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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1972, p. 17

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OBITUÀRY JOHN G. PARRFRT The dfeath of Johýn G, Par- ker of Oshaw~a, aged 53 yýears, eurdsuddceniy, tho rýeý,ujt cJ a heart seizure, on Sunday, ,.rl 23, 1972, at Port--Tope, Soý,n of Me. and Mes. L. A. Parke kr Se. of Bowmanville, Jrwas born in Bowmanville ond received bis educaion in Fowma-nville Public anrd High ~eol.On De-emrberj 30, ,1939 hie maeried the' former Madeleine Street of Toronto, wi-) surv ives. The deceased had residcd it :255 Simicoe St. North, Osis- aafor a year. He lived in Bowmanville for 35 years, then,, lived at Ajax for 16 years before moving to Os'n- awa. or the past eight years hewas Plant Manager for Major Pool Equipment, Osh- aýwa, He was a member of th'ý Church of England, a former 'nember of the Lions Club, a former member of Jerusalem asneLodge and former ,Rector'sq Warden of St. John's Anglican Chuech, Bowman- ville. During World War Il IJI,( served five ycars with the l4th Field Batteey, 2ne D-ivi- 'sion. Survlving, besieles bis wh*cýi and parents, are two sons, David of 'Port Hope and flou ff Oshawa. Also suevivingi Prc a brother, ILionel of Bows-! inanville, a sister, Mrs. F.1 Yýaies (Neil) of jNewcastl(. aneld four grandchildren. l Mr. Parker rested at thei JVoesFuneral Chapel, Bow nianville, with service in St.i 'job n'a Anglican Chuech, Bow-1 rilanville, on Tuesday, Aprilý -Sth. Rev. Robt Hayne, 'Newv !çast.le, conducted the service,ý and, interment was in Bow-ý 1-sanville Cemeteey. SPalîbearers weee Messrs., Roger Hacker, Ian Panisu, Don Childa, Jack Chiles, Bob: ,cLeieh and Sid Smith. Tweive membees of ihcý 14th Fieldl Battery were hon.- nraey nalîbearers, SOLINA \ir. and Mrs. Geo, Knox ~and family, Mr. and Mes.: HaryKnox visiteel their mo- J3ir, is.Wm.Knox. et Pair-!ý jziewLeele on Sunday. Meand Mes. Bruce Tiuk,,' W. rb Tink, Miss Marianu ElrCourtice, Mes. W. A. Ormiston, Brookla, M n Mrs Doug 'Ferguson and Christine, Newcastle, Mr. and MeF's John Sierbuis, Bowman- Ville, with Mr, andl Mrs. Lorne Tink, Me. and Mrs. flou Broomefý 1 nd Kelly, Bowmýanville, werre Sunday supper guesta withi IVlr. anel Mra. Lloyd Bore Mr. Pilli Brooe laproi greisssng favoeably ilu Bow-.. tnanville Hospital and hopesý ta be home soion, Misas Helen Baker, Toýroulo, Mi%. and Mrs. Ron Baker, Me. JmsSmnales, Lua Lr Ii4artha, Marie andCiiCamo, Osha;wP, Mr, and Mrs. Bari, Cowl,,ing and, boys, Mr. :and 'vIrs. Larry Welsh. Bowm-- vi er ee Sunday guests o 'Mi . and Mca. Tom Baker. Mir sud Mrs. Don Scott aud! Dlavidl, Mt. Hope, Mr, and Mra.1 .Eill Matthewa, Oshawa, w3ee SunaY visitors with Me. and, Me. B.Fraser. Mr', and Mes. Grant Dowuý !nC f amily, Sunderlandl, Mr,. ranC Mes. Brian Knox, Osh-' P--, were Sunday visitor,, - ith Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mr, and Mes. Everett Cry-i dierman attended an execu-: tive nwetng for the Cryder-ý PInsu family picuic at the' ýIom-e of iVrs. Clayton Cryder-1 maand Bruce. eit Newmar- k7et ou Saturday. Mother'a Day callers ait the 7ýVerett Cryderman h o m e îwere their family, and Me.,', C7has, Smith, Oshawa, andC Me. and Mes. Harold Pascoc. Me. Isac Hardy andl Stan Iey, Mes. Enclîcott, Lindsay wýerr- Satueday visitors aad ®ri Suinday Me, and Mes. Bý. 5-hîeb], Newcastle, visited v'lÎth MVr- and Mrs. JoA Snow- Abrn rely family, Ma M. and Ms. AonYTaylor-n n . Broome ê_attended "the' Funerai of their brother-la- lawv and oncle,' the late Me. Cy ýril Smlth, fram the Macke3 lPuueral Home at Lindsay.' MIr. and Mes. Carl Botter, Jb:iiugton, were recent visitorsý wihMe, and Mes. Alex Pat- Mer. and Mes. Alex Pottv weeýe Sunday guests of Me. md Mes. Harold Botter at "LVi3s Pearl Leach atteadeel te Officers Confereace at Guelph as a delegate feomi file Solina Wamen's, Institute, Me. and Mes. William Clarki .ttended the baptismal ser-1 výice for ilier rndute Mary Jorl Thexton eat Kiy v Cew' Chuech, and fexad vse-echnergut o 'r \ 5, MeJohnThvonOh. ONLY 40/60/100 watt"Inide frot i ghtbulbs. Regular 2 for .49 - Holiday Specia;l 12' CU N TRYFLAR 3' deep. Complete with cartridge filter sys. tein, steel safety ladder, poly footbath. Coniplete, ready to assembhle. CAR--A-HLF GRG 16' x '-,ex.tra large ýize. Package inciviles ail material s including steel garage door with franiing, ail trini boards, siails, blueprînts and instructions. OnIy Sakrete Concrete ïMix Portland cernent and washed sand. 90 lb. 'bag. Reg. 1.99 Holiday Special OnIy 16 Garden Wheelbarrow 3 cu.,ft. size. All steel 1 Co Patio Blocks IV" x 18" concrete blocks for the patio. Oniy99 K-Lux Decorativa Plastic Panelling Only9662 v F "Kraus" Carpet Tule "Acceotoiie" Floor 12" x 12" polypropylene , Coverilng ibre wvitla foarn cîisiion 12' width, 3 IUvelv pat- terns to choose from. adiiesive back. Available rtg .9 q d n Bronze, Amber, Mar- eHolida se.ia On na and Valley Gireen. HldySeil Ol Reg. .49- Holiday Special 2.99 s q. yd, Satin White Ceiling Tila Smooth white tules that go beautifully wîth any colour scheme. 12"1 x 12", size, Carton of 64 tules will cover 64 sq. ft. 6.99 carton Free rentai on staple guns ta speed up the job. cio col( cotl Wh Hol High quality stain that decor protects and presierves bare v in one easy operation. Availabl Redwood, Cedar and Walnut. Reg. 6.95 a Gal. Holiday Speci onlyï Sgi GASLGT.,.. Prefîiishtd grained pri ntedl plywood wvit cherry grain finish. CANDLELIGHT . ,. Prefinis Wood grained printed plyiw with a dark liccan grain fin Your choice or cither of t] pa-nais 4' high, 1 x 6 rails on hboth si Posts every 8'. Easy to huild v Beaver planning. Only '9 Cln, PARK FEt:LNCINC 1 x 6 boards both sdswt approximately 8'Fprt 5' high only 2,49 in Shigh Only 26 lin. Beaver Exterior 8' Fan Trellîs Garden Arbour Iloue Pint 1 edarPieîc Tble Ideal for vines and roses, Clear white Fine, Easy oss finiish, ivili not dis- t sebe da o lou. IealforfenesLarge 6' size. 2" cedar I sebe da o tages, and haomes. framing. Iny 2 d anigo tiig hite only-Reg. 6.99 gai. at AsmldO y 2 liday Speciat all sebe 12 Gallon Water Hater Ideal for vacation hos. Instails under counter. Glass lined tank. Oniy 57.88 Store Hours: MON. TO WED., 8:30 'TIL 6 THURS., FR1. 8:30 'TIL 9 SAT. 8:30 'TIL 5 Only 2-4.9 5 DECORATIVE Do -It -Yourself Shelves FF raint & Roller Set Aluminu m paint tray, iStappette Ladder 71/2" Lambswool roller. 41 Steppette. OnIy 99c OnIy 14.88 "Spacemaker" 1Shelving Easy ta assemble. Riý straag and sway-p. shelvîng, ila avac, Shelves easilY adjou ta different igts OnIy G8.81 Ieavr Driveway Sealer Mlakes old asphaît dri ways like new. Wal proofs and fuls se crac ks. Reg. 5.99, Take Home Special 0 5495 Gal, P wood aio. Ise nhe mald ,Only 39c ea. Galvanized Chai Link Fencing 42" high, 50' rol 0,y104 623-3 1 ý $

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