4 The Cainadian Statesinati, towmarvllle, Ai,1,17 EDITORIAL COMMENT Lets Hear More About ,This $12,OOOPlanner At Town Council last week, a move to hire a town planner at $ 12,000 a year w.as turned down when a majorîty of menmbers did't, go along with the mayor and others, 1Ho-wever, from His Wor- ship's remrark-s, we have the feeling that the issue is not dead; lie, apparently backed by Deputy-Reeve Geo. Stephen and Councillor Ken Hooper, feels a planner is needed; and so do a majority of those on thie present planning board who approved the recomrnendation. Unfortunately, the- ratepayers of the town wlio pay the bis have been ocompletely overlooked and we -must commend those who voted'against the motion arguing that more information m ust be made available to justify the ilew appointment, before they will agree. We feel the next step should lie an open letter from the planning board tcllinPg the people of this community why th ey feel it is esseýnti.at to have a full-time qualified WPinner on staff, what lie or she would lie expected to do and i btlnefts the town milit expect. They ob--vjiusly' must have given; the matter rmuch mi-ýore considerationi than memrbe.rs o f the town council and should now jusiýtify their recommenda- tion ..., not liefore council ,but before citizens ofe the town, At ti pointf, we 1 an visualize a-reas whcire an ex-,pert planner would lie ýworth-whule in taking care over m-an-y detals ýno2w utiiizing the time and talents of the Clerk-Administrator, the Building Inspector or Eng'erThe town is experiencing consîderable growth mainly in the residential field and proper planning is essential. Other- wise developers interested primarily i building homes or apartments for "a profit miglitlie able to do some things that will not lie' in the long term inter- ests of the town. But, where else do we need a planner? And is there enough work here for a fuîl time developer to earn lis keep? Probably such a person would also require a. fuit time secretary- at anther four or f ive thousand a year, plus office facilities. Are we big enougli and growîng fast enough to warrant such an expenditure? And j:- there n way we could join wili Dar]intgton in splitting the services of such a planner? What about just hiring the planning services of a consultant- on a part-time basis? These questions and others should lie answered by tliose who feel a plan- uer sliould lie hired. We're a bit fed up with councit discussing auything of a controversial nature in secret Commit- tee of the Whole meetings and wlien ail the details have been aired aud a decision'assured, the matter is aired in open councit as a fait accompli. This time, the procedure didn't work because3 enougli councillors would not go alongi' with the plan. Good for them! IlUs time those wlio pay the bis were broug-ht into the, picture and told the reasons behind thei actions of councit and its satellite ýboards. The- developments- that have taken place since the fedieral and provýincial goveru1ments annoý,uncced iteir decision to build the niew airport lu Pickering Townsbip must lieleaiving some poli- ticians crompbetely aghast., Whben the joint goýverument an- no,,unýcement came tiog after many _moublis ýof seuatothere was jubhi- laton by those pobïltans wio couid formse rapid expansion, iucreased in- dustrial nd commercial assessment, mo-iire jobs ,etc. Nwtley mray be liaving secondthugit and woudering 'if the current, well-organized opposition to tlhe project wibthv a ratiher drastie and termnaleffect on their owen per- tonal plans and ambitions. N6ý doulit some opposition to the aïr-port's location was expecteti, but even those who lave bern blirougli similair controv10'rsial rschecmes previous- .)é are aippartby tî aazed at wlat las liajppenid. Withýinhour of the an- nouncement, a meintg iad been held and the nucleus formed of an organiza- ion thais j rapidIy acquiriug great sýtrengl u -umers atifinances, In thie a-reawlirceexpropr_ýiation wiil dis- posserss some 2,00 persons of their 1oe,there iia re oetp ili lexecu- tîuF> veswio hvejoined f orces to prepare an- anti-aýirporît campa)igu. We doubt if the oveuniutscouuted on sucl irpert oppsiion Te ro-up is ,now ýresearcli- ing and dcmnigplans w-ý hich they hope will show convincîugly that the disdvntaesof plaýcinig an airport in this location far outweîgh the advan,. tages. The name of the organization is a catchy one, POP, "People Over Plan- es", probably dreamed up by an ativer- tising man f amiiar with lieadline writ- iug and the power of slogans and insignia. Iu this day of protest popuiarity,, tlie POP group is having little difficuity recruiiting vast numbers outside the area as weil as within who are know- ledgeable iu that feilti, So, that wlien anid if public lieaingsý are helti, ait the trappings effective lui persuading those in auithorîty to chanige their minds, wiii lie used to maximum extent ,..and probably with the resuits tbey hope for, WTe s uspect th at with a f ederai eiec- tion lu the offing, soon or within a y ,ear, federal Liberal members or candidates who wililibe affecteti by voters lu. the proposýet airport's vast area, will soon lie cuirsinig Trýansport Minister 'Don Jamiesofor tti them into tliis lias- sie ati, ime. ir-ýThe decision could lave been lield, over unLrtil after the election Withot upetin the apple cart. Now, asopoito grows, it's difficult to prc ju ýst what will happen. Sr) far as we are coucerned, we say more ýjpower o those wiliing to spend thIeir timye and energy . . . and their finnce . .to protect wlat they con- sider to)lie their best persoual iuterests. The gverumnts oncerned siïlilave to provýe that a new airport is esseni al to Canadia's futui re, and that the present ole céannot lie improved to haudle the Why Create Half-Educated Unemployables?l A survey I reult University on li eaowh oe students drop out, ;hows amng otiher- things, that some 7of thestu ents wbio dropped out, sliould probabi1y neyer have enroiled lu .thie first Lplace. The uîest etqetonie to> 150 students who it iinot returu bo Trent bast fal,0Of th-e 100 who answer- ed, 28- claîmedti the did not returu because of back of' jo'b prospects and 34 felt that academiîc studies were flot use- TFhere were six former students who c-Iaimned acatiemic disiltusîonment with Trent and Il deciared that their reasons for leavîng the universiby was social di sillusionum-enit. Fifty-five of thoýse answering, lu1- terestingl ,-itcheti to other institu- fion. Bu 23 re traveTllnlg andi study- ing i.ndependtly-,, 17 are employved fuit time, 15 are employed part time and 12 are, unemployeti, Not countiugthose who are "travel- ling anti stutiying indepeudently", wlat- ever that menus, 44 of the 100 respon- dents are not studylng. Seventeen are em-ployed fuît time - but lave ittle qualifications, if any, since tley haven't graduated - anti therefore the pecta for a good future are lin This may not lie entirely ch istic to oui educatlona,-l syster meuts The Peterliorough Exami: wlicle ver way we look,, at these we cannot escape the conclusi close to 50 per cent of tie dropoi respondents, auyway) now have a practîcal brade nor an acaderr cation. Tley are lu bet-ween sonr and, unless they find somnethi appeals to them later ai obtai qualificaýtions in it, they wiit periencing a ife-time' nf occul uucerbailnty. 'Clie question la: wliy does< manii or woman, impmature eut decide that academic studies uiseful liefore lie or alie ever coi them, go to unlversity at ail? Because tliey lave nowliere go. Inu Caniada today, a person las a university degree or noi al, Oniy a lauttut of rades anlykiud of qualifications - an bliat require noue are apprecia cordingly. 1~1 -' Durhama County's Gr-eat Faniily journal Estalblishe2 118 yeans ago in 1854 Also Incorporating The Bowm«nvrille News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Second ciass nioli registrafion number 1561, Ph~ bons Produceti every Wetinesday by J-3303, lHF JAMý'ES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62-86 Kng St. W., Bowmanville, Ontaria ICYI-fPlM. JAE ED. P. MORRIS PATRICK GOULD D Em?-oy-.usmEn BusiiNEss MGR. SALES MANAGER Pi 623- DONALD EISI- .PLANT Mas, ir pros- riit d(I aracter- u, comr- uer. but Dear Sir: "bas breati the stau of life or is money?" . Tt just toesn'tpay to try anad get abead of the gov- ernment. You.,pick up the paper, anti the> headlines tel you how bati off thegov- ernm-ent is for money, You reati the article antim( taimost mksyou si-ck. Tlhen you reat iwanler paper such as the Tornto star andi they tli YouhMw m-uch the Primre Minister'S office fc-Ifigjbcost. b have been paying taxes iince 1Ivwas b4 andi the most 1 could payiý for a chester- fieldi suite was $300. The Prime Mini ster's chester- 25 YEARSý AGO (April 17, 1947> afigures Weather forecasters miss- ed. the mark in their predic- on that tiens Tuesday, April 15tb, )uts (the for snow began te faîl after n either midnight andi early Weti- -neeu nestiay merning the wbole fliceuu- district was blanketeti with a 4-inch faîl that hati ail newhere the appearance of a Cbrist- ug bliat mas morning, lu s me onday evening a Joint som meeting of the Iat anti 2nti lie ex- Guide Companies was helti ýpational in the High Scbool Audi- torium. Brownies "flying- up" into Guides were: Tan- a Young 9 yaý Goddtard, Margaret ougb, to ety Janice Lake,_ Merle are not Lin1gard, Patricia Heeper, mrpleteti b]yn Spicer. at ai Mr. Don Venton, resident else bo engineer in Clinton, Ont., for Armstrong, Anderson & ri etîer Co,Toronto, Consulting hiug at endi with bis parents, Cbief require anti Mrs. Sydiney, Venton, idtoe Don bas been supervising id tose the construction'of sewers attid ac- anti treatment plant in Clin- ton fer the past seven months as well as muni- cipal engineer-ing in severai other Western Ontario com- ,munitîes. - Memnbers of the staff of Ir the Bowmaniville branch of Waiker Stores Limiteti were in Toronto Wednesday, mak- ing up a party of 400 em- ployees from the 41 differ- ent stores in Ontario. "Walker Stores Day", as it te was calIed, was te give man- - % agers of stores anti their staffs an opportunity te lu- speet the company's ware- bous 'e, In the evening a dinner was helti at the hons Royal York Hotel. Those -33101, who attentieti from the Bowmanville store inelud- ed Misses D. Crook, G. King, M. Carpenter, T. Baran, B. 10p Spencer anti Manager Jack *Clayton. Sini Mayor Sidney Little anti ofet Messrs. Geo. E. Chase, M. orsd J. Elliott, G. T. VanBridger anti Aif. Bickell of the Pub- slic Utilities Commission are in Montreal this week attending the convention ovnîs f the Canadian Section of "EMne the' American Waterworhs enliTser1c 1Association. te nt Blarkstock: M r, B o h C COSi Muntjoy, Toronto, spent rtid the, weekenti with Mrs. L. ', ountaoy, fieldi anti chair cost me andi theother, people $25,321. No wonder there is no money arounti, Boit it is niot jmust the goveýrnmntC rying about money. Gerai Mot Vý-. ors will Show you a Pfilm n'i1 how - ite impori c(ars ar'e wreýckin1g Ourecnoy.You, think about thifis most fth. ie ïa'y, ;anti wnder hat .you 1*au do abouit it. TFhat evýen- lngý Who]] you get 1homne after work yupick mun the paper anti reati where GM, bas bought a car plant lui Korea. So you wontier whiat the bell is going on. To try 'andi get youri mmîd off things you figure 4.9 VEARS AGO (April 19, 1923) Mr. John Doveli, Toroni- te, an olti-time resýitien-t 0f Bowmanvllle ainti Darîîng- ton was in town this wýeek looking for a bouise anti gartien fer a home. He was employeti at one rime with the late Lewis Quick as traveller anti livet i n the Burk Settiement, South Darlington. Bis manjy Bowmanvîlle frientis w'Ili be glati to hear that a former wortby citizen 11ev. Perry S, Dob- son, the popular Pr-incipal of Aima College, St. Thomnn- as. bas receiveti from Mlont- real Theological' Coliege the tiegree of Doctor of Divinity conferreti on hlm in recognition of bis serv- ices. Mr. anti Mrs. R. G. Dickinson, Toronto; Mrs. Antirew Devitt anti son Carl, Blackstock, spent the weekenti witb their parents, Mr. anti Mrs. W. Dickinson. Major F. B. Beunsaîl has tionateti a $12 mitt or glove te the local' basebali play- er making moat home i-uns during the coming season in the Central League. Mis, Ada Smith and son Kari, Carlisle Ave, have returnedti teBowmanville after visiting ber parents anti frientis at Shannonville. Mrs. John Palmer anti Mrs. Wm. Barris recently visiteti with Mra. J. Graham anti Mrs. Fred Smith, New- tonville. Mrs. A. L. Milmine anti family have gone to visit relatives near Bamilton anti bas renteti ber bouse to Mr. A. R. Scott, B.A. Mr. C. B. Kent, Poat- master, is now eccupying his fine new concrete resi- dence at corner of Lowe anti Temperance Streets. Mayor anti Mrs. IH. L. Quinn have moveti into their new brick residence on Con- cession Street. Solina: We welcome to, eur neigbborbood, Mr. anti Mrs. Darius Green who have moveti ente the Ayre farm. Burketon: Miss Millie Bentham bas returnedti t ber acheel near Baliburton after spcntiiog ber holidays witb ber parents ~near bei e. Zion: MViss Flossie Son',- 1ev is visîting at Lemon- ville. tot w,ýatch a little TV. What happens, a former astrormaut cornes on anti tells you how the American Goverument P ntalot (of tmney for Ihm to walk on the moion, hein 1the same bre-cath, heý telîs you ilabout a Voikswaatihowgrea Ifthtsfot biting the. haýntIi hatfeetIs you, Ifton't knotw wha:t l.itmake, ,you kinti of wo)ndt- ir fou shoulti g it up lte morn1- lng ,anti go-)to wr.After aýil, %wheýn uget your pay che-o'uei, you wontier where the dedujctins wnt 801 LakevicewAv. Oshawa, Etiitor's Note: A corr'ec- tion on the Ottawai story concerning the cost of furn- îshing Mr. Trudeaus offiçe noteti that the total cost vwas $241058 incliin-g renova- tions. $16487;:rug,$1263; coffee anti endi tables,ch- ter-Fielti anti chair, 5,0. Oshawa Times. ln the Editor's Mail Thank cyoii ver-Y tuclhInfr yorcontinueti and con- lt-inouIS support of OÊthe ac- tivities of ithe folks from Newtonville. We wcre ail very pest to bave such an excelient coverage bothbefreand after the ParýadeaRnti Festi- ýval. Again eur th (k or Your effort in making our Thirti Annual Easter Piýaade anti Festival the sucocss it tLurn- eti out to be. Youratriy E. J.Vedis Newtonville, Ont. Watt On Committee Approval was given bý)y Council on Montiay nigbt, to Charies Watt, the town engin- eer, as the municipalîty's re- presentative on the proposeti utility schetiuliog comýmittee. The committee, whichwa given tentative approvaif at the last Couocil meetin, woulti be matie up of kMr. Watt, representatives of the various utilities, and of theP DepartmÏent of Transport anti Communications. Has New Post WVith Goodyear Davidi R. Lawrnce ba been nameti Gootiyear's mark- eting manager, ,mroltiet anti extrutieti products. He is bas- ed at the company's Quebec City plant, where moltieti anti extrudeti products are manu- factureti. Before this appointment, Lawrence,, who joineti Goodi- year ln 1967 as a buyer, was responsible for marketing special protiucts at -the com- pany's Bowmanville, Ontario plant. He had previously been a saleF renpresentative, roam producta, operiating out of the compan!y's Ow-,ýen Sounti, Ontario plant. Sugcur By MANY PLACES IIE'D RATHER BE As I write, thie so-c.slled first day of spring lias long gone, but the only indication that winter is neariy over in these parts is that the curling season is drawing to a close. Outside the window the snowbanks look like the iceberg, that sank the Tit- anic. Inside, the -furnace thumps away like a bull moose that lias just outrun a pack of wotves. And every four days, it seems, the oit delivery man wades tlirough the drifts, inserts that soiid gold nozzle in the side ofthe liouse, and whistling clieerfuliy, pumps another $30 worth of oit into the great guzzier. It is a time to try men's souls. It is a time of year wlien 1 curse my Irish forebears for not emiîgrating to New Zeaiand or South Africa or Jamnaica. However, it happens every year, and there's always some lîttle ray of spiritual or emotional sunlight to pene- trate, the late-winter blues. My littie ray of suushine (at four o'clock in the afternoon) is sleeping the sleep of the pure at lieart, She's been iu the sack since 7:30 this morning, after sitting up all niglit talkiug to lier crazy mother, wlio suffers from insomnia. It's not that Kim disturbs the quiet, gentle routine of our daily tif e. She doesn't disturli it at al, She destroys 't. As meiintioned, slie's a night-o.wl. Does lier best work, writing essays and stuff, after midnight. And just like the owl, she can sleep ait day. Same with eating, She's neyer liungry wlen anyone else is. If dinner îs carefubly pbanued for six-thirty, she is suddenly famished at five-thirty and smashes herself up a big mess of bacon end eggs or spaghetti and sardines, teaving lier mother and I looking rue- fuiby at the roast. Or else she is not liungry at dinner-liour and will eat nothing but some celery, and then about eiglit-thirty is fainting and slaips up a vatconcoction of fried bananas and mushý4rooms. 1These are minor things, of course,- and she's a delight to have around the house. When-slie's here, at least I know wliy my socks are disappearing and I liaveu't a clean shirt to wear. The problem, you see, is that we ask lier home for a weec,.keud, She tliows a cdean blouvse lu a shouflder bag and lieads homre. But she liates the city so mudli that lier weekendcs turu luto a six-day sojourn, and she has to wear someliody's clothes, and she and her mother can't abide eacli other's taste in garmeuts, so she wears mine, which are so drab and uondescript tliat no- and BIHSpice s BiSmiley body coutd f iglit over t hem, As'I said, tbese are trifIêé Bt se' always in some kind of a hassie,ad these are the things ta produice the liours-long, all1-nîght sessionswili er. old lady, whie I lie blsfly, dem ing of the grand oid diays when She IwIVa s a cuddly infant. Shie's stilI pretty cud diy, by the way, but not for theý old man. And tLhat's the sort of thing she andÀ lier Ma can talk about for six hours at a stretcli, without either one daiga fui! breatli. They can taljk about Don and T'he- Wedding. This is not the titie of a Rus.. sian, novel about thle Don River. Don i,5 the other man in hier hf je, and IT'e Wed. ding is causing mnore confuiý,on ariioun liere than anythiug since the daiy vo discovered our tomeiatwaprgnt The great event is schedulied foîr May. Typicatly, -Kim announicedI that they lad chosen My7tL'has teda , And typicaliy, her mother, who neye misses anything importaL.nt like rs thougli 1 doulit if she knwihe name of the prime mriistei, cIieckedý the cal- endar and discovered ta May 7th is a Sunday. Not mauy p Ieople getmard on Sunday, thougli I don't knowwh not. There isn' t mucli else to do. I've liad a-lot of free avice abou)it the wedding, Most people chuýckleP fiendishiy as they tell me witi' o iug to cost, "Well, she's ou ol daugliter, so you'Il have to go, the wholenI iog, eh?" Or, "Weil, i t onty lhappens- once anid it'lt cost you a bundle, but think of the lbot sbe'll get." Consoling stuff like this.1 In the first place, 1 wouldn't cr if I liad ten daugliters. Weil, maybe I would. But in the second place, I don't want lier to get a lot of boot. We'd windi up storiug it in our bouse for ten years- until she and ber broke intended are making enough to afford more than ar uufinislied room. Her mother promptlyanoce that she was not up to a big edin with ait the frills. the smartest decisiîon she lias made since she agreed to marrY me. Her mother, that is. Next, 1 laid it on the ine. Four cioices. A smalt wedding, immediate famity ouly, aud a fi-szdcleque.,%A slightly bigger deal, -with a sma]iskiýJ reception, to include close friends, ainc a smabt cheque., A big spbasb, wili a ]ont of people, and no cheque. Or amasv affair, with pomp ýand circumstance(, in~ a city hotel bairoom, witl i-lir ucl and god-father, a welt-to-do lawyer, paying the ethot, if she coubd talk Ui, into it. She chose. No. L rBut we'li see. Xer far from out of the woods yet. Report from Queen's ParkJ by Alex Carruthers M.P.P.I THE BUDGET Budgets are generaliy the target for considerable critiéism and the 1972- 73 Provincial Budget unveiled by the .Hon., Darcy MeKeougli on Mardi 28th bas proven to lie no exception. With additional required revenue to lie der- iveti from. liquor, tobacco, gasoline, and, increaseti park andi student fees, lb is alleged that the budget is aîmed at the pocket of 4the iow wage earner, Iu the opinion of the Goverument Ihe increaseti prices flor hiquor, tobacco anti gasotine are bo a degree avý,oidable a;nd the modest încrease lu student fees, whie encouraging responsibility, are largeiy offset liy. increased student assistance particuiRty for those in the lower încome group. The bu 'dget would appear to reflect. the Government's policy of relieving Reform Policy Direct provincial relief of property tax bu rdens Increased support bo School Boards anti Munlcipalities Assumption of costs of property assessment and administration of justice Removal of property tax exemption on provincial properties Speciat financial support to Regional Goverument's The budget must be considered in' the biglit of ait the factors involveti and, vhie the additioual expenditures can fo a major degn'ee lie justified, thieqare, an Indrication of the growiug socihistie, tendency to transfer more and more responsihulity from the shoulders of municipalities, sclool boards and indu- viduals to the central goverument with a resultiug lbas of indepeudence, private initiative and constructive competition. The extra burden 'will not lie con- the tax burden on property, anti prnvid- ing greaber assistance to municipaIjtiesý anti to individuals vwitli limited resou r- ces. Thje policy is iiudicated by týhe, fol- bowin-ýg Provisions. (a) TIhe inclusion of nur:smng hom care under the heaibli services program.t (b) Free lealih coverage for ail citizens over 65 and their dependats,; ()An increase of,$24 miliio for public housiug. (d) An atiditionalI $16 millvin h unconditional gratls tiun cpbiis (e) The assuing of 58 p ýer en of the cost of educatjintîrouglb i an at- ditional $47 million in grauts boscboo boards. The Goverýrnments objciehae on added signfif'cricne wvienril c urrenit value of the poiicy ,-i7, compýareti with that of previnus y-ears. Value of reformy poIcy($-. len 68-69 69-70 70-71 71-72 72-73, 110 124 171 187 195 3 37 123 225 320 18 19 41 43 46 - - 3 9 10 3 12 14 131 180 346 476 585 f îned to tie low inconmn group, Whieli ir many instances is exempt and sýui- siize-d, nor by the upper incom e group whfiic-i isý limited lu numbers, but rather byv the 75 per cent of the populationi recognizeti as the mitdle ciass prodluc- tive segment of society. Onewoer just how long it will lie before tisý group emerges- as1 an orgauized protest movement challengiug thecoesin repeatedly made to tie demnancini voices of minority groups. £etters to the [cdorI Dear Mr. Jms 'Wbile there is stili time, 1 voulc] like te bring a few issues te the attention of peopfle intentiing te live in the Bowmanville area. bt la generally known that an aiir-otmay -be construct- Cd] on)feriefldtsnorth cfPcern.lils we are teqeto ae o opu- lation growth ant ianis for travel convenience, At seems likely that transpor- tation facilîties will neeti improvement. But certain questions have te be asketi. Wby, for instance, must air transport be promoteti, wbiile we continue to toflerate Very inatiequate train serv- ,cep? Or what bas beenr done to improve effiiclncq aL Toronto Internatioal wtere traffic is concentrai- etinl brief, heavy flourishl- es? Finally, are we wlliîng to sacrifice more of our' downy song bîrtis for, screamîng, metal eneýs? Please write a leptter te. you r representative,. Sincerely. 'Brai buca-i PrS. -.Thank you for tb11 chance to remlinti people o the future - leraanii nn Citizens Take on Two Governments, IfMakes You Wonder and Distant Past Fromi the Statesman . Files (-coyright cand/,or paprtyghts subsist in the image appearinq on this proot, Permissi tSPIDîicIn 1-1Whale r07'in Part ad in a annirr hatsever, particularly by photographia or proresi apubilîicin, must b. Obtaiaed fromtrhe pubijeher and the printer. Any unauthc rerdcinwiU b& subjeci Io recoursme kw $ý7,OO a year - 5 monilis S4.00 e9-00 a Year in the United States stTictJy in advance Alhuhes.ty precoautionTwill be taken n t oaj rirrThe Conacian Stateeman acceýpt% tai^ tnp la îl i colu e on lb.undereîanding t tbc l al tb. hjable for cny erreri n oy advertus publieed berunIeu.sea proof ali uch averieenîlerequeeýtzd inwrtrq by th.e dve e-d r.tuzraed ta l.Ti- adaStatesmarnbuiiness olicq duly )-.ved th- lb. adynr e ani wr -rero crrciosplaenily rnaled jn writing thereen, 7îTdicinIbet -case if ny errer o ted oxetdbv T]ý. nnaqe, Stesman its lerit hhfl t erýeed uch apoztian aI tIl. catir e! uchadv'lienet e h. pc arp. by the , ntd errer benne te th whel, spore occ 'yelich edrîveemrn.