Safe Drivers Honored' This S ai. i n Os ha wa, This Sturday truck driv- rs who have earned awards ers who have had acciden for their sale driving. Elton frec records for the year wîil Brock and Doug Walker have ho honored at an Annua achîeved 13 years perfect Awards Dinner put on by t_ e drivir g, and Abert Pearce, Transport Safety AssociationI12. in Oshawa.. esos Trnpt ha Member companies from the ei. P re s Transport hfor Bowmanvilie area wilhe eîgh dr ie r uaSymor well represented. o awa ih ed Steymour Hutton Transport Llmited-ofshahednthgru thyare the people hauling wth 12 years of accîdcnt-free the drivin g. H. Wood Transportý St. Mary's Cement, amoflg bas 13'drivers qualifying. other freight - heads the iist xith 20 of its 23 eligiblo driv- One other company,Buriey ers ceceiving awards. One Bus, wiil have to wait untîl driver, Eric Wood of Oshawa, next year to receive awards. wiil receivo a 16 year pin. The company is Juit now in That's 16 years driving, at the process of roapplying for work and for pleasure, with the rnembership in the As- nary a scratch. sociation whîch Al dropped in Gl en Rae Dairy has 13 div- 1968. Town Reps;. Attend Annual MUn.10Poice M ee ting y in Torçonta T w, o reprosontatives of Provincial Police, Coun. Hoop- Bowmanville town councîl r remarked. attended the annual meeting The Association wants It of the Municipal Police Gov-r_ speit outs in the Act that crning Authoritios in Toronto police would he required to March 2-3.1 meet and bargain in good In ceporting to council on f aith -. at present only the March- 6th, Councillors Hooper municipalitici are roquired by and Bell said it was one. of the Act 10 do so. the best meetings they have Several cesolutions were ever attondod. passed, Coun. Hooper saîd. A nuberof ýattrs ereOne asked for a set of stand- A ncuber sad oumtters ere ards for the appointment of One was the arbitration pro- Pouiet efs nLe cedure. "The Association ce- uetd larger rimburse- affîrmed il:s stand to the At- ments of funds to compensato torney General, first made )n the lime local police spend in December 17, 1970, tat a per- courts. A third petilioned the manient achtration board with governmenl 10 release the guidelines be established," -he five per cent sales tax for raid. poie departments (a it does There was also a recom- "t was one of the be4,-t mendation that ail police con- meetings we have ever had,» tracts have a mîinin dura- said Coun. Hoopor. "t was thýon of two years and that ail well represenled by munici- supervisory staff be romoved palities ail over the province." from bargaining units, as are "Outstanding," Coun, Bell the cases with the Ontario concurced. Reports from ý01 Womnen's Institutes BLACKSTOCK W.L1 received the. W. I. prîzesa Commencement, as wella The March meeting of the notes for the sick and beceaBRlackstock Women's Institute ed. An Invitation was mecciv was held in the Community ed to a food forum in MapI Hall at 12:30, March lit, with Grovo on March 8th. a dessert lunch, tea and col- Rprswr ie yM fee. Afler the singing of the Reprts re giv te barM institute Grace everyone help- Mar.hurs.from thide Pre cd herseif 10 the dessert ofBod. MiSorcgec hiec choice. President Mrs. ported the lunch planned fa Percy VanCamp then caileci the Hydro Course would b the meeting to order and the 'on March 8th and a comiie regular meeting began by the for this was appointed. singing of the Ode and ce- Mci. Thompson reported oi peating the Colleet in unison. the Training Sehool held hi The coll eau was to brinig Bowmanvillo which she an( aniemfr h Ted mur Mc. Huggins attended, ani Book or tell about a former announced thal the four clas lanidmark in our area. This ses will be held in the Hal 'was well answered and on Thursday morning for ai brought out a lot of informa- who wish to attend. "Sewînl tion. The minutes were cead With Knits"'. andapproved and the treas- Nominatîng committee wa urer's report was given. The appointed as Our next meel new drapes for the Hall wece ing is the annuai meeting anc In Place and the commilîce in as usual will be a pot iuci chaýrge was congratulated for dinner at 12:30. the fin e appearance these Mci. Percy VanCamp thanli drapes gave the hall. ed the Institute foc sendiný The corespondence consist- liec to the 75th Annivorsarý ed of thank you notes frOm held at the Royal York anc the High Shool students who gave the highlights of this Mci, H. Bailey told of the teý NAMED TO she attended at Brampton ir STUDY COMMITTEE, honor of the President of thE The superintendont of plan- .WW.Mr SVaCm ningfortheUnied ounieswas appointed delegate to th( Board of Education D. W. Fat- Mficrs CAnecth ehd hr terson, has been named to a ofth rogram an rad hg study committee examinîng otteo rmadra h the new Ontario Sehool Re- "Ourthes rve bcb cord cards.,Orftesbaeth ol The committee has been and strife asked to present a report with To give us a home and recommendations to the Board happy if e, of Governors of the Ontario Let us remomber our dcbi Association of Educabion Ad- to these men, ministrative Officiais at its Record the past with sois. nexb meeting this Fciday. socs, paste and pen."- Thc Minister of Education Mci. Shoctidge read a poe, has asked to defer final de- compaing modern languag( cision on the proposed new witb ceal meaning. Mrs cards unti he bas heard from Thompson piayed for a sing- the Board of Governors. song of Irsh- music. Mc. M. A Word of AdViceý A tap and a whisper nmade nie turn tb see a Little Leprechaun bowing slightly. H1e inforrned nie that 1 needed a new hair- style.' 1 asked hm where? At the BEAUTY TfSHOP lie replied. What shall I have done? For a starter, lie answered, a professional hair cut, a penin for body, and a color. Oh yes! A color to briîig oui. highlights ini your hair, Where could 1 reach theni? He replied with a grin, "ai. 71. King St. E., Bownîanvillc, or phone 623-5019, Try theni, >You'II love theni!" Theni he was gone. COV.JENTRY WIG'p"S Clearing at 25Vo OF I Opening the Doors to A Whole New World Vice principal Earl Wolfe and Bowmanville High Sehool students review their two week trip to the Mediterranean as participants in a Neworld Educa- tional Cruise. The group lef t on February l9th and returned March 2nd. Sixteen students fcom the school enrolled in the travel and learu program which cost Kee had a ceading in keeping with bbc theme. Mcs.,MoArthur, the curator, displayed or ,Twccdsmuir Hstory scrap books and show- cd us what she bas been doing. She asked foc further information anyone may have of our acea in former yeacs. Mcs. McArthur bas put a lot of lime and work into this project and a motion of thanks was bcndred hec by the President and Seccetary, A heacby clap from ail mcm- bers showed appreciation of hec efforts. Motion of ad- journmcnt bcought the meet- ing to a close. LAMP 0F LEARNING $420, air face included. They wecc: Colleen Cook, Penny Almond, Margot MeTavish, Doug Kemp, Donna Lewis, Denise Watson, Janette Bryson, MVark Elliotti Cathy MacIntosh, Rod Thompson, Evangeline Meck- ley, Gail Palmer, Scott Ruughley, Lisa Samuel, Dan Sturrock and Neil Brown. Silver Anniversary, over A million supporting cancer research. This hrîngs to more than $42 million the total spent since the Society conducted ils finIt national campaiga in 1949. Today the necd for funds is evon, great- or - Ibis April the goal for Ontario Division alone is $3,520,62 5. The local Unit of the Can- adian Cancer Society charter- cd a bus and had two carioads as well, reports President Mr. Rowland Coombes. Drugs In Durham ? i - .A panel discussion, "Drugi INOMINATIONS SOUGHT ln Durham?" planned for Mon- The Ontario Secondary day cvening, April 101h, 1972 Sehool Teachers' Federation aS ehool was vil Hg ille oar f Education 10 . Durhamn N.D.P. Women's org- aS nominale a candidate for the anization at a meeting beld -1972 Lamp of Learning ab the home of Isabel Gould, -Award Bowmanvilie, on Monday, le Thé award has heen made Marcb 6th. It ih hoped 10 have annually since 1950 to a per- Students, a doctor, lawyer and s. son who, wbiie not being ateceonbcpn.Ilil ks mmberof he tachigho a public meeting and thero e- embr Ib me ang pro- wil ho opportunities for audi- -- fs~io, bs mae a ouI ~ence discussion. r standing cotiuin1Ie-Aso discussed aI bbc March e ondacy education in Ontario. j'- th meeting was bbe penny e Nominations must be maicdsle1behd n aptn not laI or than April 11h. 1 The group is working on a ýn Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Pîngle Iquilt fort bis sale. In On atrdy, eb 2th er o t-ehea tbl, dclî-in1A bus trip 10 Qucens Park Id YLLVLf .UII O atca, e,2th r o h ca aleM Vay for an evening session id 1972, Mc. and Mrs. Oscar Pin- clous and bountiful buffet sup- of Parliament is being plan- s- Scout and Cub Newsi gle, R. R. 1, Hampton, Ont., per of saladi, lurkey, hem anîd nd. ~On Saburday afternoon, Mac.,ccdesrartstheir 25b wcddingThe next meeting will be ~ tb 2 brsofMaves ubannivcrîary wben a surprise desrswssre.heid on Tuesday, Avril 4tb gth a 21cutpc besofene a iat party was held to honor them Walter Pingle, son of Mr. 1et the home of Mari. Hill, 19ing c packatenbvilia skatin lahbc IO.O.F. Hall, Bowmnan- and Mci. Fingle vecy capabiy Hampton. sink. Arya evlle skatinggru ville, Ont. acted ns Mastoc of Ceremonies -__ ___ t-cnjoyed bot chocolabe witb A gala lime was bad by for bis parents and sevecal Coronary care units, wbîch ýd lunch at the home of one of evcryone, when approximabely speeches were made 10 bonor have bad considerable succes tk their leaders, Mc. Bruce Kel- 150 relatives and friendi gath- bbececlebrabed couple. Mr. and ln reducing mortality la icît. Assisting ln the afternoon eccd 10 celebrate the happy Mci. Pingle's famiiy, Walter, patients admitted 10 hospîtal :- programn and lunch wcre Mrs. occasion witb thcm. Lynda, Janice and Karen et wîth heart attack, wece pion- ig Jack Raymond, Mci. Capîtaan Mc. and Mci. Ernie Archer home, Donna fcom Waterloo, eered in Canadian hospibeals, y Mc, Gordon Woods and Mr' providcd bbc music and kept University, Mrs. Bruce Chute' -______ [d Gary Eggleston bobb of Beth- the ycung and old la a jovial (Margaret), Ottawa, helped to sany, Mc. Ferry Grandeli of mood witb polkas, square celebrate with their parents E T TO a Blackstock and Mr. Bruce dancing and modern music. Friends and relatives woYNreL1U' n Kelîcît. The thrce-tiered wedding present from AcapriorOtt-' Many Cartwright residentsi ie M.adMi uryMl cake, tastcfully made and dcc- awa, Peterborough, Sullon, caiied et, the McDecmott- Mr.andMr. Mrry Ml-ocabed hy Mci. E. Hockaday, Woodstock, Toronto, AlP. on Panabaker Funeral Parlours Pe cm acmp ed M. n was aristiceily set amongst Oshawa, Bowmanviileadnrepc fo JspbFy e c.Howard Malcolm and thec numerous gifts and flow- Cobourg,. Junior who died in Toconto Candy 10, Guelph University -- -G encrai Hospital on Friday, c on Saturday foc the annuel h~Macch 101h.,Sincere smah ie Open House and were guesîs t7ntle- is cxtcnded b b is parents Mr. while there cf Mr. and Mci.Re ea &-h Yý and Mcs. Joseph Frey and ta i Tcrry Malcolm. Mn. and Mrs,. h. is sisbers and brothers. The Jack Wilson and Miss Bemnice laf i ~ rc f funecai service was held at a MeNeil elso atcnded tbc At t " rs t cPvb7 the Cliucch cf the Immaculate Home as guesîs of Mc. Brian Canadian Cancer Society cilities. Because of the close Conception, Port Ferry, on )t Wilson. Congratulations ta volunteers tcavelled bo Toron- association bctween bbc On- Mlonday, March 13, atIil a.m. Brian on bis impressive ccc- to from around the province tarie Cancer Institule and the Mc. and Mci. Richard Mac- - ord on Ibis occasion. Brian, la lait Sunday, Marcb 12, ta tour Princoîs Margaret Hospital, Kenlzie and Claire visited on the Showmansbip Compeition, the Princesi Margaret Hos- the work of the cesearchers Sunday evening with bis par- n won finIt place la Bcdf Show- pitl and Lodgc. The tour was fEnds direct application iin the enits, Dr. and Mci. W. F. Mac- ýe manship and Ibird position lu part of bbc annuel Open Rouie Ircalment of patients. Keozie, Toronto. soveraîl sbowmanship for vans- of this famous cancer researcb The Princeis M a r g ariet Mr. and Mci., Ralph Sadien -oui oeboaiasson n ramn ete Lodge offers accommodation were recent guesîs cf Mc. and -t etIbs time. The Princesi Margaceb Roi- for 50 cancer patients from Mns. Ian Scott and Charles, Mc. 'and Mci. Fred Sbaccy pital is dcvoted ta bbc reat- outîlde Toronto xvile tbey Corbyville. visitcd Iheir daugbtcc Carol ment cf cancer and is bbc arc being treated et the Hos- Mr. and Mci. Neil Lec and and gcenddaughtecs ln Osh- largest centre foc radiation pitl as out patients. Lait Debbîe accompanicd Mr. John awa on Sunday. treatment in North Amercac. yeac, the iodge provided a Arbuckle, on Saturday bo Mc ed n.FcnkRusoThe majority of bbe almoît bernponacy homne for 1,604!Open House aI Callege Royal, Mr ndMs OFrwawccSnkay usts 300 patients tceated eeob day patients. Guelph. This was a moît en- of bbcwa R unay Robinon's are "eut patients",, aibhough This tour is of special iu- joyable day and they werc cde- of th RayRobison'. bbc hospibai bas beds fer about teccît tb Cancer Society vol- lighted with the square dancc On Tbursday eveuing (four 175 patients. - unleers hecause both Hospital competition lu the cvening. p.m.) the March meeting of The Prîncesi Margaret Hos- and Lodge rely beaviiy on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Booth, Ylvcrlon UCW wes bcld et pitli s bbc home of the On- Toronto-acca volunteers foi Toronto, wcrc entertained foc bbe home of Mc. and Mci. Ray lanao Cancer Instibule Ro- many of their services. And Sunday cvening dinner et the Robinson. Mci. Howard Mal- scancb Centre, one of bbc big- Society volunteers are awac'- honme of lion nepbew, Mr. and colin convened bbc Devotional geit cancer research units in of the importance of tbe link Mrs. Neil Lee, Dcbbie and on an Easler theme. Roloeil Canada. Hece. scientists, belwccn bbc Society and can- David. wes answeccd by a gîft for tbc many cf tbem working under cer cesearchers - each yeac David Lee spent the wcck- future Bazear. Minutes were grants supplied by the monies bbc Canadien Cancer Society ,nd wiîb Mc. and Mci. Lerne read hy bbc Secrebacy and bbc collected by the Canadien is called upon 10 maise lundi Lec and family. Tccasurer's report provided by Cancer Society in ils annuel 10 support cancer research Cogautin10M.Hc Doris Rowen. Business in- cempaign, are working ha, wock la Canada. For many ry McLaughlin who ohserved cluded setbing bbc date for bbe many fields diceclly related of tbe volunteers leking part hsbrha nudy vn garden pacty for Fiday, June ta the treatment, cause and in Ibis tour, the day provided is bdicbbda on unday. Evn- 9bb; a donation cf $500. taoOur cure of cancer. a greater understanding ocing. ne'got o onu impoverishcd chumob beesucy; Many of these medîcallthe financial support needed the occasion were Mr. and lhey also' decided le serve people wcrc an band toecx- foc research wock in Ibis Mci. George Wolfe and John, lunch aI the farm auction cf plain their work ta the volun- country. Mrughin rLyawd renMe Mc. and Mci. Wilson Reaslip teers and ta show tbem This year bbc. Canadien n Tuhns ynday Mc. Hc on Marcc 251b. The April tbrough Ier laboratocy fa-.Cancer Sciety will spend oteu, omavllcaid meeting is scheduled 10 be beld on a number c f Nesîleton et Mr. and Mci. Lawrence rini Stapls. ~Mc. and Mci, George Sellers, Mci. Ocam Moore convcncd * *~Collingwood, who bave ce- thc pmr arn - e poem - Grand- N C ýcentiy ceîurned fcom bbc ma's ±ocker i dusby - a read- 'Ceibbean, werc Sunday din- ing - Incarne Tex Blues - and nec gucîsts with bier father, a cantesî. un D IV I NMc. Eli Mains. Mci. BdV A pot-luck dinner wes serv- B Js LUbfE N ue and Donna, B3owmenvillc, e o hungc hnced hsha ndi 18 Kngst m.Bownianville were eflornoon visitors. cd la ail (incding a nme 11RigOn Saturday evening Mr. also present foc the occasion). [and Mrs, Norman Mains en- Local cizens look forwamd WILL NOW OPEN joyod a family gabbering et witb anticipation ta' seeing the Ken Maynard home, Bow- again a ormer papuier min- Sunday thru Thursd ayv manville. isber bbcth Jancîville charge Mc. and Mci. John Pbîlp in person o e' i o r-1aanx. - and CarIa, Nortb Bey, wece ,,lewho will be preseul aI e n usswt r n bameigt be heid in Janet- Fri*day and Soituirdfave.[s ereHal nSn ville on Thursday evcning, ' ay cvening Mc. and Mci. .March 23rd, sponsored by local i aln am ez. lip enjoyed a dinnen Janebville ladies we under- pactywitb the Maurice Nes- stand. bibb famnily in honor of Mr. A number from the cern- COMMENCING MARCH 20thHcsp'bchdyCoga- muniby abended Miss Marilyn Sof b Ice Crcam Available lationis! Hamilto's birthday perty onMcniMr.GatTm- ,~atAnnamvenWg, on wece Monday eveuhug dînner guests with Mr, and The Canadian Stateuman, Bowmanville,-Mar.. 15,; 1972 Mrs. Charles Smith, Black-ý ston'kbtchday . coatl- es were reported. organization but are not zil- son' birhda. Cogratla- Applications were received iowed to act as delegates tn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhodes, and passed for two social a higher Court. Lindsay, visited for Sunday members. Social members are Following the motion to ad- evening dinner with Mr. and not obliied to carry insur- journ the bostess served appie Mrs. George Bowers. ance. They receive al ser- popovers and beverage. For Saturciay afternoon and vices in the group, may oc- The April meeting will be, evening dinner Mr. and Mrs. cupy any office in their owniin the evening. Richard Davison were guests, of Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Brin g us your exposed fi/m Davison, Scott and Neil, Pet- erborough. On Wednesday evening, March 8th, thirty-eight ladie f r o In Caesarea, Yelverton Blackstock and Nestieton at- tended a Food Forum at Ma- pie Grove, sponsored by the Mapie Grove Women's Insti - tute, Mrs. Karen Fitzsimmons, Home Economist for Durham County, int.roduceci the three visiting H o m e Economists, 1ý ifrom Toronto, who demon- Istrated the making of appetîz- Iing -and nutritious supper jdîshes with One Doilar's W or:hof Mert, Micedmea,' kidey ereail used to makc tasty dishes. Most agreed theV -were ail deliclous andcul be served to gueits. Appre- D q ciation is extended to Maple Grove for a delightful aod i4h,~ryrila educational evening. The la- Kodacolor film you dies of Nestieton area also have developed. extend a "thank, you" to Mr. Dalton Dorreil, the efficientACALSZ bus driver, who alleviated the PeITMSi7ra tce hazard. AND ?" Saturday afternoon visitors ,~ SUR with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce à a Heasiip were Mr. and Mro. -Alvin Bruce, Fort Ferry. Sun- day afternoon and evening -dinner guests were Mr. and n IVrs. Weylie McKeown and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Me- 1 - Keown, Caledon East. 9 Nestieton community ex- ,s tends a welcome to the nexv ONE ,e industry whîch has located in TO KEEP T AR y the village. Those seeking Il employment apply to the~ e chairman of the Chamnber of -Commerce, Mr. Grant Thomp- ýr son.- LEV12,1,12.r62 OAORFLMT ýs Court Lady Snowbird The regular meeting of!~ i- Court Lady Snowbird was > held Wednesday afternonr, iS March lit, at thc home of' rSister Ann Lce, who chaired the meeting. Minutes and correspondencej 67 KING ST. EAST -,ï,MAN VILLE were read by the seccetaryPH-ONE 62-2546 Mister Marg Lee, and finan-_____________________________ BUY 1IGGALLON AT ~E kBUYI7 ART R E GULARPRCCE -T TH E NEXT FOR ONLY1.PIC THIS IS A "ONCE-A-YEAR' OFFER!GEth ETi Beauti Toue i for- mulated espeeially for Canadian - limate- IBeauti Tone isl IGuaranteed byl YorHome Hardware Store Wby not take edventage of this tremnendous saving- - Remember 'AU A$NToff cm expires April 29 Drop lnaend sce the fiendlyý "Red Coats' boday! INTERIOR LATEX GALLONS w,- 7.98 - OR 8.98 FOR 2 QUARTS - 2.58 -- OP,9R 08FOR ,2 INTERIOR SEAM-GLOSS GALLONS - 9.78 - OR 10.78 FOR 2 QUARTS - 2.78 - OR 3.28 FOR,2 -Offer Expires April 29, 1972 Your "Home Haurdware" Stores Support your local Rotary Easter Seal Campaigri -Return Your Pink Envelope S- e Generous LANDER HARDWARE& ELECTR',àIC LTDOP BOMAVlE - 623-5774 McGREGOR HARDWARE', LTD. BOWMANVILLE - 623-2542 REID'S HARDWARE & GIFT CENTRE ORONO -983,-â307 EXTERIOR GIL GLOSS GALLONS .- 9.38 - or 10.38 FOR 2 QUARTS - 2.78 - OR '3.28 FOR 2 EXTERIOR LATEX GALLONS - 8.88 - OR 9,88 FOR 2, QUARTS - 2.78 - OR 3.28 FOR 2