TalEQSHAA TI5~ Wdnc~oy'mrck '15, 1972 GUARANTEEt h f R', n ailregu/ar cuts ofbee fa,ýl-1ýi-t Dmni»on Il~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~w fltece n-afic.Ia nime, your se/action fails tomeet ithths, (Or any)of the othr rcierequirements in aur ""Guarantee af Perfarmance'), we encourage .,vu ta take ît dire ct/yto the butcher. He Wi re-trim, re-weigh and rý prc îurse/!ection,. ight an thespot. Eveyone knows Dominions reputation for Canada~s FinestûQualtyMeat& ' Everyone knows about Dmno~ Deep Discount Prices. And, thanks to Dominion, EVERYON Ewill soon- know how meat should really be trimmed! s. A% Blade Roast requires exacingspecificalions, if - t reeive full value for *AU oxoess interio[ fat must he romoved * omnin laeRoas PM nuib.at ny rn s ount rce -fi,',' -'I -"I Rity!ayToCah, Irnie 72 lUMP ROAT L, .16 Mde., F. %ot ot U RI B Alpine Bod BEEF STEAKTTES Lb. 74, CHICKN WIGSLb28c CHIC kN LEGS L, Froen mpotedMeatY New Zeolond LAMB LEGS TOP HALFR Lb, 86C Frozen Imporftd ewZ@@Ïond LAMB Btî~Pride cfCnaaMeaty Cookeds DINNE HAN Lb 13 Red o a ANS s::kL,580End Lb. 4 Fearan aryMîlces Rindlae BRBRAKFAST 1 -Lb. Pke 68 Rcnide Rnless Thîck Sficed .~LW.Pkq. 8 wi ENý4EPRS 'i 1Lb.. Pko,56 IENERS 1-Lb. Pg5 Bittneqr BREAKFAST SAaUSAGELb, 6 9 Caometeau16: 69 Burnen re(Cach Weight Tray) Sm-" ikBRAFS Lb, 64 Lb. 4 Hame hurg llies6 b, P550 BOLOGHCKN AF YTH Lb, 28e DOL GIA 6-Ox. kg 28e SAUSGE . Pk. 78Q Shoey ast Biekt Ve AL T Russ NED EEF LbA1.0 Shopy "OId Vienne Moc S %LAI(""e, fchLW2 HF Pack b Sere Sifte PemmSAbLRN d COOKED M.3T CANAÂ'SFINEST RED BRAND STEER BUPf NATURALLY AGEDI, GOVERNMENT INSPECTED