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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1972, p. 11

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Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Edior Phone 987-4213 On Monlday, Aprîl I 7th, woî koen sfarted renovatîons fo the south rooni at flic Clarkie Lîbrary in a move f0 restore thîs section of flic building for use to house flic Junior sec- tio of the Library Over flic lest year growing pains have been fiaitettflic Lîbrary end space is liînîed f0 bouse flic purchase of new books. The Lîbrary Board made ep- Dlîcatflon for funds foi cabtre flic oorn under flic "Meke «M Work Incciifive Plan" of flic Province. Tis plan pays labor costs and a certain sinail por- lion of othercoafs. The Prov- . J in. s........ i .. ce approved a sum afI-$3950 lef t to ighf, West Di] hamL Dis trict Cub Mr. and Mrs. Chanlie Megî, Secnetary-Treasuren o f te pThen Board me also confeni- 1nom th Th e rmoving e panfry Comis-sionen and Newcastle Cubmasfer, George Lions Club, Scoutmaster and Mrs. Jîm Stephenson, area in the building whicli1 Chnrland, Honored C',7est, Mrs. Bruce Tîlîson, Mn. and absent were Rev, and Mrs. Robent Hayne and District area is to be added 10 flic roorn Mn,. Paf Blaker, Chairmn o f the Sponsoring Group, Scout Commissioner and Mrs. Grien McQuat. now housing flic "Picture and' _____Easy Read" section. ted wll le god leders The restoralion of flch oul p 71fThaok you egaîn forthelie .roii 0lc oci ufcdý nîceý manner wif h an open secn florovr obîfaIflc oo And so closed enotlici- even- larIvexpccaf cdia trfil îag cf Culs and Scouts lu- areat wîll xtecfive or slix geliherwith a remînder that proeci wi olte vnisý e Ip rs lic eguar metigs wuid Before being uscd incw Mk pbcheld o Monday niglit and siligwl aebb n hein wouid lbe appreciaf cd. sîaed fo hold okav orfic- Editor's Footnote - Anryone Junior section. P a rnu f tihrfle above article, plcase bc________ remincd that you do not ed te o,,as have b lic a parent.S And Newcastle - On Saturday ed1 oa e descrîbed, an biîs leaders, Mrs. Menîce Ton !white there are Scoutens ouf fening, a fîrst for New- lionor tre perfonni, whie aI and Mrs. Betty Cliarland (bis Iokn for you.> you could C.A.S. Ne d castie. wlo for many years the sainiefinie, expresing sor- wîfe) le expressed lis thanks. lookîng eedscaie i, n ncw have hled an annual row to have 10 penlorta it as To Junior Leader Donald Till- stead you went ouf and looki- Father and Son cinner for it meant having lest a leader, son, and Actîvity Leaders cd for theni Ail Wor kers, boys 0of the Newcastle Cuba At this lime lie iircsented a Fred Nichoils and Wayne _______________ aný S7couts, a succesaful Par- gîft cf aporeciation to, Mrs. Landry, to Miss Cathy Dwyer Tercn ai feTr enit'and Son Pot Luck Dînner Florence Tîlîson, on behlaf of who heips out i0otten in tht' onto newspaper that flic i, as hlcd et tle Commuaitylthc sponsoring group, for lier Cub Den and to Elden Hîrali- Newca te Chidreni's Aid Society wouldq LUIall, years of service wîth flic Culs field and many others who cs~ withîn flirce ycars nced only .ýn imfonmal cvcning, boyslin Newcastle. heip n ways bofli big and I nIhaîf ils, prcsent numlcr of I NSl employeca was counfered lesit "Whilerets anin hAkeiceea canooteex-Pesdo s wcek by e psycliologîat wlio balils juloff the bowling lanesitended tb Mr. Biaker and 10. warncd, an at la ycar four outsmde of-flic Scout Room, tbc sponsoring group liy Mns. ail flic fhîags lie wouid lîke Newcastle-Congratulations flic society would be bookîng 1where long tables, decorated Tilîson, wbo added thatshe to do, lic tries, and lie does ar, exte'ndcci to music teecli- for thfern, to hire 11cm baci.' in colons of purplc and gold, hadalt expecteri telie seated his beat. He gela heip andcreasudtsfbcNw- D.BA.H dno, pa- f 1lic Lions' Colora who are at fithe ed table aod wasn't tlîcy do flir lest. However, es and Pulc eho, thoe- r.etBlicA nl banqeakf the Sp*!onsonîng Group. There expecting aay presentatmon, someimes it isn't eiways efforts cf practice and prep- flic Nortliumberland-Durhamý was a beckdrop of both flic but dide, ppreciate lier years enougli Now talkiag direct- aratmon wen" not in vain wîen brandi of flic society, said Cub anid Scout fiagsaet the fer with flic Cub Peck. She also lv 10 flic fathers. Scouter 11ev enterpd fthe Kiwanis Mua- liaI social change wîll not tad of the rooni luit behiad added fIat île favored flic Cherlad went on, "I esk you ic Festival hid n Peterbor- lessen flie workioad af bbc thc head table, sigaifying that Parent and Son Dinner t h ble,1 please gîve considerabil ul eety Oc gî raia in u nycag thiss a boy's niglif ont of Father and Son as il was thouglit f0 comîng beck int c t hcv dmd theniscives and New- ifs nature, tvith bis parents. mom who did prctty mucli flic flicPeck and hclping out ' castie broud witli thein higli 'Eacli change statistically 1With grace bcîng offcrcd by job cf getting Junior off to The boys necd a man la blicre, acbieverrents. icess fi ubr o Mr. Pet Blaker. parents and Cubs, dlean and on lime, and tliey have mcm .et home, a nrae h ubr o boy,; followed the head ftable ail other jobs la letwcen. teedher whoc h a wcman and TFhe Crades crne and two famîlies. wbo cannot provîde guesa the' table laden witl Tic ift was a leautiful band- pncbebly a mother, so liere et choirs tock tiraI position, for their dhmdren,' lie added. ,,imay hoices cf lot and cold eut vase e nd candie holden iu Culs fhey nced ad would witli tie Grades one and two The role of the Socîety, lie dishea. _And later, flic retura Bobemiian crystai. . look up ho e man. I have Rhythkm Bend taking a second sihf cpteefmle f0 fhiel sanYie table for am i Turngthc vening over ta baken con aootlcr, job wîtl pos ilion. >eaduat ta ocl hs ag esu even brgrcliice of many Dsrc Cul Commiasioner, the Scout Movement and my The Crados five, six andbcqubinw mutalis kiada of essrs and Nueastle's Akela, Scout- fimer isa't whet I woubd like seven choir icJli bolli'a fini 'h etin io waymcen a emi b Foiiowving thec diaciii, Mr. er George, Clarlad, Mn. Biak- iL to be wifh flic Pack, I nccd anid secondi nosîtica and Ro- hlcped?' ]Blaker extcnded an officiel er introduced flic head talle yen. It lakes time, ~I wont lient Cocilman cotering la fIe Recent flicories fliat many weicomc f0 tetose'wh id guesta, hcginning wtl Mra. kid you, il takes a lob cf lime bays' solo aiso tcok a second of socicby's probîctas could be attcacd flice dînner, anid con- Tibison, tIen Mn. Pet Bleker, and mucl more tlan an lour position. gnaful-itheli motlens' for Chirman of flic soonsonîng on the meeting nigît. But Spring mnust rfficially le eascd by e decline la binfli fleir efot.He tIen proceed- grcup and bis wifc Betty, Mn. think about it. I have resort- eround tle corner, when we rt, truhte implemen- Charlie M e g ilt, Secretary- cd 10 calling la Scouts who sec Constelle Tom Boyce, talion of begal aborbion, and Treasurer cf flic Lions Club wcre wanting 10 ern theîr fornmeriy cf Newcastle and1 anal contraceptives, hav e Litte Dam age and the sponsorng grcup and Arrowhead Badge, for tin the Newcastle Detaclirent, backfired, lie said. rae f Stepheoson, Newcastle Scout- activitîca and teacli boys new~ lugging lis golf clubs out and birîli will not decrease, but F ori i e aster and lima wife Joyce and gamea as a part of thaf badge. ccniing into Ihis ares for a increase,' lic claimcd, Fror Fi ie Distiîct Scoulmesten Gren. Tlcy came, flicy taughf, and 900d game cof golf. We sure The work of flic CAS la ÇýîHe' cxpressed special bliauki go back f0 Scouts, SO they arc deep in mud. however, is fan mare effec- Early un bc. Mci.rsGreta Soutîcca, Presi- stibi witl me. And now As newa ma being preparcd tive tlian in many other dl etcffli Scout Miothers' wiblthta for hein la mý for fIa week (Monday even- aes, lie said, 'I ca'f thinli Newcestie Smelling amokeý,JAuxiliary, to whom lic simuly Peck, Jini, (Scouter Stephen- ing) fie wraflicn stili beavea of a chld I wauldn't trust fa Mns. Howard Peerce, Toronito lied mcationcd le wcuid like son) lies bat lis bwo oldeat mudli 10 le deaircd and we youc staff,' lic laid socicty Street, 'Newcastle, wes awak-le dinner, wlea, whet tume boys. Wc muat lave liclp are sf111 wonderîng if Sprîng members, 'and fIef la more e'm'êd eround four ata. onland fo incïude loti motimers wiîli flese groupa. land' Sumnmer ncaily are jmaI then I cen say foc some socle- Eiidey and legan an immed- and dada. Frmi there, tlianks A lafne ecle pnarnund thc corner, tics.' j-ýsearcî cf lien new home. fe, Mca. Soutîcra, and the c0- Scoulen McQuet tb invest two Dc'fret1trayr E aousd ler lusbad oeaion cf al motheraticledesMrs. Ton and k hn nehu nSt v-- sreddwntairs mb o the evening lad been succesul. Clean,uds a y aiîe neluro St S L Caad.With red Nih_1_____N bstmient wliere thecm necrea- Folowing e few anaouiice- and Mark Clarlad as flic ftn rnootansd son Rcnaid's menti in regarda to Cula, flic Colon Party, Cula, Scouts and b- cota are. Pinewood Derby, Afiletîc Day, Leaders were aked f0 stand sud Mrs. Wcs Yeibaw- ecrc h mk waa con- castie iees and Missa Nan Allia, Toc-1 tic amoke île date set for May 27tli lut sud take thec sebute as flic two no ecSludyvstn si,,e- ably leavier. 1He gbel ethîe preseat tbue no aveil- ladies, witî theîr beft baud owitli Mr siud Ma, Haitr lii socnfleroin pnd able place tb bld it, sud flic on fie fla.g, repeaf cd flicLaw e 'Mr.s roo sd a plaecd a eau tr tle Newcatle Camporce, usualiy held af sud Promise. TIey werc tIen D Pire Dept. wlio responded Camp Sanise wouid flua ycar preaeuted witicth Newcastle Sunday were. rimer gucats quickiy. A large suction fenuble li n l Laugley Peck, Pet- Peck officiel scent sud Lions TIcý1 Newcastle Bowling with Mca. Clae Allia, Bow- was uaed fo remove tIc dense echorougi. One main hiemCreat sud fleir liet. ao sruckycmn omenvîlle. imoke ad assurance gîven was stressed atethiluaycar's Followiag tîls, Scouler Mc- thec cnd, Thc Tînrsdav and Mn. sud Mca, Bill James. that everythiing waa agala camp, there wouid lec no Quaf cxplsiued tle meaning Fniîday Miyed League finish- Jenuifen sud Sheila, Courtice. unden cbntrol, The tire was Parent Niglit. Il lies been af tIc scacf and liow ececd bl week. sud Mr. sud Mca, Allai menyconfiued to flic anc found lu tIc peast thaf 11111e Peck is usually recognized by TIc tcp tesa for Tliursday Brooks sud Simon, Orano,1 bedrooni, a feint odor c f fllows on their 'fiat finie flic color scarf lie wescsý, wtl was the "lumps" - Valenie Mer- wcne Sunday calîcrsaet Mr. smoke stib iiugered tîrougli- ewt'v froni home do juat fine Newcastle now wearnig flic cen, Fac Lewis, Haunali Fer- sud Mca. Harvey Yellawlees'. out tIc bouse, but uitIle dam- until tliey sec onisud dad, officiel Canada widc scerf, row,, Beafrice Morgan, Cari4l Mr. sud Mcs, Russell Vice,« age resulled. sud suddealy tliey wanl 1e, go tIc Lions Club Cncat, sewn MeeGnegor aid Wesley For- Mrs. F i o r e n c e Yellowlccs, home. So for tic seke of fhe ou the becli, signifies its dif- get. Taunton, sud Mrs H. Tinli, Newcastle- boys, tîcre will bce no Parent ference, Thc wiuniug tesa for Fnl- Eleniezer, visitcd on Sunday Niglti saycar. Scout en Jini Stepleuson wes day Mxed League was flic wîth Mn. sud Mca, Harold Lions Club Sccufer Clerland express- calcd on for a few words. "Roseluds'" - Eva Coudh, Jelson sud Docofly, Beaver- cd lis flanka f00, to Mca. Backing Sdoufer Cliarland mu Alice Kupemy, Doncen Ncsbifb, ton. A n era y Tilîson, for flic help aIe lad lia eau] for hlp, lie sdmîtted Ed Nesbmît, Sami Glanvîlle, 1 Mci. Ray Bemîs sud Mca. bent itnand sdded fIat Ilicre was boss of intercît Peu Hoogkamp, . Stacr, Oshiawa, visîted on an ewhile she no longer servcd emong lia 21 boys, wlo lad This wasae very intcncstîng Tucaday afternoon with Mn. Dnth Cb oom, sIc waa no0w now dwiadbud cdown bo 10. "1 cvcuiug as tIe Roseluda dowu- and Mns. Eveccîf Spires. Badge Secretary for West bave now boit my fwo older cd bic Hi-Jacks by 13 pins. Mr. and Mca. Bruce Taylor flDurheam District sud tili boys, who wercea big lclp bo Congratulations to tIc wîn- sud temily werc Sunday dia SATU, PR 2 keepig ahand in witl tle me, but fîey befI ho, stey ning eams. Nov,, b sec liow nrget fM.adMs p R e49 c xpvnctisIek whcre they enjoycd it 'more flic ladies, on Monday, and BueMngmrHmbn 9-1 agea f0 rs.Souller ans because there is more for thc mca, on Tucsday, finish Th1- il foaSln Dancing 91 11ct;Ms oten n hm ta do. Ycu ca't do 11cm pbayoff.Th 4- gil rmSin' ail thec motîers, not Just ou mcl when yan have no hlp. Ladies - 175 snd Over sttca.ded Achievement Day on< Royal Ambassadors fite occasion of flic dinuer but I do uow have ail but one boy; B. Pcthîick 374 (829 lripic') Saîurdey et Clarke Higli eat oblier eveaiags wlicu ne- inveabcd, and tlet las taken H. Couroux 303. 1. Brown28 Sehool. in e" utha-ni Dstrict). This la ourjJ, Jernins 2.~9, A. Bosch 232, weuf to -G a. Psce su L M Registecr on ther.e. Dat s joasd a'lig one, lut ýo IP. Ridd 225, L. Wiemis 221, R.1 Jane His, Thc CPrrying 1 Il oufand huI upeweIÙood 223, J. McCracken 222, iPrize werît to, Katharni S5how Border B uttons TeCnda tfsnn onanville, Arr. 26, 1972 f Th MiýiiButoiMeeting of rare buttons. Mrs P. El- U C wasý held at thle. home of Mrs. liott showed a,.picture but-. 4X c ù MDwyer of Toronto wîtn ton depicting flie Head of 18niembers and three vis!- Hector and told the story of tors present. Buttons to be the Trojans and Helen of shownl were ;Border and in- Troy and the part Hector liad sects. There was quite a var- taken in flic war. Miîss Eloise, îetý of patterns shownl on fthe Gilinore told the story of the Border, and Insects included Cock and the Fox and dis- the bee, fly beetie, grass-, playe a -pîcture button illus President Nixons recen- ac- B. Foogkami, 216, T. 'Embey 209, L. Sandercock 206, B. Stapleton 204, 1. Cunningham 202, S. Powell 196, M. Briffett 195, E. Jenkîns 194, K. Powell 190, A. Vogels 190, N. Madîli 189, M. Henry 189, D. Budel 186, A, Kupery 185, W. Simp- son 179, R. Burley 178, E. Darling 175. Renov ations Underway at Clarke Libraryi MeLaugîlin, of Plackafock 2 Dore Martyn, Edi h McLsueb- bun sud Janice Crswfacd.ý Couuty Honora Awacds <coni- pletion of six prajecta) wecc won by EMaine Wright, Cerytb Wrightl sud Cindy VanCamp, sud fwo bocal gicla won Pro- vincial Hanoca (camnpletion of 12 projects), JanIce Crawford sud Elaine Metcalfe. Congrat- ulations gicla ou this fine achievemeaf Saneientcccated mathena, graudmothens an'd friendi aftended the fashion show in the atternoon. Next projeet, will lie "Accessories for île ]Pcdroom"' ta be sart- cd la hfli aîl. Mr. andb Mca. Bey Mount- joy, Toronto, wecc weekcud guesti of iiparents, Mr. aud Mca. Bruce Mountjoy, Gary sud Paul. Mc. aud Mrs. Boy McLaugli- lin end Delilie, Mc. sud Mcm. David Kybe and famuly were Suuday guesta af Mr. ad Mca. Ted McLeugblin sud fanily, Fenelon Falls, Guest speaker et the United Chuclion Sunday rmonning waa the Bey. L. F. Wibniot, Protestant Cliaplaîn of flic Wli.tby Psychiatrie Haspital, Pcv, Wblmof tld flic congre- gafion oIflice aew fleurtes in tle treatmeut of mental il!- nessan suh1e subsequcat ne- organisation af thc Whitly hoapilal. Bey. and Mci. Laur- ence Wîbmot werc Sunay gucats of Bey. sud iVrs. Vie- for Pacsons sud famiy. Kuaxý; the mail wha wcnt slioppiag tîsI day, Mr. Wcs, Huis, boy wlo liclped with the dialies, Clucli Stithion,; girl wîth the biggest ahoe, Pauline Taylor, aud the aliorteat lady, Misa Pearl Leach. Lunchi wss servcd sud the card parties wilcesume th îe feu, Mn. sud Mci. Fraik Wcst- lake visîted Mn. Cyril Smaith mu West Me-norial Hospital, Lmndsay, on Sunday, and. abs calbed an Mn. sud Mci. Hanny Jandon. Glad fa repart Mn. Pency Westlake Ia home tram Oshl- awa Hospital, F'rein birth on, cvcry helfer caif îlaa future milli pnoducer. Evcry ounce of nutrition aie'consumes affects her fui- ture - . . sud yaui-s. If's good reason te slart your caîves on Purins Nursîng Chow@ sud New CalifSlarfena.® Il's'simple. On t ho fourlh day, swilch calves from colostrum 'ta Nursing Chow ... ansd offer New Purins Cali Startena fcee-choice. Nursî.ng Chow mixes in moments, and stays in suspension ta provide al the essentiel nufnienîs calves need for fest, healfhy gnawfh, Besf af ail, Nursing Chow saves you moncy, because a, 25-pound bag replaces 225 pounda cf wholc milli. New Cali Starlena la a high-energy ratian with a NEW mi]k faile tfief hopper, ant moth, buttertîy, tneting the story. MISS Janice etc, MeLaren gave a falk on Memnbers have been miak- Cloisonne Enamel Buttons Ing good use of the Club's and showed one she had oh- Library, thus contlnuing to tained from fthc Inaba Cloi- get valu able Information on sonne Company 1n Japan last the history and description year. status as an independent niaf-ý -ion, îs one of the "big things" te happen in Canadian history, according to Russeill Honey,, M.P. the bank with bills pald. The Rangers are presenting a Fashion Show aI fthc Recrea- tion Centre on May 4th., at 8 p.m. Admission 75e per aduît, school chîldren 25c, or taia- ilîes $1.00. There wiil be a bake sale and White Elephant sale. Coffee and cookies wiil1 be served., Please plan te at-_ tend and support the girls in their efforts, It appears that the "A" Pack tubs Canadian Flag lias been rnisplaced or lest. Sally Francis and Eîieeli MeLaugli- lin voIunteertýd to look for il. Motion was made by Jean Adamis and seconded by Vera As5elstine that a new flag hýe purcliased if the old one can- not be found. Carricd, The menu has been set for the Father and Son banquet' on April l5th. Shirley Jack- son reported that ail has been aragdand the Caesare-a Yn1-,thrs wili be pleased fa bave the Ladies' Auxillary meeting af licheCaesarea Cota- munity 'Hall, May 1, 7 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. The Mizpali waz, repeated and thc ladies en- joyed coffce and cookles' served by the social cotmmit- tee. The North End neighbours held a coffec party to wel- corne the new neiglibours in the new subdivision, at the~ home of Elaine Bailey mn Monday mornîng, Mrs. Shir- Pey Alison, daugliter Shawn aid son Brent 'attended. Mrs, Dorotliy Stewart, who is a nurse at Bowmanviiie Hospi- tal, was working and so un- able to attend. The girls could not get in toucli witli the other family which lias mov- ed In. Miss Lorrie Turner is home fÉrta Waterloo University, baving completed lier ycar there. Miss Carol Wcrry sp'ent last week studying for lier examinations at Western Uni- versty. The students of Cartwright 111gb Sehool are very busy Ibis weekprcparing for their AnnuaI At Home to lie beld in the Recreation Centre on Friday evenIng, 1Several froni Blackztock enj'oyed the cblosng- Curling Dance licld in Port Perry on Saturday evening- Mrs, Roy Corden and lier kindergarten students walked ta Richard VanCamp's woods on Friday fo sec flic making of maple syrup. Congratulations b flic vaîl- aus choirs who compcted In the Music Festival at Peter- borougli last, wcek. Miss K. Morton's Grade two clas placed third, Mrs. Shirley Turner's elass tîed for third, andM, Kîczebrink's Senior Choir took third place. Blackstock folk are remind- cd to phone in their ncws items by Monday noon f0 986-4257. Thank you. Mra. Thos. Bedmnan, Scugog' O.N. Island, wasa a Friday evening The Mearch meeting oIflice supper gucît of Mr. sud Mcm O.N.O. was lcld et the homeý Frank Baîley sud sftended of Geongecu Cochrane with thc ne-apenîng of flic Rcc. 24 members present, TIc Centre. Incasunen s report was given Mn. and Mrs. Tennyson and correspondeuce was nead Semeils aftcndcd flic wedding frota Joan Thotapson, the Rcd of 11cmr granddeughlec Sha- Cross sud 11e Cancer Sùcmety. con Serielîs and Mr. Glenn Shirley Hoakun, convenor of Ragera mn Peterboroughi on fIe catecîng te the Frew Salucday. wcdding readtfli menu sndb Socry to repart 11sf Mca. gave île groiîp leaders thliîr George Pnckett is a patient lista Thc orchestra lias leen Iu Port Penny Hospital. Mca. booked foc îhe New Yeac's Wm. Happs, who uudcrwert EveDance. Lunch andlothen sucgeny la Port Penny Hospi.- partlculans for our Sprmng tel basf Monday, wasaeble fe Tlaw Dance wcre discussed returu on Saturday. Belter eud Ibre tickets wecc iand- heelîli is wi.aled for both of cd ouf fo ecd meniber fa sel these ladies. An, extension cord 'is te be Mc. and Mca, Ivan Tnomp- bouglil for thc clectrie kaîves LSd et the Rec. Centre and s stove son1 and Susan spent Suuay dntdb a uîî st luhcr ToMb ismiuzabetcmdaim- le instelled. Joan Paisley ne- ghtc, issEliabeh Tomp- sigued fromth fe Canada Peck- son.ers labels custadian afler a Mc. sud Mca. Glenn Van few yeana terni sud Nanr-Y -Ceuîp sud faniily, Port Penny. Pryaus offcred to take avec Mn. sud Mca Arthur Van tle job. TIe "At Home" on Cam-rp sud Jaync, Scugog h- Apnil 28ti was diacuased wii baud, were Sunday cvcuîig Grace Flieger acting as cou- dinuen guesta af tlcir parents vnnwtiGop -- ai Mc.sudMc. Hanry VanCamp, ing caoieis and Gcoup 2 doing celclcating Gleun's birtldsy. sandwiches. It wes moved Ou Suuday Mr. sud Mrs. thal flic Wamen's Inatitute Ennie Swein visiîed lier nia- have the use 'of' the dislicc then, Mcs. Harold Wîccbcr, fre of cherge., wîvo is lu Bancroft lospîf ai NexI meeting will le leld with a leert attacli. Mc. sud aethflc lonie af Ruby V,9n 'Mrs. Bol Whcelcc wcce Set- Camp witli e Chinese auction ucday cillers, sud cach girl brînging an Sunday cellers af Mc. and esitcay foc the Bec. Centreý Mca. Harold McLauglhlin sndb Boll eîl was "If flic stock family were Mn. and Mca. came, wlet would you cail Harold Wright of Oshawa. "it '" Gcorgecu and lber Thc fwo sasles of the Don- graup secved a taaty lunch rell Pros. on Wcdocesday aud of finger-noîl sandwiches sndb Satucday wecc mast successý tancy coolies fa cnd a pleas- tub la spite af poon westher sut evening, on hotl days. On Thursday cvcning flic Mr. sud Mcsï Wallace Mer- Thursday Guîld of St. Johin's low sud the Art Balcys have Clurdli iaIet a1te home of rcfurncd lame tram Florida. Lama Edgecton. Pbans wcrc Wlat miseralle wcathcn we maadc tan thc Mothen's Day have ta greel then witli. Suppen fa be lield lunflicPar- Mca. Vebva Baiiey speul e ish Hall on May' 131h, sndb weck lu Manoticli visîting aiseo teiccaterIng te Teecî- Mcas. Philin Campbll wlule crs' Fedecation ýbanquet, A Mn. Campbell is iu Japsu on taafy lunch concludcd flua business, meeting as il daca mail lm Wiuuers et thc W. I Cerd aur ares. Party ou Wcdnesday evcning Sorry te report 11sf Mn. wîbl 16 tables wcrc. Ladies' Dalton Englîsh is a patient la higli, Lamea Richards; second, Port Penny Hospital. Lattie Smith; nicn's ligli, Mr. sud Mca. AI Aston, Don Bruce Ormiston; second, Edna Mills, wenc Sunday- guests al VanCamp. Lucky draw was bher mother, Mna. Helen Pcad- wlou lyv GeamZgceBowýers. Next bura, Betty -sud Ronald. WvîL. card psrty will lie Mev 3. Those attendiag flic Waýr- Mrs. Eari Trewin, Enniskil- den's Banquet in Brighfon in icu, was Wcdncsdey aller- hanar af Warden sud Mcm, noon caller, sud Miss Nancy Boy Clatten on Satucday evý Harness, Oshiawa, a Weducs- Pning wcce Mr. sud Mca. Ler- day cveuing dinuen gucsi cf cence Malcolmi, Mr. sud Mca. Mc. and Mcs. Gecald Kelly Merlin Suggitt, Mr. sud Mca, sud tamîly.1 Mernil' VsuCamp sud Mc. and Beceut gueta of Mrs. J. A. Mca. Vernon Assebstine. Jolinalcu wecc Mn.. sud Mca. Colin sud Tecesa Asseistine Bruce Montgomery, Hampton, wece wcekend gucaba of Mr, Mn. sud Mcs, Bill Ferguson, sud Mna. Waltec Scoft sncb Oshawa, Mn. Rager Doncell, boys la Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa, Mc. KeitI Joinaton, Veruon Asselstîne wcrc Sun- Belleville, day supper guesîs af Mr. sud Mca. Jalustýon waî tlicillcd Mcs, W. Scott sud tamuly. te lave cal an lber on Suuday Ladies' Aaxiliary for Mca. Evelyn Wilkinson, Colo- Scouts and Guides couli, sud Mn. lBcrt Skcatcs Ninelcen lntcccsted mothers of Feuclon Falls, sud rejoice met aI fle Becreatian Centre, wibh 11cmla inchir lappineas Blaclistocli, on April 10, 1972. as fîey are ta le macnied on President Irma WclIs wel- Moudey la Fenebon Falls. eamed flic mothers sud llicy Tic 4-H Hamcmakiug l u fucu iutcoduced lbcm- Achievenient Day wass lld selves. Tlene wuree amoth- iu Clenke District HigI Sehool oers atfcnding, e meefing tac on Sefurday, April. 22nd. TIcelitir fin i e sud flicmothera project fa be completcd wss are plcaacd ta have 11cm'jain "Slcepwcar". About 35 girls the group. aloug witli flein leaders ira- Thec nutea wcnc rcad sud vcllcd by Drrcel-Rolcer bus. adopted. Coccospondence ws Leaders Of Plackslack No. 1 read sndb the freasucer ce- are Pcggy Lenmer sud Eîbeun pocted a balance of $207.52 1îi Farm Automatic Feeding Ltd., Gorrie, Ontario. announce the appointment of Acorn Barn Supply Itd., Uxbridge, as area reprosentatives. Acorp will bo handling the complote lino of Farmatc- Milis Augers and Feed Factories. In addition, Acorn distributes its lino of Barn, Silo and Feedl Lot e.quipment through their dealer organizatioýn -ln Ontario. If you would liko to discuss your Feed Handling and Processing requiremients, cali "Acorn": Phono 852-3938. (New Showroomi and Warehouse, 1%/ miles east of Sandford). calves caf readily. And because Cali Starlena provides a ncw balance cf profeîns and enecgy, il boosîs growf h to 5.5 %oaven lait yeer's Caif Starlena, Give your calves a 100% chance .. put fhem on the Punina Caif Starling Pnogram today. Cail us for a supply of Nursing Chow snd New Cabf Sîsclena. Or stop iin et fhe sign of-fhe familier red sud white Checliechoard. You'hl be glad you did,. 0F CAADA>LTD. WHTITBY WOODSTOCK ;TRATHROY Head Table Guests ai Parent and Son Dinner Addressing the Norfhiuni. berland - Durham Lîberal Ai- sociatioil, et the annuel metf- îng of its federal wîrng, Mir. Honey credîted Prime Minister Trudeau wîth makîng flic Am,.- erican goverament ewarc o thîs country's desîre for inide.' pendence in makîng decisions. Canadian - American rela-' tiors have now moved inlo,- a more realbstic era, lic saîd, aad the "nerîod wben Canadiani and Anicrican leaders met and exchanged platitudes about the 4,000-mile 'undefended houa..- daries is now over" 1 -Aftcr Mn, Hoaey spolie, elec-. fions for association officces were held, witli Roger Kirk- patricli beîng re-elected preî. dent, Shirley Jolinston wa, elected-vice-president and Jean. Whcatley as, treasurer. Sid Hiaman .and William B-ey were -elected eaeq uHr members, wliilc Harry Wd was boîli elected f0 flict ec'- five and apnointed as'Mr Honcy's camniaign chairroan i:U the fortlicoming eleclion., _J! General Insurance FIRE and AUTOMOBIL' INSURANCE Contact: HARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 33 KING ST.,E. BOWMANVILLE WHY PAY MORE FUOE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL COLLE CT 6 6 8-3341

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