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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1972, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, Mar 29, 1ý972 Happy On e-Year-OId* £Persona/ Phone 623-3303I SMr, and Mrs. Jim Frank and family have returned rfom a pleasant vacation in St. Peters- burg, Florida, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Boyd, Scugog Street, have returned alter a weeks vecation in Caracas, Venezuela. Mr. Russell Candier, Lon- don, Ont., -wýas in town on Monday of this week visiting friends and relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Donner,ý Leamington, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Symons, Ontario, Street. Dr, and Mrs. Allan B. Syl- vester and f amily returned on the weekend from a holiday at St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kelly and f amly returned last weekend from a most enjoyable vaca- tion la St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. H. R Moses, ,who have been holidaying in St. Peters burg, Florida, re- turned homne on the weekend. R EHOBOTH Chrîstiari Reformed Church Scuagog Street Minister: Rev. A. VandenBer«, B.A., B.D., M.Th., Phone 623-7407 GOOD FRIDAY 10 EASTER SUNDAY 10 7 P.M. Back to God Hour >Dia1 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. 'Everyone Welcome"l Mrs. John M. James% and son Rick were weekend visîtors witn Mr. and Mrs. John E. James, Susanne and Tommy, Montreal. Mc. and Mrs. Harry Locke, Cathy, Janet, Laucie, Angela and Pamela returned home last Sunday frain a 12-dayý' vacation in Florida. y4 Mrs. Dorothy Childs and lier niece, Miss Kim Chlds, returned an Monday evening from a most enjoyable ten-day holiday in Bermuda. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smith have returned fram an enjay- able three weeks' 'holiday at St. Petersburg and the sur- rounding area in Florida. Mrs. Florence Scott, town, and Mrs. Ethel Wilton, Wood-' stock, returned ta their homes lasi week after a ten-week holiday at Winterhaven, Fia- rida. Dr. and Mrs. Keith Siem.o, Paul and Mark, town, and Mr. and Mrs. Jin Crazier, King-, Bowmanvlle BAPTIST CHURCH 14 Nelson St. Ren. Grant Gordon, B.Th., B.. 623-7621 SUNDAY - JI:00 A-. EASTER SERVICE SUNDAY - 7M0 P.M. "WHAT 15 A CHRISTIAN FUNERAL?' (Cremation? Mourniag? Ôpen Casket?) ANGLICAN CHURCH GOO'01,D FRIDAY Three hour service- 12 nôoon - 3:00 o'clock EAS5TER DAY 8:00 amn. - HOLY COMMUNION 9:30 a. - HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. - CHORAL COMMUNION 7:30, - CHORAL EVENSONG Rev. Thomas Gracie Rector of Darlington TRINITY UNITED CHURCH lVlnisteLr -ReÈv. George K. Ward, B3A,, B.D. Organist - Miss Gail Thompson The annual Good Friday service for St. Paul's and Trinity congregaions will be held iu Trinity Church on Good Friday evening, March, 3lst at 7:30 p.rn. Speaker. REV. L. M., SOMERVILLE Sermon: "THE CHALLENGE 0F THE CROSS"ý A CORDIAL WELCOME TO EVERYONE EASTER, SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1972 11:00, "THE VICTORY OVER DEATH" Rev. George K. Ward Sunday School Hours Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. at 9:45 a.m. Beginners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts. atil 7:30 Discussion meeting and Fellowship ln ehurcli hall Subi ect: ",WHAT CAN WE BELIEVE ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT?" J ST. PAU Lys UNI1TED CHURCH Minister - Rev. H. A. Turjieýr, ,A1, B.D. Orgalnist - Mr. R. Meteaif, A.C.T, A,C,C,., GOOD FRIDAY Trinityand St. Paul's wil hold a joîint service in Trinity Church i a 7:30 Speaker: REV. L. M, SOMERVILýLE, B.,. D. EASTER SUNDAY Church School at usual hours EASTER SERVICE 7:30 Spciîal Musical Service by the choirs of St. Paul's and Knox Ujnited of Peterborough. Solos, duets, anthems. Instrumental numbers includîng trumpet, and a violin duct. ALL ARE WELCOME stan, have returned from hall- daying ai, St. Petersburg, Florida. Mrs. Donald Lee, Mrs. Ber- win Adamns, and Mrs. George Fergusan, ail of Oshawa, were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jin Abernetby, Cou- cessiart St. Mrs. MM Richards, Marc, Scott and Michael spent a few days last week with bier broth- er and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rutherford and family, Listowel. Mr. and Mcs. Robert L. Stevens, Charles, Dianne, Bey- erley and Barry enjoyed a delightful week holidaying ai, Anaheim, California, retura- ing home last weekend. Mrs. Russell Gilbert has ce- tucned home afier baving had a delightful trip ta' Myrtie Beach, Southi Carolina, accom- panied by hec daugliter, grand- daugliter and son-in-iaw. Mr. and Mcs. RalpIr Mcm- tyre and Dean, Centre Street, enjoyed a aiine-day motor trip in the soutbern States, visit- ing ai Mobile, Alabama, and New Orleans, Louisianna. Mrs. Isobell Johns, Oshawa, spent the weekend with ber motter, Mcs. Aif Bickell, after returning fcom a Carib- hean Cruise, also South Amn- erica, witb Miss Dorotby Wil- liams of Oshawa. Dr. and Mrs. Angus Blair had-as guests on Sunday, Dr. and Mrs. John Blair and his mother Mrs. Willena Blair, Toronto, also Peter Blair, medical student of, Queen's University, Kingston., Mr. Herbert Powell, Conces- sion St., was a lucky wunner at Simpsons 'Sears store, Osh- awa Shopping Centre. is namne was drawn foc an award and dinner foc two at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mr-s. John Pogue, Michael and Shelley returned Monday evening from a twa- week Spcring vacation ai 0cm- and Beach, Florida, which is near Daytona. They repart the weather was excellent. Mrs. H. 'Milîson, Mrs. W. Werry, Miss Pearl Leach, Sauina, Mrs. C., W. Downey, Bowmanvîlle, bave jusi re- turned from a Trentway Tour ta Daytona Beach. They also visiied, Cypress Gardens, Sil- ver Springs and Disney World. In the March 15 issue of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Coin- pany "Wingfoot Clan" we note un the "On the Move" columa that ai the Bowmanville plant E, F. Nickerson is supervisar, millroom; and M. K. Piper, superviser, conveyor heut de-ý pariment. Mc. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo, Hampton, were pleasantly sur- prised by their son Stanley ai a wedding anniversary [partybheld in their honor by lielatives, neigbbors and friends ai the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Raiston and Sandra, of Countîce, Ont, Mc. and Mrs, Ward Hoffroan, Ellwood Cty, Pa., visiied on Tbu rsday witb bier mother, Mrs. George W. James, King St. East. Mrs. W. K. Ripley of Oshawa was a Saturday guesi, and Mrs, Alice Delve, Toronto, spent the weekend with bier cousin, Mrs. James. 1Thýe editor recently received ai poiadfroin Mr. R. Noble who baýs been spending the witrand early spring in Hlrda e and Mr. P. Cor-I.f bet were in Clearwaier, Flo-il rida, wben the card wasîl maîled and sunce tbey were, near Dunedin, Mc. Corbet called ta Mc. Allan Knigb)t.i farnierly of Bowmanville, wbo1 resides ln Dunedin, i Mc. John Blakely of Toronto( was a weekend guest of bisi daughtec, son-in-law and grandchildren, Mc, and Mrs.'i A. Meraw, Donna, Dan, Peter. and Leigh-.Aine, Southwayt Drive. Mrs. Carmel Faster and1 daughier Karen, Glenburnie,1 Ont,, were guesis ai the Meraw1 homne froin Manday ta Wed-1 nesday of lasi week. We are happy ta report that Mc. W, H. (Mick) Brown, wha is a patient in Memorial Mos- . pital, was able ta spend lasi Saturday ai home with Mrs,1 Brown and the f amily, includ- ing Mc. and Mrs. BarryBleeks1 of Belleville, Mc. and Mrs. Don Browa, London, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown and baby, Peterborough. Mr. Brown refurned ta hospital in J te evenung. Mrs. E, L. Oliver, Mrs, H. L. Goddard, Mrs. B. G. Burgess and Mrs, S, R. James hv trip ta Florîda, where they spent two weeka aitflie El, More Than -Jusl' a Philatelist's Delight Mare than just a philatelist's delight is Rosemary Kavanagh of Toronto who spent a few hours in Bowmanville Friday to help Posimaster George Vice, cight, set up a display of first day cavers and commemorative stamps ai the Bowmanville Post Office. She was accompanied by Ron Jordan, lefi, who, like ber, is an emplayee of the marketing branch of the Post Office in charge of pro-' mating philately ta tIre Canadian public. Thre displays have opened in a number of centres about thre province, "where,"! says Mr. Jordan, "we f eel there would be col1ec'trs inteu-ested." There is on]y one regret ., . . sarry chaps, Rasemary couldn't stay. But if yau are prepared ta take second best yau stili havea chance ta see an interesting display of stamps in the main labby of thre Post Office and a staff chomping ai tre bit ta get you started with a collection. ______ WinClosinq Mixed Bonspiel The mixed curling group at Bowmanville Country Club held their closing bon spiel on Saturday night with this rink winning thre event. Later, there was a dînner and dance and a meeting ta distrîbute thre year's awards and elect new officers. Thre winning rink vas, lef t ta right, Lead Linda Manning, Skip AI Cruess and Vice Ellen Ormistan. Thre fourth member, 2nd Ted Fillistrault was not pres- ent when thre picture war. taken. racfor-y manager of the aew lHoud-aille Industry located there, The 10th annual meeting of the Bay of Quinte Canfenence United Churci Womeni will be held in Queen St. United Churcli, Lindsay, April lOti, registration beginning, ai 12 with afiernoon and even- ing sessions; and morning and afiernoon on April Il. The theme is "Love is the Issue". Fun, Fellowship and Facis will lie presented la skif and dia- logue ferro ln the afternaon. Major A. MeCorquodale, Mouse af Coacord, will- be the affer dianer speaker. A bighlight of the conference will be A Spiritual Retceai caaducted byv the Rev. H. Parker, B.A., B.D., Ph.D., professer af Heb- rew and Old Testament Litera- tuc aiQueen's, Theolagical College, Kingston, on Tuesday. An. invitation is extended ta everyone. The fallawing new nuembecu were received ia oChurcb Fellawship ai fie morning ser- vice in Trinity United Churcli lasi Sunday: By Professian of Faith, Heather Doreen Barrie, Christine Anne Coombes, Mary Esther Daney, Susan Eliza- beth, Gatchell, Jîll Christîne Gough, Lee Anne Hockia, Nancy Lee Jackman, Janet Marie Luxtan, Andrew -Ken- neth Mackenzie, Robeci a Joan Mann, Madeline Louise Merk- ley, Bryau Cecil Morrison, Larie Deborai Mufi on, Edward James Puk, Barry Keifi Sbac- keit an, Scott -William Van- Driel, Barry A. Wilson, Mrs. Barry A. Wilson; By Transfer, Ronald L. Broonre, Mrs. Ron- ald L. Brome, George Ed- ward Ha, Mrs. George Ed- ward Hoar, Miss Pearl. Diane Moar, Miss Lee Anne Moar, Thomnas K. Lee, Mis. Thomas K. Lee, Mrs. Perey (Joyce) Morgan, Rabert G. Robinson, Mrs. Robert G. Robinson, Mor- ley J, Watson, Mrs. Morley J. Watson, MichaelWatson, Her- bert Wright,, Mrs, Herbent Wright. GET CASHI TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGn STATESMAN Christian Science Le durer, IoSpeak Monda y a't Oshawa Socia/ Parents and youth aluke deeply Christian motives ýand need the compassion'thai bas action. ils source in divine Love, ac- "Love cequires us," be will cording ta a lecture ta be say, "ta put aside cold con- given ln Oshawa on Mancday, ventianality and scîf-inferesi. Apriîl 3rd. If demands a deeper sense of Howard 1H. îrwin, C.S,, a maturif y: the mafuriiy af ia- Christian Science lecturer teresi in others. This coin- ffrini San Diega, California, passuanate approach requines - will speak under the auspices us ta be-honest la measuring af Firsi ChurcIr of Christ, aur awn lives accardîng ta the Scientisis, Oshawa, in Durhami standards of the, Christ, As College Lecture Hall ai 8:00 we grow in love for God, we s pin. become aware of Mis lave *"Tbcough compassion," Mc. reaching oufta nîàl mankind, >Icwin will siat e, "human everywhere." cansciousness feels thre tender, A native of Pittsburg, hcaling power of divine Love. Pennsylvania. Mc. Irwin bias! Thsgoes beyand sympathy. long been active la the Ireal- Iseeks oui the cure for the ing mînistry of Christian suffering. The compassion Science. Me hol degrees I we express dissolves the fears froin the 'University of SouthIN- and hatreds of ignorance, and era Califarnia, and lectures in DENTALCI breaks dowa the bacriers ao' thcee languages. En glis h, ]REGULAI prejudice, "lFrench and Spanish. Siace Mr s. Laina Belka af Osha- becomuing a Christian Science SPECIAL wa wîll introduce Mr. Irwm., lectuner in 961, Ire bas tran- SUGG.LIST ýArrangements for the event elled widely in Europe as well are bcugcodinated by Mrs. as North and South America, JeanIl ughs af Wbiiby. and East Asua. ILJ - la eltng ar number of Thre flue of bis lecture is U' A * healings through thre power "The Wander of Love." TIre of divine Lave, Mr. Irwun will public is invited ta attend emphasuze the demand for wîthout charge.L Easter S""toy Tbrea Bç et han %y UCW Meeting Tic Bethany United Church of service in thre conimunities Wamen met in the manse for wbere tbey find theniselves". their March, meeting, thre Mrs. Thomas Jenniîngs sang Easter story being tic basic "The Old Rugged Cross" with theme for the pragrain. The bier own guitar accampani- basless, Mrs. David Northey ment. showed a film an tic firsi Mrs. Jack Neals was thre Easier and narraied the siory. presiding officer for the bus- l tMrs. George Michel gave a iness part of the meeting. SIre readiag: "Tic Alabaster Boxc", thanked ail members for their is message relating ta ta- Irelp and ca-aperatian in mak- day and ifs problems. "Christ- ing the recent Shamrock Sup- !as must tell of God's love per such a success financially in words and by thre manner îmd socially. A special tbank lof their personal lives. Christ- you ta the girls af tic Uni, A LEX ians must also tell ai Gad's Graup for makîng decorations' alve by planned undcriakings for tbis evenit. If was decided & fil Il that the 11GW would seli lunch at McMaster.h sale in the Town Hall. The members also voteci ta finance a child fram the community to attend Camp Quin-MVl-Lac this sum- mer. Another project in the plan- 1 ning stage is ta help finance the redecorating of the church sanctuary and vestibule. An estimate, or estimates are ta be procured for this job. The 13GW was asked to provide re- fresbment ,atter the service on Good Priday ta the young people partaking in the "Walk- athon" from Pontypool ta Beihany United Cburch. The speaker for ibis 'service is ta be the Rev. Don'Raffin, Lind- say, wbo is home on furlougb from South America. A number 0f ,United Church Wamen are involved la the Visitation Program where al United Chureh members and adherents will. be visited by a teamn during the next two weeks. Mrs. Carl Parteous, program convener, concludedthe even- ing's activities wiih members acting out sang tities oa the Easter and Spring theme. An amnusing egg-rolling cantesi was ýenjoyed, the eggs beîng hard-boiled and tinted in various colars. Refreshments were enjoyed, served by the cammîttee in charge, WiIIPresent The crucifixion On Good Fridayg The Excelsior Chair wIll present Stainerls Crucifixion on Good Friday at 8 p.m. at the Maranatha Churcb., The chair will be assisted by a chldren's choir from Maple Grave West Public Scboal and from the Maranatha Church, Solaisis are: Mr. Ross Met- caîf, tenar; Mr. Norman Bald- win, bass, Sir John Stainer modestly calîs ibis orataria "A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy Redeem- Rev. J. S.5 Gllchrist and Rev. Thomas Gracie will take part in ibis Gaod Friday Meditation. Admission FREE, An of fer- ing wlll be received. OBITUARY FREDERTCK WILLIAM Frede rick William Curtis dled ai Hillsdale Manor on Sunday, Mardi, 19, 1972. Born in Belfast, Ireland, July 6th, 1894,lhe came ta Canada as a chîld, attended school in AI- liston, lived in Toronto for many years and came ta Osh- awa in 1936. He worked for the Bell Telephone Company for 421/2 years and retired ln August of 1964. Me was a member of St. George's Anglican Cburcb, a former member of the choir, and a member of Charles Fleetford Sise Chapier of thre Telephone Pioneers. During t.he First World Wari Durham College Lecture Hall Slmcoe St. N. Osiiawa 's' Sf * 5 KING ST. WES 6213.5792 Little Tami Lynn Richards, the happy Uitile mDiss shown in the above photo, is the daughter of Bruce and Donna Richards, town. Tami Lynn, wha celebrated her first birthday on February l8th., is the grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wilcax, tawn, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards, R. R. 5,' Bowmanville. Rer praud great-grandparents are Mc. and Mrs. Milton. Wilcox, town, and Mr. and Mrs, Ilugh McPhail of Keswick,, Ont. McRobbie Photo OBITUARY MES. CLARENCE HAYES A ]ifelong resident of the Oshawa Columbus district, Clarencq Hayes dled Sat- urday March 18,. 1972, at the Glencedars Nursing Home. She lived in Columbuts, R.R. 1 Oshawa. Born in Ea'st Wbitby Town- ship April 23, 1886, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John James. She attended Conlin's School. She was a member of Col- he served overseas fromn 1914 ta 1918 as a signal man with the Armed, Forces. His wife, the former Kate Broaadbent, .died in 1965. The deceased Is survived by,,one daugbter, Mrs. Cyril Closs( Eileen) of Newcastle, and one granddaughter, Gail. Mr. Curtis rested at the Mclntosh - Anderson Funeral Home witb the service Tues- day, Mfarcb 21st, In the chapel ai 1:30 p.m. Interment in Mount Lawn Cemetery, and Arcbdeacon F. G. Ongley offi- 4aeted. McGREGOR Drugs umbus United Church and was active for many years in the United Church Women1'.s Association. Mer huisband C 1a re nc e Hayes died in 1940. 11 The deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Walter Hayter (Frances) of Oakville, Mrs. Clifford Johns (Darathy) ,of Coldwater; three souis, George of Columbus, Ray and William,, both of Camibray; ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; and cnes isister, Mrs. Robert Mo?ýset (Lucy) of Oshawa. Mrs. Hayes rested ai the McIntosh - Anderson 'Fune.ra1 Homne with the service in tIiý chapýel Tuesday, March 21.s4 ai 'I p).m. Interment In Gra-ve side Cemetery, Brooklin. Rev,. Allan Barnes of Columnbur United Church officlated. IYOU R RED CROSS 15 Corne ta this ChrIstian cec etr by Howard H. Irwin "THE WONDER 0F LOV-E" Monday, April 3, 8:00 pi. U ý

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