14 The Canadi an Stateaman, Bowmanville, Apr. le, 1972 7Ie Mug Series - Tykes: Steelers defeated the Hornets Hone, Larry Griffin; back row, Asst. Coach Murray 4-1 tw win the Police Association trophy presented by Bate, Danny McMullen, Joe Nihili, Dana Peebles, Chris Alan Thonipson, convenor of the Tyke League. Team Land, Michael Vowles, Norman Ruiter, Teddy Ruiter, te erfront row, lef t to right, Scott Michelson, Coach Ray Guislain. Mvark Guislain, Tom Hone, Peter Coombes, Randy Mug Series - Atom A: Seals defeated the Fargos back ro w, Kevini Johnson, Richard Whyte, Bill Baker, F-1 to win the, Ab. Mavin, and Bob Stephens trophy Brian Canfield, Gerald White, Russ Preece, Tony Clieff, presPited by Phil Vowles. Team members, front row, Ralph Whyte, Asst. Coach, Ed. Johnson, Asst. Coach Ief,to right, Frank Nihili, Earl Doyle, Terry Rîggers, and Coach AI Canfield. Tom Hollinger, Scott Clîfton, Greg Erwin, Bill Brooks; rug Serbes - Pee Wee B: Frank's \Jariety defeat-' Foster, Mike 'Hollinger; back row, Sam Elliott, Leon- wks 2-1 bo win the original Mug trophy presented ard White, Dale Vivian, David HuIs, Paul Osborne, ,ena Manager Roy Neads. Teamn members,, front Jeff Pynne, Mike Reynolds, Sam Ellbott, Asst., Bort lef t to right, Peter Whyte, Richard Krakenburg, Payne, manager and Dave Reynolds, coach :oogeboom, Doug Pickell, Howie Stackaruk, Mike Tu- Series - Pee Wee A: Blades defeated Rangers Managzer John Luxtoni, Kevin Schultz, John Vander-1 -,,in the BudPerfect trophy. Front row lef t ganst, Paul Dunhani, Kevin Cruickshank, Tim Byam, hi, Terry. Carpenter, John Labatt, Gerald Brunt, I John Luxton, Coach Rick Stockman. - Henniing, Daniny Pascoe, Fred W~i back -row, Bah a'is Form Assembly Here The Baha'i Community off Bowmanville la happy and proud to announce bbc forma- tion off the first local Spirit- ual Assembly off the Baha'is off Bowmanvîlle. This institution, deae~y os-1 tablished by the founder off the Baba'i Faith, Baba'a'llah, acknowledged by Baba'is as the Manifestation off God for this day, la one off the chieff instruments for tbe establish- ment off tbe unity off man- kind. Rota ry's- Executive Elections for the Rotary Club executive were recently held, and Bill Wilson emerg- cd as President off the Club for 1972-73. Vice-President is Harry Cooke, Secretary, Ted Man, and Treasurer is Perey Crapper. Immediate Past President, AI. Sylvester. Trinity Church Friendship Cléub Mug Series - Bantams: Huskies defeated tÎhe Steve Treleaven, Mark Chisholrn; back row, Mgr, Jo'; i Braves 5-0 to win the Harry Hughes trophy, presented- Goode, Jamie Perct, Ron Cooney, IRick Fliatrau t by Ron Thompson, Bantam league convenor. Team Steve Hogarth, Stewart Sanderson, B3arry Glaspell memibers, front row, left to right, Dave Down, Doug Norbert Visser and Coach John Visser Severn, Charles Brome, Steve Jefferys, John Castie, The Friendship Club off Trinity Church met in the ohurch hall on Friday, Aprîl 2list, with 40 in 'attendance. Mrs. A. Cole extended greet- Ings to ail present. We were first favored with three solos by Mrs. Bernice Bothwell, "You Can Smile", "Lead Us, 0 Lord" and ,if we ahi said a prayer for each other." These were much ap- preciated wîth their helpful and cheery messages. Mrs. A. Blair then conducted a devo- tional period explaining the scriptural message found in0: the 23rd Psalm. The hymn "The Lord is my Shepherd" was sung, with Mrs. Ernie Hallowell at the piano, and violin accompaniment by Miss Catharine Blair. Mrs. Blair then gave a helpful talk on the theme, "Grow oId alnng with me" ending with a poem "It is, better further on." Theý devotional period cllosed withl the hyma "The King of love my Shepherd fs." Miss Catharine Blair then favored the group with twoý violin solos, "The Old Spin- ning Wheel" and( "Danny Mug Serie7s Midgets: Comets, shown here, Bo"defeaýted the Braves 4-3 to win the Hockey Mother to two. valued memnber',s 0frophy,,presented by Mlrs. Bil 1Sillers. ream members, the Friendship: Club, Mr. and front row, left to righit, Coach Wm. Demeter, John their recent, marri-age. The gift was presented by. Mrs. Myrtie Morris with the good wisbes off aIl the Club. Our next meeting will be on Friday, June 2nd, and wîll take the form off a pot luck supper in the church hall. Units 9 and 12 off Trinity U.C.W. then served a most delicious lunch and were thanked for their kindness by~ Mrs. Muriel Harding. Teacherst Exchange The Northumberland-Dur- ham County Board off Educa- tion has received confirma-, tion from F. K. Stewart,i Executive Secretary off the Canadian Education Associa- tion that arrangements are now completed for an ex- change off teaching positions between Roy Bangs off Burn- bham Public Sc.hool, Cobourg, South Sbields, England. New Programs In Dental Health An expanded Dental Public Health Program is uaderway la the sehools off our four counties. Adcled to the basic program initiated during the last school year are Crest Brush-Jn's in Grade 3, Fluoride Brush-In's in Grade 4, and Floss-In's for Grades 7 and 8. In the Fluorîde Brush-In Program, students have the opportunity 10 reduce tooth decary from 20 to 40 per cent in the next year. Ia this su- Whitema-n, Steve Head, Hon Polak, Steve Hobbs; bacî< row, iRandy Baker, Robin Dunham, Rory Gibbs, Andrew Mackenzie, Dale Cowle, Mgr. Lloyd Porsey,- Paul Forsey. Govenmet AgainlstThHokdGnrio More and mole youn,,Wa- ager who 1had te1 mok Pickeri'ng A irport mer) are getting hooked on ing at 15 said, You thînk cigarettes. At earlïer and it's neat, cool, older-lookîn, A report, "leaked" to the Guelpli, followed by one near earlier ages. decadent, go you have tc public on Monday, shows that Orangeville, the Lake Scugog In 1970, the percentage off smoke, too," she explained; if the federal government had adoejs ot f aegil nte1-o1frce 'yfrtbyfin mkd its way, jumbjo jets migbt be ýsite adoejs ot fLk il nte1-o1 rce M is o redsoe making their landing ruasiSimcoe, who smoked had shot up -to and 1 learned from hi-,." il percent, 3 full points higb- Surveys show that teense over Bowmanville, on their The report was revealed by er than in 1968. And the girls rareiy buy their own1_ way to a new airport south off Clark Muirhead, a Pickering sharpest increases were at first pack off cigarettes. Thý,e Lake Scugog, rather than aticouncillor, who opposes the very young ageýs: 13, 14, and are almost always offered ýî3 Pickering. In f act, the docu-1present airport site, and wbo 15. them or evea urged upon ment, the report off a federal say that il w'as chosen by the hten task force on airport selection,1 provincial government under WhTe sca.resr ( recommends so strongly against lits plans to bring more in-ý A recent article In Seven- soei togi a the, Pickering site, that it is dustry loto the area east offi tee, Ialed "Beating the Cig-! sokeg irs. stronecin m not even included on the lîst Toronto. Hie added thiat the arettec Habit," interviewed y cong cihrcls. How oncm off preferences, as is the Lake federal government only ac- teaesî-et.1Oe a- oe1-erodsî,"mk Scugog area. cepted the site after the proi- rdr- h aeofe bl ng is an activity that affe, 's Off the 59 sites studied in ince agreed to pick up the tab rdrîng ae ccoaally ylou eybngyud-sra 1970, ooly four are reported for the ancillary costs off the f a sae ccsoalyyu vrtrnger seesdou so!, in detail. The first choîce was Pickering location off the air- read or hear about such joy-Inga he ge scs ompletey d one between Mîlton and port. riders ending in a tragic ac- fent imressaio off yut cident. Don't make it easy frn mrsino o h for your car to \be taken illeg- if you're not smoking. It's not ally. Lock it, and take the gond for you but it makes e% V% à%keys with you whenever you you 'dangerýous.' Nowadavs Q PA ïwîo rt eaveît.almost everyon knows smok- OS . . ep rtBICYCLE SÀFETY ing is bad for yon., But girls Thefollowing is a summary KNOW THE LAW It is mandatory by law that how nheye thatchance it; off motor vehîcle- collisions Fishing Season bicycles 'bc equipped with asfrid ofthere ougld. no and occurrences investigated The local season for fishing the following:of bwrl" by the Ontario Provincial Pol- trout :begins on April 29th, (a) A bell or bora in good Trying to look cool 15 oee ice Newcastle Detachment pickerel May 13th, maskinoage working order, to warn pe- big reason for teenage sm-,Iý from April l6th to April 22nd, June 17th and bass June 24th. destrians or others off bts ap- ing. 'But, more surprisingly, 1972. Smelt season is now under- proach. so is parental example. Sev- The weekly accident rate is way, but iA is illegal to fish (b) At night, a bicycle must eral studies show that girls at a veî'y low level, with oaly smelt anywhere, upstream hoc equipped with a white light tend to follow their mothers' 5 motor vehicle accidents, in- from Lake Ontario. Illegal on the front, and a red light- smoking behavior and dis- vestigated. Fortuaately there fishing ane far this year has ed lamp or red reflector on regard . their fathers'. B e- are no injuries to report. 110w- resulted ia seizure off a large the rear. In addition the tween 1955 and .1970, the ever, 2 persons are charged quaatity off fishing equipment, bicycle must ho equipped with rates for women smokers in- with driving offences. One and charges are being laid in white reflective material on creased; the rates for aien person is charged with im- ail cases. the front forks and red re- actually declined. paired driving.1 DRIVING TIP flective material on the ex- The Newcastle officers, also A driver should nover leave treme rear, covering a surface Changing tbe swîngiug, co,-l completed 66 general investi- bis car unattended witb keys off not less than 10 inches long image off the smoker - creat- gations off which 6 were break, in the ignition, while parked and one inch wide, ed hy billions off advertising enter and tbefft, 2 trespassing on any street, roadway or Brakes, tires and. steering dollars over decades - sno offenices, 1 disturbance report, anywhere else, where anme- are alan important pieces off simple assignmnent. But youir 2 domestic complaints, 4 as- one could hop in and drive equipment, and any defects local tuberculosis and respira- saults, 4 missing person re- off. To -leave a car with the should be remedied before tory disease. association ii ports, 2 erratic or dangerous keys in the ignition îs a strong allowing a, c hild to operate trying. It'a a matter ot lire di,,i,,z ronints, andS5 i- temptabion to a thiof or joy- the bicycle on a publie road. 'and breath. 5jeiviseu classroII1 prugramul 'è;Uu J students brush with a special legal fisbing investigations. fluoride paste which gives the Four persons are charged with tooth surface a hardening criminal offences, 1 person efffect. On the hasis that charged with a.liquor offence evcry Grade 4 student wîll and 7 per-sons chargcd with devclop at least one new cav- fishingout off season. ity in the next year, this one The more' important occur- programn alone is saving the rences invcstîgated are as parents in Our counties an ffollows: estimated $7,500.00O in dental On April 16 the gas attend- bis., ant at Nichois Motors in In Grades 7 and 8, studeats Courtice was assaulted by a are involved in the Floss-In youth from the village off Programt which includes a Taunton. During the alterca- dental health besson, an in- tion the gas pumps were dam- structional film, and also the aged. Assault charges have materials required to practice been laid. "Plaque Control". Dental, An elonpec from the Ontario plaque is that tim, white film Hospital in Wbitby was found on the tootb surface in which lyingiunconsciouis in the west- mouth bacteria tbrive and bound lne off Hxvy. 2 at Hwy. cause damage. The toothbrush 401, Por t Hope on the morning wîll dlean the top, and sides off April 16, 1972. The injur- off the tooth but will not re- ed party was removed to Me- move plaque ffrom the surfaces morial Hospital, Bowanville, between the teeth - where a by a paaaing motoriat, and it good deal off tooth decay and is belîeved that the injuries gum disease occurs. Dental were the result Off a falffrom Floss (which is available la the Hwy. 401 overp-ass. evcry drug store) if used Durîng the eveniag off Aprîl once daily, will effectively l8tb, vandals entered West dlean Ibis area between the Maple Grove Scbool, causing teeth and help prevent booth ing considerable damage to decay and gum disease. copier machines ini the school The nId adage is stili ap- office. The estîmated damage oroprîate "an ounce off pre- to the machines isnont avail- veotion is wortb a pound_ offable at this tire, but belîev- cure"~ ýed abe1st~ BOW MNVI ALL FIGURE SKATINGCL MEMORIAL ARENA Friday Evening,-8:00 p.m. Sat urday Afternoon - 2.100 p.m. -ADMISSION - Ail Seats Reserved- Children Uncier 14 Years - - -Aduits $1.OC - - - , - i50C Tickets may be purchased at the Recreation Office, Town Hall, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Frîday and at the Memorial.Arena Monday and Wednesday from 4:010 to 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Department of Recreation Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville E