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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 3

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Recently Marrieëd Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Archer Lovely arrangements of gown of mauve polyester with wýhite 'mums 'formetý an et- contrasting purpie hoat and tractive seftng in St. John's bell, anti the gowns w orm by An4îgcaa Churcli, Bowmaa- the bridesmaitis wece in purpie vl wlien Miss.Lynda Marie polyester 'wlth mauve hoon G rahiam., tauglter of Mn. anti andi bell. Their bouquets wece -r.R. C. Graham, of Bow- of mixet flowecs in shatie m-anv-ille anti Mr. Normran of mauve and purpie. Garry Archer, son of Mr. anti Mr, Wayne McConncll of Mnsý. A. Archer, Oshawa, w'lelreOillia was best mari anti ush- !,ajrrieti on1 S'aturjda, Febru-lering were M-7r. Jim Hopeson aru- 19,;92. andti:M. Paýul Johnston, botl 1'. . Grac ie was the of Toronto. cofficiaýifinmlegman, anti Mc. Guests were received aa Evansý", the hurch orgamîist, Centennial Hall, Queen St. playeti1 the w ýedtiiing music. by the brides mother who Vie in mai;riiage by hec woce a sea green tiress with fahe, the bride woeafrmel long sleeves and trimmet ii 1lengîli, beltet gown of white white on the sleeves antical- vet wth lo1ngsîceves, and ler. She was essisteti in ce- aýccentcd y ia hooti worn avec ceivin by th e grooms math- liec heati. Shae carniet a brid-ler who wore a pale bliie, twc- a'ý bouquet of pink roses. piece polyester suit. Both vus Kahy Teertstr, i wone corsages, of white 'mums, nowmanlwiUwasmart ofMrs. C. Ives, grandmothercil hc-oiranti the libridesmnais the bride, matie'the wedting werce MssPal Gaham -cf cake for 'the reception. 'Toronto antiMs Debi Gra- As the opelf nte hemofBomavcie sisters wedding tnp, the bride wa, c-f the tbride, The miiofwearing a lngflowing tines 'ro wnea floor lenjgfh of Engtish hait pattenne ini green anti bei ge with short puffeti sîceves anti scoopeti neckline, which was compfle- menteti by lironmaccessories anti white architi crag.The bride anti groom rc rcd1P et 337 WestStetNn, Orillia. A baîrtiresser, flic rdeet- tentictiOntario tretanti Central Public Sc-inools in Bowmenville anti also Court- ice Secondacy School. The groom, who attendeti Oshawa, sehools, is a police constable on the Orillia for-ce. The bride was guosf of hon.- on et several parties pior taý hiec manciage, hostesses being! Mrs. R. Jessup, Scerbocougli;1 Mrs. R. Bu rgess, Mrs. G. Cox, Mcs, E. Perhain, Toronto, anti Mns. C. Ives. BURKETON Mr' William MecDonald of Toronto; Mrs. Fred Hartding, Oshaewa, Mn. anti Mrs. Roy MacDonald, of Bowmanville, were supper guests of Mrs. T. Bailey on Rester Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Greer, sud Mr. Orval Green, Oshawa, en- jayed a hot pork timner wît Mrs. W. Bryan on Monday. Chuncli servi ,ce at Enniskil- 1cm on Suntay et 9:45 a.m. Bey. R. Hopkins as speaker of this charge. Mr. anti Mis. E. Smith, Ajax, with Mn,' anti Mrs. T. Fitzgerald, turing Easter hall-I days. Congratulations ta Mn, Tom Tîck who celebreteti bis 891h bhliiy recently. Mr, anti Mis. Henry Tîick,' Lidsay, spent Monday with Mrs. Grant Cannochan anti Mn. Tom Trick. Sorry f0 report Mr.s. G. Low- 2'ar anti Mrs. Don Holrayti are patients la hospital. We al hope fhey will soon lie well~ again. Mr. anti Mrs. E. McKaig nec "Beraice Grece" have been living in Harbor Grace. New- ýh fountilant, sînce Sept. 1sf, 1971. ti 1ev. Mlr. McKaig is the Unitedl 'Y Chuirch minîster there. They, ýe have ai baby girl, Laurie Arn, dbora Týuesday. Maccli28th. O Who is foc, abolishing saaw1 stocms, snow henks, snow boots, saaw suiii, smow shox- Sels? Congr-ýatlions ta Mc. Frenkie Holroyd antim-1Miss hEleanon iti f talfville *(formnerly ofBuketn)on< theinrecent mniee The symipafhýy ofthe1com h munit yi etntt t nAi. nJames Mackie, Lnyanti Joe in the passing of Ms Mackiej of Lotus. With Mn. anti Mrs. A. C. Stephenson, on Suintay wenc hMr. anti Mis. Robent Gatcheli ~anti family, Mn., anti Mcs. Ken- 'f nieth Vickccy, M vr. anti Mrs. gT Joseph Stephenso i, Mr. anti Mrs, Kelly Sepen ,c cr anti Mrs. 'Doniald Stephenson.j ïïïMuseum 's Exchange Vows in Hamplo'n Church Mr, and Mrs. A. E, McKeen HamptoriUnitedi Chucch, batIhet la the sol I glow af caa-iidlelight anti prettîly dec- ona,,ýtet wjth loi ely arrange- inents of mauve anti yellow muiIms, vies the setting'for Ite marniage on Safurtiay afleracon, February 12, 1972, et 5:30 o'clock of Miss Cintia Lece McKeem, deugliter of Mc. anti Mns, Norman McKeen af RR. R.1, Hamptonî, anti-Mc. Allen Etiward McKeem, son of Mcr. anti Mrs., Milton McKeen, MVititle Musquodoliait, N.S. Rev. F. Reeti of Sundierland .,vas the offiialicmg clengyman eut-i the wedduig music was plye y Mc. Rais Melcaîf. Thfle soloist vies Mc. Dougi D)ewell, Given inaxairiage liy lier fatiher, fthc bride viare a for- migowncf Frenchi white velvet sft led wilh high neck. ime anti long sleeves,' ad fnimmeti wllh pearls. ller C/ca er~ J~~ 72 Sa s'On P, ward for th1e 97,2 .esaa Aa automobile pisaawas pushing whî*t lie thouglit omale Ms ua. o asa red hot prospect ,for a4-aew car. The prospect, thaugh, ncmpthe e isply iingL kept insistiag he eou(Ld't afford one. nt,thefMu eum lias a "Liselut" ohaveérticfle needeti "itn"he saiti, "I'mstili payïlng ,instalimeats on >the you hv a a h oin tar I wapped for th c,-,ar I tradced in as, part payment. on fthc items9d car Vinmtwo payments ýbehlind onryta rti st if ot earphaaes, spool table, laye1 CLOTHES CARE HINT; tntutl cefce rPrevent contagion -germ scennot liv:e inifresh mat',ne ke u argoespp inic clothïrcg; have your garmeats cleasied regrîy, ly. c1 jing k wjcrlarge w akeisîn-i posters. These, are al Items BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT C'ANCER SOCIETY teMsu ol iel ANNUL BLTZ DIVEatt ta iîfspermanent collec- ANIU LBLT fTElaon, but if someane with the V'. WEEK 0F, APRIL l7th to 22nd desireti article wislies tpo lent il for a statetj timne anly, the Museum viaulti licpleasedtot D A LE i ear from them-. *1 ~ IYI ~ E hP he Museum valilein- GOWMA V Utlerestet inlaheaning from ~ ICADC ~ omeone with a collection of LUU shaving mugs bchte IGI? w'--e. oult lic wligta lent dfor cI..OIfISthis seasan onlY. oi '. 1-84 EKING4, T W.623-5520 If you bavemycfthse 'We Secsahe InShirtLauu erig" articles, pesecontact Ms Wc I Shit Lutidrin M. Wisemaau, 623-3427; or Ès, RoLunlme.,3580 igraceful 1tr1in anti was caut1, lwîlh matchîing coat, accente&i fta a gentiemia heatipece. Shby e corsage olf yo roses. carniet a bouquet oel'ifeThe ;bride ant inroohney- carnations anti 'n-ums. moonet i aISt. FPeersburg ý'Mcc Keaneth McKeen a ec, ne ni for trat- m maarn of homor adnti th Ivelimg lIhliitde wone, a ned, ybidesmajItiswecc Mliss Mc wieanti blue strîpet dress jonce Fraýzer, anti Mi Ia- wilh metching jacket anti ibclhý Pankený,. Miss Ma!-rvi1me navy Nlue accessonies. A cor- .Geldart was fîower girl.,They sage cf rat nases comple- Swece attîneti in longý gowms menlet lier travelling en- with green sheer hodice anti semble. Mr. anti Mms McKêen tecak green velvet shirt, are residing et 50 Taunton Matchimg green flowens nesc- Rd. West. led in Ihein ,oiffures anti- A liairtinesser, fthe bride at- 1thein bouquets were cfyeliow fendet M. J. Holils anti Cour- S'mumsi.>lice Secondacy Sebools. The sMc. Keî,aeth MVcKem was groom who attenteti Middtle 1 best man andthei ushers wece Musquodobaif P ub lic anti gMn, Davidi McKem antiMc. High School, is a truck driver. John McKeen. Master Timo- Sevecal parties wece lielti rthy'McKeen was ring beacen, in lianor of the bride, Ras- -anti the train bearer was ltesses focrfthc showecs were eMaster Amdrew K*Ilos. 1Mns. Kenn.elli McKeen; Miss - The neception a heit et Bethi Panker, Miss Menýjoie 1 The Acres Retarat'hee raz7en; anti Mrs. Norman Mc- rthe lbride'-, oterrecciveti K.een, a wearîng an olive green dressý -Photo by Pliotique StuLdioi 'Io e anthAex home, flic liite wss oc",ti iulishoviers -- .,,,Mrs, .Gordori Wilde ELIZÂEETHVILLE The Canadlian Statesznan, 19owmanvïlle, Apr. 12, 197.2 Churcli services were ~Mr. andi Mrs. L. Muldrew à ducedby rs Hoar Wheýare home again until the week 45 GýcW J b tGe pkeMon the argihîof i of the 24th, churches and religious sects. 1 Mr. Grace Knox is out of Suatiay School was held dur- fthe hospital anti is witl her ] n Po t P er ry ing the service, isar and f amîly,, Cobourg. On Tiuesday the Ijnîted The skî-dooers enjoyed a About one-tenth ot the 433 Church Women serveti lunchigaod rua on uSnday andi hati workers to lie laid off by at Mr. andi Mrs, H, Quantrili s dînner at the Kennery Maple three Coulter-Coraco plants in after the funeral services for Syrup Festival at Millbrook * June, wvll probably continue the late Mrs, Cecil Mercer. Two of the girls spent the with the conlpany, in its re.- On Thucsday the Women*sweeke-nt i wth Mr. and Mrs ëntyannaunceri Port, Perry Institute met et the liasenient ýThicksoný plant. witha 1:30potluc diner Roert Wesheuer 1 i 1Ateordig ta Oshawa-Whit- Abih a12.0pt ukieaber Wetheser a at dby MJ.. d Broadbent, 45 af Abot 1 atendd.We lied a 1John De-koker attendetiteTe wrer ei jbes quil:ting as well. It wes the, stag party for T. Stark at New- wer the Oshawa, Uxbrsie seconid quit made and salti toriville, Saturday night, anti Orgex ille plants close 'by lhe Irstitute. MM~ ROsS Jahn DeKoker hat i hsidownicauld swftch ta flic Beatty. Presîdenlt, resideti butcher shap et Uxbrîige aew ýplant !in Port Perry '- Mrs. Gea. Cawken iead the broken into lest weekenti bylSantas Industs jal Park, hc minutes. Training Scbool boys. Theylis now scheduling production Sh ort courses for nexf ear titi consiclerable tiarnage butit tart nt îune. were dîscusseti, the dinner at dii't take very mu ch, Mr, BroadTbent saîi he was Cavan anti the District Annu- Mn. anti Mrs. H. Quantrill glvea this information by Xcii al. itaokMîchele andi Paul homýe Coulter, chaiun-an of K. Ri Mcc. B. Wheeler poresenleti ta St. Theene over flhc week- Coulten Ltd, the comryr, flic slie of officens îvhich thelenti andi bat a visit with the whîch will operafe the meètaN' nominating cormmîttec had son anti bis wifc sfan-ing factory. prepareti. The officens were Last Sund ay Mr. and Mns, installeti. We finisheti the A. Muldrew had Mrý anti Mrs, Rn a o quilt. The slatc of offîcens B Maclntosh andi boys, Colt A D4Y OR WEEKEND will bce -nt in later. Springs; Mr. and Mrs R. Mul- Ask for Rae.. Mr. and ti Mm. Ken Trew had dtrew andi Natàlie, Ottawa. Mr. anti Mrs. W. Deremo, This Suniay they hati JîiCUT Oshawa; Mcs. J. Vernon anti Multrew, Peterboroughi, anti CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. Paul, Brighton, on fthe week- Mr. anti Mrs, R. Muldrew andti 623-2586 end.' Alan was ho-me. ýNafalie, Ottawa. ________________ "We nmaGke a enny ý;do more for yoU. PIL1- BUY ONEÈ GET ONE MORE FOR A PýENNY St. East REXALL DRUGSBomnil I E NO WHERE ELSE CAN YUDRIVE THEM B TH! FIGURE SKATING CLUB MEMORIAL ARENA. Friday, Saturday-nApril 28,29 Friday Evening-,8-.00 p.m. Saturday Afternoon - 2:00 p.m. Featuring. RON SHAVER 1970 - Free Style Champion'St, Gevals International Grand Prixe 1971 - Meinher, Canadian North American Team -and - Linda îTasker and MAllen Carsoni T heme,.,e Sal to Di'sneyiland and S1Stars of Las Vegas. - 'ADMISSION - AUl Seals Reserved, Children Under 14 Years * * Acults$1.00 - - - 50C Tickets may he purchased at the Recreation Off ice, Teown H all, 83,. to 5-001pn. Monday through Friday and at the Mmra rn Mlonday and Wednesday from 4:00 to 7.,00 p.m,. Sponsored by the Department of Recreation Corporation of the. Town of'Bowmnanville Mr. andl Mrs. W. Fitzjohn The marciage cf Miss San- andt hou siceves,' Hec Ilea- dca Patterson, daugliter of liant was cf purpie anti white,! Mr. anti Mns. Vîctor Patter- flowers anti ihe carniet a1 son of Bovimanville, anti Mc. osegay bouquet 'of pimik, Wiaston Fîzicha, son of Mc. fuchsia anti white carnations:. anti Mn. Morris Filzachn 9 MofcyAhamzk 1a Whifliv, ies solemnizeti n 'sIant1/ ;ýi thba.eukers i St. Paul's Uniteti Chuncii, Mr. Eir Taltensaatrc Bovmanvîlle, cri Satucday evening, Februacy 5, 1972, aI Morris Fitzýjobn, sevea o'clock vilîli 1ev H. A. A receplion folloviet et the Turner officîalimg, The wed- home of flic bride's parents,ý ding music vies playetd by Mr. 74 Concession Street, Mrs., Boss Melcaîf. Paflerson receivet viearing aý Given in mac nageliy hec t res.s of purple crepe andi lace, faflier, flic .hnide wore a highlighfet liy a corsage cf street-lengîli dress cf vihlteyellow roses anti carnations. empire viaisl anti A-line shirt. Mnrs. Fitzjohn, the groom'sý pea u de saie vilîliV-neckline, mother, assistedto1 receive,1 Pearl buttons cascadeti dovin choosing a bine print cd hait the front of fthc lodice, andti ill corsage cf' pinh roses flic long sîceves wece gather- anti white carnations. et fa cuffs wiîfh fîve-button As flic couple icI t on thein' closing. Hec flirec-tiereti veil, wedting tnip la Buffalo, Y. fe-il fcom a crovn of white flic bride vies wearnag a ac floviers anti she carrnet a tness embosset in vihiteani white Bible crestedti illirot yellow floviers. Tliey arene roses anti white carnations. siting et 280 Wentvionlh, Api., Mrs. G. AliramcLuk, the 804, Oshavia. liie's attendanît, worcen The liie attendet i hw'si dness cf mauve viool la sîceef Public School, Mý J. Hobbs lengfh ii empire viaisîline School, anti Anderson Col- legfiate, Whifby. An empcys-eý GET CASR T0,9AT of Sklar Fuirnîture Ccmpaay.l FOR OLD APPLIANLCES *I Lie groom altentet Coîbarnej THROU<2d1 St, Public Scbool anti Henry S T AT ES~A N Hîgh School, Whifliy. CLASSîFIEDS Guesf af honrn cfaashovieri Ph:ono 6z3-3303 liven liy Mrs. Richard Fa-j We Save y u Vçïael ble -ShoppingTim Br Letting You Drive Both! ANOTHER FIRST FOR Mac--DONALD FORD IF YOU CARE - BE FAIR - COMPARE! <MacDON A Lf GIVES YOU A HEAD START - AND SERVICE THAT KEEPS YOU THERE 81ý5 KGST. MWEST (at Thornt-on Roud) OSHAWA AL'ê I AiH Colourr Delivery vvvýu Illklv kii e 5764800 ý, a

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