Youth Bowling April 29th jTerry, M. Chittick. BANTA BOYSWinflers of 2ndl schedule - Wknners of the first sched-,R. ouwmeester . aser ule-arY Wood W san J Pearson, B. Barreil. Thiessen, Steve Ogden, Mich hs]taswi rl f aei VowLes, Steve Howarth, for the, chan.pionship, Satjrr ]Jany Seeha. 'day, May 6th at 12:30 p.mj. Winners of 2nd Schedule sar Barry Wood, Bret Richards, e Steve Dunnu, Robert Bond, Brian Sarginson, Steve How M erry Mi akers for 'the chamrpionshîp, Satur- Bowling __t_ ____________ daýy, May 6th at 12:30 p.m. sapBANTAM GIRLS High Single, Clara Sargin- Present Guest Skaters' W ith Gif-,at S u c ceCsLfru_ 1lCarnival Winners of the first sched- isoni 263; High Double, Clara ule-Bonniîe Lane, Eleen Gib- Sarginsan 470; Hîgh Average, onM Cindy Luxton, Gayle Mary Huisman 208, B -hop, Leona Stacey. Wi orfa 2nd schedule-. G esor O Angle Luxton, Cathy Lane Doth Moe21, ar Ehonda Melanson, Stephanie Huisman 253, Ev. Bishop 209,% Heath, Bobbie Ann Fairey. , raSrinson 263, 207. Wendy Stevens. Ta-m Standings rhese teams willrol ff-r Townsi -y---249------ ----- the championship, Saturday Huisman ------------ 24735 ~1 ~ r M,-v 6th at 12:30 p.m. shaip. Smith --------------- 2429D " otfogt the Bowling Moiore ---------22----- Banquet, Mav 27, 6 p.m., at agnn249 the Legion Hall.,________ JUNIOR BOYS Winners of lst schedulc . Mosher, L, Dadson, M. Reyn- otris, R. Terry..un y Bo l g D). Gray, P. Lavigne, R. StaceY, Alley Cats ý(2nd sched.) 6384 R. Terry, M. Teonant. Aley Cats (lst sched.) 5919 These trnrs will rol Off~ Head Pins (lst sched.) 6184 for the caposi Satur- Screw Balîs (2nd sched.) 5857 dhayMy t t 230P High Single - N. Henning sharp1291,'B. Partner 241~ JUNIORGIRLS igh Triple - G. Wilson Winners of lst schedule-C 73B.Prte 68 Mitchell, K. Liixton. K. Dow, Oe 0 .Blatn P. Van Meer, J. Butiler. 5zibrqHeng292u, Wrnners of 2nd scheduic 51-7.,N. ennng 9.-07, > K. Luxton, R. Luxtan, A al,4,C.Sode Hodgsoo. S. Mchelson, P . Partner 223-241-224, C.~ Van Meer ~Knapp 209, Ron Good 255-231, . . " Teetas will rail off R. Stils 217, S. Goodmurphy .., ,, . for the champion-ship, Satur- 21,ONnp 27 .Wlo day, May 6th a 12:3 0 pin 215, G. Sinmpson 261_1D. Brid- ' sapger 208, L. Adams 223,G.g SEIRMXD Wilson 203-29118 " Winners of lst schedule-D League Final for the season. D). Smale, L. Whitehead, V~i, New1v LIuerLy Belles Af ter the show was over, presentations were made ta ges Mrylin Tink, Mrs G. Kennett and Connie Ford. In the front rw N wvle Sarvte L4skaters, who had helped make the Carnival such an cxcÎting ev ent le fIt ta right, Todd Wilbur, Barbara McGuirk, Mary Jane Bradley, Bowling League Icf t ta right, are- Linda Tasker and Alian Carson, Ron Shaver and Tîmimy Preston, Kevin Anyan, Lynette Tink, Monica Piekard and Bo ln Kr enîgJane Brown, Michelle Fauntain, John Burges, ____fefe Thursday, AprÎl 27, 1972 Qi1ÎgKal"Bnn, Averages O I edaepil2f tits fields af action are enlarg- K Gail Milison 196, Doris.OnTusdYAp'l2thtn3V ejJ d every year. '1aIt Tompkins 196, Joyce Staccv two top teains bowîed for tho IMn tte1W l 1,r7ý2.ýju5 o niM'I te J iButwitoutthlactveSup priII's 190, Elane Marhant 8, championship). 1A , Btwtotteatv u MagMagDonald 189, -Marl ne The winners were: Eerr' The last few years have Whatever the icasons, we wo arementaîîy i. poirtcan mae very uiln eoped-pluin. sh .g ssi Stace-y 189, Dorothy Stark 18 rde atKyBac-be ins oa nrosacntaoei uhatmt. Il docs this. morever, in way. Our support of Mental Durîng the winter, sait is MreTrim 183, Olive Rend- ard, Yvonle Edmondsan, MëÀr- growth of community con- Mental Heath/Canada is con- alm nia topcea -elhCnd sntai pedo ihasbmi er.son 183, Jean McQuat 180 ian Henning, Florence Land, sciousncss. Much of this may cerned with helping ta bringa iendnatopr s1-alhCaasno ny ra nhgwast mt PBernîce Hendersan 179, Rorie Darothy Fax, Reta Fiee. have been due ta a larger about a more healthy, more social]y chatic as this caun- the support of hcalth and weli- snow and ice. When spring Wo'ýods 176, Nadine Trimble Runners-up: Capt. Brenda awareness, the assessment of vigorous 111e for everyonc - try has ever seen. Mental iii- being for ourselves and aur cames, signs of the winter sait- 171, Shirley Marteli 166, Dale Stephens, Pauleen 'Corntsb, today's values on the part af right in the community itsci.f. ncss, emotianal disturbance - familles, but for evcry mcmn- ings hegin ta show. Sait wat- ,Frn165, Peggy Milîson 164, Mary Lane, Aun Carauma, El- many of our young people, Il reaches out ta improve in 'young or aid - cannot be ber af the cammunities ifl cr runoîfs frQm highways sink Cathy Lambert 162, Lynda len Coomies, Rase Morris, Some of it may bc the inevit- public attitudes towards ment:- propcrly separatcd from. the whîch we live. it h ae alTi Wllshcr 162. Marg Gulland Blanche Carr. ýabie outeome of a dloser vicw ai illncss; ta improve facilities social problems surrounding it, t is, in the end, affirma- can affect the sali that plants 159, Karen Carter 143, Babby Winners af the hiddenl.aI the planet on whicha we al] and services to the mentally and Mental Health/Canada is lion and support af a healthy and trees grow in as well as Clarke 137, Caroi Topple 135. scOres:z; Yvonne Edmondson, m-ust live, aur recognition af iii; ta foster prevention and fuliv aware of this fact. B3e- and invigarating -ommunity the drinking water of anim'ais ligh single, Marlen, Stacey Mary ~e, Faye, Luxtona its friltiT, and the terrible encourage researc~h. It is deep- cause of this, its canceros and'hIe in which il can take part. and humans, 280; high triple, marg Ma- ar KndMr.elad vulnerabiiity ta destruction of iy consciaus of its heavy re- Donald 700- high average, Gaîl Pansy JohnstonHlnCo the wealth of natural resaure- sponsibilities as a voluntary, MiisnDois Tompkins 196. Bessie FreJn olin~ es to which it is constantiyntinwiehcih raza- 2O0 ae oRcShcitn o ' givirt birth ition, and attempîs an evcrv Milîon 60,Elane arcant LibrîyBaw prscned î~enow attcmpling ta reach more' a ceaselcss light for commun 256-25 ag MacDonald 253- trehg~tgmsbwe closeiy for that community af ity and legisiative action la wll hcp gaictagîetar mdialsocalaadoccpa 24,26, JaceStccy 2-20, O eaîhfteL uet;lvsmean xeinand srposs. ilaaire abhitcatingfor ilÈ Gullnd 28, ernie Heder $Bele 00eecuivners an r Doris Tom 93bowher I(-i wouid like frtater 1ertiean rk sayes ~~~~~~~ason ta andMAainOsrnC c ss a e D iv s CakyCodurlore s ncae Land a 4a4s - Boobi Beilaps - 42 an fr th weeky scres iylh gintiust frIreatian an, ecisaasn ard Mcl ec 2wek d hi pstyer.MofrLgu.oe and m rp aI ailtas cn hfoundil bulanue Ma11) at6:0 a a 6:0 pm. Meoral ar exensvelalesjoybl folowag biycingbadmana Por Hpe. ___ ___ Cubaus. __ ____ eas ortansItalonre- ainlilstraitonaf eig ________ - favorite acOsvoryeaIcboys a: M id ets Wrs'-,-a s h Cars for Jackets ponouanad tisrneedP not-staes m i îe. sreu Biderstndiag a bicycl safoi Boob'e Bprocedur--s-mBasica wlylthscoye bbcte divepaI ve cj aq and ur cheule in chidre no, sys he ntaio uitar reguatio ns abesofpo TubbbiTitees such-as dr-vin--s-g38 -weeMoreand orfle ofail on th e rigt sda the roadway.rts Buteda cyclist ear. WoRr Leagu wiilpeope ar fining hat h ucidN O lin k r thats heha , the same aforantagHaraeyaPdrtv ne roh. o'tfr\ a libiyl ofrercnvneni - aiothrghei ha nped our be helby his sma]lM tsize, slawer sp",c' and e \\ yab e lessi, iacyclihîs ai n- bnanruustaMdregu18ions 6:30e îles ta6t:d0larg lawosfor yu AilPaurka at 1 s5t trm db; wen f asotain e-tîli intcyciiog ta be bt sad l y V nga&Satno prhs.sne sale ande. fuun.usenA., eotsatdilîrtlue ir P lutosa wel ars for Jackla The Onai Whtrbett e a id es W sh Cpota u tra a poiutansd ear, acar ita ts aire despteatighte at Ron Mutton's Sheil station, K~~drstning St at ams oe aprhs akl olto ontricye aues. for he eam Ths cew erepar ofthefirb siftandbhe weekpt usyBu tha nrive octranei yend withcusomes. he ven wà mot se cssfu acordng a al rpors 0W biathesîcd fla Ivh c- _____1_,uay ioutswhy: ry pre.i ielyadeontiy the pogh llut- -Y R2 bthecradwby.Ihetnaedyc.it2 the sytein vales sa dmie- o mrscoer, bcwhan bea ra ero no h tm fdr ic beam bitsanaasompgavd Welcme t thewondrfu word aIChinse ood I tu Latis tamaand hereore asi hOl6 his,îitfo heiht ;in-dachrge up o-ofanod istionciventteraabotfolXo-ra 29,-" dis wFee-.PLe4'0ard L sLoLhàtrad t Garde Resaurat, were ou wll ejoy te sutiebes ~ C tese ach aiclegolaieffecî, 100-PT. 5,A APP;V . .XI. .ON .O . .fe. IL.C.1. cuisine. OurmenuLet exoticgandtlegedaargeitaisfilfed ibh.eeryldeengdo bfofi1gerprnted. Tdane If ou pprcibe chng ofpac frm he rdiar oreaubedistcingishe Ioa sgude runninerevandsfun.nd naur f mrlyoilnjoarb; besalframoUS.strnotmon site T'he Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, Mayý 3, 19q72 tute, 9.8 million bons aI sait veere tbrowa on the, nation's tiighways last winter. En- vironmentalisîs are arouscd because oif the negative effecta of sait on wildlife such as rabbits and pheasants. And salby soit is toxie ta some ,plants, and trees, such as Ver- mant's magnificent su ga r maples that tura a brilliant red lu f al.,- Vermont - whicb is wor- ricd about ils drinking watcc, Loo - is naw using salI very sparingiy an ils highways. ILast.winter il was thrown an I in pioches înstead af shovel- fuis. Some town coruacils in New Engiand - spurred on by arouscd citizens -, have ai- ready banned sait Irom their roads or bave startcd a phas- cd replacement of sait by $and., The gaverament's En- viranmental Protection Agcncy -for the first time-is about to pub a limait on the amount of sait acceptable for drink- ing watcr. This is sure ta affect the. highway de-icing issue, according ta experts. Whathappens on highways 1 COMAPLETE SERVICE Wc will excavate, grade and lay asphait In your personal driveway or patio. Guarantecd workmnanship by skilled personnel with the latest equipment. PHONE 623-5410 FOR FREE ESTIMATES, C~flUEU FUELS& SILrnLiN PAVING I-MASTER - COI.E MOTOR [10-voit CClE. motor resista stal- :ck with sde dicharge. Chrorned dle withl inger- 1&o; 71 wheel, w F 9 îs. Legs cord.. -2 M O W RS . .$ A 18" BLACK & DECKER LCTI Twîn biades; 10 amp double- i slîd mator. Swing handie; hut-m swî -,h, Higl-setion vortex-pan for seamieýs mowîng. 5i/4' ad- ý instable wheels. Lesord 5 Your far ily will marvel at bhc exobie cuisine and your day-[r. Irviag . . eliîcofr 15 willbe mst rwardng. director af theEnviroamental will c mos rewading.Sciences Laboralory aI Maun.-t When you enterbain or have an occasion ta celebrate, i5miai School of Medicine in flatter your gi ests. Serve themn an array of these deliciaus New York City, where the Chinese specialties. Your, part will be a success and your ',, n'ysse î en esc.l Mighty Bt ggs & Strattan en. The Extrai PYthe study af paihutants, gine; 10' front, 131 est evening will be most pleasant. framn autopsies, hie saîd. would whecia; reco i tart. Blade A.THROTTLECONTROI Whether yau dîne at home or at bhc Lotus Gardens be examincd ta lind ouI whatlucxdjsaebaepd- LWIL-EGTD Retuant, aur Iluscious gourmet foods assure you of a kind af pallution was rcach- ddsa elwBah .IPEERTR pleasant, memnorable experience. Thank You, jing andsaîgiha uSI gL.RINUOKwt 8fon,1'etwee, steel; 1' 50 22' izes. Con The Managemn ugPDrSlkf . REPLACEMENT BLAI Peen sanîples la his iaboratary dat- rait start, Briggs & Stratton engne.24 " i.LAEHBKTu FREE HOME DELIVERY ,-ing back ta 1912, and by coim- ied wth Black trim.2495 E LDHUYThu ON M paring carlier sampies wibh $3.50 MINMU ORDERcurrent ones hie hopestaso FOR SUPERB SERVICE thArn a i oiuinsBRITISH-BUILT HAND-MOWER PLAECALL QTakn o i ol-,Budget-easyr'SuffoWk; 5-blade at ~ 0LAS Trgaclindegle weffaedraPoilu4 lion is a job for scientisîs and lA inShff 623-5583 or 623-3473 c~~Jonceracd cîtizens alike. Sec u -c olr Yg hea yourlclubrussan 16e cut model with 3-section reler... $78 ,otus Vardens resniratary disease associa.tion 12' with rubber-tired 73/' wheis.,.$48 ta find out how you! cao help.16 RESTAURANT Il's a malter af 111e andâ cars that steed.amollions of affects our ives. Cars are thý maj or source f air pollution. Using public transportation whenever feasible, can reduce. the number of cars on ur highways, There are ail kinds of wa ,î to fight pollution, including_ air pollution. Sec your tuber- culosis and respratory dis- ease association to find out some f them. I's a matter of life and breath. HEATING SPECIALIST 1 Quen Street gowrnanville PHONE 623-7591" 24 HOUE SERVICE Oi,Gas & Electrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa-, tions - Central & Window Units - Clare Hecla& Findley Equipnient -Free Estimates Budget Terms Available Bowmanville 138 Wharf Rd.