Auction Sales Auction Sales 1 Real Estate f or Sa'le Real- Estate f or Sa'le Rqeal Estate f or Sale Real- Estate f or Sale Auiction sale of machinerv, Auction sale of furniture MOBILE h'ome for sa L)' LNB IRD ïurniture, aýntiques, etc., ln'- and things at Pethick's Auc- 35'. Ideal for young cipe cluding 2 trlactors,, mowcr, tion Shed, Haydon, one mile Or cottage lot. Cal Peler Kowal, Jr. George Blyleven IelE tt post-hole digger, quantity ofEast of Enniskillen, onl Satur-1-2REALTOR RATO oeal edrom bic posts and lumber, antique day evening, March 18. 40 OON -1AareL-Senc uiLow ly -follyw(ood bick- sofa, -antique love seat with nexv stack chairs, roto-tiller, property with natural pondadGNE L SUAC Phone 623-5300 en, d1etached garage, on nicely matching chairs, ,1878 Atlas, piano, chesterfield, TV's, con- site. -Building permit avail- 52 King St. W. - Bowmanvilletre lo.CîKe Hsin hansn lapetc Se bistinntl bci, sovsman),y able. Asking $11,560. Caîl 623-2453 1New\castle: Immediately av- 7311 r6377 for complete list. Property!useful articles. Sale et 7 63-623-1117lbene -rombrcrIea am 6ybuies"- of Wilson Heaslip, Lot 6, Con. o'clock. Cliff Pethick, Aucmi bunao in trcielcaLuhbraspmsrand -- 10, Manvers, 2 miles south of tioneer. l1 Country General Store 1 tion on large lot. Priced at bedroom brick' bungalow. Janet-,vilie, or 1 mile north of -~l E Post office, mail route, gas $24,900, Substantiel first Good highway property on 7A~~~~~ atJntvletuc aur MRGAESL pumps; 7 room living, quarters, mertgage can be arranged. ¾ acre lot. Caîl Kay Hoskin day, March 25. Terms cas, Y EATYLIITDving business for 80 years. Nwate pcoshid 723-1117 or 6:23-7276 noTesev. Sl tIp PUBLIC AUCTION Hat ocssl.$44900. n with two large self-con-_____ ______ TdSpenceley, Grant Werry, 1_______ms Auctioneers. 11-2 OF> tained apartments. Very good FARN PROPERTY $18,900 - 6 room 1 1/ storey investment with future possi- Auction sale, modern and TO BE HELD $1,0Down I home in North Ward on 66!' x hilities. Priced at $19,000.ý antjique furniture, property of SATURD AY, APRIL îst, 1972 Goqod corner property con- 125' lot. Good starter home. Terms. heý l. GStgtechts Aut'ie NTEPRPRY taining 7 rooms. ExcllntTermis. Bowmenville: Receetly len- at tîrevnt' Autin O TH POPETY view cf surrourcding erea r 4 bedrooms! ! New semi on ovated 5 room home with lake w 1aî27Hall St., Oshawa, The undersigned wîll bv [an offer with Dave. a lovely lot. Broedloomn thru- frontage on 1/2 acre lot. New k Erciric stverchcs t .îtersed eofed PoawerainfrStrcha.lxelneem Pie t$200wt 10 Thuýcricsday, Ma che 6 e p.m irtedofite PoceraonfiSle,00 en ut. Wlkout basement. Elec, cil furnece and new carpet. £uite (like new), antique erg- Mortgage, which will be pro- Quiet secluded area, spaclous down.RATR an, buffet xilh leaded glass duced et the time cf sale, offer hedged lot. Ideel brick bue..ý Farm1!~ 95 Acres with 9 doors, combination TV-radio- for sale the following: ýgalcw for the working man. room bouse; 2 barns, impie- ____________1- record player, Tiffany iamps, FARM PROPERTY iSee this with Dave, Try an ment shed, garage. Good sewing : machine, gete-leg A ferm consisting of 200I offer. stream and sprîngs. Terrifie table, recking chair, ginger- arso hc prxmtlyI DVDGHE view! Aslrsng only $56,900. Bowrnan ille 6340 breed dock, chest cf drawers, 110 acres are cuîtiî7ated bal- 5768V,81 ore.m. .V623-3I6 table saw, mentie dock, àg ace bush and rough pasture. or 2-36 Beautiful Bungalows! ! We ~f uglwi omnil wtudepd194Ce Il- Described as Lot 18, Conces- NEW LISTINGS WANTED lhave 4 real nice 3ý bedroom FrAE IEL MITED 1 Stone front, aluminuin sîd-ý pela, wash stand, butternut sien4, Townshlo of Manvers,-- 11-1 bungalows te show you ie ing. One-haîf- year old. Three dining room table, portable County; of Durhem.'Upon, the iverious locations.' These areberosktce-ingom TV, dishes. Many more art- premises there is said to becCX~ real "beauties". Varieuspc * combined, paved drivewey.ý sce o ueost en oee rm os ih~es and geed ter~ms. Low down payment. Act fast tien. Terms cash. Myles King, rurnace and plumbing. twoDO N PA M T Oha !Relc 3bd on this -one! Ap oneer an Certae, te1- barosad far mg e.reom bungalow with paved 234 King St. E., BOwman>,Ille Bowmanville - $19,500.00 phoe 75-551.11- Hd pr istld 6 Fmm elocet- 3 nLDROOM HOMEdrive end garage ceai- shop- saeo usades Epn.Prcdrgta 2,0.6319 Brick 3 bedroom twe-, edfpotpomly ie etpn.Pie rgte 290 2-33storey serci with garage. Close Auction sale'f genssanndf Phntypeg, tools fromn a company discen- Propemty will be offered for Need a new home but shortTei. Terrifie Investient te sonhopig Irni' P rinf -dus n~ private' sale subject te e reserve bld. of cash? Then nnetgt ew After Hours:coierh-ecdyaHrronti t"a q beetite 9 Acres coc apple rh one, and lbe first. hed t trtvat Acto 2% fTERMS Beaver Homes! We'll sheil Everett Hanna, - 7Z8-1400 ard, plus oee acre strewber- l4d1Stî ., onts iAuctia, o the purchase money ereet the attractive Beaver nil urdl, arch 18 et 6 p.m.te be peid le cash, ten per IWillowdale nmodel, a 3 bcd- J .Brtn --623-309emies. Tempeatur contoîl- owbouse.l Wiý'nchester Moe 90wt cent et the time of sale and room beeuty on your lot and Gord Beech - 2-5265 ed cold sterage. Ai equip- Oear t embue Model 90 wment, incloding new air blast Oil furnace and 4-iece, bath shels .2 egninreeaerfifteen per cent within thirty foundation for Just $9,200.1P. Kowal Jr. 6z3-5868 mper n rcor e-i ti uglw. Aise extra (lever action), .303 semi-aute- dychrefoh alnet Yneusve as mricclbngasowf3000 matic, Verrseche - Gardone besecured underaeSale Agree- over cnentional building 11-1 ren brick bngaomw, red-buildings sitabe r th e bob- over and under with nib, .22 ment net exceeding 20 yeers methods. If you own a lot,- lo ed fmy rom wtby a.Prpty eyefr semi-automatie, Acochutz -me- wilh interest et 7t/2%û/ per you may be able to start ____________Close-_________ vile. IdeExcferlmntkttrgird- ehie del 740 with telescopic sights ennuro. "Your Home" with only $200vilde frmktga-ab> .2520 erln 196,ocepa arm Creit orpraton own WelI elpwît mot-enig. Asking $69000. Termis. Hamnpton cf2b-.2 cuars 7x189, gue ean-i a 2323 Y onge pretion gage arrangements and land Cll- .i MRbbe Large 3 bdom home, ing equipment, gue cases, To nte 12, Ontario aalbltew0!Fr ut-Kna ii it ielc.Lre lt pistolspa gnad tack, 11-3 er details Phone 28 Acres. Terrifie view, Close te achools. Thbis bouse Shîl, sew, hand sews, hem j j RAY NORTHEY et 72S-3558 mon 0-cePoica ak ~ust he seen to be appreci- duty vibrator sander, extension ACINSL or drop in to your nearest -Peved roed frontege. See this eted. Oeiy $22,250.00.' Low ledders, winches, large quart- AUTIN AL Beaver Lumber Store and ______________onse first. Asking $25,000. down paymeet and close te ity cf other bools. 1964 Cbev. 4th Annuel, pick up a new BEAVER Teris, Caîl Roy Poster. Oshawa. 4-door, gooci condition, drop- Brooklin ani District HOME CATALOGUE, oniy 8 ceHgwyFr ecsl leaf' dining rom table, ' Nw.4se -r acier î00, ini colour with floor 623-2503 8 ceHgwyFr ecsl New Use Far Macinér $18 Room solid brick 2 storey New 3 bedroom home, over chairs, chrome suite,' radio plans for more ýthen 40 homes. home, bah ifuac.Lre100s.tsagbodom nnd ecordplayer, end tables, Co4signment Auction Sale 7t Bo\vmanville - 3 bedmoem ,atilurce Lrg 130s.f, hg radom of dawes, oppr STURDY, ARC 25h -home on large cornrlo nbarn with waee on tep. Scen- garage, on a hig lot 100' x chishestAURA, ACH2t noth end. Seperate dining ic rollicg land with pond sites, 150'. Scenie view. The price kterocking chisamr t 10:30 a.m. ro.Bodomtruh north of Port Hope. Askieg 15 low et $26 900.00 - Act on pots. brase belîs. anvil. apple al.Bmelo truh ofieds n hiTRACTORS out. Asking $22,900. only $45,000. Ternis. C1iibtis one, and do net b- late. peelr, ffe e sk red chaIr, Roy35 Pesîeîo eoosWe have two 10 acre lots aniuecok.A atces eOe smdl ecos Newcastle - Lovely 3 bied- top condition. Temms cash- from. Ail popular makes and room ide split level with Development Land left for this 10w p-ýrice, $7,900. Myles 4, King, Auctioneer and ises. several with loaders REMA. ESTATE cerpomt. Biroadioomn. Pire- 29 Acres prime developmnt Vendors îvili holdi inortgage. Cartege, 725-5751. 11-1(Selling with 50-50 - 30 day LINITKDpae nmc ra.Asiglnd at Orone. Prontage onj We haveu a good variety of part andlabur wrrany).$29,00.two county roads. Asking building lots lu and, around SATIJRDAY, ARCHE18 pats Kinglabtr warrant). Orono -$78 000. Terras. Cal.Roy Newcastle. EXCLLET FRM ALE HAYNG QUIMEN 17 Kng t. ., owmnvile 2990, Luxurieus wal te Poster. Auto ae c eeod Bâlers, Mow6ýers, Rekes 623-7461 or 623-2492 wall broadloom throughout 14 Acre Building Site just c',j-cýe(-dCenditieners, Heybinîes, Etc, thils 3. bedroom homne, Sep- Apple Orchard, Bowmanville outside Bowmanville. <~tlpigs, mcieyanid New 4 bedroom bungalow 71I amte dining roem, fenced 1?3 Acres ail planted te feoer al -ed nldn 5Hmfr, GRAIN EQUIPMENT on 12 acre lot. Large 1½jbc yard, patio, etc. $25,500 popular varieties of iapples. feHorCal 14 cwdue, Ma1rch and Apr!il, 1Seed Drills, Comnbines, Etc. storey bhem, paved roadc. (Co- with tPm. acres in full product1ion. Si singa - - 623-24011 sters nýrd heifers, 2P se)ws', 91 CORN EQUIPMENT . Asing onLy $18.9to0 withlýa Orono .- Tmy $3.000 down. Balance younger trees. 12,lMike Belmente - 576-1908 riue jIn April, 6 sows wîth ,pîgs, Harvesters, Planters, Wagons,j $3000 dlown. Cal teday te Attractive 3 bedrom b unga- rmbic hoeplus frame Mlil ae6353 Y[a -Fegi so 13 taciýý Et, ispet.low. Boedioom. Newiy dec- bungalow, for help. Bacn 35x Meavi ll Dal - 962-5867 Massey ron 1tracdter !i ILA Etc. inspeet. oreted and finished rec. room. 100, one-haîf mile from tewn DvdAlsn - 9746 (i l), adte ront40 end s twentalTILLAGEls sEQping$MENT0,limits. Terrific future Po-: Elfriede Jost - 263-2032 Case "S" tracter M-P. 3 peint, ic, Poughs, Harrews, Etc. and hospital, is this ceat, dean tential. Piced for quick sale Wm, MeFeeters 725-1720 bitc1irmwer like new), Arpsa OTHER EQtIIPMENT bungalow with fulbesement, Orono - 2 hedmoom homýe et only $135,000. Temms. 1- ~ oithic beeNe ol anr Sredrs Wgosboadioom,11/à baths, leundry on uiet street. Pireplace in40Ars ena il li nin roomNewHnew fumnece.des, agCalivig room. Good starter40ArsK daHis land bey crusher, N-H- 268 Cub Tractera, Snowmobiles, joday ý frae.Cl home or retirement. Asking Terrifie View, Streami. This hae, ae 6trcersr ansd Other Assorted Eqnipment 819,500.rlaoncf the most scenic prop- cm, Case seed drill (fertilîzerHapo:1aceofln erties we have had the Lin m n Pnd grain), 'Case side-meke on AUCTIONEFR'S NOTE: This Cottta0geiC c în - Bancroft ares.3peareflitn duigor A ppo n e t is ourAnualSprngMaretgees witb this 2400 sq fI Cottageoflstngdrig u rubber-, Grahein plow, P.T.O.i erAnulSrnlMektIbrick home. Pull besernentbedrooms. 100' x 250' lot. mary years of Real Estate gasseeder, Case wagon and Plaeefor Farm Machînery, dining roomch.Ask r~~ck, bammer mili. Pull ling svthnery 5 uit 0 hos double attacbed God snybah Akng selling. 10-room home, large r'machincry. Quactity of firomi. Why net plan te attend, gaae' steel berna.rn.Cloced $Skillub0an beld by. uanit 0ffeuand joi te eer-rewngunder replacement cestat e 114 acre building lot 'n'er Goverent Forest . $45,000. wheat.1 Note: Livestock and iiiifbei' of satisficd cu5tm 4,0.Oeo ny$50 82 Acres, Streami, Vicw ,iihinery Cean and lu e- -$r?1,000 clown and this cute Oroco Ares - 3 bcdroom 3 Miles South of Peterboce'. relient condiition. The pmop- i LCATION 2 bedroom home in 'excellent bungalow with fieplace and Geod stceam wth pend sites. 'i-v of MIURRAY WILLIAMS, BROOKLIN, ONT., 1,j mil condition is'yeums. Lot 132,x living room, on 1 acre of land. Bacc. Good bush. Only $35,000. Lotf 15, Coýn. 5, Reach Twp., Easat of Broolilin, corner cf lag dingreflAsig$90 wtbtm. Terms. Oný ~~~~basement,ci etgag, i -ill Ect f Mc bste o lTickon oa, o Hihwa o het, araeHelen McDonald - 623-3911 217 Acres - Lake Ontario Higbay. enn old,401 te Interchange 68 (be-prcde$690 trscash. Lunch nvailable. tween Whitby-Oshawa) then HamptonIý Excellent 10 acre AI Rent - - - 725-053 Near Newcastle. 12 storeyý ,Ul e 12:30 sharp.5 miles Northi on Thiclison Rd. lot, ail cleared, on paved road Ed Jeans - - 623-7152 brick home. Large baem.31 ?oy Wilson and W. D. TM:103 .. Excellent building ot. Ask- Garnet Ricard - 623-7397 roestmente $700cer e.- Atkinson, Sale Managers and j ýing $13500. Wilf' Hawke - 983-5274 vet en $0perace, Auctioneers, TERMS: Cash or Credit (Fin- 1- Mac McDonald - 623-3911 Trs 11-1 ancing available on grounds.i--- 11 10 Acres - Kendal HBis b IMust be arranged prier te sale 2 Streama, pertly wooded1 Saturday, March 251h - Pain lime). I land, close te Oshawa Ski Soid - Auction Sale of Live- stc sdImlnet: 4bed WEATHER CONDITIONS JONF 1 1 li Club. $12,500. Terma. Cali cf Hiereford cattle, 14 Here- Sale under cover (Large, largefl j* Roy Poster. for cows, sone with calves lent>., Meals and Refresh-L. 228 Acres -, Kendal Bills byý ide, remainde de un en.Rvelbl.2 WEStreams, adjoins 9000 acre sud July - re-bred Chiarola'is HENRY KAHN AUCTION pn~conservation Porest. Cerner and Hereford. 10 Hereford SEQRVICESQ - Sale mgr- prprt. ey cei rlLn approx. 1600 bra. wibb 1967 No.R a ++ o 727 manure leader, hydraulic ____S l buckeb, 1970 Perd 4-14's trip - heam plough, 1971 Perd No, 6!2 forage barvester F.T.O. R FOR SA LE witb bey header for zero gca7- lcg, 3 pI. 1968 New Holland 26.9 baes .T.O. haied. a px.20,000 bales; 1970 Nela Hollaud power mowcm, 3 pI.; 623-7694 D'272 A-C diesel rader ,net runîng, Triple K 34 toothed 623-7661 cuiltivator, 3 pI.: fu lice ef miachinery, 2 air compreasors, 137 King St. E., Bewmanville pr essure systen, 2 sunp CTVIRCAHR pumnpa, 1971 30 hp. Yanah a GIT S- 3eR oom homýe seoiwmiobîle, 1971 20 h.p. Ya- I S-a3bdomL ei maba srowmobiie, double Bowmacvillc with a diuiug snwmbic reler, Williams recon, fieplace, large lot, 60x pinsquare table, 1969 C.E 150, close te bbc new HIGH dihwasher, Viking clothes SCHOOL and priced to e sli ,1 1ver. Admirai combinaticu WOW 1 A 3 badron brick TV, radie ced record player, bungalow witb a garage, close lawn moec, other items. The te sehools, shopping, and proparty cf Normer Bray, Lot parka. YOU sbould SEE Ibis 10 Con. 8, Mamîpesa Twp., 2 ONE. ruiles cat ef Oakwood ce Noe. 7 Hîgwav.Temmacash ~$1,0001) OWN ber Ibis 2 yesr cepserve. Sale et 1 pi..carl oiod 4 bedroomn back aplit, Hgiebsen, Auctioneer, bleahoro Ibroadloomed; s goed family Ot.705-324-9959. 142 homne. FINE QUALITY MIONUMENTS AND MARKERS 1 .44ý cck f« t#Ii s cc. les Y*w STASTFFORD BROS. LTD, Djealr Bonx 133 318Dunes t,". - Witby Phoa.e Witby 668-355Z !JUST REDLICED - COURT- ICE AREA - Asking only $13,900. WOW, what a BAR- ,GAIN.1 COMMERCIAL FROPER, TIES - One bas a store ccd 7 aparîments, tise other 3, spart- merts - Good investment -0rop- ertias. WANT OR NEED a bouse and hern, 35 sces, colse te BOWMANVILLE. Cali now. 1,800 SQUARE PEET ef living ares ici Ibis bungalow and aaking only $ 19,500. Elsia Spencer - 623-3259 Sanm Annis - - 623-7664 ýJim Robin son - 623-3795 Mary mill - - 786-2,283 -.011Y spencer - 6ZS-7694 SFLIT-LEVEL 3 bedrooru brick, electrie hcabed! home. 4-pce. bath. Nicely located. Easy termm. WINTERIZED 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE. Oil heabed. 4- pce. bath., On -1/ acre lot. Asking $12,500. Only $2,000 dewn. EXECUTIVE HOME: 10 acres witb 2 large Icout streams. 3 bedroon brick bungalow. lVauy extras. Celi office for pariculars. OSHAWA: 22 Hstorcy, le. come home. Oil heated. Twei betha, Askiug $23,000. Termm. 1100 ACRE FARM wîtb good milk contracb. 3 bedroon home, 011 beated. 4 pce. bath. Large bacc. Askieg $42,000. Termma SCENIC: -8K, ACRES with very attractive 4 b'ed room home. Lovcly firepi sec. Doubla garage. Paved drive. Cal office. ORONO: / acte lob wibhj large 3 hedron, nicely dcc- orated bungalow wibb 1300 sq. ft. living space. Carport. Askiug $25700. Tera,,, *WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE: 5 roomned, dlean, 112 aborey home ce large tread lot. Oil brcted. 4-pce. bath. Askicig $ 18,900. SERVICE STATION, GAR- AGE:' 3 bedroon, 11/2sborey honie. Ou bheated. 4-pce. bath. Celi office. Afler Heurs Please Cal Bud Virtue - - 623-2969 Harry CoulIs - 72.5-2649 Harry Veerman - 623-7597 Gary Hancock 983-51551 Rosa Davidaon -'277-23211 Wesley Anderson- 349-26691 JOhii E, DeWith c987-40241 $18,900.00 2 bed oon star'ter home; breadloomed tisougisout; 3 pcc, bath; debeched gar- age; nice lot; uew fumnece. luspeet andi then bell us jyour berna. $20,900.00 3 bedoon '2 stcrey le immaculale con- dition; new xirieg sud plumbiug- throughout; ndcc liv- ing roon sud dining room; ceai working kitchen; f.a.o. hast- jing. You could ba le and setblcd for, Spring, $23'500.00 puis yoe in a 21 aborey 3 bcdreom home 11/2 blocks teý shopping asurd sehools. Nice liv- ing reen diuiug rcom conhinabîcu; inciudcd, saI ea, fridgc, washem sud dnyer. Try yeur dowu payment bere. $34,901 00 gives you ,all bbc country privacy you bave ever dreamed about. Mcd cru 4 bedroon 2 storey home on Hwy. No. 2; 3 armes with loads cf trees and al bbc space for a truck1 geýrden or, hobbyj farming. We are lu au immediste need of country ced towu prepenties for out of town buyers.- If you are bhiukiug cf selling, cali boday fer an1 immediate appraisal et no obligation. We cen sali youn prcpTerbyfoiCASH. Diilk Pocochi - - 6U-7465 Pete MecEacisern 9742- Service Station IO busyhighwsy.16,0 galonsyealy wîtb sncckbar and living quartera, near Orono. $25,000. Temmis, Simipson Avenue, Bowmanvihle 3bedrocm, brick bungalow. Near shopping and achoolS. Nicely deccrated. $25,500 Termis. Scugog St., Bowmanville 3 Bedrocut brick 2-storcy ,home. Almost ncw. Altacb-1 cd garage, patio, mec. reen,I ciecîrie hecbed, 11/9 bathroomis.. $26,800. Termis, Cali Fat Yeo. Church St,, Bowmauvilla Brick incemne home. Annuel income $6,000. Large lot. 66x 160. Asking $40,000. $8,000 'dowr. Are You Considaring a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are cquipped' ta handle your home needa anywhere lu Can ,ada and U.S.A. SCoast to Coast Real Estate Service Everett Hepua Peter Kowel Jr. la pleased 10 weicome Evecett Henna te bis eai estate llrm Mr. Renne bas hecu active in reai csaae for the .pat 22 yeams and bis expemience will be mest valu- abie te assiat you when huysng or seiling.,Mm. Reanne wili be pleased te, receive your en-1 qusmies snd listings.î Sbecreta ries Ne-xi Meeting On March 21 The March meeting of tbc Oshawa Secretamial Associa- ition will be held.,lu the Pica- dilly Roon of bbc Genoshe Rotai on Tuesday, March 21, 1972 et 6:00 p.m. Guest speaker on this oc- casion will be Mrs. Laurie Hamley, Manager, Secrebarial Service cf IBM. Mca. Harley la a graduate of bbc Univers- ity of Toronto snd joined IBM in 1966 as au interviewer se the Empîcye eand Place- ment ]Depsrment. By 1963, Mca._Hemley had risen te In- Thse Canadian Statesnan, Bowmanville, Mar. 15, 1972 1 PoIn CialI 1Co Held in Bowmanville Y' Monclay, MA1rch 3th, 1972 j351,lie admittcd cubbing bthe bs aabaenfo h1 Judge R. B. Babten presir- cornr te short. Damages crrraîg t 1 . r cd with Assistanit Crowa- At- vwcre $S850. ,4,Cnit ionbo torney K. Stubingt.on , D J. Drvn with i mp r-o pcm fine of 10adcl r1 Barber as Legal Aid duby lgb October 3lsb cost Jef- daysý , andsunai ciY counsel. fery ,-Petipco, Brampton, $20ý suspension, Ronald Thompson, Rs ancd costs, or four days. Con- Jack LMCmi ueatb, was fined $50 sud stable McLeod, 0F?, was ary, piea:dad. col guiit e costs, or 10 ýdays, for- faillng coming east ou Taunton Road driving wïib eer 0sd teo pcedîce preýof of iusurance iet,,6kSO p.m. wheu be observ- grais alcl in ' totir'1t ced $20 and costs, or an ad- cd bbch Potipco vehicle with litres of hloýod October ditilonal four days, for oper- ne left, rear bail light. The A, motonist on H-gayJ ating an unsafe vebicle. Cou- driver admitbcd Ibat hee bcd cane te the detacbrnec rfi stable Brunton, OPP, investi- driven' from Brampton te lu New cal anad cnlî gating a one-car accident aI Hampton kriowing lb wscut. cf the ,ecratîc drivwn ta 10:15 December 111h on George Dutkéwicb plcaded haif-lon truck otbeî Highway 401 ln Clarke Towu- net guilty cf cerelesa dciving ccd gaveeicense nîbr sbip,- found bhree ef the- four December 3rd. He was con- Cons,-teblej Craîg dmme rirth3 bines practcelhy bald Sund tbc victed and fined $100 andItb bb'c D X station t'f driver wibb ' ne insurance., 89.50 costs, or 10 days. An-1 Thîrd Concession cfCl1 k Wilbcrt Harris, R.R. 2, New- drew Thomnpson, castbourd ou wbcrc he saw the v~ce astie. was couvîctéd ef bav- Taunton. Road et 8 Et.m., stop- vehicle -proccedueig sou-b - ing care -and control of a ped. just esbcf Old Scugog burned aroLird and g T, 2 as motor vehicle while inipeîmcd Road, with signala flasbingi and stopped, il. T' e , - ~1 -. and fined $100 aud -coats, or for e lefI tumn imb bbce Texaco 1 was sitng hehind 1ocwe~ 10 days. This charge was laid Service Station. A car ap-1 and ýriotber mcci asîcn ea'i. Octýober 20 h. Couistableý Gay- pros bhing rapldly fron thel ig ag4îist the .dem or- tl lord, OPP, aet 7:U0 p.m., as a rear tumned toebbhemight and rigbt bar,,d sida. le îL ern%, result cf a couiplalnt, chccked drove alcng tbc soutb shoul- dle o c hesea3t v a e dog'-to-îst1 iMr. Harcisa' vebicle procecdiug der where il collided wibh Fa growlcd aI - theoff cer L. h1 encub Higbway _ 2 from, tbc aigu post, spun around and mer wcre irider the lune parking lot/ cf bbc Elmhurstj wcnb it h t b ditcb. of alcoltol ccd thekm vr- Hotel. The driver, obviously Constable McLýeod, OPP, wasî net in bbc igoition Aho fi intoxlcabed, submited te two învesbigatirq ofcr fser c eea the- breathalizer tests wbich show- Gaîl Zurba, R.R. 3, Bew- were or the floor. cd .19 %.11 mauville,, was fincd $20 and The acceied in i -1. '~v On November lltb CousIs- cime dollars cosîs, or four hie bcd net bacc dri ,, -7 blc Hcldaway, OFF, observ0d days, following ovcinfranothier mac, who harc, ni bbc errabie progreas c f Mr. makiug an improper bure. the scanbc ben e Harria' car easîbouud On1 Thorold Bobier was eatheurd burned over le a bmet&mrr. Highway 2, atopped the vebi- lu-the paasing lare cf Higb- opemabor et the, dat ~-,i cie and bok tbc driver for way 2 juat eat of Oshawa wberc twe -reedinga cf 4 breathalizer readings wbich where il la dividcd luto four or 130, mil14îframa c sie werc .13 sud .12%. He laid lanes- He saw a car stoppcd per 100 rnîilîtres î bbc charge cf impaired driv- ou thýe Town LUne Road ready wcrc teken. The acu: d ar iug and conviction for Ibis te buru cube Highway 2. lb scveralwt-use cc t resulbed in a fine et $50 sud preceeded e ut sud collidcd wblom 'SaiÎd MCmie.ia costs,- or an additioual fiveý wilh bis vebicle, resulbing lu been, drivîng partvay-51f days, witb automabic liceuse $292 total estîmabed damage. then bel had ibaker m a suspension for tbrce meut hs. Coustable Gaylord, opp, in whcel ccd that li a 3 îvj m Making an unsafe bure cestivestigated. cet thé *rigbb bard -aide hm Patricia Towcier $40 sud It Faîhîng , t drive on hbbch officer stepped tbetek wihan' alternative cf casxrbbnc fed wihSXrghî aside of a multl-lane sudgeficd. jc days. On January 141h et highway . Pet Aruold Thurs- JdeBllrdcdL 5j, 10:35 a.m., Mrs, Towner, dciv- to-thie vne i.bceévidence thet th, ree ing est ou Higbway 2 tet bckcrIng, $20 suieî,o orhcd hean d'-iirgml-f, ' wesb end cf 1NTewcastle, m d e y Coandable oremanr bbc DX-statjinwl dtu left tumn inito bbc g aY5 ,Cmstbederma the two-hour prr ff nursin OPP, was on patrol on Highl-Iebcabl rtsî hm su colddwt way 401 Fcbruery 121h. 'He efr d.T 'lni- westbound car reasulîing in followed- Mr. Tburston's vebi-premdTefieva-1) $1900 damnage and, miner d lbcpasî aaen ~sd .$23 cesîs, or 10 e; it brîiises te Mns. Towiler. miles an heu hî b automatie liceese tpeSO Danel ortncharged witb vebiles were proceeciing len makîng an improper left ten iedi thaeyugs E U TS C 1t1~ Jenuery l4th, wes fiucd $35 pasa. and coats, or, six days. He wes dciving )soubh on Hîgbway 35 William Ross Jordon, Bebb- sud made a - eft bure Itbeauy, phcaded not guilty of Counby Road 72, bitbing a ccr impaired driving Novemnber biset was stopped there, ready 1t Constable Mocci, OFP, te roced ut nteHighway easbbound ou Taunton Roadj te procee eut cubeobscrved a pproaebing carULIL ITIOSRfC <1beingvedrivennuan crratîc structressanad Manager of mce e burued sroundO hwU ~~~ thse Seceearial Training De- su'a"" e l o em ie parîment and lu 1971 sbe be- Wbeu . stoppcd, bb odrîvcr's RerilE tte Bcr came Manageress cf bbc Sec- obviu odîîuw'suh______________ retend lServices, Department., nIte w9s'jl Mca. Harlcy doca considèerable. public relations, work fer h POL WrKO TE~G OCFE.~ company and is a, well kuoie PE LEW O N WrH ?, afler-dinuer speaker, Iu addition le bbc guEs e speaker,' bbc -pregr-ain willl fatuire a démonstration cf office -equipmclnb and services, under bbc directiou cf Mr. I SHORT RIB or CROSS-CUT RIB Job dfuul u Toy Roi amer. At Ibis meeting a] .so, e Sludy Greup will bie organiz- cd for regular weekly mneet- ings for those eurclliuglu bbc ccrtified Profeasienel Secre- bances Prcgr'am., This greup will mcclet abbc eOsbawa 'Bus- iness Collage. Ail ares secretaries are urgeci 10 attend -Ibis educa- tional and informative meet- ing.' Diai 728-0052 te cenfirm attendance lu order that càt-' ering arrangements mnay be made wibh bbc botel. Kiddies. FilMs5 This Saturday At Town Li brary- Esch Satucday bbc staff et' thc Bowmanville -Public Lib- rary bold a Story Heur for cisîldmen. Il nocmally sbartsaet' about 10:30 a.m. sud as bbc tille implies lests about au bouc, On bbc average 20 child-j ren, or more, attend bbc' ses-1 sions to listen 10 bigb acghoci student Bounie Morrison read storieste bbem or' te watcb films. The last few Saturdàys the number et children buruing cul bas been disappoiubiugly amaîl. Mca. Dorotby Pollock, childceu's librarian, altribules the dcop-off, lu part at east, le the peur wcather experËienc-, cd in bbc arcs rcently. However, 10 encourage-bbc drop-offs bcck 10 bbc fold aud, to tcy te gel even, grealer par-, tîdipalicu, bbc library will effet thcee cbildren's films, Ibis Satucday, Mca. Pollock scys. They will take about. an boum le show sud any cbiid frcm pre-achool age te age eight or niue will find a more- ing'a-fuli cf entertalument in- then, Mca. Pollocki assures. Do somcthing nice for your tisild. Take hlm, or hier, te bbc [iisrary Ibis Saturday , Terry Masters - 63-3393 Posible'uRabid Fo Pat Yeo -- - 623-3077Fo Jan Oégm;a or- 63-218In H ampton District Bernard MacLean - 723-0842 Waîlbaivdlhve rt.Aot fu Phyllis McRobbie - 623-7159 beau a rsbid fox was spot- haler Mrs. CoulIs of F Dane Found - - 623-3965 ted in the Hampton are ton reported to police Kay Brown - - 623-3150 lest niglit. -hier dog baal tengledi Bill Turansky, Orono 983-5420 Mrs. PariSetta 0- f County te in the front yard Road 57 raporled to Newv- home. Roy Fostar m Orono 983-.5801 jcalla Onlerîo Prvicil olice do not Jpon Audrey Plein - 623-3563 police et 6:15 P.m. tia a the zame fox, moi Norm 1WetËcmup - 723-4809..................o g la i i-,rabid, but warnV and iaster hMtlng il ýcurrid 11-1 off te the fortb X0f hci prep- Puts area ïo be on hourg. ,e that utith a of hier if it rf it reopie ruard ROAST .1' ll~ BONELESS j SPRVALUE BLADE ROAST B ACONr 99c lb. I -9cl LUCAS ARTHUR'S WIENERS CELLO PACKMAATT' TOMATOES DONT 27c pkgs. 35pks FRESH CRISP LETTUCE 2c a DEEP CUT SPECIALS ! ROBIN IIOOD - White or ChocolaD aeS CAKE MIXpg AUNT JEMIMA - 2-lb, Peck PANCAKE MIX MMTTE DORIT SMOKED SARDINES SWEET-TRIEAT SLICED - 19-or, Tins Le 1 Saxo île Save9c- PINEAPPLE HEINZ - 13-oz. Botîle Save 10ei BAR-B-Q SAUCE HONIG - Spring Vegeteble Sv 5 SOUP SUMMIT %Gi ICE CREAM SOLO - 100% Vegetable 011, MARGARIN E 4Ib 7, PRICES LE!! RARONIE FINEST QUALITY CRERRLY-FILLEII - . CHOCOLATES Save $1,49 Large 13-oz. Bov- Large Selection of ~~~r n h &Tr- LJ]nfr.1 TT Ifi I F LARGE' and SMIALL BUNNiES; CHOCOLATE EGGS BASKETS -u LIQUEUR FILLED EGGS - ETC., Support Y-our local RoteryEasater Seal ~pin Return Your Pink Envelope -Be Gýenemous KhEn VI- Your RED CROSS is + Serving Todo ayi Ready for Toniorrow