Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Newcastle Senior School Choir Takes Phone 987-4213 a Second Accompanied by Terry Dawson, a -Grade Eight second in its division at the recent Peterborough »tudent, the Senior School Choir of Newcastle. placed Kiwanis Music Festival. First Prize for -Grades One and Two School Choir first Prize was awarded the Newcastle Public entry in the Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival. Sehool Grades One and Two Choir, for their recent The Coun01lof the uicialty of the Tws pof Clarke The Council of the Mvunicipaïlty *of the Township, of Clarke hercby gives notice that it intends to paseý a By-Law, to close or stop-up the Rond Allowiances in the Township of Clarke, in the countyý of -Durham, following, that is to say: 1. The unopened road allowance between Lots 10 and il in the Sixtli Concession of the Town- ship of Clarke, County of Durham, exteading from the southerly limit'of the said Sixth Con cession to the northerly lirait thereof. 2. The unopened rond allowance between Lots 30 and 31 in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Clarke, Cèunty of.Durham, ex- tending from the southerly limait of the said Ninth Concession to the northerly limait there- of. 3. That portion of the Rond Allowance between Concession 7 and 8, in the Township of Clarke, County of Durham from the westerly limait of Lot 35, Concession 7 easterly for a distance of Four Hundred and Thirteen feet (413') more or less on the northerly lirait of Lot 35, Concession 7 and a distance of Three Hund- red and Seventy-seven and Nineteen one- hundredths feet (377.19') from, the we- terly lîmit of Lot 35, Concession 8 on the southerly lirait of the said Lot 35, Concession _ 8. 4. That portion of the allowance for road be- tween Lots 16 and 17, Concession 8, Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, more pagrticularly described as follows: Commencing at a point i n the saîd allow- ance for rond distant northerly Two Thousand, One HPundred and Fifty feet (2,150') more or less from thec north limit of the rond allowance bc- tweeii Concession 7 and 8 thence northerly to the South limit of allowance fer road between Con- cession 8 and 9. The unopened rond allow~aisce between Lot 18 and 19 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Eîghth Concession to the nrortherly limit thereof. The said description to be subject to the approval for deeding Registrar of Deeds before incorporation in the enabling by-law. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring to make laim or to oppose the said By- Law' will bo heard in nerson or by proxy at the meetingýý of the saîd Council to be held in the Township Hall at Orono, Ont, on the 6th. day of June, 1972, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the mornmng. Datedl this th. day of May 1972. B. W. Collins, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Administrator of the Municipality. iNewastle-flnn't be to surprised if you see on New- castle's main street litter drums of ail colours and de- signs. The newly formod New castlie and District Chamber; of Commerce in an effort to have Newcastle regain the title "Newcastle the Neat" is giving to each interested mer- chant an unpainted drum. It is hoped the morchants will paint the drums with wild abandon. A trophy has been donated to be given to the merchant who does the best and most imaginative paint ijob. Tho Chamher held a gon- oral meeting on Tuesday, May 9th in the Community Hall. Prosidont Keith Barr opened the meeting at 8 p.m. by thanking thoso in attendance for their interest and hoped that future meetings would gain in attendance. He point- ed out that any citizen could join and hoped that people from ail sections of the com- munity would do so, Membership Chairman How- ard Quinney advised that the membership totaled 30 and then introduced guest speaker ,Bob Findlay. Mr. Fîndlay, an officiaI of the Canadian and Ontario Chambers of Com- merce congratulated the citiz- read out letters sent to variouis government and private insti- tutions advising them of the great potential for growth in Newcastle. President Barr appointed Mrs. Swinghammer, Mrs. Keel- ing and Mrs. Barr to the Wel- corne Wagon ComMittee. The pitu se of thîs commrittee.i1 toù document al informnation a nevi resident would require and then take this informa- tion to the new resident, along with a gift. Mrs. Keeling and Murray Walton were asked to investi- gate the feasibility of holding an antique sale in the Com- munity Hall. The Girl Guides then serv- ed a delîclous lunch of sand- wiches, douglinuts and coffee. l'Newcastle Personals Taking advantage of a nice evening, Brownies of the lst and 2nd Newcastle Packs held a cookout last Wednesday. Leaders in attendance were Mrs. Joan Hawes, Mrs, Gloria Nichols, Mrs. Marie Pedwell, Mrs, Hazel Mae Munro and Mrs. Mary Ann Innis, The Newcastle Scout Troop have been preparing them- selves for summer camp and cook-outs with their leaders instructing them in building fires and erectingg tents. Many Newcastle residents took advantage of Hospital Week and toured Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Friday. ens who fosmed the Chambes I hope someone, other than 1but wasned them of the num- mysoîf, noticed a clown-driv- lerous pitfalls that could cause on convertible drivîng through a Chamber to fail. Ho mon- the streets of Bowmanvilie tioned that the function of a last woek, and that they will Chambor is not only to pro- reassure me that I roally did moto the communit'! but can sec Santa Claus in the back lact as the l7oyal opposition to sen.t, andin, out candy to the the council.' children. I'm beginning to Civie Chairman Lou Swing- fool I neod a rost. hammer thanked the speaker and dvied he mfriersthe We are sorry to report sev- ,andadvsedthe embrs heoral Newcastle friends and stops he was taking to eroct signs at the entrances to New- neighbors in bospital. Mrs, TeserViola Cowan. Mr. Fred Yates, castie. Secretary - TesrrMrs. Alice Quinne n r Murray Walton reported aBueiloail n endMor. bank balance of $407.03 and BueTlsn i nMmra Hosptal, Bowmanville. Re- cently discharged from Bow- manville, are Mrs. Mable Ne,,wcastlez Cobbledick and Mrs. Helen Aquilina, recently discharged I fsomn Peterborough Hospital, nreases; Mss. Carol- Brunton, and dis- charged from Oshawa General, Mr. Keith Rogosson. DonaionsOn Mother's Day, several Newaste-Te rcen Ca- ables were baptized in New- Newaste-Te ecet Cn-castle Churche:s. At New- cor Campaign in the village castieobrtVen 'of Newcastle resulted in $5483 UitdRoor Vrn hoin colecte, aninc oas f son. of Ms. and Mss. Vern $100 over îast yoar. Rw;DbrhVoe ea This was made possible daughter of Ms. and Mrs. Joe through the understanding Milles, and Bonnie Lynn, and genosity fte epedaughtes of -Ms. and Mss, of Newcastle and the efforts Glorenn hopAngli att of the volunteer canvassers.Gores Agia Church, Newcastle's contribution in Jennifer Lee, daughter of Ms. the fight against cancer was and Mss. Roy Hopkins, was worthwhile and inuch ap- baptized. 'preciated. Those taking part Attending the baptismal of in the canvass were: Charlotte Jennif or Lee Hopkins, wore Goulali, Mabs Bars, Rita ber grandDarents, Ms. and Chard, Charlotte Rickard, Mss. Herbert Allison and Mona Major, Mary Foster, grandmother, Mss. William Joan Allison, Jean Rickard, Hopkins, ail of Picton, On- Dorella Chard, Vickie Gray, tario. Aunts and uncles wese oNoil Yates, Margery Patter- Ms. and Mss, James Pakrey son, Narda Hoogkamp, Mary of Toronto and Ms. and Mss. Kean, Madeline Buckley, Jen- George. Hopkins and family nif or Munro, Florence Webb. of Corbyvillo. Following the iHilda Cail, Marlon Shields, service they ahl returned to Linda Reid, Vicky hesnick and the Roy Hopkins homo for din- Madeleine Williams. nos and a visit, ýtý fi" ý. WEDGE CUSHION Neatly-tailored, vinyl- covered, canton pad- ding. Leatherette trim and hondie. Blue, brown or red. 14 x 14 x22'-. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 17, 1972 ~ Newcastle Grades One and Two ELIZABETH VILLE Church services were con- ducted hy' Mr. W. Banister. The choir sang and Mrs. M.I Cruse and her sister Carol sang a duet. On Thursdayi two car loads of ladies attendod the District Annual of the Womon's Insti- tute held at Bethany. The I3ethany ladies servod an ex- cellent dinnor. Each bran ch put on a short skit or demn- onstration; a vory enjoyable day. Mrs. H-. Thickson spent! Wednesday in Toronto. Ini the; evening the sewing class made a T-shirt and finished the bra. Therè are two more lossons. The Forestry is stili busy troe planting. Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Dore- mo, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. William Mul- drow are spending a few lays with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ml drew. On Saturday evening a s1tagl party was held at Mr. and Mss. E. Fowler's home for Kennoth Fowler. A god crowd attonded and ho was presented -with two leather chairs and a purse of money. At the same time the ladies had a miscellaneous shower at Mr. and Mrs. J. Ingram's home. Many gifts were re- ceived. The evening was spent in games and a dainty lunch was sorved. This shower was for Miss Brenda Castle- ton. On SundayMr. and Mrs. H. Thickson, Misses Nancy Fowl- er. Brenda Castleton and Kene Fowler were at Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Westheusor's. Little1 Alyson Wostheuser was christ-1 GM PRODUCTION A total of 10,170 vebiclesd were manufactured at Gen-e eral Motors during the week ending May 6 and 10,650 wereh scheduled fôr the woek end-I ing May 13. Total produc- 1 tion for the year to May 6 isf 175,1472, compared to 215,329d for the samne period last year. DOLO MACHETE Sharp value for camp- ers!1 Solid steel blode,, 15" long, with riveted plastic bondie. Canvas sheath with belt loop. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Muldrew and Mr. and Mrs. Mclntosh woro la. Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Averys. MVr. and Mss. C. Mercer on- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Sam Minnis, Whitby; Mr. and Mss. W. Terhenche and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mercer, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Crombie, Bowmanville, last Sunday. On MQther's Day the family were ail home at one time or another, 1Mr. Clarence Beatty is im-, SPINCAST REEL Precision mode "I-led- don". ,AIi-metol gears. Star drag with instant adjusbtnent. 7-point metal pick-up. Peterborough, recently. proving and is able to be out a bit. He had the following vîsitors during the wook and Sunday: Mr. Roy Beatty, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fallis, Mr. Stan Kennedy, Mill - brook; Mr. and Mrs. H. Sow-j den, Osaca; Mss. Sowden's daughter, Newcastle. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. h. Muldrew during the week were: Mrs, M. White, Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock, Mr. Reg Boe, Ms. Stan Harnest. Mr. and Mrs. D. Whitbred and girls, Rhythm Band tOshawa, were there on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer hed Mr. Roy Beatty, Toronto, ag well as some of the family home on Sunday f Rent a Car for DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae ... I COUNTY CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. 623-2586 6 rpmn motor. Thîck fire bo'wl. Chromed ep, spît, fork, grill. Turn-handie, grill À adÎuster. Protectîve hood. Chromed legs wifh wheels. 5e,1 '7 vk1.66SPCA ELECTRIC STARTER Lights char'oul' quickly. 38 11" STEAK BOARD Specially-tre ated hardwood. Î8c 4 STEAK KNIVES Stainless steel; ser- rated edges.-.77t COOER HESI Mauki'ed-în handies. Redlld. 121Y2x14x l7Y'". PLASTIC JERRY CAM 5-gcil. Unbreak- able, non-corrosi- w plastic. Ap- proved for use wîth gasolîne and ailier pet oleum fuels. As advertîsed on TV! 12'j'dîamater., stoin. less screen, cool hanie. Con be used as a spatter-shield on pans, for straînîng, s~team ing, warminq, et<, 72-5 ci r Launcnes, l' le ve ýe7 a î ïî LI ïï er a a 4of NYLON or POLYESTER "O0LYM PICI" DE LUXE Bulit by a leading Canadian manufacturer fo exceed ail government safety specifica- fions. FulIy guaranteed 1 600/13 with trade TIRE SIZE DLACKWAL WHiTEWALL TIRE SuZ BLACICWAL[ WIIITEWALI 550/12 15.99 17.39 855/14 23.99 600/13 15.99 17.99 600/15 18.99 18.99 j 70/3 1.9 1899 775/15 17.99 19.99 g7o1 1.9 1..99 .825/15 19.99 21.99 77/4 179355/15 22.99 239 825/14 219 22&.99 6W0/16 17.9 Ai ptîoes shwn icue Cia,."A" frme. jWESTERN TIRE and AUTO SUPPLY RAY WALiKEU, Proprietor 85 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-3134 Service Dept. and Store Hours MON., TUES., WED., THURS. 8 a.m, - 6 p.m. 1FRIDAY 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. SATURDAY 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. J ust Say "Cha rge - lt"! ý CHARGEX The Rhythm BWnd at Newcastle Public School was awarded second prize at the Kiwanis Music Festival in ened at Shiloh Church. Oth- er guests wero Mr. and Mrs. E. Westheuses and Mss. John' Dekoker, Oshawa. Mrs. H. Quantrill and Mrs. O. Mercer attended the Ken- dal Penny Sale, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mss. H. Muldrew had Mr. and IVrs. Bruce Mc- ýIntosh and boys, Coldsprings; Ms, and Mrs. R. Averys and family, Oshawa, Jim Mul- drew, Peterborough; Mrs. H. White and girls on Sunday.. - 1: y 1%