IThero sî Mr. Carl Tennant passeti Oakville, spent Sunday with Bruce Mercer anti other rela- gway at Memnorial Hospital, Mr. Wm. S. Moffat. tive'i. Bowmanvîlle on Tuesday af- Mr. and Mrs. O. Chatterton Mr. and Mrs. Wm-. Wannan ternoon, May 16th. Resting anti chiltiren spent the week- 0f Park Street attentied theý at the Barlow Funeral Home. end at their summer home at regular Sunday morning serv- -Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Canal Lake. ice at Kirby UJnited Church on Ilarisvisted his mother,1 Following the baptism 0 Fam-ily Sunday. Refreshments ~farisvisoft and a social hour followed the 'Mrs. Abert Harris, Bowman- three of theïr grandchildren, ville, on Mother's Day. Mr. and- Mis. Sid Barrabali seirvice. Mr. ad Mrs Woodand sn i ev. Basil E. Long,, B.h., Mr. nd rs.Woodandsonentertai-neti at a buffet lun- held two Baptismal Services Ralph spent Mothers Day ýcheon on Sunday at their onl Mothers Day. At Kirby: with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ihome on Park Street. rs I-eatherîngton, Alan and Car-,the many guests were Rev.RonadatrsfJMrehandMs, rie. Oshawa. at r.BslE og Miss 'son of Mr. and Mrs, Tom Hen- Mr. and Mis. Bruce W, Joan Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. derson and Dianne Lynn, Mercer and son Kenny, Miss Peter McCullough, Scott and daughter of Mr. and Mis.ý Susan Bail of Hampton, Mr. Cathy Lynn of Oîunu; Mr, WyeLwrada rn anti Mrs. Laverne Patterson and Mrs. Irvin J. McCullough, Uanoe hrh the f oilog~ were Sunday evening tuinner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent Snteen Lloyd, e s lon ind: g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken and son Mr. Grant Kent of Mrs. Lloyd, BanlfourDande Bail, Kirby. Newcastle; Miss Karen Boy-rLodBafu;Dne Mis. J. E. Richards was a chyn of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. diner uet oM. ad rs.GealdFik ad on r.Dean Douglas Barrabali: Ci nd y Lavern MeCombs at Snug Fisk; Miss Sandra Fallis, Mr. Marie, MurBofnrJasn Harbour, on Sturgeon Lake Winston Stewart, Mr. and Das rrHayodBron;MrJand last Thurstiay evenfing. Mrs. Terry Fisk anti daugh- MDrs. GHod sunhafMr.Kevn Mr. Oscar Adams with Mr. ter Robin Lee of Pontypool;«Ms odnBrhm ei anti Mis, M. Adams visited Mrs. Renton and Mrs. Alan Clair , son o! Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Fred Truli at the Golden Fisk of Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Beverley Cowan; Angela Mi- PloghCoburg o Saurdy. ougasBarrabali and, son chele tiaughter of Mr. and MroughaCdborg, on SaeturDa nioulas ula fPeenMrs, Gordon Cowling; Robin anr. and Ms. eith West Daieo Dugas ! etr-Lee Ann, daughter o! Mr. andi antidauhter wee reentborogh.Mrs. Terry Fisk; Susan Lynn, visitors of Mr. and Mis, Adam Mrs. Hartwell Lowery of daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Don- 'Sharp, Enniskillen. . Kirby, Mrs. Aif Dobson Of aid Lycett; Cathy Lynn, Mrs. Ramsey Boyd and siX' Starkville, Rev. Ted Snel- daughter of Mr. anti Mis. we7eks oit son Geofrey of grà ve of Newtonvilie; Rev. T. Peter McCullough; Jeanette Englanti; Mrs. Geo. Jacks Jr. H. Smith o! Newcastle and Lynn. daughter of Mr. and ai son Billy of Scarboîough; Rev. Basil E. Long o! Orono Mis. Bruce J. Mencer; Michael -NVrs. Paul McCrossam and are attenting the Bay Of William, s on of Mr. anti Mrs. dauighter Megan of Agincourt. Quinte Conferenéi, May 16-18 Lionel (Tony) Mitchell; Pa-1 and Mrs. George Jacks O! at McArthur College, Kings- tricia Lynn, daughter o! Mr. Maîkham spent Mothe's Day ton. and Mrs. Robt. Reid; James ,with the latters mother, Ms n Mrs. BrcJ.M-Rortsn0f r. Catherine Seal.M.adMsBrcJ.MrRoetsoof r.nd r. Mrs. Leo Hadder, Brian and cer and daughter Jeanette Ray Sharp; ýKelly Josephine, thetwis, icell an Mih-Lynn o! Bracebritige, spent tiaughter of Mr. anti Mis. Ron- aelof caroroghothe sDy weekend with aid Taylor; Christopher Sim- raetl-' DfSaîborough, spet their parents, Mr. and Mrs. on, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Keith A total of 285 people visited Memorial Hospital for its Open House last Fîiday. The afteînoon visitors included two school groups, one, fîom Orono and one from Vincent Massey. During one 45 minute period in the evening, 189 of the visitors descended en masse, andi were led through the building in groups of 20.. E xchange Vows in Newcê Above, Emergency O.R. Nurse, Mis, Embree, explains equipment and procedure to a gîoup of afteînooui visit- ors: Don Gilhooly, mhember of the Hospital Board, Bil. Allun, Aluin Cable Reels,,Tom Cowan, Chairman of the Hospital Board, R. E. Elston, Hospital Adminîis- trator,, and E. W. King o! Specialty Paper Products._ The Canadian Statesman, Bcwmanville, May 17, 1972 H rgD0,,N Club 21 May meeting was tors of Mirs, A. Thompson.' helti at the Community Cen- Mr. anti Mrs. C. Antierson,' tre, -May 9th. Glatys Potts' Caletionia Mr. and Mis, E Group 1 openeti the meeting Anderson anti Billie, Port' with a poem, "Mothers Day." Hope, vis' tetiMr. anti Mr- Secretary's andti teasuner's re- Arthur Trewin, William anti ports weie reati anti approv- pal, eti. Roll eall was answered Mr. anti Mrs, Ross Clark, with a Touch anti Take pancel Bowrnanville, were Saturtiay for the bazaar, It was planneti evening visitors at Mi. anà. to have a lady in September Mn,. J, Potts'. to instruct us in a Cancer MsL rfiBaktc~ helping prol ect, Anyone who Ms, C.Grafînt weîesuoc, wishels to give clothes to a r.C Gradwr-.pji bale are asked to put them In guests of Mr. anti Mis. AIfrýc, witb, Ennîskillen bale, in Garrard, Barry ant i uAp place of the progrmw i-on Mother's Day, paîed he gromniy enre M nilIsRyGaa, fore the bazaar t be censatreMrnd hesheiRoyaGruPh dayr te îng, ay 17th Mrdns-atiteale e awarti n nght of t A. Trewin anti Mrs. J. Potts Sheil Canada' Lîmîteti, helt serveti lunch, cake, andti e at the H4oliday Inn,,Peterbor-ý, creani ciugh Mi. -Roy Graham e Dale Blackburn, S h i rie 7 ceivet a nlaciue for 15 ei Tabb anti Mary Potts were o! service to the motorin,ý, guests at the Ruiter-Topple public. Mrs. Roy Graham îa - weting on Satuicîay. ýceivet a beautifui cup andis saucer anti a corsage of love-~ Mr. anti Mis. D, J. Cam- ly reti roses. eron were guests at the Rul- ter-Topple weddîng. Dale Blackburn, Gail Gra. L N A L l'am, Shirley Tabb anti Mary L NG'A L Potts attentiet the' trousseaul tea for Carol Topple, Mis. Dl Mr. andi Mis. Bill Johnsor, J. anero punei ea t heand Lîntia, Mr. Stiles, Janr, troussau ea f oredCaol top-etvîlle, were Sunday gueste; trousea te fo Caol op-Mi. anti Mis. Stuart -Row1e7ýfl pieý anti Sharon, Mi. Ivan Rowley"- Miss Sue Stuart, Hamilton, Paîgrave, were Montay guestD" mpent Satuntay with Mr. andi of Mr anti Mis Bert Johnson.:~ Mis, D. J. Camenon and, at-I Mi. anti fis. D. Southwelr" tentiet the Ruiten - Toppi"'landi famîly weie Suntiay guesÈg; W1wein o S tir l ;v f~.. ,,f w/T,- G. TA.P-... l.... AI- .1 innen guest, Suptiay vnmailebrt astIe United ing, with Mr. anti Mis. Don Mis. Bob Townsend, 1<es-~ Mr. Raymondi spent th-' Ellîott anti Darlene, at the wick, visiteti ber giantimother weekend at Mapile wîth Geongian Motoî Motel, Osh- Mis. C. Garrard, on Satunday. Galeani onDaiswee awa. Mr. anti Ms. Ivan -Sharp, Saturtiay callers anti Mis. G. ~ With Mn. anti Mis, Robfýrt Linda anti Janet. Enniskillcn, Bernait 'anti girls weîe Sun-. Kimbaîl on Suntiay weîe Mis. Mi. anti Mus. Ross Ashton, day callers o! Mi. anti Mis. R. Wakely o! Port Hope, Mr. Alian anti Grant, calleti on y isn ant Mi. Gorg Kibal o!Mi.anti Mis. Lloyd1 Ashton (Intentiet for last week) Newcastle, Mr. anti Mus. Jack on Mothei's Day, i.G enr, Kimbli nti uneMi, ntiMisA, Bourne, andi famîly weee Suntiay dîin-> Mn. anti Mis, Jim Farrow Mis. Bob Jones, Oshawa, ner guests of Mis. Helen Ga- and amil, owmanville, andi weîe Sunday visitons at Mri lagben. In the afteînoon he SMr. anti Mis. Ken Bagnel o! anti Mis. John Jones'. visiteti Mn, Eric Gallagher- g ýMZ Newcastle wene supper guests Mn . J. MeKnight, Peter- who is a patient in St, on Suntiay with Mis. Iva Far- borough, Mi, anti Mi. R. M. JoseDh's Hospîtal, peteon. uow. Thompson, Leskard, Mr. anti ough; they bat Suntia' sup - Sunday visitoi wlth Mrs. Mi.ý E. R. Thompson, Mi, per with Mn. Everette- Gai-'~ SAgnc's Rurley Includeti Mn. anti Mi Grant Thomon lagher, Lakefîeld, n Brie, Nw-jeffeiy anti baby, %oman-, Mn. anti Mis. D. Oke andi castie, Mi. anti Mns, Denni1s ville, weîe Mothei'a Day rail-IDavi weîe Suntiay supper Burley, Rotiney anti Wendy. ens at Mn . A. Thomps on's. guests o!Mr. anti Mis. Robieit- of Ennismore, Mn. anti Mus. Mn. L, F. Tbompson, Toi- Cameîon ant irly.- Earl McEwen, Peterborough, onto, Mn. R. D. Thompson On Tuestiay, Gaul anti Dori,ý Mu. Keith Buniey, anti David, Hampton, weîe Weekenti visi' Davis bati, dinner wîth Mn Waterloo, Mrs. Burley also îe- ai dMis. R. Gibson. In thie ceietilon dstace alî tat hîe Netovile Vtennsafternoon Mis. G. Ber nard, ceied ongdisanc calshatthre Nwtovile VternsJoanne anti Jean v:sîtet i wth' day fuomi grantison Gary Me- Scouts are thîs wepkek n r n r.Ge Ewen at Smîtb' alls, anti pîepaîung the grounds fou the Pugsley, Clonwr v Sgrantison Harvey Burley' at service.Cîonwi v. ': yEnnîsmore, as weli asonue In the Cub Car Rally, eight nnvsto.- foni Miss Pat Varma, a fou- boys fîom lst riown's Pack Rn a o mrteacher bere. who bas. re n the finals. LeadersI '~been il l I hospital in Wash- wisb o thank ail the fati-ers A DAY OR WEEKEND i ngton, D.C, Giadti ta eau she who heipet i wth the necent- Ask for Rae i s improving anti now staying paper :drive, the most sur-I .' Mi. anti n... Tîueman cessful yet.CRSEROG T Mr. ath ndents. Tu nHen-1 Oui IT.C.W. meets ,Wpde.- C ' E-D G T derson anti famiiy,,Mis. Marie day, May 24th at 8, p.m. in 623-2586I Tîim, Mur. anti Mus. Fred Heu- the Suntiay Scbool b2ll, d terson anti Canal, Mn, anti j ,,,,Mis. Ross Brown anti famîily , s~'~.....ail attendet -the annual farn- ~iQ2 -' ly dinner paîty, Suritiaiv a!- i Sternoon, at the' home o! Mi.e(;n rs u uc c, S... " ecasteminte Bobby ian -toies mother, sobbing as though his Mi.DnBright anti Davîi' heart wouid break. ~ o Osawaare spending a 1 «WhatIs thie uatter, Bobby?" she asked. ,.~~t:i<,~.& few days this week with ber parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Jack, "faddy was hanging up a pftture and droppeti it on his Kimball, Lakesb oie, .1toc. Brine Photogîaphy Sunday evening c al11eis ýh ht ohn netaot o hudluha wiluiMn. ani Mis, JP. Gle h ta' otittoeh botaousol luha tentiet Newcastle P u b 11, eeM. niMe hnG-ta. Srhoôol anti Courtice Secon- mer, .Teff anti Lyrure, anti Mi. "I ditd," Ubbed Bobby, dary Shoolanti Mis. BihI Hendeisýon, al taySoo.o! Port Hope,.LTE CR IT out of-town guests attend- Mr. anti Mis. C. M. Jonues COTh E S 1ntigcAR aEr HI hNT te:s th*ý-gy et from North Bay, Sudbury, anti Mis Bea Joncs went out Teel ohn hae hnteca tl~igyirgr Toronto, Peterborough, Belle- to 'Llndsay, Monday, In payi ments eleaned and liressed .. they are r~Sewedý te their ville, aiod tihe suiiounding their respects to Mu. anti Mis. original freshness at a fraction cf their origil eost. ereas. Charles Moase, whose 651h Plan to attend . , Prier to beri maînlage thre Wedding Anniveîsauy was be-1 RTR LBFRW R{ IPA bride was hononet with a îng celebraterl. RTR LBFRW R SDSLY mîscellaneous showeî given On Montiay, May 22nd, at Monday, May Uend - Bowmanville High School by Mis. Alan larîow anti 10 ani. aservice wîhl be helti Miss Nancy McRobeit.., cou- ire at thre Cenotapb toi edi- sins o! the bride, anti beitiIn rate the new flags whicb OMN I L Bowmanville. misses Patti have been donateti by tire Parkri, Betty Henry anti Royal Canadien Leguon of k Shirley McLean weîe irostess- Bownilanville. Rev. T. Si-el- % L AE- ÏP L D es for a similar sirowen in grove will be tire speaker. *1 Newcastle. Local youtir groups wIll be rt84K GS.W.2352 Poiwn h rheslteIn attentiance, as well as a 84KIGSTr. 2-52 wedding party was enter'taîn- delegation from- thre T.egulwn herlesaton, " ir- ýWe Specialize In Shirt Laundering"! ed by the .cnoon's>parents. anti flags will Ire broken ýby mi, anti Mis. J. E. Midule- unpvr.atvnswieun ton anti athen irelatives. MnT. George Mitchell anti son ,if Oshrawa visiteti iis mothen, P E G O Mis. Oscar Adiams anti Mn. Adams, on Mothen's Day. Infant baptismn was irelti on erborouglito, stay wîth iris Mn atiMi. t.Hog nt Sndy irn tire foilowingigrantipaielits for a lttie while >, :M raily o! Bailieboro weie chiltiien weîe baptiseti Charirlonger. Mis.M. Veals returu MVother's Day guests o! bis Lee MeCoil, daugirter a! Mu. ethomne fîomir ospital on 'L. t~' ruothen, Mis. Wm. H. Robin- anti Mus. Ray MeCol Amen ýSundey, snon, Mn. anti Mis. Elmer de Kathîce, deughter o! Mi.1 Thre f oliowlng W. I. ladies Hrogg anti Kevun. AmogtieaniMis. vnMiî;Cuts ttendet the district annuel inany guests wene Mus. Cecil Lee Stinson, son o! Mr. anti helti at Blackstock on Tuesl .tobnson anti Mis.WieMu.GStso. day tis week: Merle Swel- bos.Don't forget the U.C.W.î 10w, F 1 o r le n c e Cuydein'an, !\,Mr. anti Mis. Wm. B. Hoar meeting 'n M.anti Mis. Enven g on Thursday' even- Myrtie Bradiley, -wIrius Dis- :Rauýney wene recent, guests o! ing (tonlgbt) et 8 p.m. In thec Iici istet Eliabe ilieir cousins, Mi. anti Mis. E. CE. Hall, wiren we hope to White, Audrey Rurie, Min- F,. Taylor, o! Enniskillen. have somte o! tire Ebenezer nie Snowten, Ima Morton, Miss Louise Stepleton o! ladies witir us. Win Brown, Merjouy Jeffery, ýNewtonville, Mrs. George Weekent guests witi r MMble Greeniram, Miiorton weîe Motir's Day anti Mus. Ray MeCoîl were Mus. Charles %Greeniram was Suntiay dinner guests o! Mr. heu parents Mr, anti Mrs. Ken a Sunday supper, guest witb anti Mis. Bob Morton, Gordon Lewis, Highrlanti Grove, wio lhen daugirten, Mu. anti Mus. ainti Marilyn o! RHR. Kential, also celebreteti their 40th James Martin anti family. Mi. anti Mus Ross Broome, wetitiing anniversary wirich Mrs. Myutle Bradley at ý,Jr. Bruce Crapman weîe was ireit et Et's warehouse, Mis. Mable Greeniram attend- weekend (May 7tir) guests a! Toronto, Setuîtiey. Sunday edthtie 601h enniveîsary o! Mr. anti Mis. Oîville Chtter- dinner guests wene Mi. anti Women's Institîîte et N.w- ton. Caîl anti Davidi. Mus. Ken Lewis, Mn. anti Mis. tonville lest Fritiay evening.' Mn, anti Mus. Laurence Sirer- Maurice Lewis, George. anti1 Miss Janice Brooks, Toi-, wîn, Mr. anti Mis. Boyd Wood Caroline, Agincouit, Mis. Pegono spttiewknd t -pent tire weekend at Niagara setthBekeda Fals, ntaio iree tre n-Inwooti, Baînys Bay, Mr. anti home wîtirlheu parents, Mu. tiaue Car Rally was irait. Ms lit eDwnveî niMs on Brooks anti Mn. Howard Stapleton o! Mn, anti Mis. Russell Gîmbr- Robent. Osirawa was a dinnei guest o! lett attendedth ie 25th rRbt uý Iis aunt anti uncle, Mr. anti ding anniversayt!Mi n n.anti Mu, shRobeit Bun Mis. Ken Bell. Mis. Frank Simpson, Broatitnat oiy-sae r. Mis., J., E. Richards visitet view. Tire bride is a niece of AtHse nifmlNw Mi. anti Mis. Clarence McLean Mi. Russell Gimblett. csiM..Rs utn on niay M ~Whitby, weue Suinday su3pperý o! apl GMvemes Carol Leard eut guests witir Mn. anti Mirs. evnn.Oiri visitons wene Dianea Doutineuit, W o o d- Cecil Burton. Mi. ant irMs. F. Jordan a! stock, anti nephew Steven Muani isTo Mcuk 'OshawR. M.Ve Ms Tm isi Mn. anti Mis. Grant Moffat. n set iewekn ihanti Miss Barbera McGui-K ---..... Frankr, Bob anti Donald ýo! M. anti Ms. Mnon Vseals. spent the weekenti et Faot's Peterboroughr, weîe Piidey, evening visitors wîth thelu Mis. Doiothy Stowden anti Mr. and Mis. D. R. Wrîght son-in-iaw, Mi.ý Meiton Veais Mn. Sam Snowtien weie' Sun-1 62 Scott Veals, whci bas been day supper guests wîtb tire 6 -2 60 wiiuh bis grantiperents wirile fonme's tiaugirter, Mu. anti Tire marniage a! Miss Karen groom's mothen assistedti 1 iis motirer Mrs. Menton Veals Mis. î.en Goodmurphy andi Lee Parker, tieugiter o! Mr. receuve anti wone a matti ira bene ptintin enon taugirteus. anti Mie. Donald Parker, anti tress anti coat of lînen weavei tel Hospital, retunnedti t Pet- Satuuday evening calions on'Mn. Donald Ralpir Wright, f abric un beige anti orange Mran Ms Leslie Collacutt son o! Mi. anti Mis. Ralpir tories, beige accessories andi wer niceMn. anti Mus. Don Wright, ail o! Newcastle, vies corsage o! yellow roses anti Renne, Bowmanvîlle, great- solemnîzet in Newcastle Uni.t- white carnations, nephiew Mn. anti Mis. Bob et CImirh on Satuuday aften- Ai, tire coupleleft. on theif Hanna anti son Mark, Hamil- noon, Apnil 15, 1.972, et 3:30 wedding trip to Niagara Pal,, ton. Sundey visitors weîe o'clock, Lovely floral arrange- tiereiite was weeîing a Mus. Pearl Jobnson, Donna mentia!o mauve, yellow anti mauve anti whitc duessencu-1 ant Wayne, Courtice, Mis. white 'muras, glatis anti snap- semble witir metciring vest- Lenore Hoan, Dien anti. dragons enhancedthtie cirurcir cnet anti white eccessorues. Anu Hoan, Bowmanville, dem- fou tire cenemony. A corsage o! ret roses anti giters, Mu. anti Mus. Camion, Rev. T. R. Smith offîiateti white carnations compienient- Westlake, Oshawa, cousins, weciting music wes et bier travelling ensemble. Mu. anti Mus. Denis Piekarti, playeti by Mns. S. Payne, As They are îesidîng on Baldwin e SARONG M~.1 anti Mis. Morley Plintof!, requestet by tire bridtthe, r St.,hNewceastlë,e. ddNe- HANI)SRN Bowmanville, Mus. Thelma guests sang "How Great TPubTie lniie andiet New CRCEE Gilbank, tiaugirters Carol anti Art" du ring tire signinlg o! casîle Pulc at Hgi CR1HTE1G)i >L E Donna, were Satunday callens tire register. Schools, and. tire groom, wh-o on tiroir parents, Mu. anti Given un irarniage b' hieu is employeti et Southern LUMi.. H. G. Freemen. fatirer, tire bride wore a for- Heating Supplies, Oshrawa, et- niFromi size 28 to 40 Mn. anti Mis Lawrence mai lenglir gown af whrite Regula 89.9 Limied Quntity service et Haîniony Circir, isc lace aItirhe emifie waist- W T1 took In tire higir C dinner, lune anti et tire benline, Tire1 tien vîsitet tiordeugirter long, poînîti isleeves wee Mrs. Jack ir ,bal , Mis. E.A I anti hushant, Mr. anti Mrs.l bantet by Venise lace anti Stella Elliott anti Mis. L,. Mel Etiwartis anti amiy, ighligitet witr seeti pearis, Clystalewere lun heon guetsi Miss lVaigeiet Penkins, andtihie tietecirable chape] tMs iGea',Nw __________________ __________________ Bowmanville, wa. a Suntiay train wa- compielely atiorn- cestle, on Montay lest, wbere vîsitor -with Mr. anti Mis. C. et wiîh Venise lace, Sirewoîe a guoup o! former Lakesirore P. Swallow. tire groom's gift, a sterling neighboîs gathereti to, taik Mus. E. W. Poley, Mis,. siiveî heait-sirepeti 1 oc c k e t. aven olti times with Mns, Rilta Coiwell, Mn, anti Mus. Hen four-lier, bouffant, ,scel- Olive Nesiitt anti aIrers C cSh/ojOpe IrwinColwell al a! Bow- lopeti veil was :augrt te a Mis. Margaret Whitney was menvîlle, were Suntiay sup- spray heatipiece o!Ilily-of- a visilon with Mus. Winnifuedj per uess o Mr.andMrs thevaley nd se crrid aElliotI fou a few tiays lest 48 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Ted Folley anti Mis. PearIl bridai bouquet o! Ameritan week. Ronkin. - Beauty roses, white carrua-1 Miss Marilyn Etcher o! ____________________________________RER__tuons-anti baby's breatir. Pont Hope spent Mantiay with Miss Patricia Parker O! Mis. Bea Joues. K IN SM EN Newcastle was malt o! hour,, Monday evening, Mn,ý P. for biei aider, andtietireiites- Etcher o! Port Hope was a malts were Mis. Gortion Troy caller witi r M. anti Mus. F. o! Bowmanville anti Miss Gilmer. K IN M ENMary Parker o! Newcastle, Afler a lenigtby ilîness, Mr. ~U M- -sisteno! tire bride, They wore William Andriews, an oait tue * beant-shapeti lac k ets, tire resitent o! Ibis aiea, dietiInlu ~'A L Ibride's girt3, and weie attreti Menruss Hospital, Bow~man- c IVflocket Swîss nylon over taf- funenal service was helti on fete stylet witir iow scoopet TIrstay, neeklies, front and back. ThielTire came day, te deatlr c- t pf! leeves were ruffle-etiget curret un Port Hope anti Dis-1 li s Fun - It's N e w - 1Ifs Excifinq tn a ruffle encrclet tirelem- tin Rosplal- o! Mr. Frank _______________________________pure waistline. A wlde flounrer Worîeli, aiso a former local eccenledtitie bottom o! tire, resitient, living un Port Hope1 u~~~~~~m ~~~~~A-lihe skirt. A green, satin tire past few years. Sympatiry r9a ahwsle m ai xete atr eaie ____________________________bow witir long streamens 'et anti frientis o! lbotI tiese ic-1 tire centre o! tire gown front, specteti gentlemen, anti flow-1 tndtirey woie matciring lilan ens in their memlowx wenet FOUR $50,00 GAMES- ($10.00 MINIMUM PRIZE) 1fioppy-brimmed haIs o! Swiss placet et tire allai o! tireF mohair stnaw brait. Theincirurch, Sunday monning. A bouquets were o! wirite dais- Mis. V. Bourgerie retunneti EÎVE Y l" uâ 'Ne 'UÀ%Y A 7 é P M , es and plnk, carnations tiedtto lier home irere, lest week, EVERY MONDAY AT 6:30 P.M.witb wirit.e streamers, ii te, Mr. alphCharron of!e-Vsi h ON CABLE TV erborough, cousin of th groom, was boit mian, anti maJoues a! Bowîanville, cousin tYe Ala!L A8 ftire bride, anti Mi. George IL* % Cards on Sale In Bowmanville atTDanrcetio!n, ewsle.i te oppe Cirurc Sunday Semai, was CABLE TV OFFICE - 26 KING ST. WEST followeti by a tance un'New-1Speilgbu:~~ MacONAIY VAIEY - 71KIN S. ESTcas,ýtie Community Hall.. Tic Ferais - Colors BRYSONA'S MOKE HO - 71 KING ST.EST cirese t.wi cte nslembl e Bankof Montreai The Fist CanaianBank Discovered the cottage of your clreams? The property :you -'ve ai- ways wantedl Want to improve your present property? Bank of Montreal cari help you buy, build or improve the easy way - with a Vacation Home Loan. We'il Iend :you up to $ 10,000 towards 75% of the value of the property- ata lovw' interest rate of 11 % per arrnum. You cari take up to 10 years to re- pay. The collateral1 you provide is the very propêrty you btiy plus the over ing-fimiensurance. Of course, you cari repay Tri full at arry time Without penalty. Anid the Joan isIife-însured at no extra charge;~ Seehow easy owning, inMpuowTrgor- adding to your vacatiSn4ome andi property cari be with a Vacation Home Loan. We want you to qat your money's wortb. Va-i Hospl-a:l -pen House A Big Success iaftei l-ing sment the wlnter un Oshrawa, andi wa extent congratulation s to ber on by Ing celebratet hieu 89tb biitr-q day lest Wetinesdey. Mi. anti Mis. Bruce Elliotti wceetinnen guests wiIIr bus mother Tiunstay evenng,1 celobîeling hie birthtiay. Mis. W. C. Robb came up fîom Westmount hast wveek ta spenti soie tume iere et heu1 cottage.,1 Local people attending tire' Penny Sale et Kential on Set-I untay incluteti Mis. A. Mlii- gan, Mies B. Milligan, Mis., Iva Farrow, Mus. Oie Gardin- ei, Miss Oua Gardiner, anti Mis. Joc Jilusen, Mr. anti Mis. Robenttlry3V o! Ottawa carne up to, attendj, the funenai o! Mi. W"r An- drews steying witir Miss Min- nie Rantaîll Mn. anti Mrs.C. H. Lane weue in Peterborough overi tire weokenti attentiing tIe Postinasters' Convention. Thre rites o! Holy Baptisi were atinîstereti Sundayý mouning by Rev. T. Snei-I grove týo thir nfant sons o!' Mu. anti Mis. Robent Kimbal, Lakeshone, anti Mu. anti Mis.I Rager Peale, Newcastle, anid tire binfaut tiaugirter a! Mn, ant Mus. Byron Brooking, Zion. Oui îiieîs tapirý was "Your fanrily life. is uti an assel, or a liablîty?" Tirel choir sang "Open Up Your' Heaut antiLoetirhe Sunsirnel In," witb tire younger girls singing two a! tire verses. Mr. anti Mrs. C. R. Faiuow weno ovennigit guesîs, Set- iuitay, wîti r M. anti Mis. Norman Lee, Cambray, anti on Suntay, ail] were dinucu guesi;s with Mi. anti Mis. Jain Cross lu Lindisay. Wuti r M. anti Mis. G. Vel- eke aven tire weekend were Mu. anti Mus. Teî-ry Stewart ant family o! Windsor, anti on Sunday, Mu, anti Mus. Dani Demooy anti faîily o! New1I Mm .Wnw-trtd E1içtt wus