Tbe CaLnadian States2man, Eom.rianville, Apr. 26, 1972- an ideal habitat for the birds, fj A ua, oDE flf chboketc., in ni differènt' &5 the sVýwqanr a nesting ducks JR +4 _ countriês of the world, andT * * il liveý theýreý even withouýtIi that the Bible is printed in IO the or of thie othèr pond, t 28 differlént 1anguages. . Tr atteet. tlhe schools it îs their custon Horticuturaliss L arnThis whe ar~eofaSouthern M rtMnalH alh W ek ive eachpupil nGrde Eng( grudfo h ow sy b.eey th ag eeiv1 es arible ssoctesLdwllb e Down, adBill Wilson dsTo focus attention on Mentl ytea o10r11,r, Asc b a k t r ' L n -p n gthat the idea of the program Health Week, May ito ay - __ Mr Minie Wybng re- anda osligeger lmake the habitat as attractive aorse three weekh his1972. Wèdteda eeniig Arif A Cia Dwne, eprtI pansro tto corne and as possible, se they will return ing help, the Oshawa-Ontarîo ________Hre eeporist wtThe rtninwsarr i9Ptb, the metig f -e ~ ing on the civic Iniprovemet heIp the so Int the spien- each year. Cut rnho h aa FO AEOE land. Herprs seing uo y Twsi on n~vil Hrtcltra oclie- cornmifttee, sald th. e soietny dîd work th-y ire doing. Tebntn ato ow-danntBal Heaflthe aoia-RMPýEOE an s iligt rs ithr changes around bis clotpen Arl,1 etig ty wal d In the auitrim iola-iining to plant trees In Mrs, L. Masn lantroduc- e ver the biggest in the insti- tion and Wliitby Psycitv sn chance that hus CsItore'~ditrc Presfent M. Claence ink f thetown nginer, ad everng, r. Bi vanation of the program. Even Hospital are epooisoring111he wil pen again. Mr. esyCacatia Mrf Cte u lLary weth kofthe town ithtepermIssin ebngr.uest spea ell f oete edn patient io Memorial Hospital, presdlrs. chube îll e pacedin font aîd e wa a radute o thefeedngqtarted, presentaitinrOf ane-act, sOc- Neither Mr. Desrocher nor A IB*avle ews e Alter themnue of flcthMe rilPr, aelo' woya ermr of corne fowl alwaye camne to set- il problem pay hie ;neighbors had anticipated -:avlfý E ihle wei-er=aofy t e mor ~lgmoioeleHricultueahokueiph endton company land. TepiyentLitled "he'sany trouble, assumîns stba pedyreAvrd ~Iast meetingSwin Shot by Hueiiter Out Thiee?" will be perform the granting of the VencIor's <RMPGON)LteMilies oy des E p an z.ccretary, Mr. M. Siute, thefic res -being donated for the epe nt woyears l Mxio.Theeyearsagon f er bL weredest wth,2ls, ea c tbm binga te Bck ard" Tetoug .s1sea c ago, a oeod ht rteWib rsDaaPermît by the province mearit nanilvill1e, cïhairmana of the dl(,,augtr cf r, ndMemrea folllowring items of b oesAnnuial Floweýr Show Augutic subje, c as "Landwascaping th the ytheWhlb AisDrm store hadl legai status and cevelng, welcomed ail pires-enr 0,W5in eora vi7ee 4 1 piri eft besde ole uptset mac ksH lce twl-lbe p-a-could go loto operation. ent and xrl hic appreci- Hosýpîtal, Bowmanvillê for FO PAEo) Menrof ranpain. e- Co. making plans are tee v ewr), bL itreIl. uI workT done by retonsiilectomy hast Thursdav is necear ý,nýrofTrnpctairi r-Ce rukig lnsar he epo s h d tpticv e finalsented in WibApril :0.of th neghFrank Fe h;ot1e local staff, the Board of We trust she is feeling weîî ReeveDkts se r niinded the members of a bus Mr.,L, Johnson madethamutfsneeso the amoployofesuihat it ac thefia Beaverton, May 1: xbridge,. nehbrDrcos ad te Uidagnso. Goodwi oepaoteab tnpben.gpinne fr une presentation of a wooden col- fsmiiy, bird levers, neih- 2uendneeded and recuite irate when she heard of theý Counities Council. The Kendal Womein's Tosti- stanoil nîaeb h u 3&d tej Edward Gardens and lection pTlate to be used at bore, vegetable garden, Iunk proposai by J. S. Lind, d las My2 n Bwani3e a letter, that she- drew up ani man k h tute met Thureday veoing, thority') ugtti er Rih ParkiLýt was suggested oui' regular Meetings. yard, sense ef privacy the c h emay '51 *pttinakngta hqsoeA tb se ilnteresý-ted in gofig conl Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Rloberts ameunt of money te be' used ebir nsantutr e b ee nt fomlopine iussi b iowd n oletdte vonDr. Hoddinott, wss rg iot tthe hme f Mr 'ut igta vnwt ta-ct enaë of thie Directorsm se donated several epecies of ila the landscapînrg and the the rud ftecmn omipn dsuso wili signatures cf 62 of the 65 î ntroduced by Mr. Douglas Mre. J. Henderson, preeided. by the, uhrt'seeuie fia ln ol b nd tpatewîhwr uckymitnne company. be belli wîth audience partici- famiies la the Beach, ar(,?,Nultter as the Chief Psycholo- Mrs. W. H. Foster wýisae ating the -reing $2,0 w fiý; jiý cudbemdePtpanswee uckymanannc.ion. Coffeeanad a.social lheur Sejend ixBacs lt at North YorHsptla oullr 1nemeting. sold, mone irvng to the work Ques--t1i nerio olowed, Siace then,. the project bas ptSejie h i egl r' kHsia;a wilbigtet conIsultant with Matro Board ,eecretary in, the absence et etîlIannreecf3% ve Mrc. L, Mason announced ýr1of tbeoiety, llc tp o ro bige d arIbi il bi heevnngtoarecýidents who accompanipnaof Education and oe who Mrs. A.. Lew. last Yeir atr i eteýc--r4-i lit ýl ehl rwinch irivedLte l gronîgan îgge L r, oc fclose. Admlission is freTrDsohe eteA t being the annuai meet- "syuke" h év The rsfle flc socety lebav- plantsale îll l' hcl]VIew.n thln.s.hMrrH. LkthetAeganlîth thsplacng cf riOharsesised ou sociey ove ing thh ee toe sed MPl ,ýaýy 17te outhte Lîbrary. meved a;,IvrFotcf thanki te cevered woodlenboxe f cern Invitatiei3s have been sent tri171h l Bowmanvulle Cclii ih ng rprsweera.Ail said,"ea feu'gats !or the l r1ntinrg of treesý in Mrs.- Sul, convevnor, asea our speaiker, wýhich wps fol- near the pond. AI Haby said the 1olwngt 1a ati meeting, in an effort te haveth pstsva yar.offîcers were nut back in byfaesc ocr etalc the beautification of Our esch mnimber to denata te lowad by aoca litime. ha eraad the corn, iaad "wheo thapannai diiscuissions: -FOr'the store remain open, and D1r. Hoddenott speka of the acclamation. Th, Penny Sale cf corolw aeee h tbwn.-1-t prize $0 2nd prize thls pi'eject. We ask neot illy An itrcîg etn sha came back oea day and BPvet , rFE Alderdcic, pIresented the petition,1add- eellenit work dejne by the comigu 0Ma eku utoiy vadn en riï- Tckt mmbrsbt nyneig ha sne h e rajriv local staff and thecir challenges murh tîma la planing en fm w cakn n on $2,3dpie$b Tclt abr u oeeinter- baing paoedfo My 7th fun10 or 40 birds ila tha Chýief Pey cholegofst Wh.itby ing that sînca thaS majerityeny et M m&y b purhace fren th estd ii sècuing ulbe Vistersweicme. ond, ha fait they'd realy Psychiatr-ic Hospital; Dr. UHar- area familles wpeaobiosyinie ra.emt fomsp ISle, tickepts mayl'abcuight eut thatsm faices rsi be rs fte i tflrawbes uctshue hensttedAms]ndthinevrad a avr f hestresh prtngfail srvce po-frm amar c ta nsi-jebaaua f.ncebdctf 'to ýakcae May î7th. orning, ha returncd an JohnNeil, roderated by John didn't scewhy it shc.ildo't ie i a mreua ares.tte Rmnns fmteiîsad agr ficsfo h Dm Hauddescrorfoubed ar real, pst-nead teOsawa weri i-availabla fer sýayneAuthoit" Mr. r.1 - -oogaeus in open. niuuaudihaeorforhudrd.Gcstpstpasdat saw- ami oen mitan-tafreouce,0 iiin epew arile cc M.Godw1 xlMr. tî sornè- tipi con shewiCORIfl2wcrnAlthough soeafaed je sprea-,ýd Ontarbo Ceunty CMHA and X- Ilceva ystatold U ode emetevricra- l'hîng. thebodyhad b fartadde 'in Ui Low sowat aur l PG OE ýUal year round, the prime parý-'ray tchoician Whitby Psychi - deputation that the oEly a igdenidecausqed by social Tha membprs of car ïThei-l-oniY eU gr nth fie n lMy iètig ndaked] any- PO AE N) Yuhaet iach thein, iod le in October and Nevame-! atri epiathe store cicoul OtSOUC techaýnge atlwork haii r soiatyitteacceed the invitatinqWIth e0 tf e or n oaa iing e ete e ah orteFru-d1to-Di1onthuhb ce uck;c arc lika bar, whan the birds headi Fer Bo)wmanvilic: Dr. Mary oeae, Wasif thea asWae xeddgetpase for ise rmNwov1~W-adto a on emk lier s h eud'aeeneugl et the conany, "wa'c fhid,(dOge. Y'ou put a six peund south for the wîntar. Ankus, Psychoiogist, Whitby rezoed, and Mi'.Darcrth work cf tester parntemen m.nst ite e hlplo lnarg enaeditiçacam robi arangd. qîtaa fw wth b'okn neke eac don i frot c a og."Wa have te taper it off in Psychîatric 1Hespital; Dr. E. Dh wac infcrrnadthat hlie l (, tn chieve rea i- braýt he 60hAnniversary e of Rii~ Tliay'd crarnise tîghtlybintead a'l et the wbcle thîng. Novamber", esays Bill Wilson, Hubbard, ]Jamnes Hendersonj othtth hikfr Ch e- provemnt la personality and tarbranc'h. A tast:v lunch I dontrl tikw a thi apend, that vwhen .1theire DuÀcks arc the caa."i er thay'd becoeatee dapèn- Oshawa Publie- School teachar taîlS cf an' application for the ou-tlIokokfetchildran ila their was'served by the lunch cein-ibe descrbda xrvgn, uExma-yo0r warc a faw tbeucand here and The ýfouir tons eto corn~ the dent on us and etay tîi thay and past praesidant Oshawa- change, but at ne time dui'inQ car e. mnittea, Mrs. E. Courcx andih added somthng caad he of, empnybouhtandembo-iget frezen in the ira." Ontario County CMH-A, mcd- the cuccaading discussion Was Mr. Rend Budge expressed Mrs. M. Mande".rou.nd Whenskdaothap- soe would 'get crowdadout pas spirad ast fahI, would If the cempany has its way, aratad l'y Jo Aidwinckla, col- any tee manti:onad. the thanke of the grolup te The P.T.A. et Kendal pu blic ible drpléh uhrt' anid smash into the tracs' _rsamlte ack hlm up. itînrant flocks wen't make lupluniît, aditor and public rela- Frank Fleetwood, hishsanidDr. Hoddenet t.ScoihdasuaeflHmbdgthaadtatawa The pend is a part oet pýthrI it nion te ring the the oniy tenants et theeponds. tiens efficer, Whitby Psychiat- et the petitien cliu-culatr, ey. A. Vandenar) tckmage Sala in tha echeol audij- reasonaby sr ta <FèO P nd a GEne t i ri sarcýh drectly s uth etf he b r s î h dinr , am ploy e M ay Stock It w ith G eese ric Hospital. al w h tha matri tcol re -f e fa e T a l it w r ad Ariu i , 2nd. Thora wera huon Tha o ar , h c i , ha Eopeandcam teBowan onipainy building,and te cvatrytegiva them fthe prctec- "I'va juet made an applica- don itrih theat ta pfrse-nt ad approved andis as fol- supelas cf d ý,enaad us'dTe e nit uBa h Iville te wR-rk iS the Goodr ,ýrthe wear on birds' neck, "a i ecsSary te anjôy it. tien te Lande and Foraste for o oin ihtat*hepeenlrd prvd n * Mr o ultAiuèdYtM Ilanha wks 26 years old. Ha louprle ot fchhows wanit dewn Kep "The Cal"Away a Propagation Permit," whîch >*fl* meeting. lowS: Honorary Pracidant, ciothing for ail maembers etverbalasunc cfan - i~'tied111198 ttr 4 yar wth chaS enaws and claared Ahi members cf tha elf-_ hasaid, cxplinîng away its - -The siustien, ha said, was -M r' Roy Chatten. Brighitont; thaaily ofewsel erc br htt wih li cinan sd lngcen ethe tracse t." 'ridîculeus, TharapemitareemorelPrasidênt, Mc. Dougias Kemp, frem the kitchan, which want wouid spotardcin carér rsnubse ericeasClcaring tracs hcwever, ter apearidfor "tha cat" ecompnny te stock thé sanc- ~5 '~ thon 50 oilîdren and 60 adulte .Bowmanville; VcePrsdatwll onsuhawtdrryRpentiesf'mB- la the ares, and thay hav, s' Laverne Gibson, Mill- dy.nanvillaadOhw a n town conilr aut evnet ail liat they do. "Ha' a hîge tomr," Alkituary wt aaagee fbok ertrM5.Gi nOhw atFi reaveaid mar.C Tan eor se feet back frinBa y opan-y .Pa;ym.aster ch with Canada g teemi b Mtewalk a total cf tour Millbok Sceay Ms . seinOshwaias Fn dcatadtht hng ware Ha waths s"sege fl Past GPrre tci1ir i udrad cea gse ermi FR PAGE ONU )iteget te the neareet store fer ýRîckard, Bowmanvilia; Tea dy rc. W. H. Pester and-0 1tough tnni hsya" ý'lOrrnca îhtnaa og ten d'i g a, taianaHcs gne îidandlias dltwoudbrlane ea Oite d.Th ' c r nthn tewalurerMr. Rend Budga,Prt rs Reg. Elliott callad on ha psalidadc h uhr ~~~~Ço,~~~~~~~ 6 IOOFadsevdal'uhlabaulashed a -,i tGýhca ras,ea rck p ia, mspaissof pinioned geasa inte etdt ercîe any rayhn hywn ~istrct flputyGrandMastr tin liail'tacree twetrunk, siv manmada eunt th~t bc pnds, here hay culd evai stag curtins ad benainmy caa, I'a go cave, Hoe; Diectoe, MrnDonad Mr. Alv Swabrickat ha Inyhad mnage te et th ta pc rýIi Mý! r ovdr aiylnhpr'treetapn fo h a oaul raadbcr-donatad by the ONO. Club. kic di wokj. ToenoCx, Port Hope; Mrs. A. Syl- homne and Miss C. W. Stewart buodgetby aincoare for r poAÎý ladylur ii, i-n forjh etbsulg yeun ,e tad uca a rt a nraedli ~thara'sane cawrkantimedu-vestah, Bowmanvilia: Mcc. K. in Oshawn Hospitl no tliayal Itrsa or wrmuwhe praterin te lIcnt et thelrsulwerkounngf siteutceitarat.*a leasasddlsjacteterandri putbinomedur-thlasedundor eporft, he wa afermer rpi- -il n-te res-a n i hs sWlsn oorlM. odn efn Ms twr s programe. dent cif of flic Lakes1hei-e Base- Itcingradsof aduiit and "vr eotn afn ukwuld regard St. Mnry'sas yaar by fourmilan thlgtadyad fhsekdWioCbes;MrGrdoetnd isSewtisp-gvrmntwkicnte bai Lage.Hawa asea abyduke rthr l'n is etaro ad deanvlloct, n h mceet et thase lepairs wilh ha want anything they hava te Carruthere, Cbug; Bey.. ggreviibed liey. r Th rk baihevi b etil ofthe Bo r Ekean ractors busnpinglknow ha's bean around," ns Sic eae i a il - ~ w yn si mat lk two miles te theestoreVadbegB "m nvil; MsRgEit former marKern ard mae ft iteecu ity would yeer and tels year. and tweo miles back hion . Mrs. Madeline 'Schoeber, Co- cousin Mrs. John Thoninson have ved o esmtmscn cil Dïretl of Menorial ins- alo# on si font hihbourg;,aBey.gW.atDeJorngllCe-eccfîMilibrookorg-,undayW.atter-, Ce-tieusllhaoks idaybuttbbctebodo et irctre t amril Hs-alss oundsixfootyagds iaay Gr1. ' aven tighter than at pres- Ha then intreduced the 'That's two miles aach way bourg;, Mr. Thomas Joncs, noon. vtin ubeit lto ha- pital. srie h e udrdyrsaa' Thace's a guy who trape aý nt, te pravant a racurranca maembers et theeRecreationi o n net aven propc rmond,'Cobourg; Mr. David Coghîll, Mr.and Mrs, John MeMvili- vwihdt "rn heCn Th uýrI wl e Tbey net only est their owu the marsh for muskrat," adlsof incidents ike the dead Beard, otten rcterrad te ase addcd Mrs. Fleetwood, 'but Grafton: Mr. D. Buliock, Port an and tamiiy of Thorohili menicu ai oswtaibc !'îld iiirèlltris Funeiral Chape] lunch, but f ced flicducke Al. "Ha teads tha docks tee swan. IParke Board, as tollowc:Vice More lika hlghwny'Hp;D.GK tatr, e pn h akn ttar uiiaiiswti vni Thlrsa at t o p ni th thaîirs toc. wben blay'va cleanad up tha "Yeu tili ec that birýd'slChairmann Marrill VanCap,I ou, ubad al-a aiHoue rG . SrtfrCe-oette nttage. r e". ý.trrnant Éin Port Hope aUnion "That'e 'in addition teoui-rfe'l, and bels watching too.a, hoig wecei c rw Nra arta b auaio rardd Couaby Bpentbvs ~cmter. rgulr fedng, eas Geg.Oaada hell et bbccah." around liera every yenr," saidlMeýs. L. MeArthur and r S, S. bbczcniing change as, an in- Mce. Brîntachl, Brighton; Mr. Fauine predato'-s ara tbc John Dewn. "Tt makas me feIl Francisý. Hnrvey yetendad bbc c urmounitabla problim, iuit lb L. Winelow, ilbrook, Mn. lesote thireabe te bbc ibmn- terrible, bacause that poorIBeoacd's apprecmntion i te bc;as in reality ' a simfple mat- V. Assaîstine, Biackstock; Mn, lP"r DI ii idpopulation bow- bird oe back banc alona,lBlackstock L.O.L. wbich biatr'. 'Ycu just havet a te ARterod"'ribelo DELO ITTE, HASIKINS & SELLS ee oaa îelm yaar attar .yenn, because cf 1vacated its qua.rtrs lainbbc youir application and geî utarorCapbilor. P E S EA SON~ '/II Rutes osa rolem sema e olwibb agun." iBec. Centre and movad the consent o et bc rasidant, TraaaA - Chartered Àccoun~ant's ccordntte Bill Wilson,, With the ce epera-tien ollformer Couacîl ChamIýbers in w.hîcb y.ou -air(sy ca t NDÂL B C Y RDW MM IG Cf'ý-rered ccounantAciug latManager and cilocal rsd ht owevar, odteT-,wvnship IHall, te ri hava.' oIgrbulnionste M. an J1lý' 11AJOR CANADIA suparvîsor cf 'tha b1'i r prc-lif l"bbecact" ena ha parsuadadjTreasu,ý-lrri tc bbc Municical Ha wns warnied iowavar, Mcc Ted uStnrk who were OFFICES I MAJOR (J NADA CITIES >ramn, hunters are bbt bggsttegive up lbis daplim tewhat Coucil, an ! te bc Boad Sue0- byMayor 7Hebbq, that l a uîe i acig n au BELCNAABIDIGpohc.ARaby dascribeFas aslhie "geld erbntendanrit -anId lbis caw for net 'QuLlte as simpfle as b hat-'day, Apnil làth la St. Jocpli s OSHIAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA "A lot oethbc ehcs amina", Canada geese my jeio sitn bcmvingtfhbc And Baarn Dyketr -a c ,pbrh waefranvrl M' haoo l S PARTNERS: GRDON ~. RIRL, B.LA. onate b-z L'eîr owntmete bbc thousande etfdulkanad equspmientOc fibc Muiia eb arigi eadeabiavs b emrMs F.C.A., guardîngtbbcbirJ; dsý,ice thae ccacional swan, xhieh Office te Its neýw location. snnlg ha wud' atlMrgrtAaTopoad GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.x ti isjeregisbcred wîbbLanTlde have in bhe pasb roupie cfi At this polit arjî' na a anayne de7,a1bbc egardea an dnughbar ef Mr. and' Mcc. BURT R WATERS, C.A. and Foreste as a bail,(-d arcs, ycas, bagua wiing thair tîvaet bbthfirm, ota.Sirns pnth'. and w;nntedecdpi.'- John Thonipsea f etKndl. th1-ey pabrel lb tee. IMeet pao- way back into BwavhcfrsdHbei rhtce rtation tec reallize that bbc ap- Mcs. Stack is a Bagisbeccd parn' renliza bliat thîs is a dinner. Stoddant solka n la words plication weuidhava go Nurse, wocking la Oshiawa PHI'IONE 728-7527 rsnca rs n 0wa ______.--- e o ngOLratulatir o the cbfnebcPasnn oard Canerai Hospital, while Ted . uah eopra e atak teirus-Township and presantad bbc' andbbc Dprant ert fMuni- le empioyad at bbc St. Many's uallyco-oërat and ake heirkays of bbc buildinig Ite bbc cînl Affaire, gettîng theap. Cernant Company, Bowman- ;jýý M111111il'! j1ý5iguas alsawhane. if thay don't Lt Contracter Mn, Ted Cnitteai pronval cf both which mihtville. They wili rasida in c cali bbc polira," cf Pont Penny. Ted c'ongratu- tak upta yar, afos'i'Newenvl.e Ha addi that pleans rom Il latadfie Board anid Calt-ild ha acted upon, but Little Mies Joanne Caccuth- arcs reeldants bo stop tbc huat- M Mwright Ceiimunity on bb-- there wlas stihi ne mention of ans of Bewmanvilla speot ai te a- nýç é îag in bbchecound Mare', bbc fine tacilitirs bancitid peint- tehe $100 reiadblock. weakcnd recently with berý In-groild vinyl pol *,Aboegun pol anas behind West Beach, ewn- (FIROM PAGIlE ONF') c u httaeaav Coun. Maurice Prout drcw grand-parente, Mr. and Mcc. * cd by bbc comlipany, was oeaand news relations section cff ew cuthatias bbc iare etroude luherad W. H. Pester. 1*Comiplete lune of Cheniicals adAieste l'o et bbc m tib fagtrore bbc dapartment and wassedito e onuii, h ieo arudo agtradR-The guest seaker on Sun- Ë lofU D eCnerai Motens "Tapies" ours whlch cenr ose such a plausa. lightcning the damp-a behiaid bbtphe r.employe magaineuntil 11618 fine auditorium as wa bavaecong affect. e bc eeve's, y crnin. sApil l6tat rý rni w m i fr'aI1Ar"~~f'7IIftg7I/DT' Second Ma'hgr)I is e ajar-Siara thab bima, lia bas 'bcc.Ha thea pra tdth an îd Mayen's Wsrninge, wben !W.Au ruch erviewe cOrndfw m in o l cýnt to bhc plant bhowavanri, anid c i ieanîcyfd kays teHarvey who ln tunshaodMcDerhe thWA.Rime tOhx.1 enr t 245 omnil bbLc difficuilty l acigl eain n ulc pr-prcsaatad them a lngwitb , Iacoerdbng te tbc bermi te b nItnaioa tCoaa1 Authorized dealer - Jacti -Geerl oo AC makes faaediog ipsibe ad ienston C. M. cf Canada spacial vote cf ithanke te bhec Building Inspecton's latter, Ha boid cf tbbc work etf the CIIEEand CANADIAN F00»D cose s upervision, virbtually SOI-. Tic officiai takeoven of 'bbc custodians, Hector and Mac thene was neo bima limit CCdonpplpaigBbe Leb 1'car 'bbc comPony Bagimeot will tk lc nSctigwe wc euo b lsn tbcsOre. in lbiels, imotels, pios !arccted "ýNo Hunbîntg" and "Ne Sunday, May 14, with tbc faithfulhy te keep bbc hall laI It miglit ccnceîvabl taka Tnespamssiog"sin throughoub formal Change ef Command sucb fine condition. SpaciOil tive menthe te sailibbc stock. D,,thefl bcmsrsh, aven putiag tham ccbeduled for 3 p.m. la bbc thanks wae aiso axtandad to don't you think?' hae asked 10CO Off Pruukup vruers Dsohr on poes ut in bbc wabc. A moury. B igadier-General bbc scrtary et bbc R crea- M . D ecbr _____out.HALFt, rPRICEyo (oe 30)Ai Baby said thant despite B. J. Legga, RD, CD, O ST J, ional Board, Mcc. Eiliaa c- 'Ctî. rut, aH ALao thec wscnings, wbli e came Commander and High-Banking Laughio. Hobbs, 'I thiok it's Most un- P R 1C l >oê 30 down te bbcersb atf six, bbc Otticers tcom Central Miliia Lunch sarved by bbc mem airnl te mlslcad this deputa- merning duck scaiso opcned, Headquarbce, Torento Dist- bers ofetbcONO. wae enjoy- Weon thou.lerdne "they vware ai i 1on1gbb ct nt d Units RIT even Ontario cd and bbc remainder o et he an tpb te ncicîa d em F RE E HOM E DELIVERY b lazig asy ike there wîll ha in attendanca. avaoiag was anjoed dancing Syatmp emsen hfi was ws gong n."te bc inemod etFay Ad- bic Ma e rplicd, 'wa'l (mninfimum $300) Idcal Bird Santuar C o ams and Hie Country Rite.0 you're cectainly puting a WITR A QUANTITY 0F SUMLMER TIIINGS Desý,pite, or nthnprecisehy flýi* INote trom Municipal o-guiding band in there'. pi, "lb, wouid lia aiptulîif next Wea1ýk Tht aodcd mDaecVaiclr's I to - n ýilt h r waescme0ne te con ...q lnte gehide stre legaýii ;ed ý,00to$75.00Hfl tact." inr ' l'y Couneil. , A T S A v I N G I m E PR(ewev Dykete: tbeought h: hee 'fi reu ' ýTb:ydls ainf:t O E8g Spmw an1 ultèrnor motivean h labcÈvryoy tCouacil, bfaf tîtU U U lm àacerdance wif'i a resolution cof flic Bowniville Town Counciî, -li.y ieto 'Slad4on. vnn0NE Daylight' Savn e WiII b. eff n h on fBwmnil ahlewancec," ha -said. "As wc i rlc.I Ildte A from 12 i theTow of mPP hava s yatne eiged agrea- Thr-fea people ara in scatie eny RACKa wÀlgia mentwit bb Contis, beyrc actecy condition et Memnorial it esmboywlo1(>ND ONG ER '~'pi puiog nýon bbcesqueeza, hoping Hospital 10 Benwmanviile, fol-' bacc on1 bicrjOnad, ins gambla ODS& ED LUGEIeari ng 7 wc'l cga îl ia uiean. heînga to-cn chliien b onsuch à anzy chance',' CULOTTES -FULL SLPS UN DAY, APRIL ~~~~ ~tn Ha m-ddd i-thtere ile owthe jonction et Tutn ii n ecce. D ~ OS OT WATR IE -.I~.L.V unil1201a~. UNAY CTBE 2th 172bb o-ntieoi, ie, bhut cll ne-deilig meho ak1U budraddol midc CuniDtntflcofic;CryFanisTinei,02,lrelatht a, iny îît BUNCOATS - SLIMES Sunday, Aril 3Othwill be n Dayligt SavingTime, bin are hazrdsong hé-b1963 PntFais co 1,id2d wiiii getlb.S a cra fl c AlSlsFia-NoRf d rEch ge fore n craw(coudlarrivaateibbc1964 CbevyNIl c Cranvilla ah? eand bbc rondND Y, CT BE 2thC192pp i , 4, 20 nince at1kD9,ca sy la pý rss oin g , a o n'cdi saîetnc-Man d rs) htial, î-admo~ it- g iib u".H c Town f Bonuanvlle ien ibi- boed if rahd situa na 0 lî~ ar did oct et 1 knvo hbuwave No fii b WorEAR 'i k at~~~~~~~~~~ionand bbewc euarib e t ure Cadm,ýiss ion e i a"igle p qgo rlo e KIGS1WS BWA IL mak e aalrbua rn. pinb, 4. g1 P-n e t hsj______________________________________________