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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1972, p. 10

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The canadian ttsl ,~wani1,May 1, 1972 uam ArcNw By R., D. Stork Assistant Agricultural Representa'tive Happy Litti'e One-Year-rOJd 4-M New 4-M Clubs Planned1 Don Stevenson, Shbe ep Orga-ý,ý,1nniatoelMeetiing' Reid tFailowing the Organiza- Specialiet wîithOntario Min- ~ ~ , 0n etî 1 y Apil 22nd lietbinal Meting aI Ornoa on isbry of Agriculture sud Food >/ 0rg~uztsaaiMeeting fan 4 bbc 22ad, il vas evident thene ebtes Itth err ui H Agnicuual Clubs lan Dur- wvae a od 'deal of interest lier of milk neplacers on the '.,<'>" <' arnConty was held in the ln a number of aew 4-B I manket but fewv are suitabie,"<»~ '$ 1-.O f. all, Orano. . Abau, Clubs, for 1972. 'Ail clubIbtimb milk replacere. lj 88, anmbrssd parente et- ivere iu aporatian, in 1971 will Ibis* release, Don cites the fol- ýcd ie(' meeting. once again lie openeting. lawing recommiendations, as These are: Hanse sud Pony, givea by the US. Meat Auim- $ JsmRscard PrsidntSenior, Poato, Swine, Hope ai Reseenci Contre: <' ' " th~ 4-H luLaders As- Caîf Club, Pouitny, Beef, 1) Milk replacer sliould con- '» ' IÀîa iair e ibe eeting. Dairy, Sheep, Grain sud Carn tain 30%/, fat sud 24% pro- lsaritli: c meting aft, Jim sud Becielor Survival. Plans loin on e dry mralter, basis. n~~tdan the variaus 4 B are new going aiead ta sot 2) A-'void il]k repiacre t eaesta give ealiief rua- u0 a Fanm Macinery Club, more than 25%/ lactose (milk i"' ctow ouhemr club. The p05' a Ladecape Gardouing Club sugar). Wbey praducte are ~ v siiy fnrew clubs wes dis- sud aRaiiClb highinl lactose sud shouldli i suesedisud I here was a gaod Tie Farm Macinery Club used et a minimum. deal df Pineel shoîva ip Ibeso. will lie laaking et mechenics 3) The 'replacer siould li1 1Zdiwn bis,a seee out- of motors, opratian of me- diluled wsth water loa eni- i, ig vaiauis 4-B, activities cinory and atber erees 0f murni at 15% dry malter ý ........ 41iuig [Ihe summoir was baud- intereet.. The Landscapiug proferahly 20% dry mate r for ïýCouýttola Ibse iia albeuctance. Gardening Club wiil involve lie ftire.t weck. '.,bs tiiies include: 4-B1 such Ibinge as: selliug up 4) Mix repiacers lharaugbiy B.eýgianalj Conferience, Judgiinglflower lieds, grafbing and liud- betore feediag. Copoiio sarc ieemofdig tIrees and genenai 5) Mix replacere la wenm ý iny, ae l fadi!Àtin latlie iandscapiug pra codunes anound water but chiili ta 35-40 de-i negla metigs e aci lie home. Te Relibit Club,. grees Fabreuhil betane feed2- lu.Mmes thonî filled eut undo lie ileadership of Elmer iug.1 The chieerful lltemies in the atbove photo je rneflri fo rmns indicaliug HIuggiîs of IBlackstock, xiii Two milk replacers appear MlsaLn atr agtra n u r.Lw 1h. pnj obelbey wisb la lake aa lie tring, ehontly. tlumeet Iliese speificatians ila the comriug yýear. Supplies Ifo are iatereslod in auy sud are maufacluned in rence Patter, Oshawa. Melissa Lyan, who celebrabed suci as: record boe4-H e hoenew cuso tCnaa uulMl r- ber first birthday on April 41h., is the graaddaughter Projeclý signesud 4-B gale lie esteblishod clubs, yau scli ducte manufactures a producl af Mn. and Mrs. Harold Patter of Hampton and Mn. ~lgn~ cr Ieapicked up liy have lime ta enroil by cen- ývzich le 24% pratoin sund 30% ~4ie membens. A question tacting aur office. We will fat sud is eoid aI $35,00 per and Mis. Clffard Cuffe of Newcastle. lier greal-grand- peidfollowed sud tien the lot you kaow when lie meet- cwl. The allier je Supertreal parents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pobter af Hampton. ýjciiugwaes djourned. insgewililibe eld sud so on. Lai Milk Replacer which se Milk Replacers- for Lambs 124% prabein sud 30% fat. o i e i n o r s 1~,1~u~st. John mulne l, vuN Genieral Insurance PIREEsud AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Contact: HTARRY VOERMAN 623-3111 or 623-3950,, '3 KING ST. E. ADVANCED FARMINO SYSTEMS LTIi, &U3 Guelph St.,'IKitchener, Ont. (519) 578-5200 Bocx 86 .. ronio sil eriCali ta 10 p.m. serice PrmptInvestment (Sai Cllet -6-9,86,evn N ursing Bursaries St.' John Ambulance Brigade -The late MssMacl'aren arnnounces that applications for was Superinte-deat-in-Chief of nursbing bursaries mus,, be the St. John Ambulance Bni- received at National Head- gade. She realized the need quartens in Ottawa by May 1. for incneasing the number of The buïsaries are granted well preparednursesF to func- through the Margaret Mac- tion -in the broad fleld of de- Lqa.e])Mem,-oial Fund and the veloping Health Services in Counvtess~ Mountbatten Bursary Canada. Both, funds 'are 'dedi- Fund anPýd are available ' to cated ta this purpose. as 'wel eithier maies or females enter- an ta encouraging' volunteer ing or contiauing thein studies membens "of -the St. John Arn- in a School of Nursing or alhulance Brigade ta enter the University. nursing profession. __ - Application forms are avail- ale from Miss M. M. Hunter, L ONG SAULT Cief Nursing Officer, National Headquarters, St. John Amn- Mr. and Mrs. E. Mann, Mn. hulance, Boxý 388, Terminal Douglas Mann, Raglan, were "A", Ottawa, Ontario. Saturday supper guests and Mr., and Mrs. B. Baker and Pamela, Oshawa, were Sun- OBJTUABLY day supper guests o M.and Mrs. G. B3aker. MUS. RUPERT WERRY Mn. aa ad Mns. J. C. Cook Followiag an illness of fu were Sunday supper guests of months, the death of Mrsq. Ru- the Smiths.1 pent Werry, aged 78 years, oc- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Clifford curred on Friday, February 1l, and family, Burketon, Mr. and 1972, at Port Perry Commun- Mrs.- Dave Hall, Hampton, ity Nursing Home. weneSunday:supper guests of Daughter -of the late'Joseph Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and aad Elizabeth Sandenson, the boys. former Eunîce Henietta San- Mrs. George Armoun, Miss derson was bora la Cartwright Bertha Anmour, Hampton; Mr. Township aad received ber and Mns. Garry Cornish aad education i lBIac ket oc k Shannon, Tyrone, wene Tues- schools. On March '3, 1920, day supper guests of Mn. aad she manied Mn. Rupent Wenry. Mns. Sidney Cornîcli and girls, A lite-long nesident of the celebnating Mrs. A r nio ar's Blackstock area, the deceased bîthday. and lier husband lived for Mn. aad Mrs. Albert Van- many years, foflnwing their dyk, Bradfond, Mr. and Mrs, nianniage, on their fanm pnop- Paul Vandenbink and son, enty. As a housewife, bier in- Whitby, were Sunday dinner tenests centred arouid lber guests 0f Mn. and Mrs. W. family and home, and also Van eyk. took an active interest in 1Mn. and Mns. W. Vaaeyk womea's groupe ia ber youag- visited Mn. and Mrs. A.; Mill- er years. She was a memben Sont, Saturday eveaîag. of Nestleton Presbyteriani Mns. W. Vaneyk accompanied Chunrch. by Mrs. John Vaaeyk, Tyrone; MrsVr ny is sunvived by MIrs. H. DeMille, Bowmaaville two sons, Roy of Blackstock and Mrs. Chas. Penwardea, and Robent of Kingston, and visited Mns. Paul Vanderbrink, aiea by three gnandcbildrea. Whitby, Thunsday afternoon. She was predeceased by ber Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mur- husband, a son, John, and a nhy aad Trevon, Mrs, -Sophie daughter, Aileen, Kayacs wene Sunday supper The funerai service was gueste of Mn. and Mns. G.. held, on Monday, Febnpiary Kovacs and girls. 14th from the McDermott- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Erce- Panabaker Funenal Home, govac and Anna attended a Port Perny, and was coaduct- friund's weddiag in Toronto, ed by:Rev. Victor Pansons, ln- Satuirday afternoon. terment was la Union Ceme- Itery, Cadmuis. Palibeaners were Messrs. ~WNERS elWry arSad- 10 p.m. Keitb Van Camp. $50,OOAý longbard wiater can do I and reduce your payments a lot of damnage ta stroot and nd or 3rd. mortgage on sen- noad surfaces according ta the Ioday for he1pful caurteous Ontario Moton League. Watch Corp.y330 Bay St., Toronto. out for potholes and rough ings231-146.spots. An unnoticed break in uge 31-846.the pavement can he hazard- ________________ius Ibetter to, iý Than' toLie( Co n s tell1e Tom Homes, tameus for bis Blonde Brown- les and bis safely couuselliug tan Oshawa Fwhool ehiidren, receutly addressed lie Kins- 1mon ot Bowmanvilie, but is ujctwas -neithen traffic [non bis cuiuary expertise. Whal ho did was encepsul- ate hie cousidenabie know- ledge of lie drug problomi in thls ares, for anolier of bis caais s that of liaison officer wibh the yautb efthle O s b e w a, sud particularly wibi the 56 Coîborne St. Est praject, a residential Ireat- ment couler fan drug sud other youag peepie's prob- Be tbld Kinsmen thel hoý couldn'b eey for sure whelber or flot liere were druge used ia Bowmanviile, but could1 ouly spoak tram hie oexpeni-ý once la Oshawa, .wbere druge are la use, 'in eiementary echoole, in tact la every school lu the dity.' 'If you look. at Ibe prabloni aud say 'il wouidn't happen ln my bouse', thon blie pral- lem bas pnobebly already1 stsrted.' 'Wben I1xvas e kid, my ftbler u!sed ta put bis Rrm arouad me -and bell me bow mucli le Ihougit et me. If yeu want la knaw anc ai the causes for druge, remember that wo're nat doiug Itý anymane. Your chid ewesý you nýothing, but yau owe hlm everytbiug, sud stili we caa'lt iud enougl ime for aur kide. We thiuk bbc ans- wen, la b give tbem a couple of dollars.' The tutiiity of suai a movel le evideal, lie eaid, tram the grawiug number ai driig usons, traom 'good homes'. Most people, lie said, startt with .marijuana, sud bav e very gead grounds for Ibeir' demend ta have itlelgalized. 'Il le ual addictive, sud no- body cen prove thet il wouldl lead on' toasny othen drugj 'When challenged,' ho said. 'the kids point ta aduit use af elcobol, sud they are perfect - iy nigil, fan if you go toa court eny Mouday, yau'll fiud that 90% efthle cases deal, wibh alcoliol.' -The ather drugs are th once ta worry about, lie ssid.ý Acid used la lie lie second most papular of grass,' but deciined wien people begani toeoxponiorico 'lied tripe' tram iifoniar or coataminated sup- plies. Albliaugi it is no long- er logýaily made, lany Gradel 13 student couid make lb,' ,; teid tbe Kinsmen. 'And the pralilem le Ihat wlien it's ual ciinically conlrailed, it's ual pure, an measured and yau zion't know what you're tek- ang, an how mucli.' The big prablom uow, lic sid, le spoed, sud added thal the lite expoctancy et a speed freak' le tiree years. 'Witli boa much boaze, youI get flialbeued, but with speed you îust keep going, unable tO eal an sleop. The wlioie bhing ls'cyclical; wben you'ne I ,owa you'ne depressed sud lie only way-et getting out of 11, la la shoot up again,1 § and 1 don't know blie aaswer.' The Constable Ibea linra-K duced thse'second speaker oft the evening, who lied at lst apartial auswer, ual la bthe use ai druge per se, but ta the particular use ai a very smail numben ef people. Sean Russell is a case wark-I er aI the Oshawa, 56 Coîbarne St. Est projoct. A houe witi. ro:om fan sevea resideuts at e lime, the projedt slarledm usl ever twýo years ago et the urgiag oethle Oeiawa-* Mbilby Slcerng Commiltec on Dnug Abuse, a group or loctors sud lewyere, tormed to consider the probleni, The bouse worke, lie caid, an coujunctian witli variaus regional social ageucies, wilh lie Psychiatric Hospital , la WJhilbY, sud wilh the police dopartmenl. Wbereae a tew Yesrs aga, a drug user lu Oshiawa 'was put, away, tor doing a lied thiug', tliey aret 0iw lie said, witb the co- oporation ofthti police, tek- an la bospifliil necsry,uM ti t( ti ai di ei Altisougi Lie prajedt'e chasrt peniod of eperation makes ebalielice unreilelile aseyet, Sean said lie was confident bbc succose rate efthIe Oshs- awa trealment contre was close la -the 76% average af simoilar prajacte la tbe United States. Police referouces are net thie only source ai residents. Many juel came sud knack on the doar, but the case wonker said that aîthougli li sud bis colleagues are williug la helpayono wia cen lieue- fiit, tliey cen ual do nasly lie job ilecessany, unles h house l expanded la the near 'W o't'ue'poi'h f fedc hurchWo future. V Isaid Sean. 'Wbat we try ta do ie elp themn learn a newl Ilife style, a positive, one, ra-1 elr ther than the négative one of case I IïheCoferenc the drug scene. Ail they have ta do le have the wilL' oThe lOth Annual Meeting new Presidet. The wonship fied tasbelpwith d re ug o h ayo uneConfer- in mu sic was very ably con- ,eibecause say San s United Cburch Women ducled by Mn. Q. McKinney bas e anein ouwassheld ia Queca Street of Peterboroughi. Iail fairnese I hv otl o Chuncli on April 10th and A study of India was 'very t hey have used drugs too,, but lltb with an attendance 0f interestingly pnesented by the hsving goned the rotel bave aoven 200. The theme oftheb"0 s h a w a Preshytenial. The prved that they oueaep onference wss "Love le The Chairman of Worid Missions othes.'e".Mrs. Ealon of Queeh's is Dr. Service of Lindsay who oHersdmte ta o iu Park spake of ber work onl bas recently made a toun of baemayaswn t h ~gaculture of citizensbip India. Ia bis addness lie told wbol proiem imse in b t te multicultunre society. us Unity, Hope, Witness and empbsizd tat he car Th imprtace f fliig ot Srvice is necessary ta pro- tcicaecmpla eby corne reporte was impýreseý(d on the dlaim the love 0f Jesus Christ 1 týctcs mplyed by omeladies with a ekit, "Dean la the Churcli of India. The social agencies and igavera-Bet"WadOgniaon fCu- ment campaigas, did nat et. olOraiton fCh- w ork. They backfire, lie aîd, Miss M. Brownanad Mrs. J.I ches have set tbemselves up sud cause mare pnoblems Goldies pneseated highiights ta work la India and Bagle-' thnthey saolve, 'on)e Nation Poverty Consul- desh. He asked Ihat we tny 'You' have ta tell kids the tation. Poverty is controilable ta, stimulate chunches ta eup- tnutb', hoe aid. 'Because if WO bave the wiii ta do it. port the relief service la tiey,'ll eveatuaily find it out -A guarnteed Incarne mîgbt brnag lbemn the hope that anyway, end if tbey've been help. Roal causes must be only we ceni- Ho aiea sbowed lied ta, tbey waa't beileve deait with. Services sel up ta us many lntenesting slides anything.' heip paverty are sometimes that bcho id takenanad made This emphasis wxas ecboed second rate. very informative camments. by Tom Homes, wiso said that Major McCorquodale of the To change the pace we were hie invoivement bogan a few Bouse of Concord, aonth of conducted an a tour of the years ega. -HoI started ta en- Toronto, was the dinnen guet cburch hall wbere s great counter questions on druge speaker. Taking as bis topic; mev items sud slides of India during bis safety visite ta the "Part of the Pnoblemn is Part were arraaged, sud explan!,,- bigher school grades, and f Oof the Aaswer or Vice Versa," tions made., sinadequate toaneswer lhem,. fh o ld that The Bouse of The evening -meeting was Be thon tain a spécial course Coacord provides a homue for brouglit ta a close with e on druge et the Aylmer Police, 114 boys, ages 16 la 17, wbo wonship service pnesented by 1College sud 'read everythiud came fromProvincial Courts tbe Kingston Pnesbyteriai., that I could get my bauds on, but nat necossarily from The morning session opeued because if you waut ta bhelp braken homes. They are in- wilh devotions taken by Mrs, those kide et all, it's botter volved in educatiag these M. C. Ficher of Petenbarough, to keep youn mauth chutÏ, boys forana careor. Tbey try using Matt. 22: 34-40 sudý than tel a lie.' ta inlerest them lan skills sud "Love" as the theme. intnaduce them ta work et The bighuiglit of the Spirit- service stations sud gneen- ual Retreat was Rev. Dr. B. &bouses la particular. Tbc'ir Parker, Professer of Old Tes- $ 25 rorfeit groalest problemn with the tament sud Hebrewý Litera- boys le drugsansd they do lune et Queea's Theologicai To Co ti ue help tern to withdraw ramn Colege InKingston, using as Trustées of the Four County The UJ.C.W. dooýs have e voice sbould lie faithfuiuess under Separate Scboal Board will wbo chould lie heard as we al cincumestances, affluence, continue la lose $25 of their bave part of the Answer sud indifference sud ,e p e lby. $150 e month banoaeium, for nat- Part ef the Problem. There le no immédiate reward cadic meeting they miss. Mrs. Mardi et Belleville for -thase xvho are faitbful.* 11ev. F. M. Grant moved et in charge of the lOth An- Ta exorcise aur faitbfulness the April 25 meeting of the niversary Service. The, Peter- bo Christ iu ruauiug the1 race Board Ibat Ibis poiicy be borough Preebylenial present- we1 muet remembe fonr amended la allow four exccp- ed a humorous ekit., The len thînge: keep ia condition, 'lsy liane: illuese, vacation, damn- years of U.C.W. was cam- eisîde anytbing Ibat distraces, passionale rossons and circum- memonated by the lighbing of keep yaur eyes an Jecue who1 fstances beyond the contrai 'of caudies by the paet Presi- bas aiready rua the race, sud the trustée. dents, namely, Mrs. F. B. Fer- ual la gnaw weary sud faint Aubrcy Allen disagreed gi.wau, Mrs. R. C. Ellils, Mrs. bearted. Lhowrever, sayiug liaI tbe pur- L. F. Richardson, Miss Vins A few liauns were .epent lu pose of the farfeil lied beon Neeal, sud Mns. W. H. Seigil Bible Study groupesud was lie maintenance et a quorum, ta represent tbe years cf foilowed by the installation sud ibeat dace il lied been in- Iboin service, sud lie purpose of the new afficens and tihe stitluted three years ega, one of lie U.C.W. wss quoted un- Dedicablon Service couducled lied, al1ways exicted. der, Witnesc, Study, Fellow- by Mn. J, Black, President af Most Board members chip and Serv-ice. Thee iightod the Bey of Quinte Coufer- agredwith im cade was cxtended la Ilie once. The meeting ,cloeod M7w GUARANTEED NOT TO CRACK PEEL OR BLISTER. SEMI-TRANSPARENT FOR NEW WOOD - ALLOWS THE WOOD GRAIN TO SHOW THROUGH WHILE (lIVING THE NECESSARY PRESERVATIVE AND COLOR TONES. CHOOSE PROM SIX NATURAL COLORS INCLUDING REDWOOD AND CEDAR. SOLID COLOR TO COVER OLD PAINT OR, STAIN. HEAVY PIGMENT FOR BEST COVERAGE IN 10 ATTRACTIVE COLORS. QUART I CHOOSE FRO-M OUR WVIDE SELECTION 0F 29 DIFFERENT PREFINISHED PANELS Ia SPR;ING -GIVE-AWAY GALLON 985 .5 aii teýw remanke trpm I he uew President, Mrs. Cisytoni Tbompsau, ai Campl.iîfard. Secretary for the 7Bey et Quinte Cýoafercace Mrs, K. C. Wesver, Stirling, sud Treacurer lis s. W. 3Spear, Trenton. ) A journcy oet a tiusand fmiles liegine with oue wstep and premisceslining respensi- lbites. On Dean,' Lis .Gerald King, son of Dr. and Mrs. A, E. King, R.R. 3, Bow- manville, has been namied to 1 the dean's list for thc winter quarter at Andrews Univer- sity, Bcrrien Springs, Michi- gan. King is a freshman churnistry'at AU. To be eligible for the dean's lsa student must have a minimum grade point aver- age of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale and carry at least 12 credits, with no grade below a B and rno incompletes. RouI s Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Aek for Rae.. COUNTY CHRYSLER-DODGE LTZ 623-2586 WHY PÀY On Premium Qutality PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL COLLECT Alont Exterio PAINT LATEX BSEFOR QUICK DRY ND EXCELLENT COVERAGE, WASH BRUIHES AND ROLLERS IN WA-)TER. white 4,99 Galloen BUY NOW AND SAVE! *LIGHTWEIGHT - EASY TO) USEI CONVENIENT 48" BATTS 1 SAVES FUEL B.ILLS gF * NON-COMBUSTIBLE1 BUILT-IN VAPOUR BARRIER MOST THICKNESSES 2 "ta 6" AVAILABLE TO FIT 12", 16" and 24" CENTRES,._ COVERAGE PROM 45 SQUARE FEET D* JU TO 207 SQUARE FEET WE A.LSO CARRY A COMPLETE RAINGE 0F STYROFOAM INSULATION AND LOOSE POURING TYPES IN '"WOOL" or VERMICLJLITE. -26 PRIZES TO BE W( *COLOUR PORTABLE TV *9" TABLE SAW aad MOTOR 210 LB. QUALITY IN STOCK- COLORS 0F - CRYSTAL BLACK, BURNT BROWN, MID-TONE BROWN, PASTEL WHITE,m PASTEL GREEN, MID- TONE BLACK, FORESl. GREEN, CLOU» GREY, LEAF GREEN, MID-TONE CASH& 'f 1 CARRTI (About 100 sq. f t, coverage) *ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER PLUS MANY, MORE F111 in a'coupon at eithcr store and drap in the-entry box! -NOW 2 CON VENIENT LOCATIONS - BULDIN YOU CAN SHOiP FOR ALL YOUR WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND COURTICE COURPJ,." YARD and fNO. 2EAST OURTICE RD. 100 Bond St. West BOND ST. W. ONE WAY --E- H COURTICE RD. Oshawa WKN T . ~ N A and BLOOR ST. jPhone 728-161 7 '-1 AL EASTEXT7 EAST ALL YN COURTICE72816 11 WAREHOUSE il LUBRLN 2 11 P: îé,OR ALL VOUR OUTDOOR PROJECTS rI~IT ýArea student

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