Lib erty iles FEnd S e a scnVthBanquetj T- Libt elsa peetdb HicelnCook: llstî bowler ,hldtheir ba et atschdue Mr n CBvlleK3 the Memu iai Park C house cin Bessie Forýseyv2 Wednesday, May 10 72 and Th oettasweer- Were served a delic s roast seiite w thsi~ roue beef di nner by the ýk As- First shdl yVlMle socia ion TLadie s.xesdenlt Capt. !Mary Kîýrkton, Eleanior- W'ilmla Coobs1e oe A rcisonj, HlnNih-ili, i-jan- meeting. Lvle, Marj. Zealand, Marlon_____ Oureia, ~ eM.AlnAmy Oshoneprce~t~hCchaps ecod shedleby aryJohnisto,llillian Hone, Shar- wihlertrp' iataini KirklýtonI: Capt. M ary Blu-ntonRoinon Em Clarke, e-on Ladies Bowlers Receive Their Awards Fern VBradloy vonne rEci- RBetty Mcoad PansyMll osmn moncison, KrBacadJhsoMrlnAirip Eeto fnw officers Marlon Hni'Forne ag Nicks, Betty- Crossey, was li: Past Presidlent, Wil-zz 1 Lanc, Droty 3, Rta iee Shrle Hoe.ra Coomnbes: Prýeside-nt, FaiJth Prsien maCombsVal illr rsetd w îofStead1man1; Sz.ay.Cao prese'Clnted Ilh 1 PUneS-upI oul boles thRoberts; TTeasiurer, I ar Cap. Benditphes. au llte ws game bowled in Krtn Social, Bed Steph- een~~~~~~~~~ Cons,,lr ae n hesndL:lt eP~II~ eS, tMar-iln ibson, Judy C Caan, dComeR'ose sey -68: 2dPansy \,Johotston Martin, Marian Heiniig. Mors,\ aheCrr12 The ladlies ncue th prfetd MriKrko skunik ropby for Ithe lowest adbno Wînnzs: t scedui, C ravrage bowl,;ed each suhedule: Robert 2î7;2nd shedul, ,etty Crossey 109; 2nd Gîswr rw le h Edith Macntyre 125. uies Fer Brgly 21.Helen Cook presented pins The executive woul lîk to Hfigi Dooible trophies wr,(re to the ladies who had bowled say thanks f0 'The, Cana-,dian ~yeçtdby Jean Chalelf: a 300 game. Statesman and staff for theý 1sf eeue Joy Lxfon51; Jean Chapple and Val Mili- coverage off our league(, Car- Pind, Carol Rýoberts; 59ï. e~r 0resenfed the ladies who nation Flower Shop andD HiisSigi topie wrehad howled 250 games and mi,ion1 Stores for their dona- over, wifh decks off cards. tion foward our baniquet. gS Mary Kirkton presented the Watch for- the nwschedule ~IfI.AIEladies who bowled less than in thie paper anid see everyone 100 wifh bowling aprons. at Liberty Bowl,, in the Feul. HETN SEIllST Perfect attendance pins PH IL '~~"'~ were presented fo each girl R ceio ~ w i Quhd enweStariegleand~ omaile double schedulle. Names wer, e ceat nN w PHONE 623-7591 Icalled by Secret ary Carol 24 HOR SEVICE Roberts, presenteci by Mary Pee Wee Baseball will b Kirkton. Hidden double scores -played at Vincent Massey Où, Gas & Eletrie Furnace for the iast day off bowling School at 6:30 p.m. on Thurs- &-Air Condition Installa- were reaci by Sec. Carol RO- day, May 18. tiOns - Central & Window berts andi presenfed by Treas, Memorial Park Atoms will Unlits ý- Clare Hecla & Mary Kirkton. Winners: Kay play Sat urday morning, May Findley EquîpmPIlt Blanchard, A nn Carauna, 20 at 9 o'clock at Memorial-t". Free Estimates Betty Fogg. Florence Honner, Park, Budget Terms Available ýMari. Zealand, Betty Mac- Ayn ______________________Donald, Isobel 'Davis, Phyllis Ayn inferested in coach- -- -- --- --- ing Atom Basebaîl at Me- On Saturday niglit, the Legion Ladies held their lAnn Nickerson, Mel McNulty, Fran Bruce, Grace --- 0-- lff mmmm M--Mmm-mm- morial Park, Pee W'ee Base- 1osn anutadanu-pesnainofaad.Downey, Linda Downeyand Jean Burton, bal et Vincent Massey Sehoolc snbaqe'adaulpretti oawd. or Girls' Softball at central Thewrnning team is shown above, froni. lef t to riglit Sechool, please caîl the Recre- ation Office at 623-3114. GIRLS' SOFTBALL Kiwanis - Debbie Piper,' Cathy Piper, Cindy Piper, Kathy Spencer, Debbîe Hem- Can Nancy Mathews, Cindy 2 Harper, Trula Ingrahem s 23 3 3~ Pab's Cab-Shelly Leddy, Sherry Wray, Michlle Leddy Fern Steadmâan, Velvet Stead- WAYNF BYERS of the Ontario Quarter Horse man, Pauline Hooper, Sandra Association advises that the executive'bas tentatively Can, Kim McKnight, Mary approved August l9th for an'American Quarter M *stAneasone , hrr a Horse Association point award show to be held in Jeffrey's Caroline Sf a conjunction with the Cobourg Horse Sho, Thisý Wlma Dykstra, Betty De- date lias been forwarded b tr headquarters o f the Smmedt, Darla Soeug A.Q.H.A., in Amarillo, Texas, MUore deta-Iîls viib Leslie King, Julie ans Kelly Adams, Cindy Boutilier otcoig Paula Mantie, Karen Ander t t' t t t so.GREAT SERIES - Wcll the ~HL lyfsaeoe Sturrock's-Dorothy Hog, el aet obc acigT erns Wendy Hocgg, Cathy Dock- ob r gipovdtic0Iý esteader, Sherry Morrison,BobOragnprvdb ethotsnigpa- Lesa Mosher, Catherine Wren, er helpîing Bo;ston wntese nwiiiII iinninghe Hr' elipre ult n Noreen Wren, Cheryl Abbott, gv teBris nunfr hirmne ru utdd' ri nwCnda er.e Greta Dyksfra, Darlene Kono-tao MEOILPRK hv nuh aete ,Rumror is that Tom j«Oh'n- OkAefs er rwdwt ATOMBASBAL TEA~ son ay b reievd of lioBr icochin-gj, eve tDem blirougli onwin thelitanly 100%IlmportedBavarian hopsfrom a Desusa, Billy FicgarilRitk CupNot mr-,cthanks forbhis eJffort, buit ta' h iehnue ertr p fteH Haywrd, hrisLend Bu, way it go's in Boston. secl Preece, Rob Davey, Jefff t t e% 4Thibodeau, Ranidy Hennmng, family-master orewers or overlO( TiffMOS PROIT erry Martin. TOURNAMENT -Mre thanit 100 foegagl- frO tobr stBe highest argin h the ïnlustry ubs-Scott PRhards, Marc ers, represenftungsi countries, have alsjo idi- tyu ao ie aeno rwr Richrdsheîly SînsbryKen cated interest in paigin the 1972 Ontario Fry, Billy Spear, Charles IHE OST ANUACTUER.ACKING Ogema, Paul Furlong, Mike Open, according; to Tour Co-nrdinator Dave RealStr1ndsatejyng1împorte wererihtbein yu 'thanirn-la garnte Furlong, Jeekie Pinch. Zink. The tournamnert will be 54 holes played9 iBreves-Albert Vandergaasf, from Friday, June 9 to Suinday, June 11, with a taste i n a great Can ad 1a n lenr Farrow, Robert Kennett, TUE MOST USTOMERS ohn, Stacey, Greg Smith, Gary qualifying round on Wednesdey, JVne 7 atbertdy Nordstra, Daany Kilpatrick, Meadowbrook Golf Club, The low Canadien pro- betdy ournatonl averisng lanteîs em hee yti re Stephen Cary, Paul Adams. fessional un d'e Ontario Open will automaticelly Astros -~ Todd Stephens, Reny ake TbînRoe, qualif y to play in the 1972 Canadien Open being 1TFILMOSI -sPARE ARTSStephen Ogden, Robert De- conducted by the Royal Canadien Golf Associa- . We Ive -It-hd theri in warehouses 1aliloethcuny Boo, Brook Cole, Derek Mur- tion and presented by Peter Jackson eit Cherry phy, Todd Hooper, Rendy 1Hl1 Golf Club, Fort Eric, JuIy 6-9. Mr,.jink TIIE MOSTSATISFiED- BUYERS rssy was forniery the golf pro at Bowtnafiville W~hoý tell their friends, who Ieli!theirf riends Country Club. DEAERTODY t WINS AWARD- Bownianville Kinsmen and Kin- Is oubfulettes won first place for decoration in the recent IFor reinr ffoai ol n, 7fil[ thiF, ot: D u tll rbto Competition. Also the Kinsmen Club FfllrnnwasowrobiedelerCOBOUý,RG - Tnless some- voted at their May 2nd general meeting tobuy tro- ,, une fin)ds e quîck wyt i phies for the Bicycle Rodeo and also voted a sum of * oýd* Incebisbou eySene Causmoney to maintain the Kînsmen Klippers bal team, ... u lolktbasombeelrImey- not visit Cobourg this T .1 t t t~ e *year. i John Lawson, manager o HIGHTLAND GAMES The second annuel Marn * he twn' Chmber0f orn- Oshwe ighlnd aine wil b hel etCivi frnam./ WelMcorne bu the wonderful world of Chinese food at the Lotus, Gardens1 Restaurant, whcre you will enjoy tle subtleties of Chinese cusn.Our menu 's exotîc and legendary; ib is filled, with every deliglit, popular dîshes and gourmet delîcacies. 1(f' vu npprecînte ai change of pace from the ordinary or have h slightest whim for real Chinese gourmet food, pamnper yo1urse1f and your family, enioy the best from'Us. Yourý famîly wili marvel at the exotic cuisine and your day will be mnost rewarding. When you entertain or have an occasion bo celebrete, fatryouriL guesis. Serve them an erray of these delicious Chnee pcijalties. Your party will be a success and your evening ih be most pleasant. Whetheryou dine et home or et the Lotus Gardens Restaurent, our luscious gourmet -foods assure you of a pleasant, memorable experience. Tlank You, The Manaaement FREE HOME DELIVERY ON $Î3,50 MIýNýIMUM ORDER FOR S11UPERB SERVICE PLEASE CALL 623-5583 or 623-3473 $otus 14'Ar/n IIESTý.AURAN T r member of ail-star teams which were selected aýgainst touring Old Country professional- clubs, Mrs. Winton "Bill" Bagnell (Joan), Bowmanville, is a, deugliter of the late Mr, Muir. PETERBOROUGUH PETES - and the Cornwall Royelsý played Suniday nigltitnlea sudden death gaein Ottawa for the Memorial Cup Jil was the first lime either city bas -gone this far in Junior "A" hockey, Cornwall won it 2-1. ï T t t -t t B[G DAY-- Saturday evenîng saw six different events going on sîrnultaneously, rnaking a lot of grou-nd to be covered in a burry by the Statesman photographer. First stop was at Solina Mail where Rural Bowling wînners were photographed, on to Bowmanville Country Club for the opening, field day for men. Then to St. Joseph's Church fortheir bowling league winners, on to- the Legion for the Legion Ladies bowling awards and finally to the Centennial Mail for the Mîdget-Juvenile and Junior "C" banquet and awards niglit. Congratulations to the winners and who says there's nothing to do ie this town? OPENING BALL GAME of the Electrons agaiest Port Hope will be held on Monday, May 22nd et Soper Creek Park et two pm. Corne out and support the home team mn the opener, I I t t t TYKES, Larry Dewell's Memoriel Park Tykes exh.ibition games egainst Whitby on Sundey after-- noon anid again on Monday evening we re rained out. Next game. gocs Sunday affernoon at bwo 1p.m. inr Whitby. The Canadian Statesman, flowmanville, May 17, 197 9 Pee Wee Basebail1 Schedule Safurday, May 20--Cobourg et Bowmanville, 2 pin, k Sefurday, May 27---Port Hope et Bowmanville, 2 p.m.y Wednesday, May 31-Bowman- ville at Lindsay, 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 5-Lîndsay etj Bowmanvîlle, 600 p.m. Wednesday, June 7-Peter- borough et Bowmanville, 6:30 Safurday, June 10-Bow- menvîlie et Whitby, 2 p.m.1 Wednesday, June 14-Bow- manville et Oshawa (Lake- viîew Park), 6:15 p.m. Monday, June 19-Bowman- ille at Port Hope, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 22-Bow- meinville at Cobourg, 6-15 p.m. Saturday, Jane 24-Whitby et Bowmanville, 2 p.m. Thursday, June 29-Bow- menville et Lindsay, 6:*30 p.m. Wednesday, July 5-Lndsay et Bowmanville, 6:30 pi. 1Monday, July 1,0-Bowman- ville at Port Hope, 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July - 13-Bow- menville at~Whitby, 6:30 pi. Thursday, July 20-Bow- manville et Cobourg, 6:15 Dm. Cheque for $150 For Oronto Bali Maurice Annaerf, recently presented a cheque for $150 on bebaîf off the Royal Cana- dien Legion, Bowmenvîlle Branch, to Russell Major andi Jîm Hutton. The moaey is tu be used by the Orono Ath- lefie to esslst la sponsoring minor bail. GET CASR TODAT TROUGU STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone 6ZS-3303 Saturday, July 22- Co- bourg at Bowmanville, 2 p.m. Thursday, July 27-Bow~- manville at PeterboroÙghi (Riverside Park), 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 29-Port, Hope at Bowmanville. 2 par_ Monday, July 3 l-Cobourg at Port Hope, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. Aug. 2-Oshawa at Bowmanville, 6:30 p.m. ý~6O40 TENNIS COURTS Niow Open Make reservations Now! Phone 623-3373' Tennis Racquets available for rent COURT FEES Singles - $1.00 per tir. Doubles - $2,00 per lir. AT THE Lierty St. S. at 401 Bowmanvîlle ta able