Car Found At Le,-gion Bewjýmanvillc poliJe recev- ereci a stolen car from the lot of the Canladian Legien, on tha, merning of April 18. The car, owncd by Gaston D'Aoust )f Joncs Ave., Toron- to, was reperteci stelen frem the parking lot of the Gen- osha, Botel, the night before. It was apparently driven rtraight frem Oshawa, te the I.,gien lot. OBITUARY SIDNEY A. McAFEE Thile death of Sidney Alex- miader McAfee, ageci 24 yeaes, occurreci on Wednesday, Aprîl 12, 1972., the resuit of an ac- eident on Park Reaci, Oshawa. Born ai Cheslcy, Ont,, he was the o0 f Me. andi Mes. Wm. S. McAfee andi attend cd S S. Ne. 4 andi South Courtine Public Sehools. On March 22, 1969, he marrec the former Jean MeQuat. The deceaseci resideci ai 291 Marlanci Ave., Oshawa, andi before meoving there liveci at PR. 2, Bowmanville. Be was employeci with Custom Gard- enîng Services andi was a memiber of Ebenezer United Church. Be was aise a mcm- bcr ef the Orange Ledge, Osh- awa. bSurvivîng are bis wifc, Jean, bis parents, Me. andc Mrs. Wm., S. McAfee, and a daughter, Joy Ann. Also survîving are three brothers andi feue sisters, William, Peter, Thomas, Mes. F,. Dîemer (Margaret), Mes.1 D. Bulloch (Evelyn), Mes. G. Patton (Kathleen) and Mes. R. Megn(Phyllis). The dceccaseci resteti ai the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bew- manville, with furicral service i Ebenezer Unitedi Churela on Fridany, Apeil 14th, conducteci by Rev. Davidi Barris. Inter- nit was in Ebenezer Ceme- Palibearees weee Messes. Peter McAfee, Thomas Me- Afen , William McAfee, Garyj Patton, Randy Morgan andt1 Egoh Diemer. GET CASH TODAY STATESMA N Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae... C017NTY CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. 623-2586 Preparing for lite BHS 'Learn-In' This Fali "There will ie more famous people in Bowman- Brock and at King held o t sheaf s of postiv rples ville this flu than there have been in the past 50 years," to their'invitations "to ail sorts of people," akn them sai d Mrs. Margaret Shea, as she, Kathy Burgess, Linda to speak at BHS' 'Learn-In" on October 25 and 26. Rabies on I ncrease 'Rabies is on the increasa in, our area, and parents of young children are urged to eemind them of the potential danger of attempting to play with or catch wii.d animais,' warns Charlotte Horner, Mcd- ical Officer of Health. 1 Prompt attention for the bites or scratches of any ani- mal is necessary, she adds, but in the cx cnt of sîîspect--d rabies, notification of the peoper authorities is a legal. requirement. Ail demestie animals, the Healtb Officer said, should be protecteci with rabies va-c- cine, and anyone coming In contact with a possibly rabid animal should immnediately contact their dioctor, the police, uthe Dcpartment of Ag-ý riculture and the local Healh Unit. The teamwork cf these peýople is the only possible way te kecp the disease un-. decr control, she addcd. 1 When You Ea.ýt Us Also Impotant if you are skipping breakfast, it could he upsetting your whlole daiiy balance of food in- take. This is even true if you are on a diet. By morniug you bave already used up t»Wo thirds of the energy supplied by your eveniag aneal. By mid-morning there is nothiag left and you could drag most ail day -long. What about vitaminis? We believe a prop- erly planned vitamin supplement can be im- portant and xwe carry a complete stock of vita- min products inade 1by reputable manufacturers. But, they are in no. way a substitute for a wel balanced daily diet. Start your day off right. You could feel better for it. BEAUTIFY VOUE HOME AND TOWN!ý Ask fo r your FREE package of flower seeds. Noth- ing to buy, no obligation to make a purchase. It'sý FREE! 67 KING ST. E4ST BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2546 T A~re you receiving our catalogues? To obiain your free Summer Catalogue, please MI1 out th c -oupon below and return te:, S$IMP SOu"N S-SE AR S Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa Ontario Name ----------- . ----------------------------- Address - - ------------- Town - T elep h o n e ----------- --------------------- The riedly Store in the Ce ebrte5Oth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Percy Porter Me. and Mes. Perey Porter the occasion, the eefresh- oi fthe churcb. Later, the im- vveee guests cf honour at a ments bcbng in charge of the mediate family gatherei et >- vcry happy Golden Wcdding Womens Evening Greup Thc their'home for dinner. Out- AAnnîvcrsaey on Saturdir.y, of-town guesis attcndcd from Apeil 22nd, wbich ,vas bnci Rcev. J. S. Gllchrist presenteci Toronto, Mimico, Waterloo, * in St. Andrcw's, Presbyterian the bride andi groom of fftY Ottawa. Leam ngton, London, Sunday School Hall. The Hall years with two rGcking chairs Pembroke, Gan anoque andi was beautifullyvdecorated tfui on behaif of the conigregatic.-r Delta. Last Sunduay, Mr, and Mes. Mvr. Crant Wade attcndcd Ronnie Henderson visited Wallace J3oughcn, with Rcv. the executive meeting cf the Terry Milîson at Norwood, V nci Mes, T. Smith, Newcastle. Umpires Association in Kng- avec the wcckcnd. w-ee taken ont to supper at stIen on Wcdnesday. Mr. andi Mes, Ted Watts of the Golden Milie Restaurant Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Port Hope wcre supper guesis by Rev. Ted Snelgrove, aftcr F. Gilmer includeci Mr. and on Sunclay with Mes. Mary * which ail attendeci the special. Mrs. Jim Gilmer and Lynno, Wade and Grant, i ervice in Port Hope Unitedi Port Hope, on Sunday, and Mr. and Mes. Ray Tomp- Church sponsored by the cn Monday, Mr. andi Mes. kins were visitors, Sunday af- -~"Bigla C" Crouo. Raoynmd Gilmer, Stevcn and ternoon, with Mr, and Mes. Mr. andi Mes. Ebeet Elliott Daici, cf Islington. Gordon Clysdale, Oshawa. cf St. John's, Newfoùndland, A bridai shovwcr in hone Mr. andi Mes. C. H. Lanc wce,ée calies at the Mar-s'xcf Miss Winnie, Vandeemeer wcre among those attcnding *wlthý Rev. Snelgrovc, the fiesL of Bowmanville was helci at the Newcastle A ngl1i ca n nartof lst wek.the home of Mes. Mary Wade,r Chuech supper, Sunday. "M-irt oflas wek.Tîîesday evening. Mrs. Clîff Reid cf Bowsman- Me. Dave Fletcher cf Mer- ville and Miss Flossv Graham r1ec, Miehigan, was a visiter cf Newcastle were Sunday on Friday with bis parents, calies with Miss A. Ncsbîtt, S E, A F-1,Mr. and Mes. Ken Flecher, Me. and Mes. F. Bendeeson and Mr. and Mîs. Alf. Brown aceompanied by Mes. -Marie of Bowmanviiie spent Friday Trim, Mes, C. Beown and Mes. cveriing wjvth the Fietchees. Bil Wadc of Newcastle werc Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Mereill Sunday calies with Mc, anci ofCamphellford weee calies Mes. Jim Gilmer, Port Hope. with Mes. Bea Joncs during Last Tuesday the Cubs en- the week, andi Mes. Carman joyeci an eveninig cf swim- Coenish, Orone, was a visitor ming at the Oshawa Auditor- on Sunday with ber mother, ium Pool. Mes. Jones.1 This Monday evcning, the MVr. and Mes. Fred Hender- Scouts arc having a Pollution son -andi Carol wcre Saturday Drive on Bighway 401, dlean- eveninc 'sisitoes with Me. and ing up hotties andi rubbish. Mes. Bey. Hendeeson, Bec'- Tuesday evening, tbey plan _________________ nanville. to, go swlmming at the Os1 - Miechelle Hallowel cf MIr awa Auditorium Pool. 'Tbey rish spent the wcekcnd avîtii wish toe xtcnd a wclcome te Shelley Brown. the ncw Assistant Scoutmas, Mr. and Mes. Don Vinkie tee Jerry Batherson, recentiy were visitors with Mc. andi meveci to Brownsville, wbere 4 Me s. Bill Clark and famiiy, lie intends doing his part in rnIarnBethany, over the weekend. helpfing' promet Scout activi- ~UIIIVCI1Mc. Vernon Staccy is a tics. VAUE ~patient In Memorial Hospital, A Paper Drive is pIanineci _5ý whcre lie undeewent surgery for Saturday, May 131h, se last wcek. please have yeur buiîdies tied There were 113/,,tables In and outside,' reacil for pick- play ai the Card Party in the up, Pop botties. aise, wili be Cenamunity Bail, Friday ev- accepteci foc pick-up. enîng, with these winnees: Newtonville t.C.W. * eT igh lady, Carol Weathccup; Ncwtonville U.C.W. met in low lady, Jean Peerin; higli the Sunlday School hall oni Man, Robin Aldeead; low Wednesday evenine, Apeil 19, * man J. Willems; 50-50 draw, and President Bea Joncs * ....~ ~Mes. MacDonald. opcned with a bymn, follow- .S R.x'. Snelgrove's Sunday cd by the Lord's Prayer in 7 merning tapie was "The im- unîson.- Minutes of previaue _______________________ partance cf belleving in a liv- meeting wcre read by Assist- ing God, whorn wc can talk ont Sccretary Margaret El- to), instead of about," The liott, as weii as the financIal choir sang "Thee's a Grea't report, in the absence of the 'ýDay Coming."~ treasueer. Me.a, dMes. Wallace Bon- The two girls who plan te gben wee among those at- attend Quin-Mo-Lac Camp ------------------ i.j. --tnding the Odd Fellowe' Ibis summer werc votedci 10 rhurch parade, Sunday marri- eacb, te assist with expenses. Ï ng, in Oshawa's Kingsview Our speaker for the coming ----------- - - - -------- Chu chAnniversary wiil be Rev,1 Me" H11 Triai, with Me, and Mackenzie, andi a rcqucst fer[ r s' Bert Trim andi Mr. and tihe hymnt Is te be sent hîmi MsEci Rowc ard Tiffany, by the sccretary. The presi-) attcndcd the meening service dent expresseci ber apprecia- il Trinity United Churcli, lion te al lb ose who haci Bowmanville, wherc the in- looked atter her doUies in ber fant daugbter cf Mr. andi Mrs. absence, andi "thank you'ý O ha a enreCharlie TrIm was ernong the notes were reaci from ýhs, dinner guesto- with thre latter,. Committe Leadership Day lf teF tire :se _M , 4 will be Mlda atKinaview~ Churcb, Oshawa, on Aprit 26, and there will be a school for £LUJ.ILJ Leaders at Quin-Mo-Lac early in September for ?nvone'irn- Tyros ar e holding their tercsted. A note was reaci paper drive, this Saturday from Kirby U.C.W. requesting morning, Kindly tie your Dora. Store tapcsi. bundies securely. Mirs. Lancaster read an In- The Par k Board are holdinig tercsting and amusing a('- their firecracker display in ,count (written by herseîf) of the park, May 22nd. Your thie difficulties wbich had to donations would be gratefully be. surmounted in preparinga the( Float for the Easter Par-cepd hnyoarcaei ade, whîch, incidentally, was 01 awarded first prize, A note of There werc 16 tables at the appreciation Is to be sent j, Euchre Friday night, Win- S. J. Lancaster for bis time fiers were Mrs, May Gooci- andi labor in helping arrange mian, Mr. R. Gibbs, Mrs, Mar- the affair. jorie Pascoe, Mrs. Gract, Mrs. Mary Jones volunteer. Manns, Mrs. Nellie Lunn, ed ta make the tickets, again, -edro n e o1ns for the annual supper, May HedI o nd BaJn~ 31, and Violet Gilmer agreed andi a p3pe, witten by Ivrs. to look after the advertising. Agnes Burley on "The inys of Complimentary tickets were bein.& a Christian" was reaci. voted several people wlho Roll eall was answered by 14 have assistcd our Society in members, after wvhlch a mnusi- varlous ways, and tickets are cal contest was held, winner to be available In advance ai bcing Lorchen Adams. Meet- the Fupper. ing closed with the sîinging cf Unit Leader Shirley Mar- "An Evening Prayer," aniir tell presented the worship lunch :was served by the period, assisted by Bernice group. ____ The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 26, 1972 Mrs. Rene Anderson and Mîs. Maxine Brock; 50-50, M"s, Nellie Lunn. Sorry Mes. Mac Hamilton, a former resîdent of Tyrone community, bas been 111, but glad to report she is improv- i ng. Ail wish her a SDecdy recovery. Mr andi Mrs, J. C. Cook returned home iast wveek from their wînter holiday in [Florida. Mr. Haroldi Gaskir. Daw- son Settlement, N.B., Mr. andi Mrs. Reginald Gaskin and family, West Hill, were Sat- urday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mr. an-d Mes, Wray Falla- down, Burlington, were Sun- day guests of Me. andi Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Sympathy to Mes. Jean Abrams on the sudden passing of ber brother, Mr, Clore Levons of Rexciale. Mr. and Mes, Robert Ham- lton, Toronto, spent Sunday, with bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Hamilton, Miss Jean Pbilp visited ber brother, Dr. Cyril Philp of Waterloo, now a patient ln Toronto General Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, F. L. Byani visited Mrs, Ethel Horton, Oshawa, on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs, Heeb Payne and family, Mes, C. Harpfr, Seagrave, weee Sunday sup- per gucsts of Mr, andi Mrs, Bill Roy and Debbie. School feiends of Debhie Roy helnedl celebeate her Stn. bîrthciay on Wednesday at her home, Congratulations, Debbic, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Maguire retured home from an enj oy- able holiday ln Florida. Sunday morning. lËv. R. Hopkins' sermon was taken. from II Corinthians, chapter 5, verse i. The Explorers sang two numbees with Mrs. J. Vaneyk and Pat Woodley accompaniment on the piano, momm