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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1972, p. 2

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e! ThÉ Canian Sttesran, Bowmanville, Mar.13, 1972 wsb en ihicle had cOllM -dcorne valable, there il se uti rý anu ur ey taf in r C urs maller -hospitais%,"' se t aideleffOaidl "Iôre n-cdep .ftýrè 8a t View Lakej e "Irally must coin- I CAI DAi LN EjotFerlCac This o, 1ïï s Lot " thendstihe staff ot the Bow-. wppcac~ and the grocer-1 pmanville Hospital for the Tesudn Gho.laeniyUntdChri onu1 Éle-% fron 1ý1e shevserv Tce, makingêtspef ilI of pick',,es and Jam and 1Crown Attorney Geoffrey dnt of Dalit longTownsioe tio fCesqit n IIi otis of pop were a mess of Bonn-"Ycastie aiso Compliment o6ore nMnay ad suig anr~d~î liroken, glass and spilled con-- ed the olury. "This is a high 6 172,nthi aom, 3Maowe ever rayhlfle A r~uet fr undto e-lara t alow or18 n les f ent, M. Nli wa sîtin oj l ineiigent and valuall . St., Bowmanville. He was the tii wit.ptkn lt0f ranlrtreree In stool n Neid.ýst ,îof i -veri ctto a1l conrerned" hu,6.son7of t eh ome rs ~Te plbaesxee e aid. S.fChe ae Mr.nand as.negbr n redHrl e. of hot mix esphaît andilhambles with the wife of the S.ii Charlh Crne' ofcei T u es4, 1910 n thé amîlyr the Pc E Bildling hec -ýbeen catch basinnelevation cheng-j stor-e-keeper ettending to hic MetT4 n, oledorered theice in , Gib Ln, WlrdHmeW cefrrd WrsDpr-cMr, 'att sai:d. nijries He wes leter taken quest. Dr. Biackwell said it tarmn were he residu ntil fe endnl ndGro -ent buidget discuisions Mr. Watt'noted thet one of ito hospitel. Mr. Neill inslsted 1 was held in Coliourg as hie feit bis retirernent In September Martjn. C1iar1etý Wa t, town engin- the two catch basins,-on the thet lie was not driving et the a1changee f veue was "in ..Mrtn. oeyfoa rhîo nee, reported tbcaunei arch lot la higlier tI n the sur- time of the occident and pro- re" Public School and Bwa-atae otehgiete ý6fl tl'at the" 60 foot by 162 rouniding aea and tliu.s n e a witness wliose ei ___ il il col n nwil h ecsdwshU foct p;alang lot hed heen functlonimg et ail, dence reised a doulit in the Januery 14, 1939 lie married Among teewr lwr broen ir adl aparntl Coneilo Bel wndeedif mird of Judge Gueat, hAlcVeaPwrfei J beýu-a.Iaéut rn-teewsay urne on cag. wo C u c lA suVea ful faer , M ron A.« lmodéA' la 1,trahd entepoeta h ult f ýýleMcGarvey, 395 Pie Q Ali pecializcd in111 2g 49, DurhmCatrOPS u.eed when tt was built, HÊ workmenshlp appeered rathefr Avenue, Oshawa, feilcd ta and fruit growing, end lieing DurliamFemr'CnyC- e-timented the --coat of repe ta poor. le rdigtetteFurM f e nowlcdgalile and clever with Operative eja Asca.l et ~o $64hhi wud cld fr"Youn.get ust wl ri a o ryCrer fNkc le o-(FROM PAGE ONFý his bands waalweys w iling of Port Pry omrPoi anpeeeaetnoftefrConHor erkd-stable Schiultz, OPP, eat- Bad etrwch umta help those wbo needcd lai. deace iglbrFinaer bound on King Street, stop- maie eomnain 0 Mr. Allia lied meny and Nelgiliorso oeSs ed for the red liglit,- obaerv a BadCmitemeigveried intere ts. lHe wes a 7th Con(e~o.Te atYr ýd Miss -McGervey meke a ledon eirry2d charter member of tlie Dur- Consultans oaîledFr lft turn ota Mý\iliiStreect J-. Tîslisben ronnhm Fermera' County Co- ward )2ta huc hi fom King. She said she neyer danotafi adReeBiaSudr Operetive, Director of the ekso sent lrlarneet Tn~a, ec tti 1972 aeRa on htMrjMlton Campbell of Milt's Bcommittee lias deflt 'ti t Idoch lied turned off Hîghway 4Mobile Fond Service 1weisa mite a datWi i 'Home Hardware, 95 King St,.1 tchairmab ofbleduhrlote Jug wadGuLst lire- 2 ton fat and ali d nto th'c fîfned $20 aad coats, or four ofte(Mmte emicrs ervilbas Goes Ascain ar 'Itr îded wtbAs-jnlat Crowan front of e northbound ve-ýle deya, for operating e vehicle Dykstra and Coun. Allia. oped a concentîeted,-sev- mnOuber af 'lie Halstein Frc-vleCetry Attrpy . l~nto Rcausîng consideralile damae. not praperly registered. It was "i feel thc Separete Sdhooil e-a orei ealM ian Association. __ VanN1,e5ti a,, Leg-al AId duty! A acanwcegtede 1 registred te. Stanley Board lies sliown very little agement lid in Torontao Fr evra c0urisel ent1, o I. îhli f -Oshiawa. The conern about .what liard-te Hrwe Magmntyerliwse Tigswa Tran)ort cherg- ,gainat- Avi ýhar vslaid h b cabehips may lie caused by the Development, School, a divis-melroftcDrmCu- cd ,vith nrcrating a trucklowng taoowide a load I c erge waita. chConstaarde n Jud kin1 wDa$5vad SmitbOr.iv buses being routed tirougli ion o f the Canadien Retail ty Higl Sclao, Bar Io îth tio wîde a 102d, lwas fn e 5 n oto iete e,'teReesi.Hrwr soîto.which h. served as Chaîrman hn~- f~cd$5 ndcot, r.ds ey.Inpeti Merew check- Peujl G. O'elR.R. 2, "ueywtithe drci ed r. ScL,,auescitonedtn16.C oncekig oudtc drive tinspVanDyke od -loar-aont Uiasunbe at teUd Cii taleDaldJme Elîtt Fwith filireglass tanks. prodluce a dîiver's licence slto cudleSon. odm rtitpoeu ea rnv ne uc a l t eDvc -rn E1r[ P-dwhlen hic ve'îicic wa.s dcckcdi "Smeoae lias stirred the eterSere t e ea ftiesn in tie' choir for manvI e the la1 3 biýj1chýes ovr t Malcolm Harvey, 90 Qucen by Constelle David Smith. whole matter up," remarkcd consumer la bis community.__vears. At hic deFti Mr. Al lin vo t a3Ôe idth H.le oSre, a î 0ed Tî.rce yauag ladies fecedl Coun. Hooper. "There are wes a mnemier of the Ses"ion.AJd lapînhpwl had been leftnthe dcsk of1ta produce pi oof of insuiranceî, taining food fram George aware of this letter and wliO by wbat the Bowmanville club meent e great deal ta hlm as tic, Seoary Son fr tlhc terrminali n Mntreel. $20 and caste. or an addition- Lakaris, MrcI 8Stb. Janet -Having lulfilled the pro- tlieîefore liv Law authorized woul lie surprised if sudh a mae l lie was a Lile Member af teama fio col cogn Narni a 'lnn a fnda or a~,froprta i Dempeter, agýe 19, Wiflawdeie, visions of the Board (-f Exarn- ta practice as an Ontario Land etslmLd S~0andeoésor ht-e eye unaf veicl, nd 20 ndDenise Reeser, age 20, Thorn- imers teAsoiatio-.n 0f Surveyar. Lyn jepresently wccl He fesl te, pro M' Mr. apatcvtiern gMe AF.ind5t0the Cnta Otai Sc fer ~ ~ ii [ :l irglit caste, or an additîonal furtier bll, and thrstip Le Le tlie Survey System Engineer wudlerslvd a onwitî Cosmos Imperial Textile.. a cthn ig as Mas r15 dArySbo soito.I feilng a noifydliur, cge 19, Richmond HillnaraLed'uvyo t edfor Hewlett-Packard (Cana- as tc goad wetler ncon-es. Miisdin Treynio n o ra.adand ofthc a ede Hwa'série- atefrtaiskn vrt f~cmhet drîvcey onCon- the Dcpartment of purcliese toolc a car hem Yong tcl cmlied, with all' tic reqire- de) Ltd., a positinleto euyReeSehncn asdi eri aecM ayo h a i edi u ia the way. She waa bacnekingles fourindayseoofa'-d flicheBoards letter "c Reid lias lived la Trenton for aieoae member of the Pales-;LnHusegeetalo el-, itêl, OP, wb chekcd- ,ýmahaîf, Everett 1Lynn BRrown lias apprenticesbip wîtb .M.D tel dicregar for flic peopn winvhbess ukliy a W vîtcl, fOP rwi alleccd romaville they ran out af been admitted as Pe membner Brown,, P.Eag., O.L.S.,iBow-of Parkwey". He iaferred the credits lie admita, is bis 181 He leaves tae oi i a lbl i or ini ~cstbond veicle, eeuitng the v42l.fon i fu1gs. 'One stayed in the car 0 h Association and je manville.' Boerd's intention, as daiag ycars ofperfect attendence as his wife Vere; twa ses,,ariginatoro flcie fa] in $2500 damage and mînor tires bald, the roada ire i-7! anid t1 vweked came distance - of- the-- othîng until thc town de-la member of the TreotaoniRobeit C.,Allia, MD. of Port organizer fte et cece tôn ta anc ahrier and slippcrv, there wano in- t 0ge fue. Ou ah anc b c]wesatîi rýj-fu, O o oead &,4cides t a pesa areguletîng by- Lions Club. Ris terni of office' yervnd John T. Allia, PiD.l l a sil otknofh Chatteron ,zisrance and it ws ti, ai-î5- turn t tly went taeflic res- law. as District Governor expires of Cliampeiga, Illinois; thrce'mayotc50dosati crai d F ater-i "eiend a '..' Jodre rak ou l E g ne sCouncil voted ta tura the flic June.aitera, Dorotby (Ma.' j. v.ICOSSA ditctwlsed cllarged wîth aeretîn ej nbeen be oî liugît h ast.-The total oilwas $3.10, terortalicekwth __________ Marks), Sceiboraugli, Ada'teema. HwvrCutiei Enowmanblle Fcrar)th an; Ddrio't cbarged w!th of whici hflilrst-naaied had - *I~Ethc autliority aevs h (Mis. W. J,. Yellawlices), Sa-exctdafedaprtully ne rotii naccident. la- i o roCIYaly cup ofcoffee. TIcBoard dliould teytake rvliaanNnofTot. -rng0 veefiýgelon by Contanb. l e vnpli lohrtw ti recarDII ' Iactini heftr.The funeral service wa ýThe COSAdsrcttk(i~ Sehuilltz, OPP, rcveaecd thnt guityan ws îned. $150 andiauteide. leaviag lier with ticV held on Merci 8tli, 1972, tIalahosbtenDnir et10p i n ic8t Cnca-$1 cat, r 0 ay. t an.dleck. Sic asked tflicaoshier Road cagînecîs and super-1 We went ta e eable ta tae u S2 p.m. rom tic Noitbrutt-,tnt elvleednrit szion oh Darlîngton, James AI- Mi. Warbuîton backed out cf' te weit until sic wenftaefte inteadents fîom most af thc plan aicad and tic in their Bancroft-. Wn Jcksô laa snwmaile a drivewey on thc south ide car for nancy and tlic threc munîcîpal.îtîes la Noîthumber- wark projecta witî construc- on tanm Jnaflônin ek a no p of Higliway 'leat of Oshawa, dpîtdîeden]Dulammt nPattin ing the staff fram 70 ta 65," he craedIFChatterton, Jackson crossed thc castbauad leanes 1"'Wlicî anc of you cancact- Hope lest Wednesday with te- 'said. jH os't Tice(PROM 1PAGE becNusetIc stu did na c repart i cietedpceed ta drive ,west c u ohaisim9"psnaie fBl aada. Twh"eieCounty Board of Edu- Uc cxplained the réduction D fl for twq ay ndCKiatteitanwben a car dri 'en iy the ase- qricd Judge Guest. "Fý, he meeting, which lasted dThe meeting wes organiz- tien, meeting ia Cobourg lest wajutfd IL R SI rotat 21a1l'PEcidivrwe ucdseme nt lc er 3.0 You would have a.record hllg a wsdevo tii- . y H. Bcrgslioeff, super- (FROM CAGE ONE) 'iidy ptvd h pIdn o lto eareengt !in-ed $25 and cast\, r veThéPorter car îcft 35 feet of esj d uay was ead vising engineer wtî Bll otiers as a social organization, pointuent of Douglas Gel]atlytiag amalle, tic pat eiH SAWY HR day. hateronwaccio fn kl mekaandtiice ws a-ta fo]law you al yauî Ide, ymimr Canada for tth erritory f hi"Ina asense, lie wn loof Gait ta tIc position. There seid Mr. Thomt gave the school c-d $50 anid caste, r veeddicationlie lied leen:-drink-inlg w eticncpaan el Unit eliatis. o-Loîmi i ffis asapîaî ocmettoasettacbuildracko n - iri fi ' ttetin.wrsprograma cen liecome muit Reatons Maager ndmore," on discussion amang trustees tae tda/ede ai f___ beitircoordnaday KforWtheîling7. taheetovtical aerag. pfodfcinsurence.(loba Robert Neil, M;in i ete oodnte.Rn iîidneadcd a group Uc suggcstcd flic organiîza-!anthe appaiatmen at e tic 1 6.5 tIcpoicalaee -ilimMro fo-Sreet, Cear ea. Bplcaded WotChare Watt. -tawa engi--0f seven otier Bell employeca t ite wrdslags c- time. fom 1 t nc which tIce ,7ICtedo arls rîi,,guilty of cercîces dri vng Na cciattcadcd tIc meeting. Ucejwlu partîiae.vcedatee caatrzd n omtecmme i . lol isbenejyigt . î wasie d lcmnmm $100 vember 27f1 Coan s tablel said yesterday fliat tic aim, Road Supcrirptcndeats Jack first liy.service ad second byjUazel Sîcîla said aie waa dis-dae endcateortO ay. CnfaSchuit z, OPP, inveetigatcdl an i U T o f tic talke was ta get muni-ICuaam 0f Darliagtan, Mer- serving as e key ta the prec- mayed liy tic "sicer ladk of __ ble tcilt 0 OPP i nvetgf- accident on Couatv Rond 141cîpelîties end uttility omas ui o f CIailue a'nd M. tical application oh a man's c(omman business courteey" on RY N HTS-GereWiacswni tîg tich ccdet n retonet4:15 Uc fourc] thatî4a <PROM 7PA(.EONE) ica suci as Bell woîkîng liet-)Suggitt of Cerftwright wcre Ireligion. flic-part of heicboard la an- the Florida primnary yesterday smaknftcdy a edafn. t1wste fiater togetheir _______ amoag tiose proesent. "Service is Our motto, cerede '-rcngth ppitmn. igtyer ai-wenBrr oIN f1. deadîla., If was flic final ~~_and raie," lie rcmarkcd. "It{ Ana fier miember, Jack Van wth iinwoîfsdt e h îy o aelnc appraved. in Ontaria ad II" 'ti l cka awlryfreiiaw',Zn hi li uins hnofndfew tewnaum rofhe ri- it is 111,- ý-ment fo the re't l'-blacksanth ieswoanu anc h fi la iciCanda. CO LT ~e aer ~o~ iti ouipayent or fic rntletting flice chool knowwasx- . . Recauseoh tic rant ia ed 1e for- oui room lie.on"îidicuious" 'and said flic an-f crles for his parfy . . . and wenf on OWn o- echiyte dhol wlllesp-ifi.'nun'mqt îoldbaefon'inafion but lose the election.Pehp tc n ma iely equiparpe n aenaip i M ued eidbatti 95- uf la writing.- trinFixo ais o o t1 iLon sie ruithr ebeo esmlingthc mosf i% RichardNxo.Bthud Mr Ve frge ave lis Rter- I iLrorouiG Ad id b rofe 'i "Af fer- ail, Nixon didn't stand mc facac > OW O BV-ANISu îalwk bd Samiaiitîins on 400,000 indîvîd- 1er, lad strong waîds ta say agtiinst Godatr OW ddl?__ 1 M. Vrgagav tie Rtar ual cammuaity service pro-labout thc board and flic direc -__________________________ TO 1E1,lian a int f w:;',te :xpet ê u ,piy- i ic 1î n IDNSO H O NiI~jccts lest year. H. helt thi or of éducation, W. Fianal 0FBO MAVILEAN RSIDENTS lysowgsnesdsohfifU Cle of heicgood deeds was!Tham. "If's oîiy' a mafeir of TOANI FDAURE TO develapment. ta date. lIer. are A canference for Scout moetaer, avca'f se fuMda- VJfamarc tien $200 milliO on. buins relations ta e 0,F A PLTUEN OTEONAI cie:onfI.fte ares leds-lar lielatSau day laIlsbourg tcliangcd, only 1Ucecallcd lis six-Point guide 'the achoollna w wlat le hep- 0F N APLIATIN T TU ONART crhcd an ohthelereet11h let Sturey.mefliode ah getting flic Job Iflic Six "has", which marlcd peling," sic said. MIUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORP- raries hound la any schohlan More flan 280 leaders et- donc, fleicocmmandments fa investi- Mi. Mumby bimacîf lied'not, Chartered Accountat ORATION 0F TUE TOWN 0F BOW flicaiea; a giganfie cafetecria; tcndcd tic anc-day confier- "Wc bave ta adjuef tojgafe, indoctrinate, invitec, in- rcceived officiai notification ohfFIENMJR AAINCTE ORTIN F HETO N F eW agiecabouse adjacent fa two ence, an annuel affair put an cianging conditions," ne eaid. 'docf, involvead inFFrICfIe appoitAmOnRont l fli MANILE OR APROAL 0F A f. science laIs; teacher "uicr- by flic Quinte-South Central. "or we hall beîiad. Wc have Mr. Reid drew mcmbes oh flic BoNAdAmeeting connecting bers'TH ZOINGminutes BELLhCANADAdBUILDING EYL W T MN U OIG pration roaoms" C ÔtigCnaeio Region af Scouting, ta reasses ourecîves and attention ta flic badgen'isofic tatme 1 Yewee Wab0Fn TUEassTOWN 0F areBOWMAN deof h tc lve a i ofcetefmi-,OSHAWA CEN'IRE - OS.AW 01,twca lba ad cOasNoOsF Tc aie talsilaBowmaa- Scoutiag periodically - if's flicclub. Hc said tiecîcrcle rcp-liag (Moaday). VILLE- REGULATING 1THE USE 0FP emuicdraom with-saundprooh ville-Nepaace-Pefcrbarougl.i.fdiffereace bctween growing reeated a bond oh union siar- Thc committe. wes hurtier PR'ES GORDON W. R11FH1L, FCARIA cubîcles; a miniature O'Reefc Tic theme ofhfie yeeî's!old and growiag up - nature cd by eil people cverywbecustoe eotfo r ODNF EGWCCA LAND, AN» P ASE»PURSUANT TO (cetre style auditorium;,flire pragram was c a M p i in g. tales care of heticformer for Tic two lions looking Ofwrd umby iov aidortfliroa rd. G BRTN. S WER , CA SECTON 5 0FTUEPLANINGACT yliuiesa bt ino a.; hme hroghout fihe day worl-,ue.buiny progressive on ecI sîde represented tic lad reqocsted ae bye per cent econamics raoms, colorful, shops weie beid deaiing wif i tîinkig'epecnesr motneo king ,,kieuto i tf tte vill AENOIEttfi ends tf o rprto mode, precticel; wiadawlees thc subj ect and eliowing iow tic latter." ward as well as forwerd. I edhool.PH0 N c e T o%vnof owmanvi nted eapply ta Tieclcascrooms ,lan tic centre if fit s la witlî flic fatal Scout- "Lioaism wîll be known i 'la am iow workîng an tf 72 -7c Ot.oMunicipal Board pursuant te flhc provision s of rigitcncd- ly liglit and cieery Guide movemenit. Bwavle'h sinovryupaatJbofedc Setcn2 f Tic Planning Act for approal of By Law F color schemnes; boutique win- At a dinner ield Saturday rBwevlc"h ead"nfvîupiaatjbordu- I No 7142 assd o ti fifeeti ay f Nvemet. dow f0dlipl. marketing eveaing Provincial Commis-' O 191.A note giving an cxpirlanaft6no f the purpose and projects; shop facilities for ail sioner Professai Ron Williams eýff eef cf fi byth a ardtatinýg fi. lande affccted tic major trades - wood- spole about flic need tae de-If tie4rreby le, furnishied hcerewifiÏt. workiag, welding, 'madliining, velop 'goals for youtli foday. In as e k4 _ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, witiin four- auto scrvicing, lectronies, "Eqoîpmcnt isn't cvcryfhing" teca (14) days efter the date ofh tus notice, sed b Y elcctricify and'huirdrcssing. le said.. quof cd ln the Peter- An csfîmafed $1000 damages relfrdmail or deliver tkc lcrk cffli ow h Mn., Verge said fIf a t ic hboroogî Examiner. "Tic key wr oct w aswil Bowmpan vllle, noticeobiobetotaapovlote future, school boards iatending fa any succes l training c.i..l i itrecino naid hy-law, togetier wifi a: stafenient of the grounds, construction o1higi echools and flic deveiopmcat ah new Temperance and Churcli Ste.F if sueh objection. wî a aetcmnyt idcae and imagination." et 3:45 put. Sunday. TIc driv- ilnj AN ERO wsîigtesppric application equip theni la sucli and "hwanftatecommend you cia werc PaulJaol i bboh - icor approval oh fie by-law may witiin foUrfee (14) nianner, Hc predicfed 'fliet for 'bat you arc doiag and fOshiawa and Brila George day ater licdat ohfli noiceecn byrcgsteed ie wold ie orcd t stckhave donc, but prepare yaur- Purdy oh 59 Concession Street. jnail or deltve" tIn thc Clerk oi'fhe Town oh Bowmnan-, f more ta tice cademie, flicoret- selves for wîaf yct bas ta bc No injuries were repart cd. - ý. ýý - _.-.- _e------ 1 -r4-1«- -..l 111.- :I.- -donc. Dan't just sit bnck in hn one otier reporfalile 1%ac-Ë , ý 's A 1% B reilnfoh U7 zoniiig regulafions, it was found acces- imsad ocet.r ow,,,lousig,6 onu-bc-droom, Tic verdict read in part: Ail ahove advertîsed units have -between 3000 to 5000 miles and tbey carry a fuit1 oit caitn-ere thefe wording oh fie existing zoning 'Wl e (-Ver know how 80 twol)e-bcao, igît thrce- "W. heel fiat tien. wac a ladk By-law j Ne 8, muclfe Bwm$itu f- bedroorn ead cigi bacicior oh communication lanflic Me- or 12,000 mîle addiÎtional warranty._ This may be your last chance to buy 1972 casat17 gy-Law 1o4!7-42, Ils a ly-lcw wîlch amende fie Tawn'e dents have mîissed ouf by nat apartnueafs. Tic plan reecrye marial Hospital, Bownvilce, Zonintg yLwN0.,1587, by renumbcring, re-erranging ieviag ladfic.hafclities la 18.8 ec fr Pa ae enda i rcigo i rcs and re-wordfing fi1e firt igit general sections cf By- tepet"le askcdefaeric- . TichevLopr \1D Con- neccssary blood frorn. tic la- Lae . 58.aly siansLimited coh Wýillow- borafory. Had tfie nof 0d ýý Support Rotary Easter Seat 'CampaignRtunYuPnkE eop yLa N.157hca lcngfhy wriften '(metes andti Mi, lVergew infiroducei dale, bas told fie fow,,i ate cuîred tien. is a passîbulity Rtr orPn bans)dsrpinoiii lichedifferent use zones in fhec Iv sciooî board truste.- AlIt 0 s ten at uwrk nas soontfif ifgiven la fimneif mniglif Tewn (refcrr-d te as, Sýciedu1e F of By-Lew No. 1587) Stnîke and thanked Iy Rex a oale aele ntuetll 811thezonng refrrd t asSchd- alfýi, min,-prof heCoun cil, meeing on arcl caviag hec lihe. a'nd a ma i wu l i eig(cerdt a ee- Wîes aae hf.Boxy- 7tlirfer c fie ropsi fa "We alco realîze that many / lfT\FL7r.\V. uieY F o By-Lew Ne, 1587). By-Law No, 71-42 deictea manvillle nnd are Ontario tic Town Plnin oard for srmailer liospifals cannof cap- tic Iengtiy w itfc ecription of he czones and aiea Hydra office, Icommenite d romenda-part hllowship (of heicRoyal replaces fhe eXisting eaap wit i a ncwly-drawn larger Aieaseool boacrd trustees fianeCllg f hscin n ý,ccJe Tening ~and former frustees ttcndcd A carnei roh tic propcrty CSurge oh py cnes ed0D 1 I 97-Lw Ne 71-7 D->FS eliage te bundaies f ie rmeeting as guets of h fraafng 1Higiiway 2, prescatly strongly rccornmend qualificd O G LD By-Lw N. 7-42DOF NOTchege ic ona arieso oaaa Thcy încludcd Sid zoned fan commercial paip 'e- personnel evaîlabie for con-DO G LT tlae zonr cue emt or reguiefians applicabl e IWordcn and Ai Wcrry bath ohfe will have fa le rczoacdoFta sultation."' I n ech irn, Darlingfon tawnsip, and AI reýideatial of fi. proposai is Dr. Biaclwell said lie IUtIIU 'kPFr~ By-Lw N, 7142 ee in c nature, Sturrocl and Depufy-Rccvc fo lic npprovcd. 'lie acw was cxtremely happy witi 1hIýi~ IEE R I6 3 2 8 Georgeýz Stepîca, loti Of Baw- OfficiaI Plan, currently waif- fie wey tic verdict ws 2 9 K N T E TE S 2 NOEZ Te yLa ogterwth the nid Selýedule manville, olow tgfe ineet- iag fie Miister oh Muni- wondcd, ne"ogaizîag flic p wo-, CHRYSLER - DODGE - DODGE TRUCKS FVa vah al for ispection cft the Town ing iiy joîncd Mn. Stnike on cipal Ahair's approval, con- lcm inierent in smnallcr Cam- 1el, oaayte Friday during office haurs, a touroa heI.ncw sliaol iuild- crswtl ie deopet swt th elomnmunity haspîfals,_________________________________________________ - mg conduct dc by Mr. Varga., proposai proposai for thc aiea. "As more medicali menbc-,

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