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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 15

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MacDuff -Report POilSRi Ouf Sp4 ng Vote rime Minister Pierre Trudeau lias cautioned bis Lilieral ,fallowers against belî 'eving tlie general elec- fion will corne tbis Spring. Hle made it ecear, on a national television int view progmam eaï,riy ln Mai-ch. Haevr is po- liticel opponenits rejected b1-is admonition against an- ticipating an eerly election as just a manoeuvre ta timow them off guard. Just bnefore flie Easter e- c e ss", f Parliament tlie Prime Miaister told the Lili- eral caucus,, bebind closed doars, f lat lie planned no Juine election. H1e urged fie Liberal M.P.'s ta'o )rge,,t about fie ps oilt f a Juine electïi. Hesugest ed tbey sliould "coo l if" and said lie did not want lie Libeml plifical machine ta gef laf o higi gear for 'a generai election ftoscion. The next day efter a Cab- inet meceting, whien quest- fioned aboutfhls -w arning by, fie press, the Primec Min- îster confîrmed that ie lied Xuled ouf, in flic caucus in private, the passibility of a June election. H1e cendid- ]y edmitted fliat lie 1iad tld fie Lîberels ta thiak instead in terrns of an dc fian l incheFeli or lu 197i.3. However he ecknowledg,ý- ed fiat fie press polifical anealyisf s would pobably disegard bis declaref on and continue ta discuss fie possiblity of a Spring or Zion (Hope Townshîp)ý (intended for lest weeky 'Mrs. Margaret Whitney wio wes visiting lier son Roy and family af Scrborougi, fook suddý-enly ili end was faken fo f lie Scarliorougli Hospital icmee sic undemwent surg- emry. The repart is.sic is mek- ing goodi progress. 11r many rZion fricnds wisli hem a speedy efurn ta good- belti. M. and Mrs. Cliarlie Me- neilley, Mr. Harry Raby, Sftirl- ing, had supper witb M. and Mrs. Charlie Baby, Sunday evening, March 26tli. M. Fred Raby and Miss Hilde were forced ta fake e rein chieck as disegreeeble weatb- cm and lied oads prevented tbem lieing present. 1 MmI . Kenneti Whitney's ê.Lction sale of implements and llvesfock, ield Set urdey, Aprïl Itfwes wel etended. Snaw banks and miuddy roeds dîd naf discaumage tic crow,, f hcy came fmam fear andner Finie weafhcr favourcd tbem unfil laf c affemnoon w hcn sn"Ow fuIrrieýs ariFdoPrt- uinafely, tic sale -,as about over ltien. Mms, Leo Titteingtniand son Rymonid atfendced fie, IDog Show eld last w Ekend afTrinity CollegeSclioal Part Hopec. Airs, Viola Germond and Mrs. Zoe Letoadmesse, Osie- wa, spent Good Pridey wti their limof ler and sister-in- law, MmI. and Mrs, Chi-lie Me- neilley. M. and Mrs. Venn Trav- em and daugiter Pet ride aof Welland spent Good Priday and Satumday wviti their sister and bofler-in-le-w, Mm. and Mrs. CliarlieBay M. and Mms. Cierhie Me- neîlley atfendcd fie Port Hope Unitecd Churci services on Easter Sundlay, April 2adiél1 arn. Confirmation service was was held, and their grsi-pdson Douglas Meniiley. ,was anc of fie meny cojnfirmed, and receivlcd is Churci Mcm- bcrsiip Cerf ificat e, ]KIRBY (Orano Times, Apîl til Mardi 24th was H-omi-e and Schooil Niglif at Kirliy, Pupî)ls of Grades 6, 7 and 8 pDut on a pmgram af gymnasfics, fol- iawed by square dancing liy Grade 6 and a play by Grade 8, Those effending enjoyed fhe pogram. Being riglit afft cmhfic lolidays some of, flic parecnts forgot about fie meeting, MmIi. and Mrs. Bih Seers, Scarbomojugi, spent thie Eesf cm hioliday weekcnd vwithli er parents, Mm. and Ms Law- rencq(e Harris. M. and Mrs. RonldlHar- ris, Richard and Kimi were supper gucsf s Setumday e\, ven- ing with M. and Mrs. Law- Theme was a vcry good attenidance et churcl i o Sn day fa beer fie Easter -Mîes- sagýe. The choir sang fwvo anithiems, Eastcr Day and Ivoryý Palaces. Visif ors et- fending wemc Mrs. EILswvriI Caswell. Newfonville: Mm. tand Mrs. Cooke, Orilie; lVIss Marilyn Taylor. St. Cefliaines and M. Ken Thomas, Thora:- blli. GET CASH ffr T T- Ff)UGB' i STAT ESM31A à G LA î sS 1 l'A JE'pS Summer election. The press boys cannot forget that it was the samne Mr. Trudeau, who when lie was elected leader in 1968, told a press conference there was no possibility of a snap gen- eral election. Only a few days later lie called just such a snap election in 1968. But this time hielbas told bis, own M.P.'s behind the closed doors of the ceucus room thaf there will be no june vote. This would seein to indicate lie defînîtelyba ruled out a Spring electian. Wliy lias the Prime Min- ister decided against ýan early vote? He bas not been very entbusiastic about it riglit from the lieginning. Liberal election planners within tie orgenization had been split over thc ad- vantages of going to the country thîs Spring, four years after fhe last election, or waiting unt il Octolier. Recent polis taken by the Lilicral Party have curbed the enthusiasm of the Lii- cral vote planners. Tliey show tie support of the Party had dropped in To- ronto and in British Co- lumbia, wiile rising slight- ly on the prairies and in the Maritimes. Tiat was a shocker to the Grits. Adding to their con- cern weýs a recent Gallup Poil. It showed that the Liberels support et the end of Mardi had slipped ta 25 per cent across the country and the Conservatives to 17 per cent, that is only eight points separeting tiem. Wbat really worried flie Lilierals however was thet ecross Canada 43 per cent of the voters, were ln the "undecided"' column. That was a higli rise from flie 29 per cent who could flot say which party tiey would support in 1968 just before the general election wes called. more surprising however was the fact that ia French Canada those in the "Can't Sayý' column had soared f0 59 per cent while those in English Canada who cannot make up their minds were reported at '34 per cent. That poliliby the Canadian Institute of Public Opinion was pulilished in newspapers the niglit that fhe caucus iwas told fiere would be no June election. ,Lieral liackbencliers scanning if were happy fiat the Prime iMinister lied becked away fromn a Spririg election, Tiey were disturbed liY the re- suits of the poil and by tic conclusion by pollists fiat: "The higli level of inde- cision is ýmade up ,toaa cer- tain degece off voters who hiave lost faiti in the Lii- eral party.' If the Liberal party is lus- ing ifs solid support in Que- bec it could lose the next electian. It lias been count- ing on strong support in Qucbec and on picking up enough seats in Ontario, British Columbia and flic Maritimes ta came fhrough with a large enough-me- jority taý easily formi the next govcrnment. Tic end of March Gallup Poli with 159 ýper cent undecided in Quebec astonisied Libemels and came asa pleasent sur- prise ta their opponents. 1 The Conservetives have got ta fry and convert thc uindecided into pro-Progres- Lsive Conser-vetives. Another poli, this time teken at the request of the Officiai Op- position Party in fie fed- erel field also caused sur- prise, by its findîngs. i showed Judge Claude Wegnier, Justice Minister in tie 1960-66 Liliemai gavera- ment in Quebec, was more popular in some instances, then Prime Minister Tru- deau. As a resuit specula- tion wes revived thet the Conservetîves migit try fo persuade Judge Wagner ta leave tie bencli and leed fie Conservetive forces in Que- Ibec. ___________ Trudeau Confusing Local PC'S Tic apparent indecision dis- plniAyed byMr. Trudeeu, iin the and wou]d like tlie nomination meeting lield'la May. Sa f ar only two racmberi have îndicatcd tbey will con- test ftle part y's nomination David Gray is a YPC fromr Hope Townsip and flie other is Harold Hooton of 90oPE Township. Elections for YPC offices were ield, et the meeting, and new, presidenf of the organi- zation. Rick Poster af Kendïal was- elecfcd first vice-president, Selly SaeydA of Port Hop)e, tr ânre aiMarion Mn1r ofKenidalwa elected as - progressive Cnevtv National Leader Rolicrt Sf anfield li as imet -with Judge Wagner since flie poll was taken. Tlie two mcn liad met et least once lie- fnre, last Paîl, fa f alk poli- tics.q nyear and catrried aut dlur- ing February the-pi to -)!ld the Conservatives that Judg 1Wagner haci mideed a st rongp political following mnta FrenchÇCanaian rovne ýIt as told them th1ý!-at thec rueupopuiariuty in Que,- bec as liping ,Italso ering whetlier pcrjsuadic!ng Judge, Wagner fto lead the Party in tba:L province would be the answer to a sweep- ing win ln thc coming elec- tinn A rcîse ediionof fic niew format witli cartoon il- popuar"Drutigs -Hie Wï1 ,,i thi lustrations make up flie 'Drugs Cam" las ccetîylicn m- -Handie Witi Came" revision.I leD b i ewHat Pro- Tice dangers of dmug mnisuse tecionBradiof Iti Heali aLre dincssed lte bookiet andWclnreDeprtmnt Ti an efectvesafegueards arc niew hlnulhoie anssge ted.Ifurges cansumriers the message fiat 'dmugs are 'ta reidad nd bced label dimec- precious commiodties(,' for-ustions on self -myedication pro-i ia treating discasesan must ducts and ta carefully foliowl always lie landled wý,itb care doctor's directions an pescrip-i and caution. Updated i ;nfor- tion drugs. A warning ageinst1 ,-,,, A',on r d ru- sfMt, ,-l nd fla the «vçanLyr fi' rvineor op-1 eriatîng machinery while tak- The Cantadian faepaomnvl, Apr. 12, 1972 1 ing certain drugs sucli as tran-- ____ ____________________ quilizers, is pointed out., It's also risky to take several dif - îng drugs lu. a safe place awaylmient of Health and Welfare, ferent drugs at the same time from the prying tendencies of Ottawa, or contact the regior- w,,ithout consulting a physician littie children. ai consultant, Educational Ser- or a pliarmacist. Drugs may barm or belp vices, Health Protection B ranri There is healtbful adviîce, ou U, it depends on you, says in your area., hebookiet about taking home the bookiet and ends witb the remedies. iReaching forý a pili terse reminder - Drugs save, lat the first feeling of pain or !ives - it's their misuse fliat Modemn fechnology in iy discomfort or the prolonged kilîs. making has passed byla- use of any mnedîcine witliout- Copies of the bîlingual book- stacks and pitchforks. Ia f1a,, the- advice of a doctor may let, Drugs - ilandie With Care, today it mîglit be easier 1a0in eventually cause trouble to theý may be obtained by writing to anei nahytc hp user. The bookiet stresses also Educational Services, Heailihanel nahytc 1a the importa<nce of always keen-]IProtection Brandi. Depart- finding a baystack itself.

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