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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1972, p. 11

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Phone 987-4213 Local Hockey Teams I ~ecase SiliGoing Strong, Soc al inc L i rso al Newrastle-Despite fe fart whîstle for an off-aide, Nw- S oci l an 9 )e sona fIat a bus load and several rastla's dafence and if's goàlie car oacle of Newcastle Juven- let up whule Keswick con- lie fans had left the village fînued fo play and score the Newcastle Mr. And halls were atfractively eRr]y Sunday evening for the goal whidh waa count cd and John E. James, Suisanne and 'dieplayed with projerts and !Newcastle-Keswirk game, tlie flue ended the gama 3-2 in TomMontreal, spent a few art work. Most report cards local arena was fairly well favor of Keswick. Playes daissist week with lieri were si oenti home aset week, filled wifh interested sper- roaches and even fans of both mother, Mrs. Irene Roberts1with corne baing sent homne tators who lad corne ouf fo feame claîimed f0 have heard and grandparcnts, Mr, and Ithis week. Studants, and nlo bark fhe Hockey Mothars' flua mystery whisfle; liowever Mrs. Thos. Lennard. ýdouît the staff as well1, are Projert in taking on the New- fIe referce called fIe goal Wa are sorry to report that l-oking forward f0 a deserved cast le Novice 'B" team, Witl and the game endcd with no flie Maiil Henry familyî hava wnter holiday beginning this over $60 raised at the door for real feeling of victory by moved out of the village. and Friday for a week. their effort, once again fhe eifher sida, Goals were macle are now taking up residencv j Coachi of the Newcast]e lumps and bruses and pan- by Gerry Tliompson and Robin on Elgin Street, Bowrnanvilla. Novice 'B" teani, Ban Wind, alties werealal macle wortli ickard for Newcastle. This We do hope they wiîî enjoy opened his homne rar a stag whila. lieing a best tîre cf five fli ome and neigîbours at nStra vnnThec "YET TO WIN" Mofli- gamas scries, Sunday'm game and wi]l visit New'castle off n ih oeyrisdgon eb re ware downed by fthe 1jffle back at Keswick waa f0 count Mr. and Mrs. George Steph- wards, the purclase nf j ackets' guys i .n a very close score of for Newcastle or if would le enson have refurned frorn a for hie fteam. A good fime 5 goals fo their 4. Mrs. Betty flic end of their Ail Ontario langthy holiday in Mexico. I was enjoyed by ail wlo et- Gray was traded off to the Sami-Finals, bo whicl it ifd Mr, C. E. Tilîson and ;Mr. fended and flic racaipte were Nov ice f can for the niglit end, baçly for Newcastle wlio end Mrs. Huglie MarLeod, appreciated both by Ban and whîîe Brad Raid took over fIaheet 6-3 , wifh goals macle iy al of H-amlton, visifed with lis f aam. Hockey Moflars' nef. Play- Ken Partridge, Robin Winters lýir. ancd Mrs. Bruce Tlîson Mi'. and Mrs, Dougclas Wal- ing for ftha Mothers were: and RoI Russell. If was a and family on Sunday alfer- ton and Mike visif cd witl Mes. Lynn Raid, Jean Allîson, Jean gond series and a fough one. noon, Mr. Tilsein havîng re- Walton's grandmotlier over Henclarson, Brenda Smith, PlaYing fhe lest of teams, furned home fromn Oshawa fIe weekend in Strafhroy; Betty Dubesu, Marilyn Kent, only one would win whilc- Genéral Hospital only on Fri- Mrs. J. J.. MacCandlr'ss re- Carol Randali. Willie Ralme, losars werc lcff lidhînd, New- day, and re-admitfad fo ME- brated a vary happy 93rd Diane Langstaff, Donina Forth,' castie playad good hockey morial Hospital Tuesday A.M.ib.irfhday. Mrs. Shirley Bar- Inez Brown, Alira Kupery, and dcl flair lest. Their Family vsitors only. dcard returned to fhe village Sheila Stuces and Pat Wind. fans aren'f at ail disappoint cd Mni. Ken Lafon, expectîngiwith the Walton family. Watdli for adverfisemenfs with them, but are cerfainly a lengthy stay in Bowman-l Miss Madone Clrmecratîrouglinut flic arena and vil- disappointed for them., Who ville Hosptal, wae rclaased on'left fhe village on Sunday to lage of fhe romîng Faf ler and knows, possibiy fIat fluke goal Friçlay. ývisit with Mr'. and Mrs. Bruce Son game among flic Novice on Thursday macle allich Along wlth other echools Rose and Mir. and Mes. Jini "B". Proceede earned ait flu différence. tîrouglouf tIe areas New- Rosa and flair infant daugh- excitîng advenfura wvill le Town Leaaue - Ail over castle Public School laid Open ter Jannifer Elizabeth in Gait, donatcd f0 fhe Hockey1 Mofli- for anotlier scason, if lias been Ilouse ail durîng last weak. Ontario. Miss Clemence plans are f0 help assist fleni in flicir a gond year wîtli more play- wherahy parents ware ablla 1 f0 return home sometime on iprojerfe. ara, more f eâms and more in- meet and tal with the tearh- Friday, lNewcastle Juvanila News as teret lieing clown flirougli- ars anfd learn of tleir sons or For fha Irishi, and those wlo sulmitf cd by Delbie Shearer: ouftfliese Sunday nîglit gamas, daugîfgier's prngrese. Rooms wouid lhIe f0 la, dont forgaf pîaying on Keswick ircîsfte Itower omthnggren n ueda,-Newcastle wrchmps, tIe Cowanvilie f eam, lFriday.downed 6 goals f0 2. Scoring pcoved Ail year, long fhey resent - Aw r S Fpeaeing of somthîng for Newcastle ware Glen wan'ied f0 bl(ýd ht ile green,' wlat's al fils white Murphy and Garry Thompson. afng on to the fi-fnals e sff ail ovan the lawn? If The second game, piayad liera ne nt I iasfa or Attendance ~ ~ ~ in Newcastle the foliowing pae okybwn n FogA1 la f- they dcl, becornîng flic Newcaste:- The Newcastle îng ît a hitso fIat Î if l up 2 goals escli wifî ni '7l1-'72 Champs wîen fhey ha lare on fime? As wa pre- seconds f0 go. Hearing flia downed Parfner's feani on United Churdli Sunday Sclool para this ,'wacki's newe (Tués - Sunday, 4-1, the third straiglif recognized Sunday ScIooi At- day a.m.) w'va, lost count of game. Tliey wcrcn't juat tendance this pasf wéek, and fIe many fiimes fhe weafliar WESLEYVILLIE handcd tfl ic ile liowever, rrsetaîos f cas r i l as dliangad thîs wînter, long1 Partner's put up a gond frv preentfine f cai or~ i ' it's more than long!Aot1 aisgfec ai and kept fhem on flair toes, inemark the flar îwerng ré:incoming, Aot1 aisgtee but juef weranît somehnw as ýeto d mar th ear ilwer pr in levng., fhe homne of Mr. and Mrs. Hec- defermined or parliaps as 1sf Year, Bath Ann Bowlar, - or Darke on Wcdnesday af- lucky. Hnwevér if goca, once Jeffrey Bowier, Brian Ver- SILVER ANNIVERSARV ternoon, March 8f h for flic agaîn, onîy one tcam can lie beek and Ronnie Verbeal; regular UCW meeting. If was fhe wînners. Congratulations 2nd Yaar, Denise Powell' Thse Newcastle Lions Club opened witî prayer iy flic to flic Champs and fn fhe Geoffrey Halsay, Blyth Rai- will be eelebrating its 25t1 président, Mrs. Ken Dinner ofler f easewlio bonI flair peRose Nicholson and Dcl- aî'nversary fils Saturdasi. and fhe gs'oup for fheIe onfhl osses as gond sportsmen, Now lieNicolsn'3rdYea, Ta-Several niembers froni nearbY t ooli carge of the programme. fIat flic skates and equip- ecy MrBride, Janet Pruner, Lions Clubs, lncluding Bow- The readîng of ecrîpture, ment have been liung upfor !'al Wcdeck Deli Pr -manville, will particiPafe inI hymne and prayer were led snob 1eryear, ief's gat on with Paul tnoebfektivetieeinred par an, Kirni Bwlen; 4t11th fg _____ paned by Mesdames H. Reeve, P. the dance. The annual ban- Yearý, cGordoJo se Jeffrey - Snell, K. Asîby and J. Wal- quet and ýdance las been fin- CryermnPamlaAblot; D t er. The offcring for ftle gais- alized for fIe f eam players. v c (Mr oý, eb ral fund, M & S and support coaches and sponsors and Tf ar ay oe e1gre a IVM ission of thle lîttie girl was rec(eived wîvcs or swathaarf s. This 1'wiJnc u ro, egry and dedîcaf cd during flua ý.part lias always lacis a gala on- Woodieckand ary ryda- *~ I.U1offli programme. Mra. Dake casion and undoulfedly will 7f Ya.Sheila MuI0n Port Hope read fwn "grandma" poemns le agaîn tis year. Wie ï ColSelby, Glenn Schmiid Lewis Garnswortî, a haind- whîcl calied attention, wifî s î planned mainly -for fhne and aryr Sclmid; 8t1 VYase, somne six foot Wastarner., luo, hidferntsatateam, outsidiers arc usually Cafly Tufford and Billy Sel- Suffragan Bishop cf Toron,- now lield ly those ladies from able fa purdýhasa dance tick- ')thYea, NncyAlln an towil coduc aný,igt dy dys f yre.ets also, but flcy are few in Vear Nacy Aun nd 0 svli onduf a aiîf dy dys <f yre.number, an for those wlio arc Steven Allin, lofli Yaar, Cal- mission at fhe Chuncl of St -The ladies of the group lad planning fo attend, thcy'd inAluin; 11t1 Vear, Steplen John in Port Hope, sfarting prepared papars on the fopîr, baffer speal to the coaches S elbv-); 12th Vear, Christine next Sunday niglit. "TIe future nf our dhurci" now. Saby 3th Year, fennifer Every Anglican famly ini And carlh in furn lad la a dis- Ivlonro thc United Counfies l as le uso following fhe reading. nofified Iy mail or ly tala- TIeprogrees and prospects cf Tl pînneý of tha Mission whirh union wîth flic Anglican ewcastle will fake the Gospel of Jesus churdli was discussed, also flih UUe crany f avc ry nol ndcîanging form cf worshîp and crann 0f hi5 res.fie need for some form cof for- A commit tee uinder flic maFl worshîp. If was agreecd ow igchairmanship of Rev. Wilia nn ifrn utrc Rainay, Port Hoper, as leen fIat many dflaruh h entumew Ovr pneparing fhe Mission for isbulîf up fîrul dforI e lntur. N Lades 75 ud ver months. les sîould l e.Djicd forre ?\.Wîhîms 35 FLutnn TIc Bishop wili speal k ao yi lc .Dnn fIe M..and Mrý>s. AleckMoa, 289 SRoînon24,B. Major whai can a man lie; What l'an lbusines coma cyegiasses wcere Jîi, Tom, Kafliryn a;nd Col- 23, . nwn23i2, H. Counoux a man say; Wlaf can a man liandad in f0 lic mailed f0 the leeri, visibcd Me. anci Mr, Ro)y 30I.Bon230, L. Farrow baîong to; whaf can a man appropriate addrcss liy Mrs. Br'oomfld and fam-ily ;3t, Ed- 221 M,. Garnod 220, G. Hallo- lope for; wlat can a man do; E. Barrowclougb wlinaa al dystone norf I of Greïffon on well 212, D. Neal 206, D. Mer- wîat ran a man becoma 1werc collected. If was announc- Sunday. cvan ',A, D. Forth 192, J. Stcne Transportation commîffees ad fIat nexf monfli would l [e MrGodnP ci tedd PLf0, M. Major 188, M. Fostar have leen set up in evary par- the firet of fIe two spécial col- Mre Gordon ow seur ted 18cý6, D. Langstaff 185, I. Paf- ish lnid anyona desîring f0 ýlertions of the year. lafe Me. Clar eF. Allin la1 t on 181. A. Langstaff 179, K.îaffcnd, whlas nofteanspor-ý At flic conclusion of fhe Eowm-anvila on Wedeeday, Vartîn 177, G. Henry 177, L, tafion, las oniy f0 'phone fIe meeinig, articles wera sold Mardi 8t1, 1972. laf armenlt, £T!,e 175., . local Anglican recf or and if whicî l ad lieco Irougîf for Bowmauvihlc Cemlefary. Mca - 200 and Over ýwill le providaed. fhe -"Make if aad f aIe if" sale. Mr.Gam rj'(eloi J. Brutnn 296, E. Cowiing Bislop Garnsworthy stress- TIc UCW cabced for flicTorntoriah r Cassple o 259 LTayor 48,B. tapa-es if is not lis mission but happy occasion of ootowt Mr. and an ton) 246. B. Lewis 245-, G. Kuî- God's mission and wliosoevee Mr,. Pecy Sneî's golden wed- n.Anthur issisaa vsiîfed pcry 237, G. Cowling 236, R 'W"Mycm.Yu dntding on Saturday, MarrI 11.,nSudy Sufrlffe 226, G. imîsil 2pnced f0 le an Anglican or Ail ware on band f0 congratu- Mru ndy. E.JýHn 22' eMr. and Mes. Ed.. J.eHan- W. Flintoff 223, J. RobinsCnon enacîrr-oopeh ms late old neigîbors and if al o nlduîfrLihc Henry1Tha'servialll le dvoid culd nourememer 192, f lf , _ ). arrs 21, M Iî,nýy Pcodi remember 19 , wlcn Oshawa, visifed Mr. and Mes. 7P5, B. Farrow 201,.h evcs ilb eo. i eebr 97we nOrvihie Chatteart on,Carol and' Thurday ixcd of flic usual Anglican Liturgy. TIare ih h no eoed chies Ieday Wasleyvîlle people David on Sunday. 175 and Over TPeroaiwif ess norbd hiidu- ad fa drive around ly Port. Mes. R. R. Waddahi wîthMr E Sdlimîd 250,aF Le laiymen wil lice a part, cf Hope f0 readli fIe Snell homead Mrs. Harry Mrrer visif 234, ~ ~ he AFro 3,B o-femission, on fhef own lina. Snow was IefrarscuinsMi- gal1,K uau)f 213, C, On Safurday of next waek, Ipihed higli that y-ear. and Mes.,Bruce Tîompson of MarGcCregon, 211, T. Gardon i e service will lie gcared f0 On Frîday affarnoon whila Cobourg on Sunday. 2 09, I. Zulauf 207, W. Forgef youîli with fol musir and a sevaral ladies wee af Wel- Miss Hazel Power and Miss; !05 M Lewis 204, J. Worr Toronfo-lased band. formeriy comae Churdli making prépara- Kate Fopf an ara enjnyîag a 195, V. Merge 191, R. Farrow înown as tIc Aurora Flops. tion for fIa naxt day's gala conducted trip f0 fhe Hohyl 189, J. Mithell 181, B, Glan- The Bislinp will invite évent, Mesdames H. Reeve. H. Land. ville 180. questions aspa cially from fIe Darla, K. Aslly, E. B arrow - Misarnagnndfad Friday Miiead young pol.Ha wil also BclougisanKaMiss Stalana Ban- 175 and OndrMles Stellple.of Trent University, Peferbor- 175 nd Oer b aslalla for individualineff ware in Cobiourg to dem T. Embiay 281, J. McC(rack- counisel. osrfauiin atIaMr ougl; Me. and Mes. O. M. J.ý .4e neire rmshore, wlînse mofi'er cdciedrer- Idcinc orawm-m- - Norhumbecrland and Durham n l nTrno osionajitrmbifanfylTrno.bers of Session: Mes. Kennedy witî flic United Counfies Mes, R. Basf, Baînicre and Gray, Mes. Derak Barueft, Board of Educafion fto sfudy George refuened homne frnm Mrs. Ernest Gillank and Mvr. î É,fthe establishment of a film Florida basf weaî affer au ab- Wiilis Barrabaîl. PUMBIN G& HEATING lîlrary in tIe counties, sauce cf coma weeîs. Tiey Mn. Arthur H. NewmaRn, 0M>' The fîrea Separaf e ScIooi found flair yar'd walh iced lut Main Sf. S., Oron, le a Patient Tyli'e, Onariotrustees are Stewart Chie- tîay showad fhe aigas cf fine lu Oshawa Ganeral Hospital.1 hl oim of Bowmanvilhe, Wood- weaflen in flair tannad face. Mr. Sf aulev Cliapmau, Kir- PIJO E 26-26~ ~ ow Dmne f Pnt Hpe sd Ms. Wayne Megit refunned by, is s patient in Memoria1- ___________________ ,Jameâ Redmond of Cobourg. home £rom hospital last week. liýovpita1j Bwrna vle. i udci Wins forl!, Mrs. Bruce Tillsoti, Editor Il RED BRAND' STEER BEErF OUN STA K U L L 'sLIc E 0OR POINT SIRLON STEAC The Canadian Staiesmnane twmefville, Mar, 15, 1972 BONELESS . CUT FROM EEYI 0F SIRLOIN POINT enBrd REO RND MTEER BEF >AapeLf B'end, Mix &Mach, Viêe 5id SI4OPSY GRANO RIKET, VACUUIM PACIED N.wZeý4i'j Corned Beef .0Ç9 Lamb.ï,Cho0-psoi b 9 POlihauae19 L amb Cops RIh SURNS BRAND, STORE PACKED Super Ribe Queue couIkd SausagesBe e&Pur k 6lB efLbe " 9 714ROUGH SATURDAY, MARCH la12, Report from Queeýc.n's Park by Alex Carruthers M.P.P.. Local Athietes Judo Cha'mpinlshipF held at McMasterUnvrî. nRay Wlsnof BeLthaàny placed secnd In the }feavy- weigbf divisioý!n'and BihI Grib.. lien of Oshalwa. fourth in the same weîglit class.r Mr. Wilson, an employee oft Houdailie in Oshawa, is a membar of the Maple Leaf Judo Club In Darliogton. Mr'. Griblien, a former membert of the same club, has his ownc club now in Oshawa. E EductionBudget i R e ad y 'bY223rd? March ,23rd? The rpossirýbuitiesj look gond as the N-",orthumiber- land and DflurhIam County B5oard of Education person-i nel ponder over the grant formulas released receintly by the provincial government. Regional Direct ors met in Belleville Mardi Sfh fto dis- cuse flie pertinent points of the legisiation. The Board lias call eda for a special, clos- ed meeting of the trustees to- morrow niglit f0 flrasli ouf the final budget proposai. t'If ail goes well, there could be a formai presenfafion of the budget at the next rag- ular meetingi " W. Frankr Thorn director, of educationz said. Once the eduration and the county budgets are known the way wil lie cleared fort mosf munîcipalitias in thec counfies to formulate their1 own budgets for the year, Don't lie afraid to ask dumbt questions, they're easier tor handle than dumb maistakes.i EGG MARKETING Agriculture in Ontarinolias increased in productivity more rapidiy than any other seg- ment of the economy. Around the world the miracle of food production in this province is the envy of ail nations, and great credif must go to thie farmars of the province for their efficiency and their capability. Compared f0 oth- er productive groups in our society, farmars, bowevar, do flot share economically in pro- portion to the skill and effort tliey put into thair work. Statistics show that On- tario citizens spend a lower percentage_ of their income on -- $3~011.59 Orono Sch, 1 A change order lias been necessary in th~e amount of $3,011,59 f0 replace a corridor terrazo floor north of the General Pur pose room at the Orono Public School. This floor was laid during the con- struction of the General Pur- pose roomn in 1968 and 1969. ý During the presenit con- struction of the new scliool a placçe of the corridor liaýs brok- !an out while cracks and settIe- ment have developad in othar sections of the floor. Investigat ion las revaalad 11sfth flf11providad was fotal.y inadequate in fIe floor construction, Two test lioles macle in fhe floor lava clown fIat fIa undeefloor mateanal la tîrea inches from fie shahs. Probes lave lean inserfad la thasa hles and have leen pusled ly hand flirougli fli lunder floor f111 te a depf h of food f han elsewbere i the province and the lacli of worid wifh fhe exception of marketing controls. This is the United States. Compar- very apparent in fthe situation ad f0 Europe, where 25 per presantly facîng the egg pro- cent to 30 per cent, of income durers cf the province, many is spent on food and Russia of whomn ara deeply in delit wif h over 40 par cent, the On- f0 fthe feed companies and fln- tario consumer spends only ancial institutions. The proli- 18 par cent of hie income on lem is serlous and le aggra- food products. These farts vat cd by a number of factors, indirate that flie farmers in not fhe least of whirh, le the Ont ario are justifiad in their present flooding o-r the On- efforts f0 obtaîn ais improved tarin market by eggs from. return on their products and Manitoba and British Con- for flair labour.l lumbîa. The Ontario fariner is, how- A few nionths ago thc pro- ever, plagued by a number of ducers aftempf cd t0 haveaia factors affecting his income, vote onflie establishment 0f not the least of which is tlic production quotas. This was compefifioný from outszide the opposed by a number of large Farm Union. If soon became apparent that a very large niumber of newly ereafed producers wîth a few haens were interested in defeafing ool Floor thate pscal plan le dvis a r thflicnlpropoi pfln e ovis thre ad ahaf t for eet edbywhich bona fide pro- fliea nda hîfto ou fet.ducers only can hold voting The report states that flue powers flic adoption cf quot- eifher shows that proper as ia impossible. granular fi was not usad in tha construction or that prop- When a quota vote appear- er compaction was not achiev- ed imprarfical, anin rjury was ed. set up by the Minister of Agri- The matter le b ha raferrad culture and Fond, the Hon- f0 fIe bonding company in- ourable William Stewart, und- volved with flic construction er fli chcairmanship of Judga in 1968 and 1969 and is being Ross. This report should lic investigatadliy fthe bnard's submîitted sînrtly and wîll soliritor. have an important bearing on The corridor iloor le to be the problam, If would car- rîppad ouf and replared at a tainiy nof lia in flic întarests cnet of $3,0 11.59. If is hoped Of flic îndustry to procead thaf thîs cnet can lia recover- witliout the lienafît of that ra- ed from ftha bonding company. port. Witl referenca f0 fhe gen- Bill C176 lias now been eraI purpose finor proper, the passad by fIe Faderai Parlia- thickness appears adequaf a ment establîshing national1 according to fhe report. If marketing legisiaf ion, but as necessary at a ister datecn etlie Federal Governnient crete slurry couid lie pued li as nof appoînted a national into areas wliere flic fui may marketing council. This is bava dropped under the floor, nacassary befora any quota -Orono Times. systemn cari le estallshed and it is in this varticular ae that îmmediate action ýi- e quired. At the proviricial levela soon as the Rocs RPepoýrt j:s sub'- nmitted, arrangemients no oit' wil li malesubjeef to Lthq rort s ecommendations, tce sulimit the issue to a vote ot the producers. The Pederation of Agricul- ture lias suggested fliat loan-i be granted to producers iii, order to keep them frorn bankruptcy. Unless the neces- sary precautions .aie taken, however, to erisure profitable returne, such loans coul tc littie more than put the n- ducer further in delit, In the meanirme, cggs ar being dumped on the Onfa',rVso market from British Columbîsý where a two-price systei sa -ý in force, froin Manitoba wlier7 feed costs appear to be cliea er, and from other ore outside the provinceTh consumer has the beneflif of rheap eggs whîle fle ic pr durer faces ba-nkrunDtcy. SCHOOL SITE REQUIRýED4 The Board of Education ha, notîfîed the DeparfmePrt of Municipal Affairs tna; a school site ks reciuired ifl the boundaries of a. new Pb division being planned byWi Swar Enferprises on the eaa1t side of Waverley Road. Approval of the subdiv1iin, is conditional upon the ai of 5.9 acres of land to theý Board at a price agreed te or June 27, 1969. In another divsin dveopmntinfon divisondeeon et sîda of Waverley Road- theBur directed that a srhool rt would not lie required. la subdivision is owned by 1ýow=u manvîlle ileiglts. j Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for RaeI COUNTY CHRYSLER=DODGE LMD j 623-2586I

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