Bcrfha Armour, Hampton, Mi-. vince-wide system of trea Ia some parts of aur world and Mrs. Sid Coraîsb, Mary ment facilifies and servic joy may seemn more remote, and Wcndy werc Sunday dia- withouf equal on this contii For those, la searcb of hope, lier guests ai Mrs.G. nt, you faund if there. Highligbts _______ of the affernoon wcre an ad- about Sf. Paul, and a solo I k!Ë1,' I~~~IlUit~ "The Man from Gallilee" byi Mrs. Gardon Brent acco-M panyiag beiself at the organ. - The sangs and bymas used thîs ycar enhanccd the spoken word, especcally the up-tempoM 'Joyful, joyfu], we adore- Tbee" and "Christ is the Lord of the smallcst atom", wbicb was written by a New Zea-M land man. The symbol on the* order of service depicted a pair of bands vertically cup-nuh cherishes the flame of the _______________ spirit is anc with the haad- that releases if.' World Day of Prayer in Tyrone Is pre- senfed hy U.C.W. wecomng* everyone iin the community for an, affernoon of warm fel- lowsbip. A birthday cake commemorafiag the lOfh ai- niversarv of the U.C.W. wasE Fl flanked by hurning tapers. t if was enjoyed witb a cupo coffee and leisurely vîi. 4-H Slcepwear meetiang__four,__ was beld la the Sunday sehool'i room Feb. 22nd. We opened the meeting witb the 4-H pledge, roll caîl (sbawing ma-M___________________ feril and the seams I'm goîng ta use). Diane Woodley and - Ruth Ana Cameron rcadi their minutes of the last meeting. t~I The ncxt meeting ik at Vhe Suaday School Feb. 29th. Ruth Ana Camerai', Heather South- well, Bai-b andi sister Margie Hall are to hi-mg lunch for Mzk next week. We discussed trims -arc they suitable for the materïal andi how ta put fhemn q on. Mrs, Yeo demonstrated m 3 bow ta make pipe coi-ding. M We closed wlth a lovely lunch.* SPECIAL 4-H Club meeting five was held la the Suaday Sebool room Pcb. 29tb. We opened the meeting witb the 4-H81t COUINTER TO0 F pledige, rail caîl - a suggestioni ROLLED FRONT AND BACK SPLASH. P' foi- my record book. Bai-b Hall and- Kafhy Penwarden- GOLDEN GLITTER ON WHITE ARBORIT i-ed their minutes. The next A1 meeting is et Mrs. M. Yeo's m 8 Only - Cash and Carry wý1 on Mai-ch l4tb. Mrs. Knowl- Limited Quanity ---- -- - $1- tan sbowed us bow ta sew lace on by bandi. Mrs. CliftonM taîkedi about facings; Mi-s Pcnwarden talked ta us about lasties, elastie bandi andi elas- fi-led ta show us how to put* an elastie casting in the ma- terial. 'Jennîfer Yeo, Ana Gloria Yarrow ai-e ta bring foodi for next week's lunch We 'closedi the meeting with IN STOCK SIZES 0F 4', 6' and 8;' BASE lunch. CUPBOARDS IN 12", 18" and 24" WIDE BY 32"]1 At the Sunday morinng ser-M IDEAL FOR KITCHEN, APARTMENT, BASEN vice Rev. R. Hopkins induet- - 'CM LT NT AE ONE O n ed two new EIders, Mr. Lance C MLEEUIBSONTR OPa Phare and Mi-s. Walter Rahm. REGULAR EVERYDAY LOW CASH and Next Sundey, Mai-ch l2fb at- 11:15 e.m., Rcv. Colin Rudd,M Peterborough, will be essist- an effort te came out andi support oui- minister andM your cbui-ch as hosts ta worth- An Socity. It was enaounced atm!! O FON the World Day oi Prayer ser --T vice that aur third annuaî SOPPNG U R H AN E St. Patrîck's Tea will be l Frîday, Mai-ch l7th, at 2p .iS L E V T R in the Commrunity Hsome oeti-a* F SDO WMAN V%0IR goodies for supper. F BâwW An"Vî on by any fown or Recreatian Departmcnt in Canada. If is purely non-commercia wifh anc aîm in mid . . . giv- ing local talent a chance ta bloom, Mr. Cayle says. Sa far 10 "discovcrcd" perforrners,' have made their awn records. I iConsumers tas ites Eîliate Port Hope The Bowmanvîlle Consum-1 crs' Gas Mites eliminated thep Port Hope Mites in the first,, round of their OMHA playolffs defeatiag thcm two games straigbt. On Friday night, the Bow-'ý manville squad travelled fa Port Hope and won by the score of 3-1. Bowmanvi île scai'ed miid- way fbrougb the first pcriod, Mark Ellîsscoring, the assist on the play going ta Tim Almond,' Port Hope tied the score and remained that way right tbrough fa the end of the second pcriod. The Bawmanvîlle goal tend-' ers lîad tu corne up with scv- eral kcy saves, especially Ken Woodard ia the first period, as Port Hope held the mai-gin of play. In the third period, the Bowmanville team startcd ta The Canadian Statesman, onil, Mar. 8, 1972 play with a littie more auth-'going to Allan Patter. ority and were rewarded with The final goal of the game- a goal when Mark Ellis fired was scored in the final miinr- a perfect pass to Jon Janack utes when Mark Ellhs fired onec in front of the net, and Janack past the Port Hope goalie,th wasted no time firing it home. assist goîng f0 Tim Almond- In the late stages of the The local goaltending duo, third perîod, Tim Almond of Ken Woodard and Kevini took a clearing pass from Ellis Welsh again had ta corne un and just as he crossed the Port with several big saves asý their Hope blue line, let go a shot team-mafes were not clearingï, that complctely fooled the Port the puck well and passingý. Hope net-minder ta garner the plays were nat clickîng. insurance marker. The next series in thepa- ails will be against Bay Rid,,ei On Saturdaiy evening at the and will he starting on Satur- Memorial Arena, the Bawman- day evening, March lltb, at, ville Consumers' Gas Mites 7:00 o'clock in the Memoial. hosted Port Hope in the sec- Arena. Second glume will ho, ond game of their best of three played Tuesday, March 1-1t,ï first round playoff series and in Don Beer Arena at 8:00 pD.m, won by the score of 5-1. - The Port Hope Mites went NEW POSITION FOR. ahead 1-0 in the first periad S. B. RUTHERFORD after applying the pressure on the locals. The score remained S, B. Rutherford of Orono 1-0 at the end of the first. North was apopinted rcccntlyv In the second period, the ta the position of fuil-time Grat BockunestatedtaComputer Services Liaison ra n raln sord olOfficer by the NorthumbE- rol wenGrntscre agolland and Durham County the assists on the play going Board of Educatian. ta Billy Hogarth and Brent The new position wîll takeý Thompson. Brock scoreci again, effeet on July' lst, 1972. Mr. the assists agaîn going fo his Rutherford is now workziný; wingmen Hogarth and Tbomp- in thîs capacity for the Board- son. Bowmanville went ahead He officially retires from-l 3-1 when Thompson scorcd a teaching this June. goal, the assists going fa Brock Mr. Rutherford, in his new and Hogarth. Jeif Logan in- position, will work out of the, creased the lead, banging home Board Administration Offices a goal, the assist on the play-in Cobourg. - I w4lE F R EE Esiae OBLIGATION Handsome cupboards in a wide range of styles and.colour toned Sto complement any setting, Choose from designs of Canadiana, Spanîsh, Early American, Provincial and Mediterraneen in shaded colours of Walnut, Spice, Tank or Cherry. -m CALL TODAY SPECIAL LIMITED QUANTITY ON SALE UNTIL SAT., MARCH llth OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST - COLORS IN THEÉ GROUF, MARQUITA MARBLE, EAST INI TEAK, AVOCADO CARENZA, WHITE 19 MARBLE, AND OTHERS. $ - sheet CASH and CARRY DOUBOLE SINKS StaÎnless Steel 9 Cash wsth ete35ith and carry 114IS5H ?DSý UNITS AND'UPPER EIIGH. MENT ANDCOTTAGE. id UPPER CUPBOARDS d CARRY PRICE MBE INDOOR >Y COURTIE WEST LLE RLAND -,101 BOND ST. WEST OSHAWA WOOD HWY. 2 BOWMANVILLE 4O1WEST m*m mUmm ,m,