12The Canalan Statesmnan, Bowrnan i11e, May 10, 1972 Twin Sisters and Th.-eir Playmat'e I wealth cf information slieîc lýbrought back from the Con- S-. ~ .-'.Thi~e deiegates to the Dis- a ~ **. i. .d in Blackstock Recreation Pi Centre, May 16th, Vrs.r Mc cdMRgStotrd Mngro aainRon Camnpbell Heather and..... i*i;, Mrs. Bowers, Mrs. Emerson adMrs. Kennedy Gray Bank of Commerce) husband Scott o! Markham and Mrs. Mw n r.Bn eog ln Mr. David Gray were Wm. Cochr ane were Sunda .es- "it' were completed foc the lun-t r.adMsof Mrs. Eva M, McCîeîand c~..,,heon whc ur Ba Sca uss fM.an r.guests Al attended the regu-servingontoat ay. il Wailter Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs5 Foster, athei o! Florence lar Sunday mor9n seecel Noman Wheeler, Evan and Jane (Mrs. J.A. Trist) and sonl Orono United Church to wit ,. ,-'- < Homes for the meetings 1 EuyoTrot.o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ness the Sacrament o! Baptism i~~"" during the year xwere decided - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark ert Foster o! Park Street, o! Lilsa Laurel Anne, infant uo'd~~~;f.i~i apnnd the convenors andi Mrs John Stark, Wayne and Orono, died at Toronto on Fni- daughter o! Mr. and Mrs Ross -~1 l"- 'i" fiesaemeiga h Susn o Strkv11e wee dn-day, May 5th, 1972. Rcsted at Wannan. Rev, Basil E. Long,~. - oeo c.BueHadp jsa ofStakvilewer di- hursd.ay, May llth, to ar- per uesa o!Mr.and rs.the Truli Funeral. Home, 2704 offlciated. A!ter Mr. and Mrs. GodnPwr nTedy og teet, Toronto. A pri- Wm. Wannan entertained the ran ,,4~'A ~ ge the programs for 1972 vi revening o! last week. vate family service was held aboie 9guests to a buffet lunch- ofd h'73 hme f» o mseoJn MUr. and Mr, Karel Waves on Sunday hast. Interment eon at their home on Park fedlirhmfoteJu g veld o! Providenc wee eek- Mount Pieasant Cemetery. Street.meig twsasclid i were Wthat we heve an exhibit at enrd housý_e guecsts o! Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. S. Severson, Mr. and Mrs. Roger' Patter- mi.-.,Jack Shnxof Ridgeway Norman, Nancy, Ch isten and son Jr, o! Ottawa and bis fath- ~ ~ ~ '~ . .l Blackstock l'air again this si on Lak e rn Leanne o! Ottawa, Mr. and er Mr. Edmund Roger o! Vani- -cu er. N M,1r, Kenet Bil o! Kinby Mrs. Ross Wannan (nee Sev- couver, B.C. and bis brother er.dMtoA.uco off hear bowaapatient in the erson) and daughter LilsalMr. Roger Pattersýon o! Michi- t(rc oacinoftea-a il fiendMi. nhn eoray of plants and bulbs which ~tmri1HoptaBowman- Laurel Anne of Bellevihie werelgan andtherlaees Mr. Johnorsaleo, vileretned homne on Mon- weekend guests. Mrs. E>"Loan1a1id on their cousin Mc. ,.teldsbruh fo sa.X çiay. o! Thunder Bay, grcat-granýd- Horace Best and M a. Best onl .ti- hs er uci dsoe~ Ch mthe of iîs,_Mr an Mm.Satrday _____of with the returns exceeding Mr .Ahîc Basînete ael',~ .those of îast year. lige 5, wi!e of Mr. Robent S.Th metn lsdwh C!Sp Theanmeeting cfio-hed w Chatr ad mohero! utho! ue.5.gu~+ sa8~~.~ ~0 Canada and the Institute LekrdpssdawyonM n fVIriiiM u i JE;I IGrace. Mes.Fisher and the dy, May th, 1972 at the Mcmi- i un a Husital Bomanvlie.M eOfficers in charge served a NE Em ludeliclous lunch, and Mrs, D. Funerai from the Barlow fd i1"iii99rii I5aTflThomson expressed thea- unrlHome on Wednesday 5,IP. fN fI N 5 D ID N preciation of the ladies forT ?t two p.m. Interment, Orono aohrejybemeig _ýemctery. Mes. Chater was a 'Evrnet a e top- erîng shrubs, such as forsythia nteejoalmeig. c echrat the Orono High ic presented to the Orono may be tnaîned to tree form B Scehool for a number o! yeara. Horticultural Society by Mr. and also that newee varieties( O JTU II MVrs. Gordon Power with Harry Van Belle o! Van Belle o! some trees are faster grow- and Mrs, Carlos Tamblyn Qardens on Thursday, Aprîl îng and better shape than -- wer cencit weekend gucats o! 27th. previously. MS .JHSO 2~rad r, ode rap To survive, we must acf now Many questions were an- G at, Kitchener and vîsited Me. and we can help, at home, by swered which made the wholThe deah o- r, J.Jons anrd Mca., Paul Tamblyn and planting trees. Industry wiill evening a most profitable one ton, aged 58 yeans, occurred 7on Michael at Rockwood. only look at the cost factor for gardeners. An invitation udnythrel oahat M.andi Mrs. Bob Cooper O! but many are plaliting trees xvas cxtended to vîsît their ata '>'lirreîdne,6 gioutsetSunday with and the Government a nursery o May 13 when John Dugh tre !th, ltAe is p- arents ýMr. and -Mrs. F. O. make Ibis mandatory. Bradshaw will be present. a tEzabethemunat le Coopeïr andi visited heri fathecr Planta and trees remove Mr. Van Belle was intro-.$ Mý,_GCarl Tennant ýin the Mem- pollutants. They cana detect duced by Mr, C, Billinga and former Ethyl Eileen Edmunda anali Hopial, Bol,, il, li hearIhelae tn nk wieed by M, E. bro e,.The Cdarlincg littie twin sisters, show n in the above photo with their pet dog w0sbr tHlyaSain On unaY cevening. Mca. J. brown and start to die. I bt lpattbe "Pepi", are the daughtees of Mr. and Mes. Richard Neal of Toronto. Angela, b cation in Renfrew. On Janu- E. Richards ca.lle-d on Me. and Tokyo, trees in the cîty have whîch inciuded gladiolus buiba iVr.H. J. Dadaon o! Bownîan- to be neplaced every three or donated by Mr. Woudstra of the le! t o! Peppi, and Susette, who ils on the right, cele1brated their first bîrthday ary 30, 1932, she marricd Mr. vill iwhoclebrated their four years. New ontes are Valley Stream l'arm, Orono, on April 301h. They are granddaughters o! Mr. and Mes. Ken Neal of Orono and John Johnston who survives. th weddciîng anniveesary last grown outaide the city to be and a well laden bake table,Mead Mrs. Ro iteo ena.a 7Sog Stonhre for zhiont h, used as replacements. In Los added a substantial amount to yamvn otw ri My. a d Mc. Geo. Bowees Angeles thetrees are washed thet th brr' na f eriod their fanîn property at Tyrone, e! Nrïesteon apent Saturday to, remové the dust. As a re- Ijuring te business ero where she had lived for-.17 evhngwthM.and Mes. Reg suit, new varieties'may have conduce d by the President B ookKeview cears. A housewife, ber in- Sut, ( i.t be dveloped, which will Mra. C. Bilings, plans were yeet etedaon e Me.L ' Fom s oter (-rer- witbstýand the pollutanta. discu,.sscdî regarding 'a bus tnpIhJome and family. She was a They arc cxperîmentîng in to Ottawa,, to sec the tulipa. ebroStPalsUid LsAprangelaeis, heewiech rnbMrs C. Gunted ra î?ro t af~ Jie hi,1,ghway lanca bai! a mile going are- asked to contc.CucBwavie n a g e * medians with both coniferous 983-5819 or Mra. E. Couvier Papua/New Gultnca -P oI- by Keîry Dund n others - and the New Guinea o! 20tb !S.Puh ntdCuc anýd deciduous trees, Sereen- 983-5252 a soon as possible. pero's Other Island - (Thmsi piaiycocre wt etrtws oada and air- Women. ing sub-divisiona with hedgea Tentative price la $9.00. Nelson and Sons) ila'a rare east enn or Austr.iaiïan New stripa.Suvinbsdaerh- WAY, H 1 Ar-0 n ii.a must in many places. Mrs. Billings mentioned the and impressîve book about a Zealand, where Auistralia now Peter Hastings bas edîted badJhrcte snad G!GODiIOUt1HR It la thougbt that if mono Hotieultural Convention to part of the world known spends about $1010 million an- the 12 articles in the bookadJhn r thrceduh ee Msonasn places o! relaxation werc pro- be held in Kingston, Jul e 1. întîmatehy by only a few - nually. It hopes 10 prepare written by experts of long - Riderl (Vivian), Port Perry; GOTTO BRÉ,CRÀ&2t vided, as on the tops o! offi-el 16 and 17 and told O! some O! New Guinea - the world's sec- the area's 2,500,000 indîgenous perience in New Gulinea a!- Franciaýî Johnston, R.R. 1, En- ORiIO!LWG NUIM ! buildfings, or in betwecen the competîtiona wbicb are ond largeat island - contains people for independence. Pa- fairs; fhey brîng the problemansiîîlen: Mrs. Raymond Os- bildig hrewud es1955heid in connýection with if about 3 million people of a pua and New Guinea îs one and paradoxes o! the woi' orne(aebneeAli turnîng to drug. In office sucb as - a 500 word borticul- bewihdeîing range o! physîcal o! the iast whte admînîstered most !ascinating island intoJostnTyneMs.An bidnswhere many plants tural essay, a dried show and types. They live in one o! colonies left in the world. It's chaihenging perspective.. Cole (Shirley), Bowmanville,1 are used, efficiency la increas- there wili also be a photo-te otmutins andasote ige.Ifdein Tearclsgvthsrouai David Johnston at home, cd in the relaxed atmosphere. graphic competition. Furthee1swampy regions o! the carth. la a deeply disturbing question but non-academie reader a Also suevîving are 13 grand- f #The governimenb la checking details are available !rom the 'They speak more than 1,000 for many. factual, descriptive bac k- chiidren and one great-grand- onfniidaadpstcdsPesident oe Secretary. mutualhy uninteiligibie ian- The colon pbotognaphy - tak- ground o! the peoblema and cbild. but the speaker felf that some May 25 la bbc Sprîng Flow- guages and vary greatly in en by somne o! Australia's top conditions on Prosper's Other Th fura sevc ws fonm ,o! control would blave ee Plant Sale so members are their social and political de- photographr - vividly illu- Island. New Guinea faces hcîd !rom the Morris Funerai f0 be used or we would soon asked bo bring any kind O! velopments from unrepentent strates the beauf y, wilderness big problems as independence Chapel, Bowmanvil]e, on Fnl- have no garden.plnsbubtcfoIis. headhunters to universif y stu- and inaccessibility o! New near. This book helps to cx- day, April 28fh and was con- Wè ail should take note o! A buffet style luinch arrnig- dents. Guinea. It aiso shows the plain these problema bo the ducted by Rev, Harold Turo- Wbat ia being donc, Trees cd by thie lunch convenors The attractive book - with strikîng contrasta between the world. It's a highly impies- e o! St. Pauh's United Church. and -planta are vecy import- providei a clima;x t0 an in- numerous color'photographa .island's traditionai societies sivetoime . nenctwa in ehsd cas (,Lt% us ctthem, teresting eein.Cemetery. During the service,ý PL MIN EATING Me. 'Van Belle went on b - --- - - 1 , .& discas sningdeanup ithethe deceased's favoite bmna misus srin rea-upinth wene piayed on the- organ by Tyrone, Ontarjo garden and aiso, gave pointerasIlj~ r.Abr oe TyrN 26-265 f9l on pruning and fentilizing. Y ü Es PAlberrs woere Msss He also broughft to our atten- __________________ton the factf that some flow- Mr. and M..Uo-11 al Congratulatiocî bMnr. Ao Churceh. utes were read and adopted. Richard Gibbs, Dalton MIe- and Stuarf, Mes Kcnnetlh M-rs. Gary Eda nee Nancy Sevral Cartwrîght ldiea Our treasurer read the finan- Mullen, Wiliam McLaughlin, Rabin visited ý Roy Rhm iat, Frew) who wr married in atterîded b11,rbridai ho 'cin cial report. There was a dis- Phil Scboffîeld, Brian David- Pîcton hast week. I the UnitedCucb Black- Janetvilleu _nited Ch1unch last cussion on the St. Jobn',s Fin t son and Robert Wilson. cMiss Maxine A1ldread Tor- stock, ai 4 p.m. on Saturday, week in honlor o! Misaý Nancy Aid course. It has. been r Mn eufflforltkn onto, spent the wveekend. witb May 6h.Fîcw. ported that the "A" Pack from Bowmanvîie and Tyrone ber prent, Me andMca, elcoe hoe foMi. ad A umbe o! ocalf oikat-<Cuba fla crnntgbefoun, Ornge Ldges orgnizaions LlydAlread. , nd Mrs. ereDneah tne h ac t Cubs' acawil be purcasd. fnienda and relatives attested J' A loydAl1Jrýý,d Mrs orgeDonnrai wo teded lie dnce t Clb toptheasesteemte ineemhichhihtte Quite a numbor attended returnefi fromn their winter Annrene, Scugog Island, on June Wilkinson la coliecting deceased was heid. As well, the miscellaneous sbower for vacation in Fiorida, on Wed- Saturday iîght. pieces of, or complet e uni- numerous donations w e r Miss Jean MeRoberts at the nesday. Frinsag laedta ons for Cuba and Scouts.. made in ber memory to the home o! Mr. and Mca. Mac esdta Ferguson last week. Guesta, during the weeic, Mrs, Neil Lee retuened frorr Joan Graham made a o- Cancer and Heart Funds, Me, Harold Gaskin, Dawson wifb Mr. and Mns Clarke Port Perry Hospital hast week. tien that, if necessary, Irma SetlemntN.., pen à ewWilliams were Mr. and Mca. Mr. Cifford Clarke la pro- Weits will eall a meeting if MS HRE LK N aturalizers ettiment, NB.sepent a few Bu r k etogi-essing favourably in Port needed, secondeci by Rika MSCALSLK SHOES FOR WOMEN MMes.ouGeorge As andread, eMc. ositl andexpecta ta yedcrid h et fMs hre Mr.GoreAldedBowmanviile, Me. and Mes. be home this week. Margaret Duivestyn and Blake, 29 Front Street South, Mes. E. A. Vitue visited LoadCakOhwad Nsltnadae eaie ia Wgreatne Campbeilford, occurred sud- Me. and Mrs. N. Aluin, Bow- Lenr lre saa n eteo n rarltvsRk yed tedd adeniy on l'niday, May 5, 1972, Mr. Everett Clarke, Oakvilie. and friends wereý guesta at Lingerie Party and Demon- tf Peterborough Civie Hos- Kaufmanmanvihl, and M. and rMrecevstrs wndhM. Eh! the Edgar-Frew wedding in stration given hy the Whifby piai.Sewainbr8s LADIESSLIPPRS Symathy.saexdeded f Ivan Blackstock on Satunday and Ladies' Auxiliary recentiy, year, Me.S RosE ymahMcRoberts nedtoe airs, Clarkson, Mr. Charles attended the reception ana and reported a very succesa- Duhe !telI hre pas ss o e rtsoerthe Farrow, Cannington, Me, Joe dance in the Recreation Cen- fuI meeting.ai Marof(he at Coarleth IBill Morcland o! Ottawa.'Msa Warner, Tarant o, and Mca. Ire. Collection was taken. Mary former Ethel Lotf was born MeRoberts le! t Monday .olt Bud Virtue, Bowmanvilie. Mn., Arthur Hyland spent Demercant made a motion in Sprîngbrook, Ont. She was fenEbi fnerl.Mn. and Mes. George Bow- the weekend with friends in to adjoucn the meeting. Meet- predeceased by hec busband, FOR WOMEN Speedy eecovery.to-Mr, Don ers were Sunday dinner and Toronto, ing was- closed by repeating Mr. Charles Blake. Stainton who suffe red a ser- supper guesta wîth Mc. and Mc. and Mrs. Harold Elhiot, the Mizpah. Caesarea ladies Mrs. BJike had resided in loua înjury to bis leg while Mca. Jiri Abennethy, Bow- Me. andMes. Cari Elliot, Da- pcovided a very nîce lunch. S PCIA CLARO T uînga cainsawin is rch ~aviîeandI attendcd marn- vid andI Kim, Lcaskdale, visit- Nestietaui Women's Institute ____________________ ard. He is in Bowmnii n and evening Anniversary cd foc Sundaly evenîng dînner, Mra, Mîton Fisher was boa- Memorial Hospital. Services in St. Pauh's United wlfh Mn. and Mca. Richard tes" for the meeting on Fni- Due iî mnuýltf actureýr's change' Sorry to lose Me, andi Mrs - Davison. day, May Sth. After the usuali J Cavera feom our village, tesh'riday evening for ai On Sunday morning, in the ooening exeecises, Mes, Welts,l M1 N Ei having sold their homre ta Me. mîscelianeous shower for ber Preabytecian C hurec b, the the president, welcomed the n w a10: àsw A 19»UC and iVrs. John '-',tderwood ýstser-in-law, Miss Na n cy Reverrnd C. Morley Mitchell membera and gucats. Theý pamper yourseltf and your Iamily, cnjoy Ile oest teom Ut7.Me and- Mrs. A. Youngman tended, the wedding -o! theèir -ai-d Cieteldiswr Your family will marvel at the exotic cuisine and your day and family vere Sunday sun-1 graucddaughfee Miss 1Heatiier prvilieged to hear instructive Se I will he most rewarding. e D etae the home c! Mr. LangfeId o! Arircouri andI speeches, skifs, and choir FO When you entertain or have an occasion bo celebrale, adMa rdYuea o c oadWle !Suisnig uhetuis a flateryou gesî. Srvethm a aray ! hes deiciuathe Younigman reunioli. 1 Ste. Marie, in thc Cburcb o! exprrienced f rom juat baikinge !"lateryou guets.Sere tem a aray f tese eliiou eýPrizes Fciday eveuing for st. 'Paul Lamoreaux, in Agin- to other WlI. delegates. i Chinese specialties. Your parby will be a succeas and your Eucbre went to Me. Ytihr or was 1neetn aha Ia eIvening will be moat pleasant.. Manna, Mrs. R. Cameron, Mc. Mc. and Mers, Phiiip Lang- we are free to vîsit the Ade- Whte hm r I h L dAnn.e Manna, Mc. Cordon bfeld. Agincourt, visited on ladbe Hunten Hoodiesa borne-! yo ie us aesRichards, Mr. Albert Peacce. Sunday wifh Mc. and Mrs.I stead at anytîme, Mr. and Retaratour luscious gourmet foods assure you o!f Mr. Andy Munrýo, MVIr Jack, Donnecol. Mca. Lovelesa are living there, peanmemorable experience. Thank You, Cook. 50-,50 draw vas vwan! Sunday mid-dayd in n e t make you weicome for I5ý The Management by Me, Albert Pearce. gucass -%l Mr. dMca. meala or pienica. FRE»OEEIVR Club 49 ladies nftndcd the! Lorne MVcKee vitre Me'. Jehn Apparently tbe membecablo ,FRE HOM DELVERYantique and hobby show ai MacMillcn andI Tamnmy o! o! the WvI. bas been droppingi ON $ý3350 MINIMUM ORDER1 Civie Auditorium, Oshawa, for Caesar1ýca. Evcnicîig di nn e r since 1965 and if something is three days laat weck, dasplay- viaitors vicre Mc. and Mcas. not dlone, there vili be no or- FOR --)UPERBt SERVICE ing quitis and rugs. Melville Hnyo! saa ganization by 1990. If was PLEASE CýALL IlMcGrrald Tayloe accam- Ladies' Aýuxilimry advised, af tbc Con! erence, L6 ccO5 L8 Y @r 623p3n73d the Haghland Creck The M1ay meeting was beld thaf the branches encourage ~ r ~I . PpeBad Bergen Op at the Caesarea Commnunity nevi and youngermembers t 'P Zoom, ~t-olland, focrh c Hl.Pesident Irma Welts attenld by baving interesNng HAR ExTH ,Lous Îorial Ser ý'vice foi Canadian mrelcomed the ladies and programa and by lnvibing "oecqswhe werc kîlled an tbanked the Caciacea ladies othert groupa to attend thej Holnd eturning home on for bavang the meeting - 16 meetings. Mca. R Davison mnemberz preesent, The min-I tbanked Mrs. Welts forbb Campbeilford for 14 years, and before moving there had lived in tOshawa4or 1,5 vears mnci in Petcrborougiiýor 17 years. She was a former em- ployee of the Canadian Gen- erai Electric, Peterborough, and was a mnembeýr of St. John's United Church, She was also a member of thc Senior Citizens' Club, a char- ter member of Cairo Zuanna Rebekali Lodge No. 110, Pet- erborough, and a member of Loch Lomond Rebekah Lodge NTo. 248, Campbeilford, Surviving are three daugh- ters, Mrs. Fred Pailiser (Reta) of Campbcilford, Mrs. Ernest Archer (Mazo) of Bowman- ville, and Mrs. Sam Castle (Betty) of Peterborough; six grandeldcren and -nine gi'eat- grandchildren. Also survîving are two sisters and one brother, Mvrs, 'Taomi Mann. Montreal, Que.; VIrs. Reta Meloche. Whitby and Harry Lott,' Whitby. Besides her huisband, she was predeceased by a grand- son, Bruce Palliser, and by three brothers, Bill, Carman anld Bernard Lott. A Rebekah Lodge service was held at the Weaver Fun- erai Home on Sunday even- ing, May 7th. The funeral service was held from the Weaver F'un- erai Home, Campbellford, on Monday, May 8th, and was ccnducted by Rev. Gordon, Ballantyne. Interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery Palibearers were Messrs. John Archer, Rod Palliser, Roger Castie, Fred Fisher, Garnet Heath and Lloyd May. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THRODGII CIA S SI F I 1!D S iClub 62 Celebrates iOth Birthday Recently an the I O Otý, Hall, Orono, about 60 Past fNoble Grands o! thîs district weee seeved a buffet supper and cntertained by Clubý 62, Ibis bcbg the end o! Sister Olive Mlson's husy and ex- cîing ycac as District Deputy >Presadent and aiso the lofh bithday o! Past Noble Grand Club 62, Severai gamea ,o! bingo were enjoyed by the sistees during the evening.' Sister Gladys Brown 'Ihen enfer- taincd the sisters and, guesta wath sevecal piano numbêra and also accompanaed a group o! youug girls !rom the U.C. W. viith a comedy fashion show which was enjoyed by ahi. Tickets viere aold on a beau- biful kniftcd stole donated by Sister Gamsby and won by Noble Grand Siater Gloria Todd. The evening came to a chose 5by Sisters [rene Murray, the 1firat President o! Club 62 a nd Sister Mac Allen, Vice-Presi- dent, acting for Sister Habtie Filson, Pres., cufting bbe birtbday cake and secving..a cup o! tea. The cake was beautafully decorabed by Sîs- tee lia Martin. Visitons vece presentfromn Oshawa, Bowmanviile, Port I HoDe and Port Perry.-Orono Times. C PLTE SRVIC We willecva, grade and lay asphait lu your personal driveway on patio. Guaranteed workmanship by skilled personnel with the latest equipment. PHONE 623-5410 FOR FREE ESTIMATES 138 Wharf Rd. Bowmanvîlle t v ANY : ENJOYABLE. 35" x 80" poplin cuverwt 5, unti-ng flan-nel lining, ý' 30" x 75"- poplin cover and dowd- & gnose Leatiier lning*7 PRICEDl SLEEPING BAGS AVAILABL 'P -N;,IVE BAGS - NEEDED FOR 1THE îîEA- ",OUTDOORSIMAN. ~Iome dware 95 KING ST. W.