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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1972, p. 8

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8The Ca nadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Mar. 15,1972 25 VEARS AGO - The Central Ontario Badminton Association's first annual tournament since such play wvas curtailed because of \vartime shortages, got undcrway in Oshawa on Friday night, March 2lsi, wîtLh play contînuing on Saiurday. The eveni was sponsored by the General Motors Badminton Club and the Ontario Flying Club wiih entries from 'Peterborough, Lindsay and Bowmanville as well as the Oshawa Clubs. Alan Osborne and Jack Brough won the Mcn's Doubles defeating Baker and O'Dono- ,ghue of Peterborough. Mixed Doubles finals was an all-Bowmanville event wiih Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James defeatîng Mrs, L. W. Dippell and Alan Osborne. Bowmanvillc and Peterborough were tied for club total honors with 27 points each, Dr. H. B. 'Rundle and Mrs, M. Breslin bait the Mixed Consola- tion finals to a Lindsay team in three hard-fought pam-es. 10 YEARS AGO - Bowmianville was surrounded by top bowlers ianfthc Recreation Bowling Tourney held last week in Cobourg. Bowmanville was fourth, Port Hope third, Newcastle second and Oshawa first in the eight-tcam tournament, Bowmanvjlle representatives were Bar bara Brown, Susanne Gay, Suzanne Alloway. Maryle Yeo, Merridy Hatcly, Brian Colville, Randy Beauprie, Steven Oke, Peter- Buckler and Rich- ard Perfect. Bowmanville ladies were second, Bowmanville boys sixth in their division, a~nd Susan Alloway bagged the girls' higli single with a 220 game. t i~ M4cGREGOR'S MIDGETS- In what has to be one of the closest and most exciiing gaines of the season, Bowmanvihle lost oui to Base Borden in the last 40 sýeco)nds of play 8-7, Bowmanville won in Borden 4-3 onî Saturday to tie the series, Sunday's gamne puis Borden one up. Bowmanvjlle put on a tremnendous thijrd period rally, scoring ihrec goals to tic the score. A chcap penalty with onie minute to go gave Borden the opporiunîty to score. Boih teamus are very evenly mnaiched. The locals ouishot Base Borden,37-28. Any- onie -wishing to go to Saturday's gamne on March l8ih iii Borden, sec Jean Dcviii. Buscs leave ai 2:00 p.m. PAUL FORSEY INJURED - Two Base Borden layers were injured during Snnday's Midget g-ame and their îiuries are not known ai this f-îinie, Paul Forsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fobrsey, suffered a badly bruised shonider and' arviiiwhen lie crashcd info flie boards. It is hoped hie will refuru fo action on the weekend, t t î HlOCKEY ROUND-UP - Consumers' Gas Mites were dîefeaied by Blay Ridges 3-0 on Saturday night. Thcy played th2ir second gamne of the series lasi night in Bay ýTRic7ges. Novi ce-- Preston the Mover have been def eated by Broollin and are now finished for the seasorn. Cotnratulations on a good year, Pec Wee Minors -- Bowmanvillc dcfcated Col- lingwvood in the firsi gamne by a score of 13-2. Pee WVec Majors - Aller defeating Gananoque in the quarter finals, thcy were dcfeaied in the firsi gamne of the semi-finals by Peneiang. The second gamoe goes in Bowmanville on Saturday, March l8th ai 6:00 p.m. Bantamn Minors defeaied Collingwood in two stagtand now await the winners of the -Milton- Griirnsby series. t, t t t t PRODUCTION - Six Grade Seven and Eight students of Kirby Cenfennial School are liard at wvork ona Most Înferesting and useful project. If is a safety slide presentafion on tlie care, opera- ion 1anid usefulness of snowmobiles and is beingy produced by flie students -under flie direction of OPP Constable Murray Joynf and their teacliers. The nlext sliooting session will lie held tliis week ait tlie farmi of Roy Best, west of Leskard Road on Taunton. Wlien it is completed, the slides will lie sliown to students in otlier schools tlirougliouf fthe area. t t t t t ~YOUTH BOWLING - In the Souiheru Ontario Provincial Championships hcld ai Kitchener on March 4th the Bantam boys ieam from Bowmanville placed sixth and in the Bantam girls singles, Bey Taylor, Bowmanvillc, placed Ilh. The commitice in charge reports an al l ime high in registration wiih 82 dîfferent bowling centres rcpresentcd. t t t t -' PANTHERS DEFEATED - Tliursday niglit in Port Hope saw Lindsay put tlic Pantliers ont for tlie seasoni in wliaf lad to lie the m-ost exciting gaie of thle series. A five-al fie going into' overtime after flirce periods saw Lindsay clialk up flie winning goal. Lindsay now meets Cobourg in flie finals, BOWMAN VILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT Scho*ol Holiday Week C4hildrej!n andi Teen Prognramme The Bowmanvîlle Departinent of Recreation ,!id Teens programme will bce leld ini Bowman- ville Higli Sehool on Tuesday, Wednesday and(, Tliirsclay, Mardi 2Ist, 22nd and 23rd. The Turne Scliedule is as follows. Girls 7 to 12 years: 9:00 a.m tb 12 noon -Girls Gyrm Girls 13 to 18 yeaàrs: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m, Girls Gyn Boys 7 to 12 years: 9:00 a.m, to 12 noon Boys Gyn Boys 13 to 18 years: 1:00 P.m. to 4 p.m. Boys Gym '1 This rogrmme wll cnsist Of active gaines Of volîeÇyball, and basketball Plus gymnastics and "tie iue fine CaCtivifies, Tliere îis noreit- flin fee. Jusf coletofchil ho. Midgt PaydwnsYouth -Bowli*ng League BA4NTAM BOYS for single games: G ea C me ac aIy ais s Wood 5,Thiessen2; Murphy TimAlexander 352, Dave Sop- 4"TemSndihhngs ' li45 JatheatMonre26 Wood 34, Standing is - Catby Lync h 306, Paul Jordan! Borde Scors in ast M nute sen 21, ipr9,Edmondson ~nl oi B r e re 1il L1,Sheehan 1.Dnia 6,DnaMartyn, ghsingies-.D Murphy 301, Randy Beauprie 322. 18,x.Wou 12 2nd - Suzanne Carson 315,[ ingh doubles-D. Murphy John Donabue 293, Diane La- sn275, T. Haliman 261. Kevin Duno 301, Judy Mc - by David Goheen Dale Cahhonm thenii cored if rooî,nt r the net shot the puick BANTAN GIRLS Indo 279, Brian Schan 3 15, iThe Bowmanville MeGmegor with Ken Saunders and John past Raody Thiehe for Bar- Lane 5, Farrand 0; Oven- Diane Robinson 249, Mimiý Midgcis hast Sunday night 8-7 Forman assisting. Rory Gibbs den's 8th goal of the gamne. don 3, Luxton 2; Bruce 3, -Quenvihie 270, Dan Balcom and have iheir backs againsi conected on two quick goals Ken Saunders and Brian Rit- Holroyd 2. 303. the wali wihh Base Borden and the score road Base Bor- chic assisted, ta give Base Team Standings There were a gond many leading their best of tive ser- den,6, Bowmranviihe 4; Borden the win 8 ta 7, Luxton 31, Ovndn 31, gonod sc-ores rolled but only ica 2 games ho 1. It couhd be David Shand was ejected The forwards oi nmaoy oc- Bruce 24, Lane 22, Holmoyd the highest girl and boy in dccidýd nexi Satumday ai Base from the game which elimin- casions for Bwaville for-117, Famand 10. Borden. Anyone wisbing to ated an awesome ibreat ta got to check th-eir- man or High singles-E. Gîbson 229, cacb game were winners. go shouhd contact Mms. Dcviii Bowmanvilla-. te hIcnereJn n Luxton 222, A. Luxtoni 179,: i was ail quiet on the wes- ai 623-5597. Base Borden thon scored player. In doing so, four otheriB. ]Lane 177. tenfiotwhnBomn Bowm.anvilc was late get- with Vie Rend cashing ln o pla'yers were in thie lea, to1 High doubles-J. Luxton ville's big guns faihed ta came the[ce Gohiea ps ramBonNoys. ccet te pss.36 3,263, E. Gibson 353, B. Lanie up with the big games thcy ting outinteie oli asfo on Nys uepthpa. 338, M. Moore 295, G. How- bav e consistenly rolied on Randy Thiele wasnt properhy Bowmnanville Captain Paul The 'defence was getting at 9,S ottr22 .ohrocsos nyhp wammed up and it shawed as Forsey crashed loto trie caught oui of position Wý;hich Farrand 289, A. Luxtan 282. they realize that saome moth-i Base Borden popped the firsi boards and was camried off didnt happen in Base Borden. JUNIOR BOYS r e-in-law niont forget. Eh, goal in thc net ai the 40-sec- the lue. The hospitai hado't It sure didn'i look like tbe, Coombes 7, Lane 0;, Mosher Ron? ond mark. Mike Lowc scored donc the x-rays ai ibis wmit- team ihat played in Base 5, Gray 2; Brooks 5, Whyhe 2. AscoriarIwsh i the goal tram Vic Rand. Five ing but if was ruspected that Barden) the night before. i TAsm Standing s ws minutes later, David Shand lie migbî have a broken col- The boys cao do it if theyl Gray 39, Coombes 39, Moah- ii iet hn vrae on s lo s ored unas iste . At larb ne.stick ta hockey and never er 34, W hyte 33. Brooks 30, s or e g st , rkers, M' 12:00 Ken Saunders conneci- hon the third, Bawmanvihle 'mid reiaiiating after beinglLane 14. son and the National uu l,1 ý> ulLaLu PL 'ut gai onia ýayjni. -11rewee ims-le Hgn singles-J. Brooks 309- ." >John Forman and Brian Rit- Crandell who had repla ced 1 there were only three players 267, J. Whyte 303, M. Reyn- ito this tournament to make F chie collected assists. The Gerrard MacIsaac in Baselto Bordens five. olds 208-281-244, G. Coombes il sucfl a huge succes final goal of the period was Borden's net. Grant Luxtoni You suire can't say it's a 261, R. Stacey 247, R. Chappie Robert Mitchell, T scored from the faceoff in our scored from Doug Tamblîn, homer's series as both teams 202-226, J. Lane 219-209, K. Aduit Co-ordinator. i >end as Dale Calhoum fed ,lhe and Paul Sarginson. Pau o nvsio' c.Jo11 216, W. Mosher 213, J. CI puck to Ken Saunders, Sarginson lrom Pearce Wiý,l- WThe fourthgame,eif neede-d, Leddy 213, R. Terry 207, M. F In the second, Bowmani- cox, and the tying goal frar il epaydi Bowman- Kraan 205.E villes Nick Wind scored from Larry Brunt from Rory Gibbs, ville Sunday, March l19th, ai High triples-M. Reynolds eSn the blue line' Bolly Simpson end BoYd Knox.,18:30. 733, 3. Brooks 692, G. Coombes i--ý,1ÈJ SB picked up the assist. Base With only a minute to olayý Let'.s defeat Base Borden 610, R. Chappie 608, J. Lan,' i Borden now led 4 to 1. Kýen tBhe gamne was hended to Base' éand bring the gaine back to 606. ' LSaunders scored bis thir Brden heBodK x asl Bowmanville. Lets go, Brw- JUNIOR GIRLS goal, John Forman assisted.1 sent to the box on a cheap mnil!a hecern e- Bonid à ieÀ;Mtceli f~ Paui Forsey made the countltripping penalty and John tion would scream. We know Taylor 2; Luxton 7, Gray 0.Oe - 5 to 2 on a beautiful play.1 Forman from a scramble inlyou can achipefit. Team Standings1K _Luxton 46, Mitchell 37, Curve Bail Artist Murray' BI Taylor 32, Aide 26, Bond 25,1Vro ih uie f h I«»% c ~Iw If ç HiGra sngesK23 xonhat-trick when he won high Bi -281H,,,P s n e erK. 2uxto single prize with 344 and add- L V LIII>( s244 2.1ÎP. Van Meer9207. ed two more games of 230- Ce IF HighV triples-K. Luxton 258 for higli triple 832. W P O X 718, R.Van Meer 518. _j SENIOR MIXE» Dave Reynolds was just five LE Brock 7, Davey 0; Bouw- pins off the pace as he bowh- F W ipe OufàheirOppo enfs-on57-238y3;Josrn827.toke abi meester 7, Re)herts 0- Mac-ed325738fr2.Dae Entr To0%wnÎ,Lear;ue F1"n als5 Bouwmeester 38, MacDon- i ext at 242 and Ross Wright CI ald 33, Brock 31, Davey 28, hid with 239, In Terry 28, Jensen 28, White' Mike Murphy hit 780 (306), Bi by Jiin Clarke Hughes, Bob Helham, "Woody" League Banqicuet on SaturdlaY, head' 21, Roberts 17. Maurice "Mayor" Annaert 770 Pa Locke TV and MeNulty Lee, Balson, Permis, Gi and May 6th ai t theLÎ,ios (Centre. High singles-G. Tiessepn (308-263), Dick Perfect 768 Sports wiped their respective Lanny Burns. Tbey are $5.00i a cupeif pur- 1290, G. MacDonald 262, C. 26,JakBnHL0(9) semi-final siates dlean last What sbouhd he an enter- chased now, or i6.00 at the Cowhe 266,jD. Terry 259, G. Russ Hailman 743 (306), Doug FI Thursday night, posting vic- tainilng best of five final gets loor. Exýecu7tive members, Dadson 251 R. Bouwneester Carter 740 (295), Bill West- tories, as they advancedý to underway this Thursday night,, "Butch" Cole, Steve Bumrns, 283, G. Edmondson 26:3. lake 749 (273-261), Stan Mc- Mi the best of five finals. wben McNuty's and Locke's'.Joe Balson or BobH( amwh High triphes-G. Thiessen Murter 733 (285), Harold Ge In the opening g amiie, collide at 7 p.m. bý_-e happy to suppyyuit 701, G. Dadson 729, M. Ro- Michelsoný 721 (266), Walt Locke's ejected K ramj'sý A reminder to, ahi those ini- lteested that tickes r nwberts 679, R. Bouwmeester Hately 720 (319), Don Bag- Co Fumniture from the playoff alable for bis year's Town ic(kets. ____661, G. MecDonald 657, T. neli 714 (260). Les Smale'711 Mtl scene, with a resounding, 7-3 IBrown 651. (260). C TV crowd thear semi-final On Sunday, Feb. 28th about game, John Luffman 281, Ah round 3-1. They won the fîrast j' III1I. fIIlI 0 bowlers from Ottawa, Osborne 280 and Ted Bagnel !two gamnes by 8-3 and 4-1 W ~ D M Hamilton, London, Toronto 269. counts, while dropping the ~_ and Bowmanville gathered at The Pepsi-Cola kids had Dy] third match 2-1.111,I . f Libertv Bowl for the Young high single team score 1292 Foc In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P WhCvnîgsohe farEO IIl5 1 Jl E duIt annuai singles tourna- while Rab's Cab took high Chrysier 5-2, to capture theirW In the boys' division the The lumber Jacks fro series 3-1. The Sportsmen Te Bwav i Vîo îdb en Chpei h honors were taken by' Dave Beaver have taken a nice roma E won the first two games (8-3, BaTams wnithe utgme or i nood gall hedj Soplet of Power Lanes. 1434 in the team standing. Beaver Pi 4-2), before loving 8-4. oftea 1 nta o eîfs am l.sie mpreos vesut od o for five games; Paul Jordan, bas 24 pts. while Ken's Men's Ror Both of this year's final- by clobbering Collingwood save the gan e by themsehves, Liberty Bowl, 1339; Dia e Wear are next at 191/ pts. 238, ists, Locke's and MeNulty's, 10_0, Thevistorcouhd noti The Bowmanviîle te a m March, Agincourt, 1329; Tim Nýels Osborne Insurance bas Ani left Iittle doubt as to theirs-Aeadr iet ýl 9frtidpae periority in last Thursday's skate with the local boys and 1 played the gaine with thmee A32ex and e r, Liberty ~ ,1 o hr lc.Ror clinching games. WrayRen found tbemsehves clown four defensemen as the fourth 132;RnyBapiLbry lth Week - 2nd Schedule (27, dcli and Steve Burns each goals at the end of the tirsi learguard, Rïck Scott, watcb- BowerLe, 131 M orh ayeamW Ho.Sm bagged a pair of goals in period. cd the game with a b roken Pgoer Ln, 13 ; ohn ay, Team W L ItsDr,~ Lock's vctor. Gay Wi- Ah fou goas wee scr~dankie. Take' came, Rick, we'îîAicut1351Nr cdBae Lokes icor. ar Wl- Al ou gal wrescrejLiberty Bowl, 1297; Ted'Har- Lumber 24 6 24 C son, "uy"Topo and by Billy Leaman who waslne 'nnx em rison, Liberty Bowl, 1295; Ken's Men's tom Randy D.nghue finished Off really tnp for this game, Bihiy - Dale Armstrong Albion Bowl, Wear -----191/2 1l1/21912 He their scoring. added three assists ater in 1284. Nels Osbomne Ker IFor Kramp's, Brian Howelhs, the game for a seven point LD VhIR ie In the girls' division -Insurance -- 19 il 19 225, Dave Green and Grant Flint- total. He was assisted by nis Heather Moore, Liberty BowlLander McI off beat goaltender "Corky" linemates Raiph Crydermani 1317; Robin Dunnigan, Agin: Hardware 17 13 17 '(21 Burgess. The winners buit wbo had one goal and three1 March 7th court, 1274; Mirai Quenville, 1. G. A. 16 14 16 MaL up a 4-0 spread before How- sit n an o itî Team StandingsQtaa 125 Cth Lyh Cowan Pontiac Bea cils clicked on a neat, individ- îhree assists. Team Pins Pis, Agincourt, lhg6; Suzanne Car-Buidk -- --14 36 14 (271 ual dlash from mîid-ice ai 11:0 5 Ste-ohiens .18456 25 son, New Shamrock, I173ý Rabs. Cab 13 17 13 220, of the middle period. Kramp's Ted Puk continued plaving'.\Mc£)ad ---- 18283 23 LnaCx O'Conner Bo', Frank's Die Green connected late in the in bis usual fashion as e Coombes -- 181244 .20 1165; Déborah Pmoctor, PowerJry&M second (18:24), to move the scored three times as Weil as 1-lorsiman --- 18138 19 Lanes, 1158; Janet Luke, New LveJury2i2 1i2M2i21 losers to within a pair of playing a good game defens- Gibson ---------- 17772 16 1157Pal goals. îvely. The scoring Was com- ikon173 15 Shamrock, . 1t1o7Ra The TV bunch outscored pleted by Jim Hutton who let Bradley------ 17803 14 Tet rzsWr îe hi l 19 il si Kaps31oethfi al 9 b ard sbot go from inside the Colvilie ------ 18209 12'/ Pepsi Cola il 19 Il (27, minutes, to, bang up a convinc-1 blueline that caugbt the in- Luxton ----- - 17520 12 M IÀ'X'ED A O ing victory. They outscored ide of the post and by Paul Roberts------- 18015 hi11/2 the Fumniture team 20-9 in Sobîl wbo tucked one behind Mller --------- 16430 8 the four games. Burgess was the Collingwood netminder. Shackleton --- 17101 4 March 6th a steady performer in the Others assisting in tbe scoring High single 282, Marg.-Mc Three of our bowlers set wînner's cage throughout the werc Gerald Bmunt with twi Donald. High double 485- their sights very higb on Mon- series. Thursday's triumph assista; Gary Nemisz, Steve (248-237), Eleanor Dadson. day evening when tbey crash- M G E saw 11 players figure in Howard, Kirk Kemp and Ian Averages Over 180 ed the almost insurmountable Locke's point total, indicatîng Wilcox witb one assist eacb I C. Roberts 212, B. Stephens 800 plateau. Bowmanville's an excellent team effort. The Barry S'hackehton was a valu_-207' A. Bons 196, 1. Burns 196, own Larry iper back in winners held a décisive edge able memebr of the local F. Bradley 195, E. Dadson 194, fomm with 877 (306-303-266). in the department squad, skating miles, killng F. Land 193, Marlon Gibson Beautiful high triple! Doris durîng the semi-finals and off penalties efficiently. Ted- 191, W. Coombes 190, J.- Lux- Jl olwdwt 5 34 fesanwT E Dî drew nine of the 15 penalties dy Trudeau playcd a strong ton 188, M. Kimkton 187, M 267-262). Replacement bowl- called last week. Locke's col- gm nga o w periods Coiville 185, M. Lane 184, R. er Randy Beaupry 844 (313- 47eingaltm wbakitn 182, F. Steadman' 280-251), Gord Simpson 729, P i e r r sentences handed oui during was sme in the s îirtht 12 UpMilr 7,FloDraper 714.à%a the four-game round. was _____________rstper Teams are as follows: a ced fr Po In the last contesi, County oe hs * Pis. Pins Chrysier opcned the games St. Jos AlMxed Haynes ---------- 20 3 1724 scorîng at 17:08 of the firsi Paifield ------- - 18 31194* period, when Andy Murphy IBowling La u ol-----------1 13 teamcd tnp with Bob Camer- ..y --------- 17 31837 on and Gene Balson. It was a ,4 > Marceh 12 Wright ----------- 16 30394 * l * , , short-iived lead, as MeNultys Arhw Cts -----55 314273 uife---------- - 14 31344 tied it afier 19.46 with 'Archie' I hwof - 5 341Fary 5 379 *R Courtice bcaiîng Ken Vcitch. oged ------46 276Vnnbr -----1 306 The Sportsmen sprinted mb .... ougbads 4 2976 Vadcnbeg 13 3027 a - deo eon-eidShamrocks ------- 44 29993 Annacrt, D. - ---- 13 30134 WT EV UYR goal by Brin Hge s (a rio "IM The Raiders --- 40 29356 Buttonshaw --- il--11 29512 6 COLOURS --------------- pi)adJeBso.Gr__Sundowners ---- 28 30134 Annaert, R. ---_ 9 29835 Akey notched Couniy'ýs final Dandelions------ 26 30148To 0veae Hustiers -------- 12 28026 Randy Beaupry 281 (3),IE taeriodr 6:w ofthuhy' fwiBUal tahlyd aft 1631 0fthenlstc V Men-High triple, Jim Jef- Doris Joîl 245, Jim Bruton 237, ', --,f e é r,/wv freys 691; high single, Jim Larry iper 234, Maurice An- B D E men ~ ~ ~ ," #hr. Te wne' Jeffreys 283. nacri 232, Reggy Haynes 232, FAMBCE -LI7 Larry Permis coe u h $/'TW6R6. Ladies-High triple, Betty Ollie Patfield 230, Albert Sa- scoring, with jusi 55 seconds 4*Af/iP£f Charland 671 high single, man 223, John Luffman 220, 2 COLOURS------------- to play. 1/p$/DE-DO W/ Betty Charhand 280. Don Bagneil 220 (18). theNgame's 13 pelieshand-f .4 YGIW/- 200 Games Hîgb Triples-Lamry Piper theNult's 13pealtesh f f"/W/ Jim Jeffreys 283-209, Betty 877, Doris Joli 853, Randy 6 cd ont hy officiais Rat Comnel Chariand 280, Bihl Holroyd Beaupry 844, Gord Simp-________ and Vince Vanstone. Jit was a ~ ~ ~ 274-208, Harvey Williams 270- son 729, Flo Draper 714. E SP much icas physicai séries than l1J. u N 212, George Charland 240-219, High Singies-Doris Joli 324,Wthtepraeof2 the Locke-Kramrp affair, wiih fD"i Terry Maihoy 240, Tony Horst- Larry Piper 306-303, Randy ihteprasof2 Met's turamninto inSH LLhrheli man 235, Jack Brown 233, Beaupry 313, ;Mai BoosWaterproof tes iaetd is lc fns- % \I/liams 229-204-200, Eileen Hoc- raine Bruton 287, Benny Wil- Poesoa cr.~Service key 225, Garry Lane 224, son 285, Rarîdy Beupry 280- "USE Curt Vanstone snpplied Mc- e Molly H-orstman 222-206, Arn- 251, Bemnice Buday 277, Fb - Nulty's with efficient goal- 180 KING E. old Brinklow 220, Rose Marie Draper 275, Albert Saman 275, tending in the -séries whihe Cnwy22,Bo ambllDn anel27,GodSip fellows like Tom Wilson,, Ir- 1 FiOWMANVILLE C2nwa2120, B ob Camp215-onBah 270, GorieAnar S2mp Win Colwell, Bryce Adams 1922,Jen Horod 21-so 20 Murc Anari28 and Courtice rcrouted the on- PHONE (423L5662 210, Lionel Iickey 213, Jimn Doris Joli 267-262, Ron Haynes onin taffc ffetivlyFaim 207, Mary Brinklow 207, 266, Larry Riper 266. George 95 KING ST. W. éfomincg tafi"f'ciel nD-on MeLachian - DonPlanMary Lanc 203, Garry Con- Rehn'r'262, 0111e Patfield 261, Cdefnce. Up front, the Sports- wainý ay 203Marg Permis 200, Les Rat Annaert 255. Jim Bruton _ Imca reccîved ail-out womk by ut0.754 abBtonhw22 SPORTÂLK BRIER WINNERS - The Manitoba Rînk was the winmîrini the Brier ini Newfumdland lasi week irn the Canadian Curling Championships. In the curling tournament held recenily ai Bayview Club, Toronto, the Junior curlers fromn Bowmanville Club were unsucccssful iu winning any events but ail report an excellent trne had by al. t t t t SPORTS LOTTERY - Only five more weeks left lunflic 20 Weekly Early Bird prizes in fthe Sports Lotiery Draw. Tickets may lie purchased froin Jean Devitt or any mnember of thc Bow- manville Hockey Association. Winners of the l5th draw of $1,000 ecd were Mrs. M. L. Seifert, Paris, Ontario and Douglas Deir of Brockvillc, t t I t t ELECTRONS - Ai the Loake's TV Elecirons' dance ai the Memorial Park Clubhouse recenily, the win-. ner of the door prize was George Brooks and the lucky spot dance prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs, Barry Cowling. Anyone interested in playing for the ieami ibis scason should caîl Clint Ferguson or George Sainsbury for information. i t t t t 50-50 WINNER- Mrs. Byron Holmes was the winncr of $16.50 hf the Midget gaine 50-50 draw on Sunday niglit. BOWMANVILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDINGS G? W L T '1 I ~1 I I i c IF IIYKE LEAGUE Cardinals ------- Indians - ------ 'imericans------ loyals --------- Hornets --------- Bhades -- ------ Steciers --- Bomb ors -, - ---- ATOM LEAGUE Frank's Variety - Tigcrs ....---- -- Royals ---------- Clippers -------- Fargo's ----- ---- Seals -------- Bisons ---------- PEE WEE LEAGUE Bcavera ------ --- K ings -------------- Blades -- -------- Rangers - -------- Bmuios --------- anadians --------- W ings ------------- 'ranka Variety ,-- [awks ----- RANTAM LEAGUE ý u b s - -- - ---- -- --- Indians ---------- - Braves - ---------- :anthers -- ------- iuskies --------- - Flyera ------- --_ [IDGET LEAGUE 'encraIs --------- 'om ets ---------- -- 1ht. RayaIs- ,anueks -- - iraves -'----- -1 >.R S.- ------------- Pis. GF GA 20 20 20 20 -17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 ook ----------10 20 la rold Bennett 215, pal od 10 20 ~ Murphy 215, Ray Van Meet Averages (30 Games) 1214, George Piper' 213, Ab DaveReyold 25, LrrySamani (27) 213, John Vain Dav Renods 54 LaryDyk 212, Bill Westlake 212. ier 242, Ross Wright 239, Clarence Oke 212, Luke An. on Etcher 238, Gord Wilcox naert 211, John Carter (27) 8, Don Oke 238, Maurice 210, Bob Williams 210, Jirn nnaert 237, Russ Oke 236, MeKnight 209, Kart Piper 208, on Sellers 236, Jack Bond Dale Terry 207, Bob Kono. 7) 236,, Greg Couch' 233, packi 205, Ted Bagneli 204, Oward Bromeli 230, Les Don Bagneil 203, Stan Me. male 230, AI Osborne 229, Murter 203, Bill Luxton 201. r. H. B. Rundie 228, Doug arter 228, Ed Leslie 228, El- nBrock 227, Bob Smith 226, ector Ballantine 225, Bob P I 1VW LES ent (27) 225, Jîm Bruton [fEATING SPECIALIST !,Dick Perfect 224, Frank IQeuSre ohun (27) 224, Art Rowe 1 QumnvStree 1) 223, Walt Hately 222,Bwanil aurice Richards 222, Randy PHONE 623-7591 eauprie 221, MVurray Tighe 24 HOUR SERVICE M; 220, Bob Glanville (27) 0, Bob Laird 220, Elwyn Oil, Gas & Electrie Furnace icey 219, Russ Hailman 219, & Air Condition Installa- oriey Etcher 218, Harold tions - Central & Window icheison 218, Bud H-lnnîng Units - Clare Hlecla & 7Mike Murpýhy 217, Hap Findley Equipment [mner 216, Bill Oke (24) 216, Free Estimates Trewin 216, Bruce Milne Budget Terns Available 7) 216, Jack Lander 215, ______________ 'R'rS DeEORATl11, INGT CEN1TRE vinyl wall coverings desîgned for living now. la $4095 ari OZITE BBÎER: BACK ýED QUANTIT' --- 3.49-- sq, yd. 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