'he Canacian Statesmnan, Bowmnanville, May 3, 1972 FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago - Over 60 members attended the closing of the Bowmanville Badminton Club Friday night, May 2nd. Elections of officers was held with thefollowing results: Directors, forthe 1947-48 seasoni, Mesdames L. W. Dippeil, S. R. James, R. Kent and A. Osborne, Messrs. A. C. Anderson, C. Austin, J. Brough, F. Cale, P. Cowling, S. R. James, R. Kent and A. Osborne. Officers chosen- were as follows: Past Presîdent, L. W. Dîppeil; President A, Osborne; Vice-Pres., C. Austin; Secretary, A. C. Anderson; Treasurer, R. Kent. FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - Bowmanville Curling Club winners of the Lander trophy are Harry Osborne, Wilf' Kitson, Fred Kramp and George Van Bridger; and winners of the Rundie trophy, Wilf McMechan, Bruce Clarke, Laurence Goddard and Jack Gay. t t t t t LET'S GO - by Clarke, Irwin Co'., contains valuable information for the student wîshing to tour (hitch- hike) Europe this summer. It tells hQw to get the most out of your travels, in sight-seeing, meals, travel, costs, and sleeping accommodations. It also has a list on what to do and what not. They also give hints on the best signs to use in attracting rides and how to be helpful, to people wbo befriend them along the way. ' t , t t t t MIDGET CAR WASH - on Saturday at Mut- ton's Sheil was a great success and much credit must go to the boys who turned out 100 per cent and worked hard from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.ni. Lunch at noon was provided by the hockey executive. The fuads'received go towards hockey jackets for the Ontario finalists. Anyone who wîshes to contribute but missed the car wash, may add to the fund by sending 'donations to Jean Devitt or any inember of the executive. The Midgets lose six players to overage, but have several players moving up from Bantam, giviag them another strong team for next yea'r. t t t t HONORED GUEST' - It was announced Saturday that Punch Imlach will be the guest of honor at the Sports Celebrities Dinner to be held May 29th at the Oshawa Civie Auditorium sponsoredby the Oshawa Green Gaels Lacrosse Association. The dinner has become a highlight of the Oshawa Sporting Com- munity. t t t t t WOULD YOU BELIEVE - Girls hockey teams are on the way in? Last weekend saw a girls hockey tournament in Toronto, at Doubleriak Arena, on Jane, Street, near Highway 7,' with 54 teanis competing. Some recreation departments have already included girls teanis on the agenda, with -more expected to do so ln the near future. Watch out fellows, would be a bit embarrassing to have the girls take top honors on Minor HockeyPDay,. t t t i. t LEAMJINGTON FLYERS -~ defeated the Cobourg Cougars last week to, win the Ail Ontario Junior "C" championship. Congratulations to the winners and to, the Cougars for a fine effort, t 1t t t t BEAT THE CHAMP WEEK - will be held this year Jane 10-18. The champs to beat will, be Wilf. Homenuik and Jocelyne Bourassa. For the sum of $1,00> golfers will try to beat the scores set, by these two at St. George's, Toronto, Mon- daýy, June 5tb, and if they beat the scores, will, w i a beat the champ golf bag towel. t t t t LICENCE FEES TO GO UP - in 1973, March to be exact,' the fees for car lic enc es will go to $23, $32 and $ 40 for four - six ,and eight cylinder cars. Motorcycles f rom $10- $15, and snowmobilesfrom $2 - $10. Effec.- tive July lst, 1972, driver's fees will be $9. for three ycaris. Instruction permits will remain at $2, but will be ,valid for a year instead of 120 days. t t t Ï T AT MOSPORT - Two major races to be held this season wjll be the opener of the' Can-Am seisfor big sport, racers on June llth, and the CaainGP World Championship race'to be hel'd Sept. 24th. Second event of the Bulova series geson May l4th. t t t* t 't LEAGUE -BOWLING - ended this week with one of the most successful years on record, Open bowling now takes over for the month of May. See advertise.- mnent elsewhere in paper for details. t t t t t FISIiING MAPS- may be obtained by writing Lidsay Forest District, Lands and Forests, Onta-rlo Government Buildings,, 322 Kent Street W.ý, Lindsay. Maps 1-10 cover this area and each, niap sellà for 50c. Map 1 - OshawaW. 2, Oshawa 1. Port Hope W. 4 Port Hope E. 5 Presqu'iIle W, 6; "Presqut'ille E. 7 Scugog W. 8 Ecugog E. 9 Jice ake W. 10 Rice Lake E. 4dà ý ý ý Ï ýryKiSMEN SPECIAL BIG $1000 Game $600 game Top Line,$100 2nd LUne $100 $150 Bottom LUne 3rd Line $100 $150, Top Line 4th Line - $10 5th Une - $100 $300 Full Card Ful Card $500 3 Special Games at $150,.00 each 20 BIG REGULAR GAMES AT $50.00 EACHI BRAND NEW $ 1972 HOLIDAY FORD "TORINO" or $2,000 Cash Early Biîrd "Share the Wealth"l Games TO BE HELD IN THE BUSES AT THE BOOR Fergie and theGeea Put Electrons Through. Their, Paces On Saturday ýand Sunday, there was a good turnout of prospec- tive, players for this year's Electrons Intermediate bail club. This photo was taken Saturday aftern.oon at Lord Elgin school grounds and shows some of the players with Coach Clint Ferguson and Man- ager General George Jones at right issuing some preliminarv instruc-1 tions. The Electrons home diamond at Soper Creek Park is under-1 Right, Out of the Pond going considerable renovations and improvements that should make for a better setup this year for the teams. It is understood that theý Kendal Eagles and Port Hope Fidelity Flyers were also in action with practices over the weekend. Opening game dates and the schedule should be announced lu the near future. In the meantime, ahl teams would welcome any good recruits. Eectro ns Shakcýe (Ouf i nks With Weeend orkout s by Jim Clarke The Locke TV Electrons shook out a few of the winter ,,, , tkinks as tbey hcld their first workouts of the basebaîl seas School grounds. ti About 35 rivais for positions onii year's Interrnediate " «"'<t'X"~7club attended the practices on -,Satlurday and Sunday. 'h )Cach Clint Ferguson hias <another active weekend in 7 7 . , ~tstore for this 1972 prospects, with a practice slated for 1 pris. Saturday and anotber for 10 arn. Sunday.. Unle'ss <i J the Electrons' borne park, Soper Creek, is ready, the Lord Elgin grounds will con-, tinue as the workout location. Pal O'Heilly, a valuable Little Britain addition lasi ycar, will be with this Elec- trons again. Bob McMillan, a * catcher and third basernan, also a Little, Britain native, attended for of last weekend's' practices. Ail positions are up for grabs and anyone in- terested in giving Intermediate basebali a wbirl, is urged tc Scornc out. Ted "Baldy'" Hoar, an in- telligent basebaîl veteran ln this area, will be assisting "Fergie' and bis asistant, G eorge "General" Jones, as ;Itbey inspeet and judge this year's bopefuls. Itlai important that Eiec- trou players turri in their uni- May l3tb at 7 prn., followed Rickz Forsey, 71 Liberty St. South, was surîsed hi' a dance. when he pulled this 24 inch long rainbow out of Van- inkidinks-Doris Jeffreys, ston's iiiPondon ondy evnin. H wasusîg aGary Conway, Frances Campa, ston's illPondon ondy evnin. H wasusig aGeorge Gibbs, Patty Williams, lure. They tried to weigh it on the bathroom scales, Terry Molloy. but the experiment wasn't too satisfactory because the Sbowoffs-Jim Fair, Moliy ends flopped over onto the floor, As close as they couid Horstrnan, ,iirn Jeffreys, Joan the eigt ws aoutfou ponds Rik pansGibbs, Brenda Kilmer, Vivian figure, tewih a bu ou ons ikpasHunt. to have it mounted for posterity, it's the biggest ane he's caught. Iendsa uîilin (froni Latta Dempsey Colnmn know bowom the greup got lo- in The Toronto Daily Star)j gether and did tbis job fo PASS FROM GEORGElbelp Canada'> 40,000 people ARMSTRONG: People dump- witb cerebral. palsi'. ing garbage aI High Park yesterday -were puzzled to0 came upon performer Maplo,; St. Joseph' s Mixed Leaf- captaîn (now senu.) George Armistrong demonstr a B3owling Le ague ting saine professianal stický- wielding ta 19-year-old Tom- r mi' Staîrs w#hilis a television Pie1 offs were held Sund ai', camera crew filmed Itis ac- April 30 wilh Ibis Showoffs of tihn second scbedule defeating Ibis Rinkidinks of fîrst sciieduleý Armstrong and semis of bbe 2974 t, 2834. top TV men in the business, Lde'Hg ige at unde Peer ennigs'andWilliams with 233 and Brenda Anthony Perris' directer-pro- Kîlmer's Hîgh Triple of 627. ducer teamwork, had answer- was hîgb, ed a hast mpinute puisa for hcip G from a lady lu distress narn owywib31 n ed Leslie Lander. Miss Lau. 17bad men s Hîgh Single- der is tbis daughter of Me.a dTipe and Mrs. Jack Lander of The banquet wîll bis heid Bowmanville. aI Ibis Parish Hall, Saturdai', Miss Lander, public rela- tions officer for the Canadian Rebabilitation Council for Ibis Disabled, realized leiis Iban a T a k Y o week ago there was no monci' available be make a commer- THE STAFF AND M ciai for Cerebral Palsi' Week, Mai' 20-28. .1LIKE TO THANK E' Sao she called JennIngs, and in a few houri bis bad recruit- TERRIFIC RES] ed Perris, cinematographer Reginald Morris, sound tecb- RECEN nician Sandi' McDonald, film editor Frank Robinson and continuiti' director Lisuora Deaville. Hie also involven For Value ani Soutbam Videotel LId. (pro- duction compauy), Film I-buse Sports Equipme, (lab work), Film Opticals cf Canada (oplical work) and Canadian Kodak (film). Tommy SIairs, a cens brail pals' vicîim, was Ibis ceun-ý cil's, iager volunleer fer Ibise scenes- When Lbe 30-sccond shot R ING S T. WE ST hits your TV screen, yu1 H E DON'Sel Service 180 KING E. I BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-5662 Don McLachlan - Don Plain IANAGEMENT WOULD ?VERYONE FOR THE ;PONSE TO OUR TT SALE. d Selection ini ent Shop B BOWMANVILLE forrns for the necessary spring lbe upcoming year will ap- cleaning. They' should be left pear in the paper shortly. It's ,s with either Ferg, or iRai' expected that this Saturday's ,r Crombie as.soon as possible. Il o'clock practice will feature ýt The Electrons' schedule forian inter squad affair. àE Following is the final sta- Kari Piper 212, Si Trewin 212, stisties of tbis second scbedule Ted Bagneli 211, John Van of the Men's Major League. Dyk 211, Bob Williams 210, Please do not forget tbis John Carter 210, Bruce Milne gbanquet this Saturday, May 42-210, Bill Westlake 209, r6tb at Met-orial Park. Social Jimi McKnight 208, Dale Terry b our 6 to 7 prn, Dinner 7 p.rn. 208, Don Bagneli 206, Mike ~sharp, Murphy 45-206, Luke Annaert Final Standings 204, Bob Konopacki 204, Ray Second Schedule Van Meer 204, Bill Luxton 45 Averaes <8 Ganes) 203, Kari Bickell 198, Rowlie Davis IReynolds 252, Larrv Coombes 195, Stan MeMurter tPiper 241, Hon Sellerk 238 194, George Bebeis 36-194, MauiceAnnise 45231HonPaul Lyle 193, Lowell Mac- Etcher 236, Cord Wilcox 42- StDeougl19kes18C obes 189 236, Jack Bond 45-235, DonStvOk4517HoCal Oke 234,Dick Perfect 2:33, er 39-187, Gai-f Clarke 45- Hoker 234, 33 Du 185,.Fred Colis 182, Lloyd Carter 233, Bob Smith 2:33 Stainton 172. AI Osborne 231, Huss Oke 231: Team W L rts. -Ed Leslie 230, Ross Wright Beaver 230, Greg Couch 229, Dr. H. Lumber --- 35 13 35 B. Hundie 227, Les Smale 227, Kens Mens -Elton Brock 226, Bob Laird Wear ------_30-1/2171/2301/1 r226, Morley Etcber 225, Jirn Nels Osborne Brutose 224, Rus> Hahirnan 221, Insurance. 29 19 29 Hector Ballantine 221,, Wait Cowan Pontiac sHalely 220, Bob Glanville 45 Buick -----_251/2 22½/225½/ 9 220, Bud Henning 219, Bob I. G. A.----- 24 24 24 Kent 45-219, Harold Mich*- Pepsi Cola 24 24 24 -elson 219, Bill Oke 39-218, Lander -Art Howe 39-218, Handy Hardware- 22 26 22 Beauprie 217, Harold Bennett Dykstra's 1217, Hap Palmer 216, Frank Food.-.---- 21 27 21 Mohun 45-216, Maurice Rich- Jury & ards 215, Ah Saman 45-215, Lovel ---- 20 28 20 Murray Tighe 215, Elwyn Pab's Cab ---- 19 29 19 Dickey 214, Pal Murphy 2:14, lFrank's Jack Lander 214, Clarence Variety 19 29 19 O1ke 214, George Piper 213. Mutton Sheli 19 29 19 Mixd aorLeaguez On Monday, April 24th the Capt.; Jim Bruton, Pat An- Mixed Major League held naert, Hon Burgess, Nyhi their final roll-off for League Sheeban, Bryce Adams. Charnps and hîdden scores. Final Averages Competition was keen bis- April l7tb tween the winnsng bteam of Doris Joli 243, Jim Brutonl the lst scheduie, Sutciiffe, and 239, Larry Piper 239, Maurice Joli, winner of the 2nd sched- Annaert 233, Peggy Haynes ule. 233, Don Bagiieli 231 (36), The champs are: Joli with Hon Etcher 229 (21), Albert 3,57,5 pins for total pinfali, Sarnan 225 (45), Ollie Pabfield which is outstanding bowling 223,-Bernice Buday 221, Pete for any team! How about that, Dobbins 218, Ross Wright 216, AI, le Men's Ma jor League? Leon Connors 214 (45), Hon The winning teain however, Burgess 212, Vince Vanstone were also given a run by Sut- 212 (42), John Luffinan 211, cliffe whose tearn rolled 3,225 Gord Simpson 210, Nyhi Shee- pins, a score rnost tearns han 209l Norm McKeen 209 woutd take any lime. (33), Randi' Beauipry 209 (21), On te cmpitio 0ftheJim Murphy 208, Barb But- On the ompe inn te tonsbaw 208 (45), Joan Sut- Second Schedule, the wnescliffe 206, Gord Cowling 206, are as foliows: Ladies-High Virginia Fairey 205, Hon average, Doris Joli 243; high Haynes23FoDae 0 triple, Doris Joli 853; high e>21 b Dae 0 single, Doris Joll 324. (45), John Fowlee 200, Bill Men Hib aerae, . Bu-Joli 200, Jack McNulty 200 ton 39; igh tvriple, La rru- (45), Helen Vandenberg 199, ton 39;high srinle, Larry Benni' Wilson 199 (40), Mur- Piper 877; hg ige ar ray Cain 198, Don Bishop 198, Piper 354. Linda Crossey 198, Lola Champs: Doris Joil, CapI. Wrig'ht 196, George Bebee Jim Murphy, Archie Crossey, 196 (40), Pal Bagacîl 195 (33), Marg. Vesua, Jack lVINîlty, Denise Annaert (194), Pat Nhunnhesuph onSuch. Annaert 194, Cheryl Wray 193, ________________ tciffe Archie Crossey 192 (42), Honl DEStcliffe 190, Angela Saman 18 45), Karen Reid 189 (45), MIX D L AG Oa 187, Hilda Simnick 187, Bill Ellis 185 (39), Maria Opo- BO LI G ka 183 (45), Shirley Fowler 183 (45), Marie Brooks 183 Aprîl 28th (42), Bryce Adams 183 (36), Onie Etcher's teamn durinig Marion Vanstone 180 (39), thIbe 2nd sihedule, comprised Lorraine Bruton 179, Marion ofOnie Etcher, Pal Bagnei, McKeen 178 (36), Alice Gi b- Pat illonGeo. Piper, Bi son 177 (45), Roy Clowes 1771j Luxton and Aif Millson, won Mary Grai' 176, Bill Gray 172,1 a close roll-off of 3030 te 2956 Ernie Mauzo 172, Kai' Cain over Ibis opposing teain of Onie -172, Marlene Syme 172, Betty Etcher's 1>1 schedule tearn Bishop 172 (42), Bonnie Cowl e consisting of Onie Etcher, 171 (45), Barb Gilkes, 1681 Marj. Zealand, Audrey Sleep, .4) onGbo 6 3),1 Lou Wclsh, Les Coombes and Dianne Cowlîng 159, Debbîe Bill Konopackî. Luxton 158 (36), Marg Vesna In thes roll-off for total pin- 154, Misi MeNulty 153 (45), f ail Gord Wiicox's teain were Sonny Sheehan 153. victorlous' with a total pinfali Final Team Standings 0f,3312, Gordie's lean-rnates Jol-------------- 30 51004 were Ida Konopacki, Barb Haynes ----------30 50353ý Kennedy, Mary Kirkton, Dave Crossey 28 51101 Orme ind Bruce Golus. Vandenberg ---- 26 49195 Don't forget tbe bowling Sutcliffe--------_ 25 50052 banquet 10 bis beld on Mai' Budai'----------- 25 49829 13 at 6 p.rn. at Ibhe Mernoriai Patfield --------- 25 49245 Pairlk Club 1Housu raîey21 49594 SPORTALK BOWLING HIGHLIGHTS - Some of the biggest scores ever were bowl ed in the Men's Major League bowling tournament held at Liberty Bowl lasI week. Ron Selleck sîarbed the bail rolling with a 401 single and a big 914 triple. Rau Etcher had a 403 single and an 857 triple. Etcher also had a 905 triple lu the team roll off. Murray Tighe hit 385 and a big 868 triple. Larry Piper hit 383 and an 864 triple. This is one of the best efforts, ever ro'led lu a tournameut aI Lib- erty Bowl. Next week we will have the final results of the tournament. t -Î t t t1 > LANDS BIG ONE - The resuits of opening day fishing are beginning to corne in and congratu- lations to Tim Corneil, son of Pat and Carol Corncîl who pulled in a beauty. An 18" speckled trout out of Soper Creek near the Drap-la Centre. 1 t t t T t BIKE RODEO - Application formis may bis obtained at the variaus schools. Darlhington - Sat., May 13, 9:00 arn., Courtice High School; Bowmanville- Sat., May 27, 9:00 a.m., Professional Building (Clinie); Finals --between Bowrnanville-Darlingto î-iwnnees, June 17, 9:30 a.m., aI the Bowmanville Professional Building. Organized by Con stable Murray Joynt and the Bowmanville Recreation Deparfment. SAFETY TRIP - Northumberland and Durhami School B3oard will conduet a Safety Patrol trip to the Shrine Circus in Peterborough on Tues- day, May 16. It is estirnated that approximately 600 Safety Patrollers will be attending. t t t MEMORIAL PARK TYKES - Coaches Larry liex- ell and David "Sam" Suowden announce lry-ouls will bis held Thîursday, May 41h, 6-7:30 p.m. and Sunday, May 7th, 10:.00 a.m. te 11:30 a.m, at Mern- or-ial Park. Ages 8-11 on or af ter January lst, 1972. For furîher information contact the Recreation office. t t t _1 t FINAL DRAW - The final draw of the Sûants Lottery took place at the Sport Ontario fHead- quartons at 559 Jarvis Street at 12:30 noan on Saturday. $50,000 winner: W. Brantom, Mississ- auga; $5,000 winners: Josephi Pierog, Hamilton, and J. Scott, St, Catharines, Ontario. t t t t t HOCKEY BANQUET - Here is a final reminder regarding this year's Men's Town League hockey banquet. The location once again is the Lions Centre this Saturday night, 6:30 p.m. for the supper, bo be followed by the award ceremonies and a -dance. Tickets can be purchased at the door, for $6.00 a couple, or from any executive member, (Jois Balson, "Bubch" Cole, Dave Green, Steve Burns), now, for $5.00. The Commercial Hockey League's year- ending get-together isset for Saturday, May 131h, at the Acres._Supper is slated for 6:30 pm 1Wright ---------- 21 48439 Annaert, Den.,__ 21 48241 fluttonshaw ---- 21 47133 Annaert, Pat --- 15 47465 Following election of offi- cers the new executive for 1972-1973 are: President, Den- ise Annaert; Past President, Doris Joli; lst Vice, Ross Wright, 2nd Vice, LarryPiper; Sec.-Treas,. Joan Suteliffe; Absentees, Peggy Haynes; Ré- placements, Shirley Fowler; Social Convenor, Maurice An- naert;, Averages, Virginia Fairey, Lorraine Bruton. Don't forget our banquet, Centennial Hall, on Saturday, May 27th. Refreshments 5:30-1 6:30 P..- AI thîs timeé on bebaif of Doris Joli, nue President, and the Executive, 1 would like ta lhank Mr. James and the Statesman Staff for Ibis splen- did coopération~ the Mixed Major League han received with regard to our news items. A]so, te all nue howlcrs. iA bas indeed heen a pleasure ta work on your bebaif and witli this lu mmnd, we hope to see you la September, ready bu bowi. If net, picase contact Dense Annaert,' aur incorne ing President, or Shirleyr Fowler, Replacemisnt Officer. MAY IS.. OPEN BOWINI MOatE LIBERTY BOWL FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 6r ý23-5663 Look Nlo Furfher WE HAVE THE CAR YOU'VE BEEN LOOKINO FOR '71 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-DR,, HARDTOP V-8, automatic, do~uble power, white walls, dises, custom radio, rear defogger,,etc. Lic. 3952A, '71 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automatic, double power, radio, white walls, dises and chrome moldings. Lic. 68592A '70 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatic, power steering, radio, white wails and discs. Real Sharp. Lic. 79927A '69 BUICK CUSTOM SKYLARK 2-DR. H.T. V-8, automatic, double power, radio, white, walis and discs. Lic. 505224 '69 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automatic, radio, white waàlls and dises, Sold and serviced by us since new. Lic. 63209A '68 PO NTIAC LAURENTIAN 2-DR. COACH V-8, automatie, double power, radio, white walls. Real dlean low mileage car. Lic. 72079A '67, FORD GALAXIE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatie, double power, radio, bueket seats and floor console. Lic. 66734A '67 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatic, double power, whbite walls atid dises. Only 33,000 oiginal miles -~ Don't miss this one. Lic. 70496A USED TRUCKS '69 GIMC %' TON Fleetside 8' box, V-8, standard transmission, radio. 'Only 47,000 original miles, Lic. 88048B '63 CHEV. 1/ TON' 6 cyl., standard transmission. Real good handy man special., Lic. 78226B Convenient GMAC Financing 166 KING ST. E. 623-3396 President: Tom Cowan Sales Manager-, Stew Preston Salesinen: Weldon Brown, Ray Lathangue, Earf McQueen We also have several New and Used Cars and Trucks in stock for immediate delivery, Many, colors and options to choose from