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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1972, p. 3

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SWomen's Ini SO0LIfNA W 14-1 DISCUS9 Ianniv TH-E STATUS OF WOMEN ly SI The March -meeting of So- Ashto lina W. I. was held in the hall 1 or n. on March th with Mrs, Vi cake A.shton, president, in charge. w ho The openîng was repeating W the Mary Stewart Co1iect.* donal Thne usual minutes, correspon- Sociel dence and treasurers report Thc followed. to br: Mns. Ashton outlined thel for t. short courses available fromiR. D2 the depactment. Mrs. Elaine Mrs, Baker, convenor for our Cas- ton ýserole Luncheon of next week, andc ex.plained the final plans for have thsevent. meeti -Miss Pearl Leach, delegate chang to the 75th Anniversary Lun- as s cheon in the Canadian Room Book. of thep Royal York, gave an W. H iccount of this occasion. ourr Many 'Thank You' notes presei were read from guests who Reso] had attentfecl ue anniversary searcl dinner in Febcuary, aiso Mrs. 'Notes of Regret' were read 1hE fromn some unabie to be pre- terest sent. of y( It w'as decided to send a letter of thanks to Mr. Samn close Dewell for the beautiful Th( painting he donated to the In- ship ;stîiue. in memory of bis wlf e. took 111-. Ralph Davis expressed Tbis tf' sincere thanks of the "Guaý h~~to Mcrs. Eacnestj study Hock,.aday for decorating tLhel derst; Nestieton iai saieWomen's Institute Mrs. Richard Davison wes hostese anti Miss Rut h Prouft FF ýo-lasefss for fle acMrcI meet- ing cf Nestîcten Wemen's in- stitufe, on Wctinesday et 1:30 Can" panty hase P.m. cial Sale! Choose The presitient, Mes. Walter' ishion shades of Welfs, dhairedtheli meeting. ramia, navy anti Folwing fthc opening "Ode" andtihflac'Mary Stewart Col- cHiable in palma, iect" Mes. Welfs thenkedtheli tblue, plumn anti hostcss anti extendedthela wel- 5' fa 5'5'; Large cone. Mes. Jas. Wygerde, secre- tary, readtheficminutes o!f te Mar. Z3tIi February nieeting ad rs P, t Mar. 25th on finances. Tic District Annuel will lac May 16t1 lanflic Preshyferien Churcla, Nesflet on, wif h Mes. C. Wilson, Mns. R. Devisen anti Mes, H. McLaughîin, flic cein- miffee. Ferrflic luncheon clef h flac commiftec is Mrs. Davi-l \eé son, Mes, DcJong anti M's.j Meis. B. DeJong, Mrs. C. Futige anti Mes, M. Ficlet ne- porteti effending thec dace 14 "Knacks with Kuits" in Bow- manville ini Februany. The ladies enjoyedtheli course anti learneti a great deal. TIc feshion show will lac April 18. There will lac ftwo study ses- sns wifh Mes. Davison lies- tess. Thc flrst will lac Merda l3fh et 1:30 p.m. whcn flac leaders will demonstraf e anti flmembers will Icarn tfla most modern "Knacks wîth Kuit s", The Foodi Forum will lac Mrci 8tl aet 8:00 p.m. with Maple Grave liosting fthc meet- Nestîcton decideti on "FasI- ions" - a anc day 10 arn. te 4:00 session. -Tweocf thc ladies gave gen- enousý donations (commissions). Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm will be hostess for flac April meet- ing with Mrs. C. Futige ce- hast ess. The rcol eau "How te Cdce- 27 . . brate flic 75f h Annivcrsery o! the Faunding o!flace Women's V Insfîfute"' was well enswercd but if wes decidedti t leavc1 Sthis until later in flac yeae. ~ ~, Mes. Allen Beacock, Conven- e o! Historîcel Reserch anti <~-;~ Curnent Events, spoke te flac motte, "A memory chesf is ~ z,.' .wontierful if we Iknow liow te peck if". She menfioneti. tic ef~e~.~ ~Women's, Institute whicla -reaclieflic four corners a!fIe ~ 2 worlti regardiess o! caler or PI creeti. Our memory cet is filleti witla clereti experiences. ThIlese arc leeketi up in our N mmnds anti seuls forever. i~V ,>IJy ITospeking of flac 75tla An- 2 . . . . .. . -. .. . . .niversary Luncheon et flic Royal York Raf ci, Mes. Welf s seiti we have 75 yeens o! un- b> selfisl achievement lachîntius. TIc Woen's Instifute ie res- pece d anti las influence <flirouglaut flac worlti. In Ont- ario there arc 1,300 branches wifli 31,000 members anti 60,- flacheworld. Thc Bovi n a v iIl ~organîzetion in itis HomneBc Celebrate Golden Wediding mena; become aware e bfoa we jutige.' Mes, H. Milîson gave comnients ofwietiom o thîs witie topic. Mes. Bruce Taylor acteti as moderator for the 'pael dis- cussi,,on on the "Stafus of istitutes Women". She pointeti ouf thaf womn must be wilng to, shace equal cesponsibilities as, 'ersary ý,cake s rieia-wcil as peivîleges. The mcm- lac aIse thanketi Mes. W. bers on the paed were Mrs.1 ni and Miss Pearl Leach W. Ashton on the Rights of' naking anti wrapping ',he tieserteti wives anti chiltiren, which xvas serveti te alMes. Lloyd Broome on flac mece at our celebrafion. role of Mother in flac Home, do nef plan te make a Mes. Clarence Bray on Equal ien te the Redi Cres51Rights, >Mes. John Knox on ty at tbis time. Our changing way of life anti eNeminating Cemmittee wlaat the future holtis for ing in a siate of officers mankinti. The points beouglat thc ceming year is Mes. out by caca of these ladies avis, Mrs. W. Clark anti matie us sure they fulfil flair C. Langmaid. Mes. Ash- duties in home anti country asheti the greup leaders anti aee exemples of gooti others making reports te Canadiean citizens. Mrs. Knox thcm reat fer toue April tolti us fthe changing worlti is ing. She aise outliiied et our tioorstep with thec ges lu the W. I. Program closeness of flic new airport. hown in the new Hand This couiti change the way of :.Alter discussion, Mes. life for many. Wc have only ilîs meveti that we keep ta mention taxes anti educe-- progeam topies in their tien to sec the claanging- ut order but substitute worlti. utions fer Historical Re- Mrs. Ross, Kosstaz changeti h. Ibiîs was secendeti by the serlous moodtet sounts ot Clark, anti carrieti, sweet music wifl lier piano e roll eall, 'A place ef in- selections. ýt wjthin driving distance To put us in mmnd of Basf e eue home' suggested we approeching, a hat show foi- many worthwhilc spots loweti. Insteati et expensive by for iu's te visit. milincr's creafiens, thbesc (e leader 'of tbe Citizen- were aIl consteucteti feom group, Marlon Broome, articles useti in flhc home. charge for the program. Mes. Lila Drew moticîleti a hegan with the motte, bat matie from a sewing bas- id eue heritage well; ket anti cemplementeti by a ybefore we crificize; un- nccklace of safety pins anti ,anti bel ore we recemn- scîssers. Mrs. Grace Hiemstra was "Miss Batlimat". She dis- playeti a baflamat stole anti e toîlet se-at cover for lie heai- gear! Mes. Jerri Aird woee lae grandmofher's cea r s e t s tiecorateti with rosettes cfý pink Kicenex. Mes. Doreen Wcstlake's bat was a box of 'Bolti' teteegent tiecorateti URE witia SOS patis. She cacnieti e cicaning peu. Mes. Jean Taylor was "Mi,s-;Pic Plate".I HJer hat. was layers cf infeil pie plates, She carricti a coll- ing pin. Mrs. Doris His a was "Miss Collentie" with a c collander hat anti eerrings et 0 sieves. Mes. Helen Milîsena woreea "Pet" anti was known il as "Miss- Po Po". Her lienti- d bag wasý matie from ftollet 'RNISHED paper anti she carrietiom Lysol. Me.s. Idia Bray model- 9 led a lampshede decerafcd, J 9 , witla Christmas trece iigbs, IMes. Vi Asht on was flac fasla- lion commentetor, for these creatiýons. ýMENI After this lilarlous ativance 'MENTshowing of Speing miiîinery, TERMS Mrs. Ashton brouglat us back E te eue sense by shewing us v~I N I lldes taken at eue 75fh An- 9 V . 1 1 nîversary celebrefion. ï H EAtte thae conclusion of flac PHON 62-388 Ipregeamn, we en.joyeti a sand- __________________Wich buffet in flac lowee hall. Varieties o! fiilings antibreatis were specati out tcmptingly. Eacla ene matie their cwn se1-1 ection anti buili it taflac size that fittedti lemsclves. Murli meriment went th e fa pre- paration of fliese naoutl-wat- OS E cing sandwiches. Mr. and Mes. Richard Stoil, Baltimore, Maryland, announce the focthcorning macriage of her daughter, Melva Rae Treffinger, te Mr. Fred K. Graham, son of Mr, and Nies, Alfredi Grahama, Newcastle, Ontario. Miss Teeffinger le a graduate cf the Berlin School cf Sacred Music, Gerrnany, and cf the Masters Progcam in Choral Arts, Peabody Institute, Baltimore. She je presently Organist and Choir Director of Rideau Park UJnited Chuech, Ottawa. Mr. Graham is a graduate cf fthe Uni- versity ef Tocante, The Berlin School of Sacred Music and the Royal College cf Organiste, London, England. He lias been arganisf at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Ottawa, and Music Master cf Ashbury College, Rock- cliffe, sin.ce hie retuen ta Canada in 1970. The marriage will take place in, St. Paul's Luthecan 1 Churcli, Baitimore, on April 3, 1972. better family lit e. Tf, leý yourlthe day that flac Women's In- prayer anti mine that w,,e may stitute wes foundeti. There arel continue te work for Home!17,000 4-H Club members who anti Country. bave heen assise d by flac Mes, Grant Thompeon gave IWonien's Tostitute, A picture an excellent nesume o!flae o!flie anniversary cake (e nep- Annivcrsary Geetings that iîceo! the elanti Lee Home- were receiveti from many e ati) was shewn. A clipping countnies, from -meet o etfli !om flacCobaourg Sentinel, cfetes in flac Unitecd States ant i acl was re-prinfeti in fthc from meny business firms. Roba- Canadien Sf tesman as an cdi- crf Simpson diet inî 1897 on f oriel, was reati. This includeti the Editor'a commente (ail compiimcnfing the W.T.) t.-âMes. Wclts hati recorded ail T ink ,,e e etoflithelks et speakers et flac luncheen, There was nef f ime gte lieartlaem ail but flic ladies *..S prin fin Zocller's introduction' e! Tubei'ous Mes. Farquharson, O.B.B. anti A.CW.W. president anti with Bçgoeia ber atidees. Peehaps, af e Bulbs later meeting, wc shahla c able ý« t ea e lcother speakers. * Double Begonia Nestieten is proud tieair * Pendula, flaî tree Lite members. Mes. L. * FimriataFerder in Hilîcreet Nursing' * FmbrataBegonia Home, Port Perry; Mes. M. * Multiflore Maxima Emerson anti Miss Rutli Proutt, Nesflefon. Tonlionon a! theirý availahie in flic follewing many ycars o!ftiedicateti ser- celons: vice these ladies we given Copper, Redi, Yeliewy bouquets e! mauve 'mums (Mes. MicLauglalin will tekel White, Salmon iMes, Forder's te lier). 3 for $1,69 Followîng flac sînging cf '"O Canada" andtihli W.T. 6 for $2.99 iGeace, Mes. Malcolm Emerson 12 for $5.79 ipoureti tee anti Miss Ruthi 24 for $10,99 Proutt's greup serveti lunch. Aneciatîon was extendeti *Seed Flets lay Mes. Harry MeLeughlin te *Garden Seeds ahl for a splendid anti exccp-1 * Flower ional meeting. FlwrSeeds -Ail cenveners are te have *Petting Sou ' their reports neady for flic *Perlite April meeting. Mes. George * Vcr-îicuitc Bwers, Mes. Fred Dayes anti * CharcoalMes. Ben DeJeng are flac nom- Caoaetc, înating committee, 623-4441-- 11( 1GETS ILETTER 0F Van lHelle 1 PERMISSION Tic Counfy Board ef çarc/ens- Education bas secureti a letter cf permission from 1,I the Dcparf ment of Educa-- I 1 t ion te permit Gordon Pais- Nurserymen le.v, principal of Cartwright anti Flonîstg Higl School, te continue as l ýHwy. Ne. 2 principaJ another year. The1 VA N EBE-L LE- 7 mîe5west letter je effective from cf BcwmnviileSeptember 1972 te Septera- ber 1973. Belateti congratulations f0 Mes. Joc McCullough 'who celebrateti ber 78tla bîrthday on Tlauesday, Merci 9th. Nel- lie is, e ceai "lîve wiee" anti te, ceilabrate, danceti a Scttisl Reel - on was if an Irish Jig? Te celebrate E ducra t ion Weck, there was Open House at Grandview aill asi wcek. There was a, ifferent pro- gram caca day anti m.any par- ente matie multiple visite te flac school. Mr. anti Mes. Ken Halfyardi of Iroquois Fells visiteti wita1 Me, anti Mes. Bernrd Nal flue wcek. Antiy Sutchl1Jr. flew tep Fl-aride lasf wee,.k on a lausi-j ness trip. Mes. Ruslk attentict a meet- ing o!flice Di-abetie Associa- tien lieltinl St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Peterboroughi, on Weti,, Merch Btla. Te celebrate tflac SOfli anniversary of flac dis- covery o! insulin, flac Associa- tion is sending eut metiallions Inecribeti with flac pictures of Dcs, Banting anti Besf. Any-1 one wishîng te denate te flac Canadfien Diabetic Association mnay senti thele contribution f0, 1491 Yengc St., Toronto 7. An executive meeting cf flac newly formeti Retepayers' Association for Manvers Twp. -as helti lest Thurstiay niglif et flic home o! Mrs. Jessie Flsk. WÎiiaRM Cail is a patient in Belleville Hospital. Bill wasj nureti in a snewmobilc mcci- dent last weëekenid and will The Canadiani Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 15i 1972 be hospitalizeti- for many wecks. .Mes. Cail and chîlti- ren are currently staying ývîth hec imother in Camfplielîfocti A Tyke Hockey Tournamen, a o sL de ±gA was helt i n Newcastle on Sat-,a9 urday mofnîng commencing b e v n arn .., with three teeaI 1s E ioyab e E e from Newcastle anti one fron' s n Orono takîng part. Three of The annuel Masonic 'Ladies W, Mutton andti Mes. Mu tt on~ ouc local little fellows - Dan- Niglit' was helti at the Lions J.S, Bro. W. Eby accompanied? ny Stinson (goal), Beention Cnr nMrh4 92 ihb î agtr eyW Carter and David Falb.s play-Cnr nMrh4017,wt yhedagtr eyWi ed fer Newcastle 'Cenadians' over 200 members and guests Brýo. K. Billett anti Mrs. Bil.ý which won thec Consolation attending. As the ladies en- lett. Trophy. Other local little tcred fthc banquet hall they Bro. W. Eby prooed a chaps takîng part were Jeff were presenteti with a silver toast, ta Grand Lotige, e- Mitchell andi Rodncy Arm- spoon merkîng flhe anntial sponded to by Rt, Wor, Bro,- sfeong playing, with Orono. event, Patterson. Visitors wîth Mes. Rusk, After enjoying a delictous Bro, C. Trcwin proposecl î Joan and Richard on Sun day eoast beef dinne'- prepared by toast te0 The Ladies iliniaxeti weee Miss Joan Nichoils, Tor- the Ennsskiilen church groups, by the mnen singing "Let Me onto, anti fnienti from Tren-. Veey Wor. Bro. K. Billctf in- Cal You Sweefheert", wibis ton Air Force Base, anti Wm. tcotiuced the hcad table. Woe. Bro. Rosa Metcalf at thec Bastabrooke and frienti anti Bec. J. Williams, Wor. Master piano. The toast was cap2blyý- Fred, Sheila and Tony Rusk, Of Jerusalem Lddge Noý 31, replied to by Mes. J. Wllllanas,' ail of Peterboroughi. Bowmanville, and Mes. Wil- Bro. L. We]sh presenteti a gift. We are gladtiaf report thet liams; Rt. Wor, Bro. J., F. Pat- to Mr. Williams on behaif of- John Bersketis will be releas- terson, District Deputy Grand the members of Jerusaleni' ed feom hospital this week, Master of Ontario District, Lotige. but will be staying in Toronfo anti Mes. Patterson, I.P.M. Wor. Bro. Wiliams fhanked' et the home of his parents, as Woe. Bro. R. Guthrie anti Mes. those whe had made the ev- if will be, necessery for John Guthnic; S.W, BBm L. Wels nn uhabucs.H ,ý to go back inta hospital fhree anti Mes. Welsh; J.W. Bro. C. seîgcal suea. hoe Up id days a week. Trcwin anti Mes. Trewin; present whe hld lost theJr- Tan Waldie ceturned home Treasurer Wor, Bro. R. He'- husbands over flhc past year, from hospital on Saturday. He dry anti Mrs. Hendry; Assf. The program was then turn- had been a patient there since Treasurer Rt. Wor. Bro, A. B. cd over to Bro. L. Welsh wýhc- suffering arm anti heeti in_ Lobb anti Mrs. Lobb, SUD. ad the lucky door prizei juries in an accident lest Wor. Bro T,. Hovey anti Mr'. drawn for flac ladies only. week lnvolving the Waliie Hovey; J.D, Bro, B. Bridges witli Mes. Patterson, Mms. W' and Pacey cars. anti Mrs. Bridges;,.G. Bro. E. Pcing, Mes. L. Welsh, Mrs. Ir. Cliff anti Yvonne Falles. King ant i Ms. King; S.S. Bro. KrampD, Mes. G. Therashe,, Debble anti Davidi moforedtiteMes. R. Merkley, Mes. n. Hamilton on Suntiay. anti boys vîsiteti Me. anti Mes Mutton, Mes. J. McFarland,' Weekend visitors wctla Mr. Jîm Jones, Scarborougla, on Mes, Tink anti Mes. C. Trewin anti Mes. Bsnl Wright were Sunday. being recipsents of fthe gifts. Mr. anti Mes, Reg. Davis, Mr, anti Mr. Tom Potts Music for flic dance was Peteborough, wprc Suntiay supper guets at supplicd by The Anabaýssatiors, iMc. anti Mes. J. Potts'. with fwo square dances being MiP E R V Mrs. Arthur îrewin anti calleti by Haroldi Behon.Th MAPLEGROVE Paulaccompanict Me, anti evening was enjoyeti by all.2 Gladtiet sec a gond turnout Mes. Walter Loverige, Joy- on Suntiay. Miss Pam Han- anti Charles, Tycone, anti Rent a Car for ttle Csangte s o lace in ant int, o SunAey, l - Ak f ORWE E I Ltlern ang laso lce"Go ti' oisitios. C Avy, Pl as DAfor R e EK. flic choie anthem, which was Mirs. Archie Whitmec, New-I enjoyeti by aIlý castle, Me. anti Mcc. E.Topple, COUNTYI Me, anti Mes, Bazîl MeMas- Joan anti Brien, Bowmanville, CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD, ter, Briglaton, were Suntiay were Set urtiay visit ors with 623-2586 I visitors wîth flicir cousins, the D. Camerons. Ij Mr." and ci . P Swall1ow9 Mrs. Wm., (Jake) Laird alsoý visîtcd with her cousins et, hier brother's, Mr. and Mrs.' Swailow. On Saturday Mir. and Mns, Fred Wright andi Miss Bey Wright, Base Line, visitedtheli former's son. Mr. and Mns Wayne Wright, Bowmanvllle. On Sunday Mr. and Mes, F. Wright's visitors were Mr. Leslie Wright and Mr. Gary Shiels, Newmarket, Anti on, the weekend Miss BarbDara, Wright, University of Gueipi.ý Mrs. Harry 'Pettit has re-ý turned home after spending, five weeks in Flor-idaé , While there she was, visiei yMe andi Mrs. Lloyd Snowdceni andi Mr. andi Mrs. Bari eucn Maple Grove. HJAYDON M anti Mrs. Harold Wright, of Oshawa wcre Sunday sup-I per guests of Mr. anti Mrs.' Ross Ashton andi famîly. Mr. andi Mrs. Arnoldi Gala- gher andi family, Ajax, wce Sunday dinner guests at Mr. i and Mrs. Roy Paterson's. Mr. andi MLs. E. R. Thomp- son, Bowmanvillc, visited bis mother Mrs. A. Thompson. Mr. andi Mes. Boyti Werry,i Bonnie andi Jean, Malton, wece Saturday evening calies of Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald andi Ray..1 Mr. Don Cameron, Haydon, Me. Arohie Whitmee, New- castle attendeti the GlacLlous Conference at Humber Col- lege, Toronto, on Saturday., Mr. andi Mrs, Wayne Black- burn, Orono, Mr. andi Mrs. Doug Blackburn, Os ha wa, were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn anti family, the occasion Mr. Wilbur Biackburn's biethday. Mr. andi Mes. John Joncs, HOMEOWNERS Cali to 10 p. $2,OO00-.$50,.000 Obtaut ail the Cash yon need and reduce yýour pam*entc by as mueh as half with a Znd or 3rd niortgage cii sen- sble terms. Cail to 10 pan. today for heiplul courtecous service. Prompt Investment Corp, 330 Bay St., Toroato. Cali Colleet 366-9586, evenings 231-8146. ÇýJry C/Ieaners C/wck/e: The boys at the roundhouse observed fl-t tone of the ecrcw., was unusuaily gium, and asked what was bothering hlm. 111 think my wif e is tired cf me," he repiied. "What makes yen think nef" inquired a ai1-i friend. "Every day this week," lie answered, "lshe lias wrappet- my lunch ia a rond map." CLOTHES CARE HINT: Moth damage will not occur te your clothes if theyTarte eleancd4 regulariy., Neyer put soiled clothing awa y. CHEQUE OUT A CRIPPLED CHILD Support your local Rotary Easter Seal Campaig-- Return Your Pink Envelope- Be Genereus BO00WMANuVLLE, CLEANRS LTD. 84 KIG ST W. 23-5529 <~ FA P FR We Specialize In Shirt Laumderiieg i I CRNOIRWAE 36 KING STREET EAST, 623-5408 BOWM IANVI LLE CLUM umph~$ iwjaliatce Coneumere' Gas je pleased te, announce that Mn. Gerd Carnegie je their newest authenized appliance dealer in thie erea. The new dealership Îs locatcd at 36 K~ing Street East in Bowmanvillc, and Gord lias al the latest gas appliances. Gord cen supply yeu with ail fthc information yeu will necd about- gas appliances. Drop in and cee him soon! Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Adams Olive anid'Wllingfon Adams Me. anti Mes. Adams stili part of flac happy bridal pacfy. who wcre marreet in New- resicie on their Cent ennial Guest s attendeti from. Toc- castle Parsonage 50 years age bomesteati farm on flac Lake- ente, Sfrcefsvillc, Theenll, on Merda l5tb, wcrc lonoreti shore Roati, soufb o! New- Oshawa, Bowmenvillc, Baîlie- af 'a social cvcning anti dance castie. Mrs. Adams' brides- bore, Port Hope, Garden Hill, in Ncwtonville Hall on Safur- maii, laer siefer, Mes. Bifie Oronio, Ncwfonvillc, Ncwcast le, day, Merda 11, 1972. Gibson Snowden, was again Starkviile- anti Canton. Forthcoming M"arrîage PONTYPO0OL CQMPLETELY FU FOR -f ONLY$1)ý 1\1 DOWN PAY LOW MONTHLY BWMAi 26 KING ST. E. ing -St. East Il

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