e e o pa Pro rfy Ea t Beach Stor_ ______ by Simon Wickens mîtoaad he opened a wstoru' etter ïfRo'Hon Hathar ýng-. Hue ters and Cafs BewoeI ~It's ridiculous runniag up- fown for a package cf cigar- ettes, said Patrick Desrocher, and since tha majorîty of his nelghbors ~aemed to be la agreamant wîth hlm, Mr. Des- rocher decidad to ~o some- thing about it. ho n the b glnaing o Fab.~ ruary ha got Vendor's Pet- varted audyrmnbs coaunder the neclassification af sndres:bread,rm.Ilk, cig- arýettes and candy, and dîcx vey elluntlilthe beginninge ocf April when ha recelved a ton, Bomnvle Buîidiag, Inspector, tlin hm i store was In rsdntal zoned area, aad wcul bve to be closed. , wh-en ireseat stock was sold off, anid al-, though It was not ob-vious at the tima, unlass Ii, eio cher .maniages b raise $100,i (TRN TO PAGE TWO) Set dlocks Ahead One Hour, It,'s that time g4f year again Ail tmpee should 1b' wben we' lose au hour'i, $et aheack one hour before Mseep. At 2:1 unay Oniigyou go te bed Saturday,, Daylighit Saving Tinie will night. By doing se, yen ceme into affect, lasting un- won't be late, for ehu rch on fUt October 29th. Sunday morning. VOLUME 118 18, pages BOWfMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1972 15e Per Copy. NUMBER 17 For many peopie in Bowm.ýnanville, the St, Marys Crnet Cmpay mansthose towering usty Ugreyitankue tucks rarng along the higli aal but for tretÈfu huan idfwl, Scrne il tecnoa ion f ample food and seurltyonjured up by the wý,ord home. W ater ,bîrgds do frlot aom-lly Rogers, reguýlar bird feedier and sometim.,e sales manager .(TURN TO PAGE TWO) Clinie' Here Ma-y 3rd L,ýonors, to eceive Ontai iviioncf ixaR e - coý-operatinlg teo promolte la- terest laý Blood Donorý Clliies Tue D m age and fixe sport of Lacrossa, As, a result cf this, fiee Stickets to Oshawa Lacrosse AtI w B gaines will be given to each Tixe Norhumerlnd-ur-villa Red -Cross Blood Donor ham Cunty oard cfEd. a Clinîc te be ixeld ia the Lions tien-, wasadvsed ai tslast Centre, Wednesday, May Srd. meeing t tas cf March,- 29, Times cof the clinic are from. hai apeaadto ha "exces- 1:30-4:30 and 6.00-9:00 in the vie daiaaged ceiing tile" at eveniag. i,,n. uc nwiw, cih£ig. School.i,- The ,r- rv:ep Ifo ics lamd h dmg o P-,d,7emvngt ~ciln file mproprly",andPo "wha wouldappea to h roo A eotfrom .Bowman- vile Mh emorial Hospital Blood Banký7 reveals the figures for 1971. Number cf, patientF1 crssnatched 312. Number ci b.ags preparad 713. Number cf patients transfused 109. Number cf bags used In transfusions 296. Numbar cf bags-received from Red Cross 4î51; refurned to Red Cross ýI-oIwo. Nicholas Hall *iO of Ont. Reg; ment Elect Doug Kemp President ,'sychologist Addresses Children's Aid Soc. etny Tha anual meeting of the' Childr,-eïï's Aid Society of Northumberland and Durham was hald la the Legion Hall, Cobourg, on Monday, April 17. Dinne r was served to the membars of the Board of Directorcs, Administrative and office staff and their guesis. Guests included Monseigneur, L. CLaary, Port Hope; Mr. W,. E. Býonnaville, solicitor, and Mrs-. BPoinîvlla, Port Hýýope; Mvr.K Symons, Clark cof the <United, Counties and Mrs,'j Symons, Mrs, Madeline Schoe- ber, Cobourg, and representa- tîves cf the Foster Parens Association. Mr. DouglasI Kemp, Bo--v (TURN TO PAGETWO) Try Classif ieds Fo r Top Resuits Those finy, luexpensive iclassified adverfisements in The Statesman really pro- duce amazing resuits. One of our advertisers who Ixad a bicycle for sale, with custeîners to 'phone between 6 and 7 p.m,, ai- ready had receivedsvea cails, before five anm sd slfiemachine te fixe fiîrst buewhýile another was waiUng te siee if fthe deal was go t hrough. Lafer, quiýte a few addltlonal 'phono e àls :were received. VYen Just ean't beat fixat ewr resuits. Try a ceassified adt.foday ,if yov. havell soümefhxnz fe seli. This Sundaye Special services te mark t 'he l35fh Anniversary will be1 àeld at St. Andrew's Presby-1 terian Church this Sunday at 11 a.m. aad 7 p.m. Af the moraing service, the Rev. J. C. Robson, M.A., B.D., of Queen, St. E. Presbyterian Church, Toronto, wîll be the guest preacher, aad the Rev, James S. Gilchrist, B.A.,,wIhl address the eveai'ig congrega- tion There will, be special music at both services, Newcastle Lions Doânate .$500 uve~ UII1UIdD a a erfect ex ample cf Tender 15 W- U ~ inter-club and ifrtw Te nde,îr à-operation fixe Lions Club cf Lieutenant ;Colonel Nîihol- c ýag f Operafions and Newcastle recanfly gave the Ac ep e ing Offîcer of -flhc Ontario in Ontars.ue, aËasumes the large boosft twards fixe $4,000 Ragîment in Oshxawa, announc- new- post at Central Miitia mark set for their Hast er Seal A ~ ~ ~ ý tedro 24,0fied recentl that ha is fo ha Aras Heavaquarters, Canadian campaîgn, lanscpig hegruas f succeedad by his Second-mn- Forces Base, Dowasview. May The Newcastle club racent- Jhe ne-Bugnvl eHgh Command of fixepast two18 ly played a hockey gaine wîth co, hsbenaarde_ te years, Major Stanley J, Skea, lan95, olnel H-all' joined their local OPP detachaient, Van BlleAo R.R. 6, CD, the Public Relations staff cf and then doaated $500 cf the Bomavile Tetender was Colonel Hall relinquishýesiGaneral MWotors of Canada, proceeds fo fixe Canpaign in acepeda fxehatmetighis Commnand cf the Ontario Ha e d a series of assiga- a display cf unwonted ganer- cf ix Nofhmbelad-Dr-Raiment f0 assume fhe pos- _ýniants lr the communications osîy, for wixicix fixe Rotarians hanSioo or.ifion cof Senior Staff 0Officer ý (1URLiTO8PAGE 'iWOr0 wera mosi grataful. LageCatof ""The King and 1 "- R'ady for Opening ÎNight ThW audi-îtorium u c Bomanville High School aud lHelen Bigs third row, Heidi iîggýou, Heather Bar- the Twn Hal's sage havebeeu busy spots the palst rie, Carl-lWýightlJîu Sackruk Rcud Htheringtou, fewwees a te lrgecas. f "Th'e King aud T" gets 1euife Rhde, Sue ae, onWîood, Deug Lewis, jue haefo ter hîe uicl eforcmance, afaitDireto-Cbr Seidnbc rw rDnis Francis, in hrsn veig Mmescf tecoarfrotPalPlltStv Gomrpy iLader, Raudy rcw le t e îgh, B U illing, Pl SiaP aul 1Goug'-hLinjda Feý'-iî, Dv udroPaulaHas, Hanse, VaerieLuca-ýýs, Mary Ana Glchrisf, Bbrt,-ia3n Csante iaSme 'Renuin, Bend Mffatt;, second rom, 1Kare Batl5 everyhodygo? The population cf Canada ïs 22 million, but' there are seven mîillion o ver 65 years cf age, leav- iug 15 million to do the work. People under 21 toýtal 10 million, leaviug five million to do the worký. Tomllion iaregi net employees, leav~ ing hremillon o d thie work.' There are 50û0,000 in the armed forces, leaving two million fiive hiundred thousaud to do the work. Deduct one müllon, two hundred and flfty thousand provincial, mnunicipal or city workers, leaving 1,000,000 to do the work. But there are 700,000 uuemployed and 200,000O on welfare. S,.that leaves 100,000 to do the,- work. Now ifmay iuterest you te know that there are 80,000 people out f ctfhe country at auy oee time and 19,998 people in jail, so that leaves just two people to do ail the work, aud that's You aud Me, brother, sud'I'm gettiug tired cf doing eveîy-. thing myself. So let's get with if, 'Not 'Extravagant' C.LO~C .Explains ;ecting th ub"I c'ne retitbut any such purcmnhasQe in %Vould be the purchasýe of i9-,l the ftr, o rqiea floodpan ad by the Cent , large smo oeh ad ral Lae Ontario Conserva- and 6on ite present antn ;ioh AuthoriJty, J. G. GoodwPin ace budget, if la flot making told B--owm.,anville Coundil, the, progress whieh if feels Apri1 17 Such a plan is be 1 (TURN TO PAGE TWO) BITS ex)PIECES1 yOUNG VARMINT - At the Mosport races, on Sunday, Statesman report er-photogiapher Simon Wickens was crossing the bridge over the tîack when thrce ycung lads were passing, going to the opposite side. One cf them grabbed Mi. Wickeus' camera which fortunately was securely hung arouud bis neck by a strap that didn'f break, However, the back cf the camera came loose suad feil on the floor, expos- ing the f ilm to daylight., includiug pictures that he'd taken cf the rac_ý elndPcf hrs cf'swans that he'd speut mest cf Stra feno taking to go wifh the St. Mary's Cenent toy.Lucekily, a few cf them were stili useable, î,Jinlucug the eue at the top of this page. The perils cf thîem n.ýewspapeî business. 1~t t t YOUNG ARTIST- Tuesday's Torontoq Star had an item about a 12-year-old Bwanil boy, John Andrew Roucý,ghley, son of àMr, atnd Mrs. John Roughley, 5 Frederick Ave,ý,., a thec winner over 7î entries in flie April bcst, young art ist competitiont at the, Constellation Hôtel. Apparent Iy, the young customers are sup.. plied with special napkins thaf include an ouf-. line. They fîliin flic coloring f. enfer flchero- petition. Congratulations! t t t t ICE GOES OUT Th :È is Suday, the winier season will be officially close-d, Arena Manager Roy Neads vrill shut down the ice-miaking mach nery sud get read-y to do the uecessary,,: repairs and repainting for uext faîl, to conclude a veîyý busy season, Two Ontario, cýhampiouships came oui ws,ïy this year sud there wcre f wo other teams who were Outarlo'fiualists. That's pretty good. t ît- t t GIVE BLOOD - Next Wcdncsday at the Lions Centre, the Red Cross is holding a blood clinie, baed by flic manpowcr and cncrgy of flicý Bowma nville _Kinsmen Club members as part of Canadawidc huirnanitarian Kmt effort, Sec their advertisemcent inside and give thxni a eall ~fyou nccdtvraporation.t FISHING - The,,,r il be sorme folks vworont be sleeping ïin this Studa oring. Inseaýd,fhyl be up long before da-,wn ing advantage of thersi day of trout fisiuig. Auyoneý who hooks sudlands!. a real big one might be înteý.resied in eutering the l4th annual Big Fish Contest with a total cf $,0 lu prýzes. For entiy forms7, write The B iîsh ConI- test, Box 480, Richmond' Hill. t t t .t STILL PODRN sti sbigwrittci carly Wdnsdy orvningoLic garbagîfme contin- ues to pile up "ýin Torontoý, wi h nýe e n siglif. Papa ireTrda tllhs' anucda federal electhin erJuebu tat rnay coui today. Thle S.Louis Bluecnt down to defeaf last niglit gis Bsowthflc NHL finals with New Yer-ýk strfig nday affernoon, It's jusf 342 dgrsoutsidc, adour baffer hlaf 'is blarning if on hoseastronDauts playîng around en tue moo0,n aüd pttgouwetir Honey iGrîe ets IndianSpae Northumnberland-Durhamv. . Ru4sse'lil oney, euy pekro h Ilouse of Commons is sýeeïn greetiing Mr. SpeakerDhlonofte nAa PrTa Ment 'rece-ntly, Mr. Seke a ouruf thUCnadanliesecfConimonsis- between Mr. Dhïllonanid . H ïoney'. f CLurti right,,e.creao.tioýun An evin ofhsria wrgh Hcreatioin Cnt« Manyý residents- took advan- taiga cf this cpportunîty to îtour t'he naîw facilitias of the buidin -the Municipal Of- ficues where Clark Doreen VanCamp w el1c ome d the stage ardcfus facimi esr C ar-ý ham acted a,ýchakirnofth evnig' eremoniesHa ewal- cmedhos preseat and gaveý ai brief reusuma of te history of tha. renovatîon program. Ha exýplainad that the repairs cost a total of $40,556, and 1-hlat a grant of $8,556 is ex - (TURN TO PA E TWOF Cuncil Unhappy Asi Counties Won't Pay ITixe United Counnues ifs Town io Hon~îo 0reimburseBo aviefr $t6,30speat o mrec w«ork, ýdue f0hazrdus conf-1 diùtions onLiry Street in ChamPS Marcix, and. toýwn Coucil le acft very ha'ýppyaotit a Onl a motion from te Coun-, o Bowit1 o a Maurice Prouf', Bowmanvill avlle police contact- Council instrucfed fixe Clerk- ed fixe towa's Works, Deparf- Admînistrator, Josephx'Mec- ment Marcix 10 affer notîag Ilroy aad fixe, Direct or of fixe icy condition cf-,fixa street,. Recreation, Bud Fanning, te andagain afteai an ccident 0on buy suitable trophies for tixa Marchx 18. Chxarles WVatt, Towa two fowa teanis wiich becama Engineer iastructed ixe Works, AI-Oitario Champions thi crew te sand fixe streat,sie yaar. affer regular office heurs, fixera= CCaci also pas7sed on Coun. was ne way cf centacfing fixe Prout's advîsýemeat that fLixe Countias' Works Departint matter desarved prompt atten- whîch wss respoasîble for fixa tion, siace fixe All-Star Bn-job. quetat ixîc th Pe-e Agaîn on March 22, fixe tewn1 and Miner Bantain teamg are craw ixad f0 ftake on a Counfles' te ha honored, is to e ha elddesigaatedjob, wixenaa a ozenI April 29.î (TURN TO PAGE *vWO) - SidneyLffl Formr Maoristersan Suaseo4tiyLodge nurtgHome, dit TuandonAprolth, Nlaei ithte. Suhamwsprtdn. e Mr. bisti te f ormernMabrt DortUffman PorE>t HOp Happy Birthday and ýCongratultin Three Kinsmen deliver nuacogtlainnt clyou te 22nd birfh-' day of the Bowmranville club, fundd A pril 18, 1950, but also our the club~s recen-it scesat the regional enore u o e theKnsmen, i.Wayne ThertehlasEitr hdsthe award for Bs lbBulletinDon Masterson, reglorîlal Deputy-Gover uer-Elect holds an aimard lor Club vttendance, sud LloydM bbedispîsys the pla que awarded him as -"'.Pr;esi-, nt cf theyear, I fi 1 ýiy 1 1- M here 'd'