TI-eCaniadian Stateasi, Eowmanville, May 17, 1972 HeId in Bowmanvillo Tueadas, Mai, l6tli, 1972 Judge R. B 'Baxten presmi erl wth Assistant Crewn At- torney K. Stubîngtcn andi Mn, .: vanNest duty counsel. JusWm_ Todd, charged itidig whsle havin cnuedcontrary tn:section ~3,criiinal code 'î , kd for Slenîgthiy adjouromenitte get svalaffaira in onder, but wavsgascon te Juno 27th and r~nust go on,~ on that date. Garfield McKighbt-, harg- ed May 6tb ilwifh) unlawfuliy sAjau1ting- a 1'emiale, askod i~rad~urreetand was -len to jîune 6th for plTe). -%.raidG. Benloey,42 pros- rect Street, hbad Utnee chargesý readi out, fainr-g te produce a clrveýr'a lcnsdnîving at 70 mîihes per honur in a 35 mile nonýe, faDIirg te obey a stop eign-.Ho leaedguilty te alh three. Ho waa aise cbarged joï_nty wîth Plip Harness, 1^1, _ Orcbardvîew Blvd., wîth takîng a ear b-eloingirg fo Ed- îwaidlr e amad driîng te Etudbuiry area. Botbpleaded guilty The r.Cnown sfafed fltley jl a- regula_1,ir cusi -,to m e -n thîscourt.H as -put sov- oral te3niad Ontario Pro- ijYcnciai Plîce at uf n inconven- fonce. B Eoth weno roman ded Ïb_ Jurîe 13th, for pro sentencel eport. Iio the moantimo they 15re te obsrveý a 7 pro. cur- iýew and ta3y in their cwn David Ti c Ia RbnsBn- fefacedJ thnee charges laid Janury 2t lit.Diving w)blle aiiy a mpaired, lin e provid a bhneat 2fpl,.3-ncd accomnpany an ffc.fIe ploa ded guilty te .1 th1ree, with an explanation that a lawyerr told hIrm v- oIral nietîthsa pior te this cpi- edif was oct compulsory eagve a hreath sample. ConstIAbbe Leggett followed thse Roberts car for, eight 't" o r Tle .Ci-own stated Ho- bèertshlad a couple of previeus convictionsi. Ho was found gility and the fine was $150, -oite $3, and in defanît 15 days, and bis driver'sIlicense was suapended, For faiing ',3 gtve a bneath samplo, the fine was $75, cesta $3, in (de- ,fault seven days. Ho was giv- f-n threo mentha te puy. Davld B. ýPatrrgon, '21, 60 Keen Ave., Toronto, chargFd December 3th lait, did drive wbile having cn su mc d, pleaded guilty. Ho was alge charged with havlng liquor in ether than bis resîdence and pleadoni guilty te this charge. Constable Leggettf fol- lowed the Paterson vebîcle on Highway 401 and If wenf over the centre lino several fîmes. Mr. Paterson'a expla- nation was that tbey hani had no houeor since leaving Ver- ment seme eight heurs pro- viously. On the finit charge théi fine was $75, costa $3, and in default soven days, and for having liquor the fine was $25, -roests $3, and in de- fault three days. Bia-n Crowells, 140 Non- quen Read, Oshawap, eharged with stealing a parkving meter on tivision St. exceedioge the value of $50, pleaded guîlty, And te a futher changýe cf stealing a parking metç'n cn ,ig St. W.. pleaded guilty. The mefers coît $105 eacb. They were smashod beyondý repair. A pre sentence report is te ho prepared for Juno 27tb. Michael F. Derocher, 15 Silver Street, charged witlî stealing a parking mofer duîr- îng the mcnfh of Apnil, askoýd for adjournmeot te seek legal aid, Ho was given until June 13t,. Ronald Smith, 8 Alexander Blvd., charged on or, about April l8th, did break and en- ton Glon Rae Dairy and also did steal a parking meter en Division Street. Ho was given te. June l3fh te seek counsel fer pIea. Wm, John Nesbitt, Toronto, formeriy ef Coboconk, did drive carelessly on Highway 401, pleaded not gulty, Con- ,stable Whîteley festified be found a car February 23rd at 1.30 a. m. up againît a fenre whlch divides the service road and 401. The vehîcle was beaviiy damaged, No one was at the scone, but the accuser was in bospital. He bad ne- ceived lacerations te the head, Neshîft told the officer 'he rousthave falleii asleep and had, bit a truck'. Ho was found guilty and the fine was $100, coaf s $3, and ln default ton days. IHo was given four weeks te paye SM M E R STORE HOURS FORTUECONENINCE0F THEIR STA4ýF, PARICPATNGMERCHANTS WTLL CLOSE AT THE FOLLOWING HOURS. WEDNESDAY- 12 NOON SATURDAY- 5 P.M. Other Dayà - Hours as usual CLOSE» SAT., JULY lst - ALL DAY EFFECTIVE FROM SAT., JUNE 3rd to SAT., ýAUG. 26th &/ntroc/uce on Our cSta//, John Froats Johi" bas returneri to us agair, for the sum- mer montha from MoMasýter University where hg, is in hie Third Year Electrical Engineering. John is working in Our Sot eatetot helpyn with your sununer requiremlenits. He -woufld like to remlind everyone that thle Sports anid General Merchandise Departments will be Openi Monjday, May 22nd foryour shopping convenience. STEW McTAVISII President CAROLE GOIJLD Store Manager ish enough. to argue With the home of her parents, Mr~. piinciple,",cnluding his and m Mrs. Wm. Turansky. T swer to someone who had rirs. Wm. Mercer, Mr.agethprnpl.M.EdeCuou , .andl ea Com p>etitors The plan , is ,ot insuranice, !,Mrs. George Mercer attendeda O e "in the sense of an insurance the xvedding of Mr. and Mrs. insurance. When you dont'ti were married on Saturday, benefit, you're crne of the lucky TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE May l3th in St. Dominie At the Kiwanis Music Foi- Munday were the w1ner., ljairjmo Salvo%-ao 7 Maringold In response to other ques- f1 ..Ms Joyce Roach, daughter were from this area. points and the Excelsior Ave., Scarborough, was fined tions he replied: j1tI of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roach, I eto .cas3334 hibt fBwavle drinncptlpnshet-aMsisua vocal, Erin Elizabeth Nicha placed second, in care CnsabeGaylIord After the vote in 19637, the Mr. and r.E ,Kmfo o teUiversity Women's ànetiaedaonie car Col- abolition of the death penaltyl THERE WILL BE Hllna rr3t t id in heon lUnvebiy ofn isi on Cghub of OsBAGEhawaUPMand3th tosvsitint liir nMgýi-ý -,.The was given a five-year trial NO G RA EPC U home of their daughter and awiird. carstrck hre gideposa erid, nd I hin uner efamily, Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Aiso, in section 3, classes, -ard broke them off after law, it has to be dealt with by M~' Wybenga. They are planning 314-316, Carol Wight won the skidding severaf feet. Saivola the end of 1972. 1 don't know O lc y to stay for about four months, Caban trophy. i ld ofthe caiurTl ie s owee f ter ha,sn orbeen ueM.Tua.abt nseto ,cass8485 comple efycar. Te ie war es s n preroaienof te b'en a patient in Memorial piano, for the Lyceum Club Th iewshtsapeoaieo tMONDAY'S GARBAGE ýHospital, Bowmanville. It 15adWmnArssnOb A two-car accident occurreki 1$150, çcosta $ 3, in default 15 Cabinet, but' I think the rea- II DCVfUPO hoped he will soon be feeling andWa Brnhrphy the win- at King and Liberty Streetï days son is, how many of us could 'v, ~ m~~- beter and home again. ners were Elizabeth Love about 6:20 p.m., Sunday even- RoeikSmit, R.R. 5, Ot- sit around a table and vote to TuMr. Reg. Elliott and Mr. Ajax, and Mark Munday of!ing. taacbrgdJauay 3rkill a man, My conscience*s a .ýArthur Thompson motored to Bowrnanville. . $300 damage was done te, a didl unlawfllyv have liquor Îb wouldn't let me, and I don't uqw1 5 a i M y 2 #3rdPowassan on Saturday to at- Incasscr driven by Murray R Orm- or-theýrthnrsdce plead- think any professional, whe-i tend the funeral of their I lse 834-836, for the1 iston, 31 Jane St., and $175 io ed lot gilît.y. Smlnth testified ther penologist, psychiatrist, or cousin, Mrs. Meizar Cheaney. Kiwanis Club of Oshawala vchicle driven by Douglas b e was f-lot dîvn the car any other would élaim it a fA DAr ofSunday gilests at the home Scholarship, -Mark and Ian H. Cox, when the two collided "ln 0mi, the ber was t open. as, a deterrent"ts C E(A of'~* f Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ýat the intersection. _As thronta-efirom Whtby' John ]Diefenbaker, said Mr. P E 1.4L GD R8rG NUPi Therteli were Mr. and Mrs. C a - ID_ W. Smith was the investir. wasflo Jocout t gie ei- one, l on ofthe Mr»~III~9~ILJack Blodgett of Warkworth; l gating police officer. fnJm-?P1 orh o în te tPhyllis and Brenda of Bow-I jornd oJue 0t. lition of the death palt y, o th o u gJ e r adMs rs Knapp, Atte rCras den ehe ma1iýtte asOr- sekrsicfh bo _manville, Mr. and Mrsi ary lARENDS Clv Ptr ooso, r which proves it isn't a party ýEvansof Orono, Mr. and Mrs. SWIMMING Ono, plae o ultY to issue. l'il vote in f avor of abo- T U SD 'V M :Y 25 hGary Therteli. Glad to re-PO S having liquor i other than lition when it cornes Upl ÎH PS A # A Y th port Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ther- A man was charged wîthPO 'IL bisresdene, nd he aseagan."tell are both feeling better careless driving after a two- wa ajornd o un Oth.'On the Pickering Airport - 'uh f K. S r eatrbin in hpta in car accident, in which four KethBaretfale t a-Mr Honey said he was not Bowmanville, people were injured, on Iiigh- pear when called and a bench an.Hae xet and se, had to listen aMM.Hae Hallowell, her way 7A, Saturclay night. warnti b sse. to those vwhoi were. "I knol'IIJALT, M AYOft grandson and his wife. Mr. Neil Kerr, 32, of RR 1 Beth- 1 >~ - Gay . ane,19 35that they've produced voîum nd Mns. Jack Hallowell, ail any, was charged alter his ' 5Coxwell Ave., Toronto, charg- mnous reports on the site, andà Have 'your extra trash, trimmings, etc. kk2 f Toronto, called on Mr- and westbound car, skidded loto cdNvmbrSh at w lt'11 just, have to take their 1 oto bulvr Mrs. Alex Little, Sunday af- eastbound lane and collided * We carry complete line, hain i hs osesio aword, when they say it shouId picu on nety ternoon. ' th a car driven by William' of chemicals and, probibited wea.poo, namely a be over there"fo tissealiku Baptismal service was held Lw oe'3 f34 up qipet knife wîth a 41/z" blade, and On Opportuniies for Youth - r rat Kendal United Church, ltOhw.*Atoie auz n fondgîlyApî 2t ws The standards used by the1 J. M. McILROY, A.M.C.T., Sunday morniog; Sherry Lyno, put oin probato ttnr section cumitte, ad eenTow infant daughter of Mr. and Both drivers, and Shirley GnrlPo cesre. rviewing a pre sentence report. tempered by the objections of Clr.dnnsrtr Ms ap eney wsfoe 5 asne noeof ~ ~ E D tMP's to any particular pro- ____________________________ christened. the cars, wr taken t Rosa 0 ject, but Mr. oney admitted Mr dM. Neil Elliotf Memorial Hospital in Lindsay.1 S MM N jectbut M. Hony admtted'were. completely taken by The injuries of Donald flore, 1M N I '~~Jant he did not know 'the exact po NTYPOo LO L crîtrio fo seecton.He dd-surprise Sunday evening, the 15, the other -passenger, did not i critrionfor elecion.He ad- P 0 . NY P O C) Loccasion of their 1th wed- require hospital treatment.PO L 1 IC " Mjed bourever, that he was "go- ding aoniversary. Ail mem- ~fl UO ing to find out wby some pro- On Monday evening, Mayta plays Bethany at Beth- bers of the Allin and Elliott The accident occurred atý 5 Bernard St. 623-3058, jecta were chosen rather tban 8th, Mrs. Joe McCullough and aoy's Annual Field Day. familles were present. 10:15 p.m., baîf a mile east of Bowmanville (FROý7M PAG r CNE) others." Mns. Gordon Strong went byl On Sunday, a Baptismal and Mn. and Mns. Robent Young- Yelverton. rn enra and particularly of, On bis position as bus to'Belleville to attend thelCommunion service was held mani and family visited Sun- the proposed estaf e fax plan. Deputy-Speaker - IRex Humbard Rally. ýin Ballyduff Cburch with Rev. day at the home cf ber par- The- greafest benefit under He agreed with the ques-1 Part cf our local Commun- iSwann, Bowmanville, officiat- enta, Mn. and Mrs. Dan Black, ethe new structure will accrue fioner, that wben a bill was ify Park has been worked upýing. Baptized were Melissa LeelCountide. lI"TT HAVNI & SEL te those in the lower bocome debated, bis imposed silence and planted with grass iniMcQuaid, daugbter cf Mn. nd Ma enAlnc rono, 'DEL "'T', H'"' NS"'"-'L ebrackefs,'be said, in the forram eant bc was not "represent- preparation for our forfthcoi-Mn.r Dave McQuaid and also Mrs. Allin of Peter- Pof greater exemptions allowed iog us on those bis", but said îng hall season. AIl cbildren Gregory Wayne Hopkins so borough, visited Sunday with Chartered Accounltanis sby the introduction cf capital it was "tradifional amnongst are asked te stay off that part of Mn, and Mns. Gary 'Hop- Mrs. Win. M ercer. s theOFCSI MA RCNDA ITE gains fax. Mînisters fo go a littie funther of the park te give the grass kins. ohens'Dr.adgues A eOFCSI AO AAINCTE "You don't see the benefif for the Speaker and Deputy- a f air chance te grow. By the Mr, and Mns. Orvîlle An- homte wcf M., and Mrs. e BELL CANADA BUILDING nobtyou'll certainly nef- Speaker. sînco tbey know we way, the bail season gefsun denson and family visited wîf aryEgncfRxalas OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA ice At when' you file your nexf can't speak." His represent a- derway this ccming Monday, relatives in Jordan Station Mn. Eand r.orgxeBurro PAT RSGO ONW RI LFCA ..A 1încome fax forro. fion, he said, teck the formi May 22nd wben our mens over the weekend.. and ail fM sis a rg uga. PRNE GORDON . EIC, C.A.,R.A Reforma beoefltfing mosf cf bis "considerable influence." Master Andy Fischer enter- Mn, and Mra. Ross Ellîott, GRO .SDEWCCA speople, including additional On a price freeze cure for fained several cf, bis fniends John and Elizabeth cf Water- BURT R. WATERS, C.A. f ax- free incomne for pension- Inflation -atabrdypayonau-lo also Miss Clara Seens cf ens, were made possible said "Iwould waot to see that ay afernoon. Miy oss Hleupr eboou,,wn Sida Mr. Honey, by tbe long over-i sed only as a last resont. A Van Beek also bad a birfhday afferneon guestsaia the home due introduction of a fax on seon as if was lot roduceda party on Safurday. o r n r.Rg lit.P O E 7 87 2 capital gains. you'd have a whole bunch cf iMn. and Mns. Keith Strong Mn. înd Mna, Wayne Baiiey_________________________ "If allows us fo fax, by and bureaucrats' running arcund are n0W living in Betbany. and two sons, Shawn and large, people whe were neyer looking at yeur bocks. The (FROM PAGE ONE) They have meved loto the Timmy cf Orono were Sun- W AEAGO taxed befoeeIf lets us help way if shouid be in a f ree te enlange thîs aspect cf their apanfmenf over "The Copper day guestsata the home of W A EAG O people wbo are ..unemployed country like Canada la that alneady diversified enterpnis- Keffle." ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Roy and pensionens, those wbe are the barder yeu work the fur- es which consiat cf Wîlben- At the "Family Day" ser- Little. SELECTION 0OF having the moat -problema this thon you get ahead." fonce Venleer and Lumben vice in Pontypool 'United, Kendal Womens Institute N trlz r yeaÈ. On Separatismn and Equaliza- Company Limif cd and Cunv- Church on Sunday sevenal bap- held their annual Penny Sale, "The goveroment waq great- tien Paynxents ply Wood Products, the latter tismas took place. Rey. David Satunday evening,, May l3th it r lz s. ly concerned about the situa- 111'm a Canaidian, and I want locaf cd in Orene. 1Nort[heyý bapfized the fellow- with a crowded auditorium in0 tien where if you put'a dollar the ceunltny f- stay togrther. Mn. Kiason, President and îngý,: Dean Herbent, son cf Mr. Kendal School. There wene H s u pe poktFrom' capital If we loat Q1 ebec its the enpld Genenal Manager cf Pv- Cri' vnman euiflatcls c us u pe gaisitwâ Ilta-feedollar, cf' Canada. if one poinedesigni Lsonitod, ci cf Mn , Ms.hand-made gooda, 'and varîed but if a guy worked for if hie wants t tebavýe we whon'f hold niew company wîl! filii aJ(ï objecta cf moat eveny kind den't dothis byvacuum i0 the homre-fuirnish- R1. Evans; Rodoey, Jo-Anne and ofnd e ftew utpeaker. r i, sidth evluthe oPIb u ot adound a ýýings field by cenceotnafing on Randaîl, children cf Mn. and ofrd e ftewn the youog-fhinking buyebutn whod qMrs. Laverne Finney; Duane ners were: Mrs. W. H. FostPF Itwaa net, hnweven, as table." wants colon, texture and good Gregory, son of Mn. and Mra.w the hand-pinted qulîktn I f y p o l e r d a p o e o Q e e e i g . W t h n r a e i o e n o g a a e n t h e r s . e o d b a n k eo f O w n t pliabe topesoalprety, "I get mad when 1hear-peo- apatment dweers Mr. Kas- son Dougl.andMsLavero, the cris. Alx ofatt fwon b ,ssRunning ShoeUàs he s i , Th n y pe s n l p e a k n a o t althe m one y ner and his designer, M n, Curtis. a d M s a o n t e c i u î a o y M s item aai h coly ersal e'pIe a ing out ah hoasJackie Turansky also othens ________________________ item whch culdbe axedwe'e punin loe Qebec TbmasLamb cf Thomas Mn. and Mns. Andy Sufch foc numerous te liat., The SEILCE R U were those such as antiques Mn. Honey said the moiiOy Lamb Associates ef Toroto, Sr. and Mn. and Mrs. George Touch and Take table was _____________________ and paintinga, which appreci- 'given the province by the fed- foresee a ready market for, Van Dam Sr., were guesta at cleared veny quickly. A lunch ate with age. oeral government was in the adaptable, infegraf cd furni- the Leflen-Wiliiams weddîng waa served te everyone wbo Due to mnanufacturers change Exemption for Farmers form-cf equalizaticil payirenf s fure which will enhance aoy in Waterfond on Frîday. They wished te stay after the fiBRnal Affer lisfeoing te. the pro- about which, "a lot cf fair-,decor. returoed home Suoday even. draw of the evening fna tests cf Canadian farmens he minded people have the wrong Ail cf the /wooden parts for ing aften spendiog Mcthen's c R1N E 1/3 O ff : ad, a- apecîic clause waa in- idea., The basia ef the pay- the new preducta are manu- Day with Mary's and Bessîe's serfed allowing tbem exemnP- ment a la that every Canadian factured by Curvply Wood mothen in Brantford. Mn. and %LAALf'ùUG G A ienon udon two forma fromn the should have an equal chance, Producta and moat cf the steel Mrs. Jake Van Dam were also' A ~~IFm g n Thty can o 0w eithen exempt the pot'. On the population iture Limited, also cf Orno, day.A wcaroliin tth their home and anf acre cf land and poverty basis on which if Ontario, whîle 'Plydesîgns iktsAo o ae hsitse rcto c ieyad L o aEllisionnoeth or take a $1,000 exemption was distributod, Mn. Honey Limited ojoulda ifs own une- Ticekfrtshenperormsane s cfnteseon stfeet iestyayne-l y E i for each yean that they have said thaf Quebec received a thane chairs. w"T orSawyep"rfocrmiscte he uNeldoin a ttal of $40damr- 4 I' T ETB W A VLe owned the land. amalier pern capita amounti At the present fime, Ply- "poeswenf h hiGnandvie agediatolof$0dm- 4KIGS.W T O M N LE The recent budget bas fur- thao any other recipient'prov- design furnnture is available rama Clu by cneFrid, June incomes, parficulanly pension- "It'a only $74 per penaco, te coast in Canada and the p.m. The pupils have beeo ers, hie aaid. The OAP supple- companed with $214 per pei'son Unifed States. pracfilsing for this big event ment bas been inctfeased by $15 in Prince Edward Island". for________________b wel fer, each recipiesff, and the $80 "Those who want te citi- worth soeiog. In u c r ~ n Old Age Pension Will 00w be cize, the plan should remem- or ontha. If houy ldbe wel1 A ni >î,J c m nt . allowed te ,fleat, according f0 ber thaf the smabl fertile por- ai@ ind thoîr wîvea and girl fnienda' fluctuations in tho cosf cf liv- tien cf Quebec, fnom Trois wee ntrtind t prP ing, >Rivienes te the Ontario borderwSa tra n t a the hom On the s a ubj oct, Mr, and noth te the Ottawa River, Stra ih ttehm On the samef M . and Mrs. George Vani Heney crificized those sitting culd in no way be compared Dam JrLI ES LT ,, inth Cmmns wokrow teOntaro th its fertile land (RMPG N)Sevenal from Ponfypolai- BU RLEY B S LN S L D ithat pre ns ion s ho b aise d n ao Abrt ise + lyda eeonFhs mo he 15ch ien chn On nepîymnett Insurance f0 dlean testps. I' sur urcudn istrict. Ote Anniversary cf Newtonville in ge-neral, ho said, hoe knew there are students wibing f0 companies recruif cd wene A Branch cf the Women's Inati- every, panfy was in favon cf do the job," asked Misa Fan- company in Cobourg, B in tute. There was a delicicus PROVIDES the acheme, and that any party rell.. Camphelifond, C 10 Pont Hope dinneî' senved followed by a wbicb made abolition Of it a This gave Reeve Dykîtra fis and D in Bowmanville. The fine. program. A youtbful plank-cf an lection phatform, betf or idea. battahion itacîf recnnited somne- musician in the penson of CHARTER COACHES TO ALL POINTS IN "woubldn't stand a chance". "I se students on ail sorts tbing ike 1,200 mon in nine.Tenny Dawson of Newcastle Sorting Our Claima c f projecta," holi said. "I days during Wvýorld War Two. entertained them with ongan NORTH AMERICA, j I agnee that this winfen bas wouldn't mmnd at ail giving The unit as a whele nover music in the chunch anda bleen particularly bad as f ar Bowmanvillo High Sehool stu- saw service as a flghting unit couple cf selections on tho as. îrisuace cf the benofits, Ini dents a prcjecf in which they on any combat front in World piano latenCO.in thp PAREeAiEgT f acf I had a secnetary d o notb- see hew fhey cao alternative- War Tw,,o, but reinforcements The gucaf speaker cf the even-C A TRW Y C.LI TE A EAGN ? 1ng, for three montha but sort ly solve the pnoblom, and wenf eut from if f0 practicaly îng was Mrs. flermansen of FOR CANADA TOUR, WHO OPERATE daim. hingbac a ecomenatin evny lghingfret, ncldin Tornto who bnought a veny eut lis rg aka eomndto vr ihigfot nldg lively and enlightenîng talk Some cf the _hold-up hoe te us." the netonicus Hlong Kong front on "Forward". There wene ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS bae ontoeecacneSince most other counciliors whonc many wene taken pris- two chater membens prosent T R U H TN RHA EIA legialation, and some hoe laid agreed with hiro, the probleni oner and enduned great bard- iwho had been members for 60 H O G UTN R HA E I . at the foot c f governienf was bandeni over tc the gnoup, ship in Japanese interoîmeot years or more. buneaucrats. with the stipulation thaf they camps. Sevenal cf the Hong Mn. Melville Jones showed C1Fighting Bureaucrats report te the Mayor, byMay Kong vefenani we re present lides cf Newtenvillc and theFO IN RM T NPH E "Iwould fhink I spend 35% 3th., for the reunio. surroundîng counfy of theFO IN R AT N PH E 6f my time in Ottawa flgbting Mayor Hobha answered Miss The Midlaed Regiment was paît a.d somne cf the presont. buneaucrats." Farrell'a query on posible firat mohilized in 1885 and In ail If was a 'veny pleasant, But, sa.d Mn,. Hooey. while budget for the plan, by tel fought in the Northwost Rýebel.- evening. 7 23 7171 or 623-3811 people mîight cuite juitifiably ing ber that "ne funda had lion em"rging wif h tho baffle Miss Katharine Ttiransky, nîtci th deadaof h -iec budget cd for sncb pigeon honor 'Batoche", and fiance cf Midland have UIC, 'nobody wcubd bo £0o1- research.," .-Exanuner Ibeç-n spending a.,Iew days at ________________________________________ ..........