8The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, -Mar. 29, 19 72 FLASHBACK - 25 YEARS AGO - On Saturday, March 29th., Moe Breslin's Red Raiders defeated Bolton to wlfl the Lionel Conacher trophy and the Ontario Juvenile "B" O.M.H.A. championship, off i casadmembers of the teani included: Moe Breslin, coach1; Tom Depew, assistant coach; Jim. "Tieker" Crombhie, Executive; Bob Bate, traîner; Bud Perfect, Lldoyd "Bill" Hamilton, Murray "Tig",Tighe, Bill "Daýddy" Dadson, Gordon "Mick" Sturrock, Frank "Soniny" Hooper, Harvey "Slip" iRowe, Charles "Chuck" Cattran, Fred "Buck" Cowle, Walter "Jit" WVoodward, Bob "Fatý", Gallagber, Charlie "Joe" Piper, Jim "Joe" Levitt, Hugh "Bill" Dustan; Ed. Breslin, stick boy; Allan "Buster" Denseni, assistant traîner; A. H. Sturrock, goal judge; and Tom DeGeer. t t t t t i FLASHBA CK- 10 YEARS AGO - The mixed league bowIers were really hitting the pins rolling seven 700O's. "Hap" Plmer set the pace with a 771 triple. He also had one gaine of 361 to sweep high single honors as well, other top sicores being'registered by Matt Harrison, 318, Arnold Sieep 295, "Duke" Brunt 295, Dore Mut- ton 295, Gord Wiicox 288, 258, Art Spicer 273, Elton Brock 268, Bob Glanvilie 259, 259, Vi, Norrish 258, Glen Prout 258, Hilda Brock 252, and Morley Etcher 251. TWILIGHT ZONE - You might cal Iis the twilightý zone of the winter season, Our hockey teams are grdually wînding up their playoff s, with local teams doing exceptionally well, the bowlers are finishing teir schedules and playoff s, the curlers anid figure skaters are just about ready to bang up their brooms anýd skates. Basketball has concluded. We're begin- ning bo think of the basebail, golf, tennis, softbail, swimming and boating season ahead. There's an open- îngî sports car race at Mosport in April and this week- end will be the final holiday of winter or the first for Spring. In the meantime, there will be banquets of ail types, with trophy presentations. Skiing should continue for several weeks and there are still a few playoffs hockey gamnes b complete. But, we're on our way to the summer season, if we can only get rid of that ice. t t t t t POOR JOHNNY- You can't help feeling sorry for Toronto Maple Leaf coach Johnny MeLellan. His team's eariier s\tringy of defeats stirred up an ulcer and for a while itlooked as thougli they were going to blow their chances for a fourth piayoff spot. Then, hie went to hospital and King Clancy took over and put things back on the rails, Friday niglit in Vancouver, McLellan had anoicther run at iL, but the boys couldn't corne through for him se Clancy was back at the heirn on Saturday in Los Angeles and they won 4.0 t,) give thern a three point lead over Detroit. What will happen frein here on in is anybody's gusbut-we're betting Clancy wilI take over forthe rest of the season if hie can stand the paçe.ý >t t t t t CAR-NIVAL -Last ,ýweekend, the Orono Figure Skat-. ingClu pu ona magnificent show for two per- for,1an1es it açe audiences and thîs weekend the Nwcst oLungsters will have their turn, _The nice thing about figure skating as compared with hokyis thlat, participants probably end up with fewýer teeth missing. t t t t t MAý1DNESS - Those CBC teclinicians ini Toronto must have had burning cars on Saturday night. Ail day long the announcements were coming in t hat the Montreal-New York gaine would be on television for evening viewing. Don't know about ,you, but we were ail settied down to watch the gaine, in relaxed cornfort, mainiy because Our oldest son in Montreal had obtained tickets right bechind, the New York bench for himseif and his y;oung brother vîsiting hum. Neediess to say when t announcement carne that the gaine was off, w'e were disgusted. in fact, we were s0 mad that we didn't stay up to watch the Leaf gaine later that night. t t t t 1t FOUR ONTARIO TITLES? -- Bowmanville is in, search of four this season and already two series are over and congratulations go to two Ahl Ontario 'Champion hockey teams from Bowmanville. The Bantani Minors defeated Grimsby, while the Pee Wee Minors defeated Stoneybrook bo win their res- pective Ahl Ontario tithes. The Midgets began their quest for a titie on Sunday night against Essex and cýame up with a tie game. The Pee Wee Majors in their series against Essex are two games down, ;Again, congratulations to the winl3ers and best wishes to the other two teams in their series. Let's go Bowmanville - make il four in a row. t t t t t GENERALS' HERO - Steve West of Orono emerged as the hero of the Oshawa Generals when he scored the tying goal in their final gaine of the season last Sunday against lhe Niagara Falls Fiyers, and helped his teai clinch second plae n-JniréA" ocey.Stvehasben1 mark~ BOWMANVILLE ap -RECREATION DEPARTMENT Brnt shot Brad face-c MINOR HOCKEY ThE tory. DAY in là Saturday,,Apr*l Sth.> 1972 oea tx î1 4-1. 8.30 am MIDGET - Generals vs. Mt. Royals DS 9:50 amr. - BANTAM - Indians vs. Cubs ed ai 11:10 a.m. - PEE WEE "A" - Beavers vs. Kings Prenl 12:30 p.an. - PEE WEE "B" - Bruins thp vs. Canadians m1~Ins 1:50 p.n. - ATOM - Frank's Variety vs. Tigers Baoth 2:55 p.m. - TYKE - Cardinals vs. Indians that- Aduits 50c ADMISSION <Chîdren 12 and under 25c MEMBERS 0F RECRETION OCKEY LEAGIJE ADMITEDFREE McGego (Migets in Tough Serie,,s Wlith Essex luI the opening gaine of their Ontario Firal best rforsey scored in. the overtimne perioc[ wnen. luis slap-1 of five series witb Essex on Sunday night here, the shot bit the Essex goalie higb on the chest or shoulder McGregor Midgets were leading by one goal in the and drove hlm and the puck into the net, as well asl third period and again in the o'vertime, but couldn't knocking him out for several minutes. The game ended bold it elîber time. This picture shows thegoal Paul in a 3-ail tie. H.- L. Wood Peec Wees Win AIi-Ontarîo " A" Titie Members of the Pee Wee Minor Chamrpionsbîp Manager Don Badour, Gerard Morrison, Brent Badour, leani include, front row, left to right, Tonri Eyman, Ed Visser, Brian Dennîs, Dan Strike, Scott Stevn Brad Godfrey, Britt Murphy, Don Farrow, Brian Tim Buttonshaw, Gary Dusseldorp, and CoachJer Fraser, Wayne Whitecnan and Ron Visser; back row, Morrison. ieMiuor Pree Wee Ail- cd lu Centralia Areua. Ston- 3:10 af the first period, Gary score at the 18:10 ta add ta swon the Ontario "A" eybraak took Ibis one 2-1. Dusseldorp getting the assist. the lense atmosphere mpionship an Sunn da y, Close ch"ckiug was the Sîoneybrook tied il up at the At the start of the second ,ing a dazzliug dîsplay of "naine of the game" lu Ibis 4:26 mark with a goal by Kim period the loraIs turned on zcontrai and team play match, Dan Strike started the Larsen. Eddy Visser put the the attack with Scott Stevens vinning the series tbree scoring, puttiug Bowmanville "Transporters" a h c a d 2-1, notrhiug t, w a cansecutive s ta onr, defeatiug sahcad 1-0 in the tînst peruud, with Don Farrow assislîng, at goals on pirture passiug plays uybrook (a suburb o f Larsen lied il up and the 5:29. Tom Eyman scored again set up by Don Farrow, Dan on> 5-2. score remaiued 1-1 - until for Bowmauvillc aI 13:42, Strike and Gerard Morrisan. hi was a bard fought sec- Stoueybrook's Prentire put Gary Dusseldorp aud Gerard Tom Eyman put Bowmanville Bowmauville fouud tbem- lhem abead 2-1 at the 17:32 Morrison creditcd with as- abead 4-1, lu the closing min- ýs Up against a fast akat- mark of the third perli. sists. lu the second period utc af the 'period, taking a close cbeckiug team wbo Bown-ianville put the pressure'Scott Stevens frýom Eddy Vis- pass fcom linemate Gary Dus- ual gîve up from start ta on but caould flot get the purk sec and Don Farrow poîted scldorp. hin lu ch of the four lu th e net although thiey had anc at the 8:55 mark. This had been the Ihird es played., everal narraw misses. Staueybrook really put the1 time lu the series that the First Game Third Game pressure ou iu the thirid pcr- "Trausparters" had a three the first game played on With the seriee lied aI one lad. Steve Preutice closed the goal lead goiug mbinthe Ihird iday, March 131h in Bow- each, the third game was gap 4-2 at 8:23 aud he again period aud came vecy closeý ville, the lorals grabbed a plavcd iu Ilderton, northwest scorcd at the 15:45 mark, on two occasions of "b1owing' S5-4 victory. The "Trans- nf Londonr. This wa~s an ae-. makine il 4-3. Stoueybrook it ahl". ers" taak a firs't periodilion parked ecounter with tried despcrately la lie it u laIbtis gaine it was a dif- af 3-0 until the 195eo e-La erd play thraughout lu the rlasing minutes of the ferent story as lhey came outý kwbeu Steve Prenticeý the whole gamie. game ouly ta be thwarýted by with the past behind them Stoueybcook o the Brad Godfrey started the the juil as dctermiued Bow- ai-d stuck ta, gaod positional I.GryDssloupon crn orwavle at mauville lads. play aud scuttlcd cvery at- he scoriug at the 6:24 - This was Dcobably the most tack Staneybrook thrcw at kTom Eyman and Dan,--xitu aeaItesre them. Gerard Morrisan put e assistîng. Bricu Den-n with good searing chances for te"rn nteck"a h ud lu a corner pasS7"71h-4bath sides. 9:03 mark as be blasted a Gary Dusscdp . hard shat frýom lhirty leed bplay. At the 17:42 mark Fourth and Final Game ont, that- the Stoueybrook t Badour slapped a bard Iu game four and whal ýgoalie is sîll laokiug for. At from the blue Une aller \- \ pcovcd te, be the serues win- Ibis point Stoneybrook could 1 Godfrey had won the nec, the fans lu Bowmanville rcad the sigus of elimination -off deep in cnemy fterri- / probablv saw anc of the beýst but uevcr gave up as K4m exhibitions of hockey lu the Larsen lobbed a shot that ie only sroring lu the ,c- local ire palace Ibis wiuter. wcnt lu the net on a relaxed period saw Gary Dus- 4N14H-TE 1 q Staneybrook with their harki Bowmauvillc goalie. pick up his second score tol the wall and the "'Trans- The playoff s up unlil the he game as:sisled by aorr parlers" knowiug this could finals were a "roule" for the un. Aller a great dis-pl'syî /f]'T/t be the big one, rame raariug Býowmauville squad but tbey id o-ed hcke bybat ~outI-on the ire detcrmlued t0 adjusted to the change of pare as the second pcriod end-1T /O/co~,rme ouI on top, lu big league style ta bring vith Bowmanvilîc leadiug # - tnyrokhdteeg no lbe r champiouship ta lu play lu the earîy minutes Bowmauville. The boys de- ski for Stoneybraok scar-ofteiIpridhmig serve a great deai af praisýe ý7:35 of the Ihird periad, Bo.vmanville lu their owntoc the fine showiug tbey irie -for Stoncybrook aI end and atîemptiug l gel bhave. made lhroughout the 11:30 mark and Striek5- 'C that early go-abead goal. province Ibis seasan, being foc Stoncybrook aI 16:40. 1, rt upy uIent o good sports wherevcr lhey tied the game aI 4 4. Bowmauville rame up wil h f a went, win or laie, au aýsset bo iteami really prcssed for E L L Sheil I dazzling pad save on Prentice tbc tawu af Bowmauville. ga-ahead goal and aI t '.wblcb took the starch out of Way la go. Guys! 5Scott Stevens -took a \ Service the visitors' attark. Play The three minor lc-ams ~willj pais from Don Farrow levellcd off aI Ibis point, with close ouI the season aI a tour- made no, mistake un b it-0 IG . bath teams doing somne close nament lu Brantford Ibis bis target. Eddy Visser 18KIGE forerhecking. At the mid-wav holiday wcekcud, finIt game gaI an assist ou the goal, BOWMANVILLE point Scott Stevens broke the schcduled for Friday evenîng was "lights out" for thr game wîdc open notchig a aI 6:15, Owen Sound the 'op- ,eybrook squad w lb Bow- PHONE 623-5662 ptUregolsel up by Dan position If enyouc In thc rtic tkin ut5-4 ~ iLacian- Dn PainFarrow and DanSrk.Stn area is up Ihet way, drap into Second Came I)t-.cahan-DnPanPYbrcnk's -a r e dtrikcuSoan- Lions Park Arcua and give he âeçond gamne VWas pKim Larsenu evened up -theu a ihout. LOCALS LOSE - Little NUHL. tournament of champions held in Cobourg during winter holidayý, break last week, was won by Oak iRidges in thrilling sudden-death overtime over Midland. Bowmanville was defeated earlier by Midland, 3-1 in the large town B division. In Junior "A" (Novice) division, ,Bowmanville was defeated by Newmarket 4-0. ILadies' Major B-owlîngj March 2th Cecile Bowers High single, Audrey Os- 220 Gaines mond 291; high triple, Onie Onie Etche - Etcher 804.-1 Brenda Wilkir Top 1Z Averages Lowery 267, IV Liblert Belles Onie Etcher 233, Donna Jackie Davis 2 Liberty Belles21, oreser22-2 March 21st Dayle Wolnik 215, Eileen nik 252-222, iV MeDaPns pts Moore 212, Barb Osborne 212, Helen Depew Mnoad-. 21744 27 Shirley Bickell 208, Nancy Harrison 233, D Stephens - ----- 21892 26 Cox 208, Helen Rogers 207 Hilda Simnick Coombes ----- 21985 24 Heleni Depew 207, Cecile Bow' Bickell 220-1 Horstman ----- 21767 24 ers 207. Trim 247-253-1 Bradile -- ---- 215207 2 Teain Standings mondson 242, Covle-- -298 171/ Team Pins pts. 254, Toots Wise Kirkton ---------- 21229 - 17 Onie Etcher . 35896 27 Periis 245, Kai Gibson..- 21130 16 0111e Patfieid -_ 35435 21 Joyce Lyle 228, Roberts ------ 21591 15 1/2 Dot Brooks 352 2127EienM --uxt ------ 20901 12- Dayle Wolnik-- 34158 20 Bradley 246-248 Shackleton 20662 9 Judy Bragg - 35353 19 son 230, Audreý Blunt ---- 19648 8 Helen Rogers --- 35731 18 291, Berniecq Avera es Over 180 Ade sod 344 1 C8 F.obradsey17, . BohnsAudeyn Osond__34817 168 ou d C9, .raery 1,.SehesShirley Davis ---33645 18y 19,E asn192, 1. Burns Jackie Patfield -- 34419 il 191, W. Cooînbes 191, F. Hee ee 341 1 Land 191, Marlon Gibson 190, Alley Cats-- 34o 1 J. Luxton 189, R. Shackleton c-Ales Ct --- 188, M. Kirktou 185, F. Stead- a Covle18, . Lae18, M, ug hP Hawks rew Bals man 18,h.torsys83HMead Pins---- C. 10,S are Heads--- High single, R. Shackleton MV VIiýutr aî 286;hig douleM. SithHigh Single 26 ( h1 dobleM.6Sith268, B. Partner 469(19.27).Wednesdaj, Marcb 22 High Triple High single, N. Van Abbe-' 714, B. Partuer *Ufauma 268; high triple, K. Camp- Hidden Sco RUKA bell 633 (208-206-219). Game 1, J. Wo Team Standings N. H enuing; G Russ' Sunoco --- 22 33910 K, Campbell ---- 41993 33 ams, Hi Cs ---------- 191/2 33655 D. Ogdeu ------- 42093 25 Over Tyrone ------------ 335 B. Wilbur ------- 41752 23 B. Partuer2 Salem - -------- 18 33717 C. Bruce ------- 42743 22 ams 214, O.1 Enniskillen ----- 15½'/ 33506 K. Ralston ----- 41563 22 Bridger 200,B Maple Grave ----- 15 33820 B. Piper------- 41424 19 213-236, R. Stil iSauina ---------- 14 33393 Gaines 210 and Over as26,A Dominion Stores 1 134 N. VanAbbema,268, B: Smith C. nap 268A- High Singles 266, B. Piper 234, K. Raîstan D. Taylor 299, R. Van-ee 231, G. Dykstra 229, R Wy- 245, H. Bala 283, T. Pleasauce 283. erbenga 227, 1. Wright 223, D.241 N eni Ogden 221-216, J. Dykstra 208, H. Aiken High Triples 220,M. Trimble 220,K. Bridger 221, ý R. Vaumeer 766, U. Taylor Camipbell 219, 1., Sweetmari 210-224, G, Sim 741, K. McGill 72 219, B. Nimigon 213. Adams 225-243. D. Averages Averages 180 and Over Averages D.Taylor 248, B. Martyn C. Bruce 205, K. Ralstan -(24) 226, K. McGill 224. R, 198, D. Ogdeu 195, M. Trimble Rau Good ---- Laird 220,' J. Luffmau 918, R. 191, F. -Dykstra 190, A. Dyks- G, Wilson---- Vanmeer 213, C. Milîs 211, tra 190, A. Burgess 189, j. B. Smith----- L. Coombes 208, C. Goodman Rawe 186, K. Campbell 185, H. Éallautine 208, J. Siemon 207, AI Ste- D. Verleysen 184, B. Smith B. Partner phen 205,, D. Wood 204, T. 184, B. Wilbur 184, 1. Wright G. Simpson Pleasance 203, R. Broome 200, 183, B. Piper 181, J. Mcbean N. Cowle--- J. Coombes 200. 1181. D. Bridger Ail-nt alo idget ere Stars Of Wif h a 3-3ïTie by David Goheen period elapsed before Randy ter at the arena before being Thiele succumbed to the pres- sent borne. The quest for Ali-Ontaria sure, Cban Knudsýon scored The next two games in this Midget B supremacy began in with Bob Brett and Raudy series will be played Salurday earnest Sunday night,,at Bow- Prichard assisting on the goal. and Sunday nigbt in Essex. manville Arena. Again the teanis wcre un- The next game In Bowmarn- Seventy minutes of sustain- able tao capitalize on their ville will, be played Sunday,,, ed end-to-eud hockey Was chances. April 9th, at 8:30 p. played but the outrome was Don Spîcher put Bowmau- Auyone wishiug ta go te neyer dccided. Bowmanville ville ahca'd. Assi.st weut toI Essex and stay overuigbt and Essex tied 3 ta 3. - Boyd Knox. Two minutes lat- I should contact Mrs. Devitt at Que point for each team er, Bruce Cunningham scored,I 623-5597 for reservations. will be awarded. It now with Raudy Schuchard col- meaus that it will take au ac- lectiug the assist. U l It A lC cumulatiaon of six points ta After a short rest the two P I VU LLJ decide who will be the AIl- teams were again playing HAIGSEIL Ontario Midget champs, hockey, tbis lime for ouly 10 RAIGSEILS Doug Tamblyn opened the minutes. It took Paul Forsey 1 Qucen Street scoring at the four minute just three minutes and Bov- Bowmanville mark ofý the opening stanza mauville was again in front, PHONE 623-7591 The assists went 10 Grant Doug Tamblyn and Rolly Luxton and Skip Davidsou. Simpson collected assists. 24 HOUR SERVICE Bowmanville kepl the pres- With a little over two min-'Oi11 Gas & Electrie Furnace sure on Essex but were un- utes remaiuiug, Dan Milîs; & 'Air Condition Installa- able ta put another goal be- scored for Essex with the as- tions - Central & Window hiud Rick Hieuz. sist goiug ta Mike Quinlan. Units - Clare Hecla & Essex came alive bul were Bowmaville's ambulance Findley Equipinent aiso, stymied by Bowmauville's service was calledý upon ta Free Estimnates cýheckiug and hitting. help a couple of fallen play-ý Budget Terras Available- Six mnutesof the secondljers but they were looked aI -_____________ CSTI E L ï for the Econo1Myîà Minded Driver 1971 2 DR. SEDAN MODEL 93111 120'.5 CA.D. OVERHEAD CAM 4 CYLINDER ENG INE FOUR SPEED TRANSMISSION BUCKET SEATS POWER DISC FRONT BRAKES AUTOMATIC CHOKE MICHELIN RADIAL TIRES PER MONTHF PLUS ONTARIO SALES TAX 36 MONTH NET LEASE PLAN -lu 166 KING ST. E. LEASING DIVISION 623-3396 CONTACT: RAY LATHANGUE WE ALSO HAVE AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO J'URCHASE CARS, FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SEVERAL MODELS- COLORS- STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM Sale-smen: Weldon Brownl Ray Lathangue Earl McQueepi ---33919 12 ,and Over 'r 266-269-269, Jns 236, Darla M1arg King 221, 247, Ollie Pat. !-ý258, Thelma -58j Dayle Wol- label Lewis 242, 254-242, Mary Diane Piper 233, K221, Shirley 289-245, Marie 250, Lily Ed- Karen Davis sman 241, Marg aren Burn~s 278, 8Barb Osborne aore 263, Donna 18, Dot Edmond- ey Osmond 233- Terry 269. Bow.l i ng J Pins Pts. -----36820 21 --- 37797 20 36375, 19 -----36827 1a ----- 6559 17 -----35492 113 e- M. Adamns ýr281. - H. Ballantine ýr652. ore Winners 7olner; Gamc 2, ame 3, M. Ad- er ?,00 201-281, L.Ad- Knapp 239, J. Raun Gaad 20- Jles 250, M. Ad- Sweetman 217, 218, B. Wilson lntine 267-92.1. hg 207, A. Cale 215-200-228. r). ,N. Cowle 274- ripsaon 214, Brad Sover 200 Games Avg. ------33 235 -------30 228 ----27 225 ------36 224 -------33 209 ------- 36 209) ------- 36 211 FIREHZA