16 The Canadlian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, Apr. 12, 1972 irths Forthcoming ASSLSTNE-esand Lýeah Marriages wish toannoncethe birth of thi SC obert Leslie, 8 lbs Mr~. and Mrs. Lester Mc- 14,-ý Cri , on arc-h 31, 1972ý. p Colloch are pleased to an- brothr forGavie Prou nounce the forthcoming mai- gvadpren.eare Vernon and ný rage of theîr daughter Sharyn Vera Asseistine. 1-1Eîleen Ruth, to Mr. Erie Robert Eanl Patterson, son of FITZGERALD-M~r. and Mrad is. Vctor Patterson, Ted itzera ar hapy tE Bwnianville. The marriage Fitzerad ae hppv to take place in St. Paul's anonethe brth of their Unîtiiled Church, Saturday, 7 lbs. illes(n tu-rsdyApril 29 at 7 o'clock. 154*e Mari 3,192 a AaxPîk- rdsof Than.. 1 wish to Ithank il relatives p iGGT Wan andf Lynneland frîrind fo flowers, cards, 1cudy nnunethe arrivai ltes ndgifts receîved of idtial 1wi girls. born on while I Was ini Port Hope Hos- Marr 301972 Shrile Clrapital. 5ls7½osand Lauralee ed lio. 1- Ldit, blbs.g os.,sisters foried lio. 1= ensar i.adMrsý. 'amesl'- Grethe and Douglas Ashton Pîgott Bomanîll, ad i xpress many thanks to the in ileand1ý1frîends and, relatives in En- andMr. Athr-Read, Hay,- niskillen for the delîghtful don, Specia haks to Drs ~ubard Syveseran Stafî party and wedding gift of ~~~f ~n Maent lo. 1= ard table and chairs. 15-1 Maria~eI wouid like to say tliank y',)u to Dr. Anfossi, ourses on VEO CHAIN Mr.and 3rd Floor, friends who sent Mis M.Chpînar hapyto cards and gifts during mYl anrîoune the mrriage of stay in Memorial Hospital, th i Lid-aullter Caronl1 MaFrie, Bowmanville. f0 ran ]Clfford Y osn of Lisa Dorreil. 15-1 Mr. nd Ms Buce eoR.R, 1~Orono). 'Thewedig o A special thank you to Dr. ".,aC, il-,FaI iew UniJ,,ýted McKenzie, the day an-d night ChuchVanouvr, n Arîlnurses of Thîrd Floor, Me- 7t.15-1 morial Hospital; to my neigib-j hors for cards sent and to Ms Deaths Frank Hall for the flowers. BANISTR Gendlyn__ Louise Hodgson. 15-1 At Tbirto GnriHospital oTuraY, Aprîl 6th,1972, 1 would like to thank mny Gwen Coop r .R ,q Bow- friends, relatives, Long Sauit. rùîanvý1illeC, in ber 31lsf year, Florence Nightingale, Beehive -wIf f Davîd B! annister, Rebekah Lodges for cards, xnrotbe -r of Deric,)Bary and flowers, gifts and vîsits whîle Penny-Iî, s nteiofCrystel. Joyce in hospîtai. Special thanks fo andLeny oonr.Rested at Dis. Hubbard,-and Grant, also ~Nrtcut Ellîott Funeral nurses on Medîcal. P{re unerel service was George Alldread. 15-1* h-1daet 2 p.m. Saturday. In- temn owmanvîlle Cerne- I wishi to express my thanks tey.15,1 to my relatives and friends for their vîsits, raids and HANN1iAN, Mînnie-At Osha- flowers duiing my stay in wa Gene-rai Hosptal on1 Mon- Memorial Hospfital. Bowman- dyAnril 10, 1972, Mînnie E, 1ville and Oshawa Generai Hymi"n ber 70th year. Hosp17,ita. >Sinrere thanks to W~d~wofGea Auti Hn-Dr Frguson, SDorouili and ~ naddear mot1her ' o o-Rosialso nurses nd staff enGbett0fCooug.No- f oth hospitals fonr their man~f owanvll an B il kdness and careI cf Oaleawaý -. Rs at Mm Lola Bigeiow. 15-1' 152 ffi Steet ast Hig rMi. W. John Thon-ipson Cei- mMs nSt rgr and family wîsh to express Churc li on WdesaAprîl sîncere thanks and deev ap- '12 at10 e.m. Entombmrent oreciation for the comfort and ~jnonCeetey auoleu-m supotbown bv oui frîends ~i~ntrmet Afeni in St. and neiglibors from Waveîlev ~reoxs emtey.parIish-, and Fouifi Streets in the loss ~rayes wee hel l i fun- of a bel oved busband and1 'ir7alhme n Tueay ve-fitieor. Thenks to ail who -~xi at7 3. Dnatonsto he entfloralibiýutes and don-! ~candianCancr Soîetyas aionsto le Cncer Fund, ~eprsson 0 smpth wul Itthe wondý,mircî finurses in 101 b pae d.1-Iad3 rosat th4e hospîtai and a speciai thanks to- Dr.' Ii RIEMildied AiMthtue-H. PB.Rundle anrd Capt. L.', plo--t Peîy Communit Nî'uis- rosýt. ig Home on Tuesday, Aprîl 1 97,Mîldred Stinson, bc- vdwife of James Mackîe. For Rent Iermotier of Larry and TWO-bedroom apantment. Ted 'oein i her 73rd year. Rest- Watson, 623-7252. 15-1 -d t the chapel of McDer- enttPaabkePort Per APARTMENT, centreliy b- t9r s vc on Thui sday, April cated. Phone 623-3211. 15-1 tl i2 p.m. Interment Yel- vierton iCemeteîy. 1- TWO bedroom bouse. Double ______ grage. Large lot.- Cail ~f rROERTSMarg-aret f t6364 5 ,,ueeýnswey GenereilHoptSL-CNTNE one-bed- ~orn, on Friday,,, Apr il 7th, oom apoartm-ent., tults. Tele- 1ý,72, Maýrgairet Boni0 BwAphne62-3408. 14-tf i elw of WîfredMcoers AARMNT eeted. stove, ~othr o Lîlianand ow-fridge; central: aduits. Appiy ,t , grnmothriof Cnoî,Statesmiian Office. 524tf ~ancFanWane Rste atONE berom ix anartmcent, ~îeontcut Elîtt un ral foor, Istove end fridge: ~led t occk Mondey'h etd. Cali 623-2624. 15-1i- ~~enpoaryenombentLag'ROOM avaîlebie in rooming ~i-altfrno.1,5-1 bhouse. Ahl conveniences, $15 per week. Phone 623-3501. ~'cKI -TAt TorontoGe-_____i-f 4iaiHosptaion Satuîda,BÏOOMS wifh kitcben, stove, 1pnii8 '192, David Charles fridge. Al convenience, biIcKnigl, 3,ecil57 years, der' hydro, heat. Phone 623-4120, c)roher Nf Mrjocrie B3rock and 15-1 ý 'Eobleirk ~wcatîe Ross ROOMS to rerît by mni II Mriay Bomaville, Televîsion, bath, sauna, indoori ~1irr rvcwahedin ti Mrris pool. Flyîng Dutrirnan Moi- J ~Fuera Chpel Bo éan nilorInn 623-3373. 39-tf ~n Tesdy e 2 ~clck.FOUR bednoorn 2-stoncy se1mi- Cpiing intement Orono C rne-etached, on residential street, ey,15- -1î1, btisý, near schioois. si-. we;: South West 401.Vant ~~OGA Atusresdere,$15.263-2089. 1-3 ~Apil , 172,Robrt orgn WQ bedroom aparîrnent, iip-1 ~~~~n~~~ 'i 4iya.Da eh tis Centrally ]ocated, $150 ~ o tyd (Mi. Roent i-rnnthly.ý Everything inclutd- n)ai-idi Louise (ia. Rs-Fob,,tecd. Phone 623-3393. Ask for W 0bt), dshawa; Leslie, Ken- _Jan iOegena. 15- Er i-éna(M Jack Chap- FUTRNýISHED, heted, bed- Hos ýpit al A rrang-eme ts 70 ACRES in good quality hay Corsaes ~125 ACRES for pasture Pofte ~ ~ G, S. WANLESS - Weding ~983-5525 Lost We Snd lowrs y Wre I~EIANHusky, 1blerk face' an!d black an-d beige marýk- Fhon)e 6371 or 623-à5577 ,n- Reward. Teleplione 10-tf 263-8843. 15-1 I__n Memoriam Coming Events C'OOMBS-In lovîng memoryl, Dancing, 9-12, Newtoýnvîile of a dear father George H all, Saturdey, April 15- Coombs who passed -iwRy, U,25 per person. Evenyone April 10, 196,5.1 welcornc. 15-1 If only teke a littie soace ----vti------Fnfir To wrihow , n-urh we missý avto ry Fnar ButbuSaturday, Apri] 15, 2 -4:30. PIt[ il a i et 0fJunior Fashion Show et ou1îe opening of Funfair. 15- 1 To fr(ýget the ,day we lost Old Tymr Dance, TyroneI vo.Hall, qSaturday, April 1 th. -Eve recmhred by on 1Music by,the Country Swing-1 Bullanddauiterîn-aw o rs. $1.2-) per person. 15-1 Dance eit Royal Canadienl Legfion, Boewrnanvillc, Satur-j I4AYWRD-Inlovie me-Apnîrl 15. Couples overl 18 rMost wlom.Prizesga eian ql ranftr Prylorr. 14-2ý I Hati, wbard pessed avway---- Apnil 11, 1967, Long Sault Club 50 Penny Gone is the face w\&, loved so Sale, Bake Sale and Alter- deanr noon Tee, Wcdnesday, May .10, Slent mi the voire weloved 2 pni., Tyrone Cornmunity to hear 1, Hall. 15-2*' Swect 10 rerniemben hlm once CutyadWsenDne hereCuty n etenDne Who thougi absent is îust Janetville Cornmunity Hall, as dean. Satuîday, Apnîl lSth. Music -Lovîngly rernerbeîcd and by Fay Adams and The Coun- sadly nsc ywf oia try Hits. Dancing 9-1. 15 -1 andfaiy151 Paper Drive. Satunday, Arpril -15,, sterling 8:30 ar. HENNING U-In lvn me- Sponsord by Bowmanville rnory 0f f;ada ubo, fth- Boy Scouts. Please have youri ci a an ndfai ,jnod C. papens aethle boulevard. Henning, wýho %id ptil 18, 15-1 1970. Pop Bottle Drive. The 4th Memroies are like Ithreads of Bowmanville Cub Park wîll gold, hold a Pop'Bottie Drive, Set- They neyer' tannish or giow uîday, April 22, g arn. on, old. --Lovîngly îemembered bv aiea Southi of King Street.1- wîfe Hîlda and farnily, 15-P' 1- ______Tic Oshawa and District HUEBARiD in lovine rme-,CGiadiolus Society Bulb Aur- rnory 0of our dean brotjher tion, igit o'clock, Fridey cv- GeoýrgeAilbert who- passed îing, Aprîl l4th, Bowmanville eway Atrnl 151h,ý 1971. Legion Hall, Everybody wel- The blow; was ,,grcat, tic siock Corne. 15-1* sevre Open House et tic ncwly We lîttle thougit tic cnd renoveted Cartwright Berne- wvas near. ation.Centre, Friday, Apnil 21, And only those wio bave lost 7:30. Openîng Ceremony, 8:30. can tell Befresiments, and dancing to Thc nain of parting wîthout Fay Adarns' Orchestra. 15-2j fa rewell. More each day we miss you, One lest look et the old George, Bowrnanvîlle High Srhool! Friends n-iy think tic Corne to Open House Festival, wound is heaied, 1 Thunsdey, May 4 et 7:30 p.m. But tbey lîttie know, the son- Exhîbits, displays and ectîvi- row ticsthrougiout tic school. That lies withîn flhc icaît ____1 con realed. -Ever nrernbered by sister -St. Jobin's Joa nne Group An- Rose,, brother Cecil, brotheri -nîversaîy Tee- andHome Bake îin-law Tom. 15-î Sale, Wednesday, Avril 19,1 1972. 2 - 4 p.m. St. Join's, Chuich. Tee 50c. Tour of MOORE-In lovîng men-ory renovations. Eveiyone wel- of a dean wife and inother, Cor. 14-2 Doris Irene Moore, who pess- =_ ed away Apnîl 16, 1968, Cartwright Union Cemetery Calm and peaceful sic is meeting will be held et the1 sleeping,1 C.E. Centre, Uni tied Churri. Sweetest rcst fiat follows Blackstock, Tuesday, Apnîl 18 1, ain, et 8:30 p.m. Plot holders andÈ We who loved hèr sadly miss those întcrested je tic future2 lier, ýof this remetery please attend.1 iBut trust in God to meef 15-1 egein. - -Sadly nîîssed -e ver re- MONj\fSTER BINGO mceirecd ihý ushanýd Jamesý, daugter Eliebe i djewýcî HUSAY 7:45 p.m. andir snJohn s-ll Sponsored by 1 Oshawa Minor Softbali NORMN, Aber (Nom)- JUBILEE PAVILION In lovîng mem,ýiory of a dean O SHnA W A 30-tf husbanid lr anti een i ed Avril 12, 1971. THE POPULAR If's lonely bere wtiout Yeu, 1 onr tia We miss you more ecr day, Co nr Stig For lîfe la flot fie saine to us APPEARING AT Sinrie vou werc, cailed L H R T OTE awav.ýL H RS 10 E Sadly-mîsseti by wife Elsie,' tieugiten Sheila, son-în-law Bob, grantison Rirky, sîster Joan, bnotien-în-law Bd. anti faniuly. 15-1. PROUT- In loving mniemory of e dean husianti anti father Thonias E, Prout wbo passeti away Apt-il 13, 1942. Tuie takes.away the etige of grief, But mcmoîy furns back every -Ever reembereti by wife Notices Dr. Angus M. Blir,î D.D.S. hensresurneti Genenal Practice etI 26 Frank Street, Bowrnan-ý ville, near Dominion Stores. Office hours 10 ar..fo 10 pn. j inluding Saturday. Phonte 62913181.11 REGISTRATIONS OSHAWA MINOR >LACROSSE ON SATURDAY and SUJND)AY Aprill15 and 16G 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. AT CENTENNIAL POOL COMPLEX Civic Auditorium OSHAWA Regîstration Fee s10 per boy or $20 per famîly Money refundeti on sale of draw tickets 15-1 Personal HYGIENIC Supplies--(Riibbien g'ootis) maileti postpaiti in plain scaleti envelope with prime lisI. Six samples 25c, 24 smples $1,00. Mail Order iDepI. T-28. Nov-Rubber Co., Boxý 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Coming Events RCEATION DEPARTM"ýENT'] Country & Western JAMB OREE Sunday, April -16 TonHall TOM SWE andi 15-1 Friday, April 14 anti SATURDAY, APRIL 15 15-1 BAHAI GUEST SPEAKER Topie Buddhism & Bahai Place 68 Littie Ave, April 15, 8 pm. WODVIE W COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTERBINGO, NEXT MONDAY 7.45 p.m. KÎnpien Coniinînity Centre 109 Coîborne St. W. OSHAWA 27-tf OTTAWA TULIP FESTIVAL May 20- 22 For information on the ebove anti 1972 SUMMER TOURS Phone COLMER TOURS 623-3265 1 5-3 PANCAKE DINNER IN THE MAIN HALL 0F O-RONO, UNITED CHURCH The Asinual Marathon Pa-ýu cake Dinnier Nwîth Mapie Syrup anti liusages will be held on Sunday, April 16 Time: 12:30 UNýTHL>A[,IARE SERVED Chifldren (uder 12)1 $1,00 - 15-1 ýAttention, Sicen end Women DR. JAMES MEAKIN medical Doctor anti Reseeý,rchepr et Princess Margaret Hospifal wýill speak in Trinity Church-i Wed,., Aprîil 19 "Person to Person", plus enswers to your questions Groups adnti oganizationis REJ-'IIET Al men amiud nmc-n urgeti to tome, Articles for Salcei Articles for Sale W-ork Wanted Cars forSl WATE forsal ant deiverHA for sal. 986-4486, WILL do ewn mainternance.I'6 MHA20c.Pon cd. Caîl Cliff Peliick 623-2313. iBlerktstock. 14-21' Havc landscaping expeience. 621-.5220. 15-1hon 29-tf- ALFALFA---antiAbrome iay for iui 2-120.- 151'6' CHEV. Impala 2-door hard- STDEAKR Service, new sale. Phone 623-7459. l5-1* WILLbaby sit ie my home top, vinyl top, gooti condition. andi useti parts. Gemswckdays, pre-srhooi child. Phone 623-7457, 15-1 Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 19-tf BALED bey andi straw for Phîc 2-31. 51 NE ad se Prt frsale. John Knox,tepon 1971 HONDA 17.5 c.c. mofor- 263-2,930. 15-1 IWM. VROOM Customn Homes cycle. Caîl 263-2538 efler all makes of Wesiers, Drycîs Ld For new bornes, ad- 5 pm. 15-1 andi Ranges. Paddy's Ap.pli-ITHRFE 1.p. Johnson outhoardtilosatetonewkt- anre Parts Ltd., Hampton.imotor, goo i, ar Reason-Pens Phone 623-7363. 8-tf 1968 VAUXHALL Vive $77,5, Poe263-2241. 2t ie Phone 987-4923. 01,* o best offer. Phone 623-15119 Phone !BUSH - Tre Rernovai. Cul, afler 4:30 p .,-1 MOFTanati ~mp1ïiîy Ap- DAEScover 12' x 7', blueltrini, rcrovrd. Fiee estini- ------- --1- pliences, Hoover Producîs. on white design, in good con-!ae.Reoaberts a_192GAD oioSot Lag slcto 0 cwcroedition; $15. Phone 623-2940. 728-0456ýi Oshawa, l-2'z 351 C.J., eutoniatîc, mags, suites. Paddy's Market, Hamp- .1-1 udlvls ei f5r 6 ton Pone26-221, 18-tf SEEA odusdbcceSAVE, Moniey on, labour. Fix 623-2849.,5- Vukug wahîngmachne, boys a d lsed bicycehs e()Id TV's, radios and Viking ashin- machie, ideparayn2s.uklSt., onirs- 1964 PONTIAC station wagon, rugparts. 92cDukeeSta, Bowxn1n-,stulent neetis experience. Cail 8 cyl., power steenîng, power ong bdlot Omrentl9' 12', vile.- 1,5-169.4 I5-2-ý brakes, heavy tiuty spiings long. Ail in good condition. CAMPER for -1/2ton truck 8e1 anti shocks, good running con- Phone 623-7555. 15-1 f1. long, includes ire boxkandl-Ca fr H a 'jdtin apon23802 TYEWITRS adesrei~propaoe. Telephone, Orono1 OIL BURNFR AND) . 15-1 cash registers, desks, chairs, --98 ----513.1-1-- N.C214NSALLTIO Wated files, new, used, rentais, service OATS anti barley mixeti, good'p2 OR-____ Discount prices. Open Tues- for feeti or seeti. Lange on Emergency Service CASH aveilable for your old day, Wcdnesdey, Tiursdey. smail quantifies. 786-2247 141 Liberty S., Bow7manville trucks, tractons and autos. Bill Harnîlton, B r o o k i n cvenings. 15-623753 Pone ,Acker'man 623-5756. 655-417 29-tfPEDAL cr, tricycle, iocking 1- BROADLOOM honrse, walken, rocker feeder,- BO BE R 4-tf DE4\D anti, Cvipplcd Farnf AiBrn ansa lypn easonable. Tele- B B E R Stock. Mangwull For Faim.j - ilBrn Nins t phone 987-4048. 15-1 263-2721. Licence 364-C-72.1 DISCOUNT PRICES t- 137 ELGIN ST. 1-t Save pienty of S $ for THBEE-picce bedîoom suite Wal=-to-Wafl or Rug Sizes $150. Cal623-5104. 1 1IPlumbing - eun L unrimi.fln-, Cail 668-8895 'HAY foi salie, alfaîfa ant Pressure Systein n ais oreetoi t Af 1er 7 p.m. tirnotby, 40e a bale. Phone New Work aînd Repairs dns Will pick up. Cali 94-51623-5001. __15-1I Service and Estumates 623-5817. 15-2 hl-If CAMPER' for 1/2-on truck, Cal6324 Help, WantEd ______ ________ ardwood farne, 4 elumîeum 33-tf EPBECD hldesn N E E D A ~scîceneti windows: 5' 6" fnom EPRECD hîdýsr N DAtîurk ibottom 10 top. Phone, JACK BURGESS full -or Part lime., Telephn SUMP PUMP? Onono 983-5639., 15-2 URES- UNCE 2- 545 5.1-t CHEý_STEBFIELD su7ites, , CLEANED FULL timýe cooks and wail- PRESSURE SVSTEM up; ivno suite, p-ae, PLUIUBING REPAIRS nesses wanted. Shift work. REAISTO AL, MAESchirs, swîvel rockers-, arm ]PHONE HAMPTON Apply et Voyageur, Bowmen- HARVEY PARTNER cr, S-ymatess 99 232vll.l- ORONO 983-5206 p. lVlui-phy Furnîtur-e,Pon15 (Znth162) 62ý78.1510Mi Ars NEED five peisons to wonk ,_,I 14W10 P.O Bo 43with mce fulil imne, part-lime. 14-f URLElace drsPndtinanîs O.Bx3- Bowmanv'lle For interview raIl Mis. Reiti, oujtfit, sire 12. Lime green- 30-tf 725-4443. 15-1 IOUIBARD Mtor Anuel rocatie cat anti dres, size FR N BINK ULfiegsatndtix Sale - 5-1 Joinson 9.9 Chrys- 14., Theýse oulfîts have harti - day wLLcie Appattenaptsox- ter, 20 h.p. Cbrsylcr electrir, ly beenT worn and are priceti irencn'n" oýM.Mrgn oanPni 25 Evînrude electnie, Johnson t'O s1i, Numerous other art- toKn ognCwnPni electr, 50 Evînrutie clectrir, ie of clothing for sale. SETaTN c-Buick, 166 'King St. Easf, long; 75 Johnson eL. 70 Mer-6257. 15-if IN;STALLATION iBowmanvillc. 1- cury E.. 100 i p. Evennutie, - R., 6, BOWMANVýllILLE MATURE housekeeper- for new Johnson outioards, 20 INSTALL AN NO, SuNDAY CALLS ýmen, coniforteble home: one useti -luNewumanti Firass, FURNACE 623-7201 or two chiltinen welcome., boastsie - ncw rincecraf t BOILER d-____1-Itf Write Ativertiser 283, r/o The Ontario Sports, Hwy. 115 l~,~,> HUMIDIFIER C7nadr' ftatflian P.O. Bo Orono. 14-4, or HOT WATER OSBOJ,,RN±'E 190, Bowmaeville. 15-1'* HEATER re - RESPONSIBLE fermer with- SAVING Professionelly Cleaned beef faim near Oshawa, Ex- Caîl$300 FREE ESTIMATES perience, nccessaiy. Write Ad- HAR1tVY iV D"PTNER p=on'vertisen 282, c/o Tic Canadien Precîsion engineereti homes, e IVLi.V~L±Li 'Oe 62-2002 Statesman, P.O. Box 190, erected on your fouindatio-n, Your ESSO Service Dealer BOWMANVILLE Bowmanville. 15-2 40 to choose froin or customn designed, Mortgage and land FREE ESTIMATIES 20-tf EXPERLENCED availability. Gel ail the facts. o orir. Y+i- HAIRDRESSER Phone RAY NORTHEY eti 983-5206 fOno ± o eing required for full time position. 723-3558 or visit Beaver Loin- orCeifedWtchmaer of Guaranteed $90 per week to berfo e om Caalgue Zeith1420 Canlad7ien Jewellers' Assn. start. Good' working con- 7- oraHoeC tflogewellery4620ditions in eew, esteblished 7-fMar':,s e ler business. Phone 725-8710 and P'1M A TfTCW 24 Hour Service 13~9 King Street West- -esk for ANGELO. FLOWER 'SHOP Phone 6374 We-ekend Special Swe.ethea rtRo s es 6 for $1.25-"- Cash andCar SEED GRAI.IN TOP QUALITY, Best Veriety of Oats and Barley Also high-yielding FUNK'S Seed Corn CERESMORE FARMS LTD. !Garnet B., Richardd Sonsý R.R. 4, Bowman.ville, Ont. Phone 623ý-7150 TV 7TOWERS BLAýCK AND WHITE Color and UHF lRECEPTION All Toxvers are l1i" Ieavy Duty Workmanship Guarenteeti D.WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS IXPLE GROVE 623-5251 or 623-3070 6-tf ANDREWS TV TOWERS and ANTENNAS INSTALLED AT Low Rates ALSO SPECLAL ON Colour Systems Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198 Guaranteed Mývuf fiers for Sale S-'EE KEITUI TREGUNNA AT THE OSHAWA MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP for a FREE Exhaust Systein INSPECTION -11j6 Bond St. West OSHAWA, just Fast of Ontario iMotor Sales Call 576-8111l 15-37 lets WANTED-Good home in the rountry for e dog. Telephone 623-826.15-1 'FREE to good. home, part, B(orderý Collie, one yeer old. i Phoine 623-2576. 15-11 Wanted to Buy OLD dlocks, working con- ditîin or not.,Phone 668-5235. 14-2 GARDEN tracton, pîeferably two-wbvleeled, 5 to 7 boise. Phone 987-4923, 15-1* CARS, trucks, faim tractons and maciincny foi wnerking. Pair Auto Parts, 263-2508. TWO uscd bicycles, -one man's and one woman's. Telephone 623-2296 bctween 6 and 7. 15-1* PIANO, grand or uprigif, suitable for student, will pay cash. Write Advcîtiser 240, c/o Canadien Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 41-tf DUP-iLE or bungalow witi 'basement apartment. in the Bowmanville aiea. Write Ad- vertîser 281, coTic Canadien Stýýatesmaqn, PO-..Boýx 190, Bow- manville15=1* ApeGrowers - Again Buying JUICE APPLES'j in large violume et storage in bulk ItAYMOND INCH 416-753-2246 14-tf' I ~'rTr r ernt r 23-tf LJkULINGTO.N -MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Phone 823-2176, - erigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestie Refrigeration - Mllk Coolers P'hone BERT SYER Days -623-5774 Nights -623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 1-tf ACKERMAN ýAUTO WRECKERSI LIGHIT, HEAVY, SUPER DUTY T O W I N G GENERAL'REPAIRS GAjS and ARC WELDING Li4censet Mechanice on Duty 1PEN AROUND THE CLOCK SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, 623-5756 42-52 GARY'BARCHARDý BOWMANVILLE Painting, and Decorating INTERIOR and EXTERIOR WALLPAPER Drywall andi Wall Penelling WINDOW REPAIRS Hourly and Contrect Rates FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-7798 9-tf REGALIA CONSTRUCTION & EQUIPMENIT LT. E ART HMOING- EQUIEMENT RENTALS EXCAVATING PONDS - BASEMENTS SEPTI<' TANKS FREE ESTIMATES P-0. BOX 310 NewasteOntario I87-5141 15-11 Nursing om Senior Citirens et Lyntonhursi .%v.anor Best H-onie, Telephone Ooo983-5639. 15-3-Y GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES ST AT E SMA N n2 L A S S 1IF 1ID S l'hone' 6z3.3303 1 15-1 MVATURE É-couple -fou-moder-- fanm; husianti to dol fieldi work and maintenance of groundis; wife to assist with housekecping et main house; separete, modern, fully fume- ishedi anti equippeti house, Robent H. Hilborn, Grecnbrae Faim, B.R. 1, Oshawa, Phone 416-655-4950, 14-2 SECRETARIAL - Part Tîme- Bxpcrienced secrelary for part fume office work, on a pcr diem basis. Normally 1 to 2 tiays per weck, but on oc- casion up f0 5 days per week. Woulti necdtifo, on occasion, be available et ticefinie of G.M, holitiays. Pleese stale training, experience anti nef- eences. Apply in .writing1 only f0 Ontario Deparîment lof Agriculture anti Footi, 234 King St. E., Bowmanvillc, On- tanlo.15-1 MARKETING CAREER Sun Life of Canada bas an interesting position for e marketing nepresenlafive leati- ing to atidituonal nesponsibili- ies. Must be local resitient wuf h aility, ambition anti show progress for age. Rement enfry into cquity producîs has creafedtiis opcning. Experi- ence flot neccssery, as we are preparedti f0trein -tie rigit man. Senti iesumne 10: Sun Lif e of Canada, P.O. Box 269, Peter- borough, Ontario, or mail for appoinîment, 745-4665 collect. 14-4 REGISTERED NURSES AND ASSISTANTS NURSES AIDES Full or Part Time STRATHAVEN NURSING HOME Phone 623-5555 Tenders Wainted The Northumiberland and Durhamn County Board of Education invites T E ND ERS for thc supsily of FLOOR COVE RING for the Courtice Secondary Sehool Resource Centre Drewings and Specificîution Sheets mey be obfained front the undersigned, Tenders close 4:00 pi.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1972 M. A. MacLEOD Business Administrator and Treasurer Northumberland and Durhams County Board of Edueation Box 470 D'Arcy Street North COBOURG, ONTARIO _Auction Sales Antique Auction Sale. Befi- any, Apnil 22 et 12.30 13,m. Alex MMs i blacksmith tools, restaurant equipnient. tTerniscash. Auctioneer Boger iBannister. 15-2 Antiques anti rollectailes, over 200 items, sonie bouse- houc effecîs, Newcastle Corn- mniuity Hall, Apnil 291h, 1 p.m. 'Plan fo attend. Aurtioneers: Glein Fry, 62.3-5387 anti Tom Lowery, 728-7639. 15-1 WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES at Durhamr County Sales Arene Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Sellig Horses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, Sheep, etc. Charlie Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- prietor. 23.11 Gient Macbincry Auction Sale Offereti by the Durham & Northumiberlani Tobarco Growers' Association, on Set- urday, Apnîl 2,12:00 noon, Tractons, trucks, irrigation, general andti obarco faim equipment. Directions. Inter- change No. 83 on. 40 1, norti on Highway 5, 8 miles, etthfe, faim of Leo McDonald. Saturtiay, Aprîl 22, auction, sale of Livestock anti Imple- ments : 100 hrati of Hereford refIle, pureirei Herefordi bull, 2iý y'eais olti, with an ever-r age gain of 3.8 lis, per day; 31. Hereford rows, some wîtb celves by side, remainden due froni April 10 June; 14 Here- fond heufens, breti November anti Decemben; 21 Herefordl calves, 20 Herefonri heiferi anti steers, 11,t, yearro(,Id; 12 Hereforti steers, 1 year olti; new 1971 John Decue 21-20, diesel Irector, -,fîlly eqîipýpei,: iractor nhains, new 1971 John Deere N-48 manure loader. wuth manure tangs anti snow- bucket; Messey Feiguson 65 diesel fractor,igi arch, multi. power, whcel lochs, ncw fines;, Cocksbutl 20 tractor, 1969 New Hollenti 205 busiel PTO manure spîcati c, 1969 Newý Idea coin picker, complete: '.12 Tuinro grain, boxes, one withi geaing; .1971 Massev Fei.gu- son No. 74 trip bean pow 4-14's; 12' tandem duce w1ÏIt hytiraulir rani, Massey-FeiPgu son 16 disc secti drill i 1 K-12' cullivator wifh ext"ni. sions, Little Giant 3' h',v. elevator PTO, honiner -mii, Danuser post hole (igner, Allieti 32' hey eleve, @Wtv01: roiler bcaring wagon w db1i racks. industriel renient -ix-- er witi motor anti steel duniP box, 3 point portable welder, momplete; set of blacksmith bools; 1970 Cievrolel 3/_, ton truck, heavy dut y, like new; 1970 Nordir Ski-Doo, electric staît: 2 clecrir skiti saws, 2 sentiers. drlls, vanlous sizes; full Eieof rarpenter fools, T.E.L, nain saw, 2 refIle oil- ers, iiew clecfnic waler bowls, portable pump, stock sceles, hay racks, seeti gate for bunk feetier, stock dehornîng stan- cieon, cedar posîs, lumbier, plywood, nails, 'extension lad.' tiers, full lie of modern ma.- riineny anti carpenler bolsý. Approximatcly 400 bushels of barlcy, 1,000 bushels of mix- cd grain, 1,000 busiels oats, 20 tons of coi corn, quantity of beleti iey. Property of lie laIe Ken Welker, Lot 13, Con, 7, Ops Township, 14 mle est of junction of Higiways 35 and 7 on No. 7 'Highway at Lindsay ant i i/2 miles south, or 1 mile wesl of Hilîheati corner anti. 11/ miles norti. Ternis cash. No reserve. Sale et 10:30 ani. sharp. An out- ýstandung sale of modern ncanly new faim maciinery. A lange herd of well hîct cetle. Sale will begin witi cerpenter tools,- wrncces anti small items. For furîher deleihs sec sale bills or contact Carl. H-ickson, Aîirtioneei. Reahovo, 3124-9959. 15-2 Help Wanted TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE MUNICIPAL TREASURER and TAX-COLLECTOR The Town of Bowm-anville is seeking the services of ît Municipal Treasurer and Tax-Collector. Candidates should be well versed ini ail phases of Municipal Accounting. Candidates withi practical experience in this field' would be preferred. Salary will be commensurate with ground. Appîlations will be received until should be etidressed int: experience anti back.- April 21sf, 1972, and. MR. 3. M. McILROY, A.M.C.T, clerk-Administrator 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario DE A D LINME- Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. FOR CLASSIFIED Aricles for Sale ATTNTONHOME OWNERS SPRINGTHAWS, CAUSE MUDDY DRIVEWAYS7 for 3W, CRqUSHED GRAIVEL 1 - 1